This Way Up

Episode 28 - Moreblessing Maturure

February 12, 2020 Rebecca Rowntree Season 1 Episode 28

I had the pleasure of interviewing Moreblessing in downtown Melbourne, Australia earlier this year. Moreblessing is an actor, activists and writer.

I first came across Moreblessing through her amazing TED talk which I'll put a link to in the show notes. If you've got a set second, I really encourage you to take a listen.

Moreblessing is an immigrant from Zimbabwe who came to Sydney when she was just eight years old. We talked about how that has influenced her writing and acting but also how she is trying through her activism to shape the theatre space within Australia, no mean feat to say the least. You can tell that from the very second we started this interview we got on like a house on fire, exploring some pretty deep topics from the way Australia is currently behaving towards black origin immigrants 

To how permanently white theatre is and how we don't need to agree with and that we've got a choice.

Finally, we talk about her creative process and the things that have influenced her from not only the inspiration behind her plays and also within her acting itself. This is a very wide-ranging conversation and we go all over the place but it's a fascinating ride and I hope you enjoy it.

Photo credits: Kristina Yenko
Moreblessing's Ted Talk: