Back To Health Wellness's Thought For The Day

What Works For Some Won’t Work For Everyone

Back To Health Wellness Season 1 Episode 37

It is important to be sensible when doing anything from exercise to simple everyday activities. 

Sensible exercise does not involve paying large sums of money to join a gym (and rarely go), or pound away vigorously on a treadmill, or even pump iron and feel inferior as the superfit gym bodies sweat and grunt around you.  

To get fit?  Simply Go for a walk, run, cycle and eat well.

It is about increasing your general activity in each and every day and finding things to do that you enjoy.  We all know that regular exercise can have beneficial effects to your general health and well-being, increase your energy levels, reduce stress and lift the mood.  

However busy you might be – find time to get active every day.

Exercise does not mean you have to end up sweaty and exhausted, although it’s good to get the heart-rate up.  If we were more active on a daily basis, we would not have the need for gyms to work off the excess calories or keep fit.

Remember that ANY activity that is over and above what you do normally is going to burn up additional calories.

Each and everyone of us has a threshold to the kind of pressure we can handle and the pace we are comfortable with. 

Therefore it is important to bear in mind, When the amount of work you put on your body is greater than what it can tolerate, you get injured it is that simple.