The Kingdom Influencer Podcast with LeeAnn Fox

Celebrating 160K: Because I Said Yes to God!

September 11, 2023 LeeAnn Fox
Celebrating 160K: Because I Said Yes to God!
The Kingdom Influencer Podcast with LeeAnn Fox
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The Kingdom Influencer Podcast with LeeAnn Fox
Celebrating 160K: Because I Said Yes to God!
Sep 11, 2023
LeeAnn Fox

Settle in and get ready for an incredible journey as we celebrate an amazing milestone - 160,000 visitors to our site! I'm your host, LeeAnn Fox, and I am beyond grateful for the trust you've placed in me and the Kingdom Bloggers Ministry. From my humble beginnings in South Texas to building a worldwide digital ministry, it's been an awe-inspiring journey of faith, community, and collaboration. I am humbled and thankful for the wonderful team of writers and dedicated members of the Kingdom Bloggers who have made this possible.

Now, let me share a secret with you - it's possible to earn a full-time income through ad revenue and I can show you how! This remarkable feat is not just about the numbers, but about the impact we're making and the lives we're touching. I'll walk you through the steps involved, and how this ministry has provided countless opportunities for digital discipleship. And remember, even when you feel unprepared or unqualified, God always equips those He calls. So, join me in this celebration of growth, gratitude, and God's grace. Together, we are building a Kingdom for Bloggers.

If you are interested in taking your digital discipleship to the next level through blogging, YouTube, social media, and/or online Bible study groups, be sure to join my private FB group:
You can also follow me on YouTube where you will find a variety of helpful tutorials for navigating each of these important platforms:

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Settle in and get ready for an incredible journey as we celebrate an amazing milestone - 160,000 visitors to our site! I'm your host, LeeAnn Fox, and I am beyond grateful for the trust you've placed in me and the Kingdom Bloggers Ministry. From my humble beginnings in South Texas to building a worldwide digital ministry, it's been an awe-inspiring journey of faith, community, and collaboration. I am humbled and thankful for the wonderful team of writers and dedicated members of the Kingdom Bloggers who have made this possible.

Now, let me share a secret with you - it's possible to earn a full-time income through ad revenue and I can show you how! This remarkable feat is not just about the numbers, but about the impact we're making and the lives we're touching. I'll walk you through the steps involved, and how this ministry has provided countless opportunities for digital discipleship. And remember, even when you feel unprepared or unqualified, God always equips those He calls. So, join me in this celebration of growth, gratitude, and God's grace. Together, we are building a Kingdom for Bloggers.

If you are interested in taking your digital discipleship to the next level through blogging, YouTube, social media, and/or online Bible study groups, be sure to join my private FB group:
You can also follow me on YouTube where you will find a variety of helpful tutorials for navigating each of these important platforms:

LeeAnn Fox:

Welcome to the Kingdom Influencers podcast, where our mission is to get more Jesus online. This podcast will equip and empower ministry leaders as well as regular everyday Christians to take the message of Jesus Christ throughout the digital realm. I'm your host, LeeAnn Fox, digital Ministry Coach and the creator of the Kingdom Bloggers Ministry, and I am so excited and honored to be a part of this journey with you. Let's get started. Hey everyone, leanne here from Kingdom Bloggers. So today I want to share with you another amazing milestone that the Kingdom Bloggers Ministry has reached, and that is that we closed out the month of August. So, if you don't know, every first of the month in my membership, we do a first of the month traffic report to capture our traffic and some other things for the previous month, and we closed out the month of August with 160,000 visitors, seriously like wow, traffic had been going up and doing really great. I mean, we've always had really great traffic and reaching the 100K was like wow, we did it. But 160,000 y'all, 160,000 people around the planet are visiting the Kingdom Bloggers website.

LeeAnn Fox:

Now, first and foremost, I want to say I am not tooting my own horn here, because, while, of course, I built the website, the amazing content that is driving the traffic to the site was not written by me. I am not that skillful, I am not that creative. I have connected with amazing writers Some of you maybe have contributed to that and I have an amazing team called the Kingdom Bloggers kind of membership is what we call it, but I have this amazing team of women who are all here to support each other. We collaborate, we work together, and they are the ones that have written this beautiful content. That, of course. So my part in this was teaching them how to write, so there's my little part there, and so without them, this would not be possible.

