Purposeful Living

11. Translating MANIFESTATION for the non-woo

September 03, 2023 Maeva Cifuentes
11. Translating MANIFESTATION for the non-woo
Purposeful Living
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Purposeful Living
11. Translating MANIFESTATION for the non-woo
Sep 03, 2023
Maeva Cifuentes

Follow Maeva on Instagram for more content: https://instagram.com/purposefulliving.co

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Show Notes Transcript

Follow Maeva on Instagram for more content: https://instagram.com/purposefulliving.co

Want some 1:1 coaching with Maeva? Fill out this form: https://forms.gle/RfBKV8MpCiZu7vBy8

Welcome to purposeful living the podcast that empowers you to live your life with intention and purpose. I'm your host, Maiva Cifuentes, a business owner, investor, marketer, psychology graduate, certified confidence coach, cat mom, and improviser. I'm here to break down the woo woo. Into practical strategies that make actual sense for those that love the idea of leading with their heart spirit and universal guidance, but struggle to make any logical sense of it. I'm here to talk it through in practical terms and help you put it into action. In this podcast, I talk about communication and confidence. How to communicate effectively with your body, your mind, lovers, partners, co workers, clients, and friends. Through science, anecdotes, personal experiences, and practical exercises, we'll explore how your lifestyle and habits contribute to living your best life. Hello and welcome to another episode of the Purposeful Living Podcast. I'm your host, Mayra Cifuentes. Uh, and I'm really excited today to record this episode. I'm talking about manifesting, which is something I've been wanting to talk about since I started the podcast. Um, just about the way that how to kind of take the woo woo out of it, how to translate it. Into a way that makes sense for people. Cause it's a wonderful concept. It's something that I believe exists. I mean, the way I'm going to explain it to you, you're going to see that it just makes sense, actually. Um, if you look at it the right way, so. Friday was my birthday. I had, uh, an amazing birthday party. I really wanted a beautiful space to gather all of my friends. I didn't want to spend thousands of euros, which seemed like some of the places that I was looking for. You have to spend that kind of amount to reserve the place, or you have to do sit down dinner. Uh, anyway, I feel like I manifested this wonderful. Little garden, I actually was really, really wanting to find somewhere. And then I just, somebody posted a picture or like a story of themselves on LinkedIn, on LinkedIn, on Instagram at this place. Um, and I was like, that's exactly what I'm looking for. So I booked it and had a wonderful time. My boyfriend was super sweet. He came, he, so he lives in London right now. I live in Barcelona. Uh, he came Thursday night and Friday night was my party and all of Friday, well, he worked a bit and then the rest of the day he was running around town like a madman. Trying to find stuff to decorate, going from store to store, he doesn't even speak Spanish, there was siesta in the middle of the day, uh, and just trying to get the place decorated for me. I didn't even ask for any of that, he was really amazing, and he got me a surprise cake. I, in my adult life, nobody's ever gotten me a cake for my birthday. Um, I've always organized everything myself. Nobody's ever, like, in my adult life, nobody's ever, like, done anything for me for my birthday. They always give me little gifts, though, like some good friends and stuff, but not, like, organized things. So, um, it was really touching, and I'm so grateful, and actually a lot of my friends brought gifts. I wanted a party where people were also dressed nice, and, uh, everybody was dressed really nice. Um, and it just feels like a really good theme, a really good time to talk about manifestation because at the end of the day, manifestation is... It's bringing something to life, bringing an idea to life. It's really what it is. And so it's a good example. First of all, cause my party was amazing and I was really happy and, um, I just felt really blessed to have all of this group of wonderful people as friends come together. My mom was here as well, uh, which was really great. She flew in from, she's been here all summer actually. So she was here. She got to meet my boyfriend for the first time. And I just felt so. Romantic and happy with him and, um, all of my friends and it's something that I've been wanting and it's something that I've manifested and I'm so grateful for. So a birthday is a new time. It's a time where you start to reflect on how far you've come and where you want to go. So that's why I thought today's episode, it would be a really good time to talk about. What the heck is manifesting and can I translate it? Um, so that people are going to understand and being able to grasp a little bit. It's a, there's a lot of stuff out there on the internet and I've, it took me a while to kind of wrap my head around it. And the way I hear some people talking about it, there's a lot of actually dangerous, dangerous information