ChristiTutionalist (TM) Politics

ChristiTutionalist Politics (S1EFebSpecial2) "Faith Engagement 2024 Event"

Joseph M. Lenard Season 1

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S1EFebSpecial2 SHOW NOTES ( listen (Wed Feb 21 2024 and thereafter) at: )... 
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S1EFebSpecial2) "Faith Engagement 2024 Event"
Recently convened "Faith Engagement 2024" held in Las Vegas (can you think of anywhere more needing of "Faith Engagement" than "Sin-City?" LOL) Nevada (which featured Ralph Reed (Founder "Faith and Freedom Coalition"), David Barton (Historian, Founder of "Wallbuilders"), Dave Welch ("US Pastors Council"), others) discussed with organizers: Drew McKissick (SC, and my apologies as I kept having McCaskill of MO in my head and calling him Drew McKisscal incorrectly LOL) and Michigan's Dr. Rob Steele (not Rob Lowe, joke in show, gotta keep a sense-of-humor), and also would have had Mike Mears but he had a Church Event and had to skip. Dichotomy of Those Biblical vs those mostly in and of the World (only about self and their own power or favor). "Salt and Light" "Shining City on the Hill" #VoteBiblically 
See Buzzsprout podcasts Transcript of/for this Show for "Episode related additional information."
Transcript Bonus: No Transcript Bonus this episode! No Official Transcript this episode.

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S1EFebSpecial2 SHOW NOTES ( listen (Wed Feb 21 2024 and thereafter) at: )... 
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S1EFebSpecial2) "Faith Engagement 2024 Event"
Recently convened "Faith Engagement 2024" held in Las Vegas (can you think of anywhere more needing of "Faith Engagement" than "Sin-City?" LOL) Nevada (which featured Ralph Reed (Founder "Faith and Freedom Coalition"), David Barton (Historian, Founder of "Wallbuilders"), Dave Welch ("US Pastors Council"), others) discussed with organizers: Drew McKissick (SC, and my apologies as I kept having McCaskill of MO in my head and calling him Drew McKisscal incorrectly LOL) and Michigan's Dr. Rob Steele (not Rob Lowe, joke in show, gotta keep a sense-of-humor), and also would have had Mike Mears but he had a Church Event and had to skip. Dichotomy of Those Biblical vs those mostly in and of the World (only about self and their own power or favor). "Salt and Light" "Shining City on the Hill" #VoteBiblically 
See Buzzsprout podcasts Transcript of/for this Show for "Episode related additional information."
Transcript Bonus: No Transcript Bonus this episode! No Official Transcript this episode.

Episode related pieces... 
- No corresponding TLB Article this coming Sat, see other related pieces... 
- [article includes embed of BehindTheScenes Video version of this show, and a lot of related embedded images adding additional context as well as additional thoughts/comments/concepts of Faith often distorted/twisted that were not addressed in Show]
- (and chaos in DC and MI)  
- [small "c" community vs dictatorial large "C" Communism]  
- BehindTheScenes Video of Show:    
- [not forced redistribution (2 COR 9:7)]  
- [WAAM, Moment Of Clarity archives]  

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(S1EFebSpecial2 Audio: 1h 05m 58s, Wed Feb 21 2024)

some "Behind-the-Scenes" Video version of ChristiTutionalist Politics found via...   

In addition to seeing corresponding TheLibertyBeacon piece referenced in episodes of CTP, see too Show transcript on Podcast platforms that provide access to it (like buzzsprout ( for addl bonus material  there-in. 

CTP Faith Engagement Show CHAPTER MARKERS...
Aprrox. Start Time and Chapter Title

