Pat's Peeps Podcast

Ep. 104 Today's Peep Celebrates Community Impact, Explores Quirky Cover Songs, Critiques Current Events including Gavin Newsom's State of the State Speech (lies), and Reminisces with a Journey through the Classics

June 25, 2024 Pat Walsh
Ep. 104 Today's Peep Celebrates Community Impact, Explores Quirky Cover Songs, Critiques Current Events including Gavin Newsom's State of the State Speech (lies), and Reminisces with a Journey through the Classics
Pat's Peeps Podcast
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Pat's Peeps Podcast
Ep. 104 Today's Peep Celebrates Community Impact, Explores Quirky Cover Songs, Critiques Current Events including Gavin Newsom's State of the State Speech (lies), and Reminisces with a Journey through the Classics
Jun 25, 2024
Pat Walsh

How can local businesses transform not just homes, but entire communities? Join me as I chat with Chris from American River Flooring, who has been instrumental in redecorating my home from the ground up. We celebrate his impending fatherhood and six years of dedication to top-notch painting and flooring projects. Through our conversation, you'll witness the profound impact local businesses can have and why it's crucial to support these community cornerstones.

Listener feedback fuels our show, and this episode is no exception. We'll share touching stories from our audience, highlighting the deep connections and sense of community we've cultivated together. Inspired by one listener's quirky suggestion, we also preview a fun upcoming segment about bizarre cover songs, featuring an Irish rock band's unique take on Eddie Grant's "Electric Avenue." Plus, I'll recount a charming encounter with some adorable dogs on a beautifully overcast day, adding a lighthearted touch to our discussion.

Shifting gears to current events and music, I express my thoughts on crime statistics and police behavior, challenging some common perceptions. We explore personal responsibility through notable incidents like George Floyd. On a lighter note, find solace in my admiration for Ryan Adams' soothing cover of Taylor Swift's "Shake it Off." We also look forward to the presidential debate and critique media biases, especially concerning Donald Trump's latest controversial joke. Wrapping up on a nostalgic note, we play Journey's "Who's Crying Now," sharing its historical context and my personal memories associated with the classic tune.

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

How can local businesses transform not just homes, but entire communities? Join me as I chat with Chris from American River Flooring, who has been instrumental in redecorating my home from the ground up. We celebrate his impending fatherhood and six years of dedication to top-notch painting and flooring projects. Through our conversation, you'll witness the profound impact local businesses can have and why it's crucial to support these community cornerstones.

Listener feedback fuels our show, and this episode is no exception. We'll share touching stories from our audience, highlighting the deep connections and sense of community we've cultivated together. Inspired by one listener's quirky suggestion, we also preview a fun upcoming segment about bizarre cover songs, featuring an Irish rock band's unique take on Eddie Grant's "Electric Avenue." Plus, I'll recount a charming encounter with some adorable dogs on a beautifully overcast day, adding a lighthearted touch to our discussion.

Shifting gears to current events and music, I express my thoughts on crime statistics and police behavior, challenging some common perceptions. We explore personal responsibility through notable incidents like George Floyd. On a lighter note, find solace in my admiration for Ryan Adams' soothing cover of Taylor Swift's "Shake it Off." We also look forward to the presidential debate and critique media biases, especially concerning Donald Trump's latest controversial joke. Wrapping up on a nostalgic note, we play Journey's "Who's Crying Now," sharing its historical context and my personal memories associated with the classic tune.

Speaker 1:

All right, thank you. Thank you very much. Thank you, Thank you. No, please, oh, thank you. Hey there, oh, you're so kind. It's Pat's Peeps 104. 104, my friends, thank you. Tuning in here on the 25th day of June to Pat's Peeps podcast, june 25th, 2024. And as I stare out my studio windows into the beautiful foothills of Northern California, fortunately for Chris, he's not giving any plumber's crack or anything. He's bent over doing some stuff on my French doors. I'll explain. Hey, there's Chris over there. Ladies and gentlemen from American River Flooring, there he is Chris who is painting. What is it? The bottom trim of my French doors, right, chris? Yeah, the threshold, the transition. I heard yesterday transition. So, chris, you got a second. I'm gonna brag about chris. So chris has come up here for you and, uh, you're, you're. You and matt have come up here. For what? Two or three years you've been working on my house yeah, about two, three years now.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, about three years so they're from american river flooring and they I'm always telling you about these businesses and how cool they are, what good people they are, and chris is certainly one of them. Chris has done uh, chris and matt, they have painted my kitchen, they painted the inside of my home, they painted the outside of my home, they painted the frame to the outside of my french doors. They have done so much more than that, chris. What am I missing here that you guys have done?

Speaker 2:

uh, baseboard uh bathroom. You've been working on the bathroom, painted my bathrooms um, uh, front door trim a little bit of everything, yeah chris is a great guy.

Speaker 1:

I always tell you the people there are great. It's okay to mention because I'm going to. Anyhow, you're expecting a little daughter in the very near future. Congratulations to your brother.

Speaker 2:

Thank you very much. Yeah, she's due in September, so super excited.

Speaker 1:

Hey, you've been there for a while at American River Flooring.

Speaker 2:

Almost six years now, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Almost six years. So let me ask you this, because I've been advertising for you guys for probably maybe going on five years or something like this, and because of American River Flooring. This is why we support local business, because you get people like Chris and Alfonso yesterday from Southgate, but these people are so good at what they do. Can you do you hear that it seems like you guys are getting a lot of business based off of my endorsement of the company, and I don't say that to brag. The only reason I'm saying it is because I want people to go in there, because I want them to trust me and the businesses that I do represent. They mean a lot to me, chris. I really mean it from the bottom of my heart. That's why I introduce you guys to my listeners. I want them to kind of get to know who you are too.

Speaker 2:

But it seems like you guys get quite a bit of business from that. Oh yeah, we definitely do. They definitely mention your name when they come in to get our business in our showroom right there on Madison and Kenneth in Fair Oaks. There you go, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Well, you're doing a fine job. I don't want to interrupt you too long, but thank you for everything you've been doing, man. It looks fabulous. The bathroom, the stuff you've been doing this morning looks great. The transition going out to the so it's a transition going from my uh floors, that american river flooring put in uh, which is um, uh, uh, let's say uh, luxury vinyl, luxury vinyl floors, and then the um, and then the brand new deck and then the doors that go out to the french doors that go out to the deck. So he's putting in this transition which goes from the floor out to the frame of the French doors and then out onto the deck, and he's painting it white right now. It's outstanding and I thank you guys for everything you're doing. Chris.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, thank you, Pat. You betcha, All right there you go.

Speaker 1:

There's Chris, good guy. So I say support local business, support local business, support local business. It really does make a difference, you know, um. So thank you for tuning in. Yeah, we're here at number 104, let me make sure we're on here. There we go, there we go, there we go. Yeah, there we go. Uh, so we know 100 podcast 104 speaking of local business.

Speaker 1:

And this is not an. None of this is an infomercial, by the way. That's not what I'm doing here. But I am encouraging you, if you happen to be a business owner, to take this seriously and let me know if you want to be a Pat's Peeps business. We're really going to be starting into that Yesterday. We have a new member of my radio show, the Pat Walsh Show. It's heard everywhere on KFPK and iHeartRadio. But we have a new member of our Pat Walsh Show, family radio, family, and that is Rehorn RV Parts and Services.

Speaker 1:

Again, I'm not going to do a commercial, but here's what I am going to tell you I'll do the commercials on my radio show. So I go in there yesterday because I hadn't even met them yet and I need to know people who I'm going to be endorsing. I need to know the product. I need to know the people. I want to. I mean, I just think it's very effective for everyone involved. For me, because I want to speak about the business owner, all right, it's important for the business owner to know me and so that we have a really good rapport and then I know what I'm talking about. So, as I accepted this and I'll tell you more about when I say accepted I just really wanted to get to know him.

Speaker 1:

And this is they're called Rehorn and they're on Bell Road in Sacramento, right Over by McClellan. There was a fire over there somewhere over by McClellan in the distance yesterday, but anyhow, so I go over to Rehorn. I said so. I told the person who set this up. I said, listen, I'd like to go meet them. So I go meet them and, as God is my witness, I walk in this young man by the name, also, by the way, by the name of Chris. I get in there, I introduce myself. He is so I mean the service is so down home and so great. I mean literally it's like you're in the Midwest or you went back to the 1960s when people seemed to be a little more polite most instances. So Chris is super polite and nice and smiling and upbeat, and I'm sitting there and I'm waiting for the owners to come out. I've never met the owners before and Chris gets a phone call.

