Life Unmastered

Crushes, Conspiracies... and Travis Kelce???

October 10, 2023 Season 1 Episode 16
Crushes, Conspiracies... and Travis Kelce???
Life Unmastered
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Life Unmastered
Crushes, Conspiracies... and Travis Kelce???
Oct 10, 2023 Season 1 Episode 16

Today we're discussing all the things... Mike's hippy moves, Jase's struggles in his new school, Karter's classroom crush, and Shawna's questionable planning methods.

We debate if Shawna would burn the house down, share why Jase was in tears during his first cross country meet, and we also discuss what seems to be the biggest topic on the internet right now - Travis Kelce and Taylor Swift. 

This is going to be a fun one! Join us this week as we do lots of story telling, laughing, debating, and speculating.

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Today we're discussing all the things... Mike's hippy moves, Jase's struggles in his new school, Karter's classroom crush, and Shawna's questionable planning methods.

We debate if Shawna would burn the house down, share why Jase was in tears during his first cross country meet, and we also discuss what seems to be the biggest topic on the internet right now - Travis Kelce and Taylor Swift. 

This is going to be a fun one! Join us this week as we do lots of story telling, laughing, debating, and speculating.

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Speaker 1:

We got to start adding video to these podcast recordings because I feel like the world needs to see how you warm up for an episode. It's embarrassing, it is embarrassing. I'm embarrassed for you.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, Like our neighbors can see me too. I know Like they get to first-hand witness this like a big screen.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, mike does a little dance to our intro music and-.

Speaker 2:

That doesn't play, by the way, it's just in my head.

Speaker 1:

And I have to listen to them.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Hum it and dance like a hippie.

Speaker 2:

I don't think hippies dance.

Speaker 1:

Of course they do no.

Speaker 2:

They just kind of like roll around on the floor.

Speaker 1:

They like sway. Oh yeah, okay, okay, yeah, you're right.

Speaker 2:

Hippies definitely dance.

Speaker 1:

And that's what you do.

Speaker 2:

I do yeah, All right.

Speaker 1:

So I feel like it's been a while since we've done a little bit of a life update recap thing in the jig.

Speaker 2:

We got a lot going on.

Speaker 1:

We do have a lot going on. It's been a busy few months.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, definitely.

Speaker 1:

So I'm just going to jump right into it and we're going to start with Jace, because he, I feel like, is the busiest of all of us.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I don't know how our household just started to revolve around Jace.

Speaker 1:

I think he's just had a lot going on. He's doing a lot of growing up. We've talked about how the kids are both in a new school and it's definitely been a big adjustment for him.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I didn't realize how much of his life was spent at home with, like just with family, like just in the security of being behind closed doors with us, if that makes sense.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we, obviously we took him out to places. I mean he's been outside and stuff.

Speaker 2:

But I mean like, for instance, if he used the bathroom at home, the majority of time he left the door open.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's still something we're working on with both kids.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

His understanding privacy, but yeah, those things that you don't realize can become an issue out in public.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

That really present themselves when you are, you know, start attending school.

Speaker 2:

It's funny because I didn't think about it as a parent and I remember I was watching these like short little YouTube clips of this lady who basically talks about her whole channel stick is like why should I never go back to teaching public school and stuff? And she had a video about like how parents would complain that their first graders would come home with like dirty underwear and stuff like that. And she actually had to explain to the parents like I can't help with that.

Speaker 1:

I'm not going to be wiping your kids butt by law.

Speaker 2:

I cannot help. And like a light bulb went off for me of like I got like three months to teach Jason this. I don't think I've done that, so just apply that to other fields of what is it? Social norms. I guess I'll call it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that makes sense. I was really surprised by the things that J struggled with in his first few weeks of school. Not so much for him, like. Once we heard about these things were like oh yeah, that makes a lot of sense. Never really considered that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, why would we have had to?

Speaker 1:

But yeah, so he's had some adjusting and I would say that some of that is definitely falls on us and just trying to adapt and teach him these things and these are mistakes that we're not going to make with Carter, obviously, like she, Well, carter made it easy.

Speaker 2:

I think Carter's already passed half of that, that's true.

Speaker 1:

But in addition to that man, we're really seeing what a difference there is between his last school and this current school, which is like a real legit school.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

I mean just the emails alone. We get how many a day?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I feel like we're doing homework after J Stuz's homework at night, because we have to go through like six emails about like a new booster or like sign up for this club and like parents, it's not too late to donate.

Speaker 1:

Grandparents' Day and sign up for these clubs and join this team and yeah, there's just like there's always something going on and I'm losing emails and I'm forgetting what I did and didn't sign up for. Like, did I buy the spirit shirt, Did I?

Speaker 2:

I'm sorry I have to go back to the grandparents' day thing just because I know they're trying to like include every situation, but like it cracks me up every time because it says like it's grandparents and grand friends day, I'm like who is just bringing the old guy next door?

