Rest Radio

8: Why Yin Yoga Is Ideal For Introverts

October 09, 2023 Eliza Episode 8
8: Why Yin Yoga Is Ideal For Introverts
Rest Radio
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Rest Radio
8: Why Yin Yoga Is Ideal For Introverts
Oct 09, 2023 Episode 8

In this episode I discuss why Yin Yoga is the ideal practice for introverts.

I cover topics like:

- What is Yin Yoga?
- What are some of the characteristics of an introvert
- How Yin Yoga nurtures these characteristics

Read more about this topic in the blog:

"An Introverts Guide to Yin Yoga"

Instagram | @room_of_rest
Website |
Trailer music: I Choose You (ProdBy Jho Deep)

Restful Regards

Show Notes Transcript

In this episode I discuss why Yin Yoga is the ideal practice for introverts.

I cover topics like:

- What is Yin Yoga?
- What are some of the characteristics of an introvert
- How Yin Yoga nurtures these characteristics

Read more about this topic in the blog:

"An Introverts Guide to Yin Yoga"

Instagram | @room_of_rest
Website |
Trailer music: I Choose You (ProdBy Jho Deep)

Restful Regards

 Hello my friend and welcome to episode eight of Rest Radio. 

Today I'm talking about why yin yoga is an ideal yoga practice for introverts. After a busy time working on a project deadline recently, I found myself really looking forward to doing nothing for a few days and not having to leave the house.

I don't know about you, but I get most excited when I know I don't have to go anywhere and I've always known that I enjoy being in my own company and I sometimes find it difficult to be around people when I feel depleted, when I'm low on energy, I find it draining to be around people. 

So I realized early on in life that I'm a bit of an introvert myself and whilst I'm not really a fan of putting people into boxes, I am a fan of understanding myself a little bit deeper and discovering what the characteristics of an introvert are really helped me to understand myself a little bit better, and if anything. Like myself a bit more. 

We live in a world that really celebrates extroversion, and, over the years, I've had people pass many comments my way and try  push me away from my nature and they would say things like, Oh, "You're too soft or you should be around people more."

It's good for you. And you know, you're, you're really shy. And the truth is introverts aren't always shy. We simply. Enjoy being quiet and observing our environment and often find comfort in solitude. It's where we get to recharge so that we're able to be out in the world and do all the things that we want to do.

So this whole topic inspired me to write a blog. And if you want to give it a read, you can find me on Instagram at room underscore of underscore rest and DM me the word blog, and I'll send you a link to that.

So why is yin yoga ideal for introverts?

 When I became a yoga teacher, I started with a 200 hour Vinyasa yoga teacher training,  which is quite a yang focused practice. It's quite a dynamic practice. If you never heard of Vinyasa before and I fell in love with Vinyasa. I taught it for a few years and this was before I was introduced to yin yoga.

On my teacher training, we did do some elements of yin. We would end each week with a yin or restorative like practice.  It was beautiful and I really, really enjoyed it. But after a while of teaching vinyasa, I  got drawn towards the more yin side of yoga and I completed my yin yoga training.

After I completed my yin yoga training, I felt like I found a connection to yoga that I had not previously experienced. This practice allowed me to deeply experience every moment and connect to how I was feeling physically, mentally, and emotionally.

It  gave me space to be with myself and I was able to be in solitude with the experience, even when I was in a room full of people, which was incredible for me. Best of all, the quiet nature of yin yoga allowed me to not feel self conscious about being in a yoga class.  This is why I found that yin yoga was the perfect avenue for somebody who has the qualities of being an introvert, and I'm going to speak about those qualities in a second.

But first, if you have never heard of what yin yoga is it's a gentle, very introspective form of yoga that focuses on long held passive poses. So unlike its more dynamic counterparts, the ones that you might see more on social media  yin yoga encourages you to simmer deep into postures.

You're often supported By props like blocks and bolsters. You can also do this with cushions and pillows at home and blankets. And this allows your body to relax and your mind to quiet down. So while it might seem like a simple practice on the surface, it's. Got some pretty profound effects that go far beyond just physical flexibility.

So here's what makes yin yoga an ideal choice for introverts seeking balance and a little bit of self discovery.   

It allows you to embrace stillness.

So introverts thrive in a tranquil, quiet environment. And yin yoga provides a sanctuary where you can essentially escape the noise and chaos of everyday life to focus on your inner world. This can be further enhanced if you're being guided by an experienced yin yoga teacher. 

I've developed a program called Breathe and Restore, which is a self paced online retreat with introverts specifically in mind. And if you want to know a little bit more about that, you can find me once again on Instagram at room underscore of underscore rest and DM me the word breathe and I'll send you the link to Breathe and Restore.

So secondly, minimal social interaction.  

Unlike some other group oriented classes, yin yoga is typically practiced in silence or with gentle background music. And this means that you can enjoy the benefits of yoga without the pressure of socializing or maintaining small talk.  When I teach in studios, Most of the students have their eyes closed.

They have no idea what their other students poses look like. And it's a very ego less practice.

The third point is deep self exploration. 

So introverts possess this  rich inner landscape and yin yoga complements this introspective nature by encouraging self reflection and the exploration of your thoughts and emotions. The way that I teach yin is with, rebound poses. So after you hold each pose for maybe three to six minutes, you come to lay down and you experience what's called the rebound.

You might find that sensations come up to the surface and you get to witness the sensation of. Blood flowing back into your limbs or the sensations of heaviness or lightness in your body. And it can be quite deep and quite profound. Sometimes the sensations aren't physical. Sometimes they're emotional and this is what allows for this deep self exploration.

The final point is that yin yoga nurtures an introvert's best qualities. Empathy, creativity, and resilience. Obviously these aren't the only qualities, but I find that these are For myself and any of my fellow introverts that I've met, these are the  qualities I've seen come to the surface.

So empathy introverts are often highly empathetic and in yin yoga you get to deepen your connection to your own emotions. By understanding yourself better, you become. More attuned to the feelings of others.

Creativity, introverts often excel in creative pursuits. It doesn't mean that if you're not creative, you're not an introvert.

This is simply the qualities that I've noticed. And Yin Yoga can serve as a source of inspiration, offering a quiet space for innovative ideas to emerge.

I've come up with some of my best ideas during a deep yin yoga practice and my mind gets the opportunity to quiet down and to simply be at peace.

This is when ideas tend to pop up and even though they can be disruptive to the practice, they can really be nurturing to my creativity. 

And then resilience, the patience and endurance that you develop in yin can really strengthen your resilience in the face of challenges, helping you to kind of navigate life's ups and downs with a little bit of grace.

So it does take a bit of resilience to be in poses for long periods of time, especially Um, and willing your body to relax and to, surrender to the props. This does take a little bit of endurance and resilience. And the patience that you develop from Yin can really serve you off the mat. So yin yoga serves as a nurturing practice for introverts. It allows you to embrace your inner world, to enhance your strengths and find tranquility in the noisy world that we live in.

Dedicating time to this gentle and introspective practice, can foster personal growth, emotional balance, and a deep sense of wellbeing. So if you're an introvert seeking harmony and self discovery, consider stepping onto the mat of yin yoga. You might find that it's the perfect companion on your journey to inner peace.

I hope this episode was informative and helpful. Have a beautiful day my friend.