Buy Time
Welcome to "Buy Time," the podcast where we talk about your most important asset time. I'm your host, Jacob K. Mead, I'm going to be sharing with you my personal journey of building my company Mobile Spot from $0 to $1 million in revenue in just 36 months. Most importantly i'm going to be sharing with you on how I discovered the critical importance of buying back time, something I wish I discovered sooner.
You see, I was that business owner who would spend countless hours in my business. We're talking 70-80 hour work weeks that never ended.
Thats when I decided I needed to do what was said to be impossible and "Buy Time."
In this podcast you're going to hear from numerous business owners that include CEOS from multi million dollar companies along with other executives. All of these people have one thing in common. They had to learn how to Buy Back Time!
While listening; I encourage you to think what you'd do if you had more time?
Are you ready to make your business a time asset vs a time liability
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Buy Time
Breaking Barriers and Mastering Time with Stacey Vanthuyne
Ever found yourself stuck in a whirlwind of societal pressures, uncertain about how to carve out your own path? Our latest guest, Stacey Vanthuyne, a renowned performance consultant, coach, and speaker, joins us today to share her personal journey from leaving a corporate job and embarking on her own entrepreneurial venture. Hear her reveal the transformational wisdom she gleaned along the way, including uncovering the importance of aligning actions with values, breaking away from the toxic narrative of procrastination, and the power of saying no to the unimportant.
As Stacey takes us through her journey, she shines a light on the often overlooked aspects of personal fulfilment and time management. Stacey deconstructs our habitual behaviors, emphasizing how they directly reflect on our external world. She offers practical advice on overcoming self-defeating narratives and understanding the alignment of our actions with our values. Stacey's insight into the influence of our thought patterns on our stress and anxiety levels is truly thought-provoking. Her compelling revelations prompt us to introspect our mindset and strive for a brighter, positive outlook.
In the final stretch, Stacey uncovers the daunting topics of fear, judgement, and goal setting. Drawing from her own experiences, she shares how confronting the fear of societal judgement can be liberating and transformative. Delving into the dynamics of goal setting, she encourages us to set objectives that not only challenge us but also help us realize our innate potential. Stacey's conversation concludes with an important narrative around delegating tasks and understanding our strengths to manage our time more effectively. So, tune in to this inspiring conversation and allow Stacey's unique perspectives to guide you on your path to personal growth and effective time management.
Until next time... Follow on Instagram @buytimepodcast
Follow Jacob K. Mead on all the socials @jacobkmead
Hey everybody, this is Jacob K Mead and this is the Buy Time podcast, where we discuss everything there is to know about buying back your time. Be sure to like and follow and share with somebody who needs to buy back their time. Enjoy today's episode. Welcome back to another episode of the Buy Time podcast. I'm your host, jacob K Mead, and today I'm super excited because we actually have Stacey Van Thun here. She's actually a performance consultant, coach and speaker. She really specializes in steering individuals from success to significance and so actually seeing that is amazing, and she's done a really great job helping a lot of business owners, even with wealth management, enhancing wealth, better time management and optimized performance. So, stacey, I'm super excited that you're here.
Speaker 2:Hey, thank you. I'm excited to be here and looking forward to this conversation. I know it's going to be juicy.
Speaker 1:Absolutely Well. What better person to talk about time management than a coach like yourself? So go ahead and talk to us a little bit about your background. What made you get started in all of this?
Speaker 2:Yeah, absolutely Well. Thanks for everyone listening today. You are in fantastic hands. Listening to Jacob around Buy Time.
Speaker 2:Mine's been quite the journey, truthfully. I came out of the societal pressures of making sure I get those check marks and went to university, got my degree in business and spent over 22 years in change management and people leadership and I found myself at this crossroads around 40, really wondering is this as good as it gets? Is this what I truly want? And at that time I had a person ask me what my goals were in life and I instantly went in to talking about my children and how excited it would make me to see them super successful. And then I was saving for their university and the person stopped me and said you know, that's a great dream for your kids, but what about you? And it was at that moment that I was just like holy, I don't know what you want. And I just really had to stop and think. You know, I start to look at my goals and all the goals that I had wanted as far as getting into an executive level suite and in encouraging teams and finding efficiencies and businesses and developing people I was living. So the next big goal I had, I guess, was to retire. And I was just like, wait a second, like it's still like 25 plus years away, like that doesn't really excite me. Why and I realized in that moment because I started to explore the power of mindset is the reason why that goal was like not exciting is that the purpose of a goal is to expand and to grow. And yet I knew how to retire. I just had to continue working, doing what I was, and continue saving, and I would get there.