Speaker 1:

I actually know I've like heard of a lot of kids that make friends with like the old man next door, so I could see that.

Speaker 2:

I'm just picturing up like the movie up. I'm just picturing like that situation. I think that's very accurate yeah.

Speaker 1:

Which, by the way, I sent your parents a text like hey, grandparents' Day is coming up. I really didn't expect them to come because you know they're three hours away and it's like during a work week, and your mom was instantly like it's on the calendar, we'll be there. Like they're so excited to be part of it and the kids have been counting down to it and so, yeah, we're all looking forward to it. So yeah, so Grandparents' Day and Jace joined the cross country team.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I mean it sounded like a great idea, and I'm not saying it's been a bad idea, it's just been another adjusting type thing.

Speaker 1:

And I think that this is good. Like kind of my mindset is let's put him into everything right now and get him as much experience with being on a team and being in an environment with maybe a bunch of people that he doesn't necessarily get along with everybody, or you know just things that he's learning so many new skills. And this has been his first like sport he's been a part of.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and I'm really proud of him. It's just been, like I said, a learning experience. Now, I was under the impression and this is my fault, I know that there are coaches for his team and he goes to practice twice a week, and I was under the impression that he understood what cross country was then. But we went to his first meet and it was a disaster.

Speaker 1:

So I remember when I went to the first meeting for this and they let us know like the coaches, let us know practices. We're kind of running them as if it's just like some something fun for the kids which makes sense.

Speaker 2:

Like, as soon as I saw this meet like, I had this epiphany of like oh yeah, they're first graders, and a bunch of them Like I in my head, for whatever reason. I pictured like varsity cross country.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And that is not what they are.

Speaker 1:

So also too, with a traditional like cross country meet. I guess you're going on, like you know, this big track, right or like course.

Speaker 2:

Well, kinda, yeah, I mean, cross country is like forever. So I think they do like depends on where you are here. I would imagine they do lots of like trails and stuff like that. It's not designed to be like just on a flat track. The idea is you're running cross country.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I don't really know how it works. I hate running. Anybody who does running for fun is crazy.

Speaker 2:

You're welcome, thanks.

Speaker 1:

So anyway, traditionally the way that they do this is on a track. So you just go round and round Jace's age group he cannot run more than half a mile and then from there it goes up to like a mile and then a mile and a half. Well, they're reseeding the football field and so they had to kinda like make a makeshift track. So when they like sounded the bell or whatever for the kids to run, you know you've got these kindergarten and first graders that they're just like sprinting.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, they have no concept that it's a long race. So, they're just all going as fast as they can right off the bat.

Speaker 1:

No clue how to like pace themselves. I don't know if they're working on breathing in these practices.

Speaker 2:

They weren't.

Speaker 1:

And so, because they had to do this makeshift course, we weren't able to see a lot of where he was running. We basically got to see him take off and then like kind of pass us before he came back around for the finish and he comes around the corner. I've got my phone out and I'm like so excited to see him. He comes around the corner and he is bawling.

Speaker 2:

Bright, red, screaming, crying.

Speaker 1:

And I'm like, oh no, what is happening? And like he, everyone's cheering for him, like, come on, jays, go, go, you can do it. And so he thinks, cause everybody is cheering for him, that he's not allowed to stop.

Speaker 2:

No, it wasn't like that. It wasn't like everyone's cheering for him saying go, go, go. So he hears that cheering and assumed that they were like telling him you can't stop, like go go, you have to run. And so he just kept running.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's literally what I just said. He thought he couldn't stop Anyway, but yeah, so he like he comes to the finish line. First of all, he like cut half that like ass.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, he was done Last part off. You're supposed to do this loop on the back end or something and he just kind of like did a 180 standing still he's like wait, I see this finish line and I hate this.

Speaker 1:

I'm like going towards it, so he crosses it and then, like, he like is just like in hysterics and can't form a sentence, and he's like my side hurts and I ran out of air and I need water and he's just like, he's just so sad.

Speaker 2:

He had no concept of the idea that if he was tired he could just walk for a bit and then continue to run.

Speaker 1:

Right. So then you decided you were gonna start training with him and you got like two in and then we got back Very successful. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

And we taught him how to breathe in through his nose and out through his mouth while he was running.

Speaker 1:

And we let him know he does not. He can take walks like walking breaks.

Speaker 2:

So he had his second meet and he took walking breaks and he finished a lot happier, so happy that he was able to do a Super Mario Bros jump at the finish line.

Speaker 1:

Yes, and as soon as he saw us, the first thing he screams is I didn't cry.

Speaker 2:

Yes, everybody was very excited that our son was not crying this time.

Speaker 1:

They were, they were, so that was. I mean that was fun, but see, look at that it was. It was definitely an adjustment and a learning process for him.