out there about what it means to manifest. Or I don't know if the information is dangerous, but the way that people are interpreting it. And acting on it is actually dangerous. So I'm going to dive into that a little bit. So manifestation, if you think about it now, well, actually, if you just look up the dictionary definition, which I'm literally just typing in right now, um, manifestation means an event, action, or object that clearly shows or embodies. Something abstract or theoretical, right? So this is where the word comes from. It comes from your mind that you thought of something and then it shows or embodies the thing. I'm thinking about a car and then I have the car. Um, the action or fact of showing something, look, I'm seeing this thing in reality. So it goes from abstract to reality and, uh, this one is the symptom of an ailment. Again, it's kind of embodying the thing. A characteristic manifestation of Lyme disease, for example. But anyway, it's just the thing appearing. It's how you see the thing. It's the, it's something that is existing in reality that, Uh, that is how you see that it's there. So this comes. So the concept of manifestation, like I'm talking about it now, first it, you, you hear it from the law of attraction. That's how a lot of people are connecting at the law of attraction, right? We're matching energies. So the law of attraction first appeared in the, in, uh, 1855. Um, but it was in the 20th century that there was a big, big surge in all of these kind of self help books about manifesting and it was really about self help. The power of the mind and how the mind can make things a reality, right? So some of them were think and grow rich by Napoleon Hill. That one was purely financial. Like, how do you think like a rich person so that you become like a rich person? The power of positive thinking by Norman Vincent Peale. You can heal your life by Louise. Hey. A lot of this stuff is based on the law of attraction, which is you think your thoughts and that's what you're attracting. And this became really, really big in 2006, uh, when there was the book and I think a movie called The Secret. Which came out and it was very, very famous. And it kind of brought back this whole law of attraction thing. And basically what the secret said was whatever is in your thoughts, whatever you're spending time thinking about, that's the reality. That's going to exist. Um, so that's how the law of attraction started getting interpreted. And so a lot of people, very rightly so, even though it's a little bit cynical, not trying to understand it a little bit more, but we're like, what the hell? So just. This is magic stuff. It's magic. It's bullshit. Uh, I'm not going to just think about something and it's suddenly going to appear in my life. So, uh, what it says in the secret was, if you think about all the things that you don't want in your life, That you're going to attract more of those things, right? So if you're like, Oh, I don't want to be broke. Oh, I can't afford that. Oh, all the men out there suck, but that's all that you're going to get, which I think is kind of true to an extent, I got to say, but let's break this down a little bit more and I'll explain why. Um, and then you have all the positive thinking things. If you only envision things that you want, then you will get everything that you want in life. So, I, I don't think that this, so I do have to admit, this is going to sound kind of weird for this episode, but I actually have not read The Secret, so I, um, I'm going off of just what I know about the book. So, from what I understand, it's really just Cosmological like it's not explained in a simple and factual way and she from what I understand is She really says the universe is made up of a frequency and this is really language that's used across The whole self help industry that makes it very confusing for people. And I do like this kind of energetic match thing, but it really needs to be translated. So she says this, the universe is made up of energy. Um, and of course, matter can be converted to energy and energy can be converted to matter. All energy has a frequency. Thoughts have a frequency. So when you're emitting a frequency, like a trikes likes. So the frequency of your thoughts is going to resonate with the frequency of other energies in the universe, right? So it's this weird kind of pseudo scientific, Oh, I'm matching the right energy. What are you talking about? Is it like, 420 Hertz or I don't know, like the frequencies or my calc is it the right number? Um, it just makes it sound, it's just hard to grasp, I would say. Uh, and I think a lot of other people agree with me. So in the secret, it, it kind of, the way people have interpreted it is of course, only ever have positive thoughts that you can never have a negative thought you can actually. Choose always a hundred percent, never to indulge in them. That's something I don't agree in. You can control your thoughts, but you have to pay attention at least to emotions that sometimes are connected to thoughts. You have to pay attention to those. So that's one thing. Um, and you think that you can, so the idea behind the secret is that you could possibly