Life Unmastered

Blurred Birthdays, Priest Slaps, and AI Famous

January 30, 2024 Season 2 Episode 3
Blurred Birthdays, Priest Slaps, and AI Famous
Life Unmastered
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Life Unmastered
Blurred Birthdays, Priest Slaps, and AI Famous
Jan 30, 2024 Season 2 Episode 3

Happy Birthday Mike... how old are you again?
It seems we've officially entered the point in life where we truly forget how old we are.  And to celebrate Mike and his old age, we'll be playing a speed round of "This or That" where we learn all kinds of fun facts about your host.

In this episode we'll also be chatting about our son's new obsession with hockey, how he comes up with his own creative names for each team, and the hard lessons he's learning about being an LA Kings fan. 

But that's not all! We'll also be discussing priest slaps, holy squirts, $1,200 tips, and how to be AI famous. So buckle up, it's going to be a fun one! 

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Happy Birthday Mike... how old are you again?
It seems we've officially entered the point in life where we truly forget how old we are.  And to celebrate Mike and his old age, we'll be playing a speed round of "This or That" where we learn all kinds of fun facts about your host.

In this episode we'll also be chatting about our son's new obsession with hockey, how he comes up with his own creative names for each team, and the hard lessons he's learning about being an LA Kings fan. 

But that's not all! We'll also be discussing priest slaps, holy squirts, $1,200 tips, and how to be AI famous. So buckle up, it's going to be a fun one! 

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Speaker 1:

Hello everybody and welcome back to Life Unmastered. Today is a very special day.

Speaker 2:

No, it's not.

Speaker 1:

So special, it's my favorite day. Happy birthday babe.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, thanks.

Speaker 1:

Mike turns. How old are you turning again today?

Speaker 2:

I think 37.

Speaker 1:

37, which we actually-.

Speaker 2:

Oh man, I was doing the math in my head again.

Speaker 1:

Just now.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, like I was thinking about it, I was like wait a minute, and yeah, that's what it is.

Speaker 1:

So we actually forgot how old we are. We are. I, since I met you, have always been like okay, however old you are, I'm a year younger.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

So this whole year you've been saying that you are 37 and so I have been like, okay, I'm 36. So essentially, we're gaining a year of our life.

Speaker 2:

I do this a lot with the kids. I do it with everything where, basically, if you get to like the three month to six month mark, you might as well just be the older age and unfortunately I did this so often with neighbors or get-togethers or anything I legitimately thought I was already 37.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and we were. I don't even know how this came up, but we're trying to think of something like how?

Speaker 2:

I don't know why but you came. I was at work one day doing the math and I realized, like if I'm born in 87, that doesn't make sense, cause just you need to add six to get to three. You know that's 2023 at the time. And I was like wait a minute, this isn't right. And all of a sudden the whole year of my life just came back to me.

Speaker 1:

We were at sushi on a little day date and we spent most of that meal trying to figure out how old we were and we actually pulled out like an app on our phone.

Speaker 2:

I think we talked about it.

Speaker 1:

We talked about what.

Speaker 2:

The day date.

Speaker 1:

We did, but I'm just saying that's when we went on that date. That's what we spent our meal half of it at least talking about.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so anyways, I'm turning 37.

Speaker 1:

Yep, and I am only 35 right now, which is very exciting, cause I thought I was 36 all year.

Speaker 2:

You're welcome Now. I don't have to buy you a birthday present.

Speaker 1:

It puts sad to that this is not the first time this has happened to us, I think it comes with getting old.

Speaker 2:

And the problem is, is I stopped caring a long time ago?

Speaker 1:

so I just ask you I just feel like we're not old enough to be having this issue.

Speaker 2:

I'm okay with forgetting everything.

Speaker 1:

I'm going to just start being one of those women who says I'm 29 for like the next 10 years.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, someone will catch on.

Speaker 1:

Carter already has. She's like mom, how old are you? I'm like 29. She's like no, you're not.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, carter has a knack for saying something mean to someone without meaning to it wasn't even her.

Speaker 1:

She's like no, she's not, she's 60, like thanks, bud. So, anyway, we are not doing anything to celebrate your birthday, which is what you.

