ChristiTutionalist (TM) Politics

ChristiTutionalist Politics (S1E38) "Quotations (some great peoples' words that still resonate today)"

Joseph M. Lenard Season 1 Episode 38

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ChristiTutionalist Politics (S1E38) "Quotations (some great peoples' words that still resonate today)"
Many people across time saw the days we're living now. They tried warn, not enough people paid attention (especially to Orwell). Some of those famous people (and several less famous/known) Quotes that relate today and discussion of them.
See Buzzsprout podcasts Transcript of/for this Show for "Episode related additional information."
Transcript Bonus: Only Thing Required Evil Prevail, Good Peoples Do Nothing (TLB piece Dec. 2022) 

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CTP S1E38 SHOW NOTES ( listen (Sat Mar 9 2024 and thereafter) at: )... 
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S1E38) "Quotations (some great peoples' words that still resonate today)"
Many people across time saw the days we're living now. They tried warn, not enough people paid attention (especially to Orwell). Some of those famous people (and several less famous/known) Quotes that relate today and discussion of them.
See Buzzsprout podcasts Transcript of/for this Show for "Episode related additional information."
Transcript Bonus: Only Thing Required Evil Prevail, Good Peoples Do Nothing (TLB piece Dec. 2022) 

Episode related pieces...
- some additional quotes (via Memes) not in TLB piece or this Broadcast (or even coming CTP2 book) can be seen via this episode BTS/SP Video - see:       

"ChristiTutionalist Politics" podcast (CTP) 
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- CTP long-form description: 
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(CTP S1E38 Audio: 54m 36s, Sat Mar 9 2024)

some "Behind-the-Scenes" Video version of ChristiTutionalist Politics found via...   

In addition to seeing corresponding TheLibertyBeacon piece referenced in episodes of CTP, see too Show transcript on Podcast platforms that provide access to it (like buzzsprout ( for addl bonus material  there-in.  


Transcription Services below from:

[ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast begin Show intro]

Welcome to ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast aka CTP in association with and I am your host Joseph M Lenard and that's L E N A R D   CTP is your no muss no fuss just me you And occasional guest type podcast as Graham Norton would say let's get on with the show 

[ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast - Segment 1] 

Greetings everyone. This episode is for the people who like to break things.
Now of course I don't literally mean people wanting to run around and smash a
bunch of dishes or anything like that. I'm talking in a somewhat figurative
sense in that I'm gonna break my rules. Normally this show is in conjunction and
correlates and corresponds with the Liberty each week. Well for
this week, yes we're still doing that. This episode is about quotations. Some
really smart people want said some things and I want to share them. I'm the
Liberty however these quotations take up so much space they are
actually going to be part of my constitutional politics part two book.
You'll slated hopefully you know plans sometimes run into problems but as it
stands now I'm still looking to drop DTP 2 June 1st of 2024 and there will be
chapter two as a plan right now. quotations some really smart people
once said. I'm the Liberty because there's so many quotes. This will
be a part one and part two. So next week however the CTP show will break the
pattern. We'll break the mold while TLB will have part two next week.
Continuing quotations and I won't share all of them here. There are way too many
to go into would take way too long. Not the point. Part of the point is this is
a tease about what's coming in the CTP 2 book but TLB next week will be part two
of quotations. Next week I'm going to break my rule break my mold break my
pattern and I will be discussing an older TLB piece too actually that was a part
one and part two about twisting and warping of language by the left because
they're at it again talking about now they're no longer illegal aliens. Nope no
longer illegal immigrants. Nope they're just immigrants. Nope they're migrants.
Nope. Nope. Now they're newcomers. I'm not going to go any further into what next
week show them will go into other than that tease. 

