Pat's Peeps Podcast

Ep. 94 Today's Peep is the First-Ever Mini-Pod! Find Out Why and Rare Dolly Parton on Red Vinyl.

May 22, 2024 Pat Walsh
Ep. 94 Today's Peep is the First-Ever Mini-Pod! Find Out Why and Rare Dolly Parton on Red Vinyl.
Pat's Peeps Podcast
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Pat's Peeps Podcast
Ep. 94 Today's Peep is the First-Ever Mini-Pod! Find Out Why and Rare Dolly Parton on Red Vinyl.
May 22, 2024
Pat Walsh

Feeling the ache of a hip injury myself, I'm reminded of the fragility of our daily routine and the importance of self-care. This episode is a personal one as I take you through the highs and lows of managing pain while staying committed to work and life's demands. From my Northern California studio, I look out at the foothills, sharing intimate stories of property upkeep and the necessity of weed-eating to maintain the picturesque scenery. It's a glimpse into the little things that keep us grounded and the big things—like health—that challenge and shape us.

Switching tempo, my thoughts turn to Dolly Parton's unexpected rock venture as I hold a rare, red vinyl 45 from her 1979 album. While I admire Dolly's boldness, I confess to having mixed feelings about the rock title track, finding solace in the B-side's 'Sweet Summer Lovin',' which reminds us where her roots truly lie. With the clock ticking towards a dentist appointment, I invite you to ponder the juxtaposition of Parton’s musical exploration and share your thoughts. Join me for an episode that's as much about the resilience of the human spirit as it is a nod to the timeless tug between artistic experimentation and authentic expression.

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Feeling the ache of a hip injury myself, I'm reminded of the fragility of our daily routine and the importance of self-care. This episode is a personal one as I take you through the highs and lows of managing pain while staying committed to work and life's demands. From my Northern California studio, I look out at the foothills, sharing intimate stories of property upkeep and the necessity of weed-eating to maintain the picturesque scenery. It's a glimpse into the little things that keep us grounded and the big things—like health—that challenge and shape us.

Switching tempo, my thoughts turn to Dolly Parton's unexpected rock venture as I hold a rare, red vinyl 45 from her 1979 album. While I admire Dolly's boldness, I confess to having mixed feelings about the rock title track, finding solace in the B-side's 'Sweet Summer Lovin',' which reminds us where her roots truly lie. With the clock ticking towards a dentist appointment, I invite you to ponder the juxtaposition of Parton’s musical exploration and share your thoughts. Join me for an episode that's as much about the resilience of the human spirit as it is a nod to the timeless tug between artistic experimentation and authentic expression.

Speaker 1:

Welcome my friends to the show that never ends. I appreciate that. Thank you, elp. Hey, it's the Pat's Peeps podcast. As we now approach approach 100 podcasts, which I'll be very proud of that milestone. Right now we're at number 94,. Number 94. That's right, baby, number 94, the Pats Peeps podcast. Again, thank you to Sean Moody for our little intro music.

Speaker 1:

And on number 94 today, yesterday, number 93, was a three-parter the first time I had to ever do a three-parter. I explained why, what happened and everything. But today is going to be what I'm going to call a mini-pod, because it's going to be a shorter podcast today. I don't usually do shorter podcasts, but today and by the way, listen, can you hear this? Can you hear that out there Having the property weed-eated? Today is the 22nd day of May. Did I say weed-eated 22nd day of May, the year of our Lord 2024.

Speaker 1:

And as I look out my studio windows into the beautiful foothills of Northern California, my man, jt of Pat's Peeps, is out there doing my landscape. If you need some landscaping done, please contact me, pat. At thepatwalshowcom, I'm also the host of the Pat Wall Show. As heard everywhere on your iHeart app, which is free, I do a show every single night. Well, monday through Friday, anyhow, 7 to 10 pm locally from Sacramento on KFPK. So I appreciate it if you're checking that out as well. So yeah, jt of Pat's Peep. And then I'm very proud to say, because I've been telling you this whole time, we're looking for businesses that want to be Pat's Peeps. And speaking of that exciting news before I get into my little mini pod today and I'll tell you why it's mini but I had a breakfast this morning with Francesca. Thank you, such a pleasure to meet you.

