Back To Health Wellness's Thought For The Day

The REAL Benefit to Improving Posture

Back To Health Wellness Season 1 Episode 33

Have you ever gone for a treatment, like a massage or an chiro session, and had your practitioner find a tender / painful spot you had not realised had even existed before?

Well, they are known as knots or trigger points. 

Knots or trigger points are caused by muscle overload due to overexertion, overuse, poor posture and trauma. 

Muscles become overloaded due to sustained tension, structural issues, like spinal misalignments, and nutritional deficiencies. 

What do all three causes have in common?

They are all functional, meaning that they all are either created or maintained by us and us alone.

Therefore, How we look after our body will determine their outcomes. 

This is why it is essential to become aware as awareness is the first ingredient to improving posture.

Think, why is that knot or trigger point there? Oh it must be the way I sit at my desk. So amend your desk setup, has anything changed? If not, keep inquisitive, and you will soon figure it out.

As you become aware of the undue muscle tension, the structural issue, or the nutritional deficiency, you can work out why it is there, and then what you need to do to resolve it. 

Because really and truly, you are the only one who can solve your problem. 

If you remain committed to improving, you will always find a guide to help you along your journey to making the right decisions, but remember, the real hero in this story is you. Not us.