positive think your way through any situation, which again is dangerous because it needs to be matched with. Other things like due diligence or action, you know, things that actually make the things appear. So if you are in love with somebody who has major red flags and you're like, I'm just going to positive think my way through. This person becoming good for me, um, without having to ever think about these conflicts that you need to have difficult choices that you need to make, like possibly leaving this person, um, and ignoring all of these things, failing to think about possible failures of this. Um, it becomes delusional and that's why people don't like. The idea of manifestation, the idea of the law of attraction, because it feels delusionally positive rather than realistic. Okay. And it can be dangerous. So a lot of people I know, for example, who are trying to manifest wealth, um, they start to get into all these manifestation podcasts and people are like, well, you know what? If you want to be a rich person, you got to spend like a rich person, right? So rich person isn't going to buy this crappy bag from H and M. They're only going to buy Celine. They're only going to buy Chanel. So in order for you to be rich, you got to buy that kind of stuff too. Or at least that's how some people are interpreted. They're like, Oh, if I were a rich person, I would get a VIP table at the most notorious nightclub in London. And I would invite my, all my friends to go there because that's what a rich person would do. Well fella, you don't have that kind of money right now. So is that the thing that you need to be doing? So it's also not respecting your money. Again, I don't know if this is exactly because Manifestation has been explained the wrong way. That's probably it but really people are interpreting it in the wrong way And also we have to accept That negative thoughts are going to be a part of the whole thing. So growing, changing, manifesting it actually in order for you to manifest a dream life, which is going to require change on your part, because if you're not living your dream life right now, then something's got to change for you. Live your dream life, right? Something has to change. And for us to change, it requires a painful experience sometimes because it's challenging. You have to do things that are difficult, that you're uncomfortable with. You have to have uncomfortable conversations with people. Um, you have to let go of things that you feel very comfortable holding onto. And you have to go through a sort of grieving of your past self. Many times and there's stories that you tell yourself that you that you find comfort in you have to let go of those stories and kind of jump into this unknown. It's scary. It is fulfilling, but it's not necessarily pleasant. A lot of the time until you kind of get a little more comfortable doing things that are uncomfortable and you have to challenge your beliefs and a lot of the thoughts like you have to get more in tune with your intuition. And. and allow negative thoughts to come through. Okay. So let's talk about what manifesting really is. And I'm just kind of improvising this episode because sometimes talking helps me sort it out, but it's something I've been thinking about for a long time as I've been practicing my own manifestations and trying to design a life. Purposefully a life that I'm aligned with. So, okay, let's start from this energetic stuff. Actually, let's start from visualizing. So step one in manifestation is visualizing what it is that you want. So understanding what is the thing that I'm trying to manifest. Is it a life style? Um, for example, things you cannot manifest are a specific person to be a certain way or to feel a certain way about you. Even if you think about it in magical terms, you know, you watch witch craft movies or whatever, and they're like the love potion, that's the one you can't do, or, you know, God can't grant you that which wish, or these things you can't use manifestation for a very. Specific. I mean, you have to get specific, but you can't be, um, like you can't control people. So it's not going to be, if you want to get married and you want to have children, you can manifest that, but it might not be with the person that you're currently with, if that's not what they're all about, what they're looking for. So what you have to understand is what's the end goal and why, like, why do you want to feel that way? What's it going to give you? What are you going to feel like? That's really the most important thing. What are you going to feel like? And, um, why do you want to get there to that end goal? So I have personally experimenting right now with manifesting more short term midterm stuff rather than super long term, but I'm also holding on to the longer term vision. But it kind of helps me stay more focused. So this vision, this why is. It's really, really important to hold on to and it's not something you can decide at once and then journal down and then journal it once and then be good to go for the rest of time. You have to revisit your why daily, if not weekly, if you want to get there and it's not just I want 100, 000. But why do you want 100, 