Speaker 1:

By the way, the phone call was based off of my. I had just started doing these endorsements for them, probably, I don't know maybe two weeks ago, and that's why I needed to know, as I'm doing their endorsements, I needed to know them and I needed to know the product because they were not available until now. We weren't available to connect up. So I said I'm going to start this because they're a local company and they have an excellent reputation, so up. So I said I'm going to start this because they're a local company and they have an excellent reputation, so I so anyhow. So Chris takes the phone call and it's about it's based off of me endorsing the business.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, pat Walsh told me to call, said you guys are a great store and yeah. So, chris, he was so polite to that person on the phone. I never said anything until he was done and I got up and I said you know what? Man? Let me shake your hand. I want to commend you because that was excellent customer service. When I came in you had no idea who I was and you were very polite and you spoke with a smile on your face and to me I don't know about you, but to me that makes a big difference. Again, he had no idea it was and I'm sitting there and then the phone call he takes. I just said you know, I commend you for being that good. If I were someone and I called your business, I'd come in and check you out based off of your customer service abilities, and he really liked that.

Speaker 1:

As I was saying that to him, the daughter of the owners of the business, kayla, comes up and introduces herself as well and she brings her father, brian, who is the owner of Rehorn RV and Accessories. So I meet them and Brian says Pat, I listen to your show all the time, I love your show. And he says I, or we, the family, his wife and himself and Kayla, the daughter. They reached out to iHeart specifically for me to endorse their business and I'm going to tell you something that means the world to me. I mean I come on the show, I goof around, I'm having a good time. Same thing on my radio show.

Speaker 1:

But I really take pride in helping local businesses. It's one of my main things I love to focus on, because if they're making money and they're getting customers, they're staying in business. It's good for our community and this is like the backbone of our community. These are people that had ideas, they put their lifetime, they've invested in it, not just financially but emotionally. A lot of times you know they're at that job and they're having to work that job Some would say married to their job, particularly if you have a restaurant, some of these businesses. So anything we can do to help them makes me feel good. And that's what's been happening. Rehorn, for instance, only doing them a couple of weeks on the air now and they've got two or three phone calls a day. But wait till I kick it into gear for them. Already they're pleased at two or three a day, but I'm going to double and triple that.

Speaker 1:

And then one of the greatest moments from that visit is when Brian, the owner, says Pat, my wife's going to be in here in a few minutes because she insisted that I text her when you arrived. And so here comes his wife, gail. She opens up the door, here come the three little dogs that they rescued by the way the friendliest, sweetest little dogs and Gail walks in and immediately she says to me oh God, she goes. And I'm just so humble, honest to God, but she goes. Pat Walsh in the flesh, oh my God, I want a hug. And so I gave her a hug.

Speaker 1:

And she says to me Pat, I love your show. She says I always want to call you. A lot of people won't call. She goes. I don't call because I'm nervous, but I always think I would say the same thing. Pat just said Like I agree with you, man, and that's I love the way you say it. So, anyhow, it made me feel really great, gail. It just it was very special. Thank you so much. And you could tell how passionate she was about it, and certainly I. I'm just very grateful and blessed. And Brian told me that they listened to my show. They turned the TV off. They said your show is better than television. There's nothing on television worthwhile from 7 to 10, so we listen to your show. So listen on so many levels. I'm so thankful. So, if you would please, american River Flooring, southgate Glass. Southgate Glass. Bridgehaven Homes. You know, rehorn, rv, roseville oh, that's the other thing. Roseville Numismatics and Coinshop. We're having this little meeting.

Speaker 1:

Yesterday, where I was taking a tour of Rehorn and Gail says to me she goes, pat, I love the way you do your commercials. She goes. She says Roseville, numismatics. She goes, I don't even know how to say it. She goes I didn't even know what it was. It's Numismatics, roseville Numismatics, a coin shop. And she goes. I didn't even know what Numismatics, she couldn't say it. I didn't know what that meant. She said I kept listening and I kept listening and I started to realize, oh, this is where they'll appraise your stuff.

Speaker 1:

So here's Gail from Rehorn talking about another one of the businesses I represent, which is again Roseville Louis Maddox, and she says, oh my gosh. And you say there's so not such nice people. So she goes about. I don't know how long ago she said it was, but she took her stuff. She had some things. She took them in there to Roseville Louis Maddox and she said Pat sent me. She knocked on the door. She says Pat sent me and they treated me really nice and I made money.

