The Abundant Investher

How to Unleash the Power of Your Vision and Make 2024 Your Best Year Yet!

December 01, 2023 Beth Rooney and Christine Fiske Season 1 Episode 21
How to Unleash the Power of Your Vision and Make 2024 Your Best Year Yet!
The Abundant Investher
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The Abundant Investher
How to Unleash the Power of Your Vision and Make 2024 Your Best Year Yet!
Dec 01, 2023 Season 1 Episode 21
Beth Rooney and Christine Fiske

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Ready to harness the power of visioning and goal setting? We, Christine Fisk and Beth Rooney, invite you to embark on a journey of redefining your mindset. We go deep into the power of reflection as we bid goodbye to the current year and welcome the new one with our arms wide open. We impart upon you an impactful journaling exercise, designed to help you channel your future self's energy and craft an illuminating vision for the year ahead that aligns with your desires and ambitions.

Dream big and stay adaptable – that's our motto. Together, we unravel the significance of visualization and unwavering belief in our dreams, exploring how these twin forces can transform your dreams into reality. We touch upon the magical influence of feminine energy and its crucial role in being open and receptive to the unfolding opportunities. Further, we share an inspiring real-world example of the transformative power of belief and how it can reshape the trajectory of your journey towards your true desires.

Now, let's talk about action and trust. We delve into the art of making the first move towards your dreams, breaking down the barriers of fear and excuses that often hold us back. We emphasize the transformative power of daily journaling and visualization exercises, and how they can instill a sense of adaptability in your plans. We share some of our personal experiences and offer advice on how to navigate setbacks and overcome the fear of rejection. Moreover, we discuss the role social media could play in building trust and fostering relationships. So, don't let fear hold you back. Join us on this episode and take a step forward towards your dreams.

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Ready to harness the power of visioning and goal setting? We, Christine Fisk and Beth Rooney, invite you to embark on a journey of redefining your mindset. We go deep into the power of reflection as we bid goodbye to the current year and welcome the new one with our arms wide open. We impart upon you an impactful journaling exercise, designed to help you channel your future self's energy and craft an illuminating vision for the year ahead that aligns with your desires and ambitions.

Dream big and stay adaptable – that's our motto. Together, we unravel the significance of visualization and unwavering belief in our dreams, exploring how these twin forces can transform your dreams into reality. We touch upon the magical influence of feminine energy and its crucial role in being open and receptive to the unfolding opportunities. Further, we share an inspiring real-world example of the transformative power of belief and how it can reshape the trajectory of your journey towards your true desires.

Now, let's talk about action and trust. We delve into the art of making the first move towards your dreams, breaking down the barriers of fear and excuses that often hold us back. We emphasize the transformative power of daily journaling and visualization exercises, and how they can instill a sense of adaptability in your plans. We share some of our personal experiences and offer advice on how to navigate setbacks and overcome the fear of rejection. Moreover, we discuss the role social media could play in building trust and fostering relationships. So, don't let fear hold you back. Join us on this episode and take a step forward towards your dreams.

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Christine Fiske:

Hello everyone. It's Christine Fisk from the Abundant Investor. I'm here with my co-host and business partner, beth Rooney, and today we are so excited to dive into 2024 planning with you. It's one of our favorite exercises as business owners to reflect a bit on this year and think ahead to the new year and all that we want to create, all the abundance that we get to welcome in to our business, to the world, and dream into how we want to serve all of you, all of our clients and the world more with what we do best. So this is going to be a lot of fun.

Beth Rooney:

Yeah, I love it, christine. When I was managing real estate offices, this was always my favorite time of year. I mean, I love Christmas too, but I love a great plan because it forces people to stop and kind of give themselves a little pat on the back how was your year this year? What worked for you? And this is whether you are in business or in your personal life.

