ChristiTutionalist (TM) Politics

ChristiTutionalist Politics (S1E30) "Net Neutrality - like a Zombie back from the Dead"

Joseph M. Lenard Season 1 Episode 30

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CTP S1E30 SHOW NOTES ( listen (Sat Jan 13 2024 and thereafter) at: )... 
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S1E30) "Net Neutrality - like a Zombie back from the Dead"
Yes, again, something I am REALLY UPSET about and therefore may sound like the rantings of a raving lunatic (ala: "I'm as mad as hell, and I'm not going to take this anymore" speech from "Network" (Movie: 1976) style) rather than calm discussion, however rest assured this is about FACTS and WARNINGS you are not likely getting anywhere else right now on this topic that has not and will not go away as The Left's designs on a complete Federal take-over of Public side of the Internet (vs Military already has full control of) in order to be the SOLE DECIDERS (like has already happened in Canada) of "what is fit for you to see or not!" #CENSORSHIP is the goal, NOT their bogus "making sure it is available and a FREE SPACE for all opinions and delivery of The REAL News" they'll proclaim. And, of course, it will be yet another excuse to raise Taxes to pay for yet another Fed. Govt. over-reach boondoggle.
Also, Segment 2, skip the Polling, we have some real data of people switching Party affiliation to examine - how might it effect 2024 Elections?
See Buzzsprout podcasts Transcript of/for this Show for "Episode related additional information."
Transcript Bonus: S1E29 "WOKE Tax" ( Show transcript

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S1E30 before edit 29m39s...
CTP S1E30 SHOW NOTES ( listen (Sat Jan 13 2024 and thereafter) at: )... 
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S1E30) "Net Neutrality - like a Zombie back from the Dead"
Yes, again, something I am REALLY UPSET about and therefore may sound like the rantings of a raving lunatic (ala: "I'm as mad as hell, and I'm not going to take this anymore" speech from "Network" (Movie: 1976) style) rather than calm discussion, however rest assured this is about FACTS and WARNINGS you are not likely getting anywhere else right now on this topic that has not and will not go away as The Left's designs on a complete Federal take-over of Public side of the Internet (vs Military already has full control of) in order to be the SOLE DECIDERS (like has already happened in Canada) of "what is fit for you to see or not!" #CENSORSHIP is the goal, NOT their bogus "making sure it is available and a FREE SPACE for all opinions and delivery of The REAL News" they'll proclaim. And, of course, it will be yet another excuse to raise Taxes to pay for yet another Fed. Govt. over-reach boondoggle.
Also, Segment 2, skip the Polling, we have some real data of people switching Party affiliation to examine - how might it effect 2024 Elections?
See Buzzsprout podcasts Transcript of/for this Show for "Episode related additional information."
Transcript Bonus: S1E29 "WOKE Tax" ( Show transcript

Episode related pieces...

"ChristiTutionalist Politics" podcast (CTP) 
- CTP:  
- CTP long-form description: 
- TLB articles:  
- FaithCasters Free Newsletter:  
- Join Faithcaster (Podcaster or Guest):  
- Broadcast your thoughts w/ buzzsprout:   
- CTP Official Coffee: (promocode: JOSEL20)  
- CTP Official playlist:  
- Joseph M Lenard -  ( /\    
(S1E30 Audio: 28m 36s, Sat Jan 13 2024)

some "Behind-the-Scenes" Video version of ChristiTutionalist Politics found via...   

In addition to seeing corresponding TheLibertyBeacon piece referenced in episodes of CTP, see too Show transcript on Podcast platforms that provide access to it (like buzzsprout ( for addl bonus material  there-in. 


Transcription Services below from:

[ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast begin Show intro]

Welcome to ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast a K a CTP in association with savage and filtered podcast The Liberty beacon calm and I am your host Joseph M Lenard and that's L E N A R D   CTP is your no must no fuss just me you And occasional gas type podcast as Graham Norton would say let's get out of the show 

[ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast - Segment 1] 