000? How are you going to spend it? How's spending that money going to make you feel like that's the kind of thing that you've got to focus on. Okay. So first you're thinking about the, why this is step one, you're visualizing it. There's, this is where you do what you got to do. You do your journaling, you do your, um, vision boarding with Pinterest paint. What's my vibe going to be. How am I going to be dressed? What am I going to act like? How am I going to stand? What's my apartment going to look like? All these kind of things is you really got to connect with that kind of visual. Um, Then step two is you want to sit with that energy. So this is where we're talking about the energetic match of the universe, however, you wanted to decide it. But actually it makes sense. Just bear with me. Be patient because it does make sense. I swear to you. So you're sitting here imagining your, the thing that you're trying to manifest. And then you're imagining the energy of, of what that would feel like. Um, and then you have to try to really, really feel it. So there's methods in meditation where. You can picture a past. I do a lot of past regression stuff where you picture an event and you relive the event in your body. And this is fact. That's PTSD, for example, or people who have anxiety in general now. It's because they're reliving an experience in the past and they're possibly projecting it into the future. The brain is a predicting organ, remember? So if you had an experience in the past and you're faced with something similar, Then you are actually when you have anxieties because you're reliving that experience in your body and it's causing, you know, your heart rate to increase, it's causing all of these physical. Manifestations and you feel it in your body. Okay. So what you're trying to do is imagine the feeling when you've hit that thing and you're trying to match that feeling in your body. So you've got to get really connected. And then you start to ask yourself, what, what did it take me to get there? So imagining this is now present moment. I've manifested my big house. I'm trying to think of a big house. I manifested in my big, beautiful house. I have an American kitchen. Um, and it opens up into a garden and blah, blah, blah. All the details that I've imagined. I'm imagining my energy in there. And then I have to actually look back and say, what did it take for me to get there? What kind of habits do I have now? For example, so this is why I stopped smoking. I stopped. I'm now I'm experimenting with. changing my drinking habits because I realized that I couldn't continue the drinking habits because it was getting in the way of, um, the work that I do, the focus that I have, the, my ability to cope with stress. And in order to hit this next level, I have to be able to take a little bit more on without overstressing myself. So these kinds of things I noticed in my visualization, she's not drinking. Um, as much as I was, which wasn't even that much, honestly, but still more than I should be is enough to affect me. I would say she's not smoking. She's going to the gym. Um, she's saying no, a lot more like she has a lot of space. She means she's got really strong boundaries. So here's the part that people don't think people don't really realize when they talk about manifestation, they think manifestation means. Thinking about something and that it's going to come true. Well, it's really, really not that I can tell you, you can tell me. I'm sure that, uh, thinking about something on its own is not going to make something appear. Uh, but your thoughts are very, very powerful. So we'll talk about thoughts in a second, but what I'm about to talk to you is this action that you have to take. You have to make a choice. So if you're visualizing this person and it's called, uh, what is it called? Um, inspired action and embodied action. I think it's embodied action or something. I can't remember what it is. Embodied would make sense because you're manifesting the embodiment, but this is when you realize what are the choices that any, when you're visualizing, and this is where you can say, I'm shortening the time, they call it quantum leaping in the. You know, self help Wu place, but what is it that I had to do to get here? So you're obviously, you always state your manifestations as if they already happened. It's done. It's done. What did I have to change? What did I have to do? Cause you have to do something. If you want to become wealthy, for example, Well, you got to make more money and you got to learn how to add more value so that you can make more money. You got to stop being lazy as shit. You got to, uh, do things that generate. You also probably have to stop spending all of your money. You know, like there are things that you need to do and you have to understand what are those things. Maybe the start is getting financially literate. So. Um, and thinking big. So this is when you aligned, aligned action. That's what it was. You have to have alignment, the actions that you do, the way that you show up every day needs to align with that vision. So if I've imagined me five years from now, living up my dream life. In order to get there, I have to start acting like her now. So that's the kind of secret that, uh, the secret of manifestation is it actually really lies into the action, but you don't know what action to take unless you sit there and really think about the vision. And then you're not going to keep the action up because right now it's not your, A modus operandi. It's not the way that you normally live your day to day. It's not the way that you think. So you have to keep visiting the vision back every single day, every single week to stay committed to showing up as that future version of you. So it's a commitment. To keep acting like that. So if my future me is Confident she's well dressed. She's fit. She's wealthy. Well, I'm gonna tell you what I need to a start taking care of myself I need to dress well every day and make that actual effort. I got to wake up earlier I got to choose better quality clothing. I don't have to make an effort. I have to go to the gym I have to eat healthy because if I don't do those things because that's what she does if I don't do those things How am I supposed to turn into her? It's not just with my positive thinking that I'm gonna get there. I have to actually take the action. Sounds so obvious when it's coming out of my mouth right now, but for some reason people still think that manifesting is total woo, and that it's just about magically thinking things. But what's really funny is that when you realize that it's aligned with your actions, Things start to appear as if it were magic. So another part of manifesting that you need to consider is yes, your thoughts make a big difference and you do have to think about the negative cycles that you're bringing yourself into. So if what you are trying to manifest is. The best boyfriend ever. The man who adores you and cherishes you. And, uh, does it Oh my god, okay, so this is what I've manifested me, actually, now. I'm just real like, I'm just saying it out loud, but A man who he also got me we're leaving next Friday. I have to record two episodes today because next Friday I'm going on a week to the Amalfi Coast because he's planned that for me for for us for our for my birthday trip. Um, he went and got me a cake, a vegan cake. Cause I also eat plant based and, uh, for the party, he ran all around town. He's proud of showing me off. I manifested this man. How? Well, because I had to change the way that I, that I think about men and I had to change the way that I show up as a, as a woman in a partnership. So if you are looking for this dream man who plans these kinds of things for you, additionally, Oh my God, it's not even a Malfi coast. He actually booked us a ski trip. In February, um, in Bulgaria and I love the Balkans and I've been talking about wanting to go snowboarding with him. He skis, I snowboard. Um, so this is like dream boyfriend level stuff, right? Uh, this is what I always wanted. People want different things. I always wanted somebody to do that kind of stuff for me. Uh, if I had met him three years ago, it would not have worked out like this because I would have been rejecting. It just wouldn't have worked out because I was a different kind of person. So if you're sitting here saying, I want a man who adores me and cherishes me and does X and does Y, but then you're also saying all men are shit and there are no good men out there or men are useless or men this and men that. Well, you're going to have that attitude towards them, right? And that's the way that you're thinking about things. That's the story that you tell yourself. So there's a lot of women saying all good men are either taken or they're gay and the straight men that exist now that are still available, they're all shit. It's not true. And if you think that it's true, that is going to change the way that you act. It changes the way that you act. Um, A, you are going to have scarcity mindset, because if you meet a nice guy, you're going to be like, oh my god, there's no other nice guys out there. So you're going to go chase, you're going to pull, you're not going to let them come and do the work. You're not, you're probably going to be a little bit looser on your boundaries. You're going to be angrier because you're angry towards men, because all men suck, remember? You're going to be an angry person. Um, and there's just all of these things that you're going to do to repel. This man. So it's because of the thought that there are no good men out there. If you're thinking there's plenty of good men out there. Other things that you might do if you have that thought is stay in a relationship, settle, settle in a relationship. That's just okay because you're thinking, well, I'm not going to find another guy who does this or does that. So I might as well deal with these other things. And you don't want to settle. Of course you have to, of course, it's important to commit and have reasonable expectations of a person that you're with and you can't expect perfection, but you also can have that abundance mindset and understand that the dream relationship is out there for you. So if you don't believe that it exists, you're not going to try. So you would obviously not manifest it. Um, additionally, if you think I will never