Life Unmastered

Tricks, Treats, and Terror-Tales: A Halloween Extravaganza

October 17, 2023 Season 1 Episode 17
Tricks, Treats, and Terror-Tales: A Halloween Extravaganza
Life Unmastered
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Life Unmastered
Tricks, Treats, and Terror-Tales: A Halloween Extravaganza
Oct 17, 2023 Season 1 Episode 17

This week on Life Unmastered, we're discussing all things Halloween!

Join us as we share our nostalgic memories of the spooks and scares of Halloween, including spine-tingling tales of haunted house experiences, spooky trips to Knott's Scary Farm, and iconic horror movies.  As Halloween approaches, we reminisce about our childhood experiences, debate whether or not the movie Gerald's Game is scary or not and boast about how our neighborhood does Halloween best!

So, whether you're a Halloween enthusiast or a casual observer like us, we promise you an episode filled with reminiscing, laughter, and a lot of fun.

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This week on Life Unmastered, we're discussing all things Halloween!

Join us as we share our nostalgic memories of the spooks and scares of Halloween, including spine-tingling tales of haunted house experiences, spooky trips to Knott's Scary Farm, and iconic horror movies.  As Halloween approaches, we reminisce about our childhood experiences, debate whether or not the movie Gerald's Game is scary or not and boast about how our neighborhood does Halloween best!

So, whether you're a Halloween enthusiast or a casual observer like us, we promise you an episode filled with reminiscing, laughter, and a lot of fun.

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Speaker 1:

We are back.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, here we are.

Speaker 1:

Another week and we are already in mid-October.

Speaker 2:

I just can't believe it.

Speaker 1:

I can't either. I honestly feel like we just celebrated Christmas.

Speaker 2:

It feels like just yesterday I was taking off work early to find a little bit of water in between two patches of ice that I could get away fishing in spring.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, oh my gosh, you were so excited.

Speaker 2:

I think you froze one morning it was so bad, but we're like already back around now I know it's freezing outside.

Speaker 1:

Well, yeah, it's definitely cooling down.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, not ice freezing, but like it's nippy.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, which I've been looking forward to, because nobody loves their winter wardrobe more than me. Yeah, that's true, I love layers and coziness, but I already miss the warm sunshine and I think that the looming snow. Just I'm not looking forward to it.

Speaker 2:

It'll be okay.

Speaker 1:

But the kids are very excited about the weather changing and they get so excited about the leaves changing colors.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's like every day. Jason runs through the window and goes it's fall. Now it's fall. Oh, the leaves haven't fallen yet. It's not fall yet, right.

Speaker 1:

That's not how that works. But but if we go on a walk in Carter season and he leaves on the floor, she's like mom, it's because it's fall.

Speaker 2:

You know it's a shame. Well, it's not a shame, but it's funny that we shop at Costco like weekly because those costumes have been up since like August.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

So like they've been ready, yep, you know.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and I feel like the fall season is the official. For me, it feels like the kickoff of the holiday season, sure.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I mean, especially with the colder weather in Colorado, it's like you don't feel so weird like warming up soup to eat, right, because it's not like 90 outside. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and with all the holidays and stuff, we of course kickoff with Halloween and the kids are very excited about that.

Speaker 2:

They are.

Speaker 1:

We always have. We don't decorate for Halloween, but we did. You know, I put out all the fall decorations.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, our decorations are not Halloween specific. They're, just, like you said, fall specific, so like fall colors, which is kind of similar to some people's Halloween colors, but we don't do like the spiders and the ghosts and stuff like that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, which I would be down for.

Speaker 2:

I wouldn't.

Speaker 1:

I wouldn't be down for like the super creepy stuff, but I think those cute ghosts like holding pumpkins and maybe, you know, like a, like a, I don't know.

Speaker 2:

It's a scam. Look, I follow the people in the know and I've gotten lots of advice on how decorating for every season is keeping people poor.

Speaker 1:

I'm just saying it's. It's something that I wouldn't mind building up for, but I feel like we're kind of by the time that I could get enough decorations to make it worth my while the kids are going to be over it. Yeah, but also too, I really don't have time to be decorating every single month.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so I mean Plenty of people do, Nobody should.

