ChristiTutionalist (TM) Politics

ChristiTutionalist Politics (S1E32) "Red-Pill Strategy (aka: 'the Conspiracy-Theories show')"

Joseph M. Lenard Season 1 Episode 32

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S1E32 SHOW NOTES ( listen (Sat Jan 27 2024 and thereafter) at: )... 
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S1E32) "Red-Pill Strategy (aka: 'the Conspiracy-Theories show')"
Understanding that many things can be true, but are just not strategic to share (at first) with those only just now becoming Politically Awakened from their WOKE stupor. You start a Child reading War And Peace but introduce "digestible" fare and eventually they will build up to being to handle the more complex.
Also, discussion with Peter A Serefine Jr and his forthcoming "Trust Shattered: Cases of Government Betrayal" book, his other books, more.
See Buzzsprout podcasts Transcript of/for this Show for "Episode related additional information."
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S1E32 SHOW NOTES ( listen (Sat Jan 27 2024 and thereafter) at: )... 
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S1E32) "Red-Pill Strategy (aka: 'the Conspiracy-Theories show')"
Understanding that many things can be true, but are just not strategic to share (at first) with those only just now becoming Politically Awakened from their WOKE stupor. You start a Child reading War And Peace but introduce "digestible" fare and eventually they will build up to being to handle the more complex.
Also, discussion with Peter A Serefine Jr and his forthcoming "Trust Shattered: Cases of Government Betrayal" book, his other books, more.
See Buzzsprout podcasts Transcript of/for this Show for "Episode related additional information."
Transcript Bonus: N/A  

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(S1E32 Audio: 1h 27m 35s, Sat Jan 27 2024)

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#ChristiTutionalist #Politics (S1E32) "#RedPill #Strategy (aka: '#ConspiracyTheories show')"
CTP every #SaturdayMorning #Show, dropped (a little later than normal as I put #ChapterMarkers finishing touches just completed)
Also Welcome #PeterASerefineJr  


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[ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast begin Show intro]

Welcome to ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast a K a CTP in association with savage and filtered podcast The Liberty beacon calm and I am your host Joseph M Lenard and that's L E N A R D   CTP is your no must no fuss just me you And occasional gas type podcast as Graham Norton would say let's get out of the show 

[ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast - Segment 1] 

greetings everyone welcome to the show loosely titled red pill strategy the corresponding v Liberty beacon calm piece will be fully titled some still reachable to red pill but one must be strategic about it and this is quasi sort of part of a series though next week and the week after will technically be brain dead folks though the TLB piece will be called can lead left us to facts but cannot make them think part one and part two the three of these together these three weeks in a row are a quasi sort of related series though I didn't want to call it all a part one part two and part three a little bit of behind the scenes there into my thought process all relating to things I have spoken about in the past like this article for this week at TLB and this show is adapted from my before its news piece by the same names some still reachable the red pill but one must be strategic about it from copyrighted Tuesday August 17th 2021 and next week's part one and part two quasi related are an extension of a red state piece from August of 2009 I felt it important in time to revisit these things to make them part of the constitutionalist politics show and also to deliver the remarks and article items to my TLB reader audience first if you are not familiar with the term controlled opposition whether directly earned directly controlled perhaps you should educate yourself on the concept before spewing conspiracy theory and being useful idiots to for the left in aiding and abetting their discredit campaign of actual conspiracy related factual items there are some actual real conspiracies going on that's why those reco laws exist to charge people who conspire to do things as well as other things that are not outright conspiracies people getting together like the Austin power film right dr. Evil and his evil volcano layer and his cohorts all getting in to the volcano layer to put together their evil plans some people are just independently separately evil have similar thoughts don't necessarily have to conspire they all act on their own accord to the same tune march to the same drummer so to speak more or less they're not needing to conspire they all have the same concept of and desire for power and control so they act in similar or at times exact fashion without needing to engage in an actual conspiracy to do so so red pill strategy is about having sensible strategic arguments are things that are happening to bring in the brain dead folks which will be the next two shows title brain dead folks one and two and the TLB related pieces can lead left us to facts but cannot make them think part one and part two that these things are happening and control opposition there are indeed some conspiracy nuddiness items things that are indeed untrue other things that are indeed actually true but just so far beyond the pale and acceptance and you'll hear more about that next week like the stages of grief shot denial anger and acceptance some people will never ever bring themselves to accept some of these things are factual and therefore strategically dumb on our part if we are to attempt to peddle those to brain dead folks people who aren't paying attention people who are living the delusional mainstream media bubble they're just never going to accept it they're going to roll their eyes at you walk away and consider you a loon and a nut and again yes control opposition sometimes puts out conspiracy nothing is that indeed is not true so that those of us who talk about things that are indeed fact conspiracy fact conspiracy reality not just theory or indeed some things that aren't outright conspiracy as I said just like-minded people acting in similar or concerted fashion working together to bring about things that give them power and control but some of that nuttiness that isn't reality is out there so that they can label things that are real as conspiracy theory to try to discredit those of us who are dealing in that reality but this show is about strategy what is strategically smart versus what may indeed be true but people aren't ever going to listen to you if you try to peddle it you do not open someone's red pill experience with pizza gate they're just not going to listen to you they're not going to be willing to look at your evidence they don't care because it is just so far out there they will never ever want to allow themselves to believe it versus other things like the hunter Biden laptop factual proving Biden crime family corruption that they want people to believe was conspiracy theory and all made up so they could win the 2020 election in part of course aside from all the fraud which again many will label conspiracy theory and therefore not something you open with to the average person because again they're just going to roll their eyes and walk away because they watch CNN and the MSNBC sales on TV who poo poo it all and call anyone who deliver actual evidence of fraud like the Dinesh D'Souza 2000 mules movie documentary which I call 2000 mules in one whale referring to Stacey Abrams regarding violations of election law it's not arguable facts are there evidence is there and whether or not a court allows the evidence in because