Speaker 1:

Our new family member, the Pat's Peeps businesses, and she is going. She's a bookkeeper. We're going to tell you all about her. If you want your business to flourish, then we're going to tell you all about her. If you want your business to flourish, then we're going to tell you all about her in upcoming episodes. But a pleasure to meet her today. So things are rolling as we're now opening the gates for local businesses that we believe in, that I want to endorse and I don't mean to brag about it, but I mean I have an excellent track record of promoting local businesses and I want to yours, just like you do. Red Hot Media, john Pyron, the Business Doctor, so many others. Now Francesca, a bookkeeper. We have a lot of businesses that we're going to be telling you about in the future, and if you do listen, you're going to have coupons to go to these businesses and save money. But anyhow, enough on that.

Speaker 1:

The weather is beautiful today. It's not even breezy, it is absolutely gorgeous, dare, I say it is one of the nicest days of the year so far. But nice to get the weed eating done, because the weed eating is a big thing, man. That's a priority when you're living up in the foothills and springtime we had a lot of rain this year, obviously, so the weeds are incredibly tall, but you can't do it too early, because if you do it too early, then they grow back and you got to do it again and again the fact that I live on almost three acres. You don't want to keep going through that. So when I look around, there's all this fuel. Fortunately, it's still green, even my neighbors, my neighbors who aren't right next to me, but uh, you know, I look around and we all have the same thing. It was just waiting for the opportune time, which is now before it gets hot.

Speaker 1:

So listen, can you hear that? Jt? Thank you, brother. Like I said if you need some weed eating, done you know, let me know. All right, get a hold of me, even call me on my show. So enough about that. So why is it a mini pod? Today I'll tell you why it's a mini pod.

Speaker 1:

So here's the deal. I don't mean to dwell on these things, but I'm brutally honest about what's happening with me. I'm transparent in every way, or at least most every way. I believe JT's getting that weed eater close to my studio window. I love the ambiance. You know, before I used to worry about, hey, what if there's noises in the background. Now I love it because it's real life. It's real life. So this is real life. I've been telling you.

Speaker 1:

I told you yesterday and I'm not going to dwell on it, like I said, but you know, I injured my hip. I told you how I did that. I injured it. I pulled a tendon or whatever I did trying to help someone out, push a flatbed Long story short. And now I've been dealing with this and again throw in all the you're too old to be doing that jokes. That's fine. By the way, I did get a lot of listener mail on that. I should have pulled that up. I could probably pull that up, but you know what A lot of people posting on my timeline about that on Facebook. Oh, anyhow, I won't mess with that right now. Excuse me, I think the pollen's getting to me a little bit. Anyhow, I have the window open, so I'm dealing with this injury, right?

Speaker 1:

So here's behind the scenes at my work, excuse me. So at my work, for those of you who listen, I do my show. I do live reads for businesses that I support local businesses. By the way, if you want to be a Pat's Peeps, I'm happy to give you a track record of any of these businesses and how we help them. So, anyhow, so I have a live read and for these businesses I'm doing my show, right? And then we go to break and I'll say you know, you listen to the Pat Wall More. To come straight ahead, you listen to the Pat Wall show, bam, we go to break. Well, first out of the break is me doing a commercial for a local business.

Speaker 1:

So I have a couple of things. In case you don't know this, a lot of times I'll get cramps. If I'm dehydrated because I've been working a little too much, I'll start getting like rib cramps. It's not good man. It'll buckle me over on my show. I have to literally keep pickle juice next to my in a little refrigerator in the newsroom in case I'm on the air and I get these rib cramps. I mean, like I say, it's debilitating.

Speaker 1:

But you have to keep talking. You don't want to let everyone know. Well, pat, you just said you're transparent. I have let people know. Everyone knows that this happens. But I don't want to keep doing that over and over, telling people, because people are so kind. They're like oh, my God, you better go to a doctor now. I just know that it's dehydration.

Speaker 1:

So, anyhow, two nights ago, two days ago, I told you I'd go to the dentist. I'm the best dentist, dr Judd, I love you and this has nothing to do with him. This has more to do with the fact that this tooth broke. I told you all about it. Then I got this crown, saved the crown, put it on. He told me straight up look, we'll probably have to get a new crown, but this should it might work. For the time being, it might okay, okay. So he was straight, honest with me, like he always is. So he puts it on. He does this great job.

Speaker 1:

I go to work that night I'm doing okay with my hip injury that I've got. That's healing, by the way, still hurts, but it's getting a little bit better. I go to work. I'm doing fine, doing okay Most of the day. I try to stay off the pain meds, whatever, who cares. So I'm doing my show the first two hours I'm okay and I stand the whole time. I'm doing my show.

