Life Unmastered

We're Baaaack!

January 16, 2024 Season 2 Episode 1
We're Baaaack!
Life Unmastered
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Life Unmastered
We're Baaaack!
Jan 16, 2024 Season 2 Episode 1

Welcome back to Life Unmastered!

We took a long break for the holidays and it was very much needed but we're so happy to be back! We have lots of new and exciting things planned for 2024 so stick around because thing are about to get fun! But first, let's start Season 2 with a little recap of what we've been up to during the break. 

Join us as we recount Mike's staycation, his minor social blunder, our holiday mishaps and the delightful chaos of family life.... because the holiday season isn't complete without sick kids, party games, and an (almost) trip to the emergency room, right? Buckle up, it's going to be a fun one!

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Welcome back to Life Unmastered!

We took a long break for the holidays and it was very much needed but we're so happy to be back! We have lots of new and exciting things planned for 2024 so stick around because thing are about to get fun! But first, let's start Season 2 with a little recap of what we've been up to during the break. 

Join us as we recount Mike's staycation, his minor social blunder, our holiday mishaps and the delightful chaos of family life.... because the holiday season isn't complete without sick kids, party games, and an (almost) trip to the emergency room, right? Buckle up, it's going to be a fun one!

We're so glad you've decided to join us for another season of Life Unmastered! 

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Thanks for joining us for your weekly dose of confidently unqualified advice!
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Speaker 1:

Welcome back to Life Unmastered.

Speaker 2:

Hello everybody and welcome back to Life Unmastered. I'm happy to be back.

Speaker 3:

I'm really happy to be back.

Speaker 2:

It was a long break.

Speaker 3:

It was, but I felt like we needed it.

Speaker 2:

It was longer than we planned which I had a feeling would happen.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, but we're back.

Speaker 2:

But we are back and I'm very proud of us.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

But I enjoyed the break. I felt like it was needed. It was nice to have that time as a family without having to worry about all of the details that are required for putting together the podcast.

Speaker 3:

All the content. Yeah, I pushed pretty hard for it.

Speaker 2:

You did.

Speaker 3:

You fought me.

Speaker 2:

But I'm glad that you won. Yeah, yeah. So yeah, I am excited for what we have coming up. It's a new year, our first full year of the podcast.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, that's weird, right, this will be our full year.

Speaker 2:

And we've got a lot of fun topics and discussions for 2024. I'm excited.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, even though we were off the air, we were working behind the scenes. Yes, that's true.

Speaker 2:

I have lots of things brewing so many spreadsheets.

Speaker 2:

I do, I've been working on so many things and it's like I get to one thing and it triggers some other idea and then I go down that rabbit hole and I'm like wait, I was doing something before I got here. Like what happened? So I've got all these things and hopefully I can figure out a way to make them all make sense, which is hard for me. But since we've been gone for a few weeks, there's a lot that's happened, so I thought we could just kind of spend this time to like catch up and recap what's been going on since we've been gone.

Speaker 3:

I had a moment during the break that really hurt my soul.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I know what this moment is. I'm surprised you're gonna share this with the people.

Speaker 3:

Well, it really dawned on me that, no matter how badly I wanna change as a person, I will just always and forever not be smart.

Speaker 2:

I feel like you're being a little hard on yourself and I think that it's just like hindsight is 20, 20, right.

Speaker 3:

But it always happens this way. So we went to the kids Christmas program. Yes. Which was awesome and a lot of fun. But there was a moment in that Christmas program and I didn't know like schools did this, like we've done it at church, but where they were going to have a candlelight service type thing. So we all got candles and basically you sit there and they turn the lights down and they light everyone's candles, so there's actually the whole chapel areas lit up by candlelight. Yeah.

Speaker 3:

But as they were lighting the candles and I went, so it just like goes down the row like one person lights the next and the next and next, and so you lit my candle and I turned to the people next to us and I said, and I went to light their candle and they looked at me and they're like, oh, we didn't get one. And I said, oh, that's okay, I'll hold mine in front of you.