Speaker 1:

But I see these people like they put up their Halloween decorations just to take them back down and put up their, you know, thanksgiving and then Christmas, and it's just like uh-huh.

Speaker 2:

The house on the corner on the way to the kids school. Like we are in awe of this house because it's not only Halloween but literally like Memorial Day, fourth of July, like whatever holiday is coming up. There is not an inch of room in their front yard and it is fully decked out for that holiday.

Speaker 1:

I wouldn't necessarily say in awe of.

Speaker 2:

Well, I'm in awe that they are able to store all of it.

Speaker 1:

Yes, I you know there are plenty of houses that I feel like do a really good job at decorating Tasteful. Tasteful. Yeah, I'm like you know there's a girl in our neighborhood and she's got the cutest pumpkin arch and you know like every time I drive by I'm like that is so dang cute. But this house that you're talking about, on the way to the kids' school, it's just every square inch is covered and just blow up something, something.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that doesn't even rhyme or reason, just like oh, that's Halloween, it's up.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so if it's Halloween related, it's in. They've got like ghosts and pumpkins and like they've got Snoopy wearing, like holding a pumpkin, like it's everything, and there's. Yeah, and you're right, it's for, it's for 4th of July, it's for Easter.

Speaker 2:

It's for, you know, holidays. I didn't even know existed. Like I'm like, why are we celebrating this?

Speaker 1:

I didn't have their yard covered in like hearts and pinks and reds from Valentine's Day. I have no idea where they store it all.

Speaker 2:

Maybe they own a hobby lobby.

Speaker 1:

No, I don't think a hobby lobby does that kind of stuff Sure they do no that's like more like Home Depot and Costco and stuff that has all the blow up things.

Speaker 2:

I don't know.

Speaker 1:

I don't think I've ever seen a hobby lobby.

Speaker 2:

Look, if you own a hobby lobby you would not be living in that house.

Speaker 1:

I just I don't think it's a bad house, but I'm just saying you'd be crafty, you'd have some serious no.

Speaker 2:

All you got to know how to do is write the checks.

Speaker 1:

I got to know how to decorate. That's true man. I'd love to own a hobby lobby.

Speaker 2:

Oh gosh, we broke.

Speaker 1:

But yeah, so we don't. We don't decorate for Halloween, although I think I might like to one day, maybe, but I got up all of the fall decorations and what's interesting is, when we moved into this house, we really don't have a lot of space to decorate, right, so it doesn't take me too long, but the kids love it. It's like magic to them to put out a few pine cones and pumpkins.

Speaker 2:

And we. It's very subtle when you decorate Like cause you said, we don't have so many spaces and I think our main ones are like fall, we do the switch to Christmas and then spring and that's like spring takes care of summer and everything else and that's about it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. But I think that mainly the kids love it because they too feel that, like you know, holidays are coming. They know, yeah, they're like.

Speaker 2:

Christmas is right around the corner and I almost feel like they're like anxious to get through Halloween because they know the good ones are coming.

Speaker 1:

Oh, I don't know. I think they're pretty stoked about Halloween this year. So I always want to do the family costumes for Halloween, and I know you. You let me get away with it one year, and one year only. That was Jason's first Halloween.

Speaker 2:

We went as uh was it a buzz yeah?

Speaker 1:

And you were the scarecrow, jason was the lion and I went as Dorothy and that was fun and we were so cute and I loved it and I think we did it only that one year, because I was the only year that Jason didn't have an opinion.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

And then after that he kind of wanted to say what are we going to do now?

Speaker 2:

It's been like ninjas. He was um. What was he last year?

Speaker 1:

Well, actually actually his second year and Carter's first. We got the most random costumes he was a tiger and Carter was a pink flamingo. We went so late into the season that we just got whatever was left at Target. Do you remember that?

Speaker 2:

No, I don't, but I do remember her being ace Ventura.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, that was her second home.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that was a good one.

Speaker 1:

So we used to put her hair, I used to put her hair in these little hair ties and and every time we'd take them out, her hair just instantly went into that ace Ventura kind of like flip.

Speaker 2:

That flute yeah.

Speaker 1:

And I was like that's it, she's got to be. Yeah, we put her in a pink tutu.

Speaker 2:

So, basically, and then like these weird looking boots and a white shirt, so she looked like ace Ventura from the first one, pretending to be in like the looney bin so he could dig up dirt on the criminal.

Speaker 1:

And so we actually have her posing like um with a football.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Oh, she did so good. She didn't even know, but she did so good.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Jason's an astronaut that year. Yeah yeah, he had some like. Basically, he just sees like something random and he's like that's what I want, and then, um, this year they're going to be dino ranger.

Speaker 2:

Some sort of power ranger, I don't know, but they both agreed on it. We made sure for like two, three days that they really wanted to be it before we bought it, and Shauna almost had a heart attack because she missed the sale. I did.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, oh, because it took you a while to get over that they changed their mind. Yeah, so frequently that I was like this is the first time I've ever hearing that they like power rangers. So like are you. Are you sure this is what you want to be? I had to pay $20 extra for each costume.

Speaker 2:

What cracks me up is I'm always arguing with you about your. No, we're going to return it, don't worry, it's Amazon If you don't like it or you're not going to use it. And this time you waited and we missed the sale. Like you could have just bought it and then planned on returning it if they changed their mind.

Speaker 1:

That's true, I know no-transcript, I don't know. I got a lot going on, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I'll give you a pass. I just realized I was like this is the one time you weren't down for that.

Speaker 1:

You're right, next year I'll definitely do that, because I don't know why I didn't do that.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Man, now I'm even more upset.

Speaker 2:

It's like we're reliving it right now on this episode Yep.

Speaker 1:

But they're really excited about them. So you know what it is, what it is, and they play dress up often, so this will just be added to their dress up clothes and they can wear them all throughout the year and we'll get our money's worth out of it. But I was thinking that since they both wanted to be the same thing this year Jace's Pink Ranger, or Blue Ranger, carter's Pink that you and I should have been Power Rangers too.

Speaker 2:

I don't drink enough anymore to do that.

Speaker 1:

And then, okay, you didn't drink at all when you wore that big blow up dinosaur costume. Nobody can see my face, you wouldn't know.

Speaker 2:

And there were no tights. It was like this giant big thing. Everybody in this neighborhood wants to see me running around in tights, pretending to do karate.

Speaker 1:

You would wear like the Power Ranger mask. Nobody would still know who you are.

Speaker 2:

I'm pretty sure they'd identify us.

Speaker 1:

I don't know. I think that we should do it In this neighborhood.

Speaker 2:

They would know that's true. We live in a neighborhood that I think the kids are absolutely spoiled in, because I never lived in a neighborhood like this and it's I feel like growing up I was always disappointed in Halloween because I'd watch Halloween specials and shows and cartoons and like everybody got along, they were all so nice to each other and all the kids would go trick-or-treating like normal and like it was great. And then I remember trick-or-treating or trying to as a kid and being terrified because everybody was convinced it was hilarious to like give six year old's nightmares Like it wasn't. Like ha ha, this is funny dress up. It was like I'm going to murder you, like jump scare stuff.

Speaker 1:

That is scary. I never experienced that myself.

Speaker 2:

I feel like in our neighborhood cause we're kind of like tucked back in a corner, like it's like a little piece of time is stuck here, where when you walk around, like everybody's friendly, like there's treats for the adults and the kids, and like everyone just has tables out to like share and hang out, sit down.

Speaker 1:

I think part of that is because we are a young neighborhood for the most part. You know, everybody has kids our age, A lot of our neighbors are our age and so I think that everyone just kind of in this phase of life. We do have one neighbor at the end of the street who they dressed up as it Remember.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that was scary I was so impressed Her costume was amazing and it happened to be incredibly foggy that Halloween and she is walking through the park holding a red balloon. I got it on video. It is creepy as can be, but it is also so impressive, so scary and so like, and the kids? They doesn't even face them because they don't know what it is you know, so they're not scared by it.

