ChristiTutionalist (TM) Politics

ChristiTutionalist Politics (S1E22) "Grey Areas"

Joseph M. Lenard Season 1 Episode 22

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ChristiTutionalist Politics (S1E22) "Grey Areas"
Topic "Whole lotta Grey Areas" piece! 
We all wish things could be and were Black/White, Right/Wrong, Good/Evil, but reality is there are a whole lotta Grey area that do not so conveniently fit into the "definitive" this or that buckets. We shall examine that. Things do not always conveniently allow for a drive-by, pot-shot, clear and clean, limited Twitter attention span and space limitations!
Plus discussion with Rick Walker of Maverick News (Canada) on "Grey Areas" (The word itself, in the Law, Bill Clinton "what 'is' is," Yelling fire in a crowded Theater (Fraud in inducement, and incitement, NOT SPEECH), Canadian interference of/with/in Free Markets, and other US-Politics (from a Canadian perspective) as like a Lawyer in Court I ask him leading questions an opposing Attorney would Object to! LOL 

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[ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast begin Show intro]

Welcome to ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast. CTP in association with savage and filtered podcast The Liberty beacon calm and I am your host Joseph M Lenard and that's L E N A R D   CTP is your no must no fuss just me you And occasional gas type podcast as Graham Norton would say let's get out of the show 

[ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast - Segment 1]

Welcome to Christstitutionalist politics season one episode 22. If you're watching on the YouTuber Rumble video channel, you'll see I have a guest. It is Rick Walker and we'll get to him in a second. And why he's here. But today is one of those odd episodes. I normally if I have a guest record a segment that they would be segment two following a lead in. Well today we're just going raw with Rick the whole episode. So this is going to be a little different kind of episode and the topic of the Liberty Beacon dot com piece. Gray area or gray areas. Part one there will be a part two. This is planned to drop around November 18. So without further ado, let me just introduce Rick Walker and have him explain who he is. Oh, a cannuck. Back to back canneks. It's going to be. I thought I'd get some Canadian perspective in the show. 

[ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast - Segment 2]