Speaker 2:And so it was at that time that I really started to dig deep and kind of go on my own transformation journey, like, like to call it, like uncovering, un-layering these masks that I'd adopted over the first half of well, more than the first half of my life, like the first 40 some years of my life, to really get to a place where I could answer what do I want for me.
Speaker 2:And it was really in there that I'd always want to be a consultant and help different companies. But I recognized that I had this underlying belief that it was safer and best to continue working with a company and making sure that I got my pension and everything else. But that wasn't the gifts that I have and what. So I just started, like I said, to study mindset on a huge theological platform as well as a scientific background, and I recognized well, holy shit, the reason that I'm not feeling fulfilled in life is because I don't have a goal that's bigger than what I know how to do, and it's time I found one. So that's what sent me here, and now I'm consulting, helping people to figure out what they want to create more in their lives too.
Speaker 1:I love that, you know. I think in society we have this thing that tells us hell, go get a good job. You know, save money in a 401k, retire. It's like this pipeline of everything that you're supposed to do. And then the minute you say, well, I'm thinking about opening up a business and you're making $120,000 a year, people look at you and they go you're crazy, why would you do that? You have a good paying job, you have the benefits, and then they start to give you all the reasons not to go do something. And so it was. It was similar to me when I opened up my business for the very first time. It was people telling me well, you're leaving a really good paying job, what if you don't make it? And it's almost.
Speaker 1:It's hard to overcome that at first because you have to tell yourself it's not about the what ifs. I see so many people get caught up in that. What if? What if I fail? What if I don't do it this? What if I lose all this money? What if I do this? What if you don't? You will be thinking about that your entire life, thinking what if I succeeded versus not even trying. So I love that you talk about that and it's hard to actually make that first step. And then I bet you can even still think about that. First time you made that first step. What was that like for you? You made that transition. You went from that corporate world to doing something on your own. Talk to me a little bit about that. How was that?
Speaker 2:Well, it's very slow transition at first because ultimately it was like it's over my back of my shoulder. I got thinking go rich and my mentor was Bob Proctor and I trained with Bob and you know, in Napoleon Hill's book he says like burn the ships. And they're like burn the ships. I'm like, I'm a single mom. I've got, you know, a 10 and a seven year old they were at that time and I was really starting this journey. They're not 15 and 12, but like, like, easier said than done, right.
Speaker 1:Oh 100%.
Speaker 2:It's. Here's the lessons I've learned of around. That is one. You talk about the what ifs. It's so easy for us to calculate what we can lose versus what we can gain, and it's not just the people that are saying you know what are you doing? Like you like exactly what you say. You're earning over six figures. Like you've got the dream job and everything but recognizing.
Speaker 2:I think this is where my passion comes now, to helping individuals that have achieved a level of success but still don't find themselves fulfilled. And what's a life when you don't feel fulfilled, when you know there's more within you, like I used to, I'm tapping my chest right now. You can't see if you're the one, but like it was. Like this beast inside was like let me out, let me out and I would start to do other you know things to tame her, whether that was gossiping about another person going shopping, having an additional glass of wine, like all of these external things that people have normalized. While you're over four, you should do that while you're doing this. Oh, you shouldn't. No, you shouldn't. Like. It's not just the other people that try to keep you safe, it's your job of your subconscious mind. So your subconscious mind finds evidence of every reason and thing that would make you scared to take that leap.
Speaker 2:But for me, what I started to do was look back and say well, you know what? I did always have a dream, up until this point, of living like a life that my parents had provided to me and a little bit better. And when I had that goal and I set that goal, let's say when I was 18, going to school, I didn't know how, I just knew I would. And when it was for me, I woke up and guess what I was living? Life that my parents had given me and a little bit better. But it wasn't more, because I hadn't dreamed about it being more.
