How to Write a Book from A-Z
If you have The Story rattling around in your brain but have yet to have found THE way to put it on paper, join me, a writer newbie who talks with the experts. We will hear from published writers of the San Gabriel Writer's League as they share their passion for words on a page. These members have hundreds of years of combined experience in the writing industry, and they are thrilled to share their journey.
Grab the Big Chief, electronic device or voice recorder and take notes because once you hear what they have to share, you will be compelled to start your very own writing journey. You'll find no pattern or hard and fast rule of how to do it. The most enlightening stories are how our guests found their own path to write and continue to work at perfecting their craft.
How to Write a Book from A-Z
Marjorie Anderson: The KEY 13:22
You will love finding out the one sentence that started Marjorie's writing journey. We all want to leave something for our kids and grandkids, unfortunately, they're not interested in the china that we kept from our parents. So, what better gift to give than the gift of knowing who we are (were). I wish I had taken the time to write down my parents' story because if you are anything like me, I do not remember as much as I wish I could.
The Key: Wise Money Choices for Teens: Anderson, Marjorie L.: 9781479781027: Amazon.com: Books