First, for those looking on at JLenardDetroit YouTube or Rumble, behind the scenes
sneak peek, video edition of the show, I am wearing a Bapwick News Polo shirt in honor
of my friend Rick Walker over in Ontario, Kanukia Land, Canada.
Shout out, Rick Walker, thanks for the shirt.
I always enjoy being on your show, really appreciate you having me on to discuss politics, frost
border, me being in Detroit, him being originally from the Windsor, Ontario, Canada area, now
lives elsewhere in Ontario, so we're kind of neighbors, even though we're different nations.
Today I want to discuss net neutrality.
Expect another push for net neutrality.
Why do I say that? This may seem out of the blue, no one recently that I've heard has
been talking about it, but that's exactly why I'm going to talk about it.
You don't expect me by now, I hope you understand, to do the obvious.
And since I write at, this is the point before it's in the news,
again, to discuss it.
Why am I saying this? It's simple.
We see all the attacks on free speech.
So net neutrality will be another one of those left-wing twists, turns, warping of language
distortions that had always been an affront to actual freedom of speech on the internet,
but net neutrality they tried to sell as, oh, we're going to make the internet free and
safe for everybody.
No, that's not what it's about.
That's not what they're looking to do.
It's another federal government boondoggle, another federal government power grab.
Control over internet access.
Control over what gets said on the internet.
All about power and control.
This is an anti-free speech movement.
And the left has been rabid in attacking free speech.
How many times have we discussed that?
And an aside, you recall on the Liberty Beacon dot com in the past, I'd already written about
free speech and yelling fire in a theater.
No dumb example, bad example, moronic use of the term and point for free speech because
yelling fire in a theater where fire does not exist is not a matter of opinion.
It is not speech.
It is fraud in the inducement.
It is incitement to chaos and potential destruction as people might then stampede out of somewhere
they think there is a fire having been giving the idea under false pretense.
It is fraud in the inducement.
It is not free speech, but net neutrality under that flowery name and fake intention.
The left is trying to sell is about them.
The federal government yet another agency or an expansion of the FCC per se.
Of course, you know, they like expanding.
If they can get away with it, they'll make another new agency out of it for more of their
friends and their family and their donors to get federal paychecks for do nothing jobs
or again, just expanding the FCC duties and authorities.
The government has no power and authority over this.
Even though yes, the internet at first mainly was built for security, defense structure,
military communication, but want to be came into the public sector and more or less privatized
by many things, many companies, many private companies.
It became public domain, except for, of course, again, yes, they're the dark web.
We're not talking about that here.
There is the military web that secret you don't get into that's different that the government
controls under Department of Defense under security issues.
We're talking the public internet access and your right to free speech on it and your
right, your ability to negotiate with whomever would be your service provider to access the
And yes, there will always be varying degrees of expense and levels of access based on what
you can or are willing to pay to have that access.
That's part of the other concept.
Remark it.
Another thing the left hates.
So net neutrality.
Yes, expect it to be yet another issue for the 2024 election that the left will bring
up again.
And it's all about if they get in charge again since they lost Twitter, Twitter has now become
more free speech again.
They want full access over Twitter from the federal standpoint to say, no, we decide what
can be said and not said on the internet regardless of your private company and your
terms of service.
Just like Canada has done.
I spoke with Rick Walker.
That's why I'm wearing the Maverick news shirt several months ago on his Maverick news show
about what Canada is doing.
They have a more or less news.
They call it protection.
Of course, they always the left the fascist, the fascist, the communist, the socialist.
They always, oh, it's for your protection.
No, it never is.
It's always about their power, their control over what can be said against their tyrannical
And they suppress the news now in Canada.
You have to be specially licensed and specially approved for some things to get out on the
internet like Maverick news can and is more censored on YouTube than even you understand
the YouTube censorship in the United States.
We are going towards China.
That's what net neutrality really is about.
This is the CCP party, the fashion crafts wanting to copy G and have full lockdown control over
the internet and what can or cannot be said on it.
So I cannot express this enough.
It's going to come back.
It may be slight at first, but they are never ever, ever going to give it up.
They are going to push even more for it now because as I said, they're losing ground on
the free speech issue.
And the other thing regarding speech is the whole university protest regarding Gaza.
I have every right and I discuss this with Gunny in the other episode of CTP about speech.
Gunny happens to be an older guy with a gray beard.
Well, I've got a gray go to myself if you're seeing this on video, but he's got a full
gray beard.
And I said to him to which of course he agrees, he understands, I can all day all night say,
I hate people with gray beards all day, all night.
I have a right to say, I hate people with gray beard.
What I do not have a right is to then say, somebody's got to do something about these
people with gray beards or it would be nice if these people with gray beards would go
away somehow.
That then starts to cross the line to threats and incitement to others to act upon their
hate to harm people with gray beards.
So again, like the fire thing, it's not opinion at that point.
You can hate anyone you damn well want to.
You cannot express that hatred to a point of action against them.
And that's what's going on with the from the river to the sea genocide.
And no, Israel having some collateral damage of civilians when they're rooting out terrorists
in Gaza because the terrorists purposefully willfully and malice of forethought hide behind
civilians is not genocide.
And from the river to the sea is pulling for the removal and complete extension of all
Jews from the river to the sea.
That is incitement that is threat.
That's not opinion.
That's no longer free speech.
You cannot do that.
There is the big difference, but the lustous speech of hate and incitement and threats
would be allowed.
But of course, if you dared it, you would be locked up.
And further point on the Gaza, although this is an aside to the net neutrality, but it
all relates.
It all ties together again.
Who gets to say what on the internet?
This matters.
If you're aiding in a begging, if you're knowingly allowing terrorists to operate in
your building and you do nothing, they are no longer than an quote, innocent civilian,
unquote, you are now a legitimate target because you are conspiring or aiding in a
bedding or allowing the criminal acts to go on.
You become an accessory under the law.
You are not again, then quote, innocent civilian, unquote, at that point.
You are a legitimate target, which has nothing to do with what happened on October 7th,
which directly attacked, raped, murdered, beheading of innocent babies.
How is a newborn baby a legitimate military threat to anyone?
They are not, not one military target was struck on October 7th in Israel.
Those were pure terrorist hate and desire to kill Jews at that point.
Well beyond any speech going on, supporting that is aiding, abetting terrorist acts and
murder of innocent civilians and calls for actual genocide, no matter how the left tries
to twist, distort and dress it up like they do everything back to the net neutrality.
Again, dressed up, twisted, warped, flowery language to pretend an intention that is
not the real intention of the act that they are looking to do.
This is yet another federal power grab.
They have no business being involved in, no authority to be involved in and you must
know the difference.
You need to know better.
You need to inform all your friends.
That neutrality is not dead.
The elimination of speech is their real intent and they are coming after it again.
If they get control of the House, the Senate and Biden gets reelected, net neutrality
will be again one of the first bills they put on the docket so they can shut down conservative
speech anywhere it is found on the Internet, just like the news is being suppressed in
Now, in favor of the propaganda arms, the approved media, see how that works, the CNN
and MSNBC of the world will dictate and control what gets said on the Internet.
With that, I'm going to bid you a little do.
That's it in a nutshell.
It hasn't gone away.
We must remember that it's coming and I needed to warn you about it so we don't forget about
They like to distract, distort, deny, deceive, discredit anyone.
The, the leftist 70s, the extension of the Saul Olensky tactics that
I wrote about previously.
They will do anything to pretend.
Ooh, look squirrel.
If you recall the movie up, anything to get you off focus of all the things they're doing.
Just you can't just look at the one hand, you got to see what they're doing with the
other hand and the knife about to be shivved into your back if you don't pay attention.
Take care.
God bless.
I'm sorry that it's gone into another Rant and rave episode, but as you can see, my blood
is boiling on this as a former IT guy.
We must act and not allow them to do this to us yet again.
Another federal takeover of something.

[ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast - Segment 2] 

I wanted to have a brief second segment to the show to discuss polling.
I've written about it many times, talked about it many times.
Polling often is in the ballpark, but of course the devil's in the details.
How are they weighted?
What is the sample size?
Who's being pulled where?
But in general, they can show a sentiment.
But here, I want to mention something because net neutrality, I'm trying to warn, is an
issue we need to be talking about versus other issues.
Of course, we must also be talking about the economy being the most obvious.
And the polling of the leftist James Carville, it's the economy stupid rhetoric back into
the fore that they used as a cudgel in the past successfully.
Use what works.
Use it back against the left and pointing out all the lies they keep telling about by
the dumb nomics and the real inflation rate.
And people like me on Social Security getting this small bump in our Social Security checks
nowhere close to dealing with the actual cost of living adjustment that should be due to
real inflation because they factor out the key items.
The main things, the food and fuel that driving the entire overall inflation.
But my point here is to move away from polls to something that is more telling.
How many times do we talk about shall be known by your fruits, actions, deeds over rhetoric?
Well, it has been reported now in swing battleground state of Pennsylvania voter registration from
Democrats to Republican 35,000 ish.
Republican to Democrat 15,000 ish.
Rhino's finally being honest and to you I say FTF you GTFO since this is a family show
keeping it clean using the acronym there.
Right Republican to Democrats 15,000.
Rhino's about time you be honest, join officially the Democrat land ranks where you belong
But the important point here is the overall swing to GOP favor of 19,000 ish actually
So basically 20,000.
Now that is real tangible data of movements, not potential loaded poll question answers
or even potential deception of by or of by responders to polling firms to skew the data.
These are people who change their party affiliation.
Now of course the question then is whether this is also happening as a trend and shift
in thinking in other battleground states or not.
A deep blue state.
Great we want to see these things happen.
But it isn't really going to affect a potus, electoral college outcome in the end.
Red states great.
Yeah we want red states become more red.
Not watered down.
Purple is from all the Californian and New York liptards moving out into red states and
probably being too stupid to understand you can't vote Democrat in your new state or you'll
turn it into California or New York that you just fled moron wake up wtf again family friendly
show right.
So is this a trend in battleground states where it will matter in some swing districts
for the house of representatives some swing states for us Senate and potus electoral college
benefits toward the GOP and more so of course this election cycle the obvious towards MAGA
and Trump so that isn't huge numbers.
I'm reading from a note here now but still encouraging but the biggest real question
is among those in the attendance as I call them that continue to still refuse to take
a real side with those of us defending the Republic that's the root of where the term
Republican came from the left fascicorax trying to destroy the Republic those of us
on the right trying to preserve and save the Republic or as at Savage Darmy
here you can find my roar not Katy Perry fanboy you know or video gear restore our American
Republic some of these people in Pennsylvania and hopefully elsewhere are finally getting
it they are on board with roar restore our American Republic if that MAGA fully those
in the dependence is the real question are they finally going to take a side and join
those of us trying to restore our American Republic or continue to pretend oh they're
above it all they're neither Democrat or Republican left or right now if you're not Republican
you're aiding and abetting fashion credits and the destruction of America and Western
culture as a whole you're not above it you're not beyond it you're useful idiots to the
left so I just wanted to take a minute to share that even though this is you are this
episode rather isn't about polling it is about the issues and net neutrality not being forgot
about as an issue because it hasn't gone away it will be yet another federal government
overreach takeover of private sector another federal government boom dongle and to tie this
back to woke tax last episode yet another excuse from the left to say we need to raise
taxes you know to make the net neutral to make it there for everybody when it's about controlling
speech not assuring free speech thank you for tuning in I felt it important to add this
additional caveat in this episode see you all next week 

[ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast begin Show outro]

Thank you for having tuned into Chrystitutionalist politics show Please tune into savages and filtered podcasts of which I am a co-host and be sure to check out more about today's discussion at the Liberty beacon calm where my articles drop every Saturday in addition to seeing the corresponding the Liberty beacon calm piece referenced in the episode of ChristiTutionalist podcast see to the show transcript on podcast platforms that provide access to it like bus bro at for additional bonus material therein the transcript. Thank you. Take care. God bless

Transcription Services above from:


BONUS MATERIAL BELOW from: S1E29 "WOKE Tax" ( Show transcript   

CTP S1E29 SHOW NOTES ( listen (Sat Jan 6 2024 and thereafter) at: )... 
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S1E29) "WOKE Tax?"
Obviously as Conservatives/ChristiTutionalist we generally OPPOSE ANY NEW TAXES, but it is high-time we fight Fire with Fire (figuratively, and as the saying goes) and look at putting the manure of The Left directly back upon them and call out their hypocrisy. How long you been hearing The Left calling for "Wealth Tax?" Well, time we call their bluff - how about a WOKE Tax on University (100's of Billions each) Endowments while they still cry Poor and hiking Tuition-Rates to the stratosphere?!?!? Something The Left would never Vote for, but time we "called their bluff" and put them on Record protecting THE RICH and their Millionaires and Billionaires Base despite their empty Public rhetoric. A Strategy I've been calling for a long time and some in D.C. finally getting up to speed (some creativity for a change, rather than same-ole same-ole games they play (and LOSE) by GOP Leadership). Plus discussion about Conservative Talk-Show Radio Hosts, most notably Dennis Prager.
Also, what does Tyrus and the GUTFELD Show have to do with any of this? Tune-in, listen, for details.
See Buzzsprout podcasts Transcript of/for this Show for "Episode related additional information."
Transcript Bonus: Why I A ChristiTutionalist Oppose Proposed Fair Tax Scheme

Episode related pieces...
- obaMAOcare Tax scheme ... 
... (ObamaCare 2009 Townhalls 1) (Dingell townhall) 
... (ObamaCare 2009 Townhalls 2) (more townhall hijinks) 
... (ObamaCare 2009 Townhalls 3) (Acting, Razzie to Peters) 
... (ObamaCare 2009 Townhalls 4) (Steny Howyer) 
... (ObamaCare 2009 Mandates) 
... (ObamaCare 2012 Contraception deception) 

"ChristiTutionalist Politics" podcast (CTP) 
- CTP:  
- CTP long-form description: 
- TLB articles:  
- FaithCasters Free Newsletter:  
- Join Faithcaster (Podcaster or Guest):  
- Broadcast your thoughts w/ buzzsprout:   
- CTP Official Coffee:  
- CTP Official playlist:  
- Joseph M Lenard -  ( /\  
(S1E29 Audio: 26m 26s, Sat Jan 6 2024)

some "Behind-the-Scenes" Video version of ChristiTutionalist Politics found via...   

In addition to seeing corresponding TheLibertyBeacon piece referenced in episodes of CTP, see too Show transcript on Podcast platforms that provide access to it (like buzzsprout ( for addl bonus material  there-in.  


Transcription Services below from:

[ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast begin Show intro]

Welcome to ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast a K a CTP in association with savage and filtered podcast The Liberty beacon calm and I am your host Joseph M Lenard and that's L E N A R D   CTP is your no must no fuss just me you And occasional gas type podcast as Graham Norton would say let's get out of the show 

[ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast - Segment 1] 