Joseph M Lenard:    So please welcome Rick Walker. Tell us a little bit
 about yourself in your show. Well, thank you for having me on your programs. And I just if it's an honor. And yeah, I'm a connock. I'm Canadian. I used to work for CTV news in Canada for about 25 years. Left the mainstream media quite a long time ago, about 10 years ago, do some automotive journalism. But these days, my main focus is Maverick news, which is our online free speech free media oriented news platform. And we cover a lot of international news, US news and Canadian news, of course, because I'm right here in Canada. And the the Canadian news is always in one way or another,
Rick Walker (Maverick News, Canada):    connected directly back to the US of A, which is why I wanted to have you and free speech as far as YouTube Canada will let you be free speech, which is even more strict and censored than YouTube USA. That is true. Touchy in both places. Let me get your reaction to this. I'm going on that my note clear. Those on video could see it if you're listening on audio only, maybe you can hear the paper rustling. I'm gonna I go do scripted, but I do notes. So I could try to get things in. I want to read this specifically regarding gray area or gray areas. And we will do a few examples. But things are never usually pure black and white, right and wrong, and good and evil. And those who, of course, are evil, always want to play the gray area to pretend they're not evil, right? And whether it be this or anything else, there are often various different camps of people with varying own personal agendas wanting to muddy the waters for their own game. And we need to be smart enough to dig into the why the motivations someone is saying what as part of the determinations of whether genuine or even factual or spin and false narrative or lies. Your initial reaction to that.
Joseph M Lenard:    Yes. Can you elaborate a little? Yeah. So you want my reaction to what that there are gray areas and sometimes people who are evil exploit the ambiguity that comes from sort of dipping into the gray area
Rick Walker (Maverick News, Canada):    of things. Yes. Yes. They do that. Yeah, most definitely. Well, I'm going to start with an ad ball example right out the gate. Okay. All right. The word gray is a gray area in itself. If you're using Oxford English or American English, it can be spelled G R A Y or D R E Y, right? And spell checker like I'm holding a Microsoft document here. And as I was doing my article, I have my rough notes. It's not completely done yet. This recording may influence what lands up in the final draft. But dispel checkers and why I say in my book, how to write a book and get it published, hints, tips, and techniques. You need a professional editor because dispel and grammar checkers, no matter how sophisticated still aren't sophisticated enough to say like I take the Marion Webster write up on the difference gray gray A E. And therefore in the document, it's spelled both ways. And the AI isn't even smart enough to say there's a dichotomy here. There's a discrepancy. Do you really mean to spell it two different ways? So the word gray is a gray area in and of itself of language.
Joseph M Lenard:    Yes. I'm not exactly sure where we're going with this, Joseph. Yeah, are you trying to like lead us into some broader discussion and politics? Is that sort of the idea? Yeah, that's definitely
Rick Walker (Maverick News, Canada):    where we're going to go. That's just kind of my initial broad overall definition of a gray area
Joseph M Lenard:    can be in for sure. Because if you want to talk about gray areas, especially as it really well, it doesn't really matter what it relates to. If you're talking about politics, everything, you know, everything in life is a gray area. All perspectives are different. Everybody looks at the world in a slightly different way. That's why I as a conservative, you know, I believe in individual rights and freedoms. I believe that every individual is unique. I don't like identity politics because it sort of slots people into specific categories, groups, people together. And while people on the woke left always say, you know, that diversity is our strength. In reality, there's not that much diversity within identity politics. True diversity comes from individuality. That's where you find true diversity, because now you're talking about every single individual being a unique person. And we can be looking at exactly the same thing. For instance, I could hold up this cup and I see it with, you know, on this side of the screen. But as you're looking at it, you're probably seeing it on the opposite side of the screen. If you're standing just a little bit to the left of something, you're seeing it from a slightly different angle. And so that's partly why, partly why you can have people look at a political issue or even a political event. And I as a reporter can go to a political event. And I'm my report might be entirely different than a report that's coming from someone else with a different political perspective. Another reporter who's, you know, doing a story in exactly the same speech, from exactly the same politician at exactly the same time. But they stand a little to my left and their world experience, their worldview is just, you know, is different than mine. So they perceive the language. They perceive everything in a different way. And so when they write their article, they express themselves differently. They see it differently. Everything in life, it doesn't matter what it is you look at, you're seeing it from your perspective, which is entirely unique, which is why everything in life is actually a gray area. And I mean, you can get, you can really get down into some very deep conversations about science and philosophy as it relates to this very issue. And even delve into the areas of what is reality, because everything revolves around that, like what is reality. And that all stems from different
Rick Walker (Maverick News, Canada):    perspectives on everything. And why I opened with you need to dig into the why and motivations, there can still be different perspectives from an honest internal different perspective, as opposed to an absolute by choice, leftist bent motivation agenda. So yeah, you're definitely in the spirit here. And the next thing I have on my note is like the law, we recognize mitigating circumstances of gray areas, like laymiz, right? Most people know either the book or the player, the musical or whatever. But we recognize negligent homicide is different than premeditated murder. And stealing the loaf of bread to quote laymiz, you don't punish the same as a murderer. There's varying degrees and aspects within the law. Like here in the US, I have no doubt you've heard AOC Alexandria Ocrazio Co-text. I know that's not very polite to go that route with that nickname, but you know, that's my hashtag for her. She's she's just a loon and every, you know, and she's out talking about people stealing Gucci bags and Nike shoes as a laymiz example. No, they're not stealing bread. They're not looking there. You look at some of these people, they're obese running while they're not starving. They're not stealing bread. You cannot excuse them with that laymiz example and that gray area in the law that again, for her motivation is a leftist agenda. Your thoughts on that? Yes. He's doing this on purpose because I just, I guess I'm no
Joseph M Lenard:    answer on this. You you I that's true. But you I mean, you're expressing yourself very clearly and you're very articulate. I understand your point. You've fleshed it out very well. This is obviously an issue that's facing, especially, I think the United States right now, the the woke left sort of finding excuses for people committing crimes under the idea that they they've been so victimized over, you know, generations that criminal activity is actually justified. And, you know, I don't agree with that at all. Theft is theft is theft. So again, mitigating
Rick Walker (Maverick News, Canada):    circumstances. Yes, stealing the loaf of bread because you have a starving kid is entirely different than slob out there stealing Gucci and Nike. Well, sure. Yes. You know, and that's
Joseph M Lenard:    why we have codified law so that and and legal precedent. Yeah, in place. So the judges know how to deal with these cases on a case by case basis. And there are, you know, precedents sat through various court decisions. Yeah, so they know what kind of
Rick Walker (Maverick News, Canada):    sentencing to hand out. Next thought here is Bill Clinton. And I'm sure you remember, right? Depends on what the definition of is is no, it doesn't. You perjured yourself before Congress. And again, the left because of their agenda want to excuse the line because it was about sex. And he's trying to play well, take the kids out of the room. A blowjob really isn't sex. So I really wasn't lying. I really didn't purge her myself. It depends on what the definition of is. And that's bull. If you think that the sex with an intern is no big deal, own up to it. Yes, I had sex with an intern in the Oval Office. It may not have been proper, but it is what it is. It was just sex that has nothing to do with my ability to perform as president or not. Yes. But you know, he didn't inhale either. So there now there, Rick is a great perfect response. Now, do you know, have you heard of Jamal Bowman? He's the guy that pulled the fire alarm. Yes. Other day. Okay, you know where I'm going. Yeah, he literally interrupted a vote of Congress tried to an insurrection, if you will. Right. Yeah. Literally the letter of the law, try to interfere with the congressional business far more than anyone on January 6 did. So he needs to be censured, expelled, and a letter of resolution drafted sent to Mayor Garland, who will of course ignore it, demanding he be prosecuted like these January 6 folks. If this happened in your parliament, you'd be demanding prosecution, correct? Depends on if the person pulling the fire alarm is a Nazi or not. I don't want to go down that road. No, let's not go there. That's, that's what I had.
