This Way Up

Episode 29 – Gemma O'Brien

February 26, 2020 Rebecca Rowntree Season 1 Episode 29

“I think there was definitely a negative aspect (to my ambition) that I think is still happening now where there's the ambition but when you take something so seriously, then if something doesn't got right or if you miss a deadline, and then there’s the stress and the anxiety that comes with that. And I think that's something that I've always struggled with.” Gemma O’Brien

This time I talk to the super talented Gemma O’Brien @mrseaves101. Gemma is a world renowned artist based in Australia known for her beautiful hand-lettered murals, illustration and typography. She has created work for clients like QANTAS, The New York Times, Smirnoff, Kirin and a lot more brands too.


I got the pleasure to interview Gemma in her amazing studio in Sydney and go to really find out how she became a world-famous artist. As usual we chart her career - from the moment she went viral with her artwork whilst still studying at university, to being commissioned by famous brands.


What was very interesting to me was the fact that Gemma talks so openly about her ambition and how sometimes it can take away from really enjoying the process of it all. You know that dilemma between wanted to push yourself forward but also wanting to enjoy the now. 


So have a listen to hear about her fascinating story as I can assure you there is a lot to learn!