Life Unmastered

I Do... Regret That Decision: Wedding Day Fails

February 13, 2024 Season 2 Episode 5
I Do... Regret That Decision: Wedding Day Fails
Life Unmastered
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Life Unmastered
I Do... Regret That Decision: Wedding Day Fails
Feb 13, 2024 Season 2 Episode 5

As we gear up for our nine-year wedding anniversary, laughter and nostalgia take center stage.  And in this week's episode, we're taking a trip down memory lane where we share our favorite memories from our wedding day as well as the moments we wish we could do-over. 

From our 'first look'  to family brunch the morning after - we're discussing it all! The freak-out before walking down the aisle, Mike's comment made about Shawna's dress that solidified her regrets, uncoordinated communion, surprise photo booths, awkward reception entrances, and so much more!

We promise to have you laughing (and cringing) right along with us. This is one you won't want to miss! 

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As we gear up for our nine-year wedding anniversary, laughter and nostalgia take center stage.  And in this week's episode, we're taking a trip down memory lane where we share our favorite memories from our wedding day as well as the moments we wish we could do-over. 

From our 'first look'  to family brunch the morning after - we're discussing it all! The freak-out before walking down the aisle, Mike's comment made about Shawna's dress that solidified her regrets, uncoordinated communion, surprise photo booths, awkward reception entrances, and so much more!

We promise to have you laughing (and cringing) right along with us. This is one you won't want to miss! 

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Speaker 1:

Hello everybody and welcome back to Life Unmastered. For those of you who tuned in last week, you know that we were talking about all things wedding planning. Our anniversary is tomorrow. Yep, we're nine years married, eleven together. We're almost to that ten years married, which is wild.

Speaker 2:

Is that a wife thing? I've noticed when my mom talks about how long my parents have been together, she always says this long married, this long together. I don't think about that, I just think about married.

Speaker 1:

I don't know. Maybe I would say it's probably. I mean, obviously it's not something you're thinking about.

Speaker 2:

I don't do other guys, that doesn't come up.

Speaker 1:

I think that maybe for us it's probably not as important because we're only together for two years before getting married. We have friends that were together for seven years before getting married, and then that would be worth mentioning.

Speaker 2:

That makes sense, yep.

Speaker 1:

But it's just like kind of habit, I guess.

Speaker 2:

Curiosity got the best of me.

Speaker 1:

So we had big plans to have a date day today at one of our favorite brunch places that does a buffet and typical because we had plans Jay Scott sick, so he had a fever and it has not gone away. So we canceled our plans and we almost decided to just get wingstopped. But we made the smart decision to hold off and we're going to do our very best to reschedule.

Speaker 2:

We get to live the dream that we will have a date night.

Speaker 1:

We're doing it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we're going to live the dream that we're doing it whether it actually happens or not.

Speaker 1:

It's going to happen. Stop that.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Brunch date, I'm determined. So, anyways, we're just hoping he's better before Valentine's Day. We've got big Valentine's Day parties and lots of fun things planned and we're hoping that Carter doesn't get it and everyone. You know the drill it's just going to go through the whole family. But we're we're praying that doesn't happen. So, moving on, we have lots to go over today. Like I said, last week we did all of the wedding prep and this week we are diving into the wedding day. So we're going to be talking about, you know, everything that went right, everything that you know went wrong or that I would have done differently, and you know, let's see. Do you think anyone went out and found the wedding video?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I know a couple of people did, for sure.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, did you rewatch it.

Speaker 2:

I watched it actually.

Speaker 1:

Prior to recording last week.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I watched it in December because we were talking about it at like New Year's with our neighbors or something, so I went and rewatched it and it's cringy, it's hard.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so if you guys are still wanting to look at that, you'll be able to get a little bit of behind the scenes. Yeah, so we're going to be talking about that next week. On what we're talking about today, so we're not going to give you any details on how to find that other than you know.

Speaker 2:

If you find it, good luck to you, I'm pretty sure it's pretty easy for anybody that's used a computer in the last 20 years to find that's true.

Speaker 1:

So, diving right in, I would say, the first real part of the day on the wedding day, after all of the getting ready and everything, was the first look. So you and I went back and forth in that you really wanted to not see me until I walked down the aisle, but I was able to convince you to do the first look to try and get a big portion of the photos out of the way.

Speaker 2:

Now than one of those words slipped in there, you were able to convince me. I mean by telling me, no, we discussed this, hey now.