So let me read part of the opening of the quotations chapter. Yes there are way too many 
people who have said some really great comments to quote here. I wanted to briefly share 
just a few that relate to Christatou's those politics in some form or another here.
Some to provoke thought while others fire or motivate to action as this book is
both intended to do. If you read the original CTP book you've seen some of
these others not mentioned in the original CTP one book also blow. Some
quotes will be very familiar while others here from off the beaten path that are
equally important but many people have not heard or are certainly less quoted.
Of course one could write an entire book thousands of pages long or even an
entire encyclopedia of books if you remember the encyclopedia Britannica.
Well at my sister's house who lived in with my mother who had dementia for a
while passed in 2022 there's still a full set of encyclopedia Britannica from
like the 1980s and the basement over there. I don't know what we're going to do
with them but that's an aside. Encyclopedia books all hundreds thousands of
pages in themselves packed with just quotes that relate to one another to
make points but I'll leave that book or that set for someone else to produce for
now sharing these several in my opinion very important quotes both
during points previously made in Christitutionalist politics the original
book and PG4 Shadow where we're going in this edition titled
Christitutionalist Politics 2. 

First and foremost as is book mainly but not
exclusively for Christians and about the point that we must act and not just
expect things to be as we wish them. You shall be known by your fruits not
your empty rhetoric right God fruits deeds results your actions what you're
actually reaped from what you sowed not could have would have should have not
your but my intentions were or I hope for good cop-out not just I prayed and
left it all up to for God right as we're given free will and commandments like
to be our brothers keeper which is a personal commandment for us to act upon
not render that unto Caesar Jesus was not a socialist this is not about
rendering brothers keeper unto Caesar to then steal from Steve to give to Eve
for Eve to then help John across the street so that Eve feels good like she
actually did something when she didn't not this I prayed and gave it all the
right free will we are to act on the commandments given to us not on just
how to behave but calls to act to protect preserve be productive for and in Christ's
names though the first quote I've put into the quotations chapter is from one
Timothy one thirteen when I went on to Macedonia that thou mightest charge
some that they teach no other doctrine put no other God before me and the
doctrine of the Bible Christitus of politics is all about that the Bible
the whole Bible in full context teaching bits and pieces distorted out of context
is an earthly worldly other doctrine agenda so that's an important quote to
start with and next from POTUS45 Trump in America we don't worship
government we worship God in response to Biden saying put trust and faith in our
government and as I've said been saying for years liberals although I need to
correct that left discs real face is only in government their motto separation
from church to state as opposed to what Jefferson was really talking about in
his letter separation of church and state is not in our funding documents the
left twists and distorts the Jefferson letter freedom is a fragile thing and
there's never more than one generation away from extinction it is not ours by
inheritance it must be fought for and defended constantly by each generation
for a comes only once two people those who have known freedom then lost it have
never known it again the gipper Ronald Reagan who also said it fascist in my
overcome to America it will come in the form of liberalism now I know while we
quote Ronald Reagan on that he is actually paraphrasing someone else though I don't
know who it was he was quoting during an interview that he paraphrased it from
I haven't been able to find that so we still attribute that to Ronald Reagan
even though technically he was paraphrasing it from someone else and I'll
give him to that later about the claudine gay plagiarism situation where she
didn't bother to put pieces that she stole she lifted she claimed them as her
own rather than putting them in quotations and providing a citation in
this case we don't know exactly who Reagan was paraphrasing there to be
able to give them a partial accreditation or citation for that so this quote is
provided in earnest as to who we know I'm directly quoting Reagan having said it
but acknowledging fully someone else have said it that could be true of other
quotations we know who we're quoting to the best of our ability they are the
person we believe originated it but it could have originated from somewhere
else but the best of my ability I'm providing quotes with the proper
accreditation and citations as best as I can to follow up the fascism thing
because communism all leftist paradigms the left-right political spectrum
paradigm to the left more more more absolute power control to the right

