That’s on Florida podcast

Florida Highway Boxing League

March 21, 2024 Omgitswicks Season 1 Episode 34
Florida Highway Boxing League
That’s on Florida podcast
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That’s on Florida podcast
Florida Highway Boxing League
Mar 21, 2024 Season 1 Episode 34

Ever unwrap a present that's so hilariously off-the-mark, it leaves you in stitches? That's how we kick off our latest gabfest, where Lina's "bag of disrespect" has us roaring with laughter and ready to redefine gift-giving. Tag along for Episode 34 as we invite you to send in your cheekiest pick-up lines for Lina – just keep it classy, folks! We share a feast of stories, from the chaos of Florida's roads to the surprising side gigs of Uber drivers, and trust us, you'll want to buckle up for this wild ride.

Do you remember the time when settling scores was as simple as a schoolyard brawl? We're throwing it back to the days of high school showdowns and fast food fracas with a side of nostalgia—and a dash of pain from failed cartwheel attempts. But it's not all about the laughs; we dive heartfirst into the deep end of relationships, dishing out real talk on intimacy, personal boundaries, and why rushing isn't the answer when it comes to matters of the heart. Your soulmate might be out there, but we're here to remind you to take it slow and watch out for those red flags.

As we wrap up, we're peeling back the curtain on the not-so-glamorous parts of our social media-obsessed world, where personal drama becomes public entertainment. We're sharing our thoughts on finding peace amidst the digital din and why it's okay to disrupt the status quo for your own good. So, if you're in the market for a heart-to-heart, a good chuckle, or some unconventional life lessons, join us for a podcast episode that's as unpredictable as it is enlightening. Remember, protecting your peace is paramount, and patience is part of the journey to love.

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Ever unwrap a present that's so hilariously off-the-mark, it leaves you in stitches? That's how we kick off our latest gabfest, where Lina's "bag of disrespect" has us roaring with laughter and ready to redefine gift-giving. Tag along for Episode 34 as we invite you to send in your cheekiest pick-up lines for Lina – just keep it classy, folks! We share a feast of stories, from the chaos of Florida's roads to the surprising side gigs of Uber drivers, and trust us, you'll want to buckle up for this wild ride.

Do you remember the time when settling scores was as simple as a schoolyard brawl? We're throwing it back to the days of high school showdowns and fast food fracas with a side of nostalgia—and a dash of pain from failed cartwheel attempts. But it's not all about the laughs; we dive heartfirst into the deep end of relationships, dishing out real talk on intimacy, personal boundaries, and why rushing isn't the answer when it comes to matters of the heart. Your soulmate might be out there, but we're here to remind you to take it slow and watch out for those red flags.

As we wrap up, we're peeling back the curtain on the not-so-glamorous parts of our social media-obsessed world, where personal drama becomes public entertainment. We're sharing our thoughts on finding peace amidst the digital din and why it's okay to disrupt the status quo for your own good. So, if you're in the market for a heart-to-heart, a good chuckle, or some unconventional life lessons, join us for a podcast episode that's as unpredictable as it is enlightening. Remember, protecting your peace is paramount, and patience is part of the journey to love.

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Speaker 1:

Get you some fries and enjoy the fight. I don't eat McDonald's anymore, though, but I'm just saying while.

Speaker 2:

I'm there.

Speaker 1:

Crazy, get me 13 cookies.

Speaker 2:

You don't eat some fries in the milkshake.

Speaker 3:

No I will eat the 13 cookies. Imagine getting knocked out in the doots over here like pa-da-pa-pa-pa. I love it.

Speaker 2:

I love I could survive all fries.

Speaker 1:

They try to hand you a fry. What Well wake up.

Speaker 3:

That's how they put it on the fry under your nose like smelling salt.

Speaker 4:

Oh my God, it's Wix Wix. Oh my God, omg is Wix, omg, omg. Oh my God, it's Wix Wix, omg is.

Speaker 1:

Wix. What's happening everybody? This is the OMG is Wix show. I am OMG is Wix. We about to have another good show, that's. That's. Let everybody else in it do stay self and we. Episode 34. Did I say that? Yes, episode 34. Y'all know I got short term memory loss, so go get it up.

Speaker 3:

What up man? He knocks like share, subscribe. Now. Stop what you doing, do it now. Son G B, now I'm ready to hear these pickup lines. That's what I want to hear the Lena pickup lines. Oh, you didn't do the open back thing today. You were supposed to open back.

Speaker 2:

I've been in places where no open back is OK. Yeah so, but I will.

Speaker 1:

Ok, you do your thing, you do your thing.

Speaker 2:

My turn.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, Hi everyone.

Speaker 2:

I'm excited to be here. Another podcast makes me happy. This is what I look forward to during the weekend. But before we start the show, I just want to show many my appreciation for him. So I bought him a little gift.

Speaker 3:

Open back. That's how the association. What is going on has to be my back.

Speaker 1:

Oh, next level.

Speaker 2:

Here you go, and the reason for this is because our schedules don't really match, so I had to make it up for him to him. Basically, it's hard to plan, so show them what you got.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, maybe I'm going to start with Brought some water, but I should know about a green cat.

Speaker 2:

Ok, that's dessert, because you're sweet as dessert OK, and she said that rancher got red on the top.

Speaker 1:

I'm bad with compliments.

Speaker 3:

I know this is a gift, not a compliment, but a gift is like a compliment, yeah, all right. Well, why you got flung, though? Because I'm Hispanic.

Speaker 2:

I'm Puerto Rican, yeah, so we're allowed to be there and since we haven't gone to eat a lot of food we're allowed to eat a lot of food Eat his fall I bought him some Look at that, that's what I'm talking about, wow.

Speaker 3:

You can't say mean stuff about later.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

I definitely am going to in a moment, but there's something else in here. We're going to take it all out, so yes. Also oh, there's two, ok, there's two, ok, yeah so thank you and the bag. And the bag, the bag is the best part of the gift. Thank you, you're so sweet. I appreciate it, told you I just because they're going to talk about me, because they love her and they don't give a damn about me.

Speaker 2:

They love you too.

Speaker 3:

Like this looks like a gift, but that's just what she gave. What she did was that's a bag of disrespect. That's crazy. I've never seen someone give somebody a bag of disrespect. What was it? A bag of disrespect.

Speaker 2:

Like I just I'm finishing.

Speaker 1:

OK, what's after the sun?

Speaker 3:

First of all, that's all you need it to do. I've heard of give bags, but disrespect bag is crazy.

Speaker 2:

I don't drink this OK.

Speaker 1:

That's the disrespect.

Speaker 3:

The flan was racist and stereotypical. You can give me some. There's four now, ok. And then the fur Like this is microwave fur. It might be good. This ain't a real like. I'm grateful it was just. Really. See, she's not going to admit it. I don't know if this was disrespect. I don't know if this was disrespect. No, so I'm going to just say thank you, because even if it's disrespect, if it tastes good, then the joke's on you. So thank you, I appreciate it. That means a lot. Thank you, I didn't expect that. It is so nice, that's nice, I like that. That's a good type of gift, because right now I'm confused and I don't know.

Speaker 3:

You know it's a good thing or a bad thing, and I like the, I like unique things, I like surprises. So thank you, lena, I appreciate it. We're going to make this a thing. We're going to make this a. Thing.

Speaker 1:

What the gifts? Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 3:

I'm just excited to do a bag of disrespect. But yeah, you can be nice and bring a gift to. I got a bag of disrespect. Shout out to the open back association.

Speaker 1:

Oh, speaking of that. So we did get some Lena pickup lines, but we're going to extend it one more week to give people more time. More. So, once again, if you leave Lena pickup lines in the comments, then we're going to select somebody maybe even two people who ever got the best comments, and we're going to send you a gift and you get some.

Speaker 3:

Let's see you some.

Speaker 1:

Something from the omg is with podcast show Lena man. I'm Mani myself, rudy.

Speaker 3:

She's like a sailor, so don't take it too far with the lines. Let's keep it. You know friendly, but I know, like I said, she's a sailor, so you might be motivated to do something crazy. Don't jump off the leg.

Speaker 1:

So yeah, y'all see your leader pick up lines, leave them in the comments. We're going to do it next week. We're going to say the pickup lines on the show and we're going to pick the best ones right here on the show. So yeah, we got to let her pick, right, because they go towards her.

Speaker 1:

Yes, you got to pick. All right, that's what's up, all right, perfect. So, um, so recently, before we get started, how you know, I wanted to talk about something and I don't know if we talked about it before, but in my comments I posted a video about Florida drivers. So then there's a lot of people that are not from Florida in the comments complaining about how we drive in Florida. But I'm like, we're in Florida, where we live, where we're from, where we learn how to drive, so how can you come from somewhere else and tell us how we should drive? And then I tried to explain it to them. That's like somebody like say you do laundry every Wednesday, right, that's your thing. Like, hey, I'm doing laundry every Wednesday in my house, right. And then somebody come from outside of my life bro, you should be doing laundry every Wednesday, you should be doing it Sunday. That sounds crazy to me. But you to tell somebody how to do things where they, you know, understand how they grew up, I would be like why.

Speaker 3:

Yeah like what's the reason? Yeah. Yeah, and that's what confused me, because I'm so used to understanding and feel like y'all that come here are the trash drivers. Yeah, I mean, that's how everybody feels in their prospective place. But I mean, but there's no way Miami drivers think that.

Speaker 1:

No, Miami drivers are. They're the problem.

Speaker 3:

I'm sorry, but they know they're the problem. They're not like they think that Am I the problem.

Speaker 1:

Miami, miami drop. Besides Miami, we talk about the rest of Florida, but Miami drivers are definitely the problem, no matter what I don't drive my car out there.

Speaker 2:

I always rent a car.

Speaker 1:

That's smart.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

That's smart. I almost drove my car out, are you right? I might have to do that.

Speaker 3:

Driving in Miami is like trying to find the right time to jump into the double Dutch.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah. So I go out there but the double Dutch is like on fire with razor blades. That's what it's like, that's what it sounds about, right? So you just never know when you should be out there. And you know that you got to be careful when you do jump out there. But I just had to speak about that because that was something I'm like bro, y'all got to stop coming to Florida and telling us how we should do things, because this is how we do where we live.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, where we live Like this is where we learn to drive. I mean, yes, we might not do the most safe things, but it's safe for us. You understand, we understand, we're not a Floridian driver on the road, y'all instantly connected. You know what I'm saying. I know that he's about to swerve in front of me. Go like 80. You know what I'm saying. On the 60, I know what they're about to do no blink or nothing, I'm okay. I see you. It's just when y'all throw in a blinker and then you go over at 20 and we're on a sit road that goes 60.

Speaker 2:

And don't try to outdo us either, because coming over here there was oh why for Dorquilla.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I don't hope they see the show. They see like a complete idiot, cutting everyone racing for us to end up in the same red light regardless. Don't try to outdo us. And I looked at the license plate New Jersey.

Speaker 1:

Of course it's New Jersey. It's always New Jersey.

Speaker 2:

So stop it. Because, you're going to. There is a lot of road rage out here and you're going to run into one. That is not about that life.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I've seen a video. In Miami, of course, but they were on a highway and it's too due to the middle of the highway boxing that sounds regular, yeah, and people kept driving because they're like yeah. People was driving past, some people was filming. They were in the middle of the street, both parked, and they were boxing and I'm like, bro, this is some Miami stuff, right here, but I do get a lot of like Miami street video, street fight videos, so I guess that's a normal thing.

Speaker 1:

Whoever wants to fight against the other person's car, oh let's, we got to up the stakes.

Speaker 2:

I love street fights. I know it sounds so nice.

Speaker 3:

But when we talk about the Miami? Things that are planned jump rope with fire and razor blades. I was like, oh, she's melting right now.

Speaker 2:

No, people set up fights Like there is a misunderstanding, instead of shooting or anything like that, like they meet up to fight to swear this. That's the type of fight that I like. When I listen, you know where my love came from when I was 17, 18, I saw recipes Kimball Slice fight, yeah, and it was like a boat deck and it was lit.

Speaker 1:

Well, no, yeah, he did it was lit.

Speaker 2:

But it was all like it wasn't that he met somebody and got him by surprise Like it was planned and it was pretty cool.

Speaker 1:

It's organized.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

I mean, we used to do that in high school, like there was one. So there was one fight that happened on the football. We know we played football. This dude was mad because he got cracked back and he tried to fight and one of the guys would like take off your helmet. And then the guy took off his helmet and the other guy kept his helmet on and, yeah, it was a bad situation. The guy with the helmet grabbed him by the back of his shoulder. Pass or not, he's just like this and he's like uppercutting.

Speaker 2:

Oh no.

Speaker 1:

So then I guess when he lost that one he was like well, meet me by the cousin, Make it. If y'all went to Riverdale, y'all know that the fight spot was McDonald's. Yeah, the McDonald's over there was the brawling spot. You meet up by the McDonald's and you get busy.

Speaker 2:

Poor McDonald's.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

In high school it was McDonald's for us too.

Speaker 1:

See, McDonald's is the fight it went to two different schools.

Speaker 2:

That's crazy.

Speaker 1:

I'm going to eat some fries and enjoy the fight. I don't eat McDonald's anymore, though, but I'm just saying while. I'm there get me 13 cookies you don't eat some fries in the milkshake.

Speaker 3:

No, I will eat the 13 cookies. Imagine getting knocked out in the news over here like pa-da-pa-pa-pa I love it, I love I could survive off fries.

Speaker 1:

They try to hand you a fry. What A wick up.

Speaker 3:

That's what I'm trying to put on the fry under your nose like smelling salt.

Speaker 1:

What yeah McDonald's.

Speaker 2:

Getting some fries after this.

Speaker 1:

I'll probably get the 13 cookies. I don't know, because this McDonald's used to be so mad at me, the one that's right on Pine Island. I used to stop by every day and order 13 cookies and they used to have to make them fresh because they didn't have 13 cookies just sitting in the thing. Oh, they make them there. Yeah, just pull up, order 13 cookies, they will put them in a box for you. I did not know that they be warming everything. That's a lot of cookies, not for me. If I order them, they're for me, they're not for nobody, I mean.

Speaker 3:

Like you're going to eat them all the same day.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

We fresh cookies are delicious 13 cookies, they don't feel like 13. When they hot and warm, they don't feel like 13.

Speaker 3:

That sounds like an excuse, like a person.

Speaker 2:

Man, I'm getting some fries and cookies.

Speaker 3:

You're 13.

Speaker 1:

I'm getting some excuse for a fat person man. I eat my 13 cookies.

Speaker 2:

We all fat here.

Speaker 3:

But like okay, anyway, you pissed me off. I had something funny to say we're all fat here, we're all allowed to eat. Funny to say about when I was in. You pissed me off.

Speaker 2:

We all eat, so you don't like to eat?

Speaker 3:

I hope there's a turkey out on the street. That's what.

Speaker 1:

I'm speaking of my fat girl's inside.

Speaker 2:

Trust me, I eat like a man. That's why they want me single Damn that's what it is.

Speaker 3:

It's not why you're single. That's not why you're single at all, I'm expensive.

Speaker 1:

I hire for me and then wake up and eat like seven plates. We can talk. You're basically a bear.

Speaker 2:

Yes, I'm trying to tell you.

Speaker 3:

Well, men love bears, so it's not that. Wait, what did you get there for a minute, I don't know. There was a guy at work that talked about how he got chased by a bear and I don't believe in him. I'm getting mad. He's telling all these fake stories now. I believe they're all fake and he talked about when he was a kid. He got chased by a bear and out ran the bear, and I was like you could do a cartwheel.

Speaker 3:

There's no way you're going to run a bear, bro. Who is he? You saying Bo? And then he said I hear he was trained as a ninja on an Indian reserve. That don't even match Walk up and punch him in the face.

Speaker 2:

See his reaction, how quick he is.