Speaker 1:

So I mean you know to go to one to have one endorsement to tell me that the other endorsement I'm doing they're really awesome and there's that mutual kind of respect, just like with Southgate Glass and American River Flooring. They're not affiliated in any way, but they come up here, they see the work that each one of them is doing and they go wow, you know what this looks really good. You should be very proud of that, and I am, and I thank them. All right, there you go. That's about 13 minutes. I didn't mean to make them commercial, but I can't stress it enough.

Speaker 1:

Oh, and one more thing about the visit. Yesterday I met their dogs. I told you they had three dogs. I'm going to make this dog, this one dog, their mascot, this little dog named Stinky. Stinky, the mascot for Rehore and RV. And I also learned about Cinderella incinerating toilets. Like what the heck is that, my friends? Unbelievable these things, and they're not just for RVs. I'm going to tell you about those. But yeah, all right.

Speaker 1:

So what's going on? Other things that are going on, let's see. Ah, yeah, did I mention the weather today? It's a little overcast. It's sunny, but there's like a little overcast. It's a little overcast, some like some thin clouds. Chris, am I right? It feels good to have the clouds? Oh, so nice, it's really nice. Just a little cloud cover, you know, just a little bit. So of course, I do have the record I pulled today. I think you're going to like that one. It's got a flip side as well. One of the things we're going to be talking about that someone brought up I'm sorry, I can't remember who. I need to go back and look, but one of the things we're going to be talking.

Speaker 1:

And thank you to JD Chandler, longtime radio guy. He was on my show last night, a big hit on the Pat Walsh show last night. Jd Chandler, thanks for coming in. Man, I really enjoyed hanging out with you and, matter of fact, my boss just messaged me and said JD was fun last night. So thank you.

Speaker 1:

Coming up on the show tonight, one of our listeners one of my listeners suggested I'm trying to think of the song he sent me. It's a cover song that should have never been done, absolutely awful. And so he said you got to do a show sometime on very bizarre cover songs. So I think we're going to do that tonight bizarre cover songs and I got a couple of them that come to mind right away. I don't know about you, but when I think of bizarre cover songs I don't know. There's just so many to pull from.

Speaker 1:

It's amazing when these people do songs and you're like, yeah, you know, perhaps you should have left that one alone. You know, maybe you should have just left that one. I'll give you one example. It may not be the best example, only in the matter that you may not even know the band that's doing it, that's doing the remake. But Flatfoot 56 is a band that is an Irish rock band Okay, irish rock band. And here they're doing a song that, in my opinion, again, this is one that they should have really left alone. Okay, what was his name? Eddie? Oh God, eddie Grant did this one in 83.

Speaker 1:

Eddie Grant, you know what I'm talking about, right? You don't want an Irish rock band to redo Electric Avenue. I don't think. Maybe you'll like it better than me. I mean, it's not bad and lots of work to be done, but it ain't great the place to hang out or wash in. Can't blame it all on the sun, dear God. We're gonna rock down to Electric Avenue and then we'll take it higher. No, no, no, no. We're gonna rock down to Electric Avenue and that will take it higher. No, no, no, no. We're gonna rock down to Electric Avenue and that will take it higher. Oh, no, no, no, no, no. Stop it. Stick to your genre. You know what I mean. That ain't your genre. Eddie Grant did that one. It's hard to listen to that one after you know the Eddie Grant version Going back to 1983,.

Speaker 1:

Baby, here are the Pats Peeps podcast, number 104. That's right. Boy Boy Now in the street, which is awesome. I love it. Thank you, chris, it's looking good. Brother, chris painted my doorway into my house. Man, that needed to be done. That was brutal. Got a lot of good feedback on yesterday's podcast, by the way, thank you, so we will go off on that topic tonight. Um, perhaps some, some.

Speaker 1:

Maybe there's some songs out there that were excellent covers that you would have never expected. A couple of those come to mind too. There's one by a band. I I always get into music, don't I? There's a band called the Don Harrison Band that no one's ever heard of. I don't think Most people have never heard of the Don Harrison Band. The Don Harrison Band came out in the late 70s and it consisted of Don Harrison I don't know the other, I think maybe another member, but Don Harrison, stu Cook, who was the bass player for Creedence Clearwater Revival, and Doug Clifford, who was the drummer for Creedence Clearwater Revival and Don Harrison did a cover a Beatles cover of all things of a song that was, you know, helter Skelter. If you remember the song Helter Skelter, to me.