LeeAnn Fox:

I would not be creating this video right now, and so, first of all, I want to say thank you to everyone who's been a part of the Kingdom Bloggers journey since 2018 that has brought us to today, reaching so many people around the planet. I mean, I'm here in South Texas Okay, I don't even have shoes on, y'all Right. I just came from playing with my chickens and water in my garden. I'm just this person and, of course, I know I'm a child of God, so let's, I mean, I get that part Just this girl in South Texas who's had like this crazy life, you know, and God used me to create this amazing ministry, and so I say that to you, that anyone that feels that God can't use you because of your past, let's sit down and have coffee and let me tell you about my past. Maybe I'll do another video on that soon, about my testimony, but here it is, five years into this ministry of staying faithful, stating obedient and focused on the mission that God had put me on and not trying to do it myself. So, yes, god's with me all along the way, but God wanted me to do this in community with others. So this is not my website. This is the Kingdom bloggers website, and so that's anyone who's ever been a part of writing the content or helping me in building this ministry. It's ours, it's not mine. Because of the faithfulness, the obedience, he's been able to use me in such a powerful way, not only to reach the people who are Googling the content, but also to pour into the other digital creators to help them do the same thing on their websites. And I just get like y'all see, I'm excited Right like this is just such a humbling thing to realize how powerfully God has been able to use me. Because I was faithful.

LeeAnn Fox:

I took that leap of faith for one because, let me tell you, five years ago actually it's about six years ago in a life group through my church that I had just joined because I was so lost and a few of the members there was like, hey, you should do this. Well, at the time I needed to find a job. I was I didn't have a job because of my medical issues and I was really struggling and worrying about how is it going to pay my bills and all this stuff. And I was like, number one, I don't have time to do this because I need to go find a job. But number two, like I kind of just started going to church. I'm like I'm still in the beginning stages of this whole Jesus follower stuff and I kept trying to ignore it.

LeeAnn Fox:

Truth be told, I'm like putting in applications to like Starbucks and PetSmart, like places well below my skill level. I mean I do have a degree and I was in the military for almost 20 years and I got skills y'all, not a single callback, right, like Starbucks wouldn't even call me back and so I had no choice because I mean it's not like I was doing anything else. So I'm like, well, I'm here, I'm able to do this, and God kept closing those doors. Y'all Like, as I look back on it now, at the time I was like I was so angry, I was like gosh, nobody will hire me.

LeeAnn Fox:

You know, I was just in this mindset against the world, I was still angry at the military, but God kept closing those doors and saying, no, you're going to sit here and you're going to learn this tech stuff because I have a mission for you and you can't do that until you figure this out. And so because, again, like I had nothing else to be doing with my time, I sat here and I learned all there was to learn about this digital stuff. I convinced some women to join me on this Jesse, Sinon, aaron, the librarian, there's a few others who agreed to come with me to start this ministry in exchange for me teaching them everything about how to build their own websites. And it was like, hey, if I teach all this, will you write for my site? Like, literally, that's how we got started, and by the end of that first year, we were reaching about 25,000 people a month. And so I was like, all right, god, I get it. I guess is what you want me to do, and every step of the way, somehow my bills were still getting paid. Like I'm really good at math. I don't get the math that happened during that first year because in my mind, when I would do the numbers my income and my output it was not, it just didn't match. But God provided every step of the way as this was building.

LeeAnn Fox:

I mean this whole journey has just been amazing, and those of you who follow know how excited I get talking about this and encouraging others that if you feel the calling, no matter how unprepared, unqualified, that was the thing for me. I don't feel qualified for this. Like I just started going to church and I'm not smart enough tech wise. I mean I feel I'm smart but I am not tech trained Like my background is terrorism, not computers, and so God kept sending me the resources I would learn and find people to follow that I could draw from. And then eventually I kind of launched my own course after, you know, these amazing women joined me and so it's just been amazing.

LeeAnn Fox:

It's like amazing doesn't even cover what the last five years has been, and you know, financially, of course, I mean my bills still get paid and I'm able to pour into other ministries. I'm able to, you know, devote a lot of. Y'all know I don't work on Wednesdays because I'm at my church and so it's just given me so much freedom because I said yes to God. Like that's what it comes down to. I said yes to God and I stayed focused on what he was calling me to do, no matter all the things that were happening around and a lot has happened in the last five years, I mean, besides COVID and all that, like just in my personal life. Anyway, I say all that to encourage anyone else.

LeeAnn Fox:

If you feel this calling of digital discipleship ministry in the online space, whether it's blogging or or video, youtube or creating Bible studies, maybe that's your passion, whatever it is just say yes to God, because when you do, he is going to send you what you need. That's the part where I was like, well, I don't know how are we going to do this, like God, god just wants you to say yes. I want you to say yes, he's going to send you the resources you need to be able to do it. I learned that very, very hard, the hard way, because I was so resistant in that first year. So back to the point of this video.

LeeAnn Fox:

So today we are reaching just over right at 160,000 visitors around the planet. Like, for me, the most exciting thing is to see that Google map and all the blue, those shades of blue. I mean countries I've really never even heard of places that we in America would consider under developed, third world I mean, but they have internet. They don't have running water but they have internet. And if they have internet they can receive the word of Jesus, they can receive resources and things like that. And that's the amazing thing about the internet. I know the internet comes with a lot of flaws, that anything the enemy creates for his purposes, god's going to like say, oh yeah, watch this, and he's going to use it through you for something much greater, and we always have to remember that. So we're reaching people in little nook and cranny countries that you may be their only source of scripture and biblical. Some of them aren't even allowed to like openly be Christian, like we know that right.

LeeAnn Fox:

But it's also been able to connect me with amazing Christian women and some men around the world. Some of the ladies that I mean I would call friends now, like, like I always say, if I traveled to this country, I have a couch to sleep on Zimbabwe, in, in Wales, in, you know, canada, in, of course, all over the US, I mean in South America, I mean Australia, so many places around the world. This woman here in Corbett's, grissey, texas, who just plays with her chickens all day, has community, has fellowship every week with women around the planet, and when the pandemic hit, of course we didn't know the pandemic was coming, but during the time when everything was shut down, we were never alone because or I mean, we know we're never alone because God is always with us but that fellowship that so many people were lacking because the churches closed down and we couldn't go visit with friends, we were on Zoom every week, like really nothing changed for us. And so that is the beauty of online ministry, that is the beauty of discipleship.

LeeAnn Fox:

A friend of mine, teresa her side is ladies during night she recently shared in our group she has like a salvation. It's a form on her site that people can send her messages and she asked if they wanna receive salvation and she shared with us through her site. Someone Googled some content, found her site and she'd been with their email and just however, she'd been communicating with them. They received salvation for the very first time they came to know Christ and now they're gonna be in heaven with us because she said yes, right, and so it's all about saying yes to God, y'all. So, anyway, I just wanted to get on here and share this because you will yeah, I'll see. I'm excited. I get just ridiculously excited talking about this, because it is such an empowering, such a freeing, such a just everything.

LeeAnn Fox:

When you decide to say yes and stop, you know the whole leaning on your own understanding verse, right, like God's not asking you to understand it, he's asking you to do it. And when, if you say yes to doing it, he's gonna help figure out the way. He's gonna help you figure out the way to understand it. And that could be me. I mean, that's the gift he gave me, was understanding this stuff.

LeeAnn Fox:

And I assure you my gift is not the writing, but whatever it is and maybe you're not a writer, like I said before, maybe video, maybe you would just have this presence in front of people. Then start a YouTube channel, pour into people that way. Maybe you have the craft bug, maybe you are that person that if somebody drops a junk pile in front of you, you build this amazing, beautiful holiday wreath from it, right, like you know who I'm talking about. Maybe that's you. So then, maybe Canva and creating an Etsy shop to provide resources for children, for parents, you know, bible study type things. Maybe that's your gift and if so, people out there need that gift. God gave us these gifts because somebody out there needs what we have to offer.

LeeAnn Fox:

Anyway, all right, I'll stop talking now.

LeeAnn Fox:

I just wanted to share this, and again, the reason again I have to say this was not to like toot my own horn. It was to say, when you say yes to God, this is what is possible. And if you want to know how, of course try my Facebook group, because I can teach you that stuff. Earning a full-time income is possible Through ad revenue is where I make the most of my earnings. I do have courses and things that come along with it. All that's been building blocks.

LeeAnn Fox:

If you just if you fill this calling, please just reach out, join my group, start kind of learning what all options are out there, what avenues of digital discipleship, and that way you can figure out where exactly you fit in it and if you're not sure, I can help you figure that out. That's all. God bless every one of you and again, thank you. Thank you to everyone who has been a part of this ministry from day one, and those who have joined along the way and stayed. Thank you for some of my rambling, like listening to my rambling sometimes and just trusting me to teach you this stuff. Like that's a big thing for me, like trust is not often found out here in the blogging community, and so thank you for trusting me to help you along in your journey as well. All right, everyone. God bless, have a great rest of your week and I will see you all soon. Bye-bye.

The Power of Digital Ministry
God's Guidance and Digital Discipleship Opportunities