AREF Podcast Channel

Scope 3: Tenant Emissions Management Strategy for Real Estate Funds

Clare Whyte

As greater focus is placed on Scope 3 emissions as a source of carbon risk, real estate fund managers are increasingly looking at their value chains and operations to identify where these emissions arise, and how they can be managed.

Recorded 13th June 2023.

Speakers include: 

  • Moderator: Sam Carson, Head of Sustainability, Valuations & Advisory Services at CBRE
  • Adam Baranowski, Climate Change Programme Lead at Better Buildings Partnership
  • Frankie Demetriades, Associate Director ESG at Fiera Real Estate
  • Oliver Light, Principal Director, Direct of Real Estate at Carbon Intelligence/Accenture
  • Matthew Liquorish, EHS Manager - Polymers & UK Composites, Meggit
  • Laura Noctor-King, Head of Sustainability, Better Buildings Partnership