Speaker 4:

It's one of the slide when I stop and I turn and I couldn't go right Till I get to the bottom and I sing again oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, oh. Do you think you want me to love you?

Speaker 1:

I always like this. I think it's a great version of this.

Speaker 4:

I like it a lot. Come on, tell me, tell me, tell me, come on, tell me the answer. Will you make me a lover? He knows the answer. Look out, help me Scalpa, Help me Scalpa, help me Scalpa, look out.

Speaker 1:

Will you want to make me a lover? By the way, the great Gavin Newsom believe me, I'm being snide and sarcastic holding his State of the State address tonight. Are you kidding me? What was his last State of the State? How long did it last? Like four minutes. What's he got to brag about? Seriously, will he talk about the businesses going under Gavin? What about the gas prices, gavin? You're going to talk about the businesses going under, Gavin. What about the gas prices, gavin? You're going to talk about the homelessness, the free handouts, prop 47.

Speaker 1:

Your liberal crap policies Keeping businesses down. Guitar solo that is so awesome, don Harrison. It's all crap policies. Gavin, it's crap. If you arrest someone, then the police were racist, so let's defund them, right? Prop 47 is a great idea, except for you can't even stay in a store in San Francisco. You can't stay in business. Everything is for lease and for rent because of your crap policies where people are crapping on the sidewalks.

Speaker 1:

Gavin Makes me sick, brother, sick Makes me sick. I just called you brother, but I'm just a human. Need to stop man. I love Ronald. God bless Ronald Reagan. Yes, we want the governments off of our backs. God bless you, ronnie. Yes, we want the governments off of our backs. God bless you, ronnie.

Speaker 1:

I look forward to hear what he has to brag about with California. Is it managing the forests? Gavin, you want to defund the police? Huh, try walking down the street behind the Oakland Coliseum, gavin, let's see you All recorded for TikTok. Let's see you, I'll record it for TikTok. Park your car there. See, if you feel safe, park it in San Francisco. Park it, park it, gavin, park it, thank you. Thank you for allowing me my tirade. That's my state of the state address. I thought I'd give it before Gavin the Gavinator jackass. You got me fired up today.

Speaker 1:

Let me tell you, I'm going to be honest with you, for California and maybe for the United States, I feel Gavin Newsom is the most dangerous man in this country. How can I make a statement like that? I'll tell you how I can make a statement like that Because, unfortunately, the honest truth is we as Americans I love America, but we as Americans, many of us who really do not pay enough attention to the issues and we only observe television and we only go by what these people, these talking heads, are trying to tell us there are going to be a percentage of people when this loser, gavin Newsom decides he's going to quit lying and runs for president because the current guy in office can't even juggle his own balls. So this guy's going to come in and he's going to be the great savior. And you know what? He slicks his hair back and he wears a cool shirt. He's got his teeth crowned and capped and all that crap, and a portion of this country is not paying attention. They're going to vote for him. He's got the camera. Appeal baby Something I don't but he does. He's got this. He'll come out, he'll be smooth talking and if we fall for this as a country, for anyone who's not paying attention to California and the liberal trash that's happening out here, we're going to be in real trouble as a country.

Speaker 1:

And, believe me, when these people from California move to other states Idaho, tennessee, texas, wherever it might be I get it when you say, please don't bring your liberal policies to our state. But guess what? That does happen because you have people who have to leave the state because of jobs or what have you certain circumstances. They demand that they leave the state for whatever. Other people are just so fed up with the policies that they're getting the hell out of here, so you don't have to worry about that, because they are in disagreement with them. My thing is, some of us have to stick around to try to right the ship, or else the ship's going down.

Speaker 1:

You want to talk about these garbage statistics where you have, well, a percentage of these people are minority. Blah, blah, blah. Well, quit committing the crimes. Do you really believe the police are out there? All right, bob, which black people in mexico can we arrest today? If you think that, I think you're a little off kilter, this isn't the night, this isn't 1958, and I'm not saying it doesn't exist at times, but the horse crap that I see. All you have to do is look at YouTube. I guarantee you there'll be 50 a-holes on there that are battling with police, telling us they're a sovereign citizen, they don't have to do jack squat. They're screaming at the police and the police are always having to be. So that's okay, sir, that's okay. You keep yelling at me. Until they've got enough, then they put these clowns in handcuffs and I guarantee you, eight out of ten pull a.

Speaker 1:

George Floyd B. Oh, can't breathe. Well, crap, quit running from the police. How about that? Maybe you can breathe. Maybe do a sit-up once in a while. How about laying off the donuts and quit committing crimes? Then you could breathe, right, or are you, george Floyd? That's our new country's slogan I can't breathe. You're a joke. Perhaps you can't tell I'm fired up today about some stuff. That's what happens when I got to bring up Gavin Newsom and cough up some of my show time tonight to that dude. I need to calm down. I don't really need to calm down. Quite frankly, I need to shake it off.

Speaker 1:

I played this the other night. I'm going to shake it off real quick. You know how I do it. Music, you know me and music. I played this for Kitty O'Neil, my partner, on the air the other night.

Speaker 1:

I couldn't tell you, honestly if I heard Taylor Swift on a radio. I couldn't even tell you it was Taylor Swift. I don't even know. I mean good for her. I don't know her music. You know, the only way I know her music is because of Ryan Adams. Not Brian Adams, but Ryan Adams, who used to be with Whiskey Town. He's one of my favorite artists For whatever weird reason. I don't know why, but Ryan Adams did this cover album of all Taylor Swift songs. The album's called 1989. I don't know her music, but boy, ryan Adams does an awesome version of Shake it Off, so I'm going to shake off the Gavin Newsom anger right now. Check out this song by Ryan Adams. Does an awesome version of Shake it Off, so I'm going to shake off the Gavin Newsom anger right now. Check out this song by Ryan Adams Doing a Taylor Swift cover.

Speaker 5:

Speaking of covers I stay up too late. Nothing in my brain. That's what people say. That's what people say I go on too many days. I can't make them stay. That's what people say. That's what people say. That's what people say I keep cruising, can't stop, won't stop moving. It's like I got this music in my mind, so it's gonna be alright, cause the players gonna play pit and the hitters in the head. Baby, I'm just gonna shake, shake it all.

Speaker 1:

Again, I don't have any rights. Isn't that a cool tune? I don't have rights to this music. I'm educating. I'm just talking about the music that people may not be aware of. I'm allowed to do that, right, but I'm just educating about the music. Anyhow, Thursday night is going to be the debate presidential debate. That should be something. Huh. Will we learn anything? Will you be persuaded? You already know who you're going to vote for. Is there anything anyone can say up on that stage that'll sway your opinion?

Speaker 5:


Speaker 1:

Thursday night I'll be talking about it with KPK analyst Gary Dietrich. Afterwards. One of the things that was pretty funny yesterday it was a couple days ago I thought I hope you like that Ryan Adams tune is because I never watch CNN. You understand why, and I don't watch Fox either. I just. I mean it's just, I can't watch CNN because of the garbage they spew there. But at the same time I'm not really looking for any bias in my news, I just want straight up news. But CNN's did a little hissy fit because apparently they believe everything is like yeah, that must have been serious. So Donald Trump, he was on the campaign trail and he's talking to Dana White. He's talking about illegal migrants Well, illegal immigrants or, as I like to call them, illegal aliens, illegal aliens. So Trump's talking about him and he makes a joke about Dana White, about how there should be migrant fights, illegal migrant fights. Man, you should have seen CNN go under their little hissy fit. But here's Donald.

Speaker 3:

People are tough. They're so tough. Dana White did anyone ever hear of Dana White? He's a legend right UFC ultimate fighter, ultimate fighting, and he's a fantastic man. I said, dana, I have an idea. Why don't you set up a migrant league of fighters and have your regular league of fighters and then you have the champion of your league? These are the greatest fighters in the world. Fight the champion of the migrants. I think the migrant guy might win. That's how tough they are.

Speaker 1:

Oh, Bob, did you hear what he said? Yes, Ted, I did. How about that? You can see that Trump now is trying to align and make up that he wants. He wants migrant fights. This is the kind of racist that Trump is. How about satire he?

Speaker 3:

didn't like that idea too much, but actually not the worst idea I've ever had. These people are tough. They're so tough. Dana White Did anyone ever hear of Dana White?

Speaker 1:

It was good the first time, we heard it the first time, but they just go off. Oh my God, how dare he say that? Yeah, it was a joke. Come on, hey, it was a joke. Hey, it was a joke.