Greetings, everyone. Couple of
housekeeping issues. First, this is woke tax. Season one, episode 29. Yes, even though this
is now 2024. I started the podcast in June of 2023. So I will be taking my season one
all the way through into June of 2024, which at time, then will roll into season two, rather
than confuse matters by jumping to season two before a full year of actual season one
episodes. So there's that.
Beyond that, with this being the first podcast of constitutionalist politics in January of
2024, again, season one, episode 29, it will be as this now a weekly podcast. There will
be, of course, 52 weekly episodes, right? We will go up to episode 52, then roll into
season two. But yes, if you've noticed, I have had a few special midweek drops mid-month
generally, but they may not always happen in the middle of the month. But yes, pretty
much going forward, I am planning there will indeed be usually in every month a midweek
special drop for each month, potentially two in a month. But for now, starting slow, a special
midweek drop, which will be more interviews going back with my regular episodes being
more or less monologues and moving interviews to the special midweek drops, focusing solely
on topics, solely on issues, solely on what the guest brings to the show, then, which
means there will be no corresponding Z Liberty Beacon piece unless if that happens to have
be a special midweek drop also since the show when the Liberty Beacon corresponding correlating
pieces always drop on the Saturdays. Also being on that, I want to point to for those
watching on behind the scenes, sneak peek at Jay Leonard Detroit, YouTube, Rumble, and
sometimes Bitchu or Brightion, and even occasionally Vimeo drops, special sneak peek behind the
scenes video versions of the show, you can see the background for happy new your folks
and oh, where did I put my glasses? I got a let me grab my glasses temporarily. There
we go my 2024 glasses, but they got the very little holes there so I can hardly see what
I'm doing. So I'm not going to keep them on through the whole show. The other house keeping
again the background, thank you to Sergei Peterman. This is a general annual series of
his that my background is showing us rolling over into 2024. So thank you Sergei Peterman
for your wonderful happy new year's images. Don't know how long you've been doing these.
I know you've been doing them probably I think around 10 years. There will be a new one of
course going forward every year. I want to thank you. The other thing is, Christitutionalist
politics to the book that I've spoken of before and mentioned in the back of the Christitutional
st politics book that is out now available bookstores, anywhere. And of course Amazon
books a million Barnes and Noble Barnes and Noble look of course Amazon Kindle virtually
everywhere. Christitutionalist politics book is out has been since August of 2023 in which
I discussed there will be a follow up Christitutionalist politics book too that I'm more or less
looking at probably will launch June 1st of 2024. So please watch for that as it will
be a follow up to the original book a follow up to the show to try to be an election guide
book more or less for Christians giving us Christians together back to the Bible in full
context, not warping and distorting particular scripture and asking that Christians remember
to vote biblically. The Bible if you're a true Christian is supposed to support and
enforce and influence your political worldview versus fake Christians that I talk about
in the original book and during the show that take passages, scriptures from the Bible and
misquote them entirely or make up some out of whole cloth or pick and choose something
out of context of the whole Bible. So I wanted to mention that hopefully will be dropping
June 1st and the other last thing is the reason I mentioned Christitutionalist politics to
the book for June 1st 2024. I was just writing is if you could see on video in my hand,
I have a sheets of paper that I added to the about the book section expanding the original
about the book from the first book, the about the book will be different in the second book
and I wanted to give a shout out to Dennis Prager. I just added this that will be in
CTP too. I think Dennis Prager is my favorite talk show radio host. I really admire his
crafty use of language and especially how he can traverse difficult psychological concerning
topics political or not. Listen back at CTP episodes on gray areas part one and part two that was
season one episode 22 and season one episode 23 that can be a minefield. Sadly, I fear likely I
can only ever dream of obtaining use their of language as skillfully as he does in my works.
Dennis has a great ability to stay calm and level head even when dealing with guests or
callers that try to quote take them off this game unquote whereas with me if you've listened to my
podcast or me as co-host on savaged unfiltered savaged underground savage cuts savage radio
which after one month we're leaving the block 105 so savage radio will be no more there were only
four episodes. It's a series of show you know at times I can get a bit shot under the collar right
a bit upset outraged on a particular set of topic or topics issue or issues and get loud
animated may seem like a stark raving lunatic like left a snowflake even though I always assure
myself to stay involved using logic reason and facts. Luckily only very few but a couple
podcasts episodes that I sound more like a ranting and raving nut rather than perveyor of
important informational food for thought as I promise you in the opening of every show and in
need of serious considerations no one I know want a complete far right wing and our goal zero
governance situation but now too they people like Brandon Strach, Kansas, so-ones and others
awakening from woke PC super realize they don't want the far left wing pure tyranny
pure over running government at the federal level control dictates over the people either.
We may disagree on things here and there but we're on the same page of eyes wide open to the
leftist deflections, destructions, distortions, denial and dodges which look back on the Liberty
Beacon for my the leftist seven D's or the CTP episode the leftist seven D's of which deflections
distortions, denials, dodges are just part of the seven D's the extension of the Olinsky
tactics and results versus rhetoric matters it is with that spirit that I wished to change the
paradigm much like Dennis Prager did in telling the difference between a leftist and the classical
liberal and Ronald Reagan with his up down political philosophy paradigm in my creation of the term
Christitucious real and yes I will ask you to question real versus fake dynamic further in
Christians based US constitutionalism so yes I apologize I've read that verbatim because I wanted
to get it right I just recently added that to the CTP to about the book section for the upcoming
CTP to book also now finally what this show is supposed to be about the Wolk tax what prompted
this is that I have been talking to you and I've been talking about taxes since forever I've been
writing online since before the internet was ever created back to the days of 300 broad personal
computer dial up modems where you dialed other computers to put things up online unlike the
internet today where they're all easily accessible through the network but I've been anti-tax from
the start well here's one time I'm willing to be for a tax I've been calling for what is a Wolk