they're a liberal activist courts refusing to deal with the fraud because then the answer to that would need be throw out some election results no judge wants to do that or ever go there which is why the SCOTUS even the Texas the battleground states case was dismissed improperly on standing even though the SCOTUS is the only court in the land that could hear Texas the battleground states Texas can't sue the other states in their own state court there's a conflict of interest there that's one of the reasons SCOTUS is there to hear these crock state battle arguments but they knew the evidence existed of indeed violations of election law and therefore knew what the ruling would have to be and didn't want any part of it so they just refused to hear the case so that the evidence couldn't be brought and again factual evidence easily to see for anyone who wants to look at the facts and the evidence and deal in reality versus fantasy but again this show is about things that are indeed real that you can actually get someone to believe versus things they're just going to continue to roll their eyes and walk away from you on things like the Hunter Biden laptop trying to be discredited as conspiracy theory but someone's in prison for the corruption outlined on the Hunter Biden laptop but the media won't tell you about his confirming the Biden laptop information or also dismissing and ignoring the other co-conspirator Tony Bubble-Linsky who's gone on record and stating the things on the laptop are true you can even see the video of Joe in the Ukraine admitting to the quid pro quo on camera I will not give you us taxpayer money if you do not fire the guy investigating Hunter and Burisma because that's inconvenient it can't come out or the corruption the Biden crime family corruption quid pro quo and money laundering will be laid bare for all to see and that Biden has been about still is about providing favors to those who launder money into their pockets but getting people to believe that is a far lesser step and cry than trying to convince someone of pizza gate you're just never going to get anywhere with that so this show is not about facts or fiction but what facts you can actually evidence enough to get someone who is in denial to accept to believe to start their red pill journey to then potentially lead them down those other deeper far darker rabbit holes that they aren't going to want to deal with but you've got to start somewhere to red-pilling them and again this show red pill strategy is about being smart being strategic you don't go to a child and hand them war in peace you start with the Dr. Seuss books you start with the nursery rhymes things that they can handle to then bring them along to the other later books to educate them on things to teach them things that they can handle better at a later age or a latter point in their mental development I will go into next week about it's like morning the stages of grief shock denial anger acceptance a lot of things will be shocking to them they will then just deny them they will never get to the anger and acceptance phases because it's just so far fetched and preferring their delusional bubble makes their life easier I'm gonna dig now into some notes because that's actually only page one of the Liberty Beacon piece that I initially read the first if you're not familiar with controlled opposition I'm now 15 minutes in and that's just page one which brings me to the point the Liberty Beacon piece and this corresponding correlating Christitucilist politics show like all the other ones are meant to compliment each other all I say here will not be in the articles all I say in the articles will not necessarily be incorporated as part of the TTP shows but I do want to read a portion of a post of a response to President-elect Jethro at who day on dab where I mentioned Biden laptop cuz Tony Bubble and ski testimony babbling Biden's own on-video admission of the quid pro quo as I mentioned here and I responded to someone regarding red pill strategy on gab and the Charlottesville lie can easily show Trump on video his whole remarks and clearly not praising Nazis several several times I'm not talking about the KKK or Nazis in that discussion in that post Department of Transportation meeting discussion where he addressed Charlottesville that the left lies about which is large part of what started Brendan Strach it looks like Strach it's pronounced rock who started the walk away from Democrats movement on his floor and complete red pill journey a friend of his said here's a video trumps full remarks I don't expect you to believe anything I tell you versus the spin you're seeing on the television please I beg you review this video of his full remarks in context as he said them versus the out of context distortion lies the media is telling you and thankfully he actually opened the video and reviewed it he thought he was going to mock and make friend of his friend who he would have then gone back at and said you're the one engaging in spin but his eyes were opened when he saw the full and complete remarks that Trump made that is a red pill strategy item that if you can get them to just see Trump's full remarks may start their red pill journey whereas pizza gate I'm sorry yes there is evidence in fact behind it but it is just so filthy so dirty to the point that people never ever want to even remotely consider that is reality that they're going to walk away if you talk about it so something like the Biden laptop or the Charlottesville lie are far more strategic items that you can evidence to begin them on their red pill journey the other the injecting bleach false narratives right have you seen Trump's full context remarks on videos about that clearly talking about new technologies not IT kind of technology I'm a former IT guy but medical technology the use of lasers or infrared light tech into use of the veins in the bloodstream as good or better than old-fashioned mechanical blood scrubbers that the left lies about and says he wants people to inject bleach these are easy short real simple ways to educate and red pill somebody as to the Anna media as I call them hashtag E-N-E-M-E-D-I-A that I coined and a media liars spinsters propaganda distorting what Trump said out of context and people's unwillingness to do any research for themselves and that's the point here they're not going to do the research what can you present them that is short enough and potentially they might actually a liberal like a Brandon Strock or a Candace Owens versus a leftist no flake woke tard complete socialist ideological nut who is different as Dennis Prager points out in it's part of his Prager view Prager you videos there is a difference between a classical liberal who like a Strock or an Owens you can still present short factual things to awaken them from their woke stupor and delusional mainstream media bubble things that can pierce their armor versus those other things the deeper rabbit holes that you save for later because they're just gonna roll their eyes these simple things and yes I go on to say other things you list I just didn't want to push the video too long today's Twitter attention span level people will get my point good or not no worry not worth further wasting my or our time on with as some classical liberals like Strock or Owens can still be reached those are the people we need to reach out to but a full-blown deliginal ideological committed leftist never will be reached so I wanted to share in this episode that response to someone on gab I mentioned a couple times now there will be embedded video in the TL B piece of Dennis Prager liberalism versus leftism a 13 minute 25 second video so please check out the corresponding TL B piece and watch listen to Dennis Prager in his own words on those distinctions and differentiations I've improperly said and in fact in the article you'll see in meme I created an image that I share that says you can lead a liberal to the facts but you can't make them think I'd been improperly using the word liberal there when I should have been using all along and now correct myself and do and use the words leftist there because words have meaning TL B I've got the twisting and warping of language part one and part two where I went into this about the left constantly twisting and warping of language so we you and I have to be more careful in our verbiage the words we choose the words we use the proper terminology at the right time and I'll wrap it up with reading from my notes bottom line is and you would have grasped this as you've seen the videos here in the article that you are a complete moron yeah I'm sorry but you are a complete moron if when a person comes up and asks why should I leave the Fashikrats party and yes the tiny URL dot com slash Fashikrats that again is not something to lead with because they're not going to believe what is factually true there are 28 planks of the National Socialist Deutschland Aberter party in the modern DNC platform the Nazis got a lot of their stuff from Wilson Democrat president and Margaret Sanger Democrat founder desiring to murder blacks of Planned Parenthood so those are all facts but again most people just aren't going to accept it even if you present the facts you won't see the facts they won't look at your facts they just aren't going to believe it but back to my note I certainly don't as I know it will just draw eye rolls despite easily reference facts there are on those Tashikrats points but only if when they are well into a red pill process the point of this being strategic you have to open and bring people along with the easier stuff not jump to the oh look at me look what I know I know all the shit you're dumb you don't know anything you don't know anything about X Y and Z they don't know they don't want to know you got to lead with A, B and C before you get to element OP let alone X Y and Z related items if your first thought is to discuss PIGGATE or agenda 21 agenda 2030 or whatever the hell they're calling you this week even though you could go to the world economic forum and see their plans laid out right there online for yourself they're going to ignore you and ignore that and I will briefly pause right here I know what some reactions to me are now going to be and I say to you stop right there if your next reaction is going to be to call me names me an ally of you rather than focus on our common enemies and things that we can indeed red pill realistically liberals not leftist liberals like stock and Owens to start their red pill journey because I did not say that information about PIGGATE or agenda 21 you may want to impart to them regarding those two topic is likely wrong they are real and evidenced I am just saying the point of this whole show I am just saying you are strategically as brain dead not being logical not using reasoning lacking any understanding of strategic escalation process moves type loon think chess and I know bad metaphor bad analogy do you lead with your king again now that's not how chess work but you should get the point you lead with the pawns and you set up bigger more grandiose moves revelations if you will as you get further into the game maybe I should have left left I should have led was the word I was groping for there maybe I should have left with the chess analogy but I hope those of you now that you've heard it they didn't get it to this point that that light bulb goes on thank you all for tuning in take care god bless again the next two weeks are quasi sort of follow-ups to this but I didn't want to call them a part one two and three full-related series because it indeed is while relating based on a different older article that I am dealing with they just all quasi relate in some respects and just so happening to drop in the weak subsequent to this thank you take care god bless 

[ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast - Segment 2] 

JOSEPH M LENARD:  welcome to the broadcast author of the forthcoming book trust shattered cases of government betrayal Peter a and I'm gonna spell the last name S E R E F I N E junior my dad was a junior they didn't want to make me a third but please tell us the proper pronunciation because I people seeing it spelled out S E R E F I N E could probably go a couple directions on the pronunciation what is the proper pronunciation there are fiend okay exactly I you could go Sarah Finn Sarah find exactly so I and I'm touchy and regard in those regards I want people obviously to know the proper spelling regardless of the pronunciation so they can find you via duck duck go and jibberoo and free spoken all those places the proper spelling is often more important necessarily than the pronunciation but I've got one of those kind of last names also it looks French it looks like lonard but it's actually Polish somehow and it's Leonard without an O so I you know I try to be sensitive about those things what is your historical heritage lineage background well Sarah you know was my
PETER A SEREFINE JR:   great grandfather's first name and when he came to the United States and went through Ellis Island in the 19 teens and they took the big great book and they turned it around and said sign here he put Serapino Ferranti and they turned the book back around and read it and said welcome to the United States Frank
JOSEPH M LENARD:   Sarah fiend and yep yeah I I for some reason on my dad's side the heritage records just aren't really good and clear going back far enough for me to find like that historic record of whomever was the first on that side of the family to come from Poland I also have Italian and German heritage also that those sides of the family I'm able to find all kinds of records on but my dad's side for some reason it's like pulling teeth you know it's like digging for gold for treasure it's like you might find a rare nugget here and there but not what I really was hoping to find well it was my dad's side of the family
PETER A SEREFINE JR:   obviously otherwise I wouldn't still have the name but the history of it was was not well documented in the family but however on the dad my dad's side of the family both my my paternal grandmother and my paternal grandfather came from Italy as children and they they actually came from two little towns you know let's say five miles apart like two little tiny towns in Italy really close together came here as children met and married and all that here in the United States the I forgot where I was going with the all the interesting part of it my my eldest son recently did one of those DNA tests the 23andMe or something like that and okay well both of my my paternal grandparents came from Italy so you would think I'd be half Italian right yeah well his DNA test came back and said he was only like five percent Italian so so you know migration happens it's very possible that many people along the the family tree you know though married and wed and had kids and all that stuff in Italy didn't come
JOSEPH M LENARD:   from Italy yep it's interesting the things we can find the assumptions we have because unfortunately in America I mean a lot of the people who come to America or at least in the past came here to become American not be what they were where they came from and they don't really pass down a lot of the culture like growing up I they went out of their way to make sure they didn't speak Polish and German and Italian with I certainly wish they would have it would have been nice to have been around and know those languages just for my own broader educational well-being and abilities to converse indeed with other cultures but before we go any further let me say this about you us Navy veteran devoted US mail carrier rain or fleet or yeah all that stuff right yeah certified instructor for the Institute on the Constitution a Patriot Academy constitutional coach near and dear to my heart epitomizes the spirit of service having served both his country and his community with unwaving dedication let's your community you are part of you were a Pennsylvania State Constable I
