Football Yanks

Arsenal’s Gutsy Victory Against Spurs: Makeshift Team Triumph Amidst Injury Crisis!

The Football Yanks

In this episode of "Football Yanks," hosts Derek and Ryan dive deep into the chaos and drama of the Premier League's latest fixtures. They kick things off by dissecting Chelsea's tumultuous match that set a new record for yellow cards, exploring the questionable decisions, and discussing the hefty fine imposed on the team for ill-discipline.

The duo then tackles the contentious penalty involving Sanchez and the debatable yellow card given to Fofana. Was the penalty deserved? They weigh in with their expert opinions and heated debates.

Switching gears, Derek and Ryan focus on individual player performances. Christian Pulisic's impressive game for Milan, featuring a goal and an assist, gets a nod of approval, while Leeds’ Aaronson receives praise for his promising potential under new management.

Listeners get an in-depth analysis of Chelsea's crowded attacking midfield problem, the effectiveness of Maresca's substitution patterns, and the impact (or lack thereof) of players like Nkunku, Cole Palmer, and João Félix. The hosts also critique Disasi's performance and question his future role in the squad.

The conversation expands beyond Chelsea with reviews of Newcastle's gritty win against Wolves, Arsenal's resilient victory over Tottenham amid injury woes, and Nottingham Forest's shocking upset against Liverpool. The hosts also ponder Pope’s potential to replace Pickford as England’s top goalkeeper.

Wrapping up, the episode touches on broader football governance issues, a brief Bundesliga update, and opinions on the comparability of corruption between FIFA and the NCAA.

It’s a jam-packed episode with expert analysis, passionate debate, and personal anecdotes. Whether you're here for the hard-hitting football talk or the lighter moments, "Football Yanks" has you covered. Be sure to like, subscribe, and join the discussion on our Discord!

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Hey, everybody. This is the football Yanks podcast for the week of September 16. No Luke this week, so he won't be here to defend himself from Ryan and me, but we'll take you through all the Premier League action since we're back from international break over this past weekend. We'll talk about Liverpool fans already losing all hope in week four. Another something we haven't talked about in a bit. A disazy disaster for Chelsea. But luckily, Sancho of note for Luke there, Sachon and Cuckoo saved the day. Can't wait for Luke to come back. And no surprise in the Arsenal Tottenham game as a toothless clean sheet upheld by Arsenal against Tottenham as they go on to win one. Nothing but we'll take you through all the details of that stuff and more. Hope you guys enjoy. Yeah, we're american, but we're talking about soccer here. Hosts Derek Ryan and Luke are all football fanatics tracking our fellow yanks in the EPL and abroad. Enjoy today's episode. What's going on? How'd the rest of your evening go last night? I watched, uh, you know, the four hour college football game, because that's what you do on Saturdays. Yeah, like, Maryland, uh, pulled it out in Virginia, which, you know, fuck Virginia. So that, that made me pretty excited. We, uh, we forgot to debate whether FIFA or the NCAA are more corrupt during that last international break. It's looking like my opinion at the moment is FIFA is more general. Yeah, because there's like no rules, whereas the, the NCAA makes up rules as they go just to benefit themselves. But apparently, like, in FIFA, you can just. Just do whatever you want. Who or what has. Has done whatever they want. Well, it's just like fragmented, I guess. Right? Like, Bentoncourt gets a suspension, Enzo's fine, he's a team captain. City has 115 charges. I'm sure nothing will happen. Everton keeps getting point deductions. Somehow forest thinks that all the rafts are taking side cuts to cover betting spreads. Well, none of that's FIFA, though. Okay, fair enough. Yeah. Thief is not involved in actually doing anything. Yeah. I mean, they. So that would be like the FA, right. Would have to step in and. Or UEFA. FIFA actually has, to my knowledge, is the only organization that has taken some action, like Uruguay has, like a ton of players banned now for their antics. Yeah, I just. Yeah. Like, wouldn't they, wouldn't they be able to sanction Mexico for continuing to be assholes? Well, they have. They had to establish that whole phased, like, you get a warning and then, like, I think they should take more because like what they did is not effective. But they did take action against, they. Did something that's, yeah, I just, I don't think they've done enough and. No, they're the top of it. Right. Like if you're, it's tough to not be corrupt if you're born swiss or italian and to have this fat, bald shit, gianni Infantino be both is absolutely an affront to any type. Is that the FIFA. Yeah, whatever. Yeah, that be re elected. Like, I imagine that's, um, CEO. What's his title? God, emperor of footballing activities or something. Bald headed shit. Um, anyways. But yeah. Oh, president. President. That was easy. They're all, yeah, it's tough to tell. Like they're all, they're all a bunch of high level admins that don't actually do any work lining their pockets. Right. Much as anyone else working for or most people working for the NCAA themselves. Yeah. At least nil is kind of leveling things for the players at least, which is good to see. So. Sure. Yeah. This is the, like, players being paid. Is that what you're talking about? Yeah. Name and likeness payments. Yeah, yeah. But that was like the NCAA had to be forced into that by the Supreme Court who ruled in favor of the players. Oh, sure. Yeah. Like to that point they were just stealing all the money. Yeah, yeah. And then they're like, in a large part just funded by like local taxpayers and the school itself. Right. While being the highest paid, like the coach is the highest paid person at the school, like faculty member. Like these. Those coaches make like more than NFL coaches in some cases. That's why Harbaugh was willing to go back there. Yeah. Yeah. So they're just like siphoning off children and their likeness to their. Not to mention that. Yeah, not to mention that. Just like city, like Michigan apparently, like, it will never face any penalties for cheating for however many years. What's the state of Michigan this season? They're all right. They're mediocre. They're not that great. I think Ohio State's gonna thump them and so, you know, it'll, it'll go, I don't know since it'll go nicely with them being all butthurt about like getting fake penalties and being persecuted or whatever, but. Mm hmm. They lost to Texas. Texas is really good. Yeah. They beat AR state. What is AR state? Arkansas State. Arkansas State, I think. Why doesn't it just say Arkansas State? Yeah. Anyway, this is a soccer podcast, so let's. Yeah, I don't know why you why you? Yeah, yeah. For. For the listeners that this came up as a topic heading into the international break that we might. I refuse to watch college sports. For the most part I like to maintain friendships. I have to go to go to like a couple games here and there. But generally I'm not a fan. I just. I like weeding it in so that like, it's. The more time I spend on a topic like this that actually interests me is less time I have to spend on something like Brighton, Ipswich. So. Well, we're not. We don't have to cover that. Yeah. I feel like I've relaxed my. I didn't even watch that. I watched goal zone and Guessdev. What match never came up on goal zone. Oh, yeah. That's a good point, actually. Yeah. Literally zero highlights from that match. I don't even think there was like. There wasn't even like a chance that