Pat's Peeps Podcast

Ep. 108 Today's Peep Battles NorCal's Blazing Heatwave, Incredible Birthday Celebration Dinner & Conversation, PG&E Outages, Anticipates Mickey Dolenz Interview, and Acknowledges Trump's Speech and Biden's Mixed Signals, and "Not Angry Crying in the Rain"

July 08, 2024 Pat Walsh
Ep. 108 Today's Peep Battles NorCal's Blazing Heatwave, Incredible Birthday Celebration Dinner & Conversation, PG&E Outages, Anticipates Mickey Dolenz Interview, and Acknowledges Trump's Speech and Biden's Mixed Signals, and "Not Angry Crying in the Rain"
Pat's Peeps Podcast
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Pat's Peeps Podcast
Ep. 108 Today's Peep Battles NorCal's Blazing Heatwave, Incredible Birthday Celebration Dinner & Conversation, PG&E Outages, Anticipates Mickey Dolenz Interview, and Acknowledges Trump's Speech and Biden's Mixed Signals, and "Not Angry Crying in the Rain"
Jul 08, 2024
Pat Walsh

Surviving a 115-degree heatwave in Northern California is no small feat, and I've got some wild stories to prove it! From planned PG&E outages to an unforgettable dinner party with MLB catcher Matt Walbeck and restaurateur Kurt Spataro, hear all about the sizzling 4th of July weekend. Amidst the sweltering temperatures, there were still moments of joy, laughter, and a sense of community that made the heat a bit more bearable.

Illegal fireworks, loud car alarms, and a hilarious report from an LA news helicopter added to the chaos of the holiday. But we also had some fun, including my adventure of purchasing and hanging art during the scorching weather, all while supporting local businesses. And don't miss the big reveal—Mickey Dolenz from The Monkees will be joining us for an upcoming episode! We'll dive into his incredible career and the legacy of The Monkees, so stay tuned for that exclusive interview.

Shifting gears, we touch on the recent political landscape with insights from the George Stephanopoulos and Joe Biden interview, where Biden's mixed messages on poll reliability took center stage. Plus, Donald Trump's fiery speech to an evangelical group, emphasizing the importance of worshipping God over government, struck a chord with many. To wrap things up, enjoy some light-hearted musings about Dwayne Eddy's iconic guitar sound, a fanciful voodoo doll for Lorde, and my heartfelt gratitude for your support despite the blazing heat. This episode has a bit of everything—stay cool and enjoy!

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Surviving a 115-degree heatwave in Northern California is no small feat, and I've got some wild stories to prove it! From planned PG&E outages to an unforgettable dinner party with MLB catcher Matt Walbeck and restaurateur Kurt Spataro, hear all about the sizzling 4th of July weekend. Amidst the sweltering temperatures, there were still moments of joy, laughter, and a sense of community that made the heat a bit more bearable.

Illegal fireworks, loud car alarms, and a hilarious report from an LA news helicopter added to the chaos of the holiday. But we also had some fun, including my adventure of purchasing and hanging art during the scorching weather, all while supporting local businesses. And don't miss the big reveal—Mickey Dolenz from The Monkees will be joining us for an upcoming episode! We'll dive into his incredible career and the legacy of The Monkees, so stay tuned for that exclusive interview.

Shifting gears, we touch on the recent political landscape with insights from the George Stephanopoulos and Joe Biden interview, where Biden's mixed messages on poll reliability took center stage. Plus, Donald Trump's fiery speech to an evangelical group, emphasizing the importance of worshipping God over government, struck a chord with many. To wrap things up, enjoy some light-hearted musings about Dwayne Eddy's iconic guitar sound, a fanciful voodoo doll for Lorde, and my heartfelt gratitude for your support despite the blazing heat. This episode has a bit of everything—stay cool and enjoy!