PETER A SEREFINE JR:   understand I am not were am okay it's been is a little weird in the the existence of the constable so we have police forces and we have sheriffs and we have a state police force just like any other state but Pennsylvania has this thing called a constable and a constable is elected or appointed by town so by municipality each municipality can elect or appoint a constable like a sheriff like I kind of like a sheriff except for instead of county wide jurisdiction the constable has statewide jurisdiction so the last election that went by my town did not elect a constable the the gentleman who got the most votes wasn't eligible and they don't go to the next person in line it's you won but you don't get it see a buy and they don't go down down the list so when I saw that I did a little research as to what a constable does or is required to do in Pennsylvania and the one thing that they are absolutely required to do is maintain peace at the polling stations on election day so we didn't elect one and I thought no elections are getting pretty ugly that seems like a pretty important job so the next thing I did was to look into how to get a point into the job so I got myself appointed that the president judge of the county swore me in and I am the Pennsylvania State constable for my little borough the only thing I really do with it is the required duty of maintaining peace at the polling stations I could work for the courts and process warrants and you know arrest warrants and serve papers and all that kind of nonsense but I already
JOSEPH M LENARD:   have a full-time job so I don't do any of that stuff yeah election security a major concern Pennsylvania I remember full well seeing in Pennsylvania a black panther with a Billy Club intimidating voters trying to turn away voters at a polling location obviously clearly in violation of law trying to shape the election he wasn't there to protect the poll he was there to try to turn vote away that he knew the majority at that precinct wouldn't kind of go his way so yeah I'm glad you do that that that is very important now here in Michigan speaking of elections couple that last election cycle Ralph Reban for hand for governor in the primary he didn't get the nomination to the Dixon did but he used Lighthouse as his campaign logo I also write for the Liberty Beacon calm and before its news they both also use the lighthouse shining the light of truth symbology tell us your association with and the creation of
PETER A SEREFINE JR:   Liberty Lighthouse is kind of my brand I consider the the beacon of common sense cutting through the fog of politics that's the tagline so I started paying any attention getting involved in politics about 2015 ish is when I started paying any attention at all and I went this is getting a little crazy so eventually I'd say 2018 I started to write my first book at progress for real eight and it was just my view of social and political progress in the United States things that I personally witnessed and reaching around I know I have a copy of it around here someplace yeah so progress really one man's view of social progress in America so that was my very first book it's less than a hundred pages little itty bitty tiny book if you sit down you can read it in like an
JOSEPH M LENARD:   hour hour and a half tops the whole thing hey that's great something small concise precise to the point less expensive that way so more people can get it in their hands as opposed to writing something war and peace that will get around here someplace yeah that'll cost what like $50 nowadays that people can't afford $50 for a book these days yeah so progress really was the
PETER A SEREFINE JR:   first thing not only the first thing I ever wrote to be published but the first thing my first foyer into the world of politics after I after I wrote this book all of my friends and family started saying you should do a podcast you've got a great voice and you know nobody really reads blogs anymore you should do a podcast so eventually I started a podcast and I called it Liberty Lighthouse and then after a year or so of posting Liberty Lighthouse and having some pretty amazing guests on my show I wrote a second book it's so simple even a politician can understand simple ideas for seemingly complex issues political issues this is a collection of a dozen or so ideas again pretty short book a little longer than the first one but still pretty short a collection of ideas that either I had while hosting Liberty Lighthouse the radio show or ideas that came to me through my guests and it's again it's it's a nonpartisan I guess is the best way to put it it talks about like why is the government forced philanthropy is one of the chapters in it why is the government taking our taxes and then donating it to nonprofit organizations charities well if if I wanted to give money to a charity I would give money to that charity why is the government doing that the government really shouldn't be funding nonprofit organizations that's for we the people to do ourselves you are preaching to the
JOSEPH M LENARD:   choir here of course on Christitutional politics podcast as indeed over and over I say that it render under Caesar does not apply there it is not the government's job to take and redistribute that charity is our personal commandment and our duty to engage in and give to or volunteer for so that is way up the line of what this show is often indeed about so let's talk about trust shattered cases of government betrayal and since you were promoting or showing and demonstrating for those who catch my video version on my YouTube and rumble channel behind the scenes whereas the show is normally an audio podcast we'll have seen how small those other books are first question then needs to be how many pages is trust shattered cases of government betrayal I don't
PETER A SEREFINE JR:   have a paper copy to hold up and show you it I actually haven't had it printed yet it doesn't come out until May and right now I'm recording the audiobook and I do it myself and that is my final step of my own personal editing process because I will catch more mistakes while recording the audiobook than anything else so but but right now it stands right around 200 pages so it's still a short book a little longer than the first two but still pretty short it's not a terribly detailed book this is not some you know think tank production it's it's not a an intellectual read where you have to go through pages and pages and pages of footnotes or anything like that this is all very things everything in it is already very well documented 30,000 foot you right that's a great way to look at it it's a 30,000 foot view it's about and well it's it's 48 chapters each chapter will take it three or four minutes to read they're really really short but each chapter is one instance of how our federal government for there's a couple of them that are federal we'll say our government each chapter is an instance of how our government has violated our life liberty or property they somehow betrayed their trust of protecting our life liberty and property and actually become the inst the instrument of violating the life liberty and property of the
JOSEPH M LENARD:   citizens all by themselves yeah and I'm glad to hear you instinctively know what I try teaching others along many lines in my how to write a book and get it published hints tips and techniques what you said is exactly right read your own book aloud whether you're recording it through the audio book version or not or have Microsoft Word through your computer read it back to you if nothing else because yes hearing it read hearing it spoken aloud indeed can catch a lot of well you know what that doesn't sound quite right that should be rewarded or it still won't necessarily catch which is why I say everyone should still go through a master's degree classically trained Oxford editor to catch things like in my terror strikes coming soon to a city near you book and accidentally you know hole and hole you know HOLV versus WHOLE yeah that W makes all the difference in the world as to the meaning we're talking about the whole picture or the rabbit hole you right so yes glad to hear you're doing that as you work towards your final touches do you have a estimate about how many pages it's going to be at this point it's going to be about 200 maybe 210 at the most okay yeah that's still again keeping the size down in this day and age so that the cost can stay down is an important
PETER A SEREFINE JR:   thing well that not only that but quite frankly I don't like to read very much so I write books for people like me I use short books with short chapters and short paragraphs within those chapters like I said this is not some intellectual academic work this is you know like let me plants at the table of context here so the book is divided into three parts betrayed bodies betrayed liberties and betrayed estates life liberty and property and within the chapter or I'm sorry within the parts or the chapters and each chapter looks at one instance of how our government violated our lives liberty property so in in part one there's a chapter on the compulsory sterilization of the early 1900s the Tuskegee syphilis experiment the Guatemalan syphilis experiments the polio vaccine the human radiation radiological experiments project 12 112 project shad San Francisco biological warfare test the operation season spray agent orange testing MK ultra projects on shine project big buzz plum island animal disease center operation white coat the nutritional guidelines in the food pyramid FDA revocations and covid 19 well of course since you mentioned chapters
JOSEPH M LENARD:   most are at least tacitly aware of the Tuskegee situation right other things you write a law some may not so that's good are there any other other parts of other parts of the book chapter-wise that you think might surprise people or that surprises you seemingly people know nothing about this that's why it has to be in my book
PETER A SEREFINE JR:   but one of one of those things is you know I've known about it but not everybody does is a civil asset for sure for future civil asset that's wow speaking is a problem today apparent civil asset for picture is where a law enforcement person your share of your local cop whatever you can just take your property because they think maybe possibly it you may have gotten it illegally or it may be ill gotten gains in some way no trial no jury no proof of any of that you know just you know you're driving along and you've got let's say $10,000 cash in your car for whatever reason reason doesn't matter it's your cash you can do with what maybe you're going to buy a house and that's your down payment maybe you're going to give it to your kid as a wedding gift and you don't want to write him a check whatever it doesn't matter it's your money and you get pulled over because your tail lights out and the cop sees the cash and says but normal people don't have $10,000 cash
JOSEPH M LENARD:   because I'm going to take it yes suspected drug money right blanket excuse and as you say and it is pure constitution violation of your due process right right yeah not only that
PETER A SEREFINE JR:   but the government has incentivized this behavior because let's say you know your local sheriff says hey let's take this cash they turn it over to the DEA DEA the DEA rewards that sheriff with a portion of that money it becomes oh now you've got to go through federal court to get
JOSEPH M LENARD:   your money back yep it becomes another avenue illegally outside of the 16th amendment of taxation in a sense so that they can pad their budgets with this ill-gotten gain their ill-gotten gain not yours you likely had it
PETER A SEREFINE JR:   legally right it doesn't matter even if you are a drug lord and you're in your taking illegal money around town if they can't prove it they can't take it exactly that those are the rights of this country you can't take stuff without a warrant that was presented and signed to buy a judge that was sworn to under oath or affirmation they can't just take your stop but that's it it happens all the time
JOSEPH M LENARD:   it's called civil asset forfeiture yeah I have spoken on it written on it many times indeed a lot of people don't know uh you know I only know friend of a friend who indeed had that happen you know and sometimes an honest mistake this is off of that topic that people might call and overreach or abuse like the whole the fund the police things you know they're all paranoid you happy you know no that's not the way it is there are a few rogue bad apples here and there but there are bad apples in virtually any whatever you're talking about but I have indeed a friend I was at a ram's form restaurant telegraphed road is like you know four lanes on one side a medium four lanes on the other a highway not a freeway and all of a sudden warm of six cop cars are pulling over this beat up old Chevy cavalier which again I know the guy and out with their weapons drawn get out of the car get out of the charge hands get out you know it's like he wasn't speeding no tail light out no nothing but you've got to understand you don't know the way they think they need to do that and it turns out his car and his likeness to a degree matched a bolo for an armed bank robbery so yeah they swarmed him and yeah they thought he was armed so you know and after it all rather than getting all upset about he he shook their hands and said thank you I'm glad you're doing what you're doing
PETER A SEREFINE JR:   yeah well that's a little different those police officers had a reasonable expectation like they had a car description they had a man description and this person you know apparently fit both of them but you know back to civil asset for pictures there was a case of a uh what they call a PO box company it wasn't a post office but it was one of those places where you could rent a PO box and well the the people run into place were they were doing some shady stuff they were I don't know maybe they were laundering money I don't know the people running the company were doing bad things and when the FBI got involved they showed up and they didn't take the corporate assets of the company who suspected of wrongdoing they took the contents of all the PO boxes safety deposit boxes I said PO boxes they took the contents of all the safety deposit boxes all of those people had their valuables their personal effects whatever in these safety deposit boxes without any proof that any of them did anything wrong
JOSEPH M LENARD:   right not even a warrant to search them no not because they suspect there is illegal items hidden in these boxes right it is gone way way way out of control now let's talk about your trust shattered dot com site because I know you've heard from me you mentioned someone else also told you that the hole in the hole the google chromium which is the base of almost every browser nowadays no firefox and brave and all those other ones you think aren't google controlled are using google chromium now as a base I've discussed that on another show so there's a site warning coming up about your site has that been resolved yet and let me assure you on I've been there there's nothing harmful about trust shatter dot com and some browsers will let you go to site anyway others will just say no no option you can't go there right um you're right