Speaker 3:

I know he's not going to react well, because his cartwheel was terrible and then, like he tried to do a second one, he took off his jacket and stuff and his belt before you get to where you're going.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, he did a cartwheel in the building. I haven't recorded.

Speaker 3:

He did a cartwheel in the building and then he's like hold up, I need my redo. And the second one was worse, and this guy tried to tell me before that he was a ninja that was trained on the Indian reserve. I'm like there's no way a ninja does cartwheels like this man. What, what?

Speaker 3:

I'm not gonna lie, I instigated all this and had him do a cartwheel. But how did you get to that part of the conversation? You know it was weird, I don't know. I first had him do a split. Is this a cartworker? Yeah, yeah, where do you work? I first had him do a split and he did a struggle split, I can't. Oh, I can tell you how it all started.

Speaker 1:

I'm gonna say you gotta listen.

Speaker 3:

There's more to this story that we need. Because he said he's a ninja. I said if you're a ninja, kick that, kick her. Kick her. And he's like what, hey, if I give you $50, will you let him kick you? And she was like yeah, but then he stopped. He was about to do the kick and he's like I can't control my power. And she was like, hold up, let's stop everything. And then I was like all right, well, we got to do something. Oh yeah, and it was random. I was like let's have a competition to see who does the better cartwheel. His cartwheel was bananas, bro. It's the craziest thing I've ever seen. It looked like a little koala bear trying to do a cartwheel.

Speaker 2:

How long was the last time he did a cartwheel before then?

Speaker 3:

I didn't get it to detail. You know what? I've never seen it.

Speaker 2:

I did that to my daughter. She's like can you do a cartwheel? I said I'm a cartwheel queen.

Speaker 3:

But you have a cartwheel. How long?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

It's like when you try to race your daughters or something Like. You think you got it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I did a cartwheel. She laughed so hard my legs barely made it into the air. And I fell on my side.

Speaker 1:

I was so I was so embarrassed. But you're not a ninja though.

Speaker 3:

No, I'm not, that's true.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

Did you do just one cartwheel or two?

Speaker 2:

I was enough. I hurt my hip.

Speaker 3:

That's what happened, like even after the race. Right after the hip after the race, you're gonna need like some banger or something. Oh, I pulled everything. Hebsen salt bath, I pulled everything.

Speaker 2:

I was so embarrassed.

Speaker 1:

I raised my nephews, I pulled everything in my body, but I won, I won. But you know, I don't even know how we got here.

Speaker 3:

You but it was safe.

Speaker 1:

Your coworkers are here.

Speaker 2:

I just want to go to your job one day. Can you bring visitors?

Speaker 3:

When we're done, after this, I'm gonna show you the video of the car.

Speaker 2:

OK, can you bring visitors?

Speaker 3:

Wait, what do you mean?

Speaker 2:

To your job.

Speaker 3:

No, I'm gonna apply. You think they're hiring me? They wouldn't bring you, I think so.

Speaker 2:

You say, you wouldn't bring me.

Speaker 3:

Did you see the gift bag? Yeah, I know how I went.

Speaker 1:

They'll be after you later you walking there, they'll be after you. Oh yeah, that's.

Speaker 2:

No, I'm there with Manny.

Speaker 1:

They'll be after you. It's hard to. They'll be the dude. You know what? You should call him off of you chicken. You should have done that. The dude will be.

Speaker 3:

That's the same one I did at the cartwheel. What I'll tell you? How did.

Speaker 1:

I know this.

Speaker 2:

This is a special man.

Speaker 1:

He's a man, the one that would make a yogurt in the building with.

Speaker 2:

I think you should interview him next Nah.

Speaker 1:

Can we put him on the podcast?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

You don't want to Trust me.

Speaker 1:

Wait, that's the closet guy. Yeah, oh, nevermind, nevermind, oh no no, no, that's all you had to say All right next conversation.

Speaker 1:

Just leave him where he's at, nevermind Abort mission. What the this guy has a lot going on in his life to be able to accomplish so many things and such In one life, the way he explained it, you need at least two to three to do accomplices to things that this man has accomplished. But speaking of that right, so I was on the internet Y'all know I be searching for things in Florida and I found out this man, this Uber driver, was arrested for selling shrooms to an undercover. And my thing is, yeah, he was selling shrooms to an undercover, right, they had to be investigating him. So he had to be like a major shrooms dealer for them to be like, let's send an undercover in this car to you know what I'm saying To make sure he's really not selling shrooms. But yeah, he was selling shrooms.

Speaker 2:

So yeah, he was selling, so they must have heard about him and yeah, well, I need details.

Speaker 3:

Was it like he set up the driving thing with the Like you see on TV shows like oh yeah, just order this ride? And then you know like, hey, that comes with mushrooms. But like he was, was it separate or was he doing it all at the same time?

Speaker 1:

That's what like what I was thinking. What happened is because you know a lot of, because I've taken Ubers before. You know what I'm saying. Normally I try to get it with my headphones and I just say hey, so they don't talk to me because I'm a very socially I'm a person, but there are some Uber drivers that like to talk, but then, you know, there's some people that like to overshare. So maybe he like Like I want to know how he got into the conversation. Like hey, bro, you do shrooms. You know what I'm saying.

Speaker 1:

Like I want to know how does he get to the point to where he? Because I know there was one drive-through, one restaurant, fast food restaurant and like if you I think it was a KFC and if you order extra biscuits, then that means you wanted drugs, I guess. Oh, it has a super cold, yeah, and the lady was like she really wanted an extra biscuit.

Speaker 3:

That's how I say you need a better cold word than that. That's not a good cold word. What if somebody just like biscuits and not? That's dumb.

Speaker 2:

I get extra biscuits. I didn't want no drugs.

Speaker 1:

That must have happened in Florida.

Speaker 3:

Open the bag yeah, that's dumb.

Speaker 2:

Where's my extra biscuit? There had to be a number Like let me have nine biscuits, and then you're like oh nine biscuits no, that's still not enough, lina.

Speaker 3:

No, you got to order something that's not on the menu. Nine fresh biscuits no, no, are you not in this thing? It can't be on the menu, like you'd have to say, let me get a cactus, a side of cactus.

Speaker 1:

It can't be on the menu. Obviously, if you pull up the Popeye, they'll be like let me get a drier biscuit than they know?

Speaker 3:

No, you can't take note. Maybe I'm paranoid. I'm not taking no chances, I'm not gonna say Some crazy people might be like I want to drive biscuit. There's people like that.

Speaker 1:

Why. You see what I say Give me a Popeye's biscuit with no drink.

Speaker 3:

And then they know, because at that point, Well, no, because then that could just be like somebody trying to.

Speaker 2:

Because you're either suicidal or you want drugs.

Speaker 3:

One of the two One of the two, it's only two. Somebody already calling the cops at me? We need help.

Speaker 1:

He wants a Popeye's biscuit with no drink.

Speaker 2:

I've talked on one before I have.

Speaker 3:

Popeye's got a bottle of water in there. They say can't they stick you.

Speaker 2:

You're gonna want, you're gonna wish you had the dissonning in your car when that happens? No, I will die.

Speaker 3:

I choke. I will gladly choke. Keep that green cap away from me. I ain't got a lot. I've been looking at it from the corner of my eye the whole time. I want to take this bottle and break a window. We ain't really this house. We're gonna do that, but that's, this bottle is making me so angry right now. I want to pour this on my enemies. That's what I want to do with it.

Speaker 1:

He gonna roll over to the side, Design it. Nope, I'm like drink this. He's like no.

Speaker 3:

That's a skit dawg.

Speaker 2:

Let me die.

Speaker 3:

I gotta go get a Popeye's biscuit. We're gonna record that. But back to the show. I gotta look at this up. How do you pull this off? Because how are you?

Speaker 2:

I wonder if he was also like depending on the type of crowd that was in the car Like, obviously you're not gonna offer shrooms to like 80 year old woman, but then you see some crazy teenagers you know to offer them instead of the old lady.

Speaker 1:

You never know. Well, I've had some like me taking Ubers right and even though, like I said, I'm a social worker, I put my headphones in. But like there's some to get into, like drug talking, I be like bro, like I'm just trying to go to work. Man, I don't even know what's going on, but they'll squeeze it in.

Speaker 3:

And that's probably what they're trying to do here. They're trying to get into it, they to plug and they want to see hey, what's up.

Speaker 1:

I got a ride in shrooms, my boy, what's up.

Speaker 3:

That makes sense. It's better that because I've been in Ubers where they try to push their mixtape, so I rather somebody try to push me shrooms in their mixtape.

Speaker 1:

They still do that. Yeah, you get in and they'll be playing their music and you'll be just like sitting there and they'll be like, and then, personally, they'll be like what they want you to say is who is that? And then they'll be like that's me, but then me, but it never happens, though. Nobody ever is like who is that They'll be like, hey, you know who that is, and I'll be like, no, that's me.

Speaker 2:

But don't you promote like sound. What is it? Soundcloud? What is it A stuff called? I'm sorry.

Speaker 1:

Soundcloud. You was right. Soundcloud.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, because there's no CDs going out anymore, right.

Speaker 1:

But they'll put it like they oxo they want you to go there. Click their links or.

Speaker 3:

Oh they'll have the business card with the thing that you scan and it takes it to there.

Speaker 2:

Oh, the QR code thing Got it Okay.

Speaker 3:

That they be doing that.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

They need to ban certain people off of their music.

Speaker 2:

I remember handing out CDs.

Speaker 1:

I remember handing out CDs. Yeah, there was the days back when I handed out CDs in shrooms. You know what that hurt was, though, when you spent all that time handing out CDs, and then you walk back through the parking lot and you see all of them around.

Speaker 2:

They're all over the floor.

Speaker 1:

And you be like bro, I just paid for that.

Speaker 3:

I pick it back up and give it to somebody else, or they just leave the CD and you know that they took the case and use it for another CD.

Speaker 1:

That's the heartbreak, like all this was worth was the case, so I was needing the case.

Speaker 3:

I got another story. I'm a lady in my car, so when I take the one CD out, I'm right. Sad bro.

Speaker 1:

It's pretty sad, it ain't gonna lie. It's pretty sad, but you know. So the next one we all see, right, a turkey attacking a police officer Loved it, st John's County Loved it. And I put this story on here, right, because I need to talk to Manny specifically Because Manny thinks that I'm crazy because I feel birds. Now, I don't fear a lot of things. I do a bunch of crazy stuff, y'all know this, but the one thing I fear is not just every bird, so I'm not, like you know, running from a pack of crows or nothing like that, but like the bigger birds make me nervous. And when I saw this video and it was even funnier because the police officer said everything but a turkey, he's called it a chicken. He kept saying quack, quack, like it was a duck, where he couldn't tell it was a turkey. I'm pretty sure he knew it was a turkey, but when you under attack, you just you say things you panic.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, he was just trying to do a police stop and the turkey just kept rushing it and attacking it and he was like he had to run back to his car and I just want to say who was right about these birds.

Speaker 3:

I want to say who do we have protecting us?

Speaker 2:

I was going to say what person trained this turkey to attack police officers.

Speaker 1:

Oh well, I think about that. That's diabolical. They'd be in the street, though, and they will attack the cars that pass by, so I think.

Speaker 2:

You know they have them in Orlando.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I've stayed over at my friend's house and she said you know, we have wild turkey out here, but don't they have them here too?

Speaker 3:

I've never seen one here. I was just in a car with somebody the other day and they were like you. I just saw a big turkey here.

Speaker 2:

I have a question Can you I mean I wouldn't do it Can you kill them, or are they protected here in Florida?

Speaker 1:

They have a season.

Speaker 2:

They only. They have a season.

Speaker 1:

They have a season.

Speaker 2:

They're massive. I've never seen them in person because what I see in the store is about this big, but if you let them grow bigger like they are massive. And I went outside we fed them rice. I was completely shocked because she's not fenced in and about six of them came in. I was scared so I ran inside. They're like they don't do nothing. They hang around here all the time and we fed them and they were really friendly, like they just hung out with us for a little bit. They didn't do, didn't attack or nothing. I thought it was pretty cool. But I always wonder like, can the neighbor just come out here with a knife and kill one?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, they got a season. So if you do it like out of season then you know you obviously face the consequences. It's like even with gators like gators, they have a season where they can hunt gators.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Only thing like the invasive species, they pretty much like pythons and iguanas. They pretty much open season on them, but like most of that stuff, they have like a season, I guess, to regulate the mace or not. Too many of them are, yeah, getting hunted.

Speaker 3:

So and I don't know why, when you said like the turkey attack in the police, and then she said she was uncomfortable with it, I don't know why, when you started telling the story, I feel like turkey confronting me. Would this be the same thing as Lena confronting me? Like it would be the same, like just layout, it would be the same thing, you sure? Yeah, because she's turkey-ish in her ways. So what about peacock? Same thing.

Speaker 2:

But they're beautiful.

Speaker 3:

They're mean. Nobody said anything about that. You did that and you said that about you. I'm not saying you not, but you said that. You got enough fans out here Blessing you with comments. Don't want to hear about it. I'm sick of it. So yeah, that's cute. Thank you remember that you just saw what episode 20.

Speaker 3:

She brought the sunny and Store bought for I don't know. It was a thought that can't know. The thought was to be disrespectful and in the bag. The bag is the best part of this. You like the bag, I love the bag. Okay, we're gonna keep the bag. What you have is with the rest of this, is the sunny graveyard on the floor. Anyway, I digress, my bad. The point of the matter is that I feel like Lena is similar to a turkey.

Speaker 1:

Maybe there's some birds. I hear that would take you down, maybe maybe Especially the Lena bird.

Speaker 3:

I'm not gonna die for you. The Lena bird will take you down. She's slowly doing it now. Huh, she's slowly doing it now, do it what? Taking me down With that, my spirit? That is true.

Speaker 1:

she's trying to poison me with that one, the sunny, gonna come after you one day. Many wait to this video with the pop-eye.

Speaker 3:

What is it? The KFC biscuit.

Speaker 1:

Now I gotta be the Popeye's biscuit, cuz KFC they got a little more string, the moisture Pop-eye's expensive. You get a old pop-eye's biscuit like that. They're the ones that not the ones that they personally put out, but the ones that's been sitting on the counter you got to go to, like a pop-eye's that don't care. So go to the one on Fowler Okay, cuz they don't care.

Speaker 3:

Oh, that makes sense. I didn't know there was still allowed to be open.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, they don't care. They just remodeled the building so people knew, think it was a different look, but they're the same, it's the same.

Speaker 3:

Pull up, there. Oh I, oh you, bro.

Speaker 1:

Um, all right. So next I was invited to a golf tournament, a celebrity golf tournament. There's two problems I'm not a celebrity to, I can't golf.

Speaker 2:

But who cares?

Speaker 3:

Well, is it? If it's a Florida, your celebrity, for sure, no hundred percent. It's a temple. 100% your celebrity in Tampa Okay, it's a pearl.

Speaker 2:

I guess experience, maybe not easily embarrassed, I said go for it, cuz I go to top golf and I cannot hit a ball for to save my life, but I still have so much fun trying it oh yeah, I'm gonna talk like I'm a win.

Speaker 3:

So you are you gonna practice before you do this?

Speaker 1:

You got a practice.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, you got to find a way to practice.

Speaker 1:

I got like a month.

Speaker 3:

Time you practice you gotta be good, but don't let that be the first time.

Speaker 1:

Oh, I don't care. You know I don't care, I'm gonna talk trash like I'm a win. Anyways, I never very competitive person, so I'm gonna talk trash. Is though I've been golfing my whole life. But they gonna see. Once I get that I'm home, you should go watch like I'm.

Speaker 3:

Is it happy, gilmore? Yeah, I watch that so you can like. I love having viable for that, so should I get a hockey stick? No, no, no, I just want you to study the manner of rooms.

Speaker 1:

Okay, cuz I get a hockey stick, that be out, that just knock, I think they'll hit them, even though you're a celebrity.

Speaker 3:

They call in security if you pulling up with a hockey.