Speaker 1:

Putin was talking. You know the guy who's murdering people in the Ukraine? You know the guy, Vlad Putin, who is making a pact, as we speak, with Iran and North Korea, Whose only aim in North Korea, if you ever watch a video over there is to make sure to kill Americans and to praise their leader, the criminal Kim Jong-il, whatever you want to call him, whoever's in power, whoever the latest dictator tyrant is, while their lights are out, Putin talking about. Putin says no one cares what Putin says. Number one, I don't care what a mass murderer says, but he's over there talking about how Americans don't even trust the judicial system and that Trump, because he went through all this stuff, is at least 6%, got a push in the polls at least by 6% because of everything that he's went through. If you give a flying rip, by the way, what Vlad Putin says and it's amazing, I mean if you go back and you do look at some of the comments these people are- tough.

Speaker 1:

Donald, donald, donald, go get your turn. But they're like, yeah, see, he's telling the truth and it's not. Yeah, okay, while he's murdering people, whatever Others say, see, if you're a Trump fan, you're rooting, you're saying that a murderer, or you're saying that Putin is right. Anyhow, whatever, very convoluted, I'm going to spin a record. That's where I'm at. I let off a spinner record. That's where I'm at. I let off a little energy today. I feel good. So I pulled a record today and today's record is somewhat newer than most of the ones I played and it's still in a picture sleeve. I don't have a ton of these in a picture sleeve, but this one is. It even has the picture of the band on the back.

Speaker 1:

This song is a song by an American rock band. It was released in 1981 as the first single from this album, which I'm not going to give it away just yet, because if I do I mean if I tell you then it's just going to give it away right away. It's a very mainstream. It's the first single from the album reached number four on both Billboard Hot 100 and the mainstream rock track charts and you'll know it immediately when I go to play it. Song charted at number 46 on the UK singles chart was the band's highest charting single in the UK until another song eclipsed that. And let's see. It was released as a single from this album in 81 and then incurred a resurgence in UK popularity in 2009. Surgence in UK popularity in 2009.

Speaker 1:

And the singer says the chorus popped into his head while he was driving to Los Angeles, which he recorded on his personal mini cassette player. Once he arrived in LA, he went straight to the keyboardist's house to show him the work in progress. He'd come up with most of the melodies and the rhythms, but he was stumped on the lyrics. Yeah, and his bandmate helped him write most of the lyrics, and at the end of the song the guitarist plays a repeating guitar solo Sounds similar to Carlos Santana. This is from the album Escape 1981, written by Jonathan Cain and Steve Perry. It's Journey and it is who's crying now by journey. Hold on a second. Here we go, come on, I turn table to work here All right. After that build up, hold on a second.

Speaker 3:

Ah, my needle isn't touching.

Speaker 2:

All right hold on.

Speaker 1:

Here we go. Hmm, hopefully, I hope everything's working here. Hmm, oh, sorry about this. There we go.

Speaker 4:

It's been a mystery, but still they try to see why something good can hurt so bad. Caught on a one-way street, the taste of bittersweet Love will survive somehow, someway. One love feeds the fire. One heart bears the sky. Billboard praise. Who's Crying Now? I?

Speaker 1:

wonder who's crying now. Billboard praised who's Crying Now as one of Journey's strongest and classiest records and one of the most appealing love songs of 1981. And Record World said the song spotlights haunting vocals and icy keyboards.

Speaker 4:

Neither could change the headstrong ways and in lover's rage, strong ways. And if lovers rage, they turn out the page. The fighting is worth the love, they're saying. One love feeds the fire, one heart bears the sigh.

Speaker 1:

One love. All right, let's flip it over and see what's on the other side, because there is a flip side to this one. This one, the flip side, is called Mother Father Also I mean obviously also from that same album, Escape. So let's flip it over here and we will listen to Mother Father.

Speaker 4:

She sits alone. I'm in to stare On mother's face. She wears when did she go wrong? The fight is gone. Lord, help this broken home. Hey, mother, father, sister, hey, come back. I'm trying believing.

Speaker 1:

Thank you for listening to Pat's Peeps, number 104. Back for 105 tomorrow. Have a beautiful day. Thank you to Chris, american River Flooring and all the local businesses. We'll see you on the radio On your seven star businesses. We'll see you on the radio.

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