PETER A SEREFINE JR:   not only you but one other person uh did tell me that they were getting a safety warning or before they were allowed to go to the site and and and uh you know I posted that on social media and I I said and look you know that somebody has decided that my site is unsafe it's a you know fishing site or something like that and it's not I promise and one of the first comments made was yep you're right I got the warning too but I went anyway in a way
JOSEPH M LENARD:   it's kind of good it happened I had a situation with google censorship regarding an article I wrote on the forts news because of this exact thing chrome throwing up these seemingly arbitrary and not fully vetted warnings so yeah I made PR value out of that obviously censoring me again it can entice people to then want to visit trust shatter dot com to see what the hullabaloo is about
PETER A SEREFINE JR:   well what I've done is you know I've contacted google and and there's a way that you could report that that a site is being wrongfully labeled and so I did that um I and then on my own platform like I went into the back end of the website and I uh I tried to make sure that there was no contradictory contact information one of the things I noticed is I had my personal email information as a contact at one place and then my my liberty lighthouse email address is a contact someplace else so I tried to eliminate all of those so that there was no way that it could think that you know that's a bait and switch your this guy is telling you to go here but when you click the contact button you go to this guy you know I tried to eliminate all that stuff I could find on the back end myself and then I contacted google but you know I I don't get the warning because I built the website right I'm gonna have to rely on on you people out there taking a look and telling me that uh it is or is not fixed
JOSEPH M LENARD:   since you mentioned email let's go there next what is your liberty lighthouse email that people can reach out to you via
PETER A SEREFINE JR:   the email address I prefer is that the the Liberty Lighthouse it's Liberty lighthouse 1776 at which of course
JOSEPH M LENARD:   another way google gets to play with you because you use a gmail I use Yahoo generally but my day Leonard at Terrace Trucks. That info indeed that website that email is google system controlled so
PETER A SEREFINE JR:   you know submart you know I thought about getting like a proton mail or something like that but I look at it and like really let's be honest if if they want it they're going to get it so I don't think I'm high enough or big enough I don't have enough big enough following or anything like that I don't think they're really messing with me maybe they are I don't know but if you go to truss this is something I just came up with I thought it was pretty exciting go to truss and of course you can pre-order the book and I would love for you to do that there's a you can also enter the winnabook um I'm going to make it a basically I'm going to give you a 10 percent chance if I get a hundred people that that say at the end or I'm going to give out 10 books so you got a one in 10 chance of winning a free signed copy of truss shattered but you don't want to risk it and you hit the pre-order button and you pre-order a physical copy whether paperback or hardcover either one I'll sign it and I've got about 20 copies of the u.s. constitution that are indexed copies where you go to the back and it said you know you want to look something up and it says impeachment and you know well that's article one section two class you know it it's an indexed copy of the constitution it's really quite handy um I've got about 20 copies of that so there's first 20 people that uh that pre-order the book I'm going to throw that in with it.
JOSEPH M LENARD:   Oh that bonus bonus there's more yeah exactly like the late night in promotional thrills. Well wait there's more and we've talked now you said may is one is officially dropped yep may first pre-sale through your site is available now yes yes sales at Amazon or other is there a gate for that?
PETER A SEREFINE JR:   Well you can if you want an ebook you know a Kindle or a nook or those you can pre-order now through Amazon or Barnes and Noble or wherever you get them. Um Amazon won't allow pre-sale of hard copies. I don't know why I've tried it before they just don't do it maybe because I'm not a big enough name whatever I don't have the right I can't do pre-sale there so I'm just basically collecting I made a PayPal button you click it and it takes your address and gives me the money and then I'll mail about myself like I'll sign them and mail them out and I'm probably going to do all of the hard copy pre-sales that way the audiobook pre-sale as soon as I get done recording I'll put it up and you'll be able to pre-order it wherever you like as well but hard copies whether it's hardcover or paperback physical copies of the book the only way to pre-order it is at
JOSEPH M LENARD:   yeah and pre-promotion like you being here doing today is potentially more important than having the pre-sale option on a book that people might not navigate into on their own to see that it's pre-sale option available or not so the preeps put it about I you've affected my mouth now no I can't talk but yeah the pre-promotion is important and again the drop official sale date is May what or May 1st okay there we go
PETER A SEREFINE JR:   my goal my plan my hope is anybody who pre-orders a physical copy I'm going to put it in the mail a couple of days before May 1st and you should have it in your hands on May 1st maybe even a day or
JOSEPH M LENARD:   too early I did that with my book my book officially dropped my first international book Terror Strikes Coming Soon to a DeSueye near you dropped April 15th 2023 well it's a book on terrorism dropped on April 15 because that two things as a Christian that was good Friday that day plus the implication of the terrorism of our own society of the IRS exactly you know for those who think you could see the implication of that day yes exactly you know I
PETER A SEREFINE JR:   I've done my previous books I released them on Independence Day and on Constitution Day and and I thought about doing this one on Constitution Day and then I thought well you know that's that's awful close to election and this is going to be a big election and I don't think anybody is going to be able to get any attention at all if they're talking about anything other than the election so I decided to launch it a little earlier and maybe we can get it out before the election because this is I mean I think it's important stop it if you pay any attention to government at all and if you're critical of government you know most if not all of the stories in this book hopefully my hope is that there's one or two that you've never heard of anyone oh I didn't know about that one but my I also tried to write it in such a way that you could hand it to your most progressive liberal whatever the the most progressive liberal person that you can find the most government needs to control everything they're the only ones that can do it I mean you should be able to hand it to them and they'll read it and go wait a minute what the government did all of these things yep I mean my hope is after anybody reads part one of this book betrayed bodies they read part one and they think oh my god why would anybody ever allow government to be involved in health care at all let alone run it