Speaker 2:

The norm that's. The norm that's what you prefer. I don't like when people are looking at me or trying to make me feel special.

Speaker 1:

You never want to do anything for your birthday and you fight me on buying things for you too.

Speaker 2:

I do.

Speaker 1:

I'm so unfun because I love to throw a party.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

And one. You know, I think I did something for you one year and the next year like, okay, I don't want to do anything this year for my birthday. And I was like okay, and so I didn't. And then your birthday came around and you were disappointed. I'm like wait, we're actually not doing anything.

Speaker 2:

But again, this is one of those things that like you hang onto, because, like every other year that you've tried to do something, you bring up this one instance and I'm like yes, for that one year I was slightly disappointed, but in general, you know I don't like it, but you always go. Yeah, but that one time, and no matter how many times I tell you no, like just that one time was the issue.

Speaker 1:

But that was like I was very thrown off because I was like I'm doing what you wanted to do and now you want to do something, and now. So, anyways, I tried to throw something together, like that day, and it didn't end well.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that pretty much. That's why, going forward, I'm like just don't do anything.

Speaker 1:

We did have two good birthdays. We did this surprise at the King at the Staples Center for the. Kings game and that was a lot of fun. It wasn't even my birthday, that was like the best time. That was pretty cool.

Speaker 2:

That was a good surprise, yeah.

Speaker 1:

And then I had the year where you got the PlayStation five, which you had zero idea was happening.

Speaker 2:

That was the best that's up there with. Like I'm not going to say what specific order it's in, but it's in the same vicinity, is like birth of your son, birth of your daughter. Playstation five.

Speaker 1:

There's something wrong with you. Listen I think that I liked this so much is because it's incredibly hard to surprise you with anything, especially with how close of an eye you keep on our bank accounts, and that was like not some little thing Like at that price point you would have been like okay, I know what I'm getting.

Speaker 2:

And at the time this was a few years ago, so this was the time where, like no store had any stock of anything, and so it was like even though I, like in my head, I was like one day down the road they'll be making them and I'll eventually get a PS five I legitimately thought there was no way I was getting that, because I didn't even ask for it.

Speaker 1:

I was in Cahoots with Melissa and we were up at like two o'clock in the morning online waiting for these to go live, and she ended up accidentally getting two, and so I was able to get one of them, and so that was really fun, because you were genuinely surprised and that's like my favorite thing. So that was good. Those were like eight years apart, so you've got a few more years until I, you know, knock it out of the park again.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, six glorious years.

Speaker 1:

Um, but yeah, and I'm the complete opposite. Like, give me all the gifts, celebrate me all week, make my birthday a national holiday.

Speaker 2:

That was almost a deal breaker. We first got together Stop it, yeah, and you were joking and you legitimately wanted people to celebrate your birthday all week.

Speaker 1:

Okay, first of all, I don't think it was me. It was my dad who gave you that like morning.

Speaker 2:

No, I was there because birthdays were not impressive to me or like big deals to me and you like were legitimate. Like all week, you'd be like, but it's my birthday. I'm like no, your birthday is on Friday, you're like, but it's my birthday week. We gotta do what I want.

Speaker 1:

I don't remember that, but I mean it's true. I'm actually not so much like that anymore Now that I know I've beaten you down play. You do beat the fun out of me. I do so depressing.

Speaker 2:

It just sounds. So bad it is. You should be ashamed of yourself, I know. I'm just mentally and spiritually destroying you.

Speaker 1:

So on that note in honor. Yeah, on that upbeat. Yeah, in honor of your birthday, I thought we could play a speed game of this or that. I have 37 questions.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

And so the goal here is to not linger, to just answer them as quick as you can. If you need some clarification, that's fine.

Speaker 2:

But so you're going to ask me two things, and I have to choose which one I prefer.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Let's do it Ready.

Speaker 1:

Yep, coffee or soda, coffee, dogs or cats, cats. So it's my fault, we don't have cats.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Um book or podcast Book, Breakfast or dinner.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Camping or hotel.

Speaker 2:

So I will say hotel yeah.

Speaker 1:

Okay, summer or winter.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Call or text.

Speaker 2:

Text I don't even know how to work a phone.

Speaker 1:

Or you refuse to answer it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, like.

Speaker 1:

Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings.

Speaker 2:

Lord of the Rings.

Speaker 1:

Uh, in transportation. So you're going somewhere Fly or road trip.

Speaker 2:

Road trip.

Speaker 1:

Even if you don't have kids.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I love driving.

Speaker 1:

Okay, android or iPhone iPhone. Beer or wine.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Pancakes or waffles.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Sunrise or sunset.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

That makes sense, since you're a morning person.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, fishing, it's easier to morning fish than night fish. I tried that once I got attacked by bugs.

Speaker 1:

Netflix or Hulu, hulu Interesting.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, Mostly because you know, stick it to Netflix.

Speaker 1:

Chocolate or vanilla.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Beach or lake.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Yeah, part of me wanted to say lake, but I grew up on the beach.

Speaker 1:

I know, but we're not big beach fans, I just I'm more, I've been there.

Speaker 2:

But if I were to think of someplace that makes me happy, like when I think of vacationing, I want to go to the beach.

Speaker 1:

Okay, okay, let's keep going Jumping ahead there.

Speaker 2:

Oh, I didn't know that was one of the questions.

Speaker 1:

I know these are all secret. Sweet or savory Sweet, fiction or nonfiction.

Speaker 2:

Which one's the fake?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

That's the one.

Speaker 1:

Christmas or Thanksgiving.

Speaker 2:

Thanksgiving. No Christmas Thanksgiving. Growing up Christmas, now that I have kids.

Speaker 1:

Okay, cake or pie.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Is cheesecake a cake or a pie?

Speaker 2:

Don't get me started on that because it's a pie for sure.

Speaker 1:

Movies or music.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Pen or pencil.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Hockey or football.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Easy one Laptop or tablet.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Board games or card games.

Speaker 2:

Card games.

Speaker 1:

Sunflower seeds or shelled peanuts.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Concert or Broadway.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Taco Bell or Jack in the Box. This is when your mom would never be able to answer it.

Speaker 2:

Oh man, I would say Taco Bell.

Speaker 1:

Really. I mean, they're both terrible.

Speaker 2:

But good, but good, yeah, no, I'm going to say Taco Bell.

Speaker 1:

Okay, staying in or going out.

Speaker 2:

Staying in.

Speaker 1:

Some of these are so easy.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

But some of them you've surprised me on already Steak or sushi.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Glasses or contacts.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Real plants or fake plants, fake plants, shower in the morning or night, morning Cheetos or cheese puffs.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Or Cheetos, a chip or a puff, we'll have a different episode about that. Would you rather be the driver or passenger Driver? Dark chocolate or milk chocolate?

Speaker 2:

Milk chocolate.

Speaker 1:

Vacation Explore Europe or relaxing on a beach.

Speaker 2:

Beach. I go to Europe.

Speaker 1:

Okay. So if, like, a lot of people want to go explore, I know they say that.

Speaker 2:

But then they go there and they're like why am I here? Because it's no longer what you think it's supposed to be.

Speaker 1:

But also you love history. There's lots of history there.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but that is true. So that would be my thing Because I've never done the beach vacation. I want to do that first Once I get a little older. That will be when I do like the explore history type thing.

Speaker 1:

Okay, and the last one Team naps or no naps?

Speaker 2:

Naps yeah, it's like my favorite thing ever. I hate them. Oh, it's so great Like I have it set to where, as long as I nap for 40 minutes, I wake up so refreshed and like happy, if I go 45, I'm done for the day.

Speaker 1:

You also nap downstairs in the living room where the kids are going wild. So you're not really getting a true nap. It's enough, all right. Well, that was fun actually.

Speaker 2:

Now everybody knows so much more about me.

Speaker 1:

There you go.

Speaker 2:

They know I am not very good. I like books, but I don't know the true ones and the fake ones. I'm just avoiding both those words.

Speaker 1:

All right. So, moving on, we have a few things we can chat about. I was thinking we can do some family happenings and things in the news. First of all, jace has been obsessed with hockey.

Speaker 2:

Sports in general, but he every night I get off work and it's yeah, can you put on hockey now? And like he is loving it.

Speaker 1:

You're right with this whole sports in general, and he's actually been asking to watch. He has to watch a soccer game, he has to watch a basketball game and I think he's testing out what he enjoys.