was good enough for them to switch over and just show you that an attempt was missed or something. Yeah. I'm not a huge fan of the production in the prioritization of goal zone, but they did get that game. The coverage of Ipswich Brighton was spot on. Yeah, yeah. Just. I just ignore credits due for that one. Yeah. Well, let's talk about which Chelsea jersey did you end up going with this season. For the. For this season. I think it's the first time you've worn this. Yeah, yeah, yeah. If you had to guess. Who is it? I said it needs to be Niko. But I think given that in cuckoo outplayed Nico yesterday, I think that was a mistake. But. Yeah. Well, we'll talk Chelsea. Okay. All right. Sorry. Yeah, we don't want to get out too. We've already got off the structure here. Well, I don't have a structure. I just feel like we see because of what a shit show Chelsea is, we seriously have run the risk of being a Chelsea podcast. And I don't want to, like, my thought was like, let's cover some other shit and maybe end with Chelsea this week. But makes sense. It's a Cole Palmer kit. Oh, nice. All right. Yeah. Maybe that is what I said. Yeah. I got harassed by you and Tom into getting this kit. Actually, not to get Niko. Yeah. Yeah. Actually, I do have one item, one bit of housekeeping to take care of here, which is Shannon listened to the podcast last week and. First mistake. Yeah. But she's trying to be supportive and, you know, I appreciate that. Is that what people do in healthy relationships? Yeah, that's what she does. It might be one sided in this. Case, I don't, I don't know. I do a lot of, uh, like, staying up all night and following her around through the woods too. So that could be interpreted a couple different ways, but anyways, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. And also I go to her races, but, uh, so, so, yeah, I made the comment that's actually kind of related. Um, I forget how it came up, but I made the comment that Shannon is always in pretty rough shape and she took serious. Like, we hung out on. It was like, Thursday or Friday, and I think she walked through the door angry at me about that comment. And I was like, you think that's not true? I have thoughts on this when we get to the end. Yeah, yeah. And she was like, you and Derek are fucking disaster. Like, physically you're held together by glue or, like, bubble gum and. Yeah, yeah. And I was like, yeah, but this is, like, deflection, man. Like, yeah, like, yeah, you know, I'm a bit older than you and my knee is shot. Like, I've rehabbed that. I feel like I'm plenty active at this point, but I don't like that morning, for clarity, we woke up and we were walking to get coffee. And her, like, I made the comment, like, looking like she had run 30 miles the day before. She usually runs, like 20 to 30 miles every Saturday. People should not do this. Trail running hundred milers is a really stupid thing that people do. Yeah, it beats. It's not like, subject to debate. Like, it's beating the shit out of your body whether you choose to do it or not. Yeah, yeah, it's fine. Like, she loves it. I, you know, and I go out and support her, but it is. These people are psychotic and they're hurting themselves. And she, like, that morning I watched her, like, limp her way to wherever we were going. Like, her feet are just in this constant state of being swollen. I think she has to see a massage therapist weekly or every two weeks just to keep. I assume she was going, like, semi weekly. Yeah. I don't know exactly how, like, a lot of work goes into just, like, like, making sure she can get out of bed in the morning. You don't know what the cadence is then there must be a lot going on. Yeah. And so I don't know if this is like a boiled frogs thing or she, like, like, she thinks she's fooling other people. Like, as she limps around through. So the point is, I apologize for nothing is. Yeah, okay. Nor should you. And, yeah, I'm not surprised that this was a trigger, but it just. That's because it gets away from the, you know, the virtue signaling that she likes to do to you and I, because, you know, despite the fact that we're doing the best we can, despite having, like, knees of 50 year olds and, like, are probably in, like, top five percentile shape for people with those level of. Of knee injuries. Yeah. Just doesn't think that we're ever doing enough because we're not at her level of, like, acumen. Right. And then that ignores the narrative. That narrative ignores the fact that she's beating the crap out of her body to push it to a higher. Now, granted, it's a much higher limit than where we're pushing ourselves, but it still does some damage. You know, whether it's my shot of whiskey a night or whether it's running 30 miles, both of those things will do some wear and tear on your body. Yeah. She's had her fair share of injuries over the years, too. She spent, like, six months out for tearing her plant her plate. How about the wrist that was sprained for three years? She, like, wouldn't go to the doctor for that. She did that snowboarding. To be fair, she's not very good at. She tried snowboarding with me for a day, and she, like, one of the things you have to have instincts for when you're snowboarding. So the most common injury. This is good for you since you ski. Most common injury. Skiing is a knee injury. Most common injury. Snowboarding is a wrist injury. And it's because people don't know how to fall so that you, like, like, people's instinct is to, like, stick their arms out and try to catch themselves. And Shannon has that instinct. And so she sprained her wrist pretty bad. Snowboarding. And then, like, spent months just kind of not addressing it super well. Yeah. Anyway, so I don't think that anything I said, I didn't even. I was very confused. I had to think about what she. Yeah, I forgot about it. Just the rash of shit you and I get for, like, the five alcoholic beverages we have a week. You know, just. I'll take it, but I'm also going give it out. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So anyway, we can moving on. Like, let's actually talk about some soccer here. It's 15 minutes in. We probably lost anything. We had the Wolves game just wrapped. Wolves Newcastle game just wrapped. Yeah, that was fun. That was kind of a tale of two halves. It seemed like, you know, Newcastle really couldn't create great chances, and Wolves was playing some great defense in the first half. And by and large did a good job of continuing to play defense in the second half, but really got beat by two. Two fantastic shots, one by char and one by Barnes. Right. And Chars was deflected, I think. Right. So that wasn't necessarily clean in that sense, but sometimes you have to take those shots and they were in a position where Newcastle needed to get shots off to try and get back in this and they did. Wolves, I was expecting a lot more goals in this one but Wolves midfield and defense played pretty well throughout. But again, kind of the same old story where it's not. Not really enough for them to win a game, a competitive match against a better team, but, yeah. Have they won a match? I don't think they have. Do I have a table here? Wolves. One draw, three losses. So they're off to a rough, rough start to the season. Yeah. Yeah. I mean the. I thought the teams were pretty well matched and honestly, in the dying minutes of this one, uh, who was it? I think it was Kunya put a shot on target that I, I thought for sure was going in. I don't know if you saw this, it was like at 90 plus three or something. Um, Pope made an insane save. There was a lot of good game goalkeeping on display in general. Yeah, I thought. Yeah, looks like this weekend, four saves. Each in this one. You know, the goals that were scored were great. Shots were unsavable in a sense, I