JOSEPH M LENARD:   and yet and yet everybody knows we they are on video and audio themselves saying they're not deep fake stuff Obama and crew saying Obama care is a stepping stone likely to fail they don't care if it fails because it's a step or so stepping stone to what I they say Medicare for all I say Medicaid for all because it's more like the Medicaid system than the Medicare system and again that's right out of the National Socialist Dutschland-Avatar parties platform socialized medicine because it's not about health it's about power and control and the ability to use coercion you know Peter we we'd love to help your daughter with those cancer meds but we need you to do this for us we need yeah right it's about power control and conversion coercion not health and you and I both on the same page regarding concern for the election and getting out ahead my christitutionalist politics two book is slated for June of this year the same thing to be out enough before to hopefully help influence some people that don't know the things that are in the book and of course if you think you know everything that's in trust shattered cases of government betrayal buy a copy for somebody else as a gift
PETER A SEREFINE JR:   even if you do know them all like this when I thought the reason I wrote it is you know I knew almost all the stories in there there's not very many of them I had to look up much of but but I never found a place where anybody put them all together I never saw a spot where somebody said hey look here's all of the things that the government has done to betray our health and then hey here's a whole list of things that government has done attacking our personal liberty oh by the way the first chapter in that one in betrayed liberties part two is the alien in sedition acts asked seven years after the bill of rights the people in congress that passed the alien in sedition acts a whole bunch of them also passed the bill of rights how quickly they turn how quickly our government just ignored the concept of freedom of speech and made criticizing government illegal seven years after the bill of rights yeah I was just in an argument the other
JOSEPH M LENARD:   day as co-host of savage and filter we were talking to somebody who wants to put forth convoluted way that unnecessarily over complicated new amendment to try to restore the 10th amendment rights rather than how about just read it how about repealing the 17th which kind of put the nails in the coffin of the 10th but no it's more about him and his name than it is about what is feasible a one sentence repeal of the 17th if far more likely to be entertained by the states then his 10 page new weird let's not do it the way we used to still a whole new way now but similar to the past to restore it no over complicating and convoluted
PETER A SEREFINE JR:   is that what we need it's not what I do either like I said I don't really care I don't like to read a whole lot to be honest I tell you the story of that how does a guy who doesn't like to read end up writing four books um I was probably 25 before some eye doctor realized that I probably should have had bifocals my whole life um I got glasses I was that one kid that showed up the first day at kindergarten already had glasses so I've had glasses my entire life I was like 25 before anybody realized I probably should have bifocals because I didn't know any better I'd start reading and 15 minutes later my eyes were dry and itchy and you know he got a little bit of a headache I just thought that was normal so when anybody anybody said you know I love to read my thought was you're freaking crazy but anyway so I never developed that that big love of reading so that's why I write the way I do short easy to digest things um I also have you know I do a weekly op-ed article that I post on substack liberty they're all three four-minute reads too like I don't write anything terribly long I don't want to wuff things up if you want you know but using the chapter of the Tuskegee syphilis experiment like that you mentioned earlier yeah we all know it existed I give like a 30 000 foot overview of what it was and when it happened and all that kind of stuff you want to learn more go Tuskegee syphilis experiments and search it in your favorite search engine you'll find
JOSEPH M LENARD:   all the information you ever need yeah I'm with you again we're on the same page despite I've been writing my whole life only three books are currently internationally available I'm more I'd rather see the movie type so that comes up a lot indeed when I'm doing interviews for my various books yeah I'm more uh put it on the big screen for me instead then much of a reader myself though yes I do have a bookshelf in the room over with there I was an original of Pierre Boule's plan of the apes and you know one of the grand stuff and all that obviously but
PETER A SEREFINE JR:   I'm sitting in my my personal library my wife and I there's two of us and we have a four-bedroom house so we turned this one particular bedroom into my studio slash library she collects Stephen King books hard copies only I collect classic literature so I have you know two bookshelves one on either side of mine that you obviously can't see but you know I'm looking over and there's late Miz about you know Victor Hugo there's the Sun also rises there's Sherlock Holmes entire works there's To Kill a Mockingbird that's got Fitzgerald Jane Austen you know the Arabian Nights and just trying to think of the ones I can actually read while I'm saying of course the George Orwell entire collection yeah absolutely
JOSEPH M LENARD:   now I lost my train of thought where I was gonna go indeed a lot of these things that you mentioned like To Kill a Mockingbird and I forget the other one that's like yeah get lame is love the play love the play no interest in reading the book but I obviously shouldn't be saying those things
PETER A SEREFINE JR:   but just it's a lot of words yeah now you know they shouldn't say those
JOSEPH M LENARD:   things on my show well on anybody else's show
PETER A SEREFINE JR:   because I want you to buy the book I mean French literature and some of my favorite stories are French I mean like I love I really much anything written by Alexander Dumont but Victor Hugo lay mid that that's as big as War and Peace I mean it's Rickie it's a huge book so yeah in that particular instance I
JOSEPH M LENARD:   I agree watch the play my ex-life was a big Stephen King fans I never really got into him yeah I saw the movie version of Christine and Kerry and a few others but I've never really been a huge King fan my love is more generally science fiction in many regards I've written some science fiction stories they've not been widely distributed or published so H.G. Wells is obviously in my collection I love his stuff those but my favorite movie of all time is the 13th floor because it's a very multiple kind of cross genre sci-fi thriller drama romance a bit of comedy all rolling the one it came out in 99 it was a matrix film before the Matrix trilogy which is now a quadology what Kenoo came out and to me that movie based on the book similar cron 3 that I do have in my library is far more a potential reality than the Matrix films because today's VR in SimCity you could literally put yourself into your city and the Sims don't know they're artificial and you interact with them so the 13th floor to me and similar cron 3 came out in the 60s again yet another book by another author well ahead of this time I was just gonna say if you like science fiction
PETER A SEREFINE JR:   you know Jules Verne again another French but yeah but the I'm telling you the French authors of the time were incredibly verbose any version of of 20,000 leagues under the sea that you've ever seen in any bookstore anywhere is highly abbreviated the original book is huge and when they translated to English they're like no we can leave out this whole section I just leave that right out um but yeah you know the French authors they're incredibly but one of the things they loved most about it was you know the the descriptions of architecture in Hunchback of Notre Dame like there's a lot of talk about the architecture in the beginning of that book and in Jules Verne I love the the detail of you know going into the genus and the species and the family of you know every creature they come across and you know most people just go right over their heads yeah but but I liked it I liked that detail Moby Dick you know another huge book I loved being a former sailor I love the detail of where the rope went around the sailors in the little whaler boats and how it went through a pad eye at the front and you know I just I thought that was really interesting and neat but most people were probably just completely bored like why are you telling me where this rope runs yeah well yeah then
JOSEPH M LENARD:   versus today with what I call the Twater attention span right give it to me in a five second sound bite but as one two of my shows gray areas one and gray areas part two attest to not everything is black and white you need a detailed discussion about that gambit of between black and white and you know and a lot of people sadly just aren't willing to do research or go in-depth and anything they you know uh wins the next game on TV I don't have time to you know actually learn things that affect my life whether my sports team wins or not that's great that's wonderful pride for the community and yeah obviously some economic benefit if they're doing well around their stadium than that but at the end of the day so many other things that far more critical in affecting your life they've got no interest in spending an hour but again two and a half hours of escapism they're all for
PETER A SEREFINE JR:   you know the latest tiktok dance is not going to affect your life like whatever or another that's true but again you know that that goes back to like what I write in in my uh my op-ed articles you know I consider myself a a constitutional originalist and I write short articles they publish every Wednesday morning um that I look at whatever issue I look at I try to keep it short and simple and say you know this is what the Constitution says about the topic for example you know the recent Supreme Court thing uh with Texas where the the uh the barbed razor wire where the Supreme Court says nope the federal government has the right to cut the razor wire that you put up in Texas
JOSEPH M LENARD:   well as of right now as we're speaking and recording they actually inter-feed in an injunction that's not a full court hearing and ruling of a case entirely yet that's still yet to come and who knows where will indeed go under the chief just ass as I call them Robert's court
PETER A SEREFINE JR:   you know uh but to me and you know I talked about it how you know historically um well first off the the Constitution doesn't say anything about about immigration it says naturalization Congress has the authority to set the rules for naturalization naturalization is the process of becoming a citizen has nothing to do with crossing the border and the only mention of that would probably be in the idea of invasion which is covered which it falls under yes it's the federal government jobs to help prevent evasions but it also gives the states the right to do that too
JOSEPH M LENARD:   that's part in parcel of course the second amendment is about our own personal protections too but state militias to defend one's own state which you know people a you say militia and it's like oh my god right we're back to you
PETER A SEREFINE JR:   you know name malicious anymore militias were replaced by the national guard uh no um the national guard is something completely different but yeah I tried to join a militia in my here in live in Pennsylvania and the largest militia in Pennsylvania is called the Pennsylvania Lightfoot militia and they're very well organized and there's a lot of them I looked at what it takes to join and I looked at the you know the equipment list of stuff that you're expected to buy yourself and I went holy crap I can't afford all that stuff
JOSEPH M LENARD:   and with that we'll close it out and remind everyone if you get a warning it's perfectly safe I've navigated around the site no issues no problems no bait and switch as you alluded to or any of that stuff just yet another book that is convenient to and for the fascicrats as I call them which are forever growing government and you alluded kind of to the founders people don't understand the federalists of course we're asking for somewhat limited but a stronger federal government than the Articles of Confederation we're not talking about the Confederate slave states constitution the original Articles of Confederation that we formed under to be able with the Federalists wanted a stronger federal government and the Federalists went on to found the Federalist Party which then later morphed into Democrats that I call fascicrats they have always from the get-go been about bore power for themselves right we're talking Wilson and FDR and LBJ and just send it in at yeah descendants really out of the Federalist system. Going all the way back again I talked about the
PETER A SEREFINE JR:   Alien and Sedition Acts you know John Adams was a Federalist and the Federalists controlled all of government in 1797 1798 they're the ones that passed Alien and Sedition Acts and made it illegal to criticize your government which made them lose the next election and then Jefferson became the president who was a Democratic Republican who repealed the ones that he could and let the other ones expire so you know the power swing has always been there one party gets power they do all the things that they want to do and then piss off enough of we the people that they are now well that's enough of that crap let's try this other side we need people that read the Constitution and actually that's the prologue to my book is the John Jay quote that it quotes so I'm going to call this a paraphrase because I'll probably get it wrong that it's the duty of every citizen or the citizen of every state to read and study its Constitution so that it will better know better better perceive when its rights are being violated.
JOSEPH M LENARD:   It let today's fascia federalists don't want anyone informed so why there's no such thing as civics pretty much in this school if any more or history now is social studies and Howard Zinn rewriting of history George Orwell 1984 style to deal with cultural concerns rather than the actual history we are doomed to repeat stupidly if we don't actually study the real history. Well with that thank you for coming on Peter I greatly appreciate it again the book drops in May give us the Liberty be
PETER A SEREFINE JR:   Insight again at Lighthouse.
JOSEPH M LENARD: yeah I knew there was a hyphen in there so I wanted to make because I get that with the Liberty there is a Liberty completely separate in different site I don't write for them and you got to be careful or people get confused go to the wrong place and seeing something entirely different than what they were looking for in many cases as people tried to piggyback off of clickbait bait and switch you to them. Yep. All right have a great day takr care  and God bless.
PETER A SEREFINE JR:  Thank you very much for having me.

[ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast begin Show outro]

Thank you for having tuned into Chrystitutionalist politics show Please tune into savages and filtered podcasts of which I am a co-host and be sure to check out more about today's discussion at the Liberty beacon calm where my articles drop every Saturday in addition to seeing the corresponding the Liberty beacon calm piece referenced in the episode of ChristiTutionalist podcast see to the show transcript on podcast platforms that provide access to it like bus bro at for additional bonus material therein the transcript. Thank you. Take care. God bless

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