Speaker 1:

Well, come about 8.20, I'm getting ready to do break and I've got one of these live reads coming up. Robin, the Interrupter, shows up in the studio. If I've already told the story, I'm so sorry I can't remember if I told it here. I don't even know if I've told it, but behind the scenes I know I've got the live read. I get ready to go to break and I'm just in agony. All of a sudden, and literally, I'm screaming in the studio like, oh no, I couldn't stand, I couldn't sit. It was kind of locked up. I'm like, oh God, what am I doing? Even Bob Williams, our traffic guy, could hear it out. He was outside in the traffic area. We had the door closed. She's like, oh my God. I heard screaming. I said, oh my God. So anyhow, I'm in agony, right In agony. I don't know what I'm going to do, but I've got a live read coming up.

Speaker 1:

Here we go, baby, well, as I'm buckled over in agony and Robin's freaking out, like what is going on, I'm like, oh God, freaking out, like what is going on. I'm like, oh God, as I'm doing this, guess what? The tooth that Dr Judd put in comes flying out. It bounces around the counter. Now there's my tooth bouncing around the counter. It goes on the carpet in the studio, it's on the floor. Now I can't even bend over because I can't stand and I can't sit. So I certainly can't bend over and pick up my tooth. Leave it to Robin who grabs. God bless you. Robin Picks up a Kleenex. She picks up my tooth for me. I'm like, oh, I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry. Okay, so now this is happening. They're still because they're playing promos, whatever it is. You know so. But again, again, I, oh, I know it was the bottom of the hour, that's what it was. It was the bottom of the hour, not 820, so it's the bottom of the hour.

Speaker 1:

So they do news. There's a couple of commercials. That's what was happening. So it was during that break. All this is going on.

Speaker 1:

Well, now I'm buckled over. My tooth is on the freaking ground and the next thing, you know, because I tried to bend over to pick up the tooth. The next thing on top of it all, man, I'm just melting down. My rib cramps start because I'm dehydrated. I'm bent over. Now I am literally debilitated. I am the. I can't believe it. It's like everything just fell apart on my latest birthday. Literally, I'm falling apart. So here it comes 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5. I've got to do a live read. I'm like this. I'm being honest with you. I'm like so, oh God, we're off. Air Microphone isn't on until I get to the commercial, or something like this oh God, I don't know what I'm going to do. 4, 3, 2.

Speaker 1:

Hi everybody, pat Walsh here for Roseville Numbers Maddox and Coin Shop. Hey, roseville Numbers Maddox, it's been around since 1989, by the way, just one of the business. But just bam, right into it, man. Try to be the consummate professional, try to be pro. Get right through it, man. Remember that's Roseville Numbers Maddox. It could have been American River Flooring, it could have been Southgate Glass. It could have been Bridgehaven Homes. It could have been Stones Gambling Hall. Suffice it to say I've got a track record helping all of these businesses and more, which I'm happy to do. I love when they're successful, when your business is successful. But yeah, get through the commercial like a pro. As soon as I'm done, call them at 916-blah-blah-blah.

Speaker 1:

We go into the last commercial which is recorded it's not me and all of a sudden right back to ow, no, I'm in hell, living hell. So that's where I'm at today. So now I gotta put my tooth in my pocket. I gotta go back down to the dentist, still dealing with a hip injury, and I'm gonna go down and get my tooth put back in my pocket. I got to go back down to the dentist, still dealing with a hip injury, and I'm going to go down and get my tooth put back in my mouth. Hopefully it stays there so I can do these podcasts. Oh my gosh, this is my life right now. Hopefully your life is going very well.

Speaker 1:

All right, thank you very much for putting up with my. I'm going to call it a mini pod. You know what I might try to do some mini pods. You know what I might do some mini pods. You know what? Make lemonade out of lemons. Maybe I do some mini pods and maybe I do some longer ones longer podcasts. Let's see what the people like.

Speaker 1:

Anyhow, I just appreciate you listening. Okay, I appreciate it. Listen, it's 1.02. I have to be at the dentist at 2 pm so if you forgive me, I apologize for this.

Speaker 1:

But I'm going to get right to the music today, as I pull a rare 45, and this one is really rare and in beautiful condition, absolutely. It looks like it's like mint condition. This one is rare. This is on red vinyl. We're talking about a 45 that's on red vinyl.