Speaker 1:

We are back. Finally we are back. It is the Pat's Peeps podcast. Seems like it's been forever, but this has been a four-day weekend, that's all it is. When I get four days, I don't know about you, but when I get four days, it feels pretty good. It feels like forever. But here we are again, and today we are back with Pat's Peeps episode number 108, which is just about what I expect the temperature to be today, about 108 degrees as I stare out of the studio window into the beautiful foothills of Northern California.

Speaker 1:

It is another hot day. Man, I hope you've been able to deal with the heat over the 4th of July weekend. I hope you had a great 4th of July, independence Day and a great Independence Day weekend, but it was hot and I hope you're doing okay with the heat. You know I love the heat personally, but a lot of people don't and there are some that the heat affects. So I'm just hoping everyone is okay and very grateful that you would tune back in. I know it's been a couple of days. I was hoping to perhaps do at least one of my podcasts during my off days, but it just didn't turn out because I had so many things to do. Life gets in the way, like I've said, as we all know. But here we are again. We try to be consistent with this.

Speaker 1:

Today is Monday, the eighth day of July 2024. I'll be back to my show tonight. Just in case you don't know it, I am Pat Walsh. I also host my my radio show, the Pat Walsh show, as heard everywhere on your free iHeart app and Sacramento KPK, the legendary 50,000 watt flamethrower. We are 7 to 10 pm, monday through Friday. Thank you for being part of our radio family.

Speaker 1:

Now I'll be honest with you. I didn't expect to be able to do this today. As I mentioned, it's hot out. I mean, over the weekend it was upwards to 114. And at one point, even in my car, it said it was 115 degrees outside, and you know that's. I don't know if I remember another day where it was 115. I'm sure it was even beyond that in Sacramento. I mean, listen, it's been hot. I've lived in Sacramento most of my life and you know it gets hot, and I was expecting I guess I read this wrong.

Speaker 1:

Actually, yeah, I read this wrong. I was expecting today was going to be a PG&E planned outage, because this is what you deal with in California when it gets hot and of course there are fire dangers, then PG&E, who charges you way too much. As we all know, they have these rolling blackouts. I read it wrong. I was falling asleep last night when I read this. I thought this was going to be for today or whatever, but anyhow, it looks like it's going to be for next weekend.

Speaker 1:

Next weekend, on Saturday, a planned outage will take place saturday, 8 am to 2 pm. That means we'll have no electricity. You wake up to no electricity, no coffee, no shower, no, none of that. No making breakfast, no water, whatever where I live. But this will improve our electric system in your community. It says right there, it's going to improve it. Funny thing is I've been dealing with this for several years, so I'm not sure if they've improved jack squat. And this is why, with Pat's Peeps, if you are a business owner, if you sell generators, let me know we should talk, because that would be a great spokesman for your company if you sell generators. By the way, this is going to be a big week for meeting with new Pat's Peeps. I'm very excited about that. A lot of businesses starting to come on board. We're going to tell you more about that as the days go by, but over the weekend I went to a friend of mine's house, joe.

Speaker 1:

Joe McNamara. Thank you for the invite. Really nice time. Joe and Deb put on a really nice dinner party. She's a great cook. We did this. It was Joe's birthday yesterday Happy birthday to Joe McNamara and he put a very eclectic mix of folks together that night, which was really great.

Speaker 1:

It was myself and I didn't really realize what was going on. So I guess he wanted to have just a dinner and conversation with some of his friends from varying backgrounds in life. So he asked me graciously, asked me me to come and me being a talk show host, and I sat next to, uh, very interesting people. My Matt Wolbeck was to my left. We had dinner together. Matt was a.

Speaker 1:

You know, here I am watching the Dodgers beat the Brewers that night and when I got there and they were what, we were watching it and, uh, I didn't know who I was talking to and he's like Dodgers, whatever, and I thought, oh man, this guy's not a Dodger fan. I didn't know who he was. It was Matt Walbeck, who was a guy from Sacramento and he was the catcher for a period of time for the San Francisco Giants and for the Chicago Cubs. And so it was me and Matt, and then Daryl Cordy from Cordy Brothers, and Steve who was a lawyer, and Kurt Spataro, who was a restaurant owner and a chef, and so all people from different backgrounds, and we just had the best conversation, which was exactly what the plan was.