Speaker 2:And I think that that's where it was just like well, huh, if I could do it before and I've never let myself down in the past why would this be any different? The only thing that's changed is that I haven't used my imagination, I haven't fantasized, I haven't allowed myself to dream greater than what I need to do and know how to do. And so I mean it is a practice that you start to rewrite that narrative, but then I had to start to rewrite the narrative. No, I'm so happy and grateful now that I'm consulting and helping people shape their lives to achieve great things greater than what they ever knew, and every single day, putting that in until one day, I was like, hey, what the hell am I still doing out of corporate world? I'm a freaking consultant helping people around the world and it was like bam right, so it really is.
Speaker 1:But I mean the person I love that it's so true, because when you're a consultant, when you're a coach, you start to realize it's not about you anymore, it's about the person that you're helping. How can you take them to the next level? How can you help them in the areas of life that they need? And it's not all about money, and that's something that I coach a lot on is okay. Time you look at time, everyone talks about these assets. Well, how many assets do you have? And banks use assets, and the biggest asset that you can have is your time. It's the most valuable asset, because nobody, you can't get that back. You can't get time back. So what are? Do you have some tips, some tricks on some time management things, especially for entrepreneurs and business owners? We need it. What are some things that you find work?
Speaker 2:Okay, I want to explore the theology of like why people misuse their time. We have these things that are called paradigms that exist in our subconscious mind and paradigms is a fancy word for saying habits and they unconsciously control how we spend money, how our relationships go, what our health is like and how we prioritize our time. The reality is, 95% of what we do is habitual. So if your parents were always late or just leaving just in time, chances are you show up like that, you know, and you could be having these employees.
Speaker 2:It's important to know, as leaders of businesses, that you may have an employee that's consistently late and you pull them in and you say, hey, like I start at nine, I need you here at five, nine, eight. I smile, and the next day they're there at five to nine right, but over time goes back to nine. Why? Because it is not an alignment with that paradigm that is controlling their lives, and so I think it's really important when we're giving tips is to recognize why we do what we do, why we think what we think and how our results come to be, and especially when we're talking about time, because that is something that is conditioned in your life to use it to waste it, to whatever. So one. I think people have to stop telling themselves that they're procrastinators and that they're lazy, and that you know they have a hard time doing stuff, because when you tell that to your mind and yourself, you act in that way, which again causes you to misalign with the time that you have Right.
Speaker 1:So you are what you say you are.
Speaker 2:You are what you say you are. And again, like this is not new. Everyone's like, yeah, probably listening to this, like, oh, I wonder if she can tell me something new. But I'll tell you what you've got to. Hear it and hear it and hear it again till your actions change. Your outside world is direct reflection of how you feel inside on that deep subconscious level. So you may know it.
Speaker 2:But if you're still showing up in time and not in time, or if you are still finding, I think the newest addiction for everybody is being busy. It's almost like we put people on a pedestal if they're like so busy. But to me, being so busy means, in the misalignment of your priorities, that you're saying yes to things that don't matter. Same with procrastination. Like I would always even say that to myself. I no longer say that, so I'm afraid to whisper that. But here's the thing is that when I don't persist and follow through in an action, now I now don't feel shame and guilt for it. I now look at what the thing was that I was going to persist through, because I can find evidence in my life that when that thing that I'm doing is something that I truly want. Guess what? I persist, guess what I'm on time, guess what it gets done. So I started to really start and I, you know both of us should be helping people understand what is important to you, and if it's not, a hell yes, then get it off your plate. And when we start to just focus in on what we want and what's in alignment with our values, all of a sudden that opens up capacity in our time to prioritize. You know, there's this thing called the vacuum law. We can only fit so many things into our vessel and if you consistently want to keep adding but never revisiting and looking at what's in that vessel, you get crumped in. So it's really about, as far as tips One, making sure what you're doing is alignment with what you truly want and values. Two, looking at some of those habitual patterns that you do and start understanding why you do that and if it is something that waste your time, start reprogramming your mind. Reach out to me afterwards on how to get more succinct with that. But also three is just saying no To things that aren't gonna move you in the direction of that, what you truly designed, which is that goal? So I think it also comes through being a goal and knowing what you want and what's important to your family. If that's it too, I mean you and our both business owners, both like have other Opportunities going on, plus our kids, plus their sports, plus our own health, plus, plus, plus, plus.
Speaker 2:There's this meme of Krilla de Villa. I don't know if you're seeing it, but she's like freaking crazy. Her hair goes crazy. It's just like trying to keep up with all these things and it's like portrays this picture that you have to be mad, and If you believe that, then you will be that. That's where we have to stop normalizing busy and say you chose that. So if you're finding yourself rolled out, then you can choose differently. What is it that you want to prioritize today? And stick to it. Keep the promises you make to yourself. There's a lot of tips.