Joseph M Lenard:    Well, you know, maybe this, maybe he thought he was in a movie theater and he was compared, he felt compelled to just, you know, to, to call it, show fire. Yeah. Oh, I'm glad you said that
Rick Walker (Maverick News, Canada):    because I actually have that further down my notes. Well, let me finish with the insurrection, per se, because like Wisconsin, literally, leftist occupied the Wisconsin legislature several years ago when Scott Walker was governor to interrupt proceedings and insurrection, a literal occupation for a week plus time, not a few hours wandering around and then left. Nothing done about that, of course, here in Michigan, governor Whitless or Whitler, as I call her, was a member of the Michigan House at the time, the Capitol went on lockdown because leftists were trying to do the same thing here. And she literally broke the lockdown, opened her office window to let insurrectionists in, and yet nothing happens. But regarding the fire, yeah, on the Liberty, I've got a piece about yelling fire in a crowded theater. Because to me, that's a farce. And you head on your show when I was on the other day, who I contend is a leftist. Rush Limbaugh talked about this all the time. Media Matters tells leftists to masquerade as Republicans, which is why the guy didn't give his name and wanted to hide his face. He was pretending to be a Republican in my mind, because he agreed with leftist dictates at every turn. And he tried to use the yell fire in a crowded theater. And no, that is not speech. That is not opinion. That is fraud in the inducement and incitement. If there is not fire, that's not speech. You really got under your skin, didn't
Joseph M Lenard:    you? You've been going on about that guy ever since the other the other night. That's amazing.
Rick Walker (Maverick News, Canada):    Well, yeah, I really pissed you off. He really, I mean, at every turn, he showed he was not a small government Republican. And the other thing that I don't remember him trying to present
Joseph M Lenard:    himself that way. Oh, he said it several times. Oh, that's right. He did. He said he was a Republican.
Rick Walker (Maverick News, Canada):    Right. And the other thing that really irked me. Do you remember how many times he said, I'm highly educated. And so are all my friends, unlike me and you, the rooms, you know, the red neck, the unwashed, the toothless hayseed Hicks from the back 40. But what he really is is a well educated indoctrinated train, Pavlavi and dog. And anytime the bell rings, he bites.
Joseph M Lenard:    Well, I mean, people watching this program didn't get a chance to see that show. I suppose you could go on on my channel and and and see that to get some context. But I mean, I don't know if I'm afraid, I'm afraid to comment too much because I wouldn't want to confuse people or talk about something that they don't have a frame of reference on with without having previously seen what it
Rick Walker (Maverick News, Canada):    is we're talking about. But yeah, I will make sure I link to that show either on my live YouTube channel. It's still on my YouTube channel under the live tab. Since I streamed it live while we were on together, as long as YouTube leaves it because of all those, you know, idiosyncrasies that don't like us to talk about. Oh, yeah. Pull it. But I know you put up an edited version, I'll go grab
Joseph M Lenard:    the link to edit version. So well, it's the I'm not an ad version is up on rumble. So if anybody wants to see the whole thing. Yeah, I'm there and on Facebook too. Facebook doesn't bother me too much with stuff like that, at least they haven't so far. And except that they took down our whole news page in Canada because of censorship laws in Canada. So you can't see our news page in Canada anymore. You can see it in the USA. But I can't even watch my own content because my page is blocked to me in Canada. But when I stream to it, people in other countries around the world can see it.
Rick Walker (Maverick News, Canada):    How insane is that? Yeah, very. Well, tell us about, you know, this is off the topic now, but let's go there. You don't have the First Amendment as it exists here in our Constitution. And you guys just passed a law. I know Miss Liz on another show I just with her passed a law. Yes, supposedly about protecting news feed content and the providers so that you have to pay for their content. But what it really is is backdoor censorship and present preventing things from getting to the
Joseph M Lenard:    people. Is that how you see that? There are two pieces of legislation one is bill C. 18. And the other is bill C 11 in a nutshell what it is is the government is forcing social media companies to on the one hand give preference to mainstream legacy media outlets in search engine algorithms to push them up in the search engine rankings on the search engine results pages. And therefore suppress smaller independent outlets in the in the interest of what they say is Canadian content. So they want to put Canadian content up top. So they basically if you search for any news content, they want that stuff that stuff CBC CTV global news, etc. to pop up first. The other thing that they're trying to do is make social media companies pay the mainstream legacy media fees for the news content that they publish on the social media platforms. Facebook has told the government that they are not going to participate in that. They will they've refused to pay. So they have said, we're just not going to carry any more news content in Canada. We're just not going to carry it. We don't need it. It's not what we're it's it doesn't make business sense for us to do it. So inadvertently as an unintended consequence of their new legislation, we now have a situation where Facebook has effectively banned all news content, both independent and mainstream legacy news content period. It's purged it from Canada. So everything is blocked. So now I'm in this very unusual situation where we had this Facebook Maverick news Facebook page with a pretty sizable subsub list of subscribers. And now nobody in Canada can see it. And yet you in the USA can see that very same page. It is not blocked on your side. Right. It's very strange. Yeah. Yeah. I'm a former IT guy.
Rick Walker (Maverick News, Canada):    So this to me. Oh, and I have another V Liberty beacon piece about leftist and never realizing or pay attention to the supposed natural law of unintended consequences. Or in my mind, they know they just play dumb. And I think that's happening here. They want it suppressed because they don't want people to have access to the content. They want them like we discussed on your show, doped and dumb and uninformed. But as a former IT guy, I dare say there's the phrase, that's not a bug. It's a feature. Right. To keep you away from the news. But they're using the old music laws. For those who don't know, I'm in Detroit. So I'm across from Windsor, Ontario. And Canada has always had special laws that Canadian stations must play X number of Canadian content to prevent a US artist from overloading Canadian stations. You know, that's good to some degree. I got to hear a lot of Canadian artists. I would not otherwise have heard. But it seems to me like they're trying to twist that to impose this. And they are they are flag of sort. Yeah. Back door censorship.
Joseph M Lenard:    See, Canada has always had strange regulations like that that would probably seem strange to you in the United States. And it's because we traditionally with, you know, regular legacy media or mediums like radio, TV, newspapers, Canada being a huge country right on the border with, you know, right up against the United States. You know, you have very powerful media. You had your population is 10 times hours. And we're bombarded with US signals. So the Canadian government in order to because there's so much competition, if you will, from US broadcasters, they've said to Canadian broadcasters, you must provide so much Canadian content, even Canadian news. When I was working for CTV all those years, my job was really only there because the government forced CTV to have a news bureau in the city that I worked in. If it wasn't for that, their CTV probably would not have bothered. They would have done, you know, news all out of Toronto or something like that. They wouldn't have had reporters in other cities. So in order to get their broadcast licenses, they would have to have what they call a promise of performance, declaration, and they have to promise to provide certain amount of news coverage, all Canadian content, you know, it goes on and on. So there are regulations that have been in place like that for a long time. And they're trying to basically do the same thing now with the internet, and it's having these crazy unintended consequences, because the internet is not television, and it's
Rick Walker (Maverick News, Canada):    a completely new area. Again, I dare say it's not a bug, it's a feature. These fascists want that control. And again, we would see that in the US and stand up and say, Whoa, you are completely interfering in three markets and be outraged at that. But a geography lesson for those perhaps in southern United States who may not recognize or realize what us in the northern states do that border with Canada. Canada, you look at a map is a huge landmass. But 90% of your population is in one tenth of the lower part of your provinces. Like you said, our northern states, airwaves, and influence bond bars, the 90% of your population. Yes, that's exactly right. That's why I actually
Joseph M Lenard:    for my automotive television show, we broadcast out of US stations, including WKBW Buffalo. So my automotive program runs on that station, and then it gets picked up by, you know, it's terrestrial. Also it beams back over into Canada by off air and then gets picked up by Canadian cable companies and satellite companies and then gets beamed across the country that way. It's because WKBW is sitting right there on the border. So I do that show that way. Anyway, that's way off topic.