Speaker 1:

On the way over there, I'm looking at the temp gauge on my car in my car and at one point it said 115. I said, wow, 115. So even though Joe has a court outside, he lives over by a beautiful park and we usually sit outside in this court area, smoke a cigar, have a couple of cocktails, play some music or listen to some music. This year they had it indoors and I mean, really, who can blame 114, 115 degrees? But I had my windows down because I wanted to feel 115 degrees. I don't know. Like I said before, I'm an oddball when it comes to heat, so I have my windows down. I'm feeling that it was like a blowing furnace, probably the hottest I've felt, perhaps. Driving down the road and feeling that heat, that air blowing at me, that was one of the hottest I've ever felt in Sacramento. Hottest I ever felt was in Bullhead City when they said it was 121 degrees one time and at that time, at that time, when I was driving out my air conditioning on, I thought, well geez, 121 degrees. I actually want to feel that. So I rolled the windows down, put my hand out there, that was to feel it and um, that was intense, very intense. But it was a great party. Thank you for the invite, everyone there, pleasure to meet everyone. As I say, the food was delicious. Thank you to Deb for a wonderful dinner and to Joe for a great time.

Speaker 1:

Anyhow, also, it was a busy weekend for me because obviously we had Independence Day on the 4th and on the 4th I hope you had a safe 4th of July, independence Day Went over to my brother's and sister-in-law's and had a great time barbecued, some ribs and burgers and some chicken and what have you. My nephew was there, willie, with all his buddies, good young folk having a good time. I will say this, we'll just say that someone in the neighborhood I don't want to say who they had some spectacular fireworks, as legend would tell you, or we would believe that perhaps said fireworks may not have been legal in the state of California. These perhaps may have, as I caught wind of the whole thing. Perhaps came from Nevada I'm not going to say who or what or what they were, but anyhow, whoa, this was one of the better fireworks. You know, like when you go to you're on the cul-de-sac there or on your street where you grew up on, and someone will have a firework display this is the best I've ever seen on it like a cul-de-sac display.

Speaker 1:

These Roman candles were so loud. These Roman candles were so loud God is my witness. Car alarms were going off a couple of streets over and multiple times. I kept thinking, jesus, I wonder what the people who own the car you know, they're in their house what are they thinking? What are these? What are the animals thinking? I mean, well, you know, animals are afraid of the fireworks, when they even regular fireworks, let alone these things. And what I'm telling you? These were loud when they shot up. I mean, these were the loudest I've ever heard, unbelievable. And someone, with the people in the houses, you know, you know, with their car alarms going off, are thinking like what the hell are you?

Speaker 1:

doing over there. What is this? You know they must have gone out. You know, probably turned the car alarm off, go back in the house and bam, two minutes later it's going off again. Oh my God. But you know what? It was seemingly everywhere around the area, because it wasn't just where I was. We were hearing him right next door, a couple of streets down over here. Over there I saw a clip from an LA news station the next day and here's a helicopter in the air. And how many warnings have we had in California about wildfire and you know illegal fireworks and the. You know all that. So here's a LA news copter. It's flying over the city. At one point they showed Dodger Stadium. They go yeah, we're fine. You know, you get the helicopter sound. That's a bad helicopter. I can't do it. I got nothing to do with helicopter sound. I just realized this was nothing I could do to simulate a helicopter sound.

Speaker 2:

I was trying everything.

Speaker 1:

But the helicopter is flying over and they're doing their reports and the guy's chiming in the, the guy's chiming into this and you see, like everywhere you, everywhere you look, there's illegal fireworks everywhere, every neighborhood, every block. Yeah, you can see dr stadium there's the fireworks.

Speaker 2:

I'm making that noise that's pretty good.

Speaker 1:

uh, you can see drger Stadium up in there, fireworks going on.

Speaker 2:

Now they told us no illegal fireworks.