tax to punish the universities if Joe Biden I've talked about this in several episodes and online
articles over the years but more recently regarding the loan deferment the college loan forgiveness
the college debt forgiveness that Biden is handering to younger people with to try to buy votes which is
unconstitutional he does not have that authority it requires an act of Congress and I've been saying
for a long time okay let's call the last bluff the US House should I've been saying this before we
took charge passed a bill to forgive college loan of only certain debt if you get an economics
degree a business degree you know those degrees that matter not these lefty-loom gender studies or
this study or that study actual legitimate degrees that set someone up for a real job let's make
the colleges and the universities pay for that loan forgiveness I've been saying that for years now
their endowments are over billions of dollars together collectively they amount into the multiple
trillions of dollars yet they keep raising the tuition rates and why ever since Obama took and
federalized the loan program that was private before you signed a private contract and entered
into a loan just like anyone else entering into a loan and the bank weighed whether you were going
to college to get an actual degree which meant you would qualify for a real job that would pay you
enough in order to pay back those debts but once Obama federalized the loan process it became
free easy money therefore the colleges knew anyone could get a loan for any degree of any kind
regardless of that meant there would be a job waiting for them when they got out of college
and run up hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt so the colleges could keep raising tuition
even though their endowments are such that they could literally not just lower tuition but pay the
tuition of each and every one of their students for decades to come but yet they still keep growing
them so it's time Congress act the house create a loan forgiveness act which creates a wealth tax
a one-time wealth tax on the college endowments of 10% 20% 30% doesn't the left always call for a
wealth tax call their bluff how then could the left in the senate deny it in filibuster and you
know down well senator Warren in the senate would filibuster such an act even though senator Warren
and bernie sanders have been calling for a overall overriding general generic tax for ages now
so it's time to call their bluff and i bring that up again now because somebody in dc must have
actually been listening so i read to you from a tom cotton press release washington dc senator
tom cotton republican arkansas today introduced the west act woke endowment security tax
ha ha somebody's been paying attention although like i said this should be for college tuition
thing call bident's bluff call the left bluff on this they won't pass it but foot force the bill
pass it through the house send it to the senate call their bluff the tom cotton west act woke
endowment security tax act legislation that would institute a 6% excise tax on the endowments of
10 american universities well why is it limited to just 10 any university with an endowment over
a quarter billion dollars should be taxed a one-time wealth tax time i think is talking about making
it a permanent 6% excise wealth tax on endowment from here into perpetuity which would never pass
and why i say do a one-time wealth tax again how could the left oppose it they will but how could
they oppose it they're the ones talking about a wealth tax all the time back to the cotton press
release the revenue from the taxes which would amount to 15.47 billion would act as a source of
funding for money going to israel's war against amorph ucrain's war against russia and two efforts
to secure the southern border so thank you tom cotton it's about darn time somebody's run with
one of my ideas again way back when you may recall chuck schumer started the republicans are
nothing but the party of no and oh well back then i came up with a response the republicans are the
party of no as in knowledge k no w and my friend satties mccotter was in the house of representatives
at that time and he took my idea and it indeed became a republican talking point counterpoint
to chucky schumer for about a year and a half so thank god somebody's listening and this isn't the
first time tom cotton or someone on his staff seems to have borrowed that concept because let me
throw through my notes here if you see in the video and again i talk about this in part
in the time for new gop leadership with some fight and imagination you can find that article
back on the liberty beacon dot com put joseph m Leonard in the search field to find all my articles
about turning the tables on the left and putting forth such an act but the truth is this is not
the first time somebody from tom cotton staff was paying attention and borrowed my idea but we never
really heard much about this from a year ago or so still well after i suggested the wealth tax on
endowment and in the liberty beacon dot com wok tax corresponding article i will be embedding a
nine minute video that is from youtube tom cottons based bill will tax endowments to pay high school
grads nine thousand dollars to learn on the job again making the universities pay for some on the
job training some actual useful skills rather than the worthless degrees by dumb and the left
want to forgive longs on i have some other notes but i'm running a bit long so let me scroll through
real quick we'll say in the article does any of this sound familiar but i already laid out how
i've talked about it several times and also you know bernie sandtards and you know bernie
or folkahontas how could they oppose these and i go on and make a note about and no i have zero
issue calling left-to-slunes names on occasion as they are experts and doing nothing but call us name
using the linsky attacks because they cannot win a logic reason fact-based discussion they're always
calling us racist sexist whatever is whatever phobic etc that does not make me a hypocrite however
it makes me principle still you always hear me say principles not personalities the principle here
return fire when fired upon so yes you keep calling us names on occasion yes i will engage in it back
i will name call but it's a printable fire back when fired upon principle
for those of you who understand logic reason principles value and common sense normally as
the saying goes is you know don't get in the mud with the pigs because you just get dirty and the
pigs like it well you know modern politics the way it is especially with the left identity politics
name calling is required to get the sound bite to get to the substance as i've discussed here today
so at any rate thank you very much for tuning into this episode i appreciate it as always again
happy new year for those of you looking on video i'm putting on my 2024 happy new year classes again
and as you can see they don't say happy new year on them because i ain't stupid i bought glasses
they have a u.s flag on them and 2024 i can now use these for 4th of july to kill two birds with
one stone huh spy as a fox always thinking and shout out to tyros on the gut felt show because i
saw tyros was wearing the same set of glasses i've had these for about a month now waiting and
leading up to the new year so shout out to tyros you just so happened to get the same sadly made in
china set of new year's glasses take care god bless i wish god indeed may bless you in 2024
the new year 

[ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast begin Show outro]

Thank you for having tuned into Chrystitutionalist politics show Please tune into savages and filtered podcasts of which I am a co-host and be sure to check out more about today's discussion at the Liberty beacon calm where my articles drop every Saturday in addition to seeing the corresponding the Liberty beacon calm piece referenced in the episode of ChristiTutionalist podcast see to the show transcript on podcast platforms that provide access to it like bus bro at for additional bonus material therein the transcript. Thank you. Take care. God bless

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BONUS MATERIAL BELOW from "Why I (as ChristiTutionalist) oppose proposed "FAIR Tax" scheme..." TheLibertyBeacon Article:   

Why I (as ChristiTutionalist) oppose proposed "FAIR Tax" scheme... 

Short and sweet, someone asked on Social-Media about hearing some in GOP majority in USHouse now may propose new Tax scheme…. My response, cut/paste from there…. Why I, as a ChristiTutionalist, oppose current "Federal Sales Tax" (aka: “FAIR Tax”) scheme as proposed... #PrinciplesNotPersonalities
in two words: TAX SHIFT (the “theory” anyway)
The theory being even drug dealers (and others in the underground/dark/secret Economy buy things and would therefore Pay that Tax (whereas the Cash is not reported on Income Taxes)).
The flaw (that is sadly not common-sense and should be obvious to most is):
Criminals, and other Tax avoiders, would simply increase their criminal activity and buy even more of the things they acquire off-the-books, via Dark Web, whatever. More Burglary to meet the demand for Hot TVs and other items off the books.

VIDEO (3m 50s): Here's why the Republicans want to cut taxes and spending: 
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen></iframe>

So, it would actually increase criminal activity.
The other OBVIOUS they refuse to talk about establishment of more trade/barter organizations to trade items of value, avoid the Sales Tax. Many small business owners engage in this already, to avoid having to claim/declare Sales Revenue.
It doesn’t fix a problem, it worsens others!
And contrary to the “lies” that then the IRS could be eliminated, it would actually exponentially grow it as it is harder to track down to collect the endless new joining the Tax avoidance ranks.
And again why I support Repeal/Replace 16A with capped Flat Tax, and while we’re going through the process have a Balanced Budget requirement within a newly proposed Constitutional Amendment.

VIDEO (4m 05s): These are the cuts the GOP wants in a debt ceiling deal (as always, LEFT LIES, these are NOT CUTS but reductions in rates of higher Spending, slowing SOME higher growth rates): 
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Let me add… The trouble here is RINOs are too often as bad as FASCICRATS with the lets do something, even if it is stupid just to say they’ve done something – without fully thinking through the unintended consequences!
That is why I am a Christian Constitutional (ChristiTutionalist) Conservative 1st NOT a Republican Party HACK. Just part of the GOP because it is the ONLY HOPE for Conservative values to come to the fore.

VIDEO (10m 308): Republicans Vote to (supposedly, don’t make me laugh) Abolish IRS & Eliminate Income Tax: 
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen></iframe>

No, those 87,000 IRS Agents are not defunded (the USHouse defund the IRS Bill is going nowhere in the USSenate nor would be signed by JoeBiDUMB) and they are coming for you in the lower Middle-Class and Small-Business owners… and, frankly, it may be the ONLY THING that finally wakes up those asleep so long… Maybe, just maybe, some will actually/finally learn how things work!
Remember, we told you so, and you could have prevented it all
Maybe, finally, these idiots that haven’t learned and still Vote for (or allow, by not getting out and Fighting/Voting AGAINST) FASCICRATS DEEP-STATE BIG-GROWING-FEDERAL-GOVERNMENT AGENDA; the real grouping, Deep-State of CINOS, RINOs, and FASCICRATS, as one, NOT a Uni-Party (plenty of more good/solid Republicans in the wings if only people would get off their ass to support them; will get that last straw added upon and break their backs to RED PILL AWAKENING?!?!?

[image source: TheLibertyBeacon (Roger Landry) “Release the IRS…” article]

audit, Audit, AUDIT, you morons that thought they were here to “Audit and make the RICH pay more” welcome to your rude awakening, you finally going to put aside your Unicorn Delusions that THE LEFT aren’t FASCICRATS?!?! and get off your ASSES and help reverse course (and, yes, full-disclosure, no hyper-partisanship shit here, fight the CINOs/RINOs as well as the FASCICRATS (The Deep-State collective))?!?! No more I’m too busy bullshit excuses, you must make some time available for politics because politics (the FASCISTS) political agenda sure has time to put and keep you in its cross-hairs!!

And let’s also be clear they are NOT going to shutdown the IRS if a “Fair Tax” (Sales Tax) is implemented, it will stay as an enforcement and collection arm just as it is now but just with a different Tax to enforce (to be sure Businesses are Filing the appropriate FAIR Tax paperwork and Deposits - SO LET'S STOP THE FALSE NARRATIVE BULLSHIT). The only way to really eliminate the IRS would be to create a system where the States pay the Federal Government to cover Constitutionally approved/allowed Spending/Debts and each State raise those funds from its Citizens/Residents, how it sees fit, through each State’s Treasury and collection agencies, to send to U.S. Treasury. Which, too, would return us more to States Rights and the Power closest to the People.