Speaker 1:

So anyway, this allowed us to take the majority of our photos prior to the start of the wedding, which I highly recommend. I do remember this sales because, yes, it takes up so much of your time, and we didn't have to lose as much time of the reception. We lost the portion of the cocktail hour which you were bummed about and you got the tail end of it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I got to run away pretty quick. Yes, you got to join.

Speaker 1:

I had to go down and like bustle my dress and all that stuff. So I also decided to do a first look with my dad and my stepdad because you know, I wanted those moments too, the whole experience.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I will say my first bit of advice to anybody planning a wedding who wants to do this too do your first look with your groom first. Then, if you're gonna do a first look with your dad, do it, after there's so much anticipation building for the day. There's lots of emotions, you're excited about the day. Like I said, the first look is like the first real part of your wedding day starting. And I don't want to say wasted that's a poor choice in words but I felt like I used my excitement and emotions and all that on my dad Cause as soon as I saw him, it was like this is real, this is happening, we're getting married and I got. I just started crying and stuff with my dad and then by the time that you and I did it, I had already done two other first looks, and so by that point I was just like all right, here's another one, let's just get it done.

Speaker 2:

I don't know if that's because it was your third first look at that point. To me it makes sense Like we only had so much history. Your dad's raised you, so there's a lot longer time period building up to that moment with him, so that might have something to do with it.

Speaker 1:

I've never thought about it that way, but you're still like. I'm marrying the love of my life, the person I'm choosing to spend the rest of my life with, and that's a big deal.

Speaker 1:

I think that there's other things that went into it too. You and I had our photographers right there taking pictures. I think that if I were to do it again, I would have had them as far away as possible to give us a little bit more intimacy and allow us they were close they were, and like any conversation we were having, I heard like click, click, click, click, click Right, and so I felt I could kind of felt funny like saying things or like having those conversations that made it a little bit awkward.

Speaker 1:

But also, but they did that thing where I walk up behind you and tap you on the shoulder and then you turn around and they get all the pictures right. Surprise. You didn't know I was gonna be here, did you yeah?

Speaker 2:

I knew.

Speaker 1:

So, anyway, you turn around and your eyes go directly to my chest and the first words out of your mouth are wow, your boobs look huge. They did, they did. And I just kind of like laughed and it was, it was what it was, and we moved on. But I had had all these insecurities about the dress and all that did was confirm them. So we'll kind of like back up a little bit. I hated my dress. I still do. Every time I look at it, every time I look at any wedding pictures, what is the first thing out of my mouth?

Speaker 2:

Yeah that you hated the dress I hated my dress. Like we don't have wedding pictures because you hated that dress.

Speaker 1:

That's probably why I have not printed any of them.

Speaker 2:

We never did and because every time we'd bring it up you would say I hate that dress, I don't wanna see it.

Speaker 1:

I do. So I would say that was my biggest regret of the wedding was my dress.

Speaker 2:

So why?

Speaker 1:

So we talked about this last week. We worked on a very short timeline and we worked on a tight budget and I'm also cheap, I mean.

Speaker 2:

I wouldn't Accurate Now you said it. Yeah, I'm like.

Speaker 1:

I knew in my head I'm only gonna wear this once and so spending. I had found dresses that I liked much better. I actually picked out a dress and purchased it.

Speaker 2:

You changed it yeah.

Speaker 1:

And then went and changed it and I just was like, okay, obviously this is gonna be more expensive than anything else that I would buy because it's a wedding dress, but I'm still not gonna spend a large part of our budget on this because I'm only gonna wear it for a few hours. And I wish I would have had a different mindset going into that, because, yes, it's only a few hours for the day of, but those pictures live on forever, those pictures that we haven't printed because I hated my dress so much.

Speaker 2:

They have not lived on forever. They never existed.

Speaker 1:

So, yeah, I just didn't like it and because of our short timeframe we didn't have all that time to do alterations and everything was sped up and I let the seamstress talk me into sewing a bra into the dress, which I've been to homecomings and winter formals and proms before wearing similar type dresses, and I've never done that.

Speaker 1:

But I was like, well, she does this for a living, she knows what she's doing, I should do it. And my mom was like are you sure? And I was like, yeah, she knows, like let's just do it. And so I did. I only had time to go in for the initial alterations and then the follow-up ones and by the time I got my final dress back was the day two days before the wedding, so we didn't have time to do any additional alterations and I felt bad letting her know that I didn't like it and I convinced myself that it'll be better on the day of when I have hair and makeup done and I can have like the back of it like tightened a little bit and that's so unlike me to not say anything.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that is weird.