Beth Rooney:

It's always great to sit back and say, okay, what worked for me in 2023? And what did I want to improve? And how can I have a growth mindset about that and then really dream big about 2024 and beyond? And I'm excited about this today because I hired you as my coach and you are an ace at this. You are so great at this, so it's a lot of fun. It's something that's a topic that you and I both love, and I personally reap the rewards of the work that we're about to talk about, and it was life changing to me, so I'm excited for this conversation. For any agents that have worked with me in the past, you know how much I love this. I would track every agent down until we had a conversation about their plan, and so, yeah, it's time well spent.

Christine Fiske:

Absolutely so. I want to, just before we dig in, I want to state that this is really for anyone and probably, restating what you said, it's really for anyone who's a business owner. It's also for if you're in a corporate career. This could work for you too. Our focus, of course, is we're leading more towards the real estate side of things, and I think this is a great episode to share with anyone who wants to get clear on some new goals and hit reset on any facet of their life in the new year. And it's a great time to start now so that you feel like you're getting ahead of the game and you go into the year and you're ready to just start, instead of starting to plan in January and not really launching until after. Get started in December and you will be in a really good position, with a great mindset, to get going in January. So, without further ado, I want to dive into a little bit and I'm sharing here also, I'll say like it's a little bit of my secret sauce with coaching clients, of how I help them through their own visioning and planning and creating a new reality for themselves. So so much of this work is really rooted in your vision, and that vision is rooted in, like how are you feeling and your mindset and your actual state when you do the work? So I always love to start with getting really clear on how do you want to feel and getting into a good feeling place when you do this exercise. It really makes a difference because you're going to see the world through a lens that is a lot different than if you're coming to the table with a doom and gloom mentality or you're really worried about money or there's some fear that's really looming over you. Those things are mindsets and their, their stories that we tell ourselves and beliefs that we've created that generally don't serve us. So what we want to do before we get into really visioning big for next year is start to think about what are the beliefs that I want to have that serve me, that carry me into the vision that I want to have? The best way to do that is think about who do you want to be and how do you want to feel in this new version of you.

Christine Fiske:

I really like Joe dispensers work. He talks a lot about leaving behind the version of you that is today so that you can become a version of you that is really has a new personality in the future. And I say new personality and I mean really coming up with different thoughts which create beliefs, which then create a new version of you. And it might sound a little bit like, oh, am I losing myself? No, the core of you is always going to be there. It's always going to be who you are. This is simply evolving and becoming the better, the higher version of yourself that's already exists, but a lot of our conditioning keeps us from being in that version.

Beth Rooney:

I love it. It makes a ton of sense.

Christine Fiske:

Yes, so let's go. So the best way to start this is a journal exercise, frankly is like, who is this person that I want to be and how do I want to feel? And I love to get in the practice of doing this regularly. So this is something on the coaching side I work with all my clients which is to really embrace and embody that future self. So okay, when I'm making a half million dollars a year, when I'm in my dream business, when I launch my business, or when I'm selling $50 million of real estate, what do I look like? What do I feel like? What do I wear? How do I dress? What music do I listen to? Do I make my dinner or do I have a private chef come in? Do I spend my days doing laundry at the end of the day or do I outsource that? And what kind of car do I drive? And how do I give away my money and how good does that feel? All of these things we really want to get into the energy of like. What does the version of me in the future feel like when she does this? And it's amazing how doing this once and then repeating this process can really start to change your identity, and that's really what a lot of us are craving. The opposite of depression is evolving. It's growing, it's learning. It's not just, it's not happiness, it's growth. So that's what I know that we're all craving. So once we get into that really great state, then we can visualize, Then we can think about what is it that I want 2024 to look like for me? What do I want to be doing in my business? What are the things at the end of the year that are going to make me say, wow, I'm really proud of myself, I really feel like I had an impact. I really feel like I did what I set out to do. So the next step from that once you get clear on, you start to get into that energy. We want to start to write the things down that just pop up.