Speaker 2:

But huge because he didn't. He cried at lunch before the second meet because he remembered how horrible it was and we were adamant like we're gonna go and you're gonna try it at least one more time.

Speaker 1:

Right, and we did.

Speaker 2:

We did decide that if he was crying again, If the same situation happened again, then I wasn't gonna make him do the third and final meet.

Speaker 1:

Right. So, anyways, he's already made you know progress and we're seeing him figure this out and learn, and so, when it presented itself, we got another email from the school about clubs, we signed him up for one of those two.

Speaker 2:

Also gonna be a disaster, I'm sure.

Speaker 1:

I think it'll be okay. But yeah, we're just all these different things and it's it's. It's really great, too, that his school offers these things and these different opportunities for him, so I'm really excited for all that he's got going on, but it's definitely making our days super busy.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we gotta take him everywhere.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and right now, carter, just the way that their age gap is, we're just one year off from her being able to participate in all these things too, and that's gonna make things so much easier next year, because then they're just. Whatever I sign one up for, I'm signing the other one up for.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, they'll both do it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but also, too, we've kind of been, you know, learning what real homework is. He's got homework every single night and he's got a few struggles. We're really seeing the dyslexia come out, the ADHD. We're in the process of getting him tested for that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, properly diagnosed.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so lots going on with Jace and then his teeth.

Speaker 2:

So that was a scary situation. He was brushing his teeth one night. Well, scary for me. He was brushing his teeth one night and I always like try to do like a once more pass over to make sure he's doing a good job. And as I started I realized like he has a second row of teeth growing behind his baby teeth. So instantly I panic and grab my phone to start Googling and of course Chase is dying. I typed in the symptoms. It equals death, as every disease does on the internet.

Speaker 1:

Whenever you look up WebMD, you're dying. Yeah, that's it.

Speaker 2:

But so good news turns out, he is not dying, because we put it out into, or you put it out into, the Instagram universe and we got lots of feedback from Dentist or the Donis which, by the way, for somebody that has such a dislike of Dentist or Dentist offices, a lot of them follow you.

Speaker 1:

It's not that I have a dislike for Dentist offices. I mean I do.

Speaker 2:

You hate the quantity of them. I hate Dentist. Yes, they're always taking up all the space.

Speaker 1:

But it's like a new building pops up like, ooh, what's it gonna be? Another Dentist.

Speaker 2:

The people in Colorado Springs must have awful teeth.

Speaker 1:

They must because there's one on every corner a Dentist office and a car wash, but yeah, so basically what it's called is shark teeth. So he had his two bottom middle teeth grew in before his front teeth even became loose.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so basically his permanent teeth are outside of his gums and you can see them actually pushing forward on his front baby teeth.

Speaker 1:

Right, so I put this out on my Instagram page and, man, this was a popular topic. So many people messaged me about this and even though I had these professionals, they all had different opinions.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, some are like, oh, it's fine, some are getting to the dentist immediately. You have to get them pulled. Oh this is terrible. And then others are like nope, like my whole family is orthodontist, or whatever. They'll come out, naturally not a big deal.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but again I had opposite things for everybody, like everybody. I'm like how are these professionals giving me completely?

Speaker 2:

opposite. Didn't y'all go to the same school, right?

Speaker 1:

So I'm like well, this helped me. Not at all. So of course I just went with what my mom said, and she said just wiggle them until they fall out, and then you don't have to pay to get them pulled.

Speaker 2:

Which they did and we didn't?

Speaker 1:

Yes, so we wiggled them every single morning and night.

Speaker 2:

You did, I physically could not do it.

Speaker 1:

I know you got so grossed out by it.

Speaker 2:

I had so much I think it's because I've had like so much dental work Like there's a good portion of my mouth that is completely fake and so like I feel teeth nerves differently, like watching his gums move and that like nah, I completely forget that your front four teeth are fake. Not only that, but then like they look great. The back four too. I know I paid a lot of money for them.

Speaker 1:

But yeah, so I wiggled them constantly and then Jace was afraid to wiggle them too, and I feel like that was maybe because you were so weird.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, no, he picked up on it, yeah.

Speaker 1:

But eventually he started wiggling them. And then, as soon as his first tooth came out, his second tooth came out like a few days later. But once we pulled that first one he was just like in awe over it. And then the tooth fairy came and he got his money under his pillow and then this was, like man, the greatest thing ever.

Speaker 2:

Everything started clicking for him. So then that he's like knock out all my teeth, yes.

Speaker 1:

So when it came to that second tooth I mean it came out it went from like barely being loose to out in days.

Speaker 2:

He fully understood. Yep, it takes Jace two times like, two times in the race, two times on the teeth. He's like oh.

Speaker 1:

He's like now I understand the assignment and so, anyways, within the span of a week he had the tooth fairy visit him twice. His shark teeth are now pushing forward and we're moving on, so so, yeah, that's kind of what's been going on with Jace. He's been busy.

