West Ada School District Podcast
The West Ada School District podcast is about informing and empowering families. Co-hosts Katie Rhodenbaugh and Ken Hyde will bring you guests and topics that will allow you to build trust with your kids and the passionate teachers that have a heart for educating them. At our core, we’re about preparing today's students for tomorrow’s challenges. Our first full episode will drop August 9, 2023. Stay tuned!
West Ada School District Podcast
“Cutting Through the Noise” with Bri Eggers
With the holiday season upon us, how do you juggle it all? Bri Eggers is a parent and someone who knows a thing or two about navigating obligations both at work and home. The former KTVB meteorologist joins Katie and Ken for a wide-ranging conversation.
Bri left Channel 7 last spring. She talks about the joys of being a mom, and her passion for introducing kids to science in classrooms across the Treasure Valley. You’ll also want to hear her perspective on cutting through the noise of social media – both as a TV personality and a mother.
To hear from one of West Ada’s leading experts on social media, watch or listen to this past episode of the podcast…
If you’d like to learn more about the Parent Learning Community Event happening on December 11, click here…
Parent Learning Community (PLC) | West Ada School District
For information on the fundraiser…
West Ada Fundraiser – West Ada Schools Activities Fundraiser
We want to hear from you. What topics are you most interested in, and which guests would you like to hear from? Send us an email at communicate@westada.org.
To learn more, or for past episodes...
Podcast | West Ada School District