Christine Fiske:

So I want to share this that I went to a seminar a couple of weeks ago and I came out of that in so much high-vib energy I knew that was when I get to start thinking about my vision for 2024. So I sat on the plane and I just dumped. So there's no order. This is like a total brain dump. I opened my notebook and I knew that I was going to end up rewriting this again later. This was just. I want to take stock, while I'm feeling amazing, of what I can see myself doing in 2024. And I made a list. It's got a mix of business goals, personal goals, fitness goals. It's got it all family goals, family vacation that I want to take and we can go back and refine it later. I just want to capture it at this moment when I'm feeling amazing.

Beth Rooney:

It's so great. It's so great. And one thing I wanted to just note there, a couple of things. One, your energy level just went through the roof when you started talking about it and it's contagious and I love it. But two, I think people have these compartments like, okay, I'm going to write a business plan and it's going to be my business plan, and it's so stoic and I don't have the ability to uncouple things. And I just heard you say, basically, that your life, your vision, is your whole life and the way you earn wealth is just a piece of that and it's so connected to the most important relationships in your families and your friends, and it's your health and your mental well-being and your fun. All of it gets to be connected and I think that the people that I've observed over time that are the most successful see that as one big, you know container and not all these separate little containers that are not related to each other.

Christine Fiske:

I love that so much. It's so, so, so true, there's time and a place for compartmentalization Absolutely. But this is not that because you're right, beth Like it's the big vision of who am I in my life, and I always say to my executive and my entrepreneur clients your life and your work are always woven together. No matter what and how you do, one thing is how you do everything. So to that point, I just I came back from that event and one of the things I did, before even waiting till 2024, was hire a personal trainer.

Christine Fiske:

I have a friend. He's incredibly high-vibed and I knew I wanted a dose of that energy every week. Listen, I'm not training to run a marathon. I've done that 10 times. I'm done with that. I'm not training to be in some bodybuilding competition. I want to feel fit and energetic. That's what I want. Can I achieve it on my own? Yes, and I know that by spending time committed to it weekly in a high-vibed, energy is going to affect every, just like you just said. It's affecting. It's going to start affecting everything else in my life and that's why I signed up and I'm starting tomorrow. I love it. I love it. It's so true. And if you find one area of your life is like bringing you down, and there was a piece of my family life that was doing that a little bit, not too long ago. You just get to ask yourself like what would feel good, what would feel better, or what can I do to change, because if we keep doing the same thing, guess what? We keep getting the same results. Yes, exactly Definition of insanity.

Christine Fiske:

Right, exactly, exactly. That's what Einstein said, and so there's a lot of truth to that. And I just had a conversation with a client this week which was around doing this exact exercise and she really wanted to compartmentalize. And I said, no, no, just do the dump, get into the mode. She's back home, she's from out of the country, she's back home in our native land. And I said take some time for yourself while you're there. I know it's bringing up a lot of emotions for you. Take some time to really think about how you want to set yourself up for 2024 and just do a big dump. So this is something we do all the time.

Beth Rooney:

That's awesome, so I interrupted you. I'm sorry. We've talked about the great state. Step one get the state of mind that you need. Step two is really visualize with high energy and you know, just get a pad of paper and write down everything. Right, what's the? What do you? Where do you go from there?

Christine Fiske:

So, as you're writing it down, I just want to make this note about the visualization. What about the visualization side? Let yourself dream fricking big, like, take the roof off of your dreams. If you find that you're like, oh well, next year I'd like to have a bigger salary, or maybe I'd like to change jobs or sell you know, sell a million more than I did this year I would challenge you Is that really what you want or is that what feels quote unquote attainable? Because a lot of times we're going for, like, what feels attainable.

Christine Fiske:

And it's through dreaming really big and allowing ourselves to have the big dreams that we make the big leaps. And that's exactly how I got into real estate investing. As I said, I want to buy a house. My first thought was oh my gosh, this second house of the beach is going to be 10 years away. And then I allowed myself to dream about it anyways. And so I started to believe it. I started the process of believing, which is really, after you visualize it, you want to believe that all of this is possible. You don't have to worry about the how. So much we're going to get into strategy We'll talk about that but so much of this is just simply believing it's within reach for you and it's possible, and that's bigger than any strategy you can build out. So I want you to really start to embody and believe these really big dreams and I love it yeah, as big as you can do. And don't beat yourself up right now or say and also don't judge me for saying you can dream really big if you feel like that's out of reach for you, because that might just be where you're at right now.

Christine Fiske:

One thing that you and I talk about, beth, though, is that the more we learn about ourselves and the more we peel things back and see what's possible, the more we see what's possible. Maybe living in a million dollar house is a dream and you think that's the big dream. And then you move and you live in that million dollar house, and then, all of a sudden, you have friends, you start to spend time with them, you start to realize I really would like this, and the house that you want is a $2 million house, or maybe you want the. It doesn't all have to be about money. Maybe you want the vacation home, or maybe you want to have more time to be in service and community service. It's possible. We get so hung up on these limiting beliefs we have that we block it, and that's a whole other. We can do a coaching call on that, if someone wants to get into that, we'll do that.

Christine Fiske:

So believing it is huge and being open to receiving. I see this blocked for so many people, especially women. It's our feminine energy, which we all have, males and females. The feminine energy is a receiving energy. Think about it, it's the natural way, and feminine energy says we get to be, we get to rest, we get to receive. We're so, in a society that's doing, doing, doing and going, going, going, that we lose sight of this and we feel unworthy, we feel like unproductive, we beat ourselves up if we don't do things. Yeah, it becomes a badge.

Beth Rooney:

You know this, being busy is such a badge of honor for people, especially women. Oh, I'm so busy.

Christine Fiske:

Right, I mean we're who's not tired of hearing that from ourselves and from everyone else? Right, exactly, to an extent it's reality, like I believe that we've made ourselves busier, and I would challenge you to find and I challenge myself to find places where I don't have to be so busy, right, right.

Beth Rooney:

Exactly exactly, yeah, and feeling good about it. I think a lot of it is the mindset around it. It is not necessarily the time, the number of hours in the day, it's how you view it. And if everything's busy work and you're not enjoying anything, I think you got to go back to that vision. We were on a call the other day where our, the leader of the group that we're on, really challenged an agent and I feel like it's OK for me to share this about wanting. She wanted to start a team. So she thought was her vision for 2024. And Amy challenged her to say well, why, why do you want to have a team? And it was an emotional conversation. It went back and forth and there was.

Beth Rooney:

You could see the pain in this young agent. She's a young mom, she has a young family and really what she wanted is to be able to spend those quality hours safe, between four and eight, undistracted, with her young family. No-transcript. I think a big part of it and I bring this up, christine, because I think it's really important is that she didn't believe that was possible. But by the end of that conversation she did. And now her, her if going back up the chain, her plan and her vision changed because she started to believe it. And so having those conversations and having people that you can have those conversations and bounce things off of is so important, because be careful, what you wish for, you might just get it.

Beth Rooney:

And in her case, I think if she started a team, she probably would have been even busier and not really been able to offload the work during those hours.

Beth Rooney:

So they came up with some really great solutions on other, on other things, and maybe she does build a team too. But I think the breakthrough I saw in that conversation was believing it's possible to, you know, have the goal of sitting down to have dinner with your family on most nights. I think that's a really that's a dream that I think. I heard the other day that only 30% of families do that and I'm sure that's a dream a lot of moms have, especially working moms and dads of of gathering together at the end of the day to spend time and and and sort of rest, even though you're having dinner, like feeling that like oh, I'm not so busy, so I feel like that is you know. I think that's a great example of using this process wherever you are and then really kind of challenge what it is that's on that list and why you want it to be on that list.

Christine Fiske:

That's so good it's, it's so true. A lot of times we think we want one thing and ask yourself, like what you're saying is just ask yourself, why do you think you want that and is it really what you want?

Beth Rooney:

I mean it's.