00:00:00 Show intro
00:00:31 Segment 1 - Faith Engagement 
00:01:28 Joe mangles RNC's Drew McKissick's name (some reason trying to make him related to maybe Claire McKaskill (McCackle, whatever) of MO. Brain and Mouth not cooperating. LOL
00:01:50 Welcome Dr. Rob Steele (MI)
00:03:38 A bit about Drew McKissick (RNC, SCGOP)
00:06:52 The Weather in SC (reason it ties in later)
00:07:20 Faith Engagement and remember our USA Judeo/Christian Foundations 
00:07:55 It's not the Party, it's the People (A Party is what the People in the Party make it (Left/Center/Right, Faith/Atheist/Secular based, etc...))
00:09:00 Why, the Faith Engagement was held where it was (did Weather play a factor?)
00:11:00 The Battle to preserve the American Culture ("Salt and Light" "Shining City on a Hill" vs those destroying Faith, Family, American Values, etc.)
00:11:50 Many Christians do not engage in Politics (fall for bastardization of Jefferson "Separation of Church and State" Letter meaning (and Left's push for "Separation FROM Church TO State"))
00:12:35 The Weather factor and "is there any better place of need of Faith Engagement than SinCity?" (tongue-in-check play on why held in Vegas)
00:14:10 While this first "Faith Engagement" Event open to General Public, RNC Faith Engagement operations began back in 2013
00:16:25 So many Christians not even Registered to Vote, if they all did #VoteBiblically (the other side could not even cheat enough to ever defeat us and Judeo/Christian Foundations Republic values/principles)
00:16:50 Neil Mammen's "Jesus is involved in Politics. Why aren't You. Why isn't your Church" book
00:17:42 Dave Welch (Pastors Council)
00:19:30 David Barton (Historian, Founder of 'WallBuilders')
00:20:00 David Barton (WallBuilders) and Glenn Beck (MercuryOne) and largest collection of USA Founders and Foundations Documents and other Collector materials
00:20:40 Lack of Real (Core "R's" and our Republic's original Foundations and Values) Education and our need to help people become aware of what they haven't learned about our Foundations
00:21:00 Ralph Reed (Faith and Freedom Foundation)
00:23:15 "The most important Election ever" and the stakes do seem to keep increasing making each Election indeed often as or more critical than last (to STOP destruction of USA Republic values, or Hold/Further gains to #ROAR (Restore Our American Republic)
00:24:40 Many (again, distortion of Jefferson Letter, not in our Founding Documents) pushing notion of "Freedom FROM Religion" vs our 1st Amendment Rights of FREEDOM OF RELIGION.
00:25:20 "Render unto Caesar" and "It Takes A Village" distortions out of context
00:26:40 Family Values and the very core of Family under assault
00:28:10 Mamma Bears rising up for "Parental Rights" at local School Boards (finally)
00:30:10 The one positive of Wuhan Virus hysteria Lockdowns (people finally took note via the Zoom lessons what was being peddled rather than Core "R's" in Schools)
00:31:41 The new Core "R's" in Schools peddled by The Left: Radicalism, Raunch, Racism
00:33:35 The Virginia Schools revolution (rather, demand for restoration of traditional Education vs today's indoctrination)
00:34:20 So many Americans have no clue (we tried "Communism" here on N.American shores and like everywhere it failed) and need to learn from that/our History. (Tragedy of the Commons)
00:35:25 (learning through the "It's A Wonderful Life" movie aspects people often overlook
00:37:40 How does Dennis Prager factor into any of this?
00:38:00 Brandon Straka, Candace Owens, Tammy Bruce, many more "Classical Liberals" that AWAKENED from the WOKE Stupor (Left/Right, not Liberal/Conservative divide, that has driven Partisan Politics for decades)
00:38:38 Taxes (2Cor9:7 - For God Loves a Cheerful (Charity) Giver, Not Reluctantly nor Under Compulsion (Taxation Theft and ReDistribution)
00:40:38 The clear/obvious contrast and comparison of Free Society vs Communism/Socialism - the 2 Koreas example
00:42:50 Atlas Shrugged - the Bradford example (and why The Left does not want that book read by Students anymore but instead Raunch/Porn stories in Schools)
00:45:00 Polls Show Black Community wants more Police protection from Cime/Criminals, and why The Left trying to backpeddle from their #DefundThePolice actions (their Actions speaking louder than their now reversed rhetoric)
00:46:10 Election 2020 was actually very close, in POTUS Race, decided by just very easy reversable 44,000 Votes in 5 key States
00:46:50 The Jefferson Letter bastardization
00:50:00 The Immigration Lies (no-one is anti-Immigrant, as we all know we're Founded as a Nation of Immigrants) but about LEGAL vs ILLEGAL (Criminal Acts)
00:51:00 The "Jesus Gets Us" SuperBowl Ads (this, and last few years) and again need for FULL BIBLICAL CONTEXT
00:52:15 The one side of Jesus, vs the full Jesus, leaving out the "Go Forth and Sin No More" part
00:53:05 NonPartisanship in Faith Engagement
00:54:40 Drew (IMO, rightly) points out - the most well known Scriptures are the ones most distorted out of context
00:54:45 Are we or aren't we to Judge? There is more to Matthew 7 than the 1st 7 words plus dozen+ other "Judgement" Scriptures in The Bible
00:55:05 Thou Shalt Not Murder [Innocents]... vs mistranslated from original texts "Thou Shalt Not Kill"
00:56:25 Drew on "Objective" (Biblical) vs "Subjective" (Secular, whatever is good for me and everyone else not a consideration) Standards
00:57:20 Some only wanting (out of context) the "Touchy-Feely, Lovey-Dovey, Sandal wearer (Hippie Version) of Jesus vs (again) Bible in full Context
00:58:00 We have things that we will be held accountable for one day (Known By Fruits, not empty rhetoric)
00:58:15 Rob's closing thoughts (starting to wrap things up)
01:00:20 Getting back to core fundamental values we share regardless of Christian sect (not things that can be used as wedge to divide)
01:01:25 We are endowed by our Creator with inalienable Rights (not given by Man or any Government)
01:04:05 Segment 2 - Shout out to the Top 3 platforms people tune in for ChristiTutionalist (TM) Politics on
01:04:27 Show outro
01:05:46 Please LIKE, SHARE (help us grow), SUBSCRIBE (help keep us on the air)

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