Speaker 1:

It's Dolly Parton. I love Dolly and I'm going to tell you right now this is a great example to me of Dolly Parton. You know, recently Dolly released a rock and roll album. I was very much against that because Dolly Parton isn't a rocker. I love her, but you know, sort of stick to your guns as far as I'm concerned in terms of what you do. And she doesn't do rock, and I didn't want to hear her do Stairway to Heaven, I'm being honest or any other rock song that I've heard a million times. I'd rather, if she's going to do some rock which is out of her genre, you know, do something that's original. I think maybe she did a couple of maybe originals on there. So, anyhow, this to me is an example of perfect example of why and maybe you'll disagree she should not do rock and she should stick with a genre that she is best at.

Speaker 1:

Okay, this particular record, again on red vinyl, was a double A side. They released this on RCA and it even has a red label, so the whole record is red. Isn't that awesome? I mean, it is so cool to look at a mint condition. This is from 1979, by the way, mint condition, I'll bet it's never even been played and it's the second and third singles from this album.

Speaker 1:

So this one of the songs is the title track of the album. And then there's the other side, but this was released as a double A side, so both of these songs were expected to be hits. I don't know if either one of them were actually ever hits. Well, I do know. I'll just hold off on that for a second. But one of the sides was aimed at pop radio, and okay, so it failed the chart. I'll just hold off on that for a second. But one of the sides was aimed at pop radio, and okay, so it failed the chart. I'm just going to be honest with you there. But that explains it. I mean it failed the chart on its own and this makes my point. I think Its only chart appearance was on the Billboard Hot Country Songs chart, where it charted as the flip side of the other song which, in my opinion, is in Dolly's genre it's in her wheelhouse, okay.

Speaker 1:

That song was released to country radio, peaked at number seven on the Billboard Hot Country Songs chart, peaked at number 47 on the Billboard AC chart, number 77 on the Billboard Hot 100. It was a hit in Canada where it peaked at number six, all right, and it dragged the pop song which was formerly a rock song written by the great oh man, I mean the great Jerry Lee Lewis man. So I'm just going to play it for you because I'm on a time crunch. I want you to check it out. Tell me if I'm right, tell me if I'm wrong. I'd love to see it in the comments when I post this on Facebook.

Speaker 1:

Dolly Parton, the title track from the 1979 album written by Jerry Lee Lewis, great balls of fire. This is an example of why I do feel Dolly should not be doing rock and roll. Sorry, sorry, ugh, ugh, ugh, oh, that's just no. No, it's like David Lee Ross shouldn't be doing bluegrass Great. I hate the horns too in the background. I hate the horns too in the background. I hate it.

Speaker 1:

I'm not sure a song could sound more commercial than this one. It's like Celine Dion doing ACDC. I just cringe, even though I love her. Not Celine Dion doing ACDC, I just cringe, even though I love her, not Celine Dion, dolly. The rhythm and the timing is so off for me on that one. Well, let's flip it over. Let's take a flip side of this one, this red vinyl which is so cool. This song is called Sweet Summer Lovin'. Like I said, this one dragged the other one, this red vinyl which is so cool. This song is called Sweet Summer Love. And, like I said, this one dragged the other one somewhere near the chart but not quite close enough. But this one did very well and to me, when I listen to this, it is not cringeworthy, it is totally sweet.

Speaker 1:

Dolly Parton. Sweet Summer Lovin'. I love this, I love this To the heaven Of your. Sweet summer lovin' by a stream in the country, runnin' barefoot and feelin' free While the love in our hearts blend Into sweet summer lovin'. Sweet summer lovin'. What a sweet voice. Oh, my goodness, what a sweet voice. Oh my goodness, what a beautiful voice. I would honestly say this is like one of my favorite songs, I think, by Dolly. I really like this. By the light of the moon, all the world's a moon. Well, like I said, I have to make it a mini-pod today. I'm running out of time. Hey, wish me luck, would you. My dental appointment and hopefully I'll be able to stop talking about that soon. I'll be on my way to better things, I guarantee you I will. Hey, man, appreciate you. Ma'am, ma'am, ma' man, all of you. Thank you so much. See you for Pat's Peeps number 95 tomorrow. We'll see you on the radio.

Injuries and Updates
Dolly Parton's Red Vinyl Record