anarchy now I want to make a point about anarchy though no government anti-fah and
black line Marxists use the anarchist symbol but they're not anarchists they're
fascist they want full tyrannical top-down federal government but they use the
anarchist symbol based upon its Russian roots but not in the earnest sense of
they want less or no government but for the Russian ties and their eventual
love the evolution to Russian communism to them that it represents not anarchism
itself so I just wanted to clear that up but in response to people inquiring
why why Norman Matun Thomas was no longer going to run for president in the United
States after doing so six times for the Socialist Party of America he stated in
a 1944 speech the American people will never knowingly adopt socialism but under
the name of liberalism they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program
until one day America will be a socialist nation without knowing how it
happened that's an important quote because that's what we see today that's
what Reagan warned about regarding fascism again as if communism fascism
socialism was any different these days this isn't the 1930s with the 1930
German Nazi so she's fighting the Moscow back Leninist Marxist communist there
was a slight difference then there's even less of a difference now in today's
sense they're all the same they have the same goal it's just whether it's the
rainbow flag banner of the fashion crafts or the red hammer and sickle banner of
the Marxist Russian back communist of today or your run of the no general
socialist they all believe in the same thing power control over everybody
federal tyranny top-down and yes globalist one-world government they just want
their banner to be the one flying over the world government they just want them
to be the ruling elites ruling and lording over you these morons running
around in the streets supporting these different groups somehow thinking they're
going to get to be part of the ruling elites and on the inside you know the
ones who get to have when everybody else have not become peasants are
useful idiots of course so there's no real difference in those systems today
fascism is about controlling corporate entities small businesses even dictating
your life through government top-down federal regulations how was that any
different than a communist socialist insisting that the party the fashion
crafts party the US government directly own the corporation and control the
board of directors there's no real difference there the board is
supposedly private now still has to follow the federal regulation edicts
and dictate the fascist dictate so there is no difference in those things today
just a different banner just one party's ruling elites rather than another it's
all the same goal just minor differences excuse me I got a pull a
Marco Rubio and take a drink I'm feeling extra dry today so good so good so good
pure bottled water I've broken away I don't in the past this isn't aside I've
joked about my soda stream unit and my doctors do do issues with kidney and
liver and my health overall they want me no syrups no caffeine no added sugar so
yeah if you're viewing behind the scenes sneak peek video you see me holding up
the our family spring water from Jerry's foods the local market up to street
at any rate that was an aside a little bit of an update on my health woes
another quote from Samuel Adams if he loved wealth better than Liberty the
tranquility of servitude than the animated contest of freedom go home from
us in peace we asked not your councils or arms crouch down and lick the hands
which feed you may your chainset lightly upon you and may posterity forget that
you were ever our countrymen a men Samuel M we're seeing that today with those
who want to enslave themselves they long for the shackles of handouts and
being able to just get by be consumed you know have have a roof over their
head enough food for their belly so that they can engage in the bread and
circus which I've written about and we've talked about recently they want to
change they want the tyranny just as long as they have enough just to get by
as if the only meaning in life were to be able to coast through life and you
know just get by rather than the dangers of real freedom at which Ben
Franklin talked about with a republic if you can keep it real freedoms your
chance at a meritocracy to grow and obtain and really live a life that you
want to be forced to skate and get by and and not really gain any enjoyment
from life one of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is
that you end up being governed by and furious an important quote from Plato
and another Ben Franklin those who are willing to trade freedom for security
deserve neither right and talking about liberty Thomas Jefferson rifle liberty is
unobstructed action according to our will within limits drawn around us by
equal rights of others I do not add within the limits of the law because law
is often but the tyrants will and always so when it violates the rights of the
individual our nation is founded on individual rights and personal
responsibility we've talked before about the Bradford colony and the failure of
communism here on our own soil the commie may flower compact a commonwealth
where no one owned anything it was all a collective and they nearly starved to
death Bradford instituted then private property ownership free markets personal
freedom individual freedom individual rights as long as you didn't trample on
another persons individual rights and freedoms the ability for yourself to
excel and force those it is biblical that there is a difference between those
unable to do for themselves and those unwilling to do for themselves we are
to take care of those who are unable to do for themselves and poverty would say
now you know the rest of the story and as the old saying goes the rest is history
after Bradford pivoted and I like to say I think Anne ran got a bit of her idea
for Atlas shrug from Bradford the colony bear the obedient always think of
themselves as virtuous rather than cowardly all is that a great quote from
Robert Anton Wilson about self justification for idleness I'm gonna
skip ahead here because again it would take hours to read all of these quotes
I just want to share a few of them so