Speaker 2:

Jace definitely broke my heart, a lot less than Carter did.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

I know where you're going with this.

Speaker 2:

I'm still upset about it.

Speaker 1:

So we had Carter's birthday party. We talked about this a while back but even though she's a Christmas baby, we had moved her birthday celebration to the end of September. So we threw her birthday party and it was mermaid theme. I had just absolutely too much fun putting it all together and it was great. But she had asked to invite a special friend and I just send all the invites like digitally, I text them to all of our friends and family, but I had to. It took us like three days to figure out how to get it printed out.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, the printer was messing up. I hate printers.

Speaker 1:

So we went through all this work to print one out so that she could write a custom handwritten note from Carter to invite her friend Micah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's a boy's name.

Speaker 1:

If you ask her who Micah is, she says that he's her best friend. Like it's not like she uses the word boyfriend.

Speaker 2:

She also says that she gets nervous in her tummy around him, like she completely and accurately describes this relationship. Yeah, well, you know what's funny Well you can tell she's trying to process the emotion she doesn't quite know.

Speaker 1:

Right. But, and man, she was so excited to write him this invite and then when she actually got to him she just like shut down.

Speaker 2:

That's it. Yeah, no, you have like it's almost like a old school cartoon where it's like frame, frame, frame, frame, Cause you can like literally see her like getting squeamish in the pictures and like all nervous.

Speaker 1:

She's like what's happening? Yes, and you know what's funny is I would you know? She would always used to say, like when she grows up, she's going to marry daddy and she's going to have two kids and she's going to name Jason Carter, you know, cause that's like all her mind.

Speaker 2:

That's a family unit, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Well now, when you ask her who she's going to marry, it's not me. She's going to marry Micah and I'm like you're going to marry Micah, she goes, yes, but it makes me so nervous, yeah.

Speaker 2:

You know, I'm surprised because I'm thinking she warned Micah because at Jason's birthday party we got to play double bad guy and Danny, my brother and I took care of those little kids. There was some kids flying and crying and everything I could try getting in there and everybody scattered. There was no double bad guy.

Speaker 1:

That's because they all remember what happened the last time you got in there.

Speaker 2:

Micah wasn't there.

Speaker 1:

It's just so. It's just so funny, cause I don't remember being like this at her age. She's still very young. She's in preschool. I know Kind of yeah like pre-K, but she's almost five.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

It's very young.

Speaker 2:

She's very mature.

Speaker 1:

And so I talked to my mom and my dad and I'm like was I like this? And my dad's like I don't remember you being like this. He's just like.

Speaker 2:

no, he's like not until you were 33.

Speaker 1:

Not to mention the fact that we got married in our late 20s.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I stand by what I said. It took you that long for you to be like you're. All right, I like you yeah.

Speaker 1:

But yeah, so she talks about him constantly. She came downstairs. I decorate everything the night before and I'm expecting her, cause she's very wow. She's who you want to show something exciting to, cause she's gonna give you that amazing reaction. She doesn't come downstairs and be like oh my gosh, mom, it's the best, I love it. She comes downstairs and goes mom Micah's gonna love it.

Speaker 2:

It just broke my heart. I mean, I didn't put up the decorations, but it broke my heart. I was so upset.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but anyway I love his mom and he is just like the sweetest and you know I've already married them off Cause they're just, they're just so cute. But what I do love the most is when I go to school to like pick her up or drop her off. Her teacher has the best stories.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, she's very aware of the little. Yes playing house situation they have going.

Speaker 1:

And Carter and Micah are the oldest two in the class and so she always calls them like the mom and dad of the class. So I picked Carter up one day and she's like oh, carter and Micah had a little you know tiff today and she was saying that Carter was on the playground and she had her arms crossed and her chin was up and Micah's running with the boys and Micah turns around and stops the boys and, you know, tells them hold on, I need to go talk to Carter. And goes over to Carter and goes Carter, what's wrong? And she turns her chin the other way so that he can't see her and then he goes over and goes Carter, what did I do? She is already playing games with his little heart.

Speaker 2:

What did you do to her?

Speaker 1:

Look at, you have always said that you feel bad for whoever ends up with Carter. I do so bad and it's already starting.

Speaker 2:

It is, and so I just she doesn't stand a chance, like she didn't stand a chance.

Speaker 1:

Why is that?

Speaker 2:

I'm just saying there's a lot of strong personalities in the family on both sides.

Speaker 1:

It's just in her DNA.

Speaker 2:

It is in her DNA and what amazes me the most is we moved like three states over and like my mom and dad lived in Alaska for the majority of time of her life and stuff and it's in her DNA. She's just so much like these people I'm just like you are, so your grandma's Like. It is so just embedded in her.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, it really is. So that's Michael's-.

