An Amazing Career

How to Handle a Personal Crisis When It's Hurting Your Career

October 07, 2023 Dr Jim Polk

How to Handle a Personal Crisis When It's Hurting Your Career

At some point, all of us will confront a stressful life event or personal crisis that can distract us from our work. It can’t be avoided. Maybe it’s taking care of an ill family member or close friend, dealing with your own illness, or coping with a divorce.

All of these can be incredibly difficult situations to navigate personally, let alone professionally. Should you share whatever’s going on with your employer, colleagues or friends? 

How do you go about asking for the help that you need? Time off, lightened workload, flexible work hours? How do you know whether you should take a leave of absence and for how long, and what does that look like?

These are complicated issues. But if you’ve reached the point where you’re struggling to stay on top or to just keep up, or you know the quality of your work is worse … You’ve reached the point where you NEED to ask for help.

Today we'll look at why MOST people DON'T ask for help when they're in the midst of a crisis, why you need to ask for help before it harms you or your career, and how to go about it properly.

Need help with this or any other career related issue?  Then join my FREE Career MasterClass that takes place every Saturday at 11:00 EST on Zoom.

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