Speaker 1:I'm sorry, that is so good. That is that I mean, that is some good stuff right there. Because it's so true, you get so overwhelmed and I coach a lot on this, especially with other business owners. It's like they come to me there I just don't have time to do that this week, right now, time to do that today. And I go well, why don't you have time? And then they give me a list of all the things are doing. I go well, how can you prioritize this? How can you hand this off? Well, no one else does it better than me. I go if they do it 80% better than you, it's still better to hand it off because you can utilize your time somewhere else.
Speaker 2:That's a self-worth thing to me too, like we cover behind this and we say, oh, nobody can do it is better than me. But the truth of the matter is, yes, they can if they, if you're truly a leader who develops people and you can't expect them to be a hundred percent at first. But those little things, a lot, gives people a sense of like, like, like a dopamine hit. It's a dope.
Speaker 2:Yeah right because they're like oh my gosh, I got that check mark off my list, but those things aren't things that are moving you in the direction of what it is that you truly want. You know, and I think this goes back to when we're at school. Well, we were told like get your strengths, get your weaknesses, build your weaknesses up so that you're a balanced person. That's such bullshit. Know your strengths, know your weaknesses, manage your weaknesses and build your strengths. They're your strengths because you're good at them. They're the strengths because you like them.
Speaker 2:So, if you're a business owner, focus on what you do well and then look at those things that maybe take you extra time because you're not good at them and or you don't have the desire to do them and delegate that. But if it's these like Things where you're actually supposed to build your team out, like again, how, what is it that they like to do? What is it that they want? And if it's something that they want and they're good at it, it's time to let them fly so that you can do more of what you're good at.
Speaker 1:I love it when I see my employees just succeed and go above and beyond and it's Amazing the first time that you let them do something on their own the accomplishment that they have from doing that, oh man, it's such, it's such a good, good feeling, it's it's I can't even explain, it's just overwhelming. So that's, that's awesome. So as a business owner and we all we all get get here is Stress. Stress is like the number one thing. Yeah, you can keep you up at night. You're laying there constantly thinking about all the different tasks you can do. Now, me myself, I do that differently. I think of all the different tasks I can do and then I think of everything that can, that, a person that can either do those Tasks, or some sort of system and I can put in place to actually make those tasks easier. So I have that different kind of mindset. But when we talk about stress, I know it eats up a lot of people's time. So what are some like techniques and practices that you'd rest recommend for reducing stress and kind of regaining that?
Speaker 2:I Love this question. Okay, let's analyze where stress comes from for a second, because I think it's important that when you know where it comes from, Then you can help to address it sometimes it comes from my two kids.
Speaker 1:I'm not going to lie about that now.
Speaker 2:Right, no doubt, no doubt, no doubt. But but how is it formed? Right, because I think this is the other thing is that one thing that everybody has is the same amount of time. We all have the same amount of time in a day and times a man might construct, right, we know that. Even so, it's kind of this illusion of time.
Speaker 2:But when it comes to stress, if you back that up, if, if I, I believe, and so I am curious with your audience after to share their thoughts around this, but if we believe, whether it's theology of thought or science of thought, they all say the same thing, right, everything that ever is and ever will be is already here in one form or another. Nothing is created or destroyed. There's a power flowing in and through us. Everything just is. We assign the meaning to it based off of our past experiences and this internal conditioning that we have from growing up. So when you look at energy just as is, we can assign a negative or a positive polarity to it, and if you start to go down the path of a negative polarity to it, you have the, the baseline, might my mentor Bob would always say the. The only problem like people will have is ignorance of not knowing.