Speaker 1:

But, as you can see, bob and Lois back in the studio, fireworks everywhere covering the entire city, and I like it one point to go. Well, hey, todd up in the chopper, how is that affecting you and the chopper by chad's? Well, bob and lois, you see, we stay high enough in the air, or it doesn't affect us. Are you kidding me? You mean, how does it affect the helicopter? We're way up in the air, lois. We are not affected by the illegal fireworks. We've given ourselves enough room. Thank you very much. But, as you can see, across the city, no one heeding the warnings of do not use illegal fireworks. From the city of industry to La Habra and beyond, you can see fireworks going off. Thank you very much. Theater of the mind, right there, fourth of July, theater of the mind. All right, we're going to go back to you in the studio, bob and Lois. Well, thank you, todd, for that in-depth report. So, lots of fireworks going off, lots of illegal fireworks. You know what else did I have? Oh, I bought some art over the weekend. I mean, if you want to call it art, I bought some prints for my home. I did that. Excuse me, it was very, very hot, probably 113, 14 degrees, and I decided you know, this is the perfect day to drive down to an extremely hot parking lot and go buy some art. I didn't buy it in the parking lot but I went and bought it. It was just a day, probably better served to be indoors most of the day. But thank you to Darlene with a Y and to Mikey, her son, who so graciously helped me out to go get the art. And so it's up in my house. They helped me hang it up and I tell you what it's looking so good. You combine it with the French doors and all the other work. Support local businesses. I was very happy, very happy to go and buy the art, hang it up. Place is looking great.

Speaker 1:

I also want to mention that tomorrow is going to be a big day on the Pat's Peeps podcast. Tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, I will have a very, very special guest on Pats Peeps podcast number 109. This person, everyone knows this person. He was part of one of the more famous musical groups in our lifetime and he is the last surviving member of this iconic musical group, tv group and almost a comedy troupe. In many ways I'll have to ask about this and my favorite of the Monkees, mickey Dolenz. Mickey Dolenz is going to be joining us tomorrow to talk about his career his career with the Monkees and, beyond, his career prior to the Monkees. So I'm really looking forward to talking to Mickey Dolenz on the Pat's Peeps podcast tomorrow Pat's Peeps podcast 109.

Speaker 1:

Please tell your friends, if they are fans of the Monkees, that you're going to want to hear tomorrow's interview with Mickey Dolenz. I cannot wait to talk to him. As a kid he was my favorite. I've had the honor to meet. Now this will be the honor to meet. Now this will be. I've met Mickey. Briefly, he'll never remember that, but I've met him and Peter Tork. So I've met, I've had the pleasure of meeting two of the monkeys Mike Nesmith, of course, anyhow. So Mickey Dolan's tomorrow will be on the show, and you know, boy. So Mickey Dolan's tomorrow will be on the show and you know, boy, so many questions to ask him About an iconic TV show and musical group Davy Jones. You know Part of the Monkees, what an iconic band. So Mickey Dolan's on tomorrow's Pat's Peeps.

Speaker 1:

I do want to talk about a couple of other things. One I will talk about and I don't really get into a ton of the all right, no, that's not true. Lately I have been getting into the political stuff because it's been very interesting after the debate. I do want to say that I was kind of surprised that George Stepanopoulos, who used to be part of the Clinton administration, who is liberal Democrat morning show host on what is it? Good Morning America? Is that what he's on? So he's going to do a post-debate interview, sit-down interview with Joe Biden and I'm thinking, wow, this guy's going to lob softballs to Joe Biden and that's not really what anyone wants to see. We want some hard questions and I must give credit maybe you thought differently, but I want to give credit to George Stephanopoulos because he really did ask hard questions. I was pretty surprised he did not let Biden off easily. I was particularly interested at one point when Stephanopoulos was talking to Biden and saying that if you look at the poll numbers right now, essentially you're pretty far behind. And then Biden's response was like well, let me ask you, do you believe in polls the way that they? Do? You think they're as accurate as they used to be? Really Really downplaying the poll numbers Later on, fast forward, maybe five minutes into the interview, whatever it was.