Speaker 1:

But I was just, I don't know, I think that just the stress of the wedding. I still had so much to do and I just wanted to be done.

Speaker 2:

I took it off the list.

Speaker 1:

Something off the list. So I moved forward with that and that was just. I should have had her take it out or do something. So anyway, then the day of it's on and I'm looking in the mirror and I'm like I don't like it. All I could see is it just went from like boob to like full on dress and I was like one of those A-line dresses, right, that poofs out at the waist. There was no, there was no way. It just like it was full on hourglass. But it just went like from not really hourglass, it just like went two triangles like point to point, and I just like I did not like it. So, anyways, you turned around and I was like, oh okay, I'm not making this up, it's not just in my head it's real.

Speaker 2:

Maybe that's why your experience with our first look wasn't as emotional. We might have figured out why. Maybe, your husband is not bright.

Speaker 1:

That's just. You know it was a stressful, you know exciting time and you just said what came to your mind. Nobody can blame you for that. It's just and, to be fair, you still do that.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Whatever pops in that head, it's coming out.

Speaker 2:

Sometimes it has to.

Speaker 1:

So anyway, after the first look the day just kind of like torpedoed as far as like.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we might as well be done now, because I don't remember anything else. Basically, right. It went so fast If you asked me to give you a timeline of that day. Now I couldn't. Like we did, first look, then we ate. Somebody got yelled at on a dance floor and then we went home.

Speaker 1:

All right, guys, we'll see you next week. So after that we went right into photos. Like I said, we did all of the.

Speaker 2:

The big group photos.

Speaker 1:

The wedding party and we did the family too, which was great because we had, like a good Jillian family members so many of you. I will say, even though we created these like picture lists, that went to like the bottom of my list and I just threw a few together and sent them over and was like, all right, I trust you, you do this for a living to our photographer, like, make it happen. And it's just there's a few big photos, like we don't have a single photo of our entire wedding party.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

That I just was like you know, whatever, I didn't get pictures printed anyway. So you know, just like little things like you should actually really pay attention and put the time into creating a photo list Things you think won't matter as much or you won't care about.

Speaker 2:

you probably will.

Speaker 1:

Right, and I wish that you and I would have done more with just you and I, but we ended up doing some additional photos after the ceremony, where the sun was going down, but that, by that point you were done.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

You don't like photos as it is. So you and I we just discussed we've been together for 11 years now and in that time we've gotten married and we've had two children. We have zero newborn photos. We have zero family photos.

Speaker 2:

When you say that, what you mean is you have zero photos that you paid somebody else to take. We literally have four Apple phones worth of photos of newborn babies, us sitting together, us on hikes, all sorts of things. Just cause we didn't pay somebody $3,000 to take them doesn't mean they don't exist.

Speaker 1:

No maternity photos.

Speaker 2:

Again, lots of pictures of you when you were pregnant.

Speaker 1:

Our children are six and five. No family photos.

Speaker 2:

Correct, but they're six and five, so like them, being here is proof that they were born. I'm just saying, these days pass so quickly and literally we have all of these photos on the internet and that on your phone that you cycle through constantly, that pop up on memories like again, just cause we didn't pay somebody a lot of money to take them doesn't mean we don't have them.

Speaker 1:

Every other woman who's listening to this will know what I mean. Yeah, and every other man in the car is fist bumping and like no, iphone photos are not the same as professional photos, so I think I've been asking for these for how many Christmases, on birthdays, and then the time comes, and then we're just like uh, we will take them as soon as we go shooting.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, okay, just to fill everybody in on this. 11 years ago, michael and I first started dating. He promised me he was gonna take me shooting cause I've never shot a gun. I still have never shot a gun.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

So we take Michael's promises with a grain of salt over here. Anyway, so.

Speaker 2:

It's become like my will see. You know, when you would ask your parents if you could do something, they'd say we'll see, and you knew that meant no, yeah, when we go shooting, yeah yeah, thanks, anyway, so for photos, you were just over it and then, with you being over it, my feet were killing me and my heels.

Speaker 1:

So then I was over it and I'm just like all right, let's, this is great, we've got enough, let's go.

Speaker 2:

It works out, though, because, like you said, we don't have any of them. That's true. That's true. Why waste the time?

Speaker 1:

We're gonna print them anyways. So then we like moved into the ceremony. You kind of went your separate way with the guys. I went my separate way with my dad and as we were getting ready to line up to go out, you guys came from a completely different direction. And I'm standing with my dad and, like for anybody who knows me really well, I'm not an emotional person. I get uncomfortable when other people cry or confide in me on with like in something super deep and serious. Don't say it.