Speaker 2:

So we'll monitor that situation.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, every time Micah is mentioned, michael's like oh this Micah kid.

Speaker 2:

I tried to be cleaning my Nerf guns when he came over to intimidate him, but-. He just wanted to play yeah he didn't need any pick up on it, yeah.

Speaker 1:

How dare he? But anyways, so you and I have been keeping busy with these kids of ours. I had this amazing vitamin regimen for you and I because we've been sick the last two Christmases.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, like for actually in Thanksgiving, right, yeah, like it's just been like the entire holiday season. It's like we got over the sickness after Thanksgiving. We're like, no good good, we still have Christmas coming up there's plenty of time and sick again.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I think the first year we were here we got sick right on Christmas Eve. Last year we got sick right before Thanksgiving and this year I was like not happening.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we are overloading on vitamins.

Speaker 1:

So I had this whole thing. I got the elderberry and all vitamin C, vitamin D, all the things, and the week before we are gonna start taking it, we get sick.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, still lingering sick, like the cold is not going away.

Speaker 1:

I fortunately feel completely back to normal.

Speaker 2:

It's probably because you started taking elderberry the night before I did. I was skeptical about I said that that's the word that I chose to use Skeptical, like about the elderberry, but it does work right. I don't know of an elder plant, I don't know what.

Speaker 1:

I'm taking. It's called elderberry, like that is the plant, but everybody raves about it. It's my first time ever taking it and so far, so good.

Speaker 2:

Well, if it's from Pinterest, it's gotta work.

Speaker 1:

I actually heard this one from the neighbor, you know. So anyway, it's been working. So we are sticking with this regimen now through the holidays, cause mama ain't getting sick this year.

Speaker 2:

I refuse to, I just can't do it.

Speaker 1:

I mean, again, not getting sick again.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's done, we're past it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we've had our one and done.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

But what else has been going on? Some home projects.

Speaker 2:

Oh, man had to reseal the.

Speaker 1:

Well, can we say reseal?

Speaker 2:

We don't know all the details, but I'm 99% sure that when our builder built our shower, they didn't seal the tile or the grout and I just found out because our grout started to basically kind of dissolve, disappear, yeah, and so I had to take care of that, which was fun Lots of YouTube and I did it and took care of it.

Speaker 1:

But and I'm so proud of you because we are not the house project people.

Speaker 2:

It doesn't sound impressive, but I was very impressed with like it was only one home Depot trip. Now granted, it was two technically if you count all the stuff we planned on returning, cause I overbought everything to make sure I didn't have to go back and forth.

Speaker 1:

Which I think is the best way to do it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, people should do that.

Speaker 1:

They should, and I feel like we came up on money because we made 80 bucks. Yeah, girl math, girl math. What I mean?

Speaker 2:

I had thought we spent this much and then all of a sudden we're $80 richer, but anyways, so that was uneventful. But what was eventful is I planned on having plenty of time to clean out the rags and stuff that I used to seal the shower.

Speaker 1:

With your water based chemicals.

Speaker 2:

Don't ruin the end of the story, oh sorry so.

Speaker 2:

So I finished rinsing out all the rags and like laying them out to like clean up, but unfortunately, by now that it was late afternoon, the kids hadn't eaten. You hadn't eaten. It was like, hey, let's load up and go. Well, I had all these rags that I just like stained in sealer. I was like you can't just bundle them up and throw them away though burst into flame. So I ignored the fact that it was water based sealer, which it depends on what you look at Like I don't know what to be honest or truthful with. Like some people say, yeah, you're fine, other things are like no, it's still gonna explode and you're all gonna die again the internet. So basically, I just spent the next week Absolutely terrified that these rags that I'd rent out Water based sealer on and dried pretty much completely. We're just gonna burst into flame. So like every now and then, casually walking by trash cans monitoring them, making sure they aren't randomly bursting into flames. This is who you married.

Speaker 1:

So you had rinsed these towels out and laid them out in the backyard. Yes and then we're like, oh, it's a warm day, we pulled them in. Then we're like, let's put them in the in the trash can in the garage. And it's just like we.

Speaker 2:

we were going back and forth, we didn't know what it was, and so instead we just decided we're gonna panic for a week, yeah, and hope, hope, we made the right choice, yeah that's exactly what it was, and so I knew what trash day was and I knew I had a certain amount of time that I had to like Mentally in my head, prepare myself for everything burning down.

Speaker 1:

You are an interesting cat a special type of crazy. Um, that's not the kind of stuff that I worry about, but I'm glad you know somebody is worried about the neighborhood burning down.

Speaker 2:

I do it for the people. Somebody has to. Yeah, we don't know that. The neighborhood didn't burn down because I was wearing yes, we do yes yes, we do.

Speaker 1:

So I have been dabbling in Amazon KDP.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

For and for those of you who don't know what Amazon KDP is, it's basically you can design your own stuff and whatever program you use I've been using Canva and Then you can upload it on to Amazon in like book form and sell things on Amazon things that you made.