Speaker 2:

Which is awesome because he made it like 10 minutes into the soccer game, before somebody was rolling around on the ground pretending to be hurt and he's like, why is he crying? Can we watch something else Exactly. That is a great question yes, we can Just let that be a lesson to you Like. It's okay to let him try something you know they're not going to like.

Speaker 1:

Yes, and then he got through two basketball games. He hasn't asked for it again.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

He hasn't asked for baseball yet. Well, it's not on right now, but like he will, I think he will like baseball, you know what I was surprised by, because he loves to play football, but he wanted nothing to do with the football game.

Speaker 2:

He had a hard time? Well, partly because we were watching the NFL playoff game. In every 10 seconds is a commercial. So, like you can't even watch a game anymore.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so he was not very thrilled with that. But what I love about him being so into hockey is one you and I are obviously big hockey fans. So I love that he's adopted that on his own because we were giving him the opportunity to like other sports, but that it's like watching him watch the games. He understands it, he can track it. You can see him like flinch and jolt to try to like to start celebrating when he thinks there's going to be a goal.

Speaker 2:

He's following the game, not just following the puck. So he's getting to the point where he can see like that's the open guy. He's in position to score if they get him the puck. So he's getting excited before that moment.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and he's starting to learn the rules of the game and the terms and everything. It's just so fun. He acts out the game. Yeah, like the living room.

Speaker 2:

The entire game he's running back and forth, like, I think, he picks a player on the ice that he likes and then he just does what that guy does.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

So if that guy throws a check against the boards, Jace throws himself against the couch.

Speaker 1:

Yes, not my favorite thing, but you know he's you know what it is.

Speaker 2:

He has this like outlet of energy and it's kind of better than throwing a sister against the couch. Yeah, at least he's doing something.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so, and I also the way that he names the teams.

Speaker 2:

That's my favorite part. Like I don't think I can go back to calling teams what they actually are, so like we'll be watching the game and they like any other sport. There's like a score tracker of all the other games going on at the bottom so they just show like the team logo in the score. So Jace will just identify the team with that logo. So he's like obviously some are very easy for him the penguins, he can get that, he knows that, he knows the Kings logo.

Speaker 2:

But then you have the flaming seas, you have the wing whales, which is like Detroit, and then, like, two are the best. One I love so much because I hate Dallas sports teams. I hate all of them in the Dallas stars. Their logo is just a star with a giant D in the middle for Dallas, but Jace just calls them the Ds. And for those of you who understand why that's great, it's just like yes, it's so innocent but so bad. And then the one I can't get is the Kraken because, like he knows, it's like an octopus type thing, but he just calls them the crackers.

Speaker 1:

Well, he asked me what their name was, so I told him they were the Kraken, and so he heard crackers, and it just stuck.

Speaker 2:

But we've told him over and over that it's the Kraken and he's like, yeah, the crackers, like he has just decided, that's what they are. So that's them, be the crackers up in Seattle.

Speaker 1:

Also, too, I love that he calls the lightning.

Speaker 2:

The thunder Blue, thunder yeah.

Speaker 1:

But it's just so funny. It's like, as he started doing this, we're like OK, these teams should be able to determine whether their logo is good or not, based off of whether Jace could figure out their team name.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and so for Kings got a big game against crackers coming up, so better pull.

Speaker 1:

So anyway, it's been so fun, but it's also also been so sad because poor kid has not been able to watch us win very much at all.

Speaker 2:

Kings are in a pretty bad slump right now Worst I can remember since I've been watching hockey. And I think it's good for him because, like you, ran into this problem when we first got together, like the Kings had just won the Cup in 2012. You and I got together in 2013, 2014. They won a second cup. I was spoiled. Yeah, you're like, oh, this is great. In like trying to explain to you. I remember trying to explain to you then, like, don't get used to this, like this won't happen again. This is not what it's like to be a Kings fan. You have not experienced heartbreak yet.

Speaker 1:

Yeah Well, we made it to the. Not only had I known that you like they won the Cup in 2012, but then in 2013,. We made it to the second round of the playoffs.

Speaker 2:

No, they made to the Western Conference final. So if they would have won that round they would have gone to the. There you go, yeah.