Speaker 1:

Forward, maybe five minutes into the interview, whatever it was, stephanopoulos says something to the effect of well, you're behind, blah, blah, blah, whatever the numbers, and what is you're behind in the polls? And again he'd bring it up. And what does Biden say? Well, that's not what our polls show. So at first the conversation, biden says do you really believe, george, that polling is what it used to be? I wrote this down because I wanted to remember. He said do you believe what, george? That polling is what it used to be? We can't trust it. He said I'm kind of paraphrasing that last part there. Then later, when Stephanopoulos asked about being 36% behind in the polls 36%, that's incredible, it can't be. Well, I don't know what's going on. Anyhow, biden says well, that's not what our polls show. He just got through downplaying the polls, saying you can't trust him. But now when they work in his favor I mean when he needs to say something to make it work in his favor then he changes his tune. Very interesting.

Speaker 1:

One other piece of political stuff. I just saw this political stuff. I just saw this. So Donald Trump was speaking to an evangelical group and he made some interesting comments here. I want to see if I can find those for you, but he made some interesting comments and I thought they were worthy of sharing, so let's do this. So where is he? Oh darn it, it losing everything here. Um, it's an evangelical crowd and here's what he said. Let's uh sorry about that. I'm trying to get to this as quickly as I can here we go.

Speaker 2:

Shocks an evangelical crowd.

Speaker 1:

Yes, exactly, common sense remark this guy posted this crazy his support. You've got to see this.

Speaker 3:

For too long, politicians have tried oh have they tried to centralize authority among the hands of a small few in our nation's capital. I see them all the time. Bureaucrats think they can run over your lives, overrule your values, meddle in your faith and tell you how to live, what to say and where to pray. But we know that parents, not bureaucrats, know best how to raise their children and create a thriving society. And we know that families and churches, not government officials, know best how to create a strong and loving community. And, above all else, we know this In America we don't worship government, we worship God.

Speaker 1:

That brought the crowd to their feet. What a moment there. This is not a paid presentation for Donald Trump. This is just what I saw. It would pique my interest. I agree with what he said.

Speaker 1:

By the way, it's funny they keep saying well, donald Trump said from the very beginning he wanted to be a dictator or a king. Really, show me the clip. I'd love to see that clip. Donald Trump, he's out to ruin democracy. Really, tell us how. We'd love to know that.

Speaker 1:

It's easy to say it, but it's another thing to break it down and give us some examples. But you don't get that. Listen, I'm not here to be a political talk show. I'm really not. I'm just pointing out things that have piqued my interest, and lately, a lot of the stuff that's piqued my interest has been since the debate and, just like everyone else, we've been paying attention to it. I mean, I've watched more CNN, like I said on the last podcast that I've ever watched in my life, because I don't watch CNN Back when, when CNN first started, yeah, I did, because it was an actual 24-hour news network, but then they began the agenda and Fox is the same way, just on the other side. Excuse me, but so I've watched a lot of it. So I love to see him scramble right now and explain everything, because we need to know.

Speaker 1:

Someone showed a clip yesterday. Now, whether or not and then I'll get off the politics whether or not you agree with Joe Biden and his politics, whether or not you agree with Donald Trump and his politics, or RFK Jr, whatever you think. That's beside the point about what I'm about to say. Someone showed a clip from 12 years ago of Joe Biden on a TV show answering questions Sorry, I don't remember the show One of these weekend news shows I happen to be paying attention to and they show Joe Biden and he's talking and again, whether or not you agree with what he's saying, he was like you could the different. Oh, it was a doctor. It was a doctor, that's who it was. I don't remember the doctor's name, but the doctor was talking about this and he played these clips and he's trying to kind of demonstrate what he thinks perhaps Joe Biden might be dealing with right now, at the advanced stage of 81.