Speaker 2:

Shana has an impulse in awkward not even socially awkward situations. If a situation is very serious, Shana will laugh. She gets nervous, giggles or laughing and it is not appropriate and it happens anytime she's in that situation.

Speaker 1:

Yes, I'm not gonna.

Speaker 2:

We don't need to go into detail, but basically that's what happens.

Speaker 1:

I just get uncomfortable and I don't know how to respond and I don't wanna respond incorrectly, so I just start laughing.

Speaker 2:

So you respond horribly.

Speaker 1:

I cannot be the only one who does this.

Speaker 2:

You weren't. You weren't, but it's funny to watch.

Speaker 1:

Yes, so anyways.

Speaker 1:

So you're about to walk down the aisle, we're about to walk down the aisle and I just start panicking and I'm telling my dad I'm like everyone is gonna be looking at me. And he kinda looks at me like I'm crazy, like what did you expect? But I'm like not even worried that we're about to get married. I'm not worried about anything else except for that. People are gonna be looking at me and I don't know if I'm ready for this. And he's like you're gonna be okay. And I'm like hyperventilating, I'm like okay, okay, I don't, let's just go. And I think I sped walk down the aisle.

Speaker 2:

I believe it. It seemed pretty quick.

Speaker 1:

I feel like he was doing a good job of trying like to pace me.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, trying to enjoy the moment. I've been a groomsman in multiple weddings and I've seen it happen to everybody Like I have not been a part of a wedding that I didn't see somebody, either in the party or the groom or whatever just instantly start panicking at that moment. So it was pretty. I totally understand what you're saying. I've seen some stuff.

Speaker 1:

Like. So, anyway, we made it through you and I got to the front. We did our vows, which we wrote our own. Yours were so much better, which I was not surprised by that at all.

Speaker 2:

I'm a poet at heart.

Speaker 1:

You're a poet and you know it.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Yeah, you did. I think we've talked about this before, but we did a few other best men speeches and they were I have a way with words. You do.

Speaker 2:

There has to be something that I used to trick you into marrying me, cause it wasn't the traffic.

Speaker 1:

So those were good. I wish we would have saved them. I thought we did. You wrote them on these little like five by five. I'm really surprised.

Speaker 2:

They're somewhere. They are somewhere. I have no idea where, but We've thrown, we've moved Well with two moves and yeah.

Speaker 1:

We've moved so much and we've just thrown stuff away cause we're tired of moving boxes, so I don't know where they are, but I wish we would have saved them. They were so sweet and perfect.

Speaker 2:

I could have sworn that I gave them to my uncle and I would have moved, kept them.

Speaker 1:

Maybe he still has them, maybe. So anyway, after Vows we did our little communion and prayer thing which, when I think back on it, I'm like you know there's a lot going on during the rehearsal. We probably should have done a more thorough run through of the day.

Speaker 2:

I will suggest to anybody pay attention to this part, because just do a once through, watch a YouTube video of someone else doing it correctly. Do not get up there and try to figure it out on the go.

Speaker 1:

So we did this like thing right, where you you can do so many different things where you like light two candles, basically just representing that two are coming together as one. You and I did sand.

Speaker 2:

Because we thought that would be easy.

Speaker 1:

And it was fine. You were a little confused on what to do. I probably just didn't explain it well enough to you.

Speaker 2:

We also didn't have the same speed. Right, that was the biggest problem was we didn't do it beforehand, so you were a fast pour, I was a slow pour. So basically you're on the bottom and I'm on the top.

Speaker 1:

Yes, so I think at the end I like dumped this like little tiny pinch at the top, so some of the color would be on top.

Speaker 2:

And that is in the video.

Speaker 1:

So also, after that you do communion and then we're supposed to pray together. Oh, michael's like, nah, I'm not doing that, I'm gonna pray about myself. I didn't know again, nobody told me, so I'm standing there like waiting for you to start praying with me.

Speaker 2:

And I just prayed quietly to himself.

Speaker 1:

And I'm standing there like because, since he's praying quietly to himself, I have no idea when he's done, and I'm like trying to peek my eyes open Like, hey, give me.

Speaker 2:

I'm telling you this is something you won't think about, but you should do a, you should do a run through.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Just do a run through of these events because they live on film forever and everyone in the audience notices.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And knew and was laughing.

Speaker 1:

Because it's all eyes on you. You know, bride and groom, everybody that's. They're only there to be watching you, and so I'm just, like you know, trying to like elbow him or something. They just hey give me.