Christine Fiske:

It's fascinating. I mean going back to this, the investment property about. I wanted it as a vacation house and I'm at a point now where it's an investment property. It's not a vacation house anymore. So I could hit reset on that dream and say, well, what, where's the beach? I, like you, know what does that look like? Now Do I still have that dream?

Christine Fiske:

Because things shift, and I think that's a really good point, a really good segue to talk about. We want you to think about what you want for next year and we want to get into the strategy piece of this and how you start to map it out. And it's so important to stay flexible. The reality is no one can plant, and I see so many women, we we grasp for control to because we think it's going to create the life that we want.

Christine Fiske:

So we want to try to control everything and I think we feel like we're so busy, things are out of control and the reality is that we're trying to plan everything so much that we get so disheveled when things don't go according to plan which, by the way, is a lot of the time, because we're not in control of so much of the world.

Christine Fiske:

So that is one of the biggest problems I see moms and women, and, of course, some men too, struggling with, and I think it's really, really important to stay nimble and open-minded about how things come together. Yes, so when your, your deal doesn't go through, instead of being totally frustrated and sitting down with a bottle of wine, how about saying this is the universe protecting me, or letting me wait for something that bigger, that in better, that is about to happen? And if you have that view of the world, if we can take that lens and believe that things are working out for us we're just constantly amazed at how things keep working out and that we're not in control. And when we release and when we let go, amazing things do happen. I really do believe the universe will conspire with us. It does require us letting go a lot of that control.

Beth Rooney:

Yeah, I think that I mean that was the. That was really the key to when you, when I were coaching, you know the, the, the opportunity that came to me after that coaching and really through your I won't say stern advice, but very direct advice to stop trying to control everything and be open to receiving an opportunity came that's grown into so much. I mean, us being here on this, on this podcast, was not anything that was even on my, you know, radar screen, but I knew I wanted more and I had a bigger vision for myself. So, yes, I think it's from somebody that's been through it and that you know it's and continues to evolve, and that's. I think we talked about that offline. You know, this is not a ever complete project, right, it's evolving and changing and growing bigger and the dreams can get bigger and the. I love that. You said that.

Beth Rooney:

And one other thing I just wanted to pick, pick up on what you said is making a plan and being nimble. I mean, you do have to take action and sometimes the and I know that we've used the term aligned action. So, taking action not just for the sake of taking action, but taking action that's going to move you in the direction of that vision that you spent so much time and really in daily you think about and dream about and visualize. I think that's a daily exercise. So I love that journaling because it's a constant reminder of what your vision is. And then asking yourself is the action that I'm taking moving me towards that vision?

Beth Rooney:

And then and then being prepared for things that go off track. You know, there's times when things surprise us and we don't expect it to happen. Maybe people lose their job or get laid off or whatever. And how can you continue on that path and not let it destroy you Is? You know? I think that's a really I think you would. You would just talking about all of that. I think that's really, really important.

Christine Fiske:

Absolutely so, so important, and there is a strategy component. So there is a piece where we get clear on what we want and to and to move into that we've got to be willing to take. Like you said, we've got to be willing to take action, because that is what strategy is about. And then we're just defining the actions that we get to take and then moving forward. And I will say what holds a lot of people back is they don't take action or they don't take the action that they set out to. And we're really, really good at making excuses, and I don't even like to use that term because people don't like to admit that they make excuses. Here's what happens we all are prone to fear, and there's two major fears there's fear of not being loved and there's fear of rejection and not belonging. So at the root of every fee, like those are the two root fears that are most other fears are connected to. So when we are in any of those fears, we're likely going to come up with excuses not to take the action.