Speaker 2:And if you look at ignorance and you kind of go through that and you don't know something, you start to worry, you start to doubt it. That worry and doubt starts to drive you to fear. And that fear is like things that are Impressed they're suppressed inwards, right. It makes Almost like anxiety that leads to stress, that leads to honesty, a body breaking down at discharge, ease of disintegration. So when you think of stress from that point and you go I say, oh my god, this stress is coming from me being worry or doubtful or fearing something. What is that and how is this helping me? And I'm not saying this is easy, but this is the awareness part, because on the opposite side, if you were to put the positive polarity to it, that the opposite of ignorance is what Knowledge, knowledge from understanding which builds, what faith that builds, what that continues like, you go through a thing of well-being, well-being, feeling that are expressed, they go to a body at ease to creation. So I really like to Leverages when I'm starting to feel stress is like what thoughts am I engaging in that is making me feel this way? And I know that it stems from fear, doubt, worry and ignorance. So what is it? And I more worried about the past and that showing up in my future, then falling in love more with the future and the ideas of what it is that I want to create. And when I do that, if we believe thoughts become things, all it's going to happen is my tomorrow is going to look exactly like yesterday. Maybe I should be fearful of that, but it takes awareness, and so tips on.
Speaker 2:Stress is again what is it that you want and say no to everything else? For me, a big stress, too, was you know what would other people think? Because I was fearful of that. And being a people pleaser and keeping up with the Joneses Versus being aligned with what it is. It's truly important to me, and yet you get to all these people there and say, once I turn 30, I didn't give a shit. What other people think? Really, I Really. Then why are you still doing things that you think your parents want you to do, or that's easier for you to do than you think? And just being real and lovable and I've been there and this is why I can just say this is what has helped me the most in overcoming it and recognizing that when we're stressed, we're hitting our body with cortisol and we're causing ourselves to get sick, and so then that evidence shows up in our lives and we have to say whoa, whoa, I got to stop this, I got to start to find addiction, and that hit a rush of energy from the things that I want, not that I fear.
Speaker 2:I heard this great analogy the other day say you can't fear something that you haven't done. So, for example, if I say I'm fearful of heights and I was in Phoenix last week and doing some hiking, and if I got to this, oh my gosh, I can't go on that hike, it's going to be too many heights, I can't see it right. But before you know what, I'm talking with my kids and I look down and all these shit, I'm at the edge. Also, I'm not afraid of heights, I'm afraid of falling when I get pushed over and I start to fall. Now I'm not afraid of falling, I'm fearful of landing.
Speaker 2:So these types of fears that we break up, that aren't even true yet in our minds, is what's calling us being stressed, and that's what we can, by the power of thought, move ourselves into these states of anxiety. Well, leverage that and become aware, and in that same breath, you can also bring yourself to these places of at ease and expression, but you've got to be aware of what it is that you're thinking about and choose to think differently. And so, really, that's with the tips for stress is, one, understanding where it comes from to getting clear with what you want, saying no to anything else. And three, becoming aware of when you are in that stress and making a choice to think different. Does it ever stop? No, but you shorten that refractory period so you spend less time there and more time thinking about what you want. But you can do what you got vision and fall in love with more of the vision of your future and the memory or the of the past, and it really does make a huge difference in your stress level.
Speaker 1:It's so true though I mean, I think a lot of people will have trouble saying no to people too, because they feel like, oh, it'll make them look bad, or they can't say no to this person because they're family. That's a big one. I help a lot of business owners kind of overcome that. Or they can't do this particular task because what would family members think and I honestly I'm not going to be a hypocrite here I used to think the same way I thought to myself like.
Speaker 1:Hey, I mean, I struggle with it, but I when I get that thought. So now it's different. When I get that thought and like, oh, what would my family think? And I'm like, oh, they would think this. I'm like, do it. And I just do it anyways, because if something I wanted to do, I just go for it because ultimately, I'm my own person, I have my own family and I don't have to worry about what everyone else is thinking. And then I even I did this little like study and I wrote down kind of everyone that I thought was in my corner, everyone that I thought would support me, before I started my next business journey, and I thought about everyone that would share my posts, everybody that I thought was a true friend, and I wrote it down in a list.
Speaker 1:And then I wrote down everyone that I thought didn't even care, that didn't even knew I existed, and I put that kind of in another list. And so when I started my next business journey, this was amazing to me and astonishing. You would not believe how many people who I thought would share my posts, who I thought would support me, who I thought would be there, were ghost, didn't show up, didn't share a single thing weren't rooting for me, in fact, probably rooting against me behind my back, and the people that I thought didn't pay attention to me, didn't even acknowledge me, didn't know I was there. Those were the people that were rooting for me, cheering me on what I mean succeed, and just knowing that gave me this sense of peace that was like listen.