Rick Walker (Maverick News, Canada):    You get me back on track, Joseph. Sorry. Yeah, this is, yeah, you're again Canadian. So that why I want you on in your perspective. You know who Tom McDonald the rapper is the former wrestler,
Joseph M Lenard:    right? No, I don't. I don't know. You don't. Okay. I don't. I'm not into rap and I don't really
Rick Walker (Maverick News, Canada):    watch wrestling. So yeah, I'm a bit of a loss. Well, he is a Canadian rapper living in the US. Who knows he may have become a US citizen by now, but he's controversial because he does a lot of political content. So he leans right, but I dare not say he's a conservative and definitely not a Republican. So there's the cancel culture always going at him and that but he's purely independent and sells everything direct. But I bring him up for this odd gray area and back to the odd areas in the law. Right. We all understand and recognize as a male, you do not get to beat up on a female. Right. We pretty much call it patriarchy if you like leftist wounds, but the law generally recognizes that a male is indeed far more stronger and you don't get to abuse a girlfriend as a spouse, a daughter. That is a special carve out in protection than the law. Well, Tom has a song. Maybe you could have looked it up when we're done here called hitting a woman. And that's why I brought that out. And one of the lines is you think you're a bad bitch, right? But you know how that would play out in a fight. He's talking about a woman who's goading him and or in some cases, you can see a man is charged with assault. But clearly, when the video comes out, he's defending himself against an aggressive female. And we don't get that benefit of the doubt because of the patriarchal mindset, one might say. Yes. I knew that would go. Don't hit don't hit women. Right. But I mean, if some woman is in, you know, men in general are stronger than women, which is indeed why I want to protect women's sports and biological males have no place in female sports. It was just on the news. There is a female at a college playing in the male college and see double a football first ever woman non kicker role playing. Now, generally women are weaker, but if they're strong enough, let them play like Rhonda Rousey would absolutely kick my butt any time of the day or not. She could sit on the couch eating crispy creams for three years, and I could go into training. And she'd still kick my butt. So for every rule, there is an exception. And that in of itself
Joseph M Lenard:    gets us back to gray areas. Well, yes, if you're from, but I'm Canadian. So, you know,
Rick Walker (Maverick News, Canada):    when I was a kid, playing hockey, growing up, I played hockey too. So we have that in common. Yeah.
Joseph M Lenard:    Yeah. So girls hockey was just sort of, you know, in its infancy in Canada, they were trying to get more girls to play minor league hockey. And, you know, I played on what they called a competitive team. So we were a travel team. And so they had these, this girls team, and they were much older, much bigger. Right. And they wanted to play against us. And so we did, with they arranged a game, and we played this girls hockey team. I don't know exactly where this story is going, but I can only tell you that we cleaned their clocks, right? Like we just, we kept scoring and scoring and scoring and scoring and scoring. And it felt really bad because, like, I don't know what the score at the end was. It was like, I don't know, 25 to nothing or something. It was like, it was just, it was brutal. Well, that brings to mind that felt like I was hitting a girl.
Rick Walker (Maverick News, Canada):    That brings to my mind the US women's soccer team and that dumb bitch, I'm sorry, I'm going to say it, Rapino that I can't stand. Glad she's retired. A lot of US people were glad they got their clock clean and they made an early exit because of her interjecting the politics in the sports when you're there to represent your country, just represent your country, kneeling for the anthem, you know, but the US women's soccer team played a high school boys' soccer team and same thing, got their fricking clock clean. I got to tell you though, Joseph, I got to tell you something,
Joseph M Lenard:    okay? So, well, that did happen. I have to acknowledge that at the time that that girl's hockey team, they just, the minor league hockey system wasn't really set up for them yet. So they just didn't have the same training. They didn't have the same, you know, a lot of them hadn't started as young as we had, right? So they were at a severe disadvantage, even though they were much older than us. We were like little kids and they were probably about three years, four years older than us, and we still clean their clocks. But my aunt, my Aunt Betty, who's God bless her soul no longer with us, she taught me a lesson in the most severe way. I wanted to, I wanted to play baseball. I want to play catch with my dad, but we had company and no one would play catch with me. I was just a kid, little kid. And, and she, and she said, well, I'll play with you. And I said, well, you can't play baseball. You're a girl. So she said, well, yes, I can. And then what we did is she, she took the baseball bat and I had to throw the ball to her. And I'm just playing in my front yard, right? And she kept hitting that ball. She'd whacked that ball. And she did a whole, she had a home run after all. She'd knock it all the way. I would into, you know, mile, mile away. And then I'd have to go get the stupid ball, bring it back to something. Oh, yeah. And then, and then she was like, yay, home run. And I throw it again. And then she'd make me run and go get that damn ball. And yeah, so I learned a lesson that day that girls can play baseball. I'm glad you made that caveat about
Rick Walker (Maverick News, Canada):    your, your training level versus the female hockey, because I had a younger sister. She wanted to play hockey. I mean, you know, she wanted to be on the team with me. I was a goaltender. My dad coached many of our teams. But yeah, the women's USA soccer team trained supposed going on to be professional soccer players, losing to a high school amateur boys team who just took anyone and ever unlike the Olympic team who supposedly picks the best and the right is their random team clean their clock. And since we have hockey in common, do you know who name in room A is? Men are a roommate. Yeah, French Canadian first female to be signed to the NHL. The gold tender. Yeah. Yeah. Unfortunately, they didn't bring her up to the NHL. They kept her in the farm team.
Joseph M Lenard:    You know, I was hoping. Well, she played she played at least one game in the NHL, if I recall.
Rick Walker (Maverick News, Canada):    I think it was a preseason though, not a standard regular season. So it wasn't official. But yeah, I'm glad you know her. And yeah, I've got autographed pictures of her. And she's an idol of mine. So yeah, I'm all four women sports. And when they can play with them, and please do. But not Leah Thomas, who is 600 ranking and male swimmers, all of a sudden breaking female swimming records. No, claiming to be a woman. No. Okay, so with that, we're now like 40 minutes in my shows. I try not to go much more than 40 minutes. So let me close and say, yes, remember, this is conjunction with the Liberty beacon calm, the things usually a lot of gray area part one, gray areas part two. And that show will be with Miss Liz, another conucian, as I like to just lovingly jokingly jab call them. But please to check out, Biden flips off the scotas, both affirmative action and student debt additions, Norton v Shelby, a very important case regarding government overreach and usurpation, the deep state alphabet agencies, long ago, either unconstitutional or overstepping their congressional authority, by dynamics, part one and part two, remembering our freedoms beyond the Fourth of July that's there. More recently, censorship of social media still. I'm still my main account band on Twitter. So even though he lives there, you're can't can't get a human to talk to to get it. You're your band on Twitter? Yeah, I have at J Leonard author a backup, you know, just little pit of the account that's mainly meant to promote my books and the show. And then lastly, I'll mention a piece on rent choice voting. I urge you that season one episode to I urge people to check out that article and that show because Charlie Kirk doesn't tell you everything. He only gives you his little thing so he can attack McConnell rightfully so. But like Paul Harvey says, you listen to my show read that article, you will know the rest of the story. So thank you, Rick. Please tell us again where people can find you if they want to reach out in order to watch your show. Well, we're on YouTube. We're on rumble. We're on
Joseph M Lenard:    Facebook, Twitter, Twitch, Odyssey, the main ones, right? Rumbles the where we really want people to go. And you can always find us at or That will take you to our website. You can see a lot of our videos on there. You can also find the link to rumble right on the header. So I encourage you to just head over there. And that's the easiest way to find us. We have a growing community, a real family developing over there. It's a it's a live the discussion every night. Come on over, join us, jump in the chat, join the maverick family. And and we actually go through the process of actually nighting people from time to time too. So if you're if you're a freedom fighter and someone who believes in using your superpowers for good and never evil, sign me up, sign me up. You might just end up being a maverick night. If you
Rick Walker (Maverick News, Canada):    a well, that would be such a badge of honor. But like your brevity, the soul of wit and your yeses, I'll conclude by just saying the one word exit. Bye. Ciao for now, brown cow. 