guess. Right. Yeah. Pickford. I wonder, I don't know who on the last international break England played at keeper but I think Pope could be a shout to supplant Pickford. True. Going forward. Pope's. Yeah, I mean, Pope's been injured for a bit but he. Yeah, I mean he. He looked really good in this one. I think Ayat Nori going down with an injury is a big story. I think he's among wolves best players. He got cooked by Chelsea Noni Madwicke. But, yeah, I was gonna say he's had an up and down season but he played well in this one. Yeah, I do think that they get a lot out of him on both ends of the pitch and so him, that injury, like, I don't know, it didn't look good to me. It didn't look significant but it looked like he might be out for a week or two. It's not like there's a. Yeah, there's already a dearth of depth on this. This team. It was also interesting to me that, you know, gamer Ash and Joe Linton continue to start, which probably makes sense, but you for me. Again, this was another one of those games where like, you saw like Newcastle's at their best when they're on the front foot and attacking and just feeding their front three and their midfield wasn't controlling the game until they, or, you know, really exerting themselves until they made substitutions, brought Barnes on and then I think else was going to. Yeah, tenali people coming in there. So maybe Tenali. See, I mean, Tenali would seem like somebody with the potential to start more often, especially at the expense of Joel Linton. Yeah. They got to get reps out of them before, you know, he downloads the apps again. Correct. Yeah. So anyway, yeah, the subs really made an impact for. And maybe that's. That's the story of this one, is the subs for wolves were not super impactful and in some cases they were forced into them. Yeah. And the subs that came on for Newcastle made an impact. Willock, Barnes and Tenali were all really good. Trippier. When did he come on? 64th minute. He's. Yeah, I think he's just like his best years are behind him type thing. He's just hanging out now. Yeah. And liver Mento. He's pretty good. Like, I think he'll. He'll. I mean, he's a great piece for them to have for the future. He came through Chelsea's academy and I was pretty upset when we. When we moved him on, but I think that he went to. He went from Chelsea to Southampton to Newcastle. But he's. He's probably gonna. Gonna be in and out of the. Of the England squad depending on what Reese James can put together here. But that. That's why we moved him on is. Is we already had Reese James and. Yeah. So I don't know, it. This game could have ended a draw. Like, I feel like either team could have. Could have taken this. I'm looking at sofa's score. The average ratings across the two teams are roughly equivalent and I do think that Newcastle beat them on XG, but just barely. Yeah. There wasn't a lot in it. Yeah. Which is why I was kind of hopeful that, like, Newcastle would drop points here, but. Yeah. And Newcastle move into third. Yeah. This is a game where I think they needed to get. Get three points out of it, so. Yeah, them. That's why they're in that position now. Yeah. Yeah. And then earlier today we had the Arsenal and Tottenham gets blanked. Nothing new to report here. Right. Yeah, I guess what's worth reporting is that I thought I was not. So you asked when we were hanging out yesterday, you asked me what I thought the score of this one would be. And I'm serious. When you said five to one, I said five one. Uh, I hadn't factored in all the injuries that Arsenal had and I think that that's probably the biggest story of this one, is this is a bizarre complement of players that Arsenal had to play and, and they still got it done at the Tottenham toilet bowl. Um, like Trossard and Martinelli both playing on the left flank like kind of overlapping each other. I don't like the. Everywhere I look it says this was a four three three. I haven't checked a heat map, but it had Martinelli starting in midfield, flanking Martinelli and Parte flanking Jorginho, who was their worst player by a lot. Georginio was exposed in this game and I, I. It just shows how, how valuable Declan Rice is. He was getting mugged. He was like just bodied off the ball. I mean, he's, he's in his mid thirties at this point, I think. Yeah. So, I mean, I think that reinforces your point, which I hadn't really thought about Odegaard and Rice being out of this, Odegaard being hurt, which I don't know what the timetable is on him, but, you know, Rice will be back and I think that that shores things up. Yeah, but, yeah, I mean, for, not. For that. Right. This may not have been as even a match if they, they had more of their first choice midfield, but it does expose lack of depth. Right? Like, yeah, well, Georgina was able to come in and do a job last season, it seemed like, but yeah, they. Went into the international break with, like, knowing that they would be down rice in their next game. And then during the international break, Zinchenko Odegaard took a nightmare injury. I, like, I think he'll. It's one of those, like, tendon I ankle injury. I think he's probably gonna be out for like a month, maybe. And then a real freak injury to their high profile signing Califiori. I don't know if you saw that. It was wild. Like, I think they were playing France, maybe. Yeah, it was Dembele. Dembele got tripped and did like, a flip and as he was coming down, his foot clipped the back of Califiori's foot and just like, snapped it at, like, like, it. It's just this freak injury. Califiori's back was to the, the mayhem behind him and he just got clipped by it. I don't pay attention to anything going on with the italian national team. So I missed that. Well, nobody does. Yeah, nobody has to because they're rarely involved in anything. Yeah. So it was tough, this, like, I guess, figuring out a lineup and I didn't even pay attention when Raheem Sterling came in in the 80th minute. He came in for Martinelli. Gabriel Jesus came in for Trossard. I'm assuming he moved in to the nine position and. And then Raheem, I guess Havertz probably dropped back in the midfield. I don't, I don't know. Yeah, he did. Yeah. I mean, it's interesting looking at the stats for this one and, you know, look, Tottenham had their, you know, basically, I don't know, more or less had their first choice team. I mean, Kristi was playing right mid, which is a little bit weird, but I thought he had a good game. Double arsenal shots, I mean, like, this is a game, like, with Arsenal shorthand in midfield. Like this was their opportunity. Instead they go out and take, you know, five red cards and. Sorry, five yellow cards and I don't. Know what is up with Tottenham's midfield. They don't have. I don't know that Benton Kerr's that good and Kulisovsky's out of position. You gotta wonder whether Oda Bear is just like, they don't feel. He doesn't feel like Oda Bear is ready to play big minutes in there. I don't know, I was more like, I was trying to figure out, like. Sorry, could have started, I don't know. Basuma's injury or sorry Zuma has an injury is what. Zuma's injury. Sar was the other one who I was like, I don't know, wondering why he didn't start there. Yeah, I think it didn't matter either way because Kuliszewski, I thought, like you said, I thought he had, he had a good game. He was fine. I will say this, this was a bad weekend for Luke. It's a bad weekend for him to not be here to defend himself. Well, I'm just, I'm keeping a list of discussion points. I don't know what you do, but I can add to the list. I just take shots when he's not here to defend. Defend himself. That's. That's what I do. Yeah, but, uh. Yeah, I mean, last week I brought up that, like, when I was asking him how he feels about Ange and how stubborn he seems to be. And among the things he's stubborn about is he doesn't believe that set piece coaches are necessary. And he says that while last season, they were, I think, among the worst at set piece defense. I'm pretty sure they were the worst. And Luke said, like, well, this season we're not that bad when n equals three games. And that defense of that corner where I think it was, who was it? Had a free run. Gabriel Gabrielle, I think. Yeah, he scored. Just had an unmarked run at goal. And I. That's the difference. That's the three points. By the way, I appreciate that you've given our listeners the respect they deserve as being like two or three standard deviations more intelligent than the average pod listeners and using things like terms like n for sample sizes. Yeah. N equals three. Again, you can't do that with. Luke is here because he's got more of a sales mindset to things. Yeah. Plus all the pre show activities that we watch. Yeah. It inhibits his, his business stats recollection from school. But, you know. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But, yeah. So I'll say this like, again, like, I'm looking forward to hit whatever he happens to rejoin us, but I'm glad he's staying so resolute because I think he's wrong about a lot of it. Uh, and, and his refusal to change, whether Ange's refusal to recognize blind spots like set pieces or playing a high line, that's getting exposed. They talked about that again today. I don't, you know, that wasn't really what the game hinged on, but, like, they're continuing to play that way. Um, and I think you see some of that in, like, the roster and the, the substitution patterns, too. Like, I don't know, like, Sar would have been a more natural play player to start in midfield. Then. Then Kulasevsky and arguably probably could have brought more to the game than Bentonkur did. But, you know, it's a poor result when you've got your favorite front three healthy to not get more out of this, but love to see it. Yeah. I don't know if you saw what. I posted this somewhere. Yeah. The announcers, when Tim Averna was coming on, said. I wasn't sure if you were being serious. No, the announcers literally said, tottenham need a bit of quality. Maybe Timo Werner can provide that as, as he's subbing on. I was like, for a Sunday, that's. A whole new sentence. I've never heard that before. Yeah, Timbo came on in this one. He didn't really bring. None of the subs really brought anything here. Raheem Sterling looked not good as well. I will say it was a lot of what we experience at Chelsea, where he plays hero ball and he's not it in the ten minutes he had anyway. Well, and so I think those are two interesting players, right? Like, two Chelsea wash ups. Both went on to try and find, like, minutes elsewhere, more defined roles, and it doesn't seem like either of them are. And for Werner, like, I don't know what last season led him to believe he was going to be playing more minutes this season. Or, like, why he's not looking for a team where he can start. Like, he could go back to Germany and start every match where Sterling could go to, you know, I don't know. The reason he's on load is because Leipzig was not playing him, but he. Could have gone somewhere else in Germany, I think, and played, I guess. Yeah, but, yeah. Fair, right? But, yeah. And then sterling, like, again, like, looks like he's gonna be buried here, but I'm not surprised. What's up with the Bundesliga table? They've only played 30 matches. That's curious. Vinnie Vinny's got three wins in three matches. Eleven goals for three against. Holy hell, man. Byron beat hostein keel six one this weekend. Yesterday. At least they got a goal. I just. We were talking about the german league and. And I wondered what's going on over there. Laverkusen already has a loss, so they are mortal. All right, so, yeah, I mean, I guess that the last thing I thought, both keepers played really well in this one. And David Raya just continues to prove why this. That was a good. Like, what Arteta did with his goalkeeper situation was bizarre. The way he handled it, I think he. It could have. It could have probably been. Been handled a lot better, but it is like, sometimes you just have to be ruthless when you know that you are correct. And I think that this is one of those cases. And David Rayade made some phenomenal saves in this one. Yeah. So. And let's lose sight of the fact that totten's down at 13th at the moment. Yeah, I would never lose sight of that. They've had some tough fixtures, in fairness. To them, but it's early season. Yeah. And it's early, but, yeah, I do. And ange talking about trophies and stuff. Yeah. Ridiculous. Like, it's like such an absurd thing to say. I don't know how the room of reporters doesn't just start laughing whenever he says, because whenever he makes something thrown. At them, he's so angry. Like, people think I'm angry, but it's like a sarcastic, like, humorous approach to things. Like, he just seems pissed off. All the time. I wouldn't want to say shit to him. Like, there's very few people I find intimidating, but like, he's a angry australian. Like, I don't want to fuck with that. Yeah, yeah, dude. This is a rough start to their season. Well, Newcastle, I think it's debatable how good Newcastle are, but they lost to Newcastle and that was very much that high line he plays being exposed. We talked about that last week and they lost to Arsenal today. They beat Everton 40 and they drew on on the opening day to Lester. That's when Jamie Vardy became my personal hero in that. In that match. I don't think we talked about that enough on this, this podcast. But Jamie Vardy, with the shithouse moment of the season potentially just. I can't wait till he plays Tottenham again. I can't either because that was at home. He'll get to play Tottenham in the Tottenham toilet Bowl. Yeah, that was at home. What's the name of their stadium? I don't know. I don't see it on here. But yeah. Anyway, let's see, what other fixtures should we discuss? We're obviously going to talk about the Chelsea one. I have a lot to say about that. I mean, I think so. Probably the most shocking result of the weekend, right, was Forrest one, Liverpool zero. Yeah. And you know that especially when you look at the statistics and the run of play, right, like, it's not like Liverpool wasn't threatening in this game. But you know, Forrest, to my surprise, especially hunkered down on defense, put up a clean sheet. Um, and you know, what was it was able to get something out of something out of nothing again where, you know, Cho just kind of does what Cho does, which is this was again, I think, right, you said it was another goal where he caught in from the left and then. Yeah. Shot it with his right foot. Right. And it seems like the only goal he scores and seems like people keep giving it to him, which is shocking. But like, I don't know, they had kind of. That was their play in this one. It worked out for him. Liverpool just couldn't break through the whole game. Yeah, I think. I think at the point that that goal was scored by Cho, he. He was being marked by Conor Bradley, I believe. I think they sub McAllister and moved Trent into the midfield and had Bradley playing back there and. Yeah, I think that it might have been Bradley's young, obviously super promising, but I believe it was him who got burned by Cho on that. And that. I mean, it's easier said than done. But when you have a really one footed winger like Cho, you really have to work to show him to his other foot. And I think that was a scenario where it was just too easy for him to get the step in the direction that he wanted to go. So. But I think that comes. It exposes one of two big weaknesses that on this team, right, which is like, Trent isn't the best defensive back, then you don't have necessarily great cover behind him there, I guess. And at the time they also moved him into central midfield when that goal was scored. So you don't necessarily have like that. You have that exposure from a decenter defensive midfield position too. And they were playing Gravenberg back there to start, but that was probably an area they should have been more aggressive in addressing during the last transfer window and glaring again. I mean, besides the fact that I hate Jonah, like he had been playing. Okay. And I understand why he gets a start here, I guess, but like this game. Did you see the comment I made in the discord? Yeah. Derek. Derek's the broken clock. That's right. Twice a season with Jonah in this one. Yeah, he was bad. He was bad for sure. I mean, I. Again, like, I haven't. I don't think, you know, he's limited. I've always said he had limitations. I didn't think he was playing that poorly. He was shit in this one. I think it was really a game that was calling out from new dads for the start. And when did Nunez come into this? The 60th minute. So, yeah, I mean, that's probably about what made sense. But in fairness, he didn't score either. Right. But I don't know, seemed like one where you want to start with, you know, have that target out there from the onset. Yeah, but I mean, you know, it's not like there aren't goals to be had against this Forrest defense, but credit to them, you know, kind of punched above their weight in this one, put themselves coming away three points. Where are they at now? They're up in 7th. So I mean, they've had a pretty good start to the season. Maybe it's. I get a sense that some of the signings and the changes that we talked about last season that we thought were going to be more immediate or starting to take hold with this team. And so it's not just the Gibbs White show anymore. Yeah, yeah. I mean, I. This is a case fairly. It's fairly rare that I really agree with what the announcers, the, like, color commentary have to say when I'm watching soccer. But this was one where I thought that they called it pretty well. Like Forest came in with a better plan than Liverpool did. They came in with a very stout defense and they have great defense. Like Moreno, Mario, like. Or Morello. I don't. I forget how you say his name, but I think the announcers call him Marillo. But it looks like Mario to me. I don't know. They all were. They all played out of their skull. The. The back four for them. And the plan clearly was to, like, hang out in the game and then start subbing on their best offensive line. Well, around attackers. Right. Like a show and a longer. Are very incisive players. Right. Coming on for less incisive players to try and win it. Yeah, win it late. So, yeah, I mean, they had a script. Seems like they had a script in this one that they. They played out exactly the way they wanted to. Yeah, it was. It was a great. It was great management by Nuno. Spirit sent spirit to Santo. Yeah. And a big point. Big, big three points for them. And Liverpool fans are just in shambles already. The fourth game. Alex is like, I never had any hopes this season. Fucking four games in or whatever. Games in. Yeah. Yeah. Must be nice to be. I remember when I was able to feel that way. Now. Now I'm happy for any result, but. But, yeah, yeah, I guess, like maybe three, four seasons ago I would feel pretty depressed if we took an early season loss to Forrest. But now I'm like, I don't know, we could beat the fuck out of city and then the next week lose to. Which we haven't. I'm just saying that as an example. Like, we could beat the crap out of city and then next week lose to Ipswich. Like Chelsea. Such a randomizer. Like, just. Yeah, so I expect nothing any. Any time I turn the tv on to them. But, yeah, I guess Liverpool fans still have hope. It must be nice. I would think. Yeah, I thought the Southampton man, like, we don't. Man, United beat Southampton three nil. What could you possibly want to talk about this game? So what I want to shout out is that Southampton came like they were the better team for. For like 40 minutes of this one or maybe 30. When was this. This penalty given? Yeah, they held a 30 cent advantage through the, like. Through halftime. Yeah, the first half. Yeah, they played. They outplayed. Thoroughly outplayed United. And you're saying that's an accomplishment. It is if you're Southampton. They were awarded a penalty and Archer missed or was saved by Onanna. And almost immediately following that, delict scored the opening goal. Yeah, the 35th minute, and then six minutes later, Rashford scores and. Which is like. I don't know, it's like a Sasquatch sighting at this point is a Rashford goal. And they go in at half, down 20, after really having what appeared to be a great game plan and. And executing on it and they just. It, yeah, I don't know, it tough for. For Southampton. I. I'd like them to. I like Southampton. I'd love to see them figure out a way to hang out in the PL for a season or two. Plus Leslie Yukachuk, who's playing there. But, yeah, that was all I wanted to shout out. I mean, United, like, at the end, this was not close. United deserve the win. But the first half, it was like when they went to the locker room, I was like, man, if I'm Southampton, I am not happy about my luck here. Yeah, that's fair, right, to set up and play the way you want. I think it's just an example of where the Premier League's at, I think to an extent, right, where these teams that are getting promoted, like, two out of three of them, like, don't even have a chance from. From day one. And it's just too much of a disparity in talent that even when your tactics and your effort, for lack of a better term, for the dumpster fire that's United aren't there, they can still pull out a win. Yeah. And I think another story from this one is Harry Maguire subbed on and then immediate, I mean, immediately within 1 minute of being on the pitch, he took a yellow card and then he got hurt and he had to limp his way across the finish line. Get on Twitter and find out what his mom's take was on that. Yeah, I'm not sure. I'm not friends with her. I don't want to be friends with her. And then I guess we could talk about Chelsea, maybe like, wrap up up there. Are there any other? Well, the Villa comeback against Everton was probably the second. Yeah, probably the second best game of the weekend, maybe. Yeah, maybe had the best individual goal as well by Duran. I wish we had picked him up. Just a game winner as it turned down, this one. But, you know, Everton goes up to nothing in the 27th minute off of McNeil and Calvert Lewin, and then Villa just kind of fought back into it. Everton didn't have anything to close this game out, which isn't surprising. I guess it was surprising they came out to a lead, but, like, we've seen Everton underperform for however many seasons now. Yeah. Yeah. I guess Dominic Calvert Lewin got beat up over a couple of his misses. We were talking about this. Yeah, we. Or at least I don't think, like, those aren't. There are goals that you want your striker to score, but there, those weren't. Like, what was. Where's the XG here? I mean, one of them went off the crossbar, like, yeah, it was a great shot. And then the other one, he held onto it too long, but, like, at the same time, like, he's focused on beating the keeper. Right? Like, yeah, I don't. Everton's. He's not a scapegoat for this team. No. Everton's total XG for this match was 0.9 and they scored two goals. So, like, I don't know what. I'd have to go look at what individually the expected outcome was of those positions that Calvert Lewin was in, but they weren't. They weren't layups. Like, there was. There was work to do there. And it's one of those things where I think optically from your couch, they look easier. Like, much easier than they actually are. So I felt. And I saw he was getting the business from some reporters and, I don't know, I ended up feeling kind of bad for the guy. Yeah, that's losing sight. I mean, I think the more interesting narrative around it, right. Is like, I got the sense and they were down two, that this was like, villa's. Like, magic was starting to slip away a little bit. And this is a game that they absolutely should have been winning if they're challenging in the top five. And, you know, to their credit, Unai Emery gotten back in this and. Took a yellow card for his efforts. Yeah, we know that yellow cards aren't the hot commodity they used to be. Yeah. Chelsea was fined for. I mean, we'll talk about that in a second. But they were fined for the number of. For ill discipline today, which is hilarious. Yeah. John Duran. I thought that Chelsea was in heavy negotiation over acquiring him over the summer and didn't get it done and I wonder if we'll regret that. Like, I think he's going to be good. I think he's. I mean, I think he scored. Let's see if I can find his. It's not. It's not super obvious on this website I'm looking at, he scored in most of his recent matches that I can recall. He got a goal against West Ham, a goal against Lester. He did not score against Arsenal. Yeah, I mean, yeah, goal against Everton and I mean, these are all like, he's coming on for a few. Like, he's not starting matches, I don't think, for them. Like, he's like a super sub who comes in. Yeah. Without expanding this out. Yeah. Like he scored in the 79th minute against West Ham and the 63rd minute against Leicester and the 76th minute against Everton. He's scoring big goals for, like, he's been a real difference maker and his goals per minute have to be through the roof is. Is my guess. Oh, right. It has it right here. He's scored right now this season. He's scoring a goal every 34 minutes. That's crazy. That's fucking insane. So, yeah, that's maybe somebody we should have closed the deal on instead of sending a delegation to Naples. Yeah. He's not, he's not playing as a nine, though, is he? Oh, he is playing as a nine. Yeah, he's a nine. He comes on for Watkins usually. Interesting. Yeah, he picked that ball up for a shot very deep. That's why I was surprised. But yeah, yeah, I mean, yeah, I mean, to your point, like that type of Jackson Frizz fine attributes is kind of a one trick pony and. Yeah, what's the trick? Poacher. World class poacher. I think that's so unfair to Jackson. Okay, fine, we'll do duty so fast. And his link up is pretty good. I think his link up some mid. I mean, yeah, I don't know. I mean, I guess that transitioning into the Chelsea topic. Yeah, we'll talk about Chelsea. I mean, I think for me, the most interesting question out of this is whether Nkunku should be starting over Nicholas Jackson. Because in my opinion, his link up is light years better than Jackson's. I think his decision making is better. I think he's just as quick. Maybe he's not as fast in a straight line, but he's still pretty damn fast. He gives away a little bit in terms of what you want from a target forward and height and ability to jump a little bit. But I don't know that that's necessarily our style and what we're trying to play through and maybe more so at the beginning of the game. It is. But I thought, you know, at least myopically, yesterday was an example of in Cuckoo not coming to the game early enough in a game that was calling out for him. But he went in there one game winner. So, you know, I think he's making the case, luckily self evident that he needs to get more minutes, however, that. That works out. Yeah. So the. I think the problem with. All right, so let's back up for a sec. Chelsea won Bournemouth nil and Cuckoo scored the game winner in the 86th minute off an assist that is gonna haunt Luke for months. And so when we were talking about. So the issue, the inkuku problem is that he doesn't want to play as a nine and he's also just not a nine. Like, physically he's not a nine. He. He's a ten. He wants to play off someone. And the problem is, and this is where Chelsea's transfer strategy gets conf. Is confusing to me, is that we have obviously chosen to prioritize getting Palmer into that role, into the ten, moving him centrally. And then we have in Cuckoo, who is world class in that position too. Like, won the golden boot or the equivalent for the Bundesliga before he came to us and got injured. So he missed a season with us. Now he's back, but he's a killer in Cuckoo, Cole Palmer and in cuckoo. And then you go and get Joe Felix and this is act who. Who also wants to play there and has his own. Like, he is not as incisive as those guys to me, but he's really tricky and. And brings a different dynamic to the team. He's. He's. He's really good at one on one duels. He's not as clinical a finisher as Palmer or in Kugu, but I especially. Off the bench, those are a lot of things. Like, he brings a lot. He brings look and he brings a lot to the table. Yeah, he's a good asset, but that makes that position really crowded. And the way that we are trying to solve it is where I think going to blur the lines a bit and having cuckoo come and relieve Jackson and maybe Joe Felix. There's been talks of Zhao Felix playing at nine and I feel even less good about that than I do in cuckoo coming in at nine. But it. It is not like the situation with the wingers does not bother me anywhere near as much as that number ten role because you have a guy who you could argue is the best player in the Premier League. Like, if you, especially if you exclude Erling Hollande, Cole Palmer had the most goal involvements of anyone last season and then you've got two world class players right behind him. That is to me the biggest. Like the biggest puzzle, especially because you were. You basically got forced into Chelsea, were forced into acquiring Felix to make the Connor Gallagher deal go through. So Felix was not part of Chelsea's plan. Sancho Chelsea had been targeting for years. And like, at the end of the day, if you look at the depth with Sterling gone in this game, you see Neto can play on both wings, but I think that he's going to end up being Noni's backup. And then on the left you have Sancho and you have Mudrick. And this is definitely a prove it year for Mudrick. But Sancho is going to be the starter over there. I couldn't. That couldn't be any more clear to me. He. After, you know what? Did he have like 20 minutes in this one? Oh, no, he came in at half. He had a full half. Yeah. Great. Sad. Just got starting next game. I mean, I think. Yeah, I mean, you're right. That's the puzzle. I just didn't think we're not being in this spring kind of links into another point which I'm not that impressed with. Mareska's, like, substitution patterns and timing so far and even is his roster selection. Right, like in this one, like Enzo wasn't available. Right. Like maybe. Maybe you wanted to start Vega anyways. Like Keiseido could have started outright for Dezassi and inverted instead of Kukureya. So essentially in possession he's playing the same spot and he's giving cover. We had all the possession this game, so I don't think that would have a problem. You mean instead of desassi? Yeah. And then bring in in cuckoo to start and just have, if you want Vegas holding the middle of the midfield field with Kaiseto or whatever that looks like in defense, like, fine, you have five guys back there, but I don't. It seems like we're trying to fit square pegs in the round holes to your point rather than working with what we have at the moment. Now when Enzo's healthy, you know, I don't know that that can't work either. Right. Like, you have. Enzo played deeper. He hasn't been all that effective going like, he hasn't had need to be way forward to be an effective, like, buildup and passer and playing on top of Palmer and in Cuckoo, I think he's comfortable playing behind him. But again, maybe Kaiseto doesn't want to start there and invert, I don't know. Or they think that he can cover that much more territory just being allowed to roam. But it was obviously that Desassi shouldn't have been on the field after like ten minutes. It was calling out for a substitution after 25. And then he waits till the into the second half to take Dezassi off. Yeah, I couldn't believe that. Like, especially because he made a substitution at half. You know, like, I get the argument of, like, let's see how things go in the first ten minutes of this half. Like, see how the players react to the. The chat or whatever. But he made a sub and it, like, at halftime, he brought Sancho on for Neto. And obviously the biggest problem on the pitch was desassi. I don't know what Chelsea does with the sassy. He was. He was like, I was thinking this morning that. I can't recall a worse performance at the top. Like, he looked absolutely lost. Well, gave him 62 minutes. Yeah. Now, in fact, like, I get starting Desassi. Cause that's where he's been playing in the conference league for us in that position. So that, like, that is the role that, like, we've decided Desasi is playing and he's. But, like, backing up a position where we have a very injury prone player and Reese James, who's, who's just like available for one out of every three games and, yeah, so in this situation, Gusto and Ray and Reese James are both injured and you gotta, like, Desassi is the most trained in that. That position now that I would hope that that is the last time we ever see him on the pitch unless there is a some sort of, like, on the level of last season's injury crisis occurs. Well, especially given, like, how effective Tosin was playing there and then Tosin didn't play there. They moved Fafana out there. Yeah, Tosin played so. Yeah, so Fafana can play out there. Kukureya played great at right back, at right wing back last season when we had injury issues. And you've got Chillwell that you could have started over. So you could have had Chile on the left, Kukure on the right. You could have started with Fafon outright. And Kaisedo for Brighton has played in that position, too. I can kind of appreciate if Enzo Fernandez is out. You want one of your two normal starters marshaling the midfield, especially with a very young, very green Renato Vega, who I thought was excellent in this game. Vega was really good in this one. And I think that that's going to be a. On the level of Malagusto type signing for us in terms of the players profile coming in versus how good they end up being. It's going to be that level of like, I think they paid €8 million heroes for him. I think it's going to be an absolute sniping of a player for. For Chelsea. And then like the last thing I'll say on this one, Rob Sanchez played out of his fucking mind this match I have. I'm. I'm well on the record that I don't believe in Rob Sanchez. I. My assumption even still, like, I'm happy to be proven wrong over the next few games. Yeah, maybe this launches about a trajectory. Yeah. But I sight that behold. Yeah. I still think that Jorgensen will eventually play him out of position and then Gaga Slanina will come in and take both their jobs. But. I was going to keep a straight face but I mean, that could be what happens. Like, I don't. I don't actually know. I just don't have any evidence that make that any more of a coin flip that it is. But yeah, yeah, Jorgensen looked good. But, you know, at least we know how these things work, right? Like if you're the starter and you play well, then you're probably going to continue. Right. And so it's at least good to see the starter playing well. Then be in a position where again, I'm looking at Maresca wondering what the hell he's looking for. Yeah. Yeah. And doesn't have to equal ten to make the right decisions. Right. So. Yeah. What. Let me see here. The. Netto looks pretty disappointing in this one. I think he. It's kind of. I think he kind of cemented himself as a super sub. Unfortunately for him in this one. Given how well Sancho played and I. We should. We'll spend some time singing Sancho's accolades when Luke graces us with his presence next. Yeah, dude. Sancho subs on after Luke said that he was. Last week said that it was a puzzling signing. He subs on absolutely torches the Bournemouth defense repeatedly and assists the game winner. As I told Luke. Yeah. And the Chelsea fans are singing his name 45 minutes into his career as a Chelsea player. Like, literally singing his name. I'm going to drop to you on discord. Let me see if I can find you real quick. Another gem. This is the match momentum. Can you point on this chart to where Chelsea's on the bottom of that. Can you point on that chart to where Desasi subbed off? Where'd you post it? I sent it to you as a. As a private message, but I could drop it. Private message. Okay, here it is. Okay, I got it. Or direct message rather than. Yeah, the 62nd minute. Yeah, yeah. Just immediately, like the minute he came off the pitch, Bournemouth, like, were just shut down. Like it just shored everything up. It was. It was like we were playing a man down for two thirds of this match. It was crazy. Crazy coaches. Crazy, man. How much? Yeah. Do you remember when he just like, slid down on his, like, do you remember that? All the shitty plays blur together? Like, it was just this giant pile of shit. There was that what? Bournemouth were on a break and he signaled for Fafana to come take the ball and it was, it was like his controller got disconnected. Like he. Yeah. And he's just trotting back. Yeah, dude, I. That was, that was a career worst performance I've, I've, I've seen from someone. I. It was remarkable. I. Hopefully your neighbors have recovered from how. From how much I was screaming in your apartment at disassemble. They've heard worse in here, but, yeah, I mean, they. Again, it reinforces, like, I'm not gonna. Like, it's good to see Maraska winning games, but, like, whether it's that or, like, starting Netto over Sancho or not getting in cuckoo on the field earlier, like, I don't, I haven't been impressed, but, you know, it's enough to get. When you have the players, like, coaches are just a piece of the equation. Right. So when you have the players and you get them on the field, the right combination, eventually, you know, you could win games. But I'm hoping he gets a little bit more savvy about things moving forward. Yeah, dude, Fafana was all over the play. I'm looking at the individual heat maps. Yeah, maybe I'm a dumbass about wanting to play Caicedo and invert him, but, like, yeah, Fofana, it did fine. Right. So, like, again, there's solutions there. Yeah. I'm not a professional coach, but, like, yeah, at face value, these seem like obvious options you'd want to explore. Yeah, yeah, I guess. Yeah, Noni and at halftime I said that I thought that the changes that needed to be made, I thought they needed to shift Palmer out to the right. He was getting beat up in the middle of the pitch, wasn't getting involved very well. I still am not. I am not as convinced as, as you and Luke and I think everyone out. Like, I think I am, like, on an island, but I think Palmer's best position is off, is playing in off the right. I am not convinced by him being in the middle of the pitch. I could be completely wrong, but I. Don'T know if I'm necessarily that opposed to that. I just feel like mad Wake is one of the one of the, like, two or three most dangerous players on our team consistently and he needs to be on field and that's. Yeah, yeah, I. And I agree with that. It is shifted. It is a problem. That is a problem. Noni. Noni is. And then you've got Estevao coming in next, next