Speaker 1:

This ain't the mighty ducks.

Speaker 2:

Who knows, maybe you'll do it, and then you find out that you're like, secretly like.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's true. I then I just got to change careers. I'm with that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you just never. It could go either, or be very bad.

Speaker 1:

I'm very good. I'm about to find out either way. But yeah, I'm gonna be out there next month. I think it's around a 19th of the 20th, the 20th. I'm gonna be in Tampa y'all and I'm gonna be golfing. It's gonna look bad, but it's gonna be good. It's gonna be fun.

Speaker 3:

I can't wait to see the protector swing. You know I'm saying, you know I'm saying I'm gonna be good. Either way is gonna be good, cuz this is either gonna be bad.

Speaker 2:

Just don't hit no no, what?

Speaker 3:

no duck? Yeah, I found there's a lot of birds on golf courses bro.

Speaker 1:

That's the thing. Like the alligator I'm cool with, but like the ducks.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I've seen that where they hit the ball and the ball ends up hitting like a flying duck or duck that was on the ground or Something and so sad I know what sent you the video.

Speaker 3:

I was going for a walk one day and there was like a school of ducks and I was recording. I'm like this is what Wicks and Captain Mike are afraid of, what? No, captain.

Speaker 1:

Mike is for the woodpeckers.

Speaker 3:

He said something about ducks to, I'm afraid of duck geese. Oh, it's good. Oh, it's a geese shoe.

Speaker 1:

I would be. I guess it's not the same thing you would. You would you pull up on a geese?

Speaker 3:

I'm not pulling up on any bird, but it's not cuz out of fear, I just like I have no reason to pull up on birds. What about, al? I'm not way. Am I scared? Am I pulling up Scared? I'm not scared, but I do feel like an owl would be more dangerous than a duck.

Speaker 2:

I can't be around you in a bikini. I Might scare you.

Speaker 3:

Oh, she's usually inappropriate. I thought it was like a sexual thing when she was just.

Speaker 2:

She's built like I have the two can over oh.

Speaker 3:

I thought you were saying you built like a bird.

Speaker 1:

My mother that was scared me to. Can I mess with them? I messed with a fruit little bird. I'm a mess with no birds of size, none of them, none of. I've been chased by too many of them to know like I know that they don't like me. So I'll stick with the other stuff and I'll let y'all handle the birds. That's the deal. I'll take care of the stuff, y'all take care of the birds.

Speaker 3:

I've never experienced bird violence. I know, man, you're lucky. Yeah but that's your people. I get that, but I don't understand why he would. He said like we get into what our own people are on kind, but so I get why you have bird stuff.

Speaker 2:

First of all, I love looking at them there. I think they're beautiful, they're majestic, looking to me with a salad, so you feel the same way about yourself always had birds and she created like this relationship with the birds where they're like really attached to her and really, really loved her and just her. So she was able to leave the cage open. They would fly around and land on her and give a little kiss and the she like they love there. But the moment I'll go to like hug her or something, they will attack me.

Speaker 3:

So this is jealousy. They're like oh my god, another birds coming into the frame. Detector jealousy try, get that. Is that what you're going with?

Speaker 2:

But yeah, and then they used to come and poop on my bed on purpose.

Speaker 1:

Oh see, that's petty. Yeah that's bad. That's a message.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. Leave all alone pull it back up a year ago she said I either want a pet bird again, a peri key, or I want a fish tank. I was in less than an hour I came back with a brand new fish fish.

Speaker 1:

Let's get this fish tank, because we even a deal with you want to.

Speaker 2:

Right now we're right to the store to do to about all the fish that she wanted. What fish is one angel? Oh, da, da got her all her fishes. I don't you ever again your life act before another bird, ever Again with the trauma that and birds lifespan might actually long. Yeah, because the peri key that I had it was a good was 16, 17 years before it passed and I prayed for 10 years for it to die.

Speaker 1:

See later. Please let the bird Listen. It sounds kind of like a prayer from my cousin. My cousin had got like in a bad accident so he had to get like everything restructured. There was like he did never walk again. He's walking, he's running, he's doing everything that he was. But he was like when he was healing and there was, it wasn't like funny, but he would do funny stuff and he was back there praying one day and he was like Lord, please take the pain away from me and give it to my brother and listen. That was probably the funniest thing to this day. It's like if you said to my cousin, they'll die life. My other cousin because he said he was loud, he was like Lord and he was dead serious.

Speaker 2:

I'm like bro, this was like he was talking to himself, but it was too loud.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, he was in the room by his own and we're outside like we're like. So he's in the room, but the room is close to the living room and we were just out there chilling and all we heard was Lord, please take the pain away from me and give it to my. He sacrificed his brother he wanted to, but it didn't work. He, but he ended up healing. He's walking. You can't even tell that.

Speaker 2:

That's my stuff. He could have left that.

Speaker 1:

I heal me and protect my family. Take my pain away.

Speaker 3:

He's, like His brother, secretly been in pain since, and nobody know what. His brother's just looking at him. He's holding his back around. Look at this pain come from.

Speaker 1:

I don't know what a pain came from. Oh, so this other one, florida man clowns a sail tower. This was in Hillsboro. He climbed a sail tower to the live stream and I guess on his way back down he was arrested. Hmm, I did look for more in the story, but that's all that was there.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, what was the cost of their rest?

Speaker 1:

He was.

Speaker 2:

I'm not allowed to stealing is that?

Speaker 1:

oh, you can't, that's like trespassing. Yeah, he wasn't supposed to be a but I get it but is that stealing to? Nah, it's just trespassing. Maybe he wanted the best sale service because you ever did a lot.

Speaker 3:

She's trying to get so hyped up. She wants to know she should be turned on by the guy. No, he's a thief, she's so old.

Speaker 2:

Oh my god, I want to know what the causes are like endangering.

Speaker 3:

No, it's just probably just trespassing.

Speaker 2:

Oh, he was out like in 24 hours oh.

Speaker 3:

I know they got it crazy like this, you got a final reason to keep them. Yeah, you got to keep them in there.

Speaker 1:

But I figure, and then you live stream up there and then you don't think they're gonna. But I feel like, because you know people be doing live streams, you lose service. He was like I ain't losing service this live stream. Yeah, I'm a client to the top and that's a Florida way, so you're stealing Wi-Fi social media addiction.

Speaker 3:

No, cuz you still gonna get the tower I you just want him to steal. So bad. He's still not him. No, he's just got closer to the thing he already gets that he pays for.

Speaker 2:

I think he needs medical assistance.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, probably Probably. But yeah, he was up there and the police waited on the climb back down. They said by the time they got there he was on his way back down. They waited on the hit the ground and they took him to jail.

Speaker 3:

Content over everything, baby, even your own life.

Speaker 1:

That's what I'm saying, because like what if the wind would have blew? Like you never know what flew the weather. Like what if lightning would have? You never know what flew.

Speaker 3:

You know what made me mad too, like, let's say, he would have fell and like something happened when he died, people would have been feeling sorry for him, and it's like nah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, nah, yeah. And that's the thing, like even that, like we always bring it to do with the tiger or the people that do it. You know even the what in the Harambe incident, where people do crazy stuff and then they want us to feel bad for what stuff happened. And it's like, bro, if it's like an incident that you can't control, then okay, we feel bad, but if you're messing with things that you shouldn't be messing with and something happened, then we like bro, you kind of, you kind of was.

Speaker 3:

You know what would have been funny if he would have fell. You remember when you was a kid and you was doing something you weren't supposed to and you fell. I don't know about you, but Hispanic moms I'm glad it happened to you. Pick yourself up and they just walk away. Yep, they just do this to this dude bro.

Speaker 2:

That's what they should have did, he would have got up it reminds me of the trauma I've had, and don't even realize there's trauma now until you're older.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's regular. You do something. That's what you get for doing it. You should have did it, but my leg, can you?

Speaker 3:

help me. Hey, mom, now ain't it time, for I told you so. Mom, let's, can you get my eye back into my head and then we can talk? Then we can talk about this. That's like me. No, now you're just going to see different. So you can remember, I can't put in that you ain't going to never forget this, ever.