VIDEO (2m 51s): Donald Trump-backed ad brands Florida governor 'Ron DeSalesTax': 
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen></iframe>

There is ZERO REASON to be attacking DeSantis, Haley, ANYONE, on GOP side.... Trump will take 2024 GOP POTUS Primary IN A CAKE WALK (barring major Trump catastrophe/meltdown or other massive miracle from Heaven for one of the others)... Can we FOCUS on Shit that matters?!?!?!
There is ZERO NEED for folks to attack DeSantis over the POTUS Primary
Nor any need to say BOO about Niki, going nowhere...
BUT we are going to need ALL WHO RUN THIS CYCLE pulling together to Win in 2024.

I have to say that the PAC Ad against “Ron DeSalesTax” as they call DeSantis as disingenuous at best. Those pushing for this, are talking about a TAX SHIFT. So, let’s be HONEST in our discussion please!!!! Again, unless part of a Repeal and Replace of 16A there is no-way I can support this because is anyone DUMB ENOUGH to not understand it would land up being a Tax increase (like they have in Canada) and we likely have BOTH (Sales and Income Taxes). This is NOTHING TO DO WITH THE 2024 GOP POTUS PRIMARY – Trump has the 2024 GOP POTUS nomination sewn up (bar major catastrophe or someone getting a miracle surge) so I am Voting for Kristi Noem or Tim Scott in the Primary, to position them as our next VP and then POTUS in 2028.



I can hardly stop LMFAO at someone saying I too am "disingenuous" by my leaving out a particular "Clause" (that might NOT even be part of any Final USHouse/USSenate compromise on the Bill) and "THEIR INTENT" (oh please, God some people can be so blatantly STUPID and easily fooled useful-idiots) when discussing USHOUSE 2023-HR25 BILL....

"INTENT" ROTFLMFAO, yep, as if these buffoons can be trusted with supposed "intent" not as if Politicians ALWAYS TELL THE TRUTH! And I don't give a damn what THEIR STATED (likely FAKE) "INTENT" IS claimed to be now, next week they always change their positions, and/or OTHERS can/will hijack the process later and turn it on its Head.

So, again, NO F******G WAY. PERIOD. NOT ACCEPTABLE without full complete Repeal/Replace Amendment FULLY RATIFIED before implementation of SALES SCHEME. PERIOD!

Are you new??? No, seriously, how long have you been involved in Politics. NO CONGRESS IS BOUND BY ANY PREVIOUS CONGRESS. EVER. PERIOD, than can alter, abolish, amend, ANY LAW any time - EXCEPT, of course, that by which is bound/unbound by Constitution (as if that is even enforced in many cases, oh sure when “convenient” they trout it out whe/where they can warp it to fit a current DESTROY THE FOUNDERS INTENT narrative).
Again, LMFAO, let me laugh again at the "the bill terminates the national sales tax if the Sixteenth Amendment to the Constitution (authorizing an income tax) is not repealed within seven years after the enactment of this bill" statement... aha... No, seriously, IS THAT A JOKE OR ARE YOU SERIOUS??? You're making my sides hurt from laughing at that degree of STUPIDITY expected of SUCKERS to buy into this... NOT as if they haven't IGNORED or CHANGED Laws later. Give me a Break, I know YOU ARE NOT THAT DUMB. REPEAL and REPLACE absolutely MUST BE DONE ALL AT ONCE BY CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT or NO F***** WAY that I support this or any moronic bullshit "PINKY SWEAR" promises. ARE YOU NEW TO THIS kinda scam, con, bait-and-switch?!?!? Once established BOTH WOULD EXIST AND WOULD FOREVER. Only complete morons believe otherwise (again, UNLESS, it is done all at once and via Amendment - no "we'll start with this AND PROMISE THAT LATER" bullshit games/gimmicks/manure.

I just am honest here FAIR TAX BILL (2023-HR25) IS A JOKE. And, again, I will oppose UNTIL and ONLY if/when I see a Bill that does NOTHING but put forth the Repeal/Replace Amendment to send to States for ratification. ZERO empty promise bullshit "partial this" then "MAYBE THAT" later manure will do. I've been involved in politics since 1978, I'm NOT going to be convinced EVER to fall for such IDIOCY of empty, clearly will be broken, promises..... What's the saying about INSANITY, yet you want to trust some of these buffoons to keep any "INTENT" (again, I f****** (sorry, I know some get “upset” when that word is interjected, BUT I CANNOT EMPHASIZE THESE POINTS ENOUGH so adding for additional emphasis, along with also annoying ALL CAPS in places, LOL) almost fall of the couch LMFAO every time I type that "their INTENT" hilarious)! Just like ZERO AMNESTY, did it once under Reagan and of course THE INTENT was ignored - all got Amnesty ZERO INCREASE IN BORDER SECURITY then or ever since (til Trump). NOPE, you BUILD THE WALL along every damn inch of the Border, complete with alligator infested moats and automated robot machine-guns atop to repeal any all that approach --- THEN, ONLY THEN, and then probably NOT THEN (I will break my promise, just like Left does daily) CAN WE EVEN BEGIN TO DISCUSS AMNESTY!

BONUS MATERIAL ABOVE from "Why I (as ChristiTutionalist) oppose proposed "FAIR Tax" scheme..." TheLibertyBeacon Article:   

BONUS MATERIAL ABOVE from: S1E29 "WOKE Tax" ( Show transcript   

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