be financially secure, why would you ever be financially secure if that's what you think? If you think I will never be financially secure, why would you make any effort? You have to believe that it would be possible. To be motivated to continue putting effort towards something. Otherwise it would feel really pointless to be doing it. Um, so you'll stay in a shit job or you might think jobs are meant to be hated. And I hate my job and that's normal because hating your job is a normal part of life. Well, then you're never going to try to develop those skills that you need to get a job that you like. You're never going to try. You're never going to get past any failures and bumps. If something, one thing bad happens, well, you're just going to give up because you say, well, it's not meant for me anyway. But if you believed, That it was out there, then you would keep trying. So again, it's also about finding that kind of balance between let's not be delusional, but also isn't it delusional, the opposite kind of delusional to just be so cynical that you think nothing is possible for you. And actually, if you think nothing is possible. Then for sure, it's not going to be possible. If you think I would never win the lottery, then you would never play and you would never win. Um, so it's just these kinds of ways of thinking that actually do change our behavior. Um, and as I mentioned many times on this podcast before, chronic bad thinking causes more stress, which affects the hormone levels. It affects, it increases cortisol, it increases adrenaline. You got your heart pumping faster. It increases your anxiety, all of these things. And that actually causes more disease. So if you're a negative thinking person, you're going to be unhealthier. That is science. So manifestation is basically these steps. It's envisioning what it is that you want. envisioning what is that energy? What is that person like? Like, what did I, what did I have to do? Who do I have to be to be that kind of person? If you want a partner who is emotionally available, um, fit dresses, well smells good is, um, outgoing and friendly focused, whatever it is that you want. Are you able to match those things? Is that person going to want to be with somebody who doesn't match those things? Probably not. And I know a lot of you might be listening to this thinking, well, I just want to be myself. I just want to be myself. Well, that's, you know, yourself is an abstract concept. Don't change for anybody else change because of how you want your life to be. So if you want an amazing relationship, the best relationship that you could think of. You have to stop being stubborn and always having to be right or always having to win the competition. You have to open up to being a partner that is willing to, um, do the emotional work. To be in this kind of long term relationship. You have to be willing to support and respect your partner. Um, and a lot of people aren't willing to do that because they have some kind of... That's some kind of gripe about I don't want to change or I don't want to have to change because this is me and what you get is what you see. Well, everybody's got to change, honey. Everybody. Uh, in order to get to a, we've been changing since we were born. Your brain is only, I don't remember the percentage, but it's barely formed by the time that you're born. It takes 25 years to form because of all the neural pathways that you're pruning and tuning based on the environmental outputs that first your caregiver puts you in, and then you put yourself in them, you put yourself in those situations and it prunes and tunes your brain. To make you able to feel comfortable being whatever kind of person that you are. So you can actually put yourself in those situations and in enacts that kind of change in your life. And in order to change your life, you have to change. And, um, so yes, be yourself, don't do these things to try to impress somebody else or get validation from anybody else. Don't do it because I told you to do it because if you want to reach a different kind of life, then you have to change. And one huge part of, um, manifestation as well that I think is not really. Understood very well is gratitude. So we're always thinking, yeah, we want to manifest bigger, manifest bigger, manifest bigger to the point where we're not grateful for where we are right now. And that's really, really bad for manifesting anything. So, again, if we're talking about the universe and seeing it as. Let's see it as your boyfriend, right? If your boyfriend keeps giving you all these little gifts and doing all these wonderful things for you and you're just like, yeah, whatever, I want bigger. I want bigger. I want the next one. I want the better one. Is he going to keep giving you stuff? No. He's probably going to leave. I mean, maybe not, but at least get resentful and probably stop giving you those things. So it's the same thing with all the gifts that you have in life. And that's why I really also today I was reflecting on just how happy I am or, you know, where I'm at. I'm here in this, in my beauty room. I have some extra rooms. Um, I, there's my brush. I have time to record this. I'm spending