Speaker 1:

But yeah, but yeah. No, I'm with you, You're right, you know, you realize it's funny because you know you make fun of, like the trauma, but you're like you know what?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I'm sitting here thinking of situations right now, like you just opened this wound again. I remember being cursed at all the time. Yeah, cursed at all the time.

Speaker 3:

Bleed in.

Speaker 2:

and now you bully I think my middle name is Pendeja.

Speaker 3:

That's what we've been calling you.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I did that, you signed up for that. I mean, there was a couple times I earned it, like when I almost set the house on fire because I had discovered that alcohol was blamable and I decided to move on. I did that with the hair spray, I did with both of them.

Speaker 2:

Oh the lighter, oh man, and I almost got the, the, the hand towels, oh, yes, oh. And I remember walking out that bathroom and was like what is that smell? What is that smell? And then she looked at the towel and had a brown spot.

Speaker 3:

Nothing. Oh, I don't know why you always blaming me mom, why you always think I'm doing something.

Speaker 2:

I remember that I was the third child, so the other kids had already moved out the house. It was just like blame it on no one else. So the whole I don't know, did not work with my mom and you know Spanish moms they're extra with bathroom decorations. Like I had the toilet seat cover that had flowers, she had like a whole cover that covered the whole toilet.

Speaker 3:

You can't even use the bathroom, right?

Speaker 2:

She's fixed this up with her band hands, yeah, and the curtains were like seven layers of different colors and it was just like why you got a quilt as a shower.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, that's what it was.

Speaker 2:

So I remember these towels like she hand, like she bought it and bought like did the little rim of it with flowers and and initials it was like the family, last name, initials, like it meant something to her because she used to sew knit quilt, whatever it is. And I remember that brown spot and I'm like I don't know, mom, maybe it's dirty, and I remember running her finger through it and she's like it's this a burn spot, cause you know that they get hard.

Speaker 2:

So I don't know why does it smell like hairspray? So she put two and two together. Man, I remember trying to run away from her and she put her foot right in front of me, trips me and beat me up.

Speaker 1:

Oh geez, now my my little bit. You know cause I moved off. I moved all my furniture out of the room, so that was the first giveaway. So she, she should have stopped me at that point Talking about a red flag. You know what I'm saying. Like you see me moving off my furniture, I know he don't clean like that.

Speaker 3:

He ain't that invested in cleaning.

Speaker 1:

I moved everything the bed, everything out of the room and I closed the door and I made like alcohol from one side of the room to the other. That's crazy, you put alcohol on the floor, yeah, and then it was.

Speaker 1:

It was tight right, yeah, it was tight and the X, and then I just lit it and it just went. The smoking lungs was going off and my mom went right to my room. She didn't go to nobody else's room, she went directly to my room and she was like that's what you do. I'm like hold on and I'm not. I'm not trying to like with my like, I had like a towel so and I'm like trying to pat it out. Eventually it went out and I opened it. Doing this like smoke.

Speaker 3:

I'm like nothing, nothing, what you talking about? Smoke just coming past your head, I don't know why we thought that nothing was the answer to everything I don't know or nothing I don't know.

Speaker 2:

I was going to do that. You were almost homeless.

Speaker 1:

What's crazy was that wasn't even a person.

Speaker 3:

Thank God nothing happened. Too bad, because you would have never lived that down for your whole life, bro.

Speaker 2:

I put a can in the microwave too, oh you did that too. And it broke the glass off the microwave.

Speaker 1:

Did it blow up?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it broke the glass. I remember it just like popping and it rent towards the glass. It didn't go through the glass, but it got stuck on the glass like right there in the microwave broke and I remember all this lightning hitting. Look like it was crazy and I knew it.

Speaker 2:

But I said I wonder okay, I think I someone had told me that it shrinks, or something like that the can if you put it in there, because if you get a chip bag right, I said that you're eating some Doritos that bag, If you put in the microwave for like 15, please don't try this at home 15 seconds. The bag this big turns this big and I used to make a hole like hole, punch it and make it a key chain. It turns this small.

Speaker 3:

What is wrong with you?

Speaker 2:

But then they told me, all the same things happened to the can and I did it with the can and it broke the microwave.

Speaker 3:

I feel like you broke in a few microwaves in your life. A few what A few microwaves in your life.

Speaker 2:

No, just one.

Speaker 1:

I think the stupidest thing I did as a kid and this is the one my mom got to laugh at me.

Speaker 2:

Please don't try any of these things at home. Yeah, don't try none of this.

Speaker 1:

These are not good ideas. No, you know how back in the day, because we didn't have the internet back then. So a lot of times when I was being creative it was things that you heard from other people. You didn't have the internet to back check it, so you would just be out there doing wild stuff. So I found out that if you put it was a toilet bowl cleaner and if you put aluminum into like a two liter bottle and you put it in there and you close it and shake it, it'll explode and turn to a bomb. So, oh yeah, we were creative kids. I was like a science kid too.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, I love science, we found a.

Speaker 1:

it was an amp bed.

Speaker 2:

I did the Mentos.

Speaker 1:

But the amp bed was huge. It was like it was huge amp bed, it was off the ground so it was in a mockery, so y'all know it was out there by the swamp. So we did this thing and we stuck it in the amp bed and we were running and we thought we was far enough. We weren't. It blew up. Ants were everywhere, ants were all over us.

Speaker 3:

We were like running back to the house and ants bite us, oh no.

Speaker 1:

Just stay calm, bro. I tell my mom like mom, it's ants. And she was like what happened? And I'm like it ain't the time. So we're like trying to get the ants off of us. I fell on an ant hill and then my sister because they were snitches, they're like they stuck a bomb. They stuck that little bomb that you told them to stop making in the amp bed and she like looked at us and she was like that's what y'all get, exactly Get bit.

Speaker 3:

And that's why brothers and sisters wish pain on one or another.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

Because y'all be snitching.

Speaker 2:

At least you had someone to blame it on.

Speaker 3:

My situation's. Only they didn't put the house in danger, thankfully, but they almost got me killed, like the one I remember. You remember those, you know the race cars that you put them on the track and you got the little gun and you squeeze it yeah, drys. So we was poor and my mother wasn't about to buy more batteries, so my batteries are. I'm like, what am I going to do, bro? And I don't know why. I thought I could do this. So I cut the plug off of a TV, oh geez, plugged into the wall, split the wires and I put one wire on one place where the battery goes, and one place, boy, that pork thing blew up. So quick it would. I got my. I got tore up, boy, I still think there's a hamper on me somewhere for that one.

Speaker 1:

So we all were wild kids y'all and we didn't have like the internet. They have the internet so they can fact check a lot of stuff. When I did like I said, it was more so you're at school or somebody like, hey, you can do this. You just heard something. And then you're like, let me try it. You can't even look up a recipe.

Speaker 3:

You just got to go base off of whatever they told you at that point in time. Yeah so yeah, we used to wild out y'all.

Speaker 1:

So all right, man, you got this next one.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, no, it's not going to be as bad as you think. I just thought this was interesting. There's like. There's like we talked about a part kind of like this on the last episode, I think we did, about how like when a woman did a song, a woman does a certain thing, it's received different as when a man does a certain thing.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

So I was having a conversation with one of my co-workers and they were asking me like when was the last time like I was intimate? I said it's been like almost five months already. And she said I'm going to just tell you the truth. I think that you just a gay dude that doesn't want to admit that he's gay and that's your excuse. And then another example she brought up is like she said if a man tells me that he's going to be celibate for a year, I think the same thing. And then I'm like well, hold up, women say that all the time. Yeah, so now.

Speaker 2:

Because it goes with the saying like if women are intimate with multiple partners or enjoy sexual activities, they're considered whores, but if a man does it it's like, oh, they're just men, so it falls in that category too. If the man has a chance to always do it and not have a reputation for it, so why not do it? Women, in the other hand, can't have that luxury that men does. That's why they're saying it's a gay thing and shame on them, because there's nothing wrong with them, because it's deeper Well for me, and I hope you think the same way too. You believe in soul ties, you believe in energy. Why would you just lay with anyone?

Speaker 3:

I think I do to a certain extent, yeah.

Speaker 2:

I cannot just lay down with anyone, because I feel like once you do that, you have a part of that person in you. So why do you want to lay down with somebody that could possibly be your enemy? Because you just want to be out here having sex. So you need to spend your time with this person. I don't, you know, and I respect it. There's nothing. I don't think there's nothing wrong. How you live your life and what you choose to do with your sexual life is your choice, your body, your choice. But I don't do one night stands. I don't, you know. I get to meet the person and then it's my choice if I want to lay with them, because how crappy will you feel if you end up falling for someone and you gave it right away and then you find out, oh my God, he's a pedophile or he's you?

Speaker 2:

know, or he's a bad person or I just found out he has 25 kids and don't take care of his kids. You know things like that. So shame on them. And you take your time, because it's your body and you have to be sure about who you give it to.

Speaker 1:

Your body, yeah, men and women.

Speaker 2:

That goes for men and women, okay.

Speaker 1:

Can I ask a question before? No, and that's a real question. It's a real question. How old is the person that said this?

Speaker 3:

Uh, like 20s, almost 30s. Okay.

Speaker 1:

Because I was going to say, like, if they're early 20s, then your mindset is different than when you get, like I can say, because you know we used to be at the studio I would just be like I was single, I was completely single, and I would be like you know what? I'm going to be celibate for three months. I'm going to be celibate for six months and I would just do this and it was. It was more so of.

Speaker 1:

It helps you choose better people to be around, Cause if you say you get with this person and y'all start doing it instantly and you like that part, but they have so many other red flags over here, you're doing this, so you don't see the red flags over here. So if you take the time to like, let me cut out that for now and get to know this person, Now you get to see those red flags over here and you can, you know, get out of there before it's too late. So, but I would do that a lot. Especially, it helps me focus, cause you're not so focused on let me go be with this person. This person, this person is like, let me focus on what I'm trying to focus on and if something happens, like, if I meet someone in that time period that deserves that attention, then so I don't see that to be wrong with it, man or woman. Yeah.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I think it's just people's perception. I guess I was just going to say women, but I think both men and women believe that men are just that's all their brain is wired to think about. Yeah, but as a dude I would say I think, as for most dudes, I feel like, even as I'm thinking, that I'm wrong. I was going to say as a man once you get older, that changes, but I do know a lot of older dudes when it hasn't changed, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Me too. I was going to say I got told because when I was single, we'll be. In short, they broke up and they were like, man, you got this fame, you could be with any woman you want. And I'm like bro, like that's not interesting to me.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and what are their really their intentions?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, Like that's like. Then what? Like I'm not interested in just that, Like I want to actually have a good conversation with somebody. You know what I'm saying and I can say they were. They were older people too. So I would say just each their own.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, just don't judge others for how they choose to live their sexual desire.

Speaker 3:

I'm worried about the future of the universe. Maybe you're saving yourself a marriage. No, not at all. You need to know that when I'm bringing to the table is trash upfront. The D is weak, Wait wait, wait, wait wait, wait. I don't want you learning later and then you mad at me. I told you, and it's up to you, if you was willing to know you're testing the product you in there.

Speaker 3:

No, no, no, I'm not going to do that. You're going to learn about the disappointment the prior. You're going to learn about the disappointment before the diamonds. You feel me?

Speaker 1:

And now what? Now I feel that it's nothing wrong with it. I feel like take your time, and if you, a lot more people took their time than they wouldn't end up in a lot of the situations that you know they end up.

Speaker 1:

Now you're going to end up in some situations because you know there is people that you probably been with for two years and you still don't know like they become a whole. You know what I'm saying, so I can't. But you will end up in less situations because some people will show you those red flags at the beginning.

Speaker 2:

Plus I get it too emotionally attached easily and stuff, because I don't have a lot of people that I'm active with at a time.

Speaker 2:

So when you focus on like one person and then that ends you're just sitting there like, oh, I never had a plan B, and you get them saying it it's just, I don't know. To me that subject is just, I don't know. I think different. And I know my friends always like, oh, she's the boring one and she's the one that's the careful one and she doesn't do adventures and no, I want to be bend over and about anybody. I have to find the right person. You know I have to find the right person. Look at my face.

Speaker 3:

Man, let's just pray for Lain.

Speaker 1:

That's what we do.

Speaker 3:

Let's just pray.

Speaker 4:

Just pray and we pray, just pray, and we pray, just pray, and we pray.

Speaker 1:

Just don't let my cousin pray for nobody. You don't let my cousin pray for nobody. My cousin is not alive. Your God's by like you know what. Listen bro, don't pray to me your prayer was not positive. That's how you pray to me. Somebody got to get hurt. We only get my things. But I don't think there's nothing wrong with you, man, you good.

Speaker 3:

Good, I know you're saying it. If the protector says it, then I feel like I'm going to go, and Lena said it too.

Speaker 1:

We can't have you doing Lena like that. All right, so I'm pretty sure Rudy put this one on here. This was you, mani. Yeah, all right, go ahead, get it off.

Speaker 3:

Get it off. This is you. So, oh yeah, so like dating now, bro. I don't know if it's just my personal experience. I feel like no. I know we are in a toxic era Period. I thought we were going to have a toxic season. It's a toxic era. Blame sex and read no, because it was before her. She's adding to it and look, they add into it.

Speaker 4:

She had to throw out the balcony thing when nobody was talking about it.

Speaker 3:

It's this toxic era, but I feel like all right, the best way I could describe it. You know how life was way different pre-COVID and now. It's different now and it feels like it's never going to be back to what it is. It's just something different. Now. I think the toxic is just here to stay forever.

Speaker 1:

I think it's been that way. Let me explain. Let me explain I think it's been that way. It's just more publicized now. People are speaking about it more, because I've met some people Mani, I feel like-, so we talking about the internet.

Speaker 3:

Right, the internet's the cause of all these problems. Now huh.

Speaker 1:

Well, because it makes people like more Just put it out there more. Yeah, but it's been there. I've met some people before the internet that were like this and then, like I said, the internet makes it so that people can instantly post and share their thoughts.

Speaker 2:

It didn't get caught as much back in the day because there was nothing to there was no platform for you to post or advertise and stuff. Now it is. It's like do you know Joe Del? Because he left that yeah, you know, I've been seeing those posts all the time. There's one and she's gone viral. She is a real person, she does real estate I don't know if you guys seen it and she's a wealthy lady, has been married several years to her husband and she has a big platform because she Was this Texas. Well, basically, she holds these open houses and has sold houses to celebrities and stuff. She caught her man cheating her husband and she decided to go public. Of course, she has a large following. So this grew.

Speaker 2:

This woman sat on the internet for I don't know how many days and if people posted things like do you know anyone that cleans houses? Like she'll tag the girl that the husband cheated with and be like oh, she will clean your house and do much more. Listen to that. And you know now, this late, the girl she's getting like all this attack on the internet. So it's everybody's business. Like at this point, this is my relationship too, because I've been so invested in it and the going back and forth. I'm surprised that she's even still has social media and they haven't shut her down. It's crazy. But then again, social media and the advertising of it, letting people know, sharing the picture, sharing the videos, it's a lot.

Speaker 1:

The only thing I don't like about that, because you know I be minding my business, but I'm not going to lie Like y'all be my home reception in the window. I do be doing that online, watching it from a distance, yeah. The only thing I don't like, though, is when they get to like the good part of the season and they be like stay out of my business, and I'm like no, this is our business.

Speaker 4:

You know what I'm saying. This is our business, this is our business.

Speaker 3:

You know what?

Speaker 1:

I'm saying so you ain't for this, kick us out of there. You're like it's time for me and then say wow.

Speaker 3:

I'm here, you are here, my man.

Speaker 1:

Like I don't watch you cook all the food and then you're going to close the door and be like y'all can't get now, like no, give me the food. You know what?