Christine Fiske:

I was was just on a coaching call today and like it comes up inevitably almost always when we talk about well, what are the steps you're going to take. Well, I would take this step, but no, like, stop being ready to be ready, you're ready. Like we have to take messy action, and that's something that you and I are really good at, beth. I will say, in building a business, we keep taking action and we're not perfectionist about it, and that's part of why you and I work well together is, I think, is because we're both of that mindset, like let's keep moving forward and taking action is it can be scary, for sure, and we've got to take some risk if we like the bigger the risk. Like you're going to feel the pain, you're going to feel it, like it's going to be scary to a degree and that's okay. And you have to ask yourself am I really safe? So, if you want to make big leaps next year, just know that, that feeling when it comes up, feel into it and say what is it trying to protect me from?

Christine Fiske:

Oh, I feel I don't want to put myself on social media. Oh gosh, that's just my ego trying to protect me because it doesn't want to feel like I'm going to get shunned or be unlovable. Right, right, exactly. I don't want to be judged because then I might not be loved. And guess what? Like, if you're evolving, things are going to change and you might. Yeah, you know someone may not show up for you, but did you want that person to be there anyways pretending to show up for you, right? If they don't like that, you're posting on social media. But let me tell you, like, as someone who posts on social media a lot, people generally don't care and it's a chance for them to get to know you a little bit better.

Beth Rooney:

That's been a big, big, big learning of mine, especially if you're in a business like you know you're an entrepreneur, or even as a corporate employee people want to know, like and trust you and God. I can't think of a better way than social media for people to get that inside scoop, of getting to know you a little bit and liking you and then trusting you, and that's who people do business with. Doesn't matter if you're selling fitness programs or real estate or your caterer or, you know, a wedding planner. People want to give their money over to people that they know, like and trust, and social media is a way to do that. And so, yeah, I think that you know it sounds very tactical, but, going back to that fear, I think you're right and there's so many people, especially in my experience in real estate, that have that fear. They know they should do it and they come up with every reason not to do it, while I'm a private person, okay.

Christine Fiske:

That's okay. You know you either private and you're going to miss out on opportunities, or you're private and you keep your private life private and you talk about things that are relevant and maybe just give people a little bit of flavor of who you are. And if you're going to be out working with people, which is all business, it's some degree personal, right, you can't help. But you're going to show up with preferences. It's going to show up in the way you dress. It's going to show up in what you drive. It's going to show up in how you talk to someone, whether you make eye contact. Every little action that you're unconscious of is giving off vibes that, by the way, are not private. So, yeah, I love it. Yeah, so I. So I love the idea of, like, taking action, creating action steps for the things that you want. So this is a good time, after you've come up with this big brain dump, when you're in a great place, to start to categorize what next year looks like. I typically have four buckets, I think. I think it's business, family, fitness and maybe personal, which is like for vacations and personal things that I want for myself, maybe growth opportunities, and maybe I want to become better at receiving something like that might fall into that category. And then, if you've got it, so just to focus on business since that's mainly what we're here to talk about you could take the major things that you want to do in business and then you want to start to create a strategy for them. So let's just hypothetically say you want to make $300,000 in your business next year, so you want to think about how, how do I want to do that? What activities generate revenue that I enjoy doing? Because one of my other goals is I want to be happy in my business, which I think most of us are saying and so you might have an income stream right now that this year generated 100,000 for you Wonderful. So are you gonna keep doing that? Did you enjoy that? These are questions ask yourself as you think about your. And then a really great question would be are there ancillary opportunities to create more income streams, or is there something else I want to do that is going to support that bigger goal?

Christine Fiske:

That's not my primary job. Are gonna start a different business? Am I gonna buy an investment property? Maybe I'm a real estate agent and I want more time back, so you're mentioning this agent earlier about that we got to witness really wanted some more time in her day to herself. She wanted the hours of 48, so Okay. So maybe she doesn't want to be in front of clients all evening doing transactions and showing properties and doing listing appointments. Maybe she wants to create a more passive income stream and she's got expertise that she can share through some type of an online course.