Speaker 2:

So it's like self-publishing without having to carry inventory. Basically, amazon handles all the inventory.

Speaker 1:

You get a percentage of what they sell on Amazon a very small percentage, but they print on demand so when you order one, then they print, cut and chip, which is really cool because there's a lot of people who you know are writing their own books and doing this, and yeah, it's a great way to like market and get your name out there. So I, the way that my brain works, is Crazy, and so I was like I need a planner that does you know all these specific things?

Speaker 2:

All these specific things like these, like a lot of things Like what you, your planner was like. It did multiple things. It wasn't just like oh, this is a day planner Like you were able to plan out a length, a huge length of time.

Speaker 1:

It was a very thick planner. Yes it was, it was two. You know, four pages per week is what I did. And then we had like the monthly calendar. I could do the meal planning on it, I could do like All the things you know. I had reminders, I had, you know, weekly recaps. I just I had all these ambitions and these plans for how it's gonna use this planner and then my planner became kind of a chore well, first you ordered a copy of your own planner, because that was the original thing is.

Speaker 2:

I can just design what I want on KDP, print my own if somebody else buys it cool right, but really I was doing it for myself. I thought you brought a textbook Like I literally thought you like, signed up to go to college courses the cutest textbook ever.

Speaker 1:

It was gigantic. It was gigantic and now it's just like a beautiful piece on my desk.

Speaker 2:

Yes, that keeps your papers from flying away. And now it's funny about this is you started this story saying the count? The planner itself is a picture of how your mind works. Uh-uh, this story is a picture of how your mind works, because what planner you using now?

Speaker 1:

I'm using a digital planner on my iPad that I got last year.

Speaker 2:

So you got the iPad or the planner last year.

Speaker 1:

I got the planner last year.

Speaker 2:

So a year ago you already had this digital planner. Yes but recently you decided to make this monstrosity of a planner on KDP Print it, have it sent here, used it for a week and then went. I'm just gonna use that digital planner from a year ago.

Speaker 1:

Well, what happened is that the you know the planner that I use. They come out with a new one every year, and the new one comes out in September, and so I got the email that the new one was coming out and I'm like, oh yeah, I've got this digital planner. Well, like a week before that, I had decided I wanted to start using my iPad because I haven't used it in a while.

Speaker 1:

How long it has been since you used your iPad A really long time, okay, and really basically, the kids would just use it to like practice writing and coloring and stuff, and I was like you know, I need to be using this, and so it just kind of like worked together. I'm gonna start using this new iPad. I remember this digital planner that I had and I forgot how great this digital planner was.

Speaker 2:

It's amazing, huh.

Speaker 1:

It's amazing. It's so good. Hey, I've been using it for like four weeks now and I'm still loving it. I've got like I can highlight all the colors I can, you know have you thrown away the one you printed off KDP? No, I told you, it looks really pretty on my desk and, who knows, I might start using that one again apparently next year. Maybe we'll see, but anyway I have all kinds of plans for KDP now.

Speaker 2:

I'm gonna you know that's actually yes, I agree, you do have some good ideas for KDP.

Speaker 1:

I've got like four projects started and not finished.

Speaker 2:

That sounds accurate.

Speaker 1:

One day.

Speaker 2:

I will finish them though.

Speaker 1:

It's just it's hard because, like I want to do this and it's fun, but it's also work and Like I'm already so busy if I have time, it's like, do I want to sit? I get these things, or do I want to? You know, read a book, and, and the book always wins out.

Speaker 2:

Yep, especially at the end of the night.

Speaker 1:

But I do. I do love my gadgets. My iPad is you know. I'm actually using that right now instead of my laptop and it's lots of fun. But I also got an Amazon Echo show.

Speaker 2:

That's that TV you put on our kitchen counter.

Speaker 1:

Yes, it's yes. So I had told Michael that I wanted this and I let him know from the beginning.

Speaker 2:

It was described to me as like a tablet station type thing and I was picturing, like I don't know, a six inch screen.

Speaker 1:

That's your bad. I had told him from the beginning this is not something that I need. We don't need this that has nothing to do with it. I just want it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but.

Speaker 1:

So we saved for it.

Speaker 2:

It doesn't explain the size.

Speaker 1:

You didn't ask me the size, I just told you what I got. I just told you what it was. And so we saved for it, which I'm very proud of us, for we put money aside for it.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

And then, even when we had the money set aside, we waited weeks and I checked Amazon daily because I know I had seen this on sale before. And then we're sitting on the couch and I like slapped Michael cause I'm so excited and I'm like it's also 100 bucks off, Yep, Amazing. It made the purchase like even better, like knowing that we already have the money and we saved $100. And so I got it and Amazon's awesome ordered it, got it the next day and Michael sees it on the counter and he's like what is this monstrosity?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's giant.