Speaker 2:

I'm saying and before people were very private, like if they were cheated on. They were very private about it because they were embarrassed. But now they talk about it because they know that they're going to have followers and people on the like. You go yeah, girl, and they want that. They want that show.

Speaker 1:

That validation. But then you know what's even crazy, because people will post up online but they won't get a full story. So they'll be like he did this and that, or she did this, this, this, this, and he's like, well, what did you do? You know what I'm saying. But they won't post that, they just want to keep it to where they're validated. And then it gets even worse when they make these posts and they be like I'll never be with them again. And then next thing you know, you see them back together and they be like mind y'all business, like no, you told us you was done. How you get back with them the next week? You know what I'm saying. You need to sometimes be a day later, but they'll make the post and then they got to go back and delete the post. I'm going to keep it up, but yeah, but no, social media is definitely.

Speaker 2:

Yeah the short. Everybody wants to be social media famous, Everybody wants to go viral. So they put their situations out there like that.

Speaker 3:

So we just have to accept that this is life now.

Speaker 2:

This is live and, just like I've said before, not all men are the same, not all women is the same. We just haven't run into that right person where we feel like it's not toxic. Yeah, eventually will happen, who knows? Maybe when I'm like 85, about to die, who knows it's going to happen before that?

Speaker 3:

I got hope I know both of the type of gifts you're giving people you lucky. It only takes up to 85.

Speaker 1:

No, but it's like I said, it's just like it's always been people like that. So you're going to you know you run into people that are still quality people. You just, like I said, you just got to know how to filter through them. Like I said, realize the red flags and see when there's red flags, like if you get on the internet and she not you know, somebody did the same thing with three other dudes. Probably ain't the other dude at this point, it's probably her. So you get you know. But I can say it's always been like that. That's how I feel. Yeah, but yeah, so this YouTube, huh, no new friends. Oh yeah, no new friends, no new friends, because I'm getting.

Speaker 3:

Why what? I'm 36 years old.

Speaker 2:

Are you talking about both genders?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, oh, okay, I'm not a dude, I'm speaking for myself, because these people at work are trying to become friends with me, and what for Like? They're like oh, you don't do enough with us, like we need to be friends. Huh, I'm cool, like I don't want to be your friend.

Speaker 2:

You're blocking your blessings.

Speaker 3:

I have the friends I need. I'm capped. I'm capped out on the friend thing, have a friend cap Like what is me being your friend. I reached my limit. What am I getting from this? Yeah, I got what I got. What do I need? What are we doing? And I don't? What's for me to do is that? But it's also like people think I'm fun, funny. So now, like I feel like I'm obligated to talk now if I go out with you, like I have to be a good time now, like make me laugh.

Speaker 3:

I'm like bro, sometimes I like to cheer like such a combination of those two things, like I'm made to feel like now I gotta entertain you when I'm out with you, like nah, just leave me alone, bro. I figured myself out for the most part. I will evolve in ways, but I, what I'm gonna get out of a friendship with you at this point in my life, I don't know.

Speaker 2:

I learned and this whole like oh, I'm not friendly, it's not about being friendly, it's about having manners. Everyone in your life has a reason to be there, even if it's good or if it's bad. If it's bad, it's a lesson. If it's good, then you, you know that's a positive thing. But all my I have a lot of friends, more some closer than others, of course, but every single one of my friends have a purpose in my life. I have the friend that I could go to church with, with, just, you know, a phone call away. I have the friend that cooks all the time and feeds me. I have the friend that will take care of my child, and that's the only person I would trust. Like, there's different type of friends and they're there for different reasons.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's true, that's very true, and I'm not against, like I'm not against.

Speaker 3:

Hold on, no, no, wait, wait, wait. Hold your thought. I'm sorry, please hold it. This is the thing with this one right here. She just had a bunch of things that she could get from this person. Yeah, she didn't say anything. Nice, like you know this person, it just has such a good heart and I, like this person, is gonna make me fall.

Speaker 2:

Obviously they stay in my life.

Speaker 3:

She said I have a chef, I have a babysitter like.

Speaker 2:

No, but those favors are returned too. Yeah, and you keep them around because they are positive people. I wouldn't want a jerk head like feeding me either.

Speaker 3:

I don't want all that negativity out of the chicken.

Speaker 1:

Leave the negativity out of the chicken.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

You know, put that in the chicken, whatever. But I'm not against new friends, right, but things have to happen, has to happen organically for me, like I'm not one to like be like that, of course, anything. But if something naturally happens, like a friendship naturally builds, then I'm okay with it. You know I'm saying I, like Linda said, there's friends that serve different purposes. You know I'm saying, like you could talk to this friend about this which you may not be able to talk to this friend and you just got to be, and I learned this right and I think I told somebody when I worked at the place the same thing you got to learn how to be friends with different, like be a different friend with different people.

Speaker 1:

You know I can be a friend, a certain friend, to this person that I may not be, you know, and it could be just the closeness or understand that, okay, this friend is a lot more sensitive than this friend. So I can be completely honest, without sugar coated, with this friend. But this friend they're gonna need some little finesson to get the same message across. You know I'm saying so. I just have to understand how to beat. But I guess I'm not against new friends if and now I'm not forcing anything. So if you see me like online and you like, oh, you're funny online, so I want to be your friend, it's like that probably ain't gonna work, you understand. But if, like, we develop a friendship naturally and then it's all you know yeah.

Speaker 3:

I feel you about my. To end this, I'm gonna say I'm not looking for new people to disappoint. No, thank you exactly.

Speaker 2:

I'll keep disappointed saying people no, say you know new ones, you want new positive friends that got something going for them maybe I'm like positive now I'm full of it's all fake, positive, you know. I'll leave Manny alone.

Speaker 3:

Just leave Manny alone. Let me take some on that real quick. New person started job. They got all these quotes and courage. I wanted to knock it all down bro no, but that's what I think.

Speaker 1:

I live by those many.

Speaker 3:

I wake up, but you know, you just live by those. But with the people that like have to put the thing up, it's like now this, there's some evil in you. You need a constant remind. You know let me not get this what that's.

Speaker 1:

I mean I got on, I don't. You know, I don't broadcast it, but y'all know I live by very positive, I'm very positive, I try to keep positivity around me, I try to remain positive and I'm really hard, but I try to it's difficult, it's very difficult, yes, and it takes work. Protecting your peace, you know that's my, that's my positive message. But if they protect your peace, that's all I got y'all you, which I got y'all want to leave some with the people disrupt somebody's peace, disrupt peace sometimes.

Speaker 1:

Don't get chicken from any sometimes disrupt this many, the one that put the negative negative chicken that's disrupt some.

Speaker 3:

Some people need a piece disrupted. Find them and get on it, alright, alicia.

Speaker 1:

Keys. Okay, and the one more quote your, your soulmate, might be with somebody else. Ruin every relationship. I'm saying it's a update piece.

Speaker 3:

No, still a hair tie in a car not co-signing that.

Speaker 2:

I'm not cold signing. That's the key now. Her and Swiss beats are happy that's true.

Speaker 3:

I'll be hiding in the bushes in front of his door, right before he walking the house. Blow glitter on all over the room he got.

Speaker 1:

Good, it's not raining the doorbell, they open it no matter where she's you come over to the South faith.

Speaker 3:

She's on me, a random person, just my bad spray air like super few as you walk you happy, not on my watch.

Speaker 2:

We sorry, we sorry, please alright, guys, I'm not co-signing either one of that, so please don't do that. In regards of what we spoke today, my positive message is for the people that are dating be patient, your time will come. Be careful who you choose to date, lay with, etc. Think about yourself before you think about the other person and just wait. If you're not happy right now, are you single or want a relationship, it will happen.

Speaker 1:

Just it takes time or you're so many with somebody, let's end this all right, that's it yeah. Episode 34 Q-Muffin music.

Disrespectful Gift Exchange and Florida Drivers
Florida Driving and Fast Food Fights
Unexpected Stories and Drug Deals
Birds, Golf, and Jealousy
Childhood Misadventures and Gender Stereotypes
Navigating Relationships and Sexual Boundaries
Toxic Social Media Era
Protecting Your Peace and Patience