Christine Fiske:

Wow, oh, every guess what? Like before you say I don't have anything to share, I would challenge you on that. We're all experts at something, whether it's something you've gone through, whether it's something you've yes, skill that you have that you've been holding your entire life. Maybe it's something like real estate investing that you started doing a couple years ago, but heck, you've gone through the trenches and you've learned a lot. You're A hundred steps ahead of anyone else, so of course, you have something to teach. I want you to think about that and really think about how can I diversify? Because in this day and age, that is becoming more common and people are interested. I think we're finally realizing one of the positives that's that's come about in our culture is we're realizing how precious time is and what a yeah, and that there's more to life than trading time for money.

Beth Rooney:

Yes, now you can be creative with it, and I think that I you know at again my expert, where I've spent a lot of time managing people over 15 years over. You know close to a thousand different agents. One of the things that real estate agents say and I would say that this is probably true for anybody who works for themselves trading time for money like you know, like a trainer, you know a fitness trainer or a caterer or you know real estate agent is that one of the things that they lose sleep about on in December is that on January 1st is a clean slate. They may come in with a couple clients that are going to work with them, or they may know that they have a listing signed up, but it's a it's it's 100% commission and their only source of income is those, are those commission. So when you have a year like we did this year, with interest rates skyrocketed and the number of transactions tanked, you know I always think what, what's the plan? And there's so many possibilities, christine, right, you, just you just easily rattled off a few like what about real estate investing? What about thinking about how you manage your finances.

Beth Rooney:

We've talked about being your own bank on these podcasts. What about like Rethinking about how you manage your money? How about the equity that you may have in your primary home? How can you put that to work in, maybe To invest in real estate? And what talents do you have that other people might want to learn about? And that's you know. That's where I think that ego really comes into play. Well, I don't have any talents. Well, you are. You know you've been the top agent in this Market for x, my, x, y, z years. Whatever market there in or maybe there an expert on how to work with the military, or how to work with fh, a loans, or how to help, you know, young families trade up. Whatever it may be. If you've been successful in the business, you have nuggets that other people would love to learn and a willing to pay for yeah, and I'll say, not just a business.

Christine Fiske:

Maybe you figure out something in your, maybe you have a rock in marriage. Maybe there's your 25 years married and there's so much passion in your marriage. You know many people would love to know how you do that, yeah, yeah, like there's people getting expensive and sad divorces who would love to know that there's a chance to rekindle the relationship. Or maybe you really have a knack for, like, getting your kids to do their homework without any drama or pain. You know like crying? Yeah, we all have these skills, whether they're things that we went to school for or learned because they were passed down or we just took an intro. There's so many things I know everyone listening has at least three of them Right. So I was trying to think about, like, what do you really know? And I believe you can monetize any of it. We all have the internet at our fingertips. All the information about how to start a business is right there. We're happy to help you learn. You want to talk to us? We love talking about that, so it's all possible, absolutely, absolutely.

Beth Rooney:

And the point of all of this is just to going back to the very beginning is dreaming big and thinking big. Thinking big may mean thinking about how can I, what else can I do, how can I supplement what I'm doing, how can I Take what I'm doing and grow it in another direction that maybe provides a little bit more Safety because it's providing another stream of income. You know, diversification is what I'm talking about, you know. So I think that, yeah, it gets to be really fun and exciting, and one of the things I will say that I've learned since we started this christine is then you go and look for it right. Then you say who are the people that are doing this? And your and your, your mind is blown of worlds that you didn't even know existed.

Beth Rooney:

Yes, the way people and in the social media is a great way to then use social media thinking about who are you following, what's possible, looking for people that have already done what you kind of didn't even know you could do, and then it goes again back up the train. Now you've seen it, now you can start to believe it. Could you evidence that other people have done it? And now you go back up to this vision. You say hold on, my vision needs to get bigger, cuz I know I can do this.

Christine Fiske:

A hundred percent. A hundred percent, and that just goes to the point that we've talked about before, to that you want to spend time around people with similar and big dreams like you, or whatever you know, whatever dreams you have. You want to surround your people, with yourself, with people who are, who are already there, be in the rooms of people that are doing the big things, so that you, they can show you what's possible. So in that's why that's why I'm such an advocate for coaching, allow yourself to be coached by people that have done things that you want to do. Allow yourself to be in masterminds or be in communities with other people that are doing things that you want to do. They exist in their investments and they're worth, almost all the time, more than every penny, absolutely.