season too. So how do you manage that transition if Palmer's over there? I. I don't know, but yeah, Palmer shifted out to the right. They brought Felix in, in at ten and cuckoo played up top. Came in for Jackson and Sancho at halftime. Subdom for Neto and Desasi came off. We talked about that, that all of that, like, seriously changed the game for us. Especially the Desasi sub like that. Here's a good statistics question for you. How did we finish with an 85% past six success percentage when Desasi was on the field for 62 minutes? Great question. That's like. That's absolutely shocking. Yeah. So while we were watching this, I asked Derek at one point what percent, like, if the ball is at Desazi's feet from, like, from the, like, the next action. What percent of that next action results in Bournemouth securing possession of the ball. And I was like, do you think it's over under 70%? You know, like, that's about where, like, it felt like every time he touched the ball he just gave it back to Bournemouth. This was a gross game. Like, Chelsea did not look good, especially in the first half. It was mayhem. It set the record for the most yellow cards in a PL match ever. Like I said earlier, Chelsea was fined for ill discipline. I think it speaks volumes, though, to Mareska's credit, I guess, who also got a yellow card that the entire back line was on a yellow except Desasi and he sub desi off. So, like, there is some credit to him there, but yeah. Yeah. Sancho, what do you make of all. The yellow cards in the Premier League and in this game? There were some that, like, that yellow card they gave Fafana I thought was ridiculous. I guess we could talk about Sanchez. Sanchez was exposed by Fafana on a bad back pass to him which led to a penalty for Bournemouth. And Sanchez made what the announcers called a pedestrian save. But I thought it was a great save. Yeah, fuck them. That was a great save. It's bottom 90. Like, you don't have. That's tough to save, man. Like, yeah, but I thought that Fafana's yellow card wasn't deserved. I'm not sure that Sanchez, his yellow was deserved. Did Sanchez take that yellow for it? Was that yeah, it was for the penalty. Like the penalty that got. It wasn't a red because he was making a play at the ball. But yeah, I disagree with a penalty being given there. Sanchez is pretty. Like he didn't run through Evan. Who was it? Was it Clivert? I forget who was in. But he doesn't run through them. He is planted. Yeah. Making a play at the ball. Standing his ground. Standing his ground and got run into. And they try to say because he had his hand out like the. I don't even think that. I don't even know if the player hit his hand. If it was. It was incidental and didn't have any impact on anything. Yeah, no, it had no impact because the ball had already been played. It was heading out of bounds. Like, I thought all of that was very weird. But Sanchez made a great save and. And we move on. But to answer your question, um, I am totally on board with all of these descent cards. I think that the players running over and screaming at the ref and complaining. And like it's so clear they're earning these. Yeah. Right. Yep. So yeah, I mean, I'm fine with it. I think that like Declan Rice's two yellows resulting in a red optically. Like, I don't really agree with it, but it is the rule and they're just applying. They're. They're holding these players to the rules and I'm fine with it. Yeah. I think the more I still see a lot of inconsistency but at least this seemed like a move towards consistently and consistency and actually enforcing the rules. Yeah. And not. You can get to the argument if it's getting like the spirit of the game and how things have been officiated but like, I'd rather. I think it would gotten to. Things have got too loosey goosey in terms of what was a enforceable versus not. Yep. Yeah. And I hate Anthony Taylor as much as the next guy, but I. I actually had no problem with the disciplines he was giving out in this. In this match. And Chelsea largely only have themselves to blame for like the amount of yellow cards they took. Like. Yeah, Nico is going to like set a Premier League record for descent yellow cards. Yeah. I don't remember how many, like, Bournemouth played physical. Like, it was obvious they had a plan, especially with Cole Palmer to clip him. Like. Like make it physical. And they, I felt earned a lot of their cards for the level of physicality that they. They approached the game with Chelsea. Like Jackson, I think Colwell, Mareska, Sancho Jao, Felix I think all of them, five of them were for descent. What? Did Sancho even take a yellow? I don't even remember. Yeah, well, it's tough to keep track of all of them. Alex, I think he took it almost immediately after subbing on because he, like, ran over and. And started yapping at the ref about a call. Yeah, yeah. So I'm fine with it, man, because I don't think. Yeah, it's just such a. I don't like the. The players running over. Yeah. I just think about, like, I have no, obviously, you know, I'm not one to shy away from taking a yellow for descent in my. In my recreational career, but, like, I think you have to say your piece and then, like, move on with the game. Like, the running up and getting in their face stuff. Like. I don't know, it's just like this, like, professionalized bullshit that, like, yeah, it doesn't need to be in the game. Like, I don't think anyone's getting anything out of that. And it's not helping the players or the quality of the refereeing or anything. Just slowing down then chopping up the game into this. This bullshit. So, yeah, I would agree. Like, I. This weekend's slate of, like, free for all yellow cards. Like, I'm okay with it. Yep. Well, that's all I got. You have any other topics you want to cover? I guess, like, we. We kind of kept an eye on the Milan game and pull us another. Good game by Pulisic. Goal and assist in this one. I think that was Vanesa. They thumped, I think, four to nothing at the end. Shocking to see that team keep a clean sheet, that being Milan, but did in this one. They are cooking on all cylinders. Yeah. I think Aronson's now played like 300 minutes already for Leeds or somewhere in that range. Continue to be a pretty integral piece for them, I think. I don't know. Luke's had a. Some bad things to say about. I think he's gotten a bad rap relative to his age and, like, his body of work and still has probably a potentially a very bright future for the men's national team and potentially in the Premier League next season. So I think all hope is not lost there. It's good to see him kind of bouncing back in a way. And we'll see what, you know, see what Poch gets out of him, I guess, is that that saga begins in earns now. Yeah, sorry, I'm just looking at Pulisic. He's cooking, man. This season, an assist and a goal in that one. His, he's the highest average rated player on Milan through four games. Yeah. And that team, Venezia. Venezia. They're there in last in the there. They're not good. Not good. That would explain it. That's about the, that might be the only clean sheet that Milan keeps this season based on why, seen out of their, their defense over the last twelve months. Yeah. Inter is playing right now against Monza. Yep. All right, well, that's probably a wrap where we're like right at time, I guess, for what's normal for us. Like and subscribe, leave some comments, a review on your favorite podcast platform. That would all be fantastic. We are very active in our discord. The A link to that is in the description for this episode, this in every episode and beyond that, we'll just catch you guys next week. Thanks for tuning in and we'll see you then. Thanks everybody. Thanks for tuning in to the Football Yanks podcast. 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