time with my mom. Who's vibrant and healthy. I have my business. Um, I, I just started another, another project, um, as a fractional. CMO at this, uh, at this other company that I invested in and wow, that they would invite me to that role. That's an honor that they would trust me growing them. And why? Because I grew my business from zero to seven figures. Like I am just so grateful for the team that has my team that has been able to get me here and. It's something that I need to practice more. But if I just sat there, I'm thinking, no, I'm a failure. I'm a failure. I'm a failure because I don't personally yet have a net worth of a million or multimillions or whatever. Well, that's not going to get me there because. It affects the way that I think about myself. Um, I'm not able to be in joy, in joy, in the moment. I'm not able to be in the moment and I have to be able to be in the moment. I have to be able to feel joy. I have to be able to feel positive for me to be living the life of my future self. If I'm stepping into that energy, if I'm acting like that person, if I'm coming off with this confidence, I have to be able to feel it now. And the only way that I can feel it now is to be grateful for the life that I live right here and right now. Um, And then another step in manifestation is detachment from the end. Detachment. So, um, this is a really tricky one cause we get really, really attached and obsessed with the end goal happening now or happening on a certain timeline. And of course you want to be ambitious, um, but we have to detach and we have to be patient. So just say, okay, this is what I want. This is what I'm going out there with. And then you start acting like that. You start putting in the actions that are necessary. You give yourself space. You listen to yourself. You listen to your. To your negative emotions. You connect with them. You, you are intuitive. Um, and then you don't attach to the end goal. about when it's going to happen or how exactly it's going to happen. It's going to happen. Um, but you have to trust and have faith. And that's kind of the beautiful part is if you don't have this detachment, then you start to lose faith when it doesn't work exactly in the way that you imagined. And then you stop believing and then you stop practicing your visioning. And then you stop showing up as that person. And it's just a downward spiral. So it's kind of this like, okay, I'm putting it out there. I'm going to do what I have to do and I'm going to let go. Because I need to be able to trust that me putting in the effort and being consistent, it's, it's going to happen. And you have to celebrate your progress on the way as you go. So I don't know if this was helpful or if it made it sound any less woo. And there's probably a lot of stuff that I forgot to mention, but this is my take of manifesting. Um, a dream life. And it's always, you know, always think about the end goal. So I speak to some people sometimes like, what's your goal? What's your desire for this week? And it'll be like, my desire is to work out four times a week and it's to be, uh, eat very healthy every single day. Like that's not really the desire. That's not the desire. Why is that a desire? Well, the desire at the end goal is I want to feel. Um, energetic. I want to feel good about how I've treated myself and I want to feel confident. Um, that's more of the end goal, or I want to feel at peace. And if one thing is going to give you anxiety, if not going, you know, the going to the gym four times a week, it helps you with their anxiety. That's, that's why you're doing it. I want to feel at peace. That's kind of the end goal. So don't think about it as the, how of the desires that you want to get there. Like I want to get this job and then that job and then that job and then this thing, and I want to invest in that. Think about the real and the why the why that's the most important thing to hold on to the how you're going to figure that out because you're becoming more intuitive because you're going to listen to yourself more because you're going to sit with your vision and you're going to act as if you were hurt and try not to doubt yourself so much. So yeah, I hope this wasn't too confusing or weird or woo. I tried to translate it to a more practical sense. And to me, when I explain it this way, I'm like, well, duh. Duh, if I want to manifest a healthy lifestyle and then I'm like a healthy, if I want to have this being super fit and then I sit there and I imagine myself feeling fit and I said, okay, what did it take to get here? Well, a healthy routine that obviously, obviously I'm going to get there, you know, so if you just think about it that way and what am I thinking about the end goal, the end feeling and holding onto that and holding onto feeling grateful and staying consistent, then it gets you there. So that's my spiel for my birthday episode number 11. And, um, I'll see you in the next one. Thank you again for listening. Um, week after week, I really, really appreciate you and your time and attention. If you made it all the way to the end, please do subscribe, uh, and leave a review, it would really help me a lot. And I will see you next time.