Back To Health Wellness's Thought For The Day

Why The Front Squat Exercise is Essential For Good Back Health

Back To Health Wellness Season 1 Episode 34

Everyday activity, whether it be walking, running, sitting or standing requires forward and backward movement of the pelvis. 

A common and well known cause of back issues remains a heavily favoured, forward tilted pelvis, which has lost the freedom to move sufficiently backwards. 

This inability can be caused by a variety of factors, including tight hip flexors, weak gluteal muscles, and poor postural habits. 

Incorporating the front squat into an exercise routine is an excellent way to not only improve our core strength, but the overall muscle mass in the legs, which is always a bonus, given that they need to withstand the weight of gravity, the weight of our body, and the demand of our environment on a daily basis. 

Final thoughts -

The ability for the pelvis to freely move forward and backward within reason is critical to not only our everyday function but to avoiding chronic back issues in near or distant future.