Football Yanks

EPL Week 37: Crunch Time Calls and Crucial Conclusions

The Football Yanks

Welcome back to another electrifying episode of Football Yanks, where we dive into a weekend packed with EPL fixtures with all the enthusiasm and analysis you've come to expect! Football aficionados Ryan, Luke, and Derek unpack a plethora of topics, from high-stakes matchups and upcoming finals in the Champions League and FA Cup to intense discussions about player performances, managerial decisions, and much more.

We'll delve into the financial side of football, debating the impacts of recent coaching and refereeing decisions across crucial matches. You should expect a heated debate over our picks for the young player of the season and weigh in on the evolving dynamics of team management, especially concerning new managerial adaptations.

We’re not stopping there, though. Join us as we critique team performances, speculate on potential coaching changes, and make our predictions for looming games. We'll even touch on personal anecdotes, including Shannon’s pragmatic choice in cars.

Strap in as we dissect everything from Manchester United's and Arsenal's showdown to Tottenham’s crucial clash against Burnley. Whether it's tactical tweaks, player health, or financial strategy in football transferring—nothing is off the table in today’s episode of Football Yanks!

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Derek [00:00:00]:
Hey, everybody. This is the Football Yanks podcast for week 37. We've got Ryan and Luke with me today. We're going to be covering a couple teams headed in opposite directions in the Premier League that we love, talking about Chelsea and Tottenham. Ryan will have some obligatory Nega Jackson content and, you know, if you're watching the videos, mandatory. Yeah. Some not safe for work content out of Luke, as well as a big, big non soccer related announcement Ryan's going to lead the podcast off with. Now we'll move into some brief updates on title race and some of our thoughts around the Champions League, and we'll bring it home.

Ryan [00:00:43]:
Talking about a sort of an interesting story about a transfer made by steadfast FC in the second division of Ghana. What a great name. Definitely hold on for the Football Yanks podcast.

Derek [00:00:57]:
Yeah, we're american, but we're talking about soccer here. Hosts Derek Ryan and Luke are all football fanatics tracking our fellow Yanks in the EPL and abroad. Enjoy today's episode. Some problematic big zillion here.

Ryan [00:01:19]:
Oh, my God. Yeah. Welcome, everyone. The Football yanks podcast on a. We're entering the final week of the PL season, I think, right? There's like mid game, midweek games, and then. And then next weekend, and that's it.

Derek [00:01:36]:
Yeah, I think I land in Frankfurt and I'm gonna have to take a nap or find a bar, depending on the timing, to watch the potentially whatever results in the title chase and the relegation battle.

Luke [00:01:51]:
Last decided. What we're doing with this podcast when the season ends. Do you guys have, like, time to wait around for me for months on end when soccer's not happening?

Ryan [00:02:01]:
We, uh.

Derek [00:02:02]:
There's no need. Right? Like, we'll just go on, like, whatever the cadence is, and Ryan will talk about Nico Jackson for 45 minutes, and then, like, I'll be like, all right, nice talking to everybody. Bye.

Ryan [00:02:12]:
Yeah, for, uh, for people who are watching the twitch screen, if Luke's frame is blurred, it's because he's eating a banana. And that's for Patreon subscribers only. That's the premium content. So if you want to see Luke eating a banana, you're going to have to pay.

Luke [00:02:37]:
Maybe I should start, like, an OnlyFans account where I just eat bananas.

Ryan [00:02:41]:
Yeah, yeah, we've. We've been riffing on a lot of Luke Onlyfans ideas lately, but, yeah, so.

Luke [00:02:50]:
If anybody has any ideas.

Ryan [00:02:51]:
Did you just dump. Oh, you probably poured that into a glass. Okay, I saw it look like you opened that veer and just poured it onto your desk. Luke is.

Luke [00:03:04]:
I'm unhinged.

Ryan [00:03:05]:
Luke is hitting every vice.

Derek [00:03:07]:
I would have worked out this morning if I knew we were gonna start drinking at 11:00 a.m.

Ryan [00:03:12]:
But, yeah. So we actually kicked the podcast off, like, prior to you joining during the offseason last year, and there was enough going on with transfers.

Derek [00:03:27]:
I mean, you know how much Ryan loves the rumor mill, so, I mean, he can go for days.

Ryan [00:03:32]:
I've always got my ear to the streets. So there's.

Luke [00:03:36]:
There's your eyeballs on Reddit.

Ryan [00:03:38]:
Yeah, there's, there's that. We were, we kind of cycled through teams for a while and did, like, an end of season review and, like, recommendations for the next season. We picked our, like, best eleven from the previous season. We made some predictions for the coming season, that sort of thing. So there's stuff. Stuff to, like, fill the time with. But, yeah, it will be interesting. Podcast has grown over this year.

Ryan [00:04:10]:
Like, I. It, like I said, it's plateaued for a bit here, but, yeah, I don't know. It's, like, generally going pretty well. Hopefully I can spend some more time on promotion on social media. But, Luke, did you look at the show notes today?

Luke [00:04:26]:

Derek [00:04:28]:
We actually had been peeking at him just to troll us for a bit.

Ryan [00:04:33]:
So. I have huge brothers and sisters. I have huge.

Derek [00:04:36]:
Yeah, I saw this this morning.

Ryan [00:04:38]:
I have a big, big announcement.

Luke [00:04:40]:
Transfer announcement or rumor or something like that.

Ryan [00:04:43]:
I know everyone. All the hosts are sitting down. It looks like. Who knows what Luke is doing, actually.

Derek [00:04:50]:
Standing on a stool.

Ryan [00:04:55]:
Shannon has sold the Prius. What? The greenest car on the road is no more.

Derek [00:05:08]:
Has it been sold or has it been recycled?

Ryan [00:05:12]:
Unclear, but I would have bought it from her.

Luke [00:05:15]:
Why didn't she offer to sell it to me, dude?

Derek [00:05:17]:
It was because we need you to stay alive to come on the podcast.

Ryan [00:05:27]:
Her valuation of that vehicle, she thought that it was in good shape. I'm coming in a little hot on the mic. I'm trying to adjust that a bit. She thought it was in good shape.

Derek [00:05:40]:
Is that what she meant by she filled out the Carmax form?

Ryan [00:05:44]:

Derek [00:05:44]:
Honestly and accurately was telling him that.

Ryan [00:05:47]:
Was a good shape. Yeah, she thought she was filling that.

Derek [00:05:50]:
This is starting to come together for me now.

Ryan [00:05:52]:
Yeah. So, so she. How do I sound to you guys, by the way? I was looking at my audio levels, and it was, like, spiking pretty high.

Derek [00:06:00]:
Fine on my monitor.

Luke [00:06:02]:
Sound great?

Ryan [00:06:03]:
Yeah, yeah. All right. Great. Yeah. So back to Shannon. She went to the first dealership and drove up with that car covered in bird shit and paint just, like, floating off of it, because, like, bird poop has never been removed from it in a decade. And was like, yep. Carmax says this is worth $6,000.

Ryan [00:06:33]:
And. And the guy was like, did they look at it? And she was like, well, no, it was online. And he was like, this is not worth that much. And then the guy who was assessing it was like, you. You know, it might have helped if you washed it before you brought it in.

Derek [00:06:53]:
Yeah, she conveniently left that part out.

Luke [00:06:56]:
I will give her one 6th of this beer for that car. Yeah, probably worth as much. You know, I just look at this. 10% alcohol, so you can get a buzz off if you're ready, right?

Ryan [00:07:06]:
Yeah, yeah. If you hit it hard enough. Yeah. But, yeah, so she got rid of it. She. She has. It's her first brand new car ever. It's.

Ryan [00:07:18]:
I think Derek recommended it, which. It shocked me that Derek even knew of this vehicle's existence.

Derek [00:07:24]:
Let's be. Yeah, so that is accurate.

Luke [00:07:27]:

Ryan [00:07:28]:
Like, no, no, no.

Derek [00:07:29]:
It's just like, yeah, I only recommend german automobiles for. Oh, you want something practical. Baltimore at 30 miles an hour x five m. Yeah.

Ryan [00:07:45]:
That's what knocking pictures off everyone's wall.

Derek [00:07:50]:
And, like, I know the driver here, right? Like, Shannon. Yeah. There's a certain type of vehicle that fits Shannon. So, honestly, I didn't even know that car existed. I just. She sent you another hybrid. She was talking about Rav four, and she was like, it's kind of big. I was like, there's got to be something smaller.

Derek [00:08:04]:
I was like, oh, Corolla, cross hybrid, whatever.

Ryan [00:08:07]:

Derek [00:08:08]:
You know, you're not. Yeah, bounce off the stop signs and stuff. It'll be pretty practical for they have.

Ryan [00:08:14]:
Some kind of Corolla, like, crossover vehicle. Um, yeah, yeah.

Luke [00:08:20]:
So I think I know what you're talking about.

Ryan [00:08:22]:
Yeah, yeah. The. The impact to this podcast is I think that she's probably bought herself a month before that car is a trash can. So the. The meming on Shannon will.

Derek [00:08:35]:
Yeah, it'll be like, why didn't she get the Rav four? So you have more room for recyclables in the back.

Luke [00:08:40]:
Should we order her, like, a car garbage?

Ryan [00:08:43]:
Dude, I thought about that, like, as, like, a gift. Like, congratulations on your new car. But I was. I was gonna get her just a full size trash.

Derek [00:08:52]:
Yeah, exactly. Trash bin.

Luke [00:08:57]:
Go to Costco and get a life supply of garbage bags for it.

Ryan [00:09:01]:

Derek [00:09:02]:
Ryan just has a rear seat removed, so there. Trash.

Luke [00:09:06]:

Ryan [00:09:08]:
It's like one of those roller bins just turned on its side and stuffed through the.

Derek [00:09:13]:
I modded this thing out for you.

Luke [00:09:16]:
You know, just to be fair to Shannon, she is the most practical of the three of you. I'm obviously very practical, but you've got like, you know, your fucking Tesla, motherfucker. You've got your BMW, you fucking german loving fuck. And then there's Shannon with his nice sensible car. And you guys are going to put a trash bag in her trash. So at least some of us make good decisions. Maybe not with the garbage in our cars, but with the car.

Derek [00:09:43]:
All right, we need to move on to something else and Luke's gonna start talking to us about making good decisions.

Ryan [00:09:48]:
Yeah, let's talk about our teams first. So the Tottenham Hotspuds, they pulled it off against Burnley. How did you. Before we dig into my thoughts since, like, Luke's not looking at what I jotted down here, like, what were your thoughts about this?

Luke [00:10:09]:
Well, now I'm going to look at what you.

Ryan [00:10:11]:
Yeah, I don't think I wrote anything. Like, I just wanted your, like, unfiltered thoughts without.

Luke [00:10:16]:
Yeah, yeah. I think it was a. It was a performance that needed to happen. Like, they needed the win. Right? No doubt about it. But I don't know. The team is obviously not in the best form coming into the end of the year. I think they're burnt out.

Luke [00:10:29]:
I think the performance showed that there were some good performances. And I thought they dropped four in.

Ryan [00:10:34]:
A row they had.

Luke [00:10:36]:
And they were tough fixtures from Newcastle through Chelsea. Chelsea, Arsenal. Arsenal, Liverpool. Like, that's a really hard run of games. A lot of those being away except the Arsenal game. But they hadn't been playing very well in any of those games. So it was good to win. Pretty much secured fifth place, which is great.

Luke [00:10:57]:
Sunny should never fucking play through the middle on any team. It was incredible. Richie coming out of that, Richarlsson getting hurt. A fucking ken kind of killed a lot of what I think he's done.

Ryan [00:11:08]:
For the season, I read, and he's gonna.

Luke [00:11:10]:
And the Copa. Yeah, supposedly there's some saudi money coming in for him. I actually. I'm still bullish about his ability to score in the Premier League. You know, he scored 8th in nine games through a middle, middle portion of the season. But like, we talk about, like, I love to talk shit about Nico Jackson, right? And you love to have a full on, like, hard on. When we talk about hard not to.

Derek [00:11:34]:
It'S not about love to, it's just a physical reaction.

Luke [00:11:38]:
The real difference, right, is the best quality is to be available and to give Nico Jackson a lot of credit. He's been available for the. Almost the entire season. Right. And when you're in a place like Rich Charleston, almost never available and you have to put Sonny through the middle, the team's just disjointed. Kulicheski looks really bad but Mickey van DER man. Van man. That he is a fucking player.

Luke [00:12:00]:
I think he'll be sold like next two, three years. Some bigger team will come by him but. Or some, you know, like real, like.

Derek [00:12:06]:
A good team, a competitive team that's playing for trophies.

Luke [00:12:09]:
One that made it above fifth place in the Premier League. But he could be the best center back in the Premier League in I think in a short amount of time. I think he's that good. Fucking great finish. So.

Ryan [00:12:25]:
Yeah, yeah, that kind of was.

Luke [00:12:27]:
I would just want the season to end for us. Really?

Ryan [00:12:29]:
Yeah, that was a honestly, like a shocking, shockingly good finish, dude.

Luke [00:12:36]:
The way he turns his body and uses his left foot, that's like some agility, man. That dude took ballerina classes.

Ryan [00:12:43]:
Yeah, that I will give him him. That was, that was quite a finish. Burnley, they came out with something about them and then were somehow just not up for it in the second half. They looked so tired. I think the announcers that I was listening to mentioned that.

Derek [00:13:06]:
It'S tough when you don't have.

Luke [00:13:08]:
You always expected that though they were going to come out really hard. They're fighting relegation, right?

Derek [00:13:13]:
Yeah, no, I said that point. Right. They're fighting hard without possession. You know, a good bit of the time. I mean it wasn't that uneven but, you know, once you're in that 60 40 range like that puts a lot of pressure on your whole team to press and chase. Wear yourselves out.

Luke [00:13:32]:
I will say spurs midfield right now is shockingly easy to play through. Like, it's pretty embarrassing the way that they can just like, like any team can just to one combination and they're through behind Basuma. So that's been really disappointing. That was the really biggest, biggest disappointment I had was just how easy we always are. No matter what team to play through the is crazy.

Derek [00:13:58]:
Yeah. Cause it's easy to fix stuff like having a dedicated striker, having people that are healthy in your front three, but it's tougher to fix like three year. You know, you have your three starters playing in midfield, right. And they're not playing particularly well together. That creates a different challenge.

Luke [00:14:15]:
Yeah, I thought it was good. I thought Sar was really bad and I like, I think Pepe Sar is a young player, has a lot of, a lot of potential.

Ryan [00:14:22]:
I think he has the. A high ceiling, yeah.

Luke [00:14:25]:
But he's been really poor since the african accompanations. Madison's not on it since the injury. So I think that that really, we need a new number six. We need a kind of a newly structured midfield with a little bit more solidity. So we'll see. You know, I'm on the Ange pasta Kagloop project still. I think we'll be better next year.

Ryan [00:14:43]:
Why do you think that?

Luke [00:14:45]:
I think we have capital to spend and I think we. There's enough that Levy will spend this summer, maybe not the summer after that. So I. And I think there's enough in the team 2323 positions improved on and I think we'll come up another level. And I like the tactics that ange uses. It's just about the players and we just don't have the players to play that, those positions yet, particularly in the number six, particularly out wide. And then we need cover at outside back, essentially.

Derek [00:15:18]:
Yeah. I mean, if I look at this roster today, there's no being objective about it. I see no fathomable way that they finish ahead of Chelsea next season. But I imagine to your point, they're going to bring in some other pieces and move some other pieces out and they should be playing a minute on this team.

Luke [00:15:37]:
There's. There's money to spend because we're on the right, maybe the current, the current, but it might change, like next week.

Ryan [00:15:44]:
You also just don't spend money, like, even when there is capital to spend.

Derek [00:15:48]:
I mean, Luke did preface that.

Luke [00:15:53]:
Joe Lewis, maybe, but we did this, this past summer with Mickey van DER van, Brendan Johnson and James Madison. All three improvement players who brought the level up. We need basically one more summer.

Ryan [00:16:07]:
Dude, I couldn't believe Brendan Johnson missed that. The dude son, the butcher of north London, like drove the ball into the box and I don't know how he got that cross across the face like that. Just deserved a finish.

Luke [00:16:25]:
Yeah, I think it was tough. He should have scored, though.

Ryan [00:16:27]:
Yeah, yeah, it was for sure tough, but yeah, definitely a hard finish. But he's. I mean, he's been good. So, like, I would have backed him to put that in the net. It was, it was. It was just surprising because I was.

Luke [00:16:41]:
A pascal goal to winger, to winger. That's like what he wants.

Ryan [00:16:45]:
All right, so let me hit you with a couple things that I have heard from analysts that aren't me. Well, what one of them is like a thought I had yesterday based on something that was said about Chelsea which was in the post match for the Chelsea game, they were discussing Pochettino and uh, the team like whether he's going to be back next season or not. And they were basically like Chelsea would be psychotic to get rid of um, Pochettino. Uh, and, but like one of the commentators was like, yeah, the direction is good but if you flipped the season's results you could see him being let go. Like if, if basically they were in this form at the beginning of the season and then that's basically Tottenham 100%.

Luke [00:17:36]:
I was just about to say pretty much you flip the, flip the season. We just gave gain more points early in the season and like Chelsea did or Newcastle or something like that. Yeah, that is concerning. I think that's a, I think that's a really, really good point to bring up. I would. I still back Pasakoglu to continue to prove the team. I think there's enough there. Even looking at that Burnley game there's enough there to do well.

Luke [00:18:00]:
It's just about being consistent and that, and that takes time.

Ryan [00:18:05]:
Yeah, I talk a lot of shit about spurs but I like Ange. Like ange the personality. I also like where he's taken spurs the back half of the season.

Luke [00:18:15]:
So like the team's building resilience. I think you can see that they've been through the shit, right, in the past four, four games maybe probably more like two months or so. But I think the ceiling is high. The team right now, how they've been playing the past two months or how I thought they would start the season, right? And I just think that it's. People are, players are always willing to jump into something new at the beginning, right? You run head on at it or, or in this case they were and now there's a tail off because it's really not about running head into it, it's about living every day, training that way every day, playing that way in every match and they haven't been able to do that. And that is representative of a lot of Ange's first seasons. If you look at Celtic, that first season was disjointed, right? I believe he, he won, he won the scottish league at the time, the Scottish Premiership at the time. But he was.

Luke [00:19:08]:
Their team was now where near as good as the next season where they won a domestic treble and basically just like shat on the whole. Scottish Premier League. Yeah, different league, all yada, yada, yada. But it does follow the trend of Ange's career. So I have faith for that next year. And I, unlike some fans, are unwilling or I'm fucking sick of throwing managers under the bus every year. We've had five managers in like fucking three years. Just stick with it, work, like, let it happen.

Luke [00:19:36]:
And I'm willing to wait. I like Ange. I'm excited for next year.

Derek [00:19:40]:
How do you feel about that approach with our coach ride?

Luke [00:19:43]:
Well, I would say that's exactly the kind of approach Chelsea fans should have at this point.

Ryan [00:19:49]:
We're going to talk about Chelsea. Second, I want to throw, I want to piggyback on that a little bit. So this is not like, so that thought was sort of original. Like, I was listening to the assessment of Chelsea and then thinking, well, the spurs have that flipped. So are there. I don't, I don't. You're basically the only spurs fan I want to interact with ever. So I don't know what the sentiment of the fan base is.

Luke [00:20:18]:
Damn. I know too many Chelsea fans.

Ryan [00:20:22]:
I don't know what the sentiment of the fan base is, but it, like, you have the opposite. And like, that commentator was basically like, poch, like, could rightfully be sacked if the results were flipped. And I was like, well, are spurs fans calling for Ange's head? So that was sort of an original thought. This is probably the athletic that I was probably listening to give doing an assessment on Ange's season. And the concern that they raised was that when he was in Japan, he was in Japan, right, at one point and then he was, and then he was in the scottish league and they said that in those leagues, he was in charge of the powerhouse team in a less competitive league than the Premier League. And their concern is that ange ball has been found out and this attitude that, like, this is who we are, mate. We're not changing, we're not practicing set pieces, mate. That is like, he's not gonna come good next season and they could have a real problem if he doesn't evolve more or like, come off of that stubbornness.

Luke [00:21:36]:
I think he'll evolve more, though. I think you've got to give a guy who's adapted so you're, I think you're right. Right. He's been at the powerhouse of each of these leagues, or maybe not in Australia so much, but again, a different, you know, footballing context.

Ryan [00:21:49]:
That is, that, that is the trump card to that. You're right, because, like, he way over performed with an underpowered team there.

Luke [00:21:57]:
Yeah. So I'm just like, we've got to give him some space to adapt himself, right? He has to adapt. He will adapt the tactics. But in this first year, he's always been clear, we're just gonna. We're learning, right?

Ryan [00:22:09]:

Luke [00:22:09]:
We're getting the club committed to this way, mate, or whatever you wanna call it, kind of gets sick. It's so memeable. It's like fuck. Like, it's not his fault. He says mate after every fucking sentence.

Ryan [00:22:20]:
It literally is.

Luke [00:22:22]:
He leads the one to say australian as fuck.

Derek [00:22:26]:
You've listened to his press conferences. He doesn't give a shit. Shit, dude.

Luke [00:22:29]:
He doesn't look reporters in the eyes now. Mad. He's like. And then he's like, this cough. It's really weird. But I'm so. I think that maybe it's. The fan base is a little different, the expectations are different at a club like Tottenham, that we could debate that all day, whatever.

Luke [00:22:45]:
But I would rather see this project come to some head. And I, watching the team, I've never felt like that was coming early in the year. They were great. But I would say, go back to the podcast we did then. I never thought this was going to be something.

Ryan [00:23:01]:
No, no, no, you. I don't have to. I remember you saying that this team would come back to earth. Yeah.

Luke [00:23:07]:
Yeah. That you can't sustain that level of like, just like, I don't know, youthful fucking exuberance or whatever. It was like the first time a fucking 16 year old, like, saw porn or something. They were like running at it in every direction and you just can't sustain that throughout a whole season. And so we are where we are. I think that they're still competitive. I think I just. We have to look to next year.

Luke [00:23:30]:
If you had asked me fifth place, 60 plus points, you've lost the best player in the club's history, possibly new manager who's never been in the Premier League. If you said fifth place, I would have fucking taken it. I think Europa League's a great place for this team next year. Like, I think that's where the. That's where the club is. The Europa League is a. Is a. Is a competition that we could go in, right? Probably not because we're Tottenham, but we can.

Luke [00:23:57]:
At least it's a little bit more in sight. Champions League isn't. I don't think it would do that much for us.

Derek [00:24:02]:
Yeah, it takes a little bit of time for the players to adjust, for the coach to adjust, for management to adjust and bring in the right players that fit with the existing players and with the coaching style. And so I think it's fair to allow, you know, some more significant grace period for that, especially when the results aren't horrendous. Like, there's nothing wrong with finishing your point fifth in the Premier League.

Luke [00:24:25]:
So can I actually jump on that a little bit? Derek, you said you brought up the coaching staff. I actually think we're going to see a turnover in the coaching staff, too. I think particularly Ryan Mason. Not to, like, shit on him, but he's been at the club fucking ever being, like, the second coach. Right. So that's like. That's part of it. Like, there's going to be parts of the club that just move on.

Derek [00:24:45]:

Ryan [00:24:45]:
Do you think you guys will pick up a set piece, coach?

Luke [00:24:48]:
I don't. Not. Not in Angie's world, which is a. I think is a problem. Like, you've got to criticize when. When it. When it's a problem. Right.

Ryan [00:24:56]:

Luke [00:24:56]:
I actually tend to agree with him that the set pieces aren't the problem. It's a certain kind of intensity that doesn't. That doesn't stick in the team during a set piece. That's the problem. Right. Or in my mind, I think that Angie's going to turn over the club in a much more comprehensive way. He's a manager who, you know, so opposite to Pochettino. Right.

Luke [00:25:17]:
Pochettino comes with. What's his name? Jesus, I don't remember his last name. He has a whole group of coaching staff. That short little guy that he's always with.

Ryan [00:25:25]:
Yeah, yeah. I know. He brings.

Luke [00:25:26]:
He brings this whole kind of infrastructure with him. Ange comes alone and brings in assistant coaches as needed, so I think he's going to turn that department over, too. It's not just the players, which I'm excited about.

Ryan [00:25:40]:
Yeah. Real quick. United Arsenal is about to kick off in two minutes if you guys don't have that queued up.

Derek [00:25:47]:
Yeah, it's on. It's not on tv because why would.

Ryan [00:25:51]:
You put a sponsor. It's on Telemundo if you want to put it.

Derek [00:25:54]:
How is it muted?

Ryan [00:25:55]:
Yeah. Yeah.

Derek [00:25:56]:

Ryan [00:25:56]:
All right, good. I was.

Derek [00:25:57]:
I was actually gonna go off on a rant about how it's not even televised without a premium subscription. At least it's on Telemundo.

Ryan [00:26:03]:
Do you have.

Derek [00:26:06]:
Directv? People that have tv, people that don't have access? I have Fios Internet access, but I can't have fios cable in my building.

Luke [00:26:21]:
If you have xfinity, get peacock.

Derek [00:26:24]:
Yeah, true. Yeah.

Ryan [00:26:26]:
You got it for free. Yeah. Even just their Internet.

Derek [00:26:29]:
I forgot.

Ryan [00:26:30]:

Luke [00:26:31]:
So I think that Man United is about to beat Arsenal. Fucking excited.

Derek [00:26:34]:

Luke [00:26:35]:
I just. That's the wild card that I just.

Derek [00:26:40]:
I remember to what Luke was doing before the podcast, so never mind. I have no reaction.

Ryan [00:26:51]:
For the only fans. All right, so I was going to ask your prediction. What do you think the score prediction for this match? United, Arsenal, Arsenal.

Derek [00:27:03]:
Three nothing.

Luke [00:27:05]:
I was going to say three nothing too.

Ryan [00:27:07]:
Five nothing. Arsenal, United are about to get fucking pumped in this game.

Derek [00:27:14]:
Yeah, I thought the lines really betrayed how terrible United is in this game. So I'm with you guys.

Ryan [00:27:23]:
I. Dude, how the fuck Eric ten hag has not been sacked is beyond me. Like, even just symbolically, just. I. If I were Ineos and I came in there and this kept happening, like, they're effectively. I mean, I guess there is something to play for, but, like, I would. I would come in there and make my mark and be like, this is not fucking happening, and. And.

Ryan [00:27:49]:
And get rid of him.

Derek [00:27:50]:
But what other piece of garbage is going to be willing to coach Mason Greenwood and Antony next season?

Luke [00:27:56]:
I have part of the problem, though, because remember Ralph Ragnick came in for Ali Gunner sell share, and it was a fucking disaster.

Ryan [00:28:04]:

Luke [00:28:05]:
They don't want that to happen again. I think that's what's holding them back.

Ryan [00:28:08]:
Yeah. But you. You have to know you're not keeping him next season.

Luke [00:28:13]:
I hope not.

Ryan [00:28:14]:
So just get rid of him now. Like, make a statement and have just the assistant coach, like, wrap up the season. But I. If I'm Ineos, I would be like, we're united. We're not having this shit. And I would bounce off further.

Derek [00:28:34]:
Yeah, yeah.

Ryan [00:28:35]:
I would. I would can him and be like, we might lose the rest of the games, but, like, we got that cancer out of here.

Derek [00:28:42]:
It's weird.

Luke [00:28:43]:
I brought it up last week. Jim Radcliffe, like, was sending out emails how, like, dirty the facilities were and, like, that. He, like, he was like, this is unlike, unacceptable. The U eighteen's locker room's a pile of shit.

Ryan [00:28:58]:
There have been rumors from, like, all season from former players who have been moved on to lesser clubs who have said that they anticipated a drop off in. Dude, Arsenal almost just scored already. They were anticipating a drop off in facility quality. And it just did. Like, they got to these, like, clubs in the championship and they were like, the. This. The facilities are every bit as good as what United has to offer. Like, the club is in bad shape and they are up to their fucking tits in debt.

Ryan [00:29:33]:

Luke [00:29:34]:
The glazers have just like eaten them up and shit them out like three, four times. Yeah. Garbage.

Ryan [00:29:42]:

Luke [00:29:42]:
Still the most valuable club in the world somehow.

Ryan [00:29:45]:
Yeah. I mean, there's, there's like, oh, man, Arsenal. Are you sure you don't want to change your predictions to five? Arsenal are just already taking it at United.

Luke [00:29:58]:
I hate how I'm watching on my phone. So you're so far ahead.

Ryan [00:30:01]:
Oh, okay.

Luke [00:30:03]:
Because, you know, I have third world and my direct.

Derek [00:30:05]:
Don't worry. Look, my directv is behind Ryan's.

Ryan [00:30:08]:
We need to put it in Luke's contract that he won't stream anything while.

Derek [00:30:12]:
Recording unless it's on his neighbor's Internet.

Luke [00:30:16]:
When do I get a contract?

Ryan [00:30:20]:
Whenever we get sponsors, I guess.

Luke [00:30:22]:
All right, let's talk now.

Ryan [00:30:24]:
Let's talk about Chelsea while we're watching this match. Derek, let's hear your thoughts. You were at a concert yesterday. Luke and I were kind of bantering back and forth. So what are your thoughts on this?

Derek [00:30:39]:
I didn't catch up on the banter until this morning. Cause I forgot when I watched the recording last night, I watched the recording, you know, it's kind of like, you know, from a holistic standpoint, it's kind of like 60 minutes of like, oh, God, like, this looks like the middle of the season again, like Forrest is, you know, granted they're playing to get out relegation. There was like, you know, the fan base was behind him yesterday. It was a good environment for them. But like, that's still a garbage bin of a team with massive holes in it, right? And not only that, but like letting Hudson and doy do the same shit over and over again after he just did it last week, right? Like he's going to cut inside, he's going to blast it up for 90. And the goalkeeper, the goalkeeper knows it's coming, the defender's coming, and nobody can stop it. So like, maybe you shouldn't let him do that when you've got two defenders on him. But, you know, outside of that, you know, it's like, I was shocked.

Derek [00:31:31]:
1st first I saw Sterling come on and I was like, ah, shit. Like this. I'm having flashbacks of PTSD to the first half of the season. Like, what is this guy doing out here? Just a fucking like dirt pigeon or something. And he comes on just like immediately scores to tie it up, right? Like he's like, no problem.

Ryan [00:31:51]:
And that was like, what a goal. They credited Kaiseido with an assist on.

Derek [00:31:58]:
That and it's like added nothing, right? Like, this guy hasn't been doing shit for months. And he's just like, I got this guy. He's like, he's like, yeah, he had a lot of energy, and he was picking.

Ryan [00:32:08]:
Yeah. You know what I liked about that is this dude, like, can't get a game right now. They sub him on. He scores the the tying goal, and he doesn't celebrate. He's like, we got shit to do still. And and just, like, gets on with it, like, yeah, it makes all the.

Derek [00:32:28]:
Bad mouthing I've done about sterling sound really unfair.

Ryan [00:32:32]:
I mean, it does. Yeah, it. That was selfishly, that was, like, my first thought is like, man, this makes me look silly. But he has been bad. He's just been really, really bad.

Derek [00:32:43]:
And really, there are times on that game where he can't. You look at his movement, it's a little bit like Mudrix where he doesn't know where to go, and he's just kind of standing there like, it's weird. But then, like, he turns on and you see the talent.

Ryan [00:32:57]:
Yeah, it's become a really tough position, the way we're playing right now. Although when he came on, we had changed the whole system.

Derek [00:33:05]:
Yeah. There are people. I don't know where people were playing at that point. Like, Milo Gusto is playing right wing, basically.

Ryan [00:33:12]:
He was playing, like, wing back, but like a forward. Like. So there's. There's two concepts. There's wing backs that, like, like, play back as full backs, and then there's wing backs that are, like wingers almost. So we were in, like, we were in like, a four four two. At that point.

Derek [00:33:29]:
It was crazy because Reese James was playing with him. It was overlapping him at times. Right in. At that point, James was playing in the. Was supposed to be playing in the back of a back three. I don't know if anyone told James that or if it was on purpose that they decided they were just going to overload the shit out of the right side, but I think it was on purpose.

Ryan [00:33:47]:
Yeah, yeah.

Luke [00:33:48]:
Pochettino knew if he lost the game, probably true.

Derek [00:33:52]:
Yeah. So it was interesting, interesting tactical setup to Ryan's point at that point in the game, that kind of overload some things particularly well, really on the right side, the team.

Ryan [00:34:03]:
So, real quick, uh, before you continue, like, your thoughts on this, the way the team is setting up right now with, uh, Kukure inverting into the mid, it really leaves a lot of work to be done by that left winger. Cause there's no backstop. Cause, like, well, there, I guess, um, baddie shield, like, cheats over and we have like a, a back three, um, at that point while the ball is forward and sort of like a box midfield and, but that leaves that left and then we overload the right. So like you've got Palmer who likes to cheat over there. Jackson goes over, floats over there and Noni who was, who was like, has looked great lately but was like toothless in this, this match. I noticed that, um, so they really overload the right and, and it's worked out for us but, um, it leaves a lot of work to be done by that left side and like you're asking a lot of Mudrick and of sterling if you're setting up that way.

Luke [00:35:11]:
I guess that's probably part of the reason why Mudrick has been starting is because his like quality on the balls, like he scored. So like give him credit. And I think he's gotten better this season, which is, I think some credit to Pochettino. But they're basically saying, well, the quality on that side, the pitch is never going to be good or as good as the right side particularly because of Gusto's crossing ability. And Mudrick run fast.

Ryan [00:35:34]:

Derek [00:35:35]:
And chase people.

Luke [00:35:36]:
If you're just like Mudrick, just fucking move up and down the line. Up and down the line. That's all you got to do. It's pretty easy for him. Right. So I think that's what's really happened. And Cucarella has. Cucarella is not good going forward wide, in wide positions.

Luke [00:35:50]:
He's just not.

Ryan [00:35:51]:
No, yeah.

Derek [00:35:52]:
But he has been more effective in that, in the middle. It's interesting. Yeah. You can't play the cross.

Luke [00:35:57]:
Yeah, yeah. He's not, he's not making any crazy plane passes. He's, he's overloading central spaces, which budget, you know, always wants to do and any in his whole career. He wants an overload in central spaces and it's, it's working for him other than, you know, there's a lot of bad defending going on in the team but, yeah, I think it's worked. I think it's worked. It's been a good change.

Ryan [00:36:19]:

Luke [00:36:20]:
Gotta give for it.

Ryan [00:36:21]:
Worked against Tottenham, worked against West Ham, brought us back into the game against Villa. That was the, that was the tweak against Villa that we should have won that game but anyway, I wish you had. Yeah, yeah. That would have been great for you guys. Instead we let them draw and then went and beat you. So, yeah, I don't know if that's been covered enough but Chelsea did the double over spurs.

Luke [00:36:58]:
I like, I would reflect your attention to the table, but it's okay.

Ryan [00:37:03]:

Luke [00:37:03]:
Like I said last week, I would say, like, I think they're pretty similar teams in terms of where they are.

Ryan [00:37:09]:
Like, yeah.

Luke [00:37:09]:
If you were to stay with Pochettino, like, say, like it was to get better next year, I think there's probably more upside in the Chelsea team, but generally where it is now, they're pretty much like a very similar team. Right?

Ryan [00:37:21]:
Yeah. So to wrap this up and then I'll let Derek sort of, like, carry through the rest of the match, which. Which ended Nottingham. This was away at City park. Is that the name of there? It always confuses me because it's not Man City. I think it's city park. So city ground. Anyway, it was away at Forrest, which is significant because Chelsea has been really poor on the road this season.

Ryan [00:37:52]:
And so forest two, Chelsea three. But wrapping up this sort of collection of points that we're making about the tactics, I've been very critical of Pach and his inability to tweak at halftime and affect the game, but he absolutely did that and he did it twice in this game. And, yeah, credit where credit's due. Like the. The Ku Korea inverting has been a huge change that has gotten results for us. And the minute it wasn't working in this game, he tried subs to impact the game and he did it early. And I don't know what to make of that because he just wasn't doing this for huge swaths of the season. It could be that he just didn't like.

Ryan [00:38:40]:
He hadn't had enough time with these players to. To drill multiple tactics and it's now just all starting to come together. I don't know, but he is making tweaks that are impacting games, which has been one of my biggest criticisms of him. We've been a poor second half team and suddenly we're an incredible second half team.

Derek [00:38:59]:
So anyway, it seemed like not just the tactics, but he had poor substitution patterns earlier in the season. To your point, where there's just too late to make a difference and maybe it's to your point, knowing, like, knowing what tactics to deploy or knowing what players are capable of better or just having healthy pieces. Right. Like in Kuguzen this game, he hadn't been healthy. Right, James? This is the first time. James, back right when.

Ryan [00:39:26]:
When we first inverted. To counter that, when we first inverted Ku Korea, it was our season high injury number, so we had less of the team available when he made that tweak. And I think that that's a, like, I think that that's a credit to him because, like, he didn't have all of his pieces and he still tweaked the tactics and, and got a result.

Luke [00:39:48]:
And Pochettino has never played with an inverted fullback. That's not really how he wants his team.

Derek [00:39:53]:
Yeah, he just saw what was going.

Luke [00:39:54]:
On really high and wide, right. That's always how he wants to play. High and wide. Fullbacks all the time think Danny Rose, Kyle Walker, hakeem at PSG. But you got to give him credit for that.

Ryan [00:40:06]:
I had forgotten about this. I keep telling Derek, I'm going to let him talk and then continue to step all over him. But who, do you guys remember who our biggest competition for Kukureya was when we signed him?

Luke [00:40:23]:
Probably spurs.

Ryan [00:40:25]:
No, it was Man City, and they wanted him because of his ability to invert into the middle. And it's kind of, it's kind of stupid that it's taken us this long to try that. It's been two years. It's been two years and, like, four fucking coaches.

Luke [00:40:43]:
I mean, I'm still cold on Cucarella, but he has been playing better in there.

Derek [00:40:48]:
It's not something you see a ton with the back four, to be fair, but, yeah, I mean, it's not like, yeah, it didn't take a rocket scientist to figure it out. And, you know, I guess you building on that. Like, he, he's played really well the last couple months. He talked about it. He put his body on, on his line at that. Yeah, by the, by the time they were, they had fouled him. Like the third time I was yelling at the team tv, don't touch our guy. That's, that's Kukureya.

Derek [00:41:13]:
You back the off, you garbage bin team.

Ryan [00:41:18]:
He was just, I think, yeah, the last, like, big foul he took, the announcer said there wasn't much in that. And then I watched the replay. Eddie got fucking detonated, like, completely, said.

Derek [00:41:32]:
Sideways most of the last ten minutes on the ground.

Ryan [00:41:37]:
And, like, when you'd see the replays, he was getting pummeled.

Derek [00:41:42]:

Ryan [00:41:42]:
Like they were hard by bigger guys. Yeah, yeah. At a distance. And this is always a challenge with the game. And it's like, like casual fans are always like, they think just everyone's flopping. But like, the speed of the game and the way the viewing angle of the game makes it look like these fouls are softer than they are. But if you watch the replays, he, he was getting fucking clobbered in the last, like 20 minutes of this one.

Luke [00:42:09]:
It affects him different.

Derek [00:42:12]:
Yeah, that you see the hair knighted will there. But, you know, he's not. Yeah, Reese James is built like a brick shithouse. Right? And so that's why he's out there bullying people. Like, Kukure is not.

Luke [00:42:22]:
Like he's getting with hamstrings the size of shoe hair.

Derek [00:42:27]:
We did two surgeries on those or something. I don't know, but yeah, but yeah, transition to the other side. Like, James came into this game, right, and just it, like, turned on its head. Like, that was before Sterling tied it up. Right. And I think he might have been slightly involved in that buildup. But then, yeah, to Ryan's point, like, I was looking at the ball bouncing. First off, I was like, beautiful pass to switch it.

Derek [00:42:50]:
What a great blind run. A blind run 60 yards up the field, and I'm watching the ball bounce, and I'm like, is this fucker about to just one time cross?

Ryan [00:43:00]:
I just fucking knew it. Like, I knew it was.

Derek [00:43:02]:
He was eyeing it.

Luke [00:43:03]:
That's like his, that's his, that's his play, though. Like, he early cross. Such a good cross for the ball.

Derek [00:43:09]:
It just laid it right up on a plate.

Ryan [00:43:11]:
Dude. If you've never played soccer, the complexity of, like, that, that is not a dead ball. Like, it is bouncing. It's coming in hot. He's at full speed. And to take that one time is outrageous. That pass was out fucking rageous. I couldn't believe it.

Ryan [00:43:34]:
And I've seen him do that.

Derek [00:43:36]:
Like, you forget, it's been so long, you forget the impact that he has on the game playing from not just a defensive position. He was playing fucking center back at that point. Right. So it's, yeah, it's, it's a positive going in the next season, and it's a reminder of how much we missed him this season.

Luke [00:43:56]:
Well, I think the biggest, the biggest criticism that I have for Pochettino is that his players all got injured because his training practices were probably over the top. They probably trained too. Maybe that's what my highest level of criticism was, because I would, I had that experience as a fan of one of his teams as well.

Ryan [00:44:13]:

Luke [00:44:13]:
Where you always felt they were over training a little bit. I think that's. And you look at because, and I say that because you look at the, the possible, like, heights that a team with Reese James and Cole Palmer on the same side of the field, someone who likes to dribble in field and someone who likes to dribble overlap with so much quality on the right side of the pitch. Oh, man. Like, that's a devastating. That's probably one of the best right sided attacking parts of the field in the league. Really.

Derek [00:44:41]:
I'm imagining him sitting on the sideline eating Wendy's triples and making them run rinse while he's doing this.

Luke [00:44:48]:
Not baconators or bacon.

Derek [00:44:51]:
Combination of triples and baconators.

Luke [00:44:53]:
Baconator. It's like 1600 calories a bite.

Ryan [00:45:00]:
I think that this is a. It's a combination of, like. So there is an issue with Pacha's training tactics that have to be. That something has to be done about that, because if you look at his record, with every team he's managed, he's. He's come in and, like, the team sort of falls apart or, like, in the first year.

Luke [00:45:21]:
Always in the first year.

Ryan [00:45:24]:
Also, I. So I read, like, a long form article about Boli's management of Chelsea, and, like, one of the first things he did was come in and gut the entire medical department and pulled in these, like, this consultant company who. They're like, their marquee work to that point was Dave Grohl broke his. His leg playing a concert, and they rehabbed that. Yeah. The Foo Fighters lead singer. That was their, like, marquee. Like, case and Chelsea had among the lowest, like, prior to this acquisition, their rate of injury incident was among the lowest in the league.

Ryan [00:46:09]:
They were considered to have, like, world class medical department, and he just came in and gutted it and brought these clowns in.

Luke [00:46:16]:
And then one chick that Marino, like, ruined her career.

Derek [00:46:20]:
That's what I brought up, was Eva. Right?

Ryan [00:46:23]:
Yeah. So I don't know. Like, that, to me, that has to be priority number one is figuring out because. So another part of the article, like, it was like, none of these injuries, practically none of these injuries have been contact injuries. They're all overuse. They're all players returning too early. Yeah. It's just a bad medical department, bad data analytics, bad sports science, bad medical, and then potentially just over training.

Luke [00:46:59]:
Yeah. Well, you put that. You put the combination of it together and you.

Ryan [00:47:02]:

Luke [00:47:03]:
A season long injury crisis, which, you know, again, I've been like, I really just hate you guys. I don't really hate Chelsea. So I've been cold on Chelsea most of the season. But, like, you got it, like, generally, the way they've come back, you've got to give the players credit. You've got to give punch some credit. You've seen the evolution of the team. I think that the players believe in Pochettino, too.

Ryan [00:47:29]:
Yeah, we have a lot of. Oh, sorry, man. Good.

Luke [00:47:33]:
You see how they interact with him on the pitch like they do.

Ryan [00:47:36]:
They do love. They love.

Luke [00:47:38]:
So I think that, again, it's worth another year. Come on. Like the past.

Ryan [00:47:45]:
I want him gone.

Luke [00:47:45]:
Worth it.

Ryan [00:47:46]:
I want him gone. He's too. He's. He's a spurs manager.

Luke [00:47:52]:
Well, he's never gonna win over that part of the fan base.

Derek [00:47:55]:
I think we root cause this one.

Ryan [00:47:56]:
Luke, he hates Chelsea.

Derek [00:47:59]:
The rest of this is in Ryan's therapist's hands.

Ryan [00:48:01]:
I think he clearly hates Chelsea.

Luke [00:48:05]:
Maybe you need some time in Shannon's clean car by herself.

Derek [00:48:13]:
Now, there's room in the backseat for him, so you can sit back there and just kind of relax.

Ryan [00:48:18]:
Oh. Arsenal on the board. Kai Havertz. What a back. Half of the season. This guy is having my remarks.

Luke [00:48:26]:
What a. What a career. Away from Chelsea.

Ryan [00:48:28]:
He's having my remark from. Yeah, I, when we sold him, I said that I thought this would come back to haunt us and I would argue it did when he scored twice against Chelsea a couple weeks ago. And I definitely got on the bandwagon when he was. He was. He just sucked in the first half of the season. But, man, he is. He is on fire right now.

Luke [00:49:01]:
He just does all the. He does all the little things like, yeah, he is really good off the ball. Like, he is so good off the ball. Like, just the position. He just took it.

Ryan [00:49:10]:
Yeah. He went exactly where he needed the third ball.

Luke [00:49:13]:
Yeah. Just so smart.

Derek [00:49:16]:
Was that Casimiro handing them a goal again?

Ryan [00:49:20]:
Yes, it is, man.

Derek [00:49:23]:
There he is having a going out of.

Luke [00:49:25]:
What is he doing? Look at Casimiro's body shape.

Ryan [00:49:34]:
Dude, Casimiro is on the fucking beach right now.

Derek [00:49:39]:
Yeah. Is he in a beach in Miami.

Ryan [00:49:41]:
Or the beach in Dubai?

Luke [00:49:44]:
He's not good enough anymore, though. Like, he's lost something.

Ryan [00:49:47]:
Yeah, dude. When you think about. He's like, johnny Evans and Casimir are.

Luke [00:49:54]:
Playing center back next to each other. Like, what the fuck?

Ryan [00:49:57]:
I think he's like nine years younger than Thiago Silva. Like, yeah, yeah.

Luke [00:50:06]:
Well, not this. Not the same kind of player, but like. And you gotta give credit, Casimiro, he's won a whole lot of things, but he's. His legs are shot.

Ryan [00:50:14]:
Yes. I. So just to wrap up the Chelsea talk, I thought in Cuckoo has looked really good coming on the pitch. Credit to re or Raheem Sterling. Like we, we said earlier, he's. I mean, the fan base has given up on him. He has been in terrible form. I mean, has just had Howler after Howler and he came on and he brought us back into the game.

Ryan [00:50:41]:
He. I mean, that place was rocking like they, they were ready to party.

Luke [00:50:47]:
What are the forest players doing? Yeah, and what is Nuno doing? I don't know, like, what the fuck? Fuck, Nuno. Spirit of Santa.

Ryan [00:50:55]:
So. And then the last topic, boys, we've got to talk about the Rolls Royce of a number nine. That is Nico Jackson. So you mentioned earlier, Chelsea entirely, you mentioned. Nope, this was my last, my last topic I wanted to discuss. So you mentioned put away, though, Richarlison. In comparison to Nico Jackson. Richarlison's best season in the Premier League where he started 36 games for Everton, he scored 13 goals.

Ryan [00:51:29]:
He has eleven for spurs this season. In 28 games, Nico Jackson. Nico Jackson has 14.

Derek [00:51:38]:
I have an easy, easy way of addressing this, this, this juxtaposition you've set up. Richarlison's not good, so it doesn't, doesn't really matter what Nico Jackson is doing.

Ryan [00:51:49]:
He's now, I believe he's either tied or. I thought he tied last goal and has now surpassed drag buzz. First season with Chelsea for goals in less games now.

Derek [00:52:03]:
Yeah, yesterday I thought he was subpar by his standards and didn't really contribute much to the game until the game winner, which was put on a fucking plate for him. But granted, he took it well, but other than that, yeah, I mean, he, he's been effective. If not, you're not efficient. Right. And I think he's been available. Yeah, he's been available. Right. Yeah, but, but he hasn't been terrible.

Derek [00:52:33]:
He's just been inefficient. Right. So, you know, there's a role form on this team. I think next season five is real. I don't know that he's going to grow into being a world class number nine, but.

Luke [00:52:49]:
I. You've got to give the guy credit. Like I said, I think the key with Niko Jackson, he's been available. So when the easy goals have come, he's been able to finish them. Like I would. We should, we should meet and watch the highlights of all of Nico Jackson's goals. And I would suggest they're probably mostly semi tap ins.

Derek [00:53:09]:
I don't know if I can watch Ryan be in the same room while Ryan's watching. You probably want to wear a raincoat, Luke.

Ryan [00:53:24]:
I'm just in a full on butterfly peacocking.

Luke [00:53:27]:
I would suggest that he has not scored the highest quality.

Ryan [00:53:31]:
Derek's fucking lost it.

Luke [00:53:34]:
Are you drinking a beer, Derek?

Derek [00:53:36]:
No, I told you, you didn't give me enough lead time.

Luke [00:53:39]:
What are you drinking out of a koozie.

Derek [00:53:41]:
That's a polar Celtic.

Luke [00:53:43]:
That's weird.

Ryan [00:53:46]:
Gotta protect your hands from the cold.

Luke [00:53:49]:
So I think like his biggest quality is he's been available. He like his finishing ability is still. Jury's out. I think he can get better. I think his best play, his best place in a team is probably out wide anyway. Yeah, I think like I'm going to be bullish about Richarlison. I think he is a better player than most give him credit for. I think he's just not been available.

Luke [00:54:14]:
So I'm just, I. Yeah. Happy for Nikko Jackson. I think he's improved a lot over the. As the season's gone on too. He's had some fucking howlers though and he has to get those out of his game or the criticism won't go away.

Derek [00:54:25]:
Yeah. And I mean, truth of it, I do remember the partnership in preseason between him and Cuckoo and I think that's something that could work if that's who we end up rolling with next season or, you know, playing them. Obviously there's enough matches that work that partnership anyway. So I think that the two of them may be effective interchanging to an extent.

Ryan [00:54:49]:
Jackson only has five more apps than.

Luke [00:54:52]:
Richarlison this season but most of those appearances are starts. Richarlsson has come on end of games so many times because he's never fully fit and then he has a good game against, you know, when he comes on against Liverpool but then he get injured his calf in the last practice session before the training session before the next game. So it's kind of just like, yeah, if you watch the two, they're not really comparable players. They're not really similar. And I think the season that Richarlison scored all the, his 13 goals he might have been playing out wide for Everton for a lot of that season. But yeah, I think there's different players I like. Fuck off for. Charleston's a good player.

Luke [00:55:30]:
You don't score a goal like that in the World cup for Brazil without being a fucking awesome player. So that's just objectively not true. The problem is is that people don't really like his attitude, which is annoying and like he's always fucking injured. That like peacock dance is not my thing either.

Ryan [00:55:47]:
It's okay, it's a pigeon.

Luke [00:55:49]:
Pigeon, yeah, whatever the fuck it is. Nico Jackson though, you got to give him credit, he's hung in there, he's worked really hard, he's gotten better. I like, I kind of, I'm on the Derek side I don't think he's going to be a world class player, but he's not going to be a drug. But. And goals and assists don't always tell.

Ryan [00:56:05]:
The whole story, but I think he a world class player. I think he is. He's, I think he's so, so good. His on the ball play, I think, is underappreciated.

Luke [00:56:17]:
Yeah. And his on the ball play is good, but his, his finishing, particularly one on one and in more difficult situations, is not that good. He has to improve his one on one finishing and train this kind of, right? Yeah, absolutely. You can, but what the fuck has he been doing all year?

Ryan [00:56:32]:
Getting better. He's clearly a better player.

Luke [00:56:36]:
He's getting better between the lines. His finishing, I don't think it's gotten better yet. I think it will get better. He's so young. The ceiling's super high. I hope the best for him.

Derek [00:56:45]:
I don't.

Luke [00:56:46]:
The best for you.

Ryan [00:56:49]:
Ben White looks ridiculous, dude.

Luke [00:56:52]:
He looks. He's gonna come on my only fans.

Ryan [00:56:55]:

Luke [00:56:56]:
He's gonna come on my only fans.

Ryan [00:56:58]:
Half the game, he spends half the game, like, curling up one leg of shorts too.

Luke [00:57:06]:
So funny.

Ryan [00:57:07]:
Dude. What the fuck is with this guy? He's so good. He's really good. He's crazy good out there. Like, this position that he's taken up for this team is like, I mean, Arteta has absolutely gotten the best out of Ben White. Ben White has been bawling, but he looks like he needs a couple. Like, he needs a new friend circle who will be like, dude, what? Like, what? What are you doing?

Derek [00:57:35]:
Or maybe next time you get a call up to the national team, you take it.

Ryan [00:57:38]:
What would you guys say to me if, like, I showed up and I had, like, spray painted tan all over me? Like, would you be like, is Ryan okay? Like, would somebody talk to me?

Derek [00:57:49]:
I'm not that good of a friend, as I demonstrated in the past, to have any kind of meaningful, productive reaction. So I'll let Luke take this one.

Luke [00:57:57]:
You know, I might be more on Derek's channel. You know, I just kind of want to watch you burn.

Ryan [00:58:04]:
Well, I guess me and Ben White.

Derek [00:58:07]:
Need a new friend circle. Yeah. We're gonna wake up call to multiple people today.

Luke [00:58:15]:
Let's see where this goes.

Ryan [00:58:17]:
All right, well, there's an hour of.

Derek [00:58:20]:
The garbage bin on Chelsea and Tottenham.

Ryan [00:58:22]:
So there isn't really much else to talk about. I guess, um, Newcastle and Brighton tying drawing one one. That's, that's a really big deal for Chelsea, who are. Yeah, now I mean, goal difference is big. So you could say we're like a half game behind Newcastle. We. They definitely have more challenging fixtures ahead of them. They will play United mid week.

Ryan [00:58:50]:
We play Brighton midweek, which is not a gimme, but we've gotten the better of Brighton for a while now. But that is a grudge map.

Luke [00:58:58]:
Europa League. Europa League would be huge for you guys after the start of the season you had.

Ryan [00:59:02]:

Luke [00:59:02]:
And then there would be no reason to fire Pochettino.

Ryan [00:59:05]:
Yeah. What is the goal difference between Tottenham and Chelsea?

Luke [00:59:11]:
I think we might just need one point from Sheffield. Or are we already secured for fifth?

Ryan [00:59:18]:
We have the same goal difference. You're not secure for fifth because you're six. But like, you could drop your next two and Chelsea could win the next two.

Luke [00:59:28]:
And you only have one more, though.

Ryan [00:59:30]:
We have two more. Really? We have two more. Yeah. We have Brighton and we have. What's the last? Brighton's the next one and then we play. It's some like. It should be a layup. Bournemouth.

Luke [00:59:45]:

Ryan [00:59:45]:
The last game of the season.

Luke [00:59:47]:
Crazy game.

Ryan [00:59:48]:
I mean, it, like, Bournemouth will have nothing to play for. Bournemouth has been really good the back half of the season too. Like, they've started to really put it together. So I don't know. Bournemouth at home, Chelsea, like, Stamford Bridge has been a bit of a fortress.

Luke [01:00:03]:
So we need to, we need to get a point out of Sheffield.

Ryan [01:00:06]:
Yeah. If you get one more point, you've secured it. Yeah.

Luke [01:00:09]:

Ryan [01:00:12]:
City did city things. I think the, I mean, I said this yesterday. I like, said vardial has been having a hard time.

Derek [01:00:23]:
Really. You really jump started his season, actually. Yeah.

Ryan [01:00:26]:
I said he's been having a hard time adjusting to the PL and I was surprised by that because I did rate him. But he's playing out of position.

Luke [01:00:35]:
He's playing left back. He knew he was going to properly play left back coming in to Man City, but he's never played there before for him.

Ryan [01:00:42]:
I. Is that true? I thought he played.

Derek [01:00:46]:
They said he could play there. I remember talking about this in like the preseason.

Ryan [01:00:51]:
So, yeah, I thought he was late there, but at times. But it wasn't his preferred position. He had played there before for Leipzig. Right.

Luke [01:01:02]:
I would be surprised.

Ryan [01:01:02]:
Was it Leipzig?

Luke [01:01:04]:
Yeah, Leipzig.

Ryan [01:01:05]:
Yeah. Yeah, that's where he came from. Um, yeah. Anyway, he scored a brace. Something I kind of want to talk about is there's been a lot of criticism of Holland lately. Like basically that he's going in. What?

Luke [01:01:22]:
Roy Keane going in?

Ryan [01:01:24]:
Yeah. Roy Keane is really true.

Luke [01:01:26]:
Right. Keen. Destroyed his father's career too. So it's kind of like Yoikin should say nothing about Holland ever.

Ryan [01:01:33]:
Yeah, well, there. So interestingly, it has caught, like, I've seen a lot of like, deep dives, like, deep analytic dives on Holland and it's not favorable for him. He does seem to sort of fade against. Fade in big games. He is a goal merchant against lesser competition and. Yeah, I don't know, I don't. I don't know what to make of the banter. I would, I would love to have Holland on my team, but he has like, come under some scrutiny led by Roy Keane.

Ryan [01:02:08]:
But I like the Athletic. Their podcast did like some sort of analysis on him, uh, within the last, like two weeks, I think. And. And it wasn't like, it didn't make him look as, as good. Like, I thought this was all ridiculous and then I heard these stats that I don't have at my fingertips now, but it. It is worth looking at. Like, it's not a clear cut case that he is just like a ballon door level player. Yeah, yeah.

Luke [01:02:37]:
He's not a ballon door level player.

Ryan [01:02:38]:

Derek [01:02:39]:
Without looking at the stats.

Ryan [01:02:40]:

Derek [01:02:40]:
Like, I would have believed that. I would have thought it was already valid to say, like, lewandowski Kane, you know, a handful of others you could say are better strikers regarding kind of agnostic the form at the moment in world soccer.

Luke [01:02:59]:
I think not better finishers, but I think better footballers certainly, like, yeah, Holland is not the best footballer in the world. He might be the most athletically gifted goal scorer.

Derek [01:03:12]:

Luke [01:03:13]:
If you look at like, Holland's athletic build to someone like Harry Kane, right?

Ryan [01:03:17]:
He's a monster.

Luke [01:03:18]:
Like, dude is like a fucking freak of nature, right? He's played basketball. He has that head the size of fucking Jupiter. What the fuck? But between the lines, you know, I've always wanted, I wish that Man City had bought Tottenham, had sold Harry Kane to Man City because I would have always loved to see what Pep Guardiola did, like, did with a striker who could play in that way. But, yeah, I don't know. You can't fuck on, like, Holland's a great goal to score. He scores how many goals? But between the lines, I've been saying it on this podcast for months, like, he's not that good in build up. He doesn't do anything.

Ryan [01:03:56]:
Yeah, yeah, he's. He, yeah, he's an athletic beast, but.

Derek [01:04:03]:
It doesn't matter, right, because he's. He's played the role they need him to and they're gonna win the Premier League?

Luke [01:04:09]:
Yeah, most likely. Yeah.

Ryan [01:04:11]:
It's kind of like, I guess, like, last season he was so good and he. Sorry, I thought there might be a penalty shout there, so I got a bit distracted. I thought he, like, I mean, he was so good last season. He broke the scoring record and all that. And I was like, well, like, he's clearly a better shout or bigger shout for the Ballon Dor than Mbappe, but I don't think so, actually. Like, I think Mbappe is probably the best player in the world. I'd put Bellingham above Holland. Yeah.

Ryan [01:04:50]:
Real Madrid are apparently going after Florian virtues now. That team's going to be fucking ridiculous.

Luke [01:04:57]:
Good for a long time. Yeah, that's going to be good for a long time. Well, it's interesting how they work in, like, how it works in Spain. You get, like, a percentage. Like, each team gets a percentage of revenue or something like that. And Real Madrid's, like, basically the only uncapped team at the. This point and. Yeah, la Liga.

Ryan [01:05:16]:
Yeah, they're. They're. Yeah, they get told by the league, like, what they're. What they can spend and, like, Barcelona, it's such that they have to sell people. Like, they literally have. Like, if nothing else changes, they have to sell people because they're so. They're so under it right now.

Luke [01:05:35]:
Can't regret. Yeah. Register new players.

Ryan [01:05:37]:
Yeah, yeah. Anyway, predictions. Let's try to wrap up a couple quick things. Predictions for Villa Liverpool on Monday?

Luke [01:05:46]:
I think Liverpool two, Villa one.

Ryan [01:05:50]:
I think it's. Where is that being played? I think it's at. Villa's been really good at home.

Luke [01:05:59]:
Not. Not in the second half of the season as much, though. They've had some.

Ryan [01:06:03]:
That's true.

Luke [01:06:03]:
Significant losses in the second half of the season. They've kind of run out of steam a little bit here. I think. Liverpool win that game.

Derek [01:06:13]:
Yeah. It's an interesting matchup because they both kind of trailed off and Liverpool don't like.

Luke [01:06:20]:
I don't know.

Derek [01:06:20]:
Liverpool has much to play for at this point, so I'm kind of giving the edge to Villa.

Luke [01:06:28]:
And you, Ryan?

Ryan [01:06:29]:
Yeah, I'm going to. I'm going to give it to Villa. Liverpool. There's. There's problems there. Like, there's, like, potch and Salah are yelling at each other on the touchline. They've kind of. Yeah, like, I'm sorry, Klopp.

Ryan [01:06:50]:
They. They've kind of run, like Derek said, they've kind of run out of things to play for.

Luke [01:06:56]:
Well, the season's dead from Villa.

Ryan [01:06:58]:

Derek [01:06:58]:
Villa still has something to prove, right?

Ryan [01:07:00]:
Yeah, I'm gonna give it to Villa. I'll go to one villa.

Luke [01:07:04]:
To one Liverpool.

Ryan [01:07:06]:
Did you go to one villa, Derek? What did you say? We'll have to check.

Derek [01:07:13]:
Two, one villa. Sounds good.

Luke [01:07:16]:
Be original.

Derek [01:07:17]:
Be original. I don't think it's gonna be like a high, super high scoring game. Yeah. Liverpool does have Van Dyke and a good defense back there. I think Ali Watkins gets it done. Two, one.

Luke [01:07:35]:
Love it. I wish someone would buy Ollie Watkins, particularly tunnel, but it will never happen. We think Watkins would go for like 150 million. Like something.

Derek [01:07:47]:
It shouldn't be quite that high.

Luke [01:07:49]:
No, no, I'm exaggerating a little bit.

Derek [01:07:51]:
I'd say, but, yeah. Is he out of your price range? I mean, for sure, I think anybody.

Luke [01:07:56]:
Is out of our price.

Derek [01:07:57]:
Well, but that. It's. It's affordable. Yeah, but, yeah, he's outside of what's willing to be accepted. Yeah.

Luke [01:08:09]:
All right, so what is the Champions League final, by the way? We should try to get together for this.

Ryan [01:08:14]:
Yeah, it's. I guess we will have those. So we still have the FA cup final, which is important for.

Derek [01:08:21]:
I'm gonna miss that, too.

Ryan [01:08:23]:
Yeah. So that should be coming up, I guess, the week after this. Coming week. And then the Champions League should be the week after that. If I. June. Yeah, I think that's all right. So we've got this week to go through, and then we'll have the FA cup the following weekend.

Ryan [01:08:41]:
And then we'll have the weekend after that. Champions League Dortmund and Real Madrid advance. PSG fails to make it to the even. Make it to the final.

Derek [01:08:57]:
I call that one and softest mental team in champions league. Every true.

Ryan [01:09:07]:
What do you guys think of, like, the only thing I wanted to ask about with the Real Madrid game. What did you think of the. The offsides call on Byron, sort of in the dying moments that you don't.

Derek [01:09:21]:
Want to talk about Bayern giving the way the game away in the final five minutes.

Ryan [01:09:25]:
Well, there was also that, like, managed them out of that game.

Luke [01:09:29]:
The fucking.

Ryan [01:09:29]:

Derek [01:09:30]:
His player gets hurt and he's like, just rub it, rub it, rub it.

Luke [01:09:34]:
Well, the problem with the offsides is the flag goes early. Right. And for the most part, in the Champions League.

Derek [01:09:41]:

Luke [01:09:42]:
I feel like the refereeing level has actually been pretty high, especially in regards to.

Ryan [01:09:49]:
I agree. Ours. I agree with that.

Luke [01:09:50]:
So this is like one of the first fuck ups, to my memory, in the Champions League of this size. Obviously, it's in the semifinals, so it's even bigger I give the football is a game of mistakes, even from the referees. It's just he fucked up. Get over it. Byron really shouldn't have lost the game to chill that that was not why they lost the game. Tuchel fucked them like someone probably shit on Tuchel Sunroof immediately following his substitutions. So.

Ryan [01:10:18]:
Yeah, and he would have, you would.

Luke [01:10:22]:
Have deserved so fucking bad. Sub and off. I think subbing off Kane, the only outlet for the team, like, it's just so bad. Yeah, that was saying, should never come into a Champions League semifinal against Real Madrid. It's just like crazy. Yeah, they thinking, but whatever, I don't give a shit.

Ryan [01:10:43]:
Totally agree.

Luke [01:10:45]:
I fucking hate Thomas.

Ryan [01:10:49]:
Yeah, he, I don't know what he's going to do next season. Like if that was his audition for a job, Ajax, yikes.

Luke [01:10:56]:
He could go to Ajax. That'd be a good spot for him.

Ryan [01:10:59]:

Luke [01:10:59]:
Or, you know, he could also go hang out with Oscar the rouch in the fucking trash bin of history. That's my new tagline.

Ryan [01:11:11]:
Yeah, Oscar gets a lot of, gets a lot of heat from this podcast, actually. All right, I got a bunch of other topics, but we're running pretty long here. Real quick, what do you think? What do you think of. I don't remember if I talked with you guys about. I know Derek actually hangs out in the discord and I talked about it there. What do you think of young player of the season, including Foden, Holland and Isaac?

Luke [01:11:43]:
It's like an age barrier, I think it's like kind of a weird.

Derek [01:11:48]:
Weird, but do you like those brackets, do you think?

Ryan [01:11:51]:
Yeah, like what do you. That's why.

Luke [01:11:53]:
How old are all of them? Like 21 or something?

Ryan [01:11:56]:
I think are 20. Really? Yeah, and Isaac is like 25.

Luke [01:12:07]:
Really? Damn, that's, that's too young for the young player of the season.

Ryan [01:12:13]:
Too old.

Luke [01:12:14]:
Thank you.

Ryan [01:12:15]:

Luke [01:12:16]:
How old is Cole Palmer?

Ryan [01:12:17]:
Yeah, he's 20.

Luke [01:12:19]:
Cole Palmer's obviously the choice.

Ryan [01:12:21]:
I think that should be the cut off.

Luke [01:12:22]:
Should be 21. I think Cole Palmer is very obviously the young player of the year. I give credit to all those players, particularly Isaac, I think has had this like kind of, he's pushed against a lot of friction against them, a lot of diversity, so I respect him. But 23, 24 sounds too old for the young player of the season. I don't know, it's weird. Dele Ali won it twice when he was like 1920 even. That seems weird, like how you could win it twice. If you win young player of the year, you shouldn't win it again.

Luke [01:12:51]:

Ryan [01:12:52]:
You shouldn't be eligible for it again. Yeah, that's another good point.

Derek [01:12:55]:
They're fucking british.

Luke [01:12:56]:
They don't know fucking sense. Like they're too fucking.

Derek [01:13:02]:
Busy eating.

Luke [01:13:03]:
They just eating fried fish, fish and tea sandwiches. It's like they obsess over their time about corgis that the queen used to have. Rest in peace.

Ryan [01:13:15]:
Oh, sorry. I'm gonna. I'm gonna. I'm gonna fit one more in just cause I think this is fucking crazy. So there is a team in the second division of Ghana. When do you need to go, Luke? You had to record early.

Luke [01:13:31]:
Just keep talking. Right?

Ryan [01:13:33]:
You're good. All right.

Derek [01:13:34]:
Whenever Tessa bangs on the door and tells second, get downstairs.

Luke [01:13:38]:
We are at Jungkook nice and late last night. So I basically woke up to do this podcast.

Ryan [01:13:44]:
Okay, well, we appreciate you. So real quick. And then we'll. We'll like, table this. Yeah, I think we basically cover everything if we cover this. I just found this so fucking interesting. And it was like, all over, like football Twitter at some point this. This week, Steadfast FC is a second division Ghana team.

Ryan [01:14:10]:
And they had this winger on their team two seasons ago who was playing for the Ghana national team in the Olympics two years ago. Sorry, the World cup. Two. Was that two years ago? Year and a half ago. Last year. Last year. Yeah, yeah. He played in the World cup.

Ryan [01:14:30]:
I'm gonna fuck his name up. But it's like Abdul Fatahu Isaku or something like that. I'm probably mispronouncing that. I gave it my best and he was sent to sporting and basically not played in the first year. So two years ago, they sent him to sporting for free with a 50% sell on and he barely played for sporting. And then. Is that the Sporting Lisbon in Amarin, Portugal? Yeah. Yeah.

Ryan [01:15:08]:
Ruben Amarin. Yep. Couldn't get a game, really. And so amaranth, they sent him to Leicester this season where he has balled out. And there it was a loan with an obligation to buy if some certain landmarks occurred, I think. And he hit those landmarks, those milestones or whatever, that triggered the obligation to buy for €17 million, this team in Ghana, their largest ever player sale was the equivalent of €30,000.

Luke [01:15:50]:
Yeah, she made a lot of money now.

Ryan [01:15:53]:
Yeah, they're. They're going to get like €8 million. That's ridiculous for that. Like, they basically funded their squad for like the next decade with this piece of business. It's fucking. Yeah. If not more getting out. Fucking wild.

Ryan [01:16:10]:
Yeah, yeah. But the dude, the dude is. Is like a legit baller. Like, you'll see him in the PL next season because now we'll be on Lester who were promoted. But I found this fascinating. Like that. Like, like, what do you even do as a team? Like, that is. That is like, for that.

Ryan [01:16:27]:
That team for Steadfast FC. That is an unfathomable amount of money. Like, like an Ab. Like, like a. What the fuck do we even do with this amount of money?

Luke [01:16:38]:
That's of the game really in this weird kind of way how someone can come from a country that doesn't have a huge info footballing infrastructure in comparison to somewhere like England and. And can, you know, pull up a club, a small club to another level. It's really exciting. Hopefully, like I said, the owners don't like, just take the money and get the fuck out, which is probably what I would do, but.

Ryan [01:17:05]:
Yeah, just, just.

Luke [01:17:07]:
Take the money, million dollars and close the football club.

Ryan [01:17:12]:
Yeah, but no, complicated. That is to just be like, we're. We're closing up shop, guys.

Luke [01:17:21]:
Like, I got my investment back times ten. We're good.

Ryan [01:17:25]:
Yeah, no, I think, dude, far more.

Luke [01:17:28]:
Than I think it speaks to the beauty of the game and truth. Like, you know, a ghanaian international moving up through the ranks in there in the. In their kind of national league as it were, moving into Europe, you know, and imagine the effect not just on the club but him and his family, right, becoming a Premier League player. Yeah, like the minimum you're gonna make is $20,000 a week playing in England. Like, come on, that's a game changer of a life event for somebody. Totally changed. That's like generational health for someone, you know, probably didn't come from the same kind of means. So that's amazing.

Derek [01:18:07]:
Yeah, I was gonna say, I was looking at how that compared to the Kapha and Sullivan deal, it looks like Citi is only paying Philadelphia 5 million when he comes. So I don't. Because I was thinking to myself, it'd be good if the MLS was able to do more of this type of development and selling to bigger leagues, but we seem to be inhibited in that regard. So, I mean, yeah, sizing that deal, that's pretty fucking impressive.

Ryan [01:18:42]:
Yeah, fucking, yeah. Like, incredible business for that team. And Ghana's putting together, like, they, they've, they've got something about them. Like, Mohamed Kudos is very good.

Luke [01:18:57]:
They'll definitely beat the US in the.

Ryan [01:18:59]:
World cup at some point. Dude. I always, like, I feel like I fucking hate Ghana because of the history between them in the US team. I hate Ghana so much, and I. I feel, like, bad saying that because, like, it's such a. It's like a weird rivalry to hate, I guess. Yeah. There's history there between Ghana and the US.

Derek [01:19:24]:
Yeah. For the record, I don't hate Ghana. I hate Mexico.

Ryan [01:19:27]:
But I really hate Mexico. Fuck Mexico.

Luke [01:19:31]:
Some of us can go to Mexico and not hate it.

Derek [01:19:35]:
Yeah, I can go to Mexico. I love Mexico City. Like, I love Cancun. Yeah. I don't feel like I'm gonna get thrown in the back of a car, but, you know, inside risk that part, but, yeah, I mean, their national team, they fuck right off.

Ryan [01:19:51]:
Yeah. All right, that does it for the podcast. Let's check. It's still man united, nil. Arsenal won, so. Yeah. Well, I guess we'll watch the second half. Maybe if anything remarkable happens, we'll talk about it next week.

Ryan [01:20:10]:
But, like. And subscribe wherever you're listening to this podcast. Leave a review that also. Or. Yeah, I guess, like, rate it. You don't have to write anything, but I think leaving a review helps a lot or a rating helps a lot. We're on discord. We've been chatting it, chopping it up a lot in there, and.

Ryan [01:20:35]:
Yeah, thanks for. Thanks for listening. Subscribe to the Patreon if you want to see the NSFW content from Luke.

Luke [01:20:42]:
Luke Farley, and Ben White.

Ryan [01:20:44]:
Anything else?

Derek [01:20:45]:
I'm gonna go find some alcohol and catch up the Luke today.

Luke [01:20:49]:
Good luck.

Ryan [01:20:50]:

Derek [01:20:51]:
Bye, everyone. Thanks for tuning in to the Football Yanks podcast.

Luke [01:20:56]:
Be sure to subscribe wherever you heard.

Derek [01:20:57]:
This podcast so you never miss a future episode. We'll see you next time.