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[ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast begin Show outro]

Thank you for having tuned into Chrystitutionalist politics show Please tune into savages and filtered podcasts of which I am a co-host and be sure to check out more about today's discussion at the Liberty beacon calm where my articles drop every Saturday in addition to seeing the corresponding the Liberty beacon calm piece referenced in the episode of ChristiTutionalist podcast see to the show transcript on podcast platforms that provide access to it like bus bro at for additional bonus material therein the transcript. Thank you. Take care. God bless

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S1E22 SHOW NOTES  ( listen (Sat Nov 18 2023 and thereafter) at: )...
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S1E22) "Grey Areas"
Topic "Whole lotta Grey Areas" piece! 
We all wish things could be and were Black/White, Right/Wrong, Good/Evil, but reality is there are a whole lotta Grey area that do not so conveniently fit into the "definitive" this or that buckets. We shall examine that. Things do not always conveniently allow for a drive-by, pot-shot, clear and clean, limited Twitter attention span and space limitations!
Plus discussion with Rick Walker of Maverick News (Canada) on "Grey Areas" (The word itself, in the Law, Bill Clinton "what 'is' is," Yelling fire in a crowded Theater (Fraud in inducement, and incitement, NOT SPEECH), Canadian interference of/with/in Free Markets, and other US-Politics (as well as Canuckian) from a Canadian perspective) as like a Lawyer in Court I ask him leading questions an opposing Attorney would Object to! LOL 

Episode related pieces...
- Left hypocrisy about Women: 
- RW/MN - Video referenced in discussion:   
- Tom MacDonald "Hittin' A Woman" video:  
- Whole host of Black, Hispanic/Latino, and White, all together, MAGA Conservatives... 
-- [first, for my Canadian friends] The Marine Rapper: Freedom Convoy -    
-- Topher: Dear Tom -  
-- D.Cure, The Marine Rapper & Topher: We Are The People -  
-- Topher: The Patriot featuring The Marine Rapper -  
-- C.W.A. (black Conservatives With Attitude) - The Marine Rapper (feat. Various Artists) -  
-- Topher: Insurgent (feat. @BurdenWorld_ & @BrysonGrayMusic and Glenn Beck) -  
-- Bryson Gray: Feminine Not Feminist -  
-- Topher: Lets Go Brandon (feat. @DCure & @TheMarineRapper) -  
-- @TheMarineRapper: Freedom Fighters ft. @jessicablum4037 @Tophertown @DCure) -  
-- Loza Alexander: Indicted We Stand -  
-- MAGA Rappers Drop Anti-Biden, Trump Mugshot BANGER (via Benny Johnson) -  
-- Loza Alexander: 2024 (Feat. Donald J Trump & Kanye West/YE) -  
-- Nsyt: Played In America / F*** Joe Biden -  
-- MORE MUSIC VIDEOS coming next week Grey Areas part 2  

"ChristiTutionalist Politics" podcast (CTP)   
- CTP:  
- CTP long-form description: 
- CTP:  
- TLB articles:  
- FaithCasters Free Newsletter:  
- Join Faithcaster (Podcaster or Guest):  
- Broadcast your thoughts w/ buzzsprout:   
- CTP Official playlist:  
- Joseph M Lenard -  ( /\  
(S1E22 Audio: 38m 17s, Sat Nov 18 2023)
TRANSCRIPT BONUS - "Left Twisting/Warping Language (part 2)"

some "Behind-the-Scenes" Video version of ChristiTutionalist Politics found via...   

In addition to seeing corresponding TheLibertyBeacon piece referenced in episodes of CTP, see too Show transcript on Podcast platforms that provide access to it (like buzzsprout ( for addl bonus material  there-in.  


BONUS MATERIAL... [ from "Left Twisting/Warping Language (part 2)" - (see the original piece for related cross-reference hyper-linked items and embedded images/videos) ]

Continued Twisting/Warping of Language (part 2)...

First, let’s start with a couple Videos than on to another one of the REVISITATIONS of an older piece; as I’ve done in/with other TheLibertyBeacon pieces of mine; this one from BeforeItsNews (2019); which itself was repurposed from a 2011 “Rattle With US TEA-Party: site piece (yes, by me); rather than my usual updates of my need to be revisited RedState pieces about LEFT TWISTS LANGUAGE (in part the point/purpose of “Pathetical Corruptness” as I call PC-ism in the West) and do so as part of their attempts/desire to destroy Western Culture and specifically the USA Republic.

VIDEO (5m 44s): PragerU – “Political Correctness”: 
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen></iframe>

VIDEO (27m 28s): Brad and Lex “react” to Tom MacDonald’s “Politically Incorrect”: 
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen></iframe>

[Only partial article reproduction (indented here) from the original RWU piece, see the originals that go much further (RWU piece, B4IN piece); and into how it all applied to the obaMAOcare debate of the time; for more]

“The Greater Good” — ‘The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. Or the one’ (Movie buffs will easily recognize that dialogue). The misconception, how Liberals misuse it. Which makes this, sort of, a follow up to both Liberal’s Religion is Government and Movies and Politics — The Hollywood Hate-fest (2011 edition). [NOTE: Some of this is current and/or forward looking, while some looks back to the relation of all of this to the ObaMao-care debate and the need for its repeal.]

Before I go on I want to remind any of our Liberal friends that may have casually surfed in via a search, or other link, that they are truly welcome (please see this “welcome” commentary). It is my hope that you wish to HONESTLY engage in this discussion. Try to maintain a sense of humor and composure as I will take a few jabs along the way.
The “Greater Good” bent logic…
Just like  Democrat Party leaders (I’m trying to be nice) twist the “It Takes A Village” concept, so too they do this one. You know, their “redistribution” version of having to be able to take away from some supposedly ‘overly privileged’ folks in order to give to those less fortunate in the name of “Fairness” and that our society will be better for it.
You folks on the Left may want to think twice the next time you try to trot out your misuse of the “Greater Good” point. Simply put, isn’t the Greater Good, actually served, when the greater number of people have it good! (That is a statement, because there is just no question it is true.) The U.S. System, many Liberals show such disdain for, provides for the greater number of people to have it good. Contrast that with the Russian, Chinese, etc., Socialist Systems, Progressives are moving us to (through Liberal Incremental-ism), provides ONLY THE MINIMUM (certainly not ‘the Good Life’) to the greater number (all but those in charge, ruling elite) of its citizens. It is pretty easy/plain for anyone to see the logic/reason of what the REAL “Greater Good” is!
Just as they (Liberals) refuse (Denial) to acknowledge it is “Socialism” (they know it is, just have to re-brand it), Progressive leaders, and those who buy into it, do not follow it to its logical conclusion as demonstrated the world over and throughout history. Regardless where tried it ultimately brings on misery, not improved lives (increase/abundance), to its citizenry. They would have you believe it will be different ‘just because’ they are the Ruling-elite this time and they (through Obamunism) can do what Marx, Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Castro, etc., have failed to do – create a Redistributive System that does not implode under its own weight (because there is no positive generation of Capital, root word of Capitalism, to redistribute) making all its citizens poor, hungry, and almost hopeless.

Their only Hope? AMERICA!!!! The Republic, if we can keep it! (variation on the original Benjamin Franklin quote)

AUDIO (7m 25s): Define FAIR, in context of twisting of language (WAAM ART Aug 21, 2021) snippet: 
[(c) WAAMradio - saved/stored/used with Permission]
<HTML><audio src="" controls></audio></HTML>     ???
[image source: WAAMradio (ART host Phil Stargell)]

What brought this on? Having come across the Hollywood POS The Box; again, having seen it at the theater the first time; (very boring and bad, read the book instead) and the usual Liberal Political message subtext (Movies and Politics — The Hollywood Hate-fest (2011 [RWU] edition)) came through loud and clear with the unsubtle direct commentary from the dark/mysterious character asking ‘Why Humanity (read: America) fails to recognize the Greater Good’ concept. It is, of course, nothing new as we see/hear this in film after film in varying forms to reinforce the Liberal mindset and attempts to subconsciously influence (read: reinforce the Liberal School Indoctrination their Tenured friends impose).
“The needs of the many…”
[original had that line snippet Video (from Star Trek: The Wrath Of Khan) here, and also contains “Red Dawn” “Enemies Foreign and Domestic” (Red Dawn 2010 release delayed by MGM) clip.]
U.S. (Founding Fathers method of) governance over Soviet or Chinese Socialism models…
As previously touched on, history demonstrates the failings and short-comings of such a System. That Redistribution schemes, in the name of “equality,” only lower the bar for citizens, except for the Ruling elite. Creating even more “have-nots,” than Ruling-elite “haves,” they claim to try to be rectifying. As those in the Productive vs non-Productive sectors of the Economy (as best described by Daniel Hannan quoted explains best in mbecker’s posting) reap less benefits and therefore have less incentive to actually produce overall wealth the Capitalist (Free-markets) System uses to expand/grow and perpetuate an even greater available sum available to all participating in working to attain/earn it (The “expanding Pie” Economics model, opposed to the (theoretical) “static model” junk-Economics of Progressives).

As Businesses grow/expand, additional workers are brought on, earnings/wealth DISTRIBUTION occurs. Those with drive (care about doing a good job) and abilities (that bother to try, rather than just coast – show up just to collect the paycheck) go on to help innovate, improve, and/or create yet more Companies – which provides yet more opportunities (growing Jobs base, increasing employee wages, earnings/returns for investors/stake-holders, etc.) FOR ALL. The less those who Produce get to keep, the less incentive they have to Produce, which eventually drags down the entire Socialist societies (except those Ruling-elites that have the power to take yet more from the masses to keep their standards of living while others deteriorate) citizenry.

AUDIO (45m 54s): A Moment Of Clarity (WAAM) show (Dec. 12, 2020) on “twisting of language” 
[(c) WAAMradio - saved/stored/used with Permission]
<HTML><audio src="" controls></audio></HTML>     ????
[image source: WAAMradio (MOC host Pastor Richard Clark Deitering)]

The Russians and the Chinese; and even to an extent Socialist-Europe; have all but admitted their failings and have been enacting a new grand experiment of trying to introduce restrained quasi-Capitalism to grow their Economies. They try to delicately balance these “reforms” while maintaining all other aspects of Socialism, in order to create just enough incentivized Producers to have some actual “Wealth” (read “Capital”) that they can “redistribute.” All the while, hoping their society doesn’t go too far and their people demand a new Revolution and actual/real Freedoms and reforms. They move closer to American ideals while Liberals/Progressives (and RINOs) try to take us further and further toward their failed System (all other Nations are trying to retreat and recover from).
We cannot boil it down to simpler terms than these for you Liberals to grasp! You have to be willing to try and use reasoned thought, and research of history, to overcome the Liberal Indoctrination and Liberal Laziness (as discussed in here, here, and here) you’ve been lulled into.
How does Bankrupting an entire Nation to the point where it cannot assist/aid (provide that “Safety Net,” we are all willing to allow for, to those truly needy) to NONE (Zip, zero, nada one) of its citizens benefit the Whole (that Liberal warped sense/definition of the greater good)? — It’s a simple question, but when asked of a Liberal/Socialist there can be NO RESPONSE! How can they?!?! It defies the twisted-logic they have been selling (or bought into) and therefore must just ignore the question/premise!

AUDIO (5m 01s): “twisting of language” using distortions and Identity Politics, out of context, as Alinsky Ad-Hom polarization/division (not us versus our Nations enemies, but Left attacks on Right) verbiage usage (also involving PC use of Religion distortions):
[(c) WAAMradio - saved/stored/used with Permission] 
<HTML><audio src="" controls></audio></HTML>    ??????


And since there is no greater twisting that goes on than WOKEists and issues of Race and often too Religion; let’s go there next (involving a bit of both)…

Since we’re talking warping of language, let’s mention Whoopie (who cares about that) Goldigger… er… I mean… Goldberg… Since her last suspension from The View controversy hasn’t gone away, keeps coming up again on Social-Media, and I’ve written/repeated this (sub-section of this piece) over and over and over again. And, of course, her being one of the biggest Leftist moron Race-baiting #IdentityPolitics bullshitters.


Yes, first, History: Whoopie co-opted a Jewish name to get ahead in Hollywood. Doesn't prove she is antisemite, but pretty clearly shows she adheres to the Jewish trope about they control all of Hollyweird or PEDOwood if you prefer. Yes, fact, indeed many of the older established Studios were founded by those of the Jewish faith – therefore, they were then headed by folks of that Faith. Since when is it A SIN to employ others OF SAME KIND as a preference been controversial (oh, yes, of course, our modern WOKE and all about DIE (Diversity, Inclusion, EQUITY) manure (and as discussed elsewhere many times we are already (as a Nation of Immigrants (and the great MELTING POT)) the most “diverse” Nation on the Planet; but hey when do the Left ever let facts ever get in the way of their Marxist (more appropriately FASCICRATS) narratives?
But I say that, to say this... #PrinciplesNotPersonalities (Yes, you’ve most likely seen me say it before, and you’ll see me repeat it umpteen-millions times going forward in future articles/blogs) …
And, since we’re speaking of Leftists and by extension their Holy-Grail of Propaganda programs. IF Joyless Blowhard ever said ANYTHING VALID, I'd happily agree with her... I sure as Hell will not hold-my-breathe waiting for that day she does say anything REALITY BASED that I could/would agree with, she tells as many lies daily as Biden did in his Sleepyjoe Offering Thousand Untruths (SOTU) speech the other day....
And I said that, to say this...
VIDEO (3m 35s): News of Goldberg’s “The View” suspension due to “Holocaust” statement: 
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Whoopsie was/is actually right, like a stopped clock on occasion can be right/correct, about "Jews are not a Race!" Jews are, Judaism is, a "CLASS!" There are Black Jews, White Jews, every shade in between Jews; and peoples all around the Planet that are Jewish - it is NOT and cannot be a RACE OF PEOPLE it is a RELIGIOUS CLASS OF PEOPLES. We are ONE RACE, the Human Race, with different skin-tones, also a whole other discussion.
But, of course, whenever anyone (esp. someone like her, accused of Antisemitism in the past, and she very well may be an antisemite, just in this case the statement was not, but) starting a sentence with "THE JEWS ______" (or, yes, by extension, “Zionists” as a deflection to try to broaden the argument of Hate) fill in that blank with anything that follows is bound to be TAKEN THE WRONG WAY!
So, again, bottom-line is...
1) should always be about principles, not personalities!!!
2) Is Whoopie an antisemite? I suspect so, but that doesn't mean THAT ONE STATEMENT (though it may have been said from a position of Anti-Semitism) isn't correct - and partly the point being IF SHE WERE NOT A COMPLETE MORON she would have been able to defend the remark as I DID HERE, but again since she's dumb and indeed probably only said it as an INTENDED ANTI-SEMITIC ATTACK she couldn't defend because it came across as (and very well could have been a Defense  of NAZIs) it and therefore deserved most of the flak she got for the comment.
3) Again, Judaism (being "Jewish") is a RELIGION, therefore a "CLASS OF PEOPLE" (with people of all shades of skin-tone as members) and not a Race. Is Christianity or Islam or Hinduism, etc., RACES?? Of course not either, they are all CLASSES OF PEOPLES. 