Speaker 2:

First the sand, then the prayer, they're all. I give them a week. They're so out of sync, so anyway, but I will say part of the reason I was probably so distracted and not paid attention to these silly ceremonies was you allowed me to do something at the end of the ceremony. My favorite part of the ceremony was we had a very obnoxiously not obnoxiously, but you let me sprinkle in King's themes all throughout the wedding.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

One of them was when we got announced as Mr and Mrs Vandell. At the end of the ceremony you allowed me to have the King's go horn go off.

Speaker 1:

Yes. Which was my favorite part of the wedding which, when I look back on it, everyone was so loud clapping and cheering I don't remember hearing it.

Speaker 2:

Oh, I heard it, did you? I was waiting for it, like don't mess it up, don't mess it up, don't.

Speaker 1:

I feel like you're looking around like did everybody else hear it? I was. You see what I did. Was that funny? Did you like it? We didn't tell anyone. No, oh yeah, so that was fun.

Speaker 2:

That was good.

Speaker 1:

Thank you, you're welcome we had a lot of King's things thrown in at the reception we had, we confused everybody.

Speaker 2:

This was also a surprise, something revolving around the King's is. You allowed me to number our tables with King's Jersey numbers, and so they were completely out of order. So people were trying to find their tables and they're on table 22. What?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And like, oh, I'm table four, like, right next to each other Like yeah, and we didn't even put them in order.

Speaker 1:

Nope, we just we had.

Speaker 2:

They were scattered throughout.

Speaker 1:

They were, and so everyone was like I don't even know where I'm going.

Speaker 2:

That's what they get for laughing at us.

Speaker 1:

So that was fun, and then we also had our logo on the dance floor.

Speaker 2:

Was the emblem of the Kings. It was our initials, but in like the King's emblem.

Speaker 1:

Correct, which became like our logo because it had like the S and the M, and then our wedding date, which was fun. So when we entered into the reception we had discussed ahead of time with our bridal party that they would pair up and do their own little dance move as they went on to the dance floor.

Speaker 2:

Keep it fun.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, keep it fun, light fun. Come up with something super quick, doesn't need to be anything crazy. And then the DJ announced your names and you guys go sit down. We had Everyone is happy we had they're actually called King tables. They were just like these long tables for the wedding party and they got to sit with their spouses or their you know boyfriend, whatever their significant other.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. Is that the appropriate term now? Yeah.

Speaker 1:

So they got to sit with them and that was fine. Everything went fine, they all did a great job, and then, for some reason, you and I didn't even consider putting anything together.

Speaker 2:

Or even the whole situation went bad real quick. We were so focused on everybody else and making sure that that went well that by time it came to our chant, our grand entrance and everything else, and I think where we were supposed to turn there were lights or something in the way, so we couldn't turn down that like for the main entrance for us. So we were confused on where we were supposed to turn. Then we also didn't have any choreographed situation.

Speaker 1:

So you're right, there was ended up being something there and then, because somebody thought we were supposed to be walking in somewhere else, somebody like the DJs had put their coffee down or something on the floor. So we go to walk out and we have to wait for them to pick up their stuff off the floor. And then I had that same feeling go through me. That happened before the ceremony, where everyone was going to be looking at me happen as I walk into the reception. So I just bolted.

Speaker 2:

It totally left me Like this is my least favorite part of the wedding and I will like skip past it when I watch the video, because you can clearly see me trying to like salvage the thing and make okay, I'll walk slow, we'll just say hi, it'll be fine and you're gone. So you, it looks like we just had our first fight in front of everyone.

Speaker 1:

You can see in the video Mike's hand go out.

Speaker 2:

Like where are you going? It just left me and I, what do I do? I can't increase my stride, so I just like walk slowly across the floor and there it is.

Speaker 1:

Okay, we need to take a pause. Okay, I'm not going to lie. This is very hard to record because I just keep falling into these little giggle fits and after so many years it's still just as funny every time we talk about it.

Speaker 2:

It cringed just as much.

Speaker 1:

But you literally had your hand out and you can see it in the video and it's like you were trying to like hold on to me. I was just like I took off and so your hand kind of went into this like Vanna white, like this way, like there she goes. Oh my gosh, it's so embarrassing. Okay, I don't know if I'm going to be able to recover from this. So, anyway, we sit down and we go straight into like timeline, all the things that we got to get done.

Speaker 2:

The impressive part of the wedding, I will say, is how everybody kept us on track there. I was very impressed with I don't know what's supposed to happen and they say it's gonna be super fast, so make sure you eat, and everything else I was just focused on. We gotta eat, we gotta eat.

Speaker 1:

Right. So people had warned you that a lot of times the groom and the bride forget to eat cause there's so much going on, and so you had it in your brain that we were gonna eat. So multiple people came up to us to talk to us, and Mike shut them down.

Speaker 2:

Stiff arms straight to the chest.

Speaker 1:

He was like not right now we're not talking to anybody right now. She needs to eat and I was like okay.

Speaker 2:

I love you Taking the role a little serious.

Speaker 1:

Tone it down a little bit here. So then we go straight into, like, as they're serving the meals, they're doing the toasts, and before they started that, our DJ comes out like to warm everybody up, like rally everybody, and then he comes over and is telling kind of people what to expect for the night and he starts talking about the photo booth. Now, the photo booth is something I really wanted and it just did not fit. I decided to do other things that were more important to me budget wise, and we had two weeks prior to our wedding. We went to my cousin's wedding and they had this photo booth there.

Speaker 1:

That was freaking cool. It was all live. The guy had a TV up, so as soon as you took the photos, the photos showed up on the TV and then you could find the digital copies on his website immediately and then download the ones that you wanted or whatever. And he had all these props and everything was black and white and he, like auto, had like this filter on it, so everybody looked perfect. They were just really fun and- they were amazing photos.

Speaker 1:

They were, and they were just really good. And I was like trying to figure out how to do it. We did talk to him and he had an unavailability the day of our wedding. But I was just like we can't, this is too much, we would go way over our budget, so I decided not to. So then we had had all this talk I don't remember actually talking to the DJ about it and so he started telling our entire wedding, all the guests and everybody, that we've got a photo booth. And I start panicking Cause I'm like everybody loves a photo booth and now we've got to spread the word that there's not actually a photo booth. And so I'm like, and you knew about?

Speaker 2:

it right. Yes, I did know.

Speaker 1:

So then he comes up with props or something like that and puts them on and tells us to take a photo and I'm just like, okay, and I've got, we've got this awkward photo of us.

Speaker 2:

I'm having to try to quietly play damage control of yes, there really is a photo booth that's over there, Like this is happening, and you still didn't even believe me. You're like no, we didn't do it.

Speaker 1:

I could not see it from where we were, and so, anyways, you eventually like lean over and tell me what's going on and that you know my parents graciously like paid for that for us which was such a fun surprise. But yeah, you can definitely see in the photos my hesitation and worry from that. But that ended up being so much fun and it was like. I feel like everybody remembered that more than anything from the wedding, even my awkward entrance.

Speaker 2:

Oh, there's some doozies from the wedding that people still talk about.

Speaker 1:

So anyways, like I said, we ate dinner, we move on. It's like boom, boom, boom. We decided to have everything kind of ticked off so that by the time we finished all of our quote unquote chores for the day, we could just enjoy dancing and do the rest of the thing. So then we had cake and I think people were just so there's a big line for the photo booth. People were. We had an open bar and people were just kind of doing stuff. I don't remember anybody being around for the cake cutting, do you?

Speaker 2:

Yes, oh, okay, that's one of those things that the DJ announced and then. So whoever was going to be involved or wanted to be involved was Okay. I mean, there were definitely other people doing their own thing, but there was a group of people.

Speaker 1:

So typically when you do a cake cutting right, you've got, you cut it together, you get those photos right and then you feed each other cake and we had agreed we're not shoving cake in each other's faces?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, not worth it.

Speaker 1:

Well, I don't know what happened, but we just decided we weren't gonna do any of that.

Speaker 2:

I don't think this was decided, so we like, go over the things beforehand, do not think you will just be on the same page.

Speaker 1:

I truly didn't even realize that this happened until we were looking back at the photos. But we cut it together and then we got our pieces on the plate and we just like ate our own cake with our own forks. We're just like gosh, we could not have been.

Speaker 2:

Are you surprised, though, when you think about me and how much I refuse to share food with anybody? Are you surprised that I ate my own cake?

Speaker 1:

No, my mom got you that magnet that's still on our fridge. There is no we in food. Mike hates sharing food. He'll share food with the kids, though Still won't share it with me, but we so anyways. Yeah, we just ate our own cake off our own plates with our own forks and we're like all right, let's get back to business and we like, Check that off the list.

Speaker 2:

And just on the next, thing.

Speaker 1:

So then we had our father daughter dance, which I did two of those, one with my dad and the one with my stepdad, and then you had the dance with your mom. Did we do our first dance first, or did we do those dances first?

Speaker 1:

We probably did our first dance first, but as we're on the dance floor, I was just like I'm going to use this time. This is time that you and I have by ourselves, for the first time since we had our first look, which even our first look was not by ourselves, and even though we're in a room full of people, like we can talk and people aren't gonna be, you know hearing us, and so I'm like, hey, let's recap this day. So far, so much happened. Can't believe we're married. How about that, go horn?

Speaker 2:

Which is not what I envisioned for that time Again go over.

Speaker 1:

Have these conversations.

Speaker 2:

So in my mind, to reflect on the evening, we should be reflective and thinking about what a wonderful moment. This is not trying to talk about all the other moments we just had.

Speaker 1:

So, just like our communion, michael wanted to dance in quiet, just like he wanted to pray in quiet. So I'm literally having a one sided conversation with him, because he's like trying to get me to shut up and I'm not catching on at all. And so there's a part in the song.

Speaker 2:

That we dance to. There's a part in the song where the guy says something along the lines of I wanna make the moment last, yes. And so you asked me what's wrong, why aren't you talking?

Speaker 1:

And my response was I'm trying to make the moment last. I feel like I did that perfectly and I was like, okay, fine.

Speaker 2:

That is when you got yelled at on the dance floor Not like not really yelled at, but you know how women say they were.

Speaker 1:

I got scolded on the dance floor.

Speaker 2:

That's fair. I'll accept scolded.

Speaker 1:

And it took, you know. I would say that's probably my proudest moment as a wife of just letting it go.

Speaker 2:

That's it.

Speaker 1:

Because since then I don't think I could let something like that go back. What is it gonna be? Pick a fight on the dance floor?

Speaker 2:

You sure. Let me go, let me stand on the dance floor by myself. Look at you.

Speaker 1:

That was an accident.

Speaker 2:

So, anyways, go over the situation beforehand, anything that involves you and the two of you, because you will not be on the same page. You were just getting married. You have not been together for 20 years to where you're on the same page on things.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and we proved that over and over and over throughout the day. And I would say that it's not necessary that you and I are not a couple. That's in sync. I think that there are so many details in a wedding and there's so much going on and we're being pulled all these different directions and we just kind of like something. We just kind of forget about.

Speaker 2:

Well, I think it's more of you obviously thought about this day a lot more than I did, like growing up and everything else, so you had this is the way this is supposed to go. This is the way I want this to go. So I wasn't involved in a lot of that or even understand what's supposed to happen at a wedding. So there's differences.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and I would say that, although lots of weddings have a traditional way of doing things, you can still do things however you want them. And so because of that, there tends to be, or there could be, and there was some confusion on how things were going. So, but I will say that after that, I feel like that was like our last.

Speaker 2:

Everything was great.

Speaker 1:

Everything was great after that.

Speaker 2:

Kings beat the capitals, life was good.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I mean everything's a good day when the kings went right. We did do a group photo, which I love that photo.

Speaker 2:

That is a cool photo. Yeah, on the dance floor with all the guests.

Speaker 1:

We did. We had everybody gather and you and I were at the front. We had everyone around us and that was really fun because you can look in and like, kind of see, people are like oh yeah, they were there. Or you know, you see like old girlfriends from people and you're like, oh glad they're not together anymore. I also don't have that one printed out, but if we did it'd be a fun photo to look at. I think I have it on Instagram or something.

Speaker 2:

I've seen it somewhere.

Speaker 1:

Do I? Did I print it out?

Speaker 2:

We have it somewhere cause I remember seeing, or it's.

Speaker 1:

You know, so I did print some photos in a wedding book. Oh, okay, remember that.

Speaker 2:

And then we closed the book and started away. Forever it's in the garage somewhere yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

So after that the night just kind of went on. Did had a lot of open bar, a lot of photo booth, a lot of dancing.

Speaker 2:

The open bar was funny to me cause we talked about budgeting and there was a moment in the wedding planning that we didn't talk about last week. But I definitely we left that situation and I was cracking up where I was convinced your parents were going to be just aghast who you were marrying into. The conversation was something along the lines of well, we should only have to put so much aside for open bar. I mean, what two drinks maybe people are gonna have?

Speaker 1:

What did you drink and?

Speaker 2:

my eyes went wide, like you don't know who your daughter is involved with Two drinks before the ceremony.

Speaker 1:

Yes, I remember you really held your tongue during that conversation.

Speaker 2:

I had to. That was their last chance to get you out.