Speaker 1:

It's really not that big, it's small enough to you.

Speaker 2:

put a big screen on our counter.

Speaker 1:

I went in it. It's small enough that even on its stand it fits under our cabinet.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but it looks bit.

Speaker 1:

It looks cool. But, and the kids are loving Alexa.

Speaker 2:

I don't care that you got this thing. What I do care about is the under the list of things you told me you planned on doing with it. One of them was I can watch TV while I cook.

Speaker 1:

I can.

Speaker 2:

No, you can't, For the sake of the neighborhood. You can't why? Cause it will burn down. No way, you're not.

Speaker 1:

I am not that bad.

Speaker 2:

You are and the worst thing is it's completely connected to, like your Amazon shopping and your email and everything else. So it's not even like you're watching a show, like think about how, when you sit down to watch like, or to Google something real quick like where we're about to eat or directions to that, and I have to be like hey, babe, where's the restaurant? And you're like, oh, I'm sorry, I got distracted by my email, like picture that, but with fire next to you.

Speaker 1:

I mean, I was listening to music today, that's fine, and I pulled up a recipe.

Speaker 2:

Also okay. What's not okay is getting sucked into like an episode of friends or something, Cause you love this next part and like finding out that the house burned down.

Speaker 1:

I mean, give me some more credit. I would at least smell that the food was burning and you know we would have burnt dinner. I wouldn't burn down the house. Maybe, yeah, I'm not that bad, but anyway, and you know you're also a little hesitant about Alexa, but already all of our devices are already listening to everything.

Speaker 2:

Anyway, my thing is there's a difference between a phone listening to you in your pocket and like having a big screen on your counter of people just watching you.

Speaker 1:

No, I have a little camera flippy thing on yeah but that's the point.

Speaker 2:

Like they purposely put a camera flippy thing off on there and then tell you they're not watching you Like. Then why did you create that thing for this device?

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, I mean I can do all kinds of things. So I don't know, but anyways I'm liking it. Michael's a little hesitant, but I'm team Amazon, echo, so if you guys are all considering it, I say go for it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, If you want you know, you're just government's already in your house. I love it yeah.

Speaker 1:

And the kids love it. They're just asking. Alexa jokes all the time. Jayce laughs before the punchline comes, so she like says the joke and he starts laughing.

Speaker 2:

Why did the football player cross the road?

Speaker 1:

He doesn't understand that he needs to wait for the punchline.

Speaker 2:

I mean speaking of football players. I've been dying to talk about this.

Speaker 1:

Okay, oh, taylor Swift.

Speaker 2:

No, we're not talking about Taylor Swift.

Speaker 1:

Who else are you talking about? The guy?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I mean, all the guys are going to talk about the guy, you go ahead.

Speaker 1:

The guy that T-Swizzle put on the map, that's so terrible?

Speaker 2:

The football guy yes, so the whole world knows now.

Speaker 1:

Who Travis Kelsey?

Speaker 2:

is yes.

Speaker 1:

Thanks to Taylor Swift.

Speaker 2:

Even though 90% of the men in this country already did.

Speaker 1:

It actually is really funny because I'm sure that he is very relevant to anybody who knows or pays attention to football. But when you consider how large Taylor Swift's following is, when you take that into consideration, then in a way she did put him on the map because a small population knew who he was. Let me put it this way If he's walking down the street, I'm going to be like oh wow, that's a really tall, attractive dude walking down the street. If Taylor Swift walks down the street, you're going to know exactly who Taylor Swift is.

Speaker 2:

I bet I could walk past Taylor Swift and not know who she is, because I've seen pictures of her recently, because they're showing her everywhere, like, oh, she's watching football. Oh my gosh, it's the most amazing thing, and I'm like, really, that's what Taylor Swift looks like now.

Speaker 1:

I don't know. I think you'd know who she was if she walked down the street. I don't think so.

Speaker 2:

It'd be hard for me to tell.

Speaker 1:

I mean maybe not her, but maybe, like the, you'd figured out once you saw, like you know, a thousand the millions of people following her.

Speaker 2:

The girls like screaming behind her. That's true.

Speaker 1:

But this has been very interesting and I am not like into football all of a sudden now, but this does have me very intrigued and curious.

Speaker 2:

I've heard you use it as a talking point to start conversations like at church and stuff with like random people. Like you'll see a chief's jersey and you're like are you team Taylor Swift?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I mean I well, yeah, we were greeting, I was trying to be like friendly and no, I get it yeah but I had read that his Jersey sales increased by 400%. Yeah, that is wild.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, like I don't know these people, but I am very cynical and very jaded and might be worth it. I mean he's going to have a song written about him in a couple of years, so yeah, those songs don't end well.

Speaker 1:

But also to like the NFL is just like loving.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, they got a cash cow.