Speaker 1:

He shows a clip from 12 years ago and I will tell you this man was on the money. Physically, his reactions, the way he responded, was very, very sharp. Again, whether or not you agree with him, but his mannerisms very, very sharp Again, whether or not you agree with him, but his mannerisms very, very sharp. He really looked with it 12 years ago and then they played some of the clips from recently and I tell you what it was kind of sad to me. You know.

Speaker 1:

Here's a guy who I believe has been part of an orchestrated movement in the United States that's my own personal beliefs Orchestrating things to make this and that happen. And I could get into more of that, but that's not my point. I could do that on any podcast and I've done it on my show. But being only on the human, compassionate side, it's sad to see, but we can all be at risk because of it. But it is sad to see. We should not make fun of the elderly or anyone dealing with any kind of issues due to their age, because that's something we cannot help. But literally, when you have said the same thing about Trump for so long, it makes it hard to sympathize with you. You've done the same thing to Trump.

Speaker 1:

Some say a lot of these 34 felonies were all orchestrated, a way to make sure that Trump never gets back in office again. It seems like the whole agenda is climate, electric cars, talking about January 6th, about Trump lying. You need to get to issues, and there's a lot of issues facing us and to me, what I saw between 12 years ago, biden and now is a huge difference and we need someone who's competent to do that. Now we might look at Donald Trump and go, gee, look how strong he looked in this debate, and four years from now he may not look that strong because he's also up there in age and I don't want to get too much into that. You've heard so much of it already. I know that. I understand that. I definitely get that, but tomorrow, no politics when Mickey Dolenz comes on.

Speaker 1:

Yesterday I had a great lunch with A-Hood. Thank you, a-hood. A-hood and Mike and Darlene, we went to Mel's Diner. I'll save my review for another time, but you know what's annoying I'm going to talk about this on my show last night when some guy sits behind you in a diner, pulls out his phone and starts playing video games at full blast on his phone.

Speaker 1:

Now, in listening, he must have been playing Call of Duty. I don't play video games so I don't know, but it was like a war game and you could turn your phone up pretty doggone loud. You know I don't play video games so I don't know, but it was like a war game and you could turn your phone up pretty doggone loud. You know, in a setting in a restaurant, and he's right behind me and all I can hear is machine guns. Yes, sir, yes, sir, yes, sir, yes, sir, yes, sir, yes, sir, yes, sir, yes, sir, yes, sir, yes, sir, yes, sir, yes, sir, bah, bah, bah. You know all this military stuff, like what the heck man? Excuse me.

Speaker 1:

So we tried to find another booth. There were no other booths available at the time, so I just let it roll. But the guy sits behind us the entire lunch with his phone blaring out this video game. At one point I had to get him to use the restroom I'm coming back and I took a peek at his phone as I was walking by him back, getting back to my seat, and yeah, it was a military video game. And the waitress even looked at us like yeah, I know what you're saying, I'm so sorry this is happening and there's no. Unfortunately there's no other booths right now that are available of this size to accommodate four people. But wink, wink, I get what you're saying.

Speaker 1:

Now I don't know if it's up to her to say anything. I don't know if that's etiquette or if that goes against etiquette to tell someone hey, can you do me a favor, can you do us a favor, can you turn your phone down a wee bit? You're kind of bothering other customers, I don't know what. My place. I didn't say anything, but I'm going to talk about that on my show tonight because I want to know about what you guys think about that. If someone were doing that, or if you do that in public, or if that's okay, or if perhaps the waitress or someone in the business, the manager, what have you should have come up and said something, or maybe I should have said something, or someone in our group. So please tune into my show tonight. The Pat Wall Show, 7 pm KFBK or on your iHeartRadio app. Wall Show, 7 pm KFBK or on your iHeartRadio app.

Speaker 1:

So let's finish out with some music here, because I didn't get angry yesterday over the war game, video game. I have something to play in that regard. I'll tie it together momentarily, guard, I'll tie it together momentarily. But yeah, I pulled a record from my extremely ultra rare 45 collection today, sitting right next to my furniture, my new furniture I bought over the weekend and my new art. Thank you very much. So this song on the hottest day, on one of the hottest days of the year it's ironic I'm going to play this one song is composed by Carole King, lyrics by Howard Greenfield.

