Back To Health Wellness's Thought For The Day

A 1 Min Guide To Avoiding Injury During Physical Activity

Back To Health Wellness Season 1 Episode 21

Quick question, Are you the tortoise or the hare?

We all want to achieve our fitness goals as quickly as possible. 

Though, a more patient approach when trying to achieve those goals may be more sensible. 

This is where being like the tortoise has its perks.

Here are 3 ways to avoid to injury and achieve your fitness goals 

1. Warm up before exercise - warm ups are often forgotten, yet they are probably the most important part of the workout- it gets your blood flowing and warms up your muscles to cater for the activity. 5-10 mins of gentle dynamic stretching increasing the heart rate to at least 60% your maximum. 

2. Focus on technique.- ensure your are familiar with what exercise is beneficial for each relevant muscle groups and most importantly, do the workouts that work for you. 

3. Avoid overuse. Overuse puts too much stress on your joints, muscles, or other tissues. A sure fire way to increase the risk of injury. 

Finally just like the tortoise don’t forget to pace yourself. Train with the body you have, and not the body you want.