Speaker 1:

So we made it pretty far and then we won again and I'm like what do you mean? This is not normal. This is three years of greatness.

Speaker 2:

No, no, it's not. The greatness is when, like you don't cry yourself to sleep over half the games. And right now Jason's going through it, like he has asked me. Can we not root for the Kings? Basically, or he does this new trick, or if he is not happy with me disciplining him the other night he walked out. Dad, I have bad news I am no longer rooting for the Kings, I am rooting for Blue Thunder. Yes.

Speaker 1:

And what's funny is you weren't even like disciplining. You told him to wash his hands and he didn't like that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I was like I wash my hands with soap.

Speaker 1:

He comes out, he's like literally putting lotion on his hand.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, like he had his hands together. I thought we're going to have a press conference or something. Like you look like an evil villain and just like he thought I was going to be crushed.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And I'm like I'm surprised it took you this long. They've lost 12 of 13.

Speaker 1:

You're like doesn't bother me.

Speaker 2:

He was fine. The next day Asked me if he could watch Viola.

Speaker 1:

But he really does love hockey in general, so he's happy no matter what team is on and we. It's become like our thing. Every day you get off work and hockey goes on. He's going to be very disappointed when hockey is over. We had to take a break from that baseball.

Speaker 2:

Joy is not that bad anymore. They put in a pitch counter or a pitch clock, so like like they have to throw the ball with it a set amount of time instead of like just sitting there forever on the mound, like I don't like that signal, I don't like that. So it actually speeds it up enough that even I can follow it. So it actually it was a pretty big improvement in my opinion.

Speaker 1:

I'm going to just push for the F1 because I actually genuinely enjoy those.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, f1 is probably a good one.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, carter, yeah, I do feel bad for her.

Speaker 2:

I put on Paw Patrol the other day for her, like we're going to watch what Carter wants tonight.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, she actually doesn't do too much complaining. She enjoys hockey too, but okay, so moving on, there's been a few things in the news that I thought we could talk about really quick. So I was scrolling Instagram the other night and I came across this video of this husband and wife who are getting their child baptized Catholic church, and the baby starts like screaming understandably, like a weird situation.

Speaker 2:

Scary yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and so my like first instinct would just be like you know, all right, let's hurry this thing up and get it going. Well, the priest is like holding the baby, and it looks like he's trying to console the baby, like and then all of a sudden, out of nowhere, the priest just slaps the baby in the face.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Well, the mom is holding the baby and she's shocked and the dad is like Not, like he's shocked too. And then there's like somebody who works at the, at the church, who reaches over to the priest like kind of grab his arm, like whoa, that wasn't okay, yeah, and. He like gives her this look like it's okay, it's okay, I know what I'm doing. Well, I mean, was it playful? Like no, like he was he. It's like he was pissed off at the baby was crying.

Speaker 1:

So he just smacked it full on slap the baby in the face, and so he's like trying to, and it's like his grip on the baby's face started getting like firmer and firmer and eventually the dad was like screw this. And goes to take the baby. Like pull the baby out of the hands. The priest refused to let go. The dad is like dragging the baby and the priest along with the baby. I'm like what is happening? I would have. I would have thrown down with the priest.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, there they're definitely be a stiff armor to the chest for that priest, like giving my child.

Speaker 1:

I mean, I can, I can imagine the shock factor of it, right, because you're just like did that actually just happen?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it, it. I mean it would almost like I could. I can't even imagine like being at the playground or like Any situation where somebody smacking my kid like it would probably take a moment for me to register like you just slapped my kid. Yes, you know, you'd be shocked. You'd be like you'd be stunned.

Speaker 1:

It wasn't my kid and I'm shocked.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's true, I was just like what did I just watch? That's one of those moments, like, do I step in? Like what, what?

Speaker 1:

And so I watched it a few times like, okay, did I miss something?

Speaker 2:

What happened Poor?

Speaker 1:

kid and I was getting more pissed off the more I watched it. I think I put it on my phone and I was like what? What just happened?

Speaker 2:

Oh, it's nuts. It reminds me like there's been some weird stuff With like film and priests and baptisms recent not I say recently, but like I remember I don't know if you ever saw like back in COVID 2020, like there were Pictures surfacing over the internet. They were social distancing with mass and still performing baptisms. So the priest had like a little like 99 cent squirt gun. He was like spraying the kid with holy water from across the room. So it's like there's this infamous picture of like this priest with like a squirt gun, holding it like a gat, like squirt squirt.

Speaker 1:

Is the water still holy even after it goes into the 99 cents? Work on I mean.

Speaker 2:

I, I would think so. You Bless the water. I just I don't know the rules. I mean, at least it wasn't a super soaker, like could you imagine that You've been blessed and now you're blind?

Speaker 1:

that. That cracks me up because I think about these moms. I've seen, you know, pictures of how they get their kids all dolled up. Remember the episode of the office when they've got Jim and Pam got their baby in this like beautiful gown and then baby has a blowout and they end up Put having one of Jim's old shirts. But they, like parents, get their babies all dolled up. They get all dolled up the whole family's there. Could you imagine doing that? You show up and the the priest is going to like squirt.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, he like puts the mask on. He's like stand over there. I got this.

Speaker 1:

Nobody's getting sick today we're all just getting baptized and going home. Oh, oh, my gosh, that's so funny.

Speaker 2:

That's terrible.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so a few episodes back. I ranted and raved about tipping culture in the US and how it's getting out of control. Yeah so a little update on that. I Saw this story the other day of this woman who went with her best friend to a bridal shop to find her wedding dress. And she found it and she's going to like check out and the lady flips the ipad, ipad around asking for a tip and Minimum 20% tip what yes, so on a $6,000 dress, that's gonna add $1,200 to her the cost of her dress.

Speaker 1:

That's nuts. And I'm just thinking like, if so, she said that she. It was shocking to her and she just kind of froze Like she didn't know what to do, and I would imagine that you know your wedding being the most important day of your life, right? To that point is you're just like okay, if I don't tip, is my dress gonna suffer? Are they gonna alter it wrong? Are they gonna accidentally spill something on it? Well, not only that.

Speaker 2:

but like part of me wonders like, is this a scam by the bridal shop? Like how much of that $1,200 actually goes to that lady? Like, just cause you're tipping extra, like does she get to keep all that? Or is it kind of like a bonus, Like you get to keep half of what you get extra by guilting people into tipping?

Speaker 1:

I mean, I don't know. I think that if I was working at a bridal shop and I wasn't gonna get the money, I wouldn't be asking people to tip.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, what if you wanted a job?

Speaker 1:

Like if that's part of the job.

Speaker 2:

I don't know. Like it's just so, it's so weird, you know, Like it's a new situation, Like I don't know. I never shopped for a wedding dress, but I assumed you weren't asked to tip for that.

Speaker 1:

No, I wasn't. And when I went, it was like such a fun experience. I got champagne everywhere there were. You know, some places had snacks.

Speaker 2:

You got your own person and Sounds like it's supposed to be part of the fun it was part of the fun.

Speaker 1:

It's like the experience, and I think that bridal shops I'm sure fit that stuff into the cost of everything else. This isn't new. People have been buying wedding dresses and you know, over years and years it's become a whole thing. When my mom got remarried, I went with her and it was all these, all her bridesmaids were there Like it's been a thing forever, so I don't know. I just feel like everyone's like well, why not If I can pay my employees less cause they're making?

Speaker 2:

tips. I think that's it and you're right. It's just, it's getting more and more ridiculous and everyone's like jumping on the bad wagon, like, oh, they're actually giving extra money for this, yeah, why not?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so anyways, I was just shocked with that. Like my goodness, I would have been really bummed out like disappointed if that happened.

Speaker 2:

So anyway, I mean, I have one for you if you don't want to be really bummed out, and this bummed me out because of where we are as a society. So I saw like a Tik Tok or whatever posted on YouTube, but it was of this guy who I don't think he invented the app, I think it was just an app he found on his phone. But essentially what it is is it's an app that makes your phone appear as if you've like, gone live, so you're live streaming to like Instagram or Facebook or wherever. You do that too, and the unique thing about it is, because of AI, you can literally plug into the app like how many followers you want it to show are quote unquote watching you. So he typed in like 40,000 people are watching me now. So if you were to look at his phone, it shows you 40,000 people are watching this stream right now.

