She Show Videos: After Dark
SEX. That's our content. Not the act of sex or even the visual of sex, just the idea of sex. Apparently, that is enough to make people uncomfortable. But why tho? A recent study showed that nearly 97% of adults have engaged in sex, and I know without confirmation that everyone is thinking about it... so what's the issue? Why is the notion of sex still so taboo- it's 2025 folks. Let's talk about it!
As two self-proclaimed vanilla-bean women navigating life as best friends and future lovers, we are on a joint mission to 'Normalize Sex Talk' and learn about all the things. Sexuality, kinks, fetishes, intimacy, pornography, unique sexual lifestyles... nothing is off limits! We are seeking guests who will share their experiences and educate us on the ins and outs (get it?) of all things sex. Hit us up!
PS- you can find and interact with us on all the socials!! https://linktr.ee/sheshowvideos
She Show Videos: After Dark
Dos Pilot: A Reintroduction
She Show Videos: After Dark is BACK and better than before!!
Thanks for patiently waiting on us to get our shiz together!! We invested in some new equipment and new software to better serve you- the people!!
In this Dos Pilot episode, we are reintroducing ourselves to the podcast world! Meet your hosts, Britany & Elizabeth, and get a taste of our style... informal and informative-ish. We are still chatting sex and thangs on this show, so join the conversation! Our interest is pure and our curiosity is peaked! Nothing but open minds, open communication, and open hearts from the host position on this show. We like to drink, vacation, and laugh- together. Always together.
*After 4+ years of pedaling our wares on other social platforms and battling against censorship, demonetization, and limited viewership on account of our content... we have finally jumped into the wide world of podcasting! Thank you for having us.
If you want to be a guest on our show, have topic suggestions, or just want to connect... email us at sheshowvideos@gmail.com.
Find and interact with us on all the socials!! https://linktr.ee/sheshowvideos.
Check out our Amazon Collection: https://www.amazon.com/shop/she_show_videos?ref_=cm_sw_r_cp_ud_aipsfshop_aipsfshe_show_videos_69ZP93PKYF2E434ZKRWV
Thanks for listening,
xoxo Britany & Elizabeth (B&E)