Speaker 1:

But yeah, we decided to make our own decision on what was gonna go toward that and we still far exceeded what we had planned.

Speaker 2:

Yes, we did.

Speaker 1:

So after the wedding, we were the last ones, like one of the very last ones to leave. So, because I think of all of the DIY and saving tricks that we've put, in place. We had a lot of cleanup.

Speaker 2:

That had to happen afterwards because we didn't have like Vendors yeah the then you didn't clean up. We were responsible for the cleanup and we didn't have vendors doing it because we did everything Ourself. It reminds me very much of like of when my parents will describe a wedding it was very old-school of us. We're gonna take care of it and clean up, you know.

Speaker 1:

Had I yeah, looking back, I would have planned that better. I would have had Friends or paid a coordinator to do that. Cuz. Yeah, at the end of the day, we're on this high and then all of a sudden, we're just Exhausted because we're having to clean up our own wedding it. Yeah, I would have done it differently, yeah, but it was fine and again, we saved us a bunch of money. So it is what it is, but we were exhausted by the time that we got home and we we were hungry. So we're not home.

Speaker 2:

We went to, we stayed at a hotel yeah.

Speaker 1:

But we ended up walking across the street to get Taco about.

Speaker 2:

Jack in the box, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Um for the night of the wedding and then brought it upstairs because we tried to do Room service and it was closed, or?

Speaker 2:

something I was like. Well, jack in the box across street.

Speaker 1:

And and also too, I had forgotten. So I went to the venue like in my robe and whatever, and Forgot to bring any clothes with me. So I'm in my wedding dress in the car on the way home.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Walking into the like to Jack the box. I'm like, okay, this is, we need To play better. Like, oh, why didn't I think of that? So yeah, all those little things are just so many details it's impossible to think of all of them, but the next morning we had planned a brunch. Mm-hmm and I recommend everybody does that, because there's so much that happens during the whole wedding day that you don't even Know happened, because you can only be in one place at a time, right.

Speaker 1:

Yeah as the bride and groom were being pulled around to all these different places and there's a good Jillian things happening around us, and so we got to get together with. Did we have our bridal party there? I don't think we did. I think it was just our family, right? Maybe we did, I can't remember.

Speaker 1:

No, it was just family, I'm pretty sure so we had all of our family come out, went to lazy dog and we just like had a big meal where we all just kind of like recapped the day before and told like the funny things that happened and it was just so fun to it felt like the day didn't just end and was over and was done.

Speaker 2:

My, my parents lived out of town and so there's a lot of stuff that we were able to do or recap or actually get to spend time with people instead of here's your five minutes, because I have 200 other people I need to go spend five minutes with yes, exactly.

Speaker 1:

So that was really fun. It was kind of a way to kind of like continue on the day, which I loved because I feel like it would have been hard to be like cold turkey move on back to life because we didn't do a honeymoon we did not do a honeymoon and we still haven't done anything we still have not done, which is why let's bring it back full circle.

Speaker 2:

I'm doubting that brunch coming up for the anniversary Touche. So just kind of bring it all back.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, if you can make a honeymoon happen, because, again, we were trying not to have to pay for anything afterwards, and that included the honeymoon, so we decided not to do it. Like, oh, we'll do it for a one-year anniversary. And now here we are, nine later, still haven't done it. So do the honeymoon, do the brunch, do the videographer that's like my three like do it, oh, and spend the money for the dress so you can print your pictures. So, yeah, I think that takes us all the way through our day and it's kind of fun. It's it. Honestly, when we talk about it like this, it doesn't feel like it was nine years ago in a way. That doesn't the way it doesn't it.

Speaker 2:

I. The stuff we're talking about is very fresh in my mind, so it does seem like it just happened yesterday when you stop to think about it. But I think it's that way with anything well, it was definitely a great day.

Speaker 1:

There was a lot of Things that I would have done differently, but it's totally still the best day ever.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, there's always next time.

Speaker 1:

Excuse me, are we gonna renew our vows next year for 10 years? No you heard it here first.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I won't pay somebody to take pictures of us.

Speaker 1:

I'm not gonna pay is this one of those we'll see moments?

Speaker 2:

when we go shooting.

Speaker 1:

All right, guys. Well, thanks for walking down memory lane with us both last week and this week. We hope that you all have the best Valentine's Day and that you just are able to spend some quality time with your loved ones, and we will talk to you all next week.

Speaker 2:


The First Look(s)
Wedding Dress Regrets
Wedding Memories and Funny Moments
Wedding Mishaps and Surprises
Wedding Reflections and Experiences