Speaker 1:Sometimes the people that are the closest in your corners are the ones that are rooting for your failure, and I don't know. I don't understand necessarily why they people are the way, they are that way, but it made me realize it doesn't matter what they think. It doesn't matter if they think I'm crazy or that it's never gonna work out, or even if they're rooting for my failure, because I know there's people out there that are. I will continue to do what I do because I enjoy helping people and that's what I want to do. I enjoy helping business owners. I enjoy seeing the their freedom of time come alive. Where they have more time with their family, they have more time with, with being able to do other tasks that they want. They're not constantly ground down and working their everyday business. So I love that you talk about that.
Speaker 2:You know, and I love that we're talking about this, because I think that that is like fear and faith both requires to believe in the invisible, and so often we go to fear than faith, and I personally believe it's because we can, like I said, measure what we could potentially lose. If I leave my corporate job, I know what the salary I'm leaving behind and the pension I'm leaving behind. I know that right, and this faith of what I truly want come I don't know right. So it's like this, this thing. But two points about you know your story, because I know you're not alone with that. I thought people would support me and not is.
Speaker 2:The reason one why they're doing it is because when we go to change, that forces other people to look at themselves differently and we see stuff in people that we want and also the the pain that is within, and so if one of our friends is seeing us and we're taking steps to follow our dreams, and they're not, it honestly plays into their own self-worth and we live in a world that is easier to play victim than take responsibility, so it's easier for them to say that you're the weird one versus them. To address that the real reason why they're feeling that way, it's because they're not following their own dream, because anybody that is following their dream and is that black sheep, so to speak, are the ones that are supporting you. And the second piece of it is if I think this is really important is that when you have a big goal that's beyond what you know how and with, those are the goals that we should be setting, because they're the ones that cause us to pull and expand more of our internal greatness out. You know, I like to say there's three types of goals the ones that we know we can do, but we're not growing, we're moving sideways.
Speaker 2:The ones that we think we can do. You know, if so, so so happens, then this will happen. But a lot of times those aren't our true wants, so we lose the inspiration as things go along. But the goals that we really want to set are those ones that excite and scare us. So I like to adopt the phrase of do the illogical. So you get to this point where you've fallen in love with this idea, you start to impress that into your mind. Your subconscious goes and tells you that you can't do it.
Speaker 2:You are aware of that, though you say, hey, that's my old belief, I'm writing a new narrative. But then you go to tell somebody and they fricking say the same thing that your subconscious mind is and you're like, oh my god, how many battles do I have to win? But the problem is is that we think that they'll want it for us, but they don't. It's not their dream, it's yours. So they're just putting their perspective on it and they want to see you not Suffer. So then they start to share and it feels like at the time it's just like I just want someone to believe in me. But that's where we have to go within and say you won't want something that you can't achieve. I'm gonna place that on your heart.
Speaker 2:You wouldn't have the idea, you wouldn't be able to visualize that if it wasn't for you creation. It's already done. Everything that's always like will be here, as always. It's already here. It's just for us to where, raise our conscious awareness of how to make that happen. And so, when it's, the door is open. You got to walk through it.
Speaker 1:That's what I I was like to say. Once that door opens for you, it's time for you to walk through it, and sometimes I think people stand back and they don't walk through the store.
Speaker 2:Right. But then they start to think, oh shit, at that door close and I miss her after no. Oh Like. There's no such thing as a bad decision. It's a decision and you either Move you towards what you want or you learn something from it. There's no such thing as failure, unless you don't try. Failing is quitting, not falling down, you know.
Speaker 2:But yet we've just been conditioned that if it's not easy, if it doesn't come in a certain way and a certain type of thing and packaging a bow, that it's not for us, and so we give up. And this is where the power of mind so important to recognize these things. That's the only perception, and time is perception. So you just have to realize that it's not up to ask the how and it's not up to ask the when, but it is up to us to hold that vision and to take steps that move us towards that.
Speaker 2:And when you do that with persistent action, a lot of transmutation states that that's when those thoughts become into transfers, into ideas and things. So it really is just understanding. Everything works in an orderly way and Understanders looking back in your life to say, yeah, when I want it, I got it and when I associated a meaning with something that I didn't like. I also got that because our subconscious mind is like Whether you plant a weed or you plant a flower, it grows. So what are you planting? When it comes to you and maximizing your time, I love that.
Speaker 2:I mean.