Speaker 1:

Originally recorded by this duo, american duo single peaked at number six on the US Billboard Hot 100 in 1962. I believe it came out in 61. Let me see if I can see something on the record label itself to say the date. There's a lot that the radio station blacked out here, for whatever reason on the label. It took a black pen, felt pen and blacked some stuff out. I'm not sure what they were doing, but it's a promo, not for sale. Heck, this song is only a minute and 59 seconds and the other side is a minute and 58 seconds. Uh, the song was originally the.

Speaker 1:

It was the only collaboration, I should say, between these songwriters, greenfield and king, both of whom work for alden music. At the time of the song's composition, and on a whim, two Alden songwriting partnerships decided to switch partners for one day. Jerry Goffin, who normally worked with King, partnered with Greenfield's frequent writing partner, jack Keller, leaving Carole King and Greenfield to pair up for the day and, despite the commercial success of their collaboration, king and Greenfield never wrote another song together, so I'm going to play it for you. Went to number seven in Australia, number 10 in Belgium, number nine in the Netherlands, did well everywhere Number eight in New Zealand, number eight in Norway, six in the US. This is from the Everly Brothers and, like I say, playing this one on a really hot day, a bit of irony. This is a song called Crying in the Rain by the Everly Brothers. Here we go, hurting me, I've got my pride and I know how to hide all my sorrow and pain.

Speaker 2:

I'll do my crying in the rain. If I wait for cloudy skies, you won't know the rain from the tears in my eyes. You'll never know that I still love you. So, though the heartaches remain, I'll do my crying in the rain. Raindrops falling from heaven Could never wash away my misery. But since we're not together, I look for stormy weather To hide these tears. I hope you'll never see. Someday, when my crying's done, I'm gonna wear a smile and walk in the sun. I may be a fool, but till then, darling, you'll never see me complain.

Speaker 1:

I'll do my crying in the rain. Crying in the rain, the Everly Brothers, I'll do my. Crying in the rain. Crying in the rain, the Everly Brothers, I'll do my. Crying in the rain. Let's flip it over, shall we? Let's flip this thing over and see what's on the other side, and I'll tie this into my conversation as well today. Yeah, the guy with his little video game is behind us. That's right. He was annoying for sure, but I wasn't angry. We're going to flip it over the other side of this. You know what? I might like this song equally as much as the A side, the B side, the non-featured side. I might like, if not as much as Crying in the Rain, I might like it as much or more. So flipping it over. This is the Everly Brothers and it's a song called I'm Not Angry.

Speaker 2:

Here you go, I like this won't play until I've had my say. I hope your mail always fails to reach you until you want to hear from me. I hope you're as much close, Mr. But I'm not angry, I'm just hurt.

Speaker 1:

I hope your phone will. You know the last podcast when I talked about Dwayne Eddy and his guitar sound, how much it influenced me. I mean the last podcast I talked about Dwayne Eddy and his guitar sound, how much it influenced me. I mean it influenced other artists. You can hear that in the Everly Brothers on this one, the Dwayne Eddy sound, his guitar sound.

Speaker 2:

But I'm not angry. Just for Lorde I'll make a voodoo doll, stuff it with bats and owls. He'll haunt your house on rattle chains. We'll hang around until you call my name and tell me that you want me back again. I hope your record's always great. New shoes make your feet ache. I hope your luck will get stuck On black hats until you want a kiss from me. I hope your TV's always back.

Speaker 1:

I love that guitar. Sad Dwayne Eddy sound right there. This is edgier than any Everly Brothers song I've heard. Hey, thank you for listening. Appreciate you very much. Pat's Peeps 108. Well, it's 108 degrees, baby. We'll see you for 109 tomorrow, when it's probably going to be 109. See you on the radio.

Welcome Back to Pat's Peeps
Illegal Fireworks and Special Guests
Political Remarks and Restaurant Rudeity
Musical Influence and Voodoo Dolls