Speaker 2:

I was terrified.

Speaker 1:

I know you were. She did so well.

Speaker 2:

And she like and then she'd move, like on our way back. She was in a different spot and she was still staying on the corner, just like doing that slow wave, and she turns her head.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, like she nailed it she really did Um, but I think you know, the first year that we were here, the neighborhood wasn't even finished yet and I fell in love. I was like this is the best neighborhood ever, like I loved it. We had so much fun, everybody was out. They, like you said, they had tables.

Speaker 1:

Um, like a lot of the houses have their garages open and they've got tables, so as the kids are trick or treating and getting candy at every house, we were stopping at every house and you can get spiked apple cider, spiked hot chocolate.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Um, they were handing out like jello shots and stuff you could have gotten drunk while you're trick or treating.

Speaker 2:

I mean a lot of people did.

Speaker 1:

We did it, but, um, I I love that and they have like chairs and fire pits and like you could stop and like have a break and let the kids play. And yeah it's so fun. And then I was like you know, I wonder if the second year is going to be just as fun.

Speaker 2:

Like or was it just the excitement of like everybody moving into their new house.

Speaker 1:

But last year was even better because we had a year to get to know all of our neighbors and we got to see them all out trick or treating. The kids got to see their friends.

Speaker 2:

Well, it's a sense of community that like, honestly, was lost when I was growing up, and I feel like for a lot of people that's what's missing is it's people get home, race into their house like, bring their groceries in, close the doors and like they don't talk to their neighbors anymore. And I don't know if it's cause of the way our neighborhood is designed, where we're kind of like it's not a cul-de-sac, but like it's a loop that's closed off at the end of a road basically, and so everybody sees each other walking or riding their bikes or whatever throughout the year. But you might be right, it might be just everyone's so close in age and everybody's at the same stage of life, like there's not many kids on our street that's more than I would say like three or four years older or younger than our kids, like everyone seems to kind of be in that area.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, when I was growing up, we never trick or treated in our neighborhood because we didn't really have. I mean, we lived at the bottom of a cul-de-sac and it just wasn't like a trick or treating area. So we'd always drive to another neighborhood to do it or we'd go to our church event and that's how we, like collected our candy. So this is pretty new to me and I feel like a kid all over again, but it's even more fun like watching our kids do it For me.

Speaker 2:

my parents never really let us trick or treat. I can remember trick or treating two times in my life really, where we actually like went around a neighborhood to do it and that's where I got terrified and scared. But I think like all of my Halloween's were like boring, Like, when I think about them, like I remember when I, by the time I was old enough to like do what I wanted to do, like seventh grade or whatever we'd get all excited and to like we're going to like make a haunted house. This is going to be amazing, everything else. And literally by the time Halloween started, I think we had set up the fog machine, so it was just like for teenagers standing in a driveway with a fog machine. I'm like this is the dumbest thing ever. I'm going home.

Speaker 1:

So when I was young, Tammy, my stepmom, she would make all of our costumes and we did have the big matching costumes and she would go all out. I'm talking like legit, amazing, incredible costumes and our whole family match and she'd throw these amazing Halloween parties. Oh, they were so cool. I don't know why she stopped doing it.

Speaker 2:

Why wasn't I invited?

Speaker 1:

My coup? I don't know.

Speaker 2:

I was just down the street, I know.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we had about 20 years gap there but they were so cool.

Speaker 1:

I need to ask her why she stopped. I mean, I know there are a lot of work, but that was pretty cool. And then whenever she's kind of stopped doing that, we were a little bit older and I remember every single year once I was a little bit older this panic set in Halloween day. I'd be like I don't have a costume, why don't I have a costume? And then I have to try and figure something out because all of a sudden I decided I wanted to dress up. So like when I think about Halloween I have to remember to think about those early years. But like the first thought in my head is like how I was always not prepared for Halloween and I think partly that's why I'm always making sure that the kids have their costume as early as possible and that they've got something that they're excited about. Not saying that that's anyone's fault except for mine about like not being prepared with the costume.

Speaker 2:

I could see you waking up one day realizing you didn't do something, and then panicking to try to get it done.

Speaker 1:

What are you trying to say?

Speaker 2:

I just say I could see it.

Speaker 1:

It's not hard to imagine so anyway, you know I love to throw a party, so maybe I should start talking into Halloween parties.

Speaker 2:

Oh gosh, that'd be scary.

Speaker 1:

So I remember one year I was, I would say, at least 21.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

So I was-.

Speaker 2:

An adult.

Speaker 1:

Probably too old to have a reaction like I'm about to explain, but me and my boyfriend at the time decided to go to a haunted house that was like an old, abandoned movie theater is where this took place, and I am easily scared. When I was younger, my dad took me and the boys, my brother's, to a haunted house and they had to stop it and turn the lights on and like help me out.

Speaker 2:

Because you were crying, because I was so terrified.

Speaker 1:

And then, once I was out, the boys and my dad went back in. So then when I became 20, like when I was in my 20s I was like, oh, I'm an adult now.

Speaker 2:

I know that this is fake. I've outgrown this, yeah.

Speaker 1:

I've got this. You wanna go to this haunted house? Sure, let's go. I was, you know, after I got over my terror, I was so embarrassed for myself but we went in. I was terrified every second of the way, and the people there caught on to the fact that I was so scared and I feel like they had like earpieces in her walkie talkies or something like hey, this is just coming up.

Speaker 2:

There's a good one.

Speaker 1:

And she's scared out of her mind like go hard and they did.

Speaker 2:

So they didn't take it easy on you.

Speaker 1:

Not at all. In fact, the two people chased me out of the haunted house. With what are those things? The saw the chainsaws.

Speaker 2:

Oh, I'm so upset that you actually got it. I was gonna see how far we could take that one.

Speaker 1:

They chased me out with chainsaws and I had to like. Once we got it, I thought I was out and they are literally chasing you through the parking lot With the chainsaws. I was so upset and so like we sat down and the lady actually like one of the ladies that works they came over and she's like I'm so sorry. Like we know they've never done that before.

Speaker 2:

Please don't press charges.

Speaker 1:

And she's like I promise you, there's no chains on them. And Isaac, I could not. I was seriously in tears, crying, and then, like a few years later, I was like okay, I think I can do it again. And I was still with the same woman. He's like no.

Speaker 2:

Like not even happening. Yeah, I've done a couple of those. I remember being a very young kid like young Jace's age probably, and being in tears because I found out like people were going to Knott's Berry Farm for Halloween and in my head I thought Knott's Berry Farm like rides, fun, all that stuff. I didn't realize it was like.

Speaker 1:

Not scary farm yeah.

Speaker 2:

And so, like I was all upset about it and they like convinced me I couldn't go and brought me home rock candy and all as well. But then, like all teenagers, when I was finally old enough to go, absolutely terrified, like I do not do well in that situation and what's worse now is back. Then you know how crazy I am and like panicky of like, but what if it's real? Or what if it's gonna happen? Well, how do I know? There's not a psycho in here for real, right, yeah, but now they've like actually made horror movies based on this really.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, there's like actual, like Fright Night movies where it's like you go to a like not scary, far too tight thing, but, surprise, it's real, there's a maniac here who's trying to kill everyone and does so. It's like. No, yeah, so like now. I can even imagine kids today like they got to be extra terrified.

Speaker 1:

So I remember wanting to go one year and my mom was like no, remember how you acted yeah you're this. This won't be fun for you and it won't be fun for whoever you go with so you were 26. But I never. So I've never experienced, not scary farm, because I just didn't think I had it in me, but I heard that they weren't allowed to touch you.

Speaker 2:

I don't remember ever being touched but, to be fair though, I don't think they did, but I can distinctly remember, right when you got out of the exit of one of these mazes, they had like this giant, like blow-up type skeleton thing that looked like it stood still, but as you walked by it would like wrap its arms around you, like this giant thing, from behind, and grab you, which was funny, except the person in front of us that it grabbed we happen to be. There was somebody who has had a heart attack before and like he was fine, but we were all pretty worried about it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we're like get him out of there, oh my goodness yeah like nothing about that. Sounds fun to me. I don't even like scary movies. Yeah and I feel like now I wouldn't say movies are actually really that scary, they're more disturbing it depends.

Speaker 2:

And, yeah, unfortunately we're so. I hate saying we're just so old, but, like, if I'm not, I can't think of a movie that, like I'm gonna be like, oh, I really want to go see that. And if, like the Premises, some guy stabs a bunch of people and it's very gory, that's not gonna make me want to go see it either.

Speaker 1:

So yeah, I mean, there's some movies like the ring that one still terrifies me. That was scary, but I remember one year we watched I don't remember the name of it, but we watched a very disturbing movie. We decided to have a scary movie night for Halloween with it was human centipede with Casey and Haley.

Speaker 2:

That's the one, yeah.

Speaker 1:

I mean, I was like halfway through the movie I'm like I don't think I can finish this.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, just grossed you out.

Speaker 1:

It was. It was awful. Oh Wait, okay, I'm getting off topic here, but for everybody who is looking for a scary movie for Halloween, I've got one. Your Michaels over here shaking his head at me.

Speaker 2:

Think this is the scariest movie and I think that's how do you know what movie I'm gonna say? You're gonna talk about the movie with the dude who licks the ladies foot.

Speaker 1:

Is it called Jards game yet?

Speaker 2:

It's, it's Gerald's game, and it's not even a scary movie. It's not about a scary movie.

Speaker 1:

It is terrifying. It is terrifying. It still gives me nightmares. Okay every time I think about it I get the chills it.

Speaker 2:

You definitely need to be an adult, because it's all about a girl who is molested in her past. That is what it is about.

Speaker 1:

No, it's not.

Speaker 2:

Yes, it is. Yes, it is. It's all about her psychologically dealing with the fact that her dad molested her in her past. That is what the whole movie is about. There just happens to be a crazy killer on the loosed in the background at the cabin when she's staying.

Speaker 1:

I don't remember that part of it at all.

Speaker 2:

Literally. That is what it's about.

Speaker 1:

I remember. So spoiler alert if you're gonna see the movie, you know, stop listening. No, I don't know. Anyway, her and her husband go on to some like getaway thing and, and and and. They are, you know, having relations or whatever, and he has a heart attack. Well, she's handcuffed to the bed correct and so she's got no way.

Speaker 1:

He dies with the door open to their like little villa thing and like this dog comes in, whatever. So I thought that her like hallucinations were hurt, with her way of like surviving the terror of what was happening. I had don't remember your part of it at all, what you're saying, but either way we're gonna have to change the rating on this podcast now.

Speaker 1:

So off topic, I didn't know this is gonna turn into some argument. I was just saying, regardless of what the movie ends up actually being, about it you love telling people that this is a scary movie and I've heard multiple people come back to you and be like that movie is not scary.

Speaker 2:

I don't think you understood what it was about. Oh, Casey. Casey came back and said that was not what you said. It was Casey's multiple people. He has friends. I'm sure he does, but I've also heard you say this is a good movie. At like church get-togethers we just saw it like a barbecue or something and you're like ooh, gerald's game, it's a good movie, you got to watch it. I was like stop telling people to watch that movie?

Speaker 1:

I don't remember that. I don't remember that so anyways. I don't remember that. But Anyways, now you guys have to go. If you haven't seen it, you have to go watch it. Why you told them the whole plot no, I didn't yet, and obviously we don't even know what the plot is.

Speaker 2:

I don't know what movie you think you watch.

Speaker 1:

Anyway, watch it. Let us know, was it scary, was it not? What was it actually about? I don't know. Maybe we need to watch it again, but so, yeah, that's my Halloween, you know as far as Trauma, yes, trauma.

Speaker 2:

You were so traumatized by that movie that you're convinced it's a scary movie.

Speaker 1:

Anyway. So we've got lots of stuff going on for Halloween outside of scary movies. I know you're super looking forward to Trunk or Treat.

Speaker 2:

Actually Trunk or Treat's not bad Like that, at least like the kids get candy, it's fun and everything else.

Speaker 1:

What don't you like then?

Speaker 2:

I don't like pumpkin patches. Why there's so much to do there it's like you walk You're literally walking through the pumpkin aisle of a grocery store, but it's really really long.

Speaker 1:

Okay, well, the one we went to last year was so great it just kept going and going. Not the pumpkins. There was so much for the kids to do.

Speaker 2:

There was that one. I will admit there's a lot for the kids to do, but usually, like before last year, what I remember about pumpkin patches is you would like pay a bunch of money to go walk around a bunch of pumpkins and then your kid could like hug one and you go home.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, because you don't want us to buy pumpkins.

Speaker 2:

Correct Because they're like three times the cost of a grocery store pumpkin.

Speaker 1:

Right. So the kids are disappointed by that, but I will say the one we went to last year was really cool. They had, you know, hay rides and slides and playgrounds and more playgrounds, and more playgrounds Like it was really cool yeah they had lots of stuff.

Speaker 2:

It was at a. It's at an actual farm, so like, basically the rides were like broken down pieces of farming equipment, like it was like, oh, we can make a maze out of this.

Speaker 1:

Like it was like really cool.

Speaker 2:

It's like so the kids had to get a tetanus shot afterwards, but it was a lot of fun.

Speaker 1:

You know what? That's the first time that we've been to something like that, and it was nice, because you pay one price when you get in and then you don't have to worry about tickets and you know all these things yeah the rides were like free, you just had to wait.

Speaker 2:

So they did like, like I said, functioning farms, so like on the tractor ride through like I don't what. They call it a hay ride or something like that Like, but you're actually going through like a cornfield. So it was like pretty cool.

Speaker 1:

It was really cool and it was fun. They had these like big black tubes that are meant for I don't know what, but they turned them into slides and the kids thought it was the greatest thing they got to.

Speaker 2:

You know, play on different tractors and tractor tires right, Like wasn't there like a spinny thing they did with tractor tires? You could literally sit in the tire and like roll your kid.

Speaker 1:

They had tire swings and they had you know all kinds of different things. It was really fun and my parents were in town, so we got to go with them. But you know it was. I've never shown up to a pumpkin patch and they ask if we had a reservation, like that's how popular this was.

Speaker 2:

That's right.

Speaker 1:

And they were going to turn us away and we're like, oh, but my parents are in town and people listen and it's so funny Like people are actually considerate here when it comes to that.

Speaker 2:

They're like let's see if we can make a way.

Speaker 1:

And he did, yeah, he like he like walkie talkie did people and they're like, yeah, you guys can come on in, and so that was really good. So I'm actually want to try and do that again this year, because that was a lot of fun. So sorry, you'll be okay though, but anyway we've got. We've got a lot going on and I'm excited for it, and I think I think now next week we're going to have to talk about Thanksgiving, because it's a whole, another whole, another thing.

Speaker 2:

Now that I am excited for.

Speaker 1:

We'll have a whole series on holidays and planning.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and how good we are at them.

Speaker 1:

Are we?

Speaker 2:

Well, I mean Thanksgiving. We're pretty good at.

Speaker 1:

I love.

Speaker 2:

Thanksgiving. Yeah, find out next week All right guys.

Speaker 1:

Well, if you guys want to let us know about your Halloween plans, what do you guys do for family costumes? Where do you guys go? How do you feel about haunted houses? And, most importantly, have you seen Jared's game?

Speaker 2:

You don't even know the name of the movie, and it was called Gerald's game.

Speaker 1:

Have you seen it and what are your thoughts on it? And if you haven't seen it, please watch it and let me know. You guys can reach us at lifeunmasteredpodcast, at gmailcom, or on Instagram at lifeunmasteredpodcast. But we'll see you guys next week.

Speaker 2:


Preparing for Fall and Halloween Decorations
Community Spirit in a Close-Knit Neighborhood
Halloween Memories and Scary Movies