4) Race, Racist, Racism, endless mis-use (twisting/warping) of those terms (to peddle false-narratives, Leftist Identity-Politics, divide and conquer tactics, abounds!
WE ARE ONE DAMN RACE: THE HUMAN RACE (Creatures of one God, but yes scattered into “different sub-Cultures” in instances), with varying skin-tones (different "CLASSES" or can say again "different SUB-CULTURES")! 

VIDEO (33m 40s): Rabbi asks “Should we [as Jews] forgive Whoopie?” as well as an honest “Is there any truth in what she said” question/response: 
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen></iframe>

IF, in order to not be hypocrites, we call out the Left for their constant cries of "Offense" over things that are not really controversial, then we have to call out those of us on the right equally (like Ben Shapiro reacting with Emotional Hysterics rather than logic/reason; in the case of this statement in question) when they do/say SNOWFLAKE like things too (like people attacking Whoopsie over this, when there are indeed so many actual STUPID indefensible devoid of Reality things she says)!!!!!


Well, that was supposed to be it (and apologies to the TLB crew, as this is now a last-minute resubmission of this piece, with some new developments driving a need to update just before publication and complicating their Lives (something I don’t want to do)) AND I certainly have no intention of getting into the habit of even “partially” defending really stupid Liberals on any regular basis but I have this “hang-up” about honesty and as pointed out above #PrinciplesNotPersonalities and a desire to be “FAIR” even when others never are toward/for us, however… NOW that Don Lemon is getting flak I have to weigh in. He now says he was “inartful” in how he said what he said. Sorry folks, I have to agree. He was NOT saying that HE thought Women over 30 were well out of their Prime. He should have said, as what he meant, THE CONTEXT, was/is “The general excepted Patriarchal position of/by/in Society is that ‘Women over 30’ are past their Prime!” 
Times have changed, and that is not likely true anymore, but that was his point. BUT, the point here is that we should be artful ourselves in the way/manner which we criticize him. Let’s NOT take his comment out of context, but indeed criticize him for what matters and that is hypocrisy – he said what he said because he was groping for an ATTACK against a Republican Woman of whatever the age Nikki Haley (I don’t know, I don’t care) is. He would never ever have said such, in any fashion/form, in a conversation about Hillary Clinton. and that is the proper criticism to levy here! He could, probably should, BE FIRED for that alone; but he may finally land up FIRED improperly based upon a DISTORTION of what he was saying (improper context, which makes such a lie, by omission, in itself).

Ultimately, it was/is a good thing, that we can/could/should be honest in our criticism of him, as it exposes not just him but all on the Left and their Alinsky (which is what this was) style attacks as they cannot deal on/with Policy – they have great risk of losing such discussions if people hear/see such debate in context (that are had honestly, and based in fact) which is why they avoid that. Nikki had a wonderful comeback about need for Term-limits; so let us also not be hypocrites and say we think “age is completely irrelevant” when we’ve been pushing for Term-limits for a long time which involves issues of age – but, there too, that whole context problem/issue again. We talk in terms of longevity in Office, staying/serving too long and them turning their service to all about themselves rather than those they are supposed to represent, and not a person’s physical age per se’ (though does often mean, someone is “up there” in age).
So, lastly, this piece is all about language, so it is IMO actually fitting we end on this note about not distorting or warping terms/context ourselves.


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Well, that was supposed to be it AND I certainly have no intention of getting into the habit of even “partially” defending really stupid Liberals, however… NOW that Don Lemon is getting flak I have to weigh in. He now says he was “inartful” in how he said what he said. Sorry folks, I HAVE TO AGREE. He was NOT saying that HE thought Women over 30 were well out of their Prime. He should have said, as what he meant, THE CONTEXT, was/is “The general excepted PATRIARCHAL position of/by/in Society is that ‘Women over 30’ past their Prime!” Times have changed, and that is not likely true anymore, but that was his point. BUT, the point here is that we SHOULD be ARTFUL OURSELVES in the way/manner which we criticize him. Let’s NOT take his comment out of context, but indeed criticize him for what matters and that is HYPOCRISY – he said what he said cuz he was groping for an ATTACK against a Republican Woman of whatever the age Nikki Haley (I don’t know, I don’t care) is. He would NEVER ever have said such, in any fashion/form, in a conversation about Hillary Clinton. AND THAT IS THE PROPER CRITICISM TO LEVY HERE! He could, probably should, BE FIRED for that alone; but he may finally land up FIRED improperly based upon a DISTORTION of what he was saying (improper context, which makes such A LIE IN ITSELF).

BONUS MATERIAL ABOVE from "Left Twisting/Warping Language (part 2)" - (see the original piece for related cross-reference hyper-linked items and embedded images/videos) 

People on this episode