Speaker 1:

So what's the point of this? Does he get 40,000 new followers?

Speaker 2:

So he was using it to hang out at Vegas with a live stream app that showed 40,000 people or wherever he typed in, people were watching them. And basically he was using it kind of like getting attention to himself. Like you know, if you saw somebody talking to their phone and pretending that they're talking to like a lot of people, then like people would look over and look at him and so girls were coming up to him to see oh, how many people are following you. Or he was going up to girls to kind of act like, oh, you want to get on my live stream? And at first these women are all like, no, you'll get away from me.

Speaker 2:

But like, in real time, you could see them be like you get away from me, see how many people were quote unquote watching him and instantly just start grinding on him and loving him and everything. And the funny thing about this chat because of AI is it literally has like a chat feed Like you would normally see, so you could ask it like, oh, do you think this girl's pretty? And the phone would automatically react as if it was a live chat like oh, she's gorgeous or something else. So all these girls actually think this is what's going on.

Speaker 1:

So, if you're, is it reacting to anything that's being said at all, or like does it? Can it tell where he is?

Speaker 2:

It seemed like it could tell where he was or it was reacting to him. I didn't break down the usage of everything, but like the main thing to me was just where we are at a society where you see somebody like all-prem and proper unless you have enough fame or fortune. I mean he used it to get into clubs that he had no business being in and, like on film, you could literally see like the manager of the club come over, see how many people are quote unquote, live streaming or watching and instantly getting him like top bottle service and like there's all these girls in his booth with him and he's like, yeah, none of these girls. It reminded me I don't remember. No, if you remember there was, it used to be like a Vegas commercial, I think, where it was like the guys pretending they won some like remote championship overseas or something they were just running around with like some vase going like- oh yes, chapeon chapeon.

Speaker 1:

They took the flowers out of the vase on their way down to the casino.

Speaker 2:

I remember that. So it's just like a new way of doing that, but I was like what is happening in our world?

Speaker 1:

That is crazy. So it's not actually live streaming, it's just like recording a video to his phone or something.

Speaker 2:

I guess yeah, but it looks like it is. If I were to look, cause I don't know anything. If I were to see his phone, I would assume it was 100% real.

Speaker 1:

I feel like me being who I am. My first question would have been like what's your handle?

Speaker 2:

Like I need to do some research. You've been around the internet enough to be like I don't trust anything you say. That's Photoshopped.

Speaker 1:

But I don't know, I guess maybe in the moment that's not what people were worried about, But-.

Speaker 2:

I mean, he was at a pool in Vegas and a nightclub in Vegas, so there was probably drinking involved.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that is wild, and it also has me so scared and nervous for our children, yeah, yeah, and the AI thing is just getting crazier by the minute.

Speaker 1:

There's that whole thing that happened with Taylor Swift the other day and I just like it's scary. It's crazy how something can go from just being this useful thing, just the internet itself. Right, it's useful. It's helpful. I can use it to search things. You know, when I was in eighth grade, we still had to use the encyclopedia as yeah, you were at the library and like putting down book numbers for reference.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and just adding, you know, you add one reference from the internet. Yep, I don't even think Google was like Ash Jeeves at the time. Do you remember that? Oh yeah, and now you know it's become this helpful, useful thing, and then now it's just become this dangerous thing and this scary thing, and it just gets scarier by the minute. So this actually, I feel like is not of the scary one, it's just kind of funny, like you know. Good for you.

Speaker 2:

If you got it. Yeah, it's no different than anything else that's out there and I guess it's, you know, just like creating fake accounts to leave reviews. So it's like the same thing.

Speaker 1:

So it just seems like so much work. Yeah, all right. Well, that's all I have for us today, but thank you guys for listening in. If you guys find anything throughout the week that's an interesting story, something you find funny, or something that you wanna, you know, rant and rave about, we're happy to chat about it. So send it to us. Just share it with us on Instagram at Life and Mastered Podcast, or you can email it to us at lifeandmasteredpodcastatgmailcom. But until next week, bye.

Speaker 2:

Bye разные.

How Old Am I Again?
This or That
It's Hard to be a Kings fan
Controversial Priest and Overzealous Tipping
The Impact of AI on Society