Beth Rooney:

You know it's funny. I posted, I think, yesterday's story where Reese Witherspoon was talking about are you a radiator or are you a drain? And so, yes, you get to ask yourself that. But, more importantly, look at the people you're spending time with. And if you're spending time with people that are drains, stop spending time with them. Find somebody else, find other people, find a bigger circle. But if you're walking into a and especially with work, it's not as easy with, like you know, family and that kind of stuff but start with work. If you're walking into a culture every day that's draining with you, well that's on you to change it. There's plenty of opportunity that's on you to say I am not going to surround myself with people that are draining the life out of me. I've got to change that, and that's a great kind of. That might be just what you do in 2024. That might be the first six months of changing that. And boy it's fun when you start to really spend time with people that are radiators. It's life, it's life changing. It's life changing.

Christine Fiske:

It changes your whole perspective. Yes, it really does, and it changes what's possible, and it changes, more than anything, the way that you feel, and all we all want is to feel amazing, and it's crazy the way that we make it so complicated, and one of the easiest things we can do is choose to be in the room with people that are high vibe. So it's I mean, I think it's a testament to, yeah, changes that we've both made and people that we are seeing making big changes is part of what they're doing too. So it's super exciting and I think that that's one of those key things to go into the new year with is that clarity around who you want to be around, who you get to be with, how you want to make investments in yourself. That's a really big one and creating strategy. So, just to go back to the strategy, to kind of wrap this up for next year, have ideas on how you want to execute and don't be wed to any of them and take this real mentality that you're going to try and you're willing to fail. We're so afraid of failure and failure is the fastest path to success. So if you try to build your business one way, let's just say, your realtor, and you're trying to do things by calling all your past clients and you're just not getting meetings. Be open to putting yourself on a new social media channel or doing postcards or whatever it is like for whatever your business. Be open.

Christine Fiske:

And one of the things I learned being in tech startups for over 15 years is it's all about we would build companies based on a test fail, learn, rinse and repeat test fail, learn. You have to keep putting things out there for people to respond to, otherwise you don't know if they're working, and this is how the biggest, most successful, most wealthy tech companies built themselves. No one's an overnight success. You've got to keep trying things. It's something that you probably see us trying different things at the abundant investor. It's because we're always trying to grow and be better to serve you, our audience. I love it, yeah, so that's the big tip on strategy, and I think we can always keep talking about this. We love talking about it.

Beth Rooney:

Well, what we're going to do is we're going to have a. We'll put a link in our show notes and if you want to learn about, you know how we could help you with this. If you want us to help you build this vision for yourself, we're glad to do it. We'll put it, we'll put a link in there, we'll have a conversation and we'll make a plan from there. And if this I want to say also, if this is a podcast that you found helpful, maybe share it with a friend that you think could use a little boost or lift. Or maybe you're a child of yours, or a grown child, or please share it, because I think that it's nice. I love when my friends you know text me a podcast and say, hey, I got a real nice lift out of this. I think you will too. It's nice, and so we'd ask you to do the same.

Christine Fiske:

Exactly, and the other way you can support the show and get more people listening to it is to rate it and give it a five star rating and review on your favorite podcast platform. So thanks, that's right, all right.

Beth Rooney:

Well, thank you all for tuning in. Thanks, christine, for all your insight. That's, that's you're. You're so good at what you do and I feel like living proof of you know putting together, trusting you and receiving, and so thank you, and thank you everyone for tuning in. Thanks for listening to this. Thanks for listening to this.

Planning and Visioning for Business Owners
Unleashing Big Dreams and Staying Flexible
Taking Action and Trusting the Universe
Exploring Income Diversification and Dreaming Big