Speaker 1:

They've got and they've got zero chill.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

The announcers are doing like you know song puns and they're cutting to her, like as often as they can, Can you?

Speaker 2:

imagine these announcers are like 60, 65 year old men and some producer is handing them like can you work, shake it off into your broadcast.

Speaker 1:

Can you figure out how to say getaway car in relation to football?

Speaker 2:

It's just so bad, but it's horrible. Like I saw a video of like them changing icons for the broadcast, so like, oh, that's a Taylor Swift icon. Like I don't understand, is this like? Is the NFL's like popularity so low that they're doing this for anything, anything they can do to try to get like viewership back? I mean, I don't watch football anymore but I almost guarantee they've had to have lost money over the last five, six years with everything that's been going on.

Speaker 1:

I mean we know that for sure. They've talked I mean they've openly talked about the, how low the ratings are. I mean, when it comes to the NFL, you have been skeptical for a few years now, if not longer than that that about legitimacy about whether it's actually fixed or not.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, Well, my thing with the NFL and I. It's so funny whenever this comes up like any argument, because I'm a big hockey fan. So whenever I make this argument of how easy it would be to fix an NFL game, the first thing I hear is well, it's the same thing for hockey. Like, okay, listen to my point, though for the majority of rules in hockey it is black and white. If your stick hits another player in the face, high stick. If the puck goes past a certain point, that's icing Like. These are very like black and white. It's on film. You can see it happen. Done.

Speaker 2:

The majority of rules it appears in the NFL are all based on personal opinion. So, like holding is if your hands are kind of in this general area on their shoulders, you can call holding Pass interference. If you kind of brush up on them or give them too much of a tug, you could call pass interference. And these aren't little penalties. They're like automatic first down, huge chunk of field penalties. So how easy would it be if you had money against the other team or you wanted to make it look like, or if you bet on the other team and you're a player, to just be like oh, a little tug here, little penalty here, and they are game changing.

Speaker 1:

I mean, yes, I think that's an accurate point. But also, too, you have actually said that, like the NFL is determining who is going to win based off of the market, or what team hasn't won in forever, and this would be massive, or no, the storylines like it's too easy to script, like too many things have happened in recent years to be like oh, that's just a great play.

Speaker 2:

Like is it, though, because the average NFL career is what? Two, three years. So this guy is playing for the NFL at league minimum 750 grand thousand or whatever it is for league minimum. I think they might be a couple million, but it's like well, I got two years. All it's going to take is one bet and I'll be set for life, because most people don't play longer than that and most people don't get paid and those contracts aren't guaranteed. Like every NFL contract is a joke because 90% of the money they don't get paid.

Speaker 1:

So this is all. A lot of this is going straight over my head, but, knowing your feelings on the NFL, as soon as this Taylor Swift, travis Kelsey thing came out, your initial response was this is all PR.

Speaker 2:

I'm betting on the chiefs for every game for the rest of the season.

Speaker 1:

Have they won their last two games?

Speaker 2:

I don't know I don't pay attention.

Speaker 1:

I know for sure that they won the first game. I didn't pay attention to that second one. I was shocked that she showed up to tune a role. I'm like, okay, she's making a statement, but then her things playing.

Speaker 2:

Think about she's on TV constantly. Her songs are on the air constantly.

Speaker 1:

No for sure. Think about how that guy on Sunday, when I was talking to him about it and he was telling me all these stats, he was saying that the ratings for that game, the first game that she went to was their highest rating in 40 years or something like that for a Thursday night game or whatever it was.

Speaker 1:

But I'm just like that is wild and they have to know how big she is and either this is just a happy coincidence for them or there's things happening behind the scenes and I don't know, but it'll be interesting to see a play out.

Speaker 2:

It's not that hard. Again, I'm very cynical. I have no insider information. I could just be a crazy person.

Speaker 1:

But I mean, you're definitely a crazy person, but anyways, it will be fun to see how this all works out. And one thing's for sure though there's never been so many little girls into football. That's true. Congratulations, and everybody's a Travis Kelsey fan now.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

All right, I think that's a good place to end. We had lots that we had to go over, but, yeah, I am happy to fill everybody in on what's going on because we know the millions they all care. But it's been busy, it's been fun, and so if you guys have any suggestions for things that you want us to talk about, topics or things in our life that you're curious about, let us know. We are always happy to take suggestions and base a podcast episode about it. If you want to hear it, we'll talk about it. So send us an email at lifeunmasteredpodcast at gmailcom, or shoot us a DM on Instagram at lifeunmasteredpodcast. But until next week, bye.

Speaker 2:

Bye, Bye guys.

Hippy Moves and School Adjustments
Tears and Shark Teeth
Parties, Crushes, and Vitamin Regimens
Shawna's Gonna Burn Down the House
An Internet Sensation and NFL Conspiracies
Wrap Up