Speaker 1:It's so true, and you can find the answer within you. When I first started my business, I think the biggest thing that I had troubles with was time, and the reason why is because I felt like I had to do it all. I was wearing all these different hats and you even see memes. Oh, as a business owner, you know you're wearing all these different hats. You don't have to. You don't have to do that.
Speaker 1:And I actually did a podcast a while back and it was called Embracing your Strengths and I talked about three years in I figured out that I needed to embrace my strengths, focus on my strengths and not focusing on my weaknesses, and finding where I wasn't good at and outsourcing it Finding a system, a structure in place or outsourcing it.
Speaker 1:And that's what I did. And it was hard for me to do that, because I'm the kind of person that if I'm not good at something or I feel like I could do better, I want to focus on that, I want to put all my energy towards it and get better at that, but then I have to look back and go. Is that for me? Because everyone out there is good at something and there's someone better at it than you are, and so I said, hey, I'm going to put all my effort forth and all my time focus on my strengths I'm going to lean on that, make that a priority and all my weaknesses I'm going to find someone that knows how to do those and I'm going to hire them Put the systems, put the structures in place, and that helped me. So I love that you talked about that.
Speaker 2:That's so good, and I think a lot of us as business owners too, especially when we're in one man show for a while, you're like, oh well, I can't afford that, right, I can't afford to hire a assistant right now. I can't afford someone to do my social media, I can't afford to whatever, whatever, whatever it is that you want to do, right. And yet it is so important to your point that when we start to spread ourselves out too thin and we have all of these different things, then we really do start to quote, quote, waste some of this time and we're less effective. What also happens with our vibration is it decreases because we're just feeling like frick, I'm doing all this stuff and it's not getting me anywhere, like, when is this going to happen? And so you know it's funny because I had this exact conversation last week with somebody. She said you know, I hate doing my social media. I want to get somebody up, I just don't have enough money. But she's spending three hours a day doing that, time where she could be doing lead gen, time when she could be nurturing relationships, time when she could be sharing more of what it is that she loves, what attracts people to her, and she'd easily have paid for that assistant by now, right? So I think it's really important that we break that habit of I'm waiting till, because I tell you what it will never happen.
Speaker 2:If our thoughts become things and we are consistently waiting for something, then all you're doing is like creating more wait time. Nothing happens. So you make a decision. So make a decision to your story exactly. I'm going to focus on my strength and everything else I'm going to delegate out. I can always change that If we don't, we're not like married to that decision. But make a different decision, try different actions. But when we consistently go on with the same thinking, same thinking generates the same feeling. Same feelings generate the same action. Same action, same results and then we keep wishing and hoping for the results to change, but we don't realize that the cause is the thought. So we first got to address that, and I love how you say you started to think about your strengths, because that is exactly the way that a person needs to do it.
Speaker 1:That's why you're there your strengths 100% and it's so powerful and you drive a really good message and hopefully our audience was able to really gasp what you're saying and actually understand it, because you brought so much knowledge to the table. I just I love everything that you said because it's so true. So, for our audience listening, if they wanted to find more information about you, how can they go about doing that, stacey?
Speaker 2:Yeah, absolutely. You can find me on Instagram at Stacey Van Thun I have a website at raiseyourresultca as well as Facebook at Raise your Results, and LinkedIn at Stacey Van Thun. But it really is. I mean, I guess I'm grateful for you, jacob, for inviting me on to share this, because I think so often we start going straight into the tactical things which you can all get you can watch Jacob's thing and different things but the reality is, if you have a gap between what you know to save time and to buy back more time and what you're doing, and there's a gap there, then I would love to chat with you because we can help bridge that gap so that you start to close and actually do what it is that you know. And in there is where the magic lies and I promise you you will feel this freedom of time and just be living in a higher vibration that will bring more of what it is that you want into your life.
Speaker 1:I love it. Such a powerful message. Well, make sure you're given or a follow. Check out our website. So much great content on there. Get in touch, let's work with each other and see how we can help each other. And, as always, you know where to find me at JacobKMead on all of the socials. You can go to jacobkmeadcom and, if you're interested in working with me directly, go ahead and click on that link in the upper right-hand corner and click on Apply. Fill out the form and let's sit down and have a cup of coffee and see how we can work together. And, as always, until next time. Thanks for listening to today's episode. My name is JacobKMead and until next time.