Speaker 2:

As soon as you told me that this happened, I was like that is so cringy. So what went through your brain?

Speaker 3:

In my head. I am a good person because during the song, I am holding a burning flame in front of, literally in front of this woman's face who I've never seen before.

Speaker 2:

I was like okay, I was just thinking like, why didn't you be like, hey, you can have mine Wait.

Speaker 3:

so I thought I did this good thing and, yeah, I felt a little weird, like this is a little weird, but Now they have candlelight in front of them.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you were sharing.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, exactly, we got out of there and we're on our way home and I remember you talking about something almost like from the venue to the street right before our house. In the entire time you were talking or talking, I was rerunning the scenario through my head and, just like that little lady, like yeah, you finished talking. And I was like, babe, I did it again. Like it dawned on me all of a sudden that forever and always, their memory of that night will be that person who held a burning flame in front of their face. Instead of just offering, and, like I even said to you at the time, I was like why didn't I just say do you want mine? And then you and I could share?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you, you're like one of you being nice enough to share, but not nice enough to give up your flame.

Speaker 3:

I didn't even think about it like so funny, they didn't have one, I had one. Now we all had one.

Speaker 2:

I think that you are a good person, because how generous of you to be giving all of these people Stories of that one guy. Yeah they can share for for a lifetime.

Speaker 3:

I like to think that those like it was a woman and then like her, her mom, basically like there to see the grandchild from, I think, and in my head they have their own podcast where they have told this story and somewhere out there we are connected on the crazy that was that situation. They didn't have to be because everybody has a podcast.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, everybody. And then everybody probably hated me too, because there was one person like that was sitting and I was unsure if they were saving seats and it was very crowded. So everybody who came by I was like no, there was a woman there, I don't know how many people she had, you can't sit here. And like one lady was like oh okay, and sat directly behind us and then like right before the show started at that, by that point that mystery woman had come back and I was like, are you saving seats? And she's like no. I was like oh, so the next people that came up, I was like yeah, go ahead and sit down. Like so it looked like to that lady behind me that I just didn't want to sit next to her.

Speaker 2:

Well, I think you explained it well enough to her. But also it's like a life lesson right there that if you don't save your seats, then those seats are free.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, man, it was. That was a stressful night, or?

Speaker 2:

Or always sit on the end, and then you don't have to worry about it.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, that lady was on the end. I was very unsure either way, candle in the face saving seats and Jase looking what like he wanted to punch everybody in the building.

Speaker 2:

Have we talked about that?

Speaker 3:

yet Nope.

Speaker 2:

So Jason's going through this thing where he's trying not to smile for some reason.

Speaker 3:

I think he's very much like how many times does he get to a giggle fit or something? And we're like Jason, you need to stop all the time to be serious all the time. So Jason's figured out the best way to not get into a giggle fit is to not start giggling true. So he was up there dead center, like he was right in front in the center, and To make sure he you could tell he was getting nervous and he started to get a little bit of the giggle fits.

Speaker 2:

He did smile and wave at first.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and then he decided the best way to not giggle was to clench his fists and like, almost like, raise His shoulders and just Scow. Yeah, he looked straightforward.

Speaker 2:

He looked upset to be there, angry and I like kept trying to like cuz he could see us and he would like periodically wave. But I kept trying to like point, to like my mouth, like you can smile, like it's okay. No and he was not having any of it. And then you, you know, he got off and he was so excited to see us. Like bud, did you have fun? Yeah, I loved it. And like, why were you angry? He was, I wasn't angry, I was focused.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, as soon as the music stopped in, like he knew he was done singing, he was Smiles and up there performing and happy as could be. But up until that point he was focused.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and so I showed him the video. He's anytime he has any event he wants to see the video, like that's important to him, and so he's watching the video. He's like I did look angry. Yeah, like he understood. I'm like why were you doing that? He's like I was just folk, I was just focused.

Speaker 3:

He needs to be like his dad. He spends more time in front of the mirror practicing emotions.

Speaker 2:

Do you do that? Oh, you did do that I remember you saying that so During I think it was at the beginning of when we took our break is when you started your Stacation from work pretty close.

Speaker 3:

I think we recorded and then the next week I was gone, okay.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so you took a full More than two weeks off. How many days in a row total?

Speaker 3:

Well, I took two weeks off of work that led into the two days we naturally get off of for Christmas the way Christmas fell. So it was 18 days total.

Speaker 2:

I was so jealous. I'm still so jealous. I have never done that, like I've never taken more than Five days off that I can remember and I'm proud of you for Truly taking those days off like not checking your email, not doing anything like disconnecting completely, because we've gone on vacations before To California and while we're there you go into I went into the office, yeah. And so there, yeah, even when we went to Disney, then you worked. So I feel like it's it's so important to have time to yourself and you went big.

Speaker 3:

I did. I mean I unplugged from everything and it was a staycation that timed out really well, because for the first week the kids still had school, which was nice, so like you and I could go to lunches and have like meals or whatever without the kids. And then, week number two, they were home on vacation. So I got to feel like a good dad because I was actually hanging out with them. I was like, oh, I wasn't selfish completely, just a little bit.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and so you did lots of video games, lots of Eating delicious so many foods it was actually really nice cuz you and I had a few like day dates. Yeah, which is weird, it was, it is weird just the date in general was weird.

Speaker 3:

It's been a while.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, just having you and I and also too, was funny, like we got the bill, like did they miss something?

Speaker 3:

kids are so expensive.

Speaker 2:

I don't understand like wow, it's so much cheaper like we could do this all the time. And we used to before yeah, that's how they get you, man but now that they're in school we have to start doing that more often, like on. I mean, you still have work, but you know we could take time to do that yeah but we found some places that were really close to us.

Speaker 3:

That you timing wise. If it's just you and me during the lunch hours, like I don't see why we can't make that like a monthly thing or whatever.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, there's a sushi place that's right down the street from us that I love to go to because I like the atmosphere and I think that their sushi is really good.

Speaker 3:

But the best we found here.

Speaker 2:

Yes, but the kids can't do all. You can eat at that one without us paying full price, and they don't eat.

Speaker 3:

You know enough to justify.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so it's nice to be able to do that during the week with just you and I, so I really, I really enjoyed that. I hope that we can do more of that, like make that a priority.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it was interesting like we blended together Enough things to make it a good like time out for my brain but like still be productive. You know, like I was still like helping around the house and like doing these things and little household projects that I wanted to get done, but the majority of time was Like scrubs and video games, like and relax and not turning my brain off legitimately.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and fortunately, timing it worked out that everybody got sick. Well, not everybody actually. You and I Mostly escape.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I think we had a couple like cold symptoms, but nothing. Yeah that you wouldn't expect for this time of year.

Speaker 2:

But the kids got sick. What was it the day after they got out of school?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, pretty much. It was like they got off on Wednesday and then Thursday we woke up and we're like here, we go time off and they're sick.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, carter had a really bad cold which whenever she gets a cold, her poor little cough is just terrible. It keeps her up all night and Nothing would give her like fixes it. Mm-hmm but she was able to escape. Like any other issues or fevers. Jace had a fever for like four, five days. I'd say four, for yeah it was four and we were able to easily, you know, deal with it manager.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

But it's still a bummer when you've got sick kids who you know you can't take them anywhere. The weather was cold, so it's like you know you're not taking them outside.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, the weather was cold, but that was the worst part was the first two days they were sick. It was like it was cold but it was like the last two days of high 40s before we were going into like the high is gonna be 35, so like, and it was sunny, so it was like if you wanted to go outside, like those were the two days to do it. Yeah, and that's when his fever was the worst.

Speaker 2:

That's what that's, you're right. So it was, the nice weather was well. He was sick and then, once he was better, it was freezing.

Speaker 3:

It was freezing, yeah, it was like oh.

Speaker 2:

It was like yeah.

Speaker 3:

I mean still cold, but like all things considered, it was 20 degrees warmer than it was gonna be.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and there's no snow, so that was unfortunate, but they were well Mended, mostly by the time that Christmas came, and so fortunately we were able to fully enjoy.

Speaker 3:

Which is what we were hoping for yes, and we were really.

Speaker 2:

But what was it Christmas Eve or Christmas Eve Eve, I can't remember. It's like the kids were starting to feel better and we had all these high hopes that everything was gonna be good. And then we're putting the kids to bed and Carter face plants because she was jumping on her bed. We didn't know we were in tucking Jason so see it happen and also we see we hear her crying and she's like kind of like not balling, oh, but then she just she let it out, like she couldn't hold it in anymore.

Speaker 2:

Mm-hmm and so we go to check on her and it's her lights off. So I'm like what happened? And then I see like blood so much blood and then I start like freaking out, like what happened, you know, and she's like I. I fell on my face like trying to figure out what happened, but I could not get her nose to stop bleeding.

Speaker 3:

I thought she broke her nose. So did I like I have not seen that much blood come from a nose, and forever and like by the time. Like she was scared because she Know she's not supposed to be bouncing on her bed.

Speaker 3:

Right and so she was trying to like kind of hide what happened. Once we figured out what happened, I was like great, like it's, I think you're right, I think it was Christmas Eve Eve or whatever. I'm like, here we go to the emergency room, she broke her nose and, thankfully, like we're like googling in it. It's like we have 15 minutes before we have to worry and like a minute like nine. I was like oh, she's good.

Speaker 2:

Well, yeah, and I was able to like wiggle her nose and stuff, and she was like yeah, that like I was like touch it, touch it, see if it hurts, yeah. And so we're here. Just like man, I was so grateful that we didn't have to add an ER trip to that visit, but it's still hurt there's. You know I'm not about to go buy her a brand new comforter right now, so she's just like.

Speaker 2:

I washed, I tried to stay and remove it and she's like sleep with a new one. It's just felt like you know, one of those like one thing after another's not anything like massive, and I'm sure I know people experience things that are obviously much bigger than this. But it just felt like you know, one thing after another, after another. So at the time we got to Christmas I was like so relieved that everything just kind of like fell into place and we had this like perfect Christmas day.

Speaker 3:

I was really grateful for it and I'm actually okay that she has blood on her comforter because I like want her to have a visual reminder to not mess around.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, what's not working, Cause I've already had to like yell at her for jumping on her bed like six times since then. I'm like how did you not learn? Was that not painful?

Speaker 3:

She's fearless.

Speaker 2:

She is. So anyways, like I said, christmas Day was truly like one for the books. It was perfect. I loved it so much. It was just we didn't even really we didn't even do anything. We did not leave the house at all. Mm-hmm. We just chilled and the kids were just like happy and content and everything. Everyone was feeling okay. And you know, it was just like yeah, it was, and it was long.

Speaker 3:

Like we were able to like stretch out the opening of gifts and stuff with like let's take a break and have breakfast, and I think, like honestly, by time all the present opening was over, or whatever. It was like lunchtime. It was like, okay, we're good, and like, just because we were able to like take breaks and okay, let's go get ready here, or whatever, and it just timed out, you know.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I think that I mean obviously the kids weren't, we wouldn't want them around anybody, you know, because they were still getting over everything, but they were feeling better. You know what kids are. They just like bounce back so easy.

Speaker 3:

I thought you were gonna say they're disgusting because they are.

Speaker 2:

No, but I feel like the presents were fun, Like J Scott a ton of board games and Carter got all these, like you know, girly things that required our a lot of our effort in helping her, like doing like the nail kit and stuff like that.

Speaker 3:

So, like makeup and everything else, she's definitely been.

Speaker 2:

Such a girly girl. She's very been doing lots of primping since Christmas.

Speaker 3:

Yes, she's been a little clown running around all over the place. Yeah, she does that.

Speaker 2:

She comes out and she's so proud of her.

Speaker 3:

Do I look pretty?

Speaker 2:

Yes, do I look pretty?

Speaker 3:

She truly does. Her eyes are like bright green Her lipstick is like all over it.

Speaker 2:

Her cheeks are like red little balls.

Speaker 3:

She looks like that lady from like the Drew Carey show that always had like the ridiculous makeup. I don't know if that's pretty old show.

Speaker 2:

No, I'll have to find a picture.

Speaker 3:

We'll put it up.

Speaker 2:

But yeah, she is, and we're always like, yes, you look beautiful, yeah, and then like two hours later all the makeup's gone. I'm like where did that makeup go?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it's on the couch, she's for sure.

Speaker 2:

But we were able to play lots of board games and I got some fun presents which I was excited about because I was like this is like the first year in a few years that I didn't do any present buying for myself. Yeah. And so I felt like I had all these like fun things to open and like explore and stuff.

Speaker 3:

I actually did well with the stocking. I took that PSA you did personally and I packed it full of no candy. All opening items.

Speaker 2:

You did and we actually kind of reversed. You got a lot of snacks in your stocking.

Speaker 3:

I got so many snacks which is fine.

Speaker 2:

But you actually put those on your list.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

So but my stocking was like, almost, like almost better than you know.

Speaker 3:

opening the presents, I just thought there were so many games? Yeah, cause I know you told me that you enjoy opening stuff almost as much as the stuff. So, like the stocking, everything was wrapped, so there was tons of stuff to open, even though it was like hair clips, yeah, but you just got to open something.

Speaker 2:

I always, when I talk about the kids, I'm always like, oh, they're at the age where they just like half the fun is opening the present, and I feel like I never like phased out of that, like I still to be.

Speaker 3:

Half the fun is opening the present.

Speaker 2:

Yes, yeah, and which is which would make sense as to why I do that, like I try and wrap as much as I can for the kids.

Speaker 3:

And I did do the classic last minute Christmas story Like what's that?

Speaker 2:

gift over there. You did, and I was not. I was paying attention to what I was like holding at the time I didn't time it perfectly.

Speaker 2:

So I was like looking and I wasn't, I was like half paying attention. And then Carter saw it and then once I saw that, it was like I realized that you were talking about a present, Like I thought you were. I didn't even know what you were doing. Then I was like, okay, well, I know that's for me, because you're not going to like surprise a present for the kids, yeah. So that was exciting and funny enough. It was a new Kindle which we've talked about this.

Speaker 2:

I love to read, but what was it? Oh, was it a week, two weeks before Christmas?

Speaker 3:

If that like a week before, I think yeah.

Speaker 2:

So our dog King does this awful, terrible thing drives me freaking crazy. If Mike is outside with the kids, he loses his mind. If Mike goes outside by himself, whatever, but if Mike is outside with the kids, king cannot handle it. And so we went outside for I don't even know what we're doing.

Speaker 3:

I was playing catch with Chase with his football, oh, okay.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and so, and I was like upstairs doing something I don't remember, but I had gotten up and I left my phone and my Kindle on the couch. And then we come back downstairs and Mike's back inside with Chase and I like go to the couch and I see this like piece of pink plastic on the couch. Mike, what's this? So both of us just dismissed it like it was one of the kids toys yeah, king got a toy.

Speaker 3:

Oh well, yeah, it's broken. And so then?

Speaker 2:

we're sitting down and Chase comes walking over from the other side of the room holding my Kindle without the cover on it, and as soon as I saw him holding that coming from someplace I'm never am with my Kindle it all clicked for me like what that pink thing was? It was the like pop socket that I have on my Kindle. And then we're looking for the Kindle, cause it's not in the case Like I mean. So he just destroyed my case.

Speaker 3:

He chopped it real good.

Speaker 2:

There's teeth marks all in my Kindle. I was, I was. I have not been that mad in so long.

Speaker 3:

I was more convinced that you were gonna like get rid of King than I've ever been convinced that you were gonna get rid of Dewey. Like that's how mad you were at him. Like I thought for sure. I was like whoa, you're not gonna make it through this King.

Speaker 2:

Had we not already invested so much money in that dog, he would have been finding himself wandering the streets. Yep. I was so upset. You know what I think I was so upset what one we're really trying to save and not like spend extra one we don't have to.

Speaker 2:

And the Kindle has already been acting up where, like, I go to change the page and it keeps the words from the previous page on there, and so I was just, I was just frustrated because it's like, that's like what I go to at the end of the night when I want to just like unwind and it's like my favorite thing. And he had just like, and every time I go to use it I'm just staring at freaking teeth marks and it's like all distorted. I was just, I was upset. I was so upset, I was so upset.

Speaker 3:

But little did you know that your hero husband, weeks before this had already purchased a new Kindle for you for Christmas.

Speaker 2:

I was, so I opened it. I think the first thing I said is did you buy this after King ate my Kindle and you're like no, which was weird.

Speaker 3:

You were so proud of your Kindle, I had to be upset with you at King, but also not so like it was hard to be too upset, cause I'm like, oh well, now you really need that Kindle I bought, so like I had to like, play along, though, and throw you off the scent like er, that dog, I'll take care of it. You did a good job.

Speaker 2:

So that was a very exciting and even more exciting that you had already had it before he ate it. That's a that did work out. So anyway, he's still here and we still love him, even though he's King. This is the only way to explain it. So I will say one thing with Christmas that we like kind of discussed afterwards. Jace had a moment where he was like starting to get a little bit bummed and we were wondering if we may have like might have jumped the gun on the whole. No toys.

Speaker 3:

He got some toys but it wasn't. He didn't get the like the big grand, like monster truck, garage type stuff. He got more board games, books and like there was a moment where you could see it on his eyes, like he kind of registered like these are the types of gifts I'm getting now and I almost wonder cause we were watching that Christmas version of Diary of a Wimpy Kid. In the beginning of that movie he specifically says the older you get, the worse your Christmas gifts get. So I wanted to get something good while I was still young enough and I wonder if Jace picked up on that and was like connecting stuff, like oh great.

Speaker 2:

Maybe I don't know. He's very perceptive he is, and I don't think we had like. When I was buying gifts, I didn't have this. I'm not buying you any toys, but there wasn't anything that he absolutely wanted that was a toy, except for those like F1, die cast cars, which we got him. But I didn't want to get him toys, just to get him toys.

Speaker 3:

I will say this every time we've gotten him a toy, he'll play with it. If he gets two days before, he is bored with it and it's just a mess on the floor. That's impressive. But we have played board games with him almost every night, like he loves pulling out trouble or sorry or one of these games and sitting down and playing with him, and it was obviously the right choice. It just took him a couple of days to realize like this is better.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I would say even that day he was like okay, this is fun, and I think too, he loves that. It's not just him off playing with a toy, like mom and dad and Carter are playing these games with him. And there's been some that he's been able to teach Carter how to play because he did it in his games club. So while we were unwrapping presents I was having this like sinking, feeling like oh no, did I just ruin his Christmas?

Speaker 2:

But it all kind of worked out and it's been a lot of fun, but I will say, you know the first Christmas that you did with us, with my mom, when she, like, labeled and numbered all of the presents and then, like, put the list in her phone. Yes. And we were kind of shocked by it, like what are you doing?

Speaker 3:

What kind of crazy OCD is this?

Speaker 2:

Yes, but I will say, after this Christmas I understand that so much better. And I can't say that I will number all of our presents next year, but I think that I will specifically mark somehow like certain presents that I feel like need to be open, at least last, because I feel like we kind of started with the bang and like the end presents were kind of like you very much, looked at me and like Kind of lowered your head a little bit.

Speaker 3:

and mom was right. She might be on to something.

Speaker 2:

So anyway, we'll maybe revisit that next year. But so quickly after Christmas we had Carter's birthday. She turned five.

Speaker 3:

Yes, she did.

Speaker 2:

I cannot believe that she is five. I don't know where the time is going. Then yesterday in the car, were driving home from school and she's like mom, did you know that I'm almost 10?

Speaker 3:

she did all those awesome. I that was. There was fury in your eyes.

Speaker 2:

I was like excuse me, no, you are not, you just turned five.

Speaker 3:

I do find it impressive how you always make an effort to make sure Carter knows that her birthday is her Birthday, because it falls so shortly after Christmas or so quickly after Christmas, so it's like you don't want it all to get lumped together and you usually do a pretty good job.

Speaker 2:

Yeah I, so I always take her birthday off so that I can spend the whole day with her. And then we just had like a day full of fun. I started with chocolate chip pancake. She got to open her presents, she got to pick out her clothes and wear all her new stuff from Christmas, which was fun. And then, as I was getting her ready, she got the sweetest delivery from her BFF, micah.

Speaker 3:

There it was. It was interesting because my office I was back at work at this point and my office has a window where I can see people pull up to the house and I saw a car pull up and I'm like that's a weird car for an Amazon delivery guy, because I just assumed there was a late gift or something showing up. And the guy knocks on the door and hands me this pink box of cookies With this note on it. I Was not mentally prepared for this moment in my life.

Speaker 2:

She got a little cookie delivery for her birthday from her little boyfriend. So she is five so I will admit so. On the box he says your BFF, micah, and Carter and Micah consider each other like best friends. Nobody uses the term boyfriend or talks about marriage, except for his mom and I yes, it's that's.

Speaker 3:

That's what's going on.

Speaker 2:

I refer to him as my son-in-law and we have decided that arranged marriages are coming back and and it's it's a thing, it has been decided.

Speaker 3:

I, literally I could. I shook my head so much and just kind of like him and Jase gonna long.

Speaker 2:

Great, you know, that's what that's a plus. I love him. He's so sweet. I think, just like is just like it takes a lot to to be friends with Carter, and he's good at it.

Speaker 3:

Cuz, she told him.

Speaker 2:

That's what she said I did to you.

Speaker 3:

Oh gosh, it's all, it's all coming together. Gotta put a stop to this.

Speaker 2:

So Michael comes walking up the stairs and I hear him like stomping up the stairs and all he's saying is I don't know how I feel about this, I am not okay about this. He's just like mumbling. And then he like drops the box on the on the like bathroom counter and I read it in me and Carter, both like oh.

Speaker 3:

Oh yeah, you would have thought you. She got asked a prom.

Speaker 2:

That was like it was so cute and that's actually our first time having crumble cookies, but I posted a picture.

Speaker 3:

I think this is what you're most excited about. No. Yeah, I think that the whole thing itself look so cute it is, but I know you and free stuff, that's your jam.

Speaker 2:

I do love free stuff.

Speaker 2:

Yes, but not okay first I jumped the gun first of all, as far as the cookies himself, I thought it was so sweet and it like I. It brought me and Carter both so much joy that I want to start doing that for other people. Like I don't even know what, for what occasion or whatever, but like it was just so like such a it's so simple, but such a like fun surprise. Everybody loves getting something at your front door, but especially when you can eat a delicious cookie a sense has never been said.

Speaker 3:

Nobody enjoys getting stuff at their front door. Every time that doorbell rings, I'm like what do you want?

Speaker 2:

Everybody know. This is why online shopping is so funny. She's like open your door and you've got like packages there. It's terrible.

Speaker 3:

So anyway, generation of women just.

Speaker 2:

Posted a picture of Carter on Instagram with her little box and tagged crumble cookies and they Messaged me and they're like oh, we'd love to send the little lovebirds, like some merch now even crumble is in on this conspiracy and so I Received the box yesterday and it had all kinds of goodies there's like a tumbler for me and like ones for the kids and matching little shirts for them with their logo, and they got like some flags and stuff. And so I told Mike, his mom, like we need to plan a date to go to crumble with them wearing all their stuff, and I already have like the caption picked out to be like love at first bite or you know, something like.

Speaker 3:

You're so proud of that caption. I've heard this story. Like, one time you've heard it, one time you love that tagline like we'll be going to bed and I just hear love it first bite. Oh, you're so full of crap.

Speaker 2:

It's not even original. Like, obviously people have used that again. I just like, I just think it's so cute, the two of them like holding cookies with a bite taken out of it. I can just like picture it in my head and then when they get married we're gonna put this picture up on the screen at their wedding. It's just thinking long game right now. The Duster every evening right now. So anyway, after the cookies we I took Carter to a Little like promenade area that's around us and she got to order her own hot chocolate and they wrote happy birthday on the cup and she got to go pick out a treat from the chocolate factory, she got to pick out some lotion and perfume from Bath, body Works and, and then she got her ears pierced, which was so sweet she was. She was didn't cry, didn't like make a stink at all, but she was nervous and Jays held her hand the whole time, which was so sweet, and then we had Chick-fil-A for lunch.

Speaker 3:

Well, I like when she eats Chick-fil-A, because I think she says chick souffle or chicks.

Speaker 2:

She says chicks, chicks, souffle.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, like she makes, it like yeah, she's very fancy. Which is funny, because when I was a kid and I was in a restaurant with my dad, I tried to order a Scalay and you should have seen the look on that ladies face. Yes, I will have the ham Scalay.

Speaker 2:

Did your dad correct?

Speaker 3:

you? Yes, he did.

Speaker 2:

See, at least he was nice. I have to correct you. You you would just like laugh and move on and just like Think it's funny when the kids yeah.

Speaker 3:

I'm definitely. I feel, after this episode comes out, there's probably gonna be a text message.

Speaker 2:

So, anyways, carter loved telling everybody was her birthday all day long and she got free stuff everywhere. So she went to go order her Chick-fil-A meal and she goes, I'll have you know that, whatever I chose, and it's my birthday, and so she got a free brownie in addition to her free ice cream.

Speaker 3:

There you go. You taught her well.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and then we ended the night with sushi, because that's what she picked. Yep, my bougie five-year-old. I know man the kids both love sushi, so it was fun. So, anyway, that was her like special day and it felt like a whole event and it was lots of fun and yeah. So and then we ended up with New Year's and here we are.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, now we're ready for 2024.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, New Year's was fun. We got together with some neighbors and did party games, which I don't know like if I've laughed that hard in a long time.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, we did party games for Christmas and New Year's and I think I'm good until next Christmas in New.

Speaker 2:

Year's. Those are fun and I'm getting really good at Flip Cup.

Speaker 3:

Dangerously good, like freakishly good, like I convinced you were practicing somewhere.

Speaker 2:

You would know if I was.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, no.

Speaker 2:

But no, I was not, and you went.

Speaker 3:

You literally like ran the gauntlet. You beat all of us in a row and we had to go a second round before somebody actually beat you.

Speaker 2:

So we played Flip Cup Tic Tac Toe and I wasn't winning that, which was fun. We played that on Christmas and New Year's, but on New Year's we added Flip Cup Connect 4.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

And that one I crushed.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it was weird.

Speaker 2:

It was.

Speaker 3:

We were trying to figure out if it was like the green colored cups were weighted differently or what, but then we switched them.

Speaker 2:

I'm just a pro. What can I say?

Speaker 3:

Flip Adelphia.

Speaker 2:

So, anyways, if you guys are planning an adult party anytime soon, I highly recommend looking into party games, because they were so much fun.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it was good, like I felt like a kid again.

Speaker 2:

We had so much fun. So, yeah, I feel like it was a very packed few weeks and it went by so fast, because it always does, but it was a lot of fun. I feel like it was a good reset that we needed and it was a good kind of transition into the new year and I'm really excited about what we have coming up. You and I aren't big like resolution people, but we've done some things and I'm really excited about it and I want to share them. So I think that's what we're going to dive into next week.

Speaker 3:

Yeah sounds good.

Speaker 2:

So all right, guys, thank you so much for joining us, for being here with us as we welcome life and master back to the podcast world and, yeah, we hope that you join us next week, but until then, bye. Bye.

Welcome Back
Candlelight Mishap
Is it Broken?
The Perfect Christmas
The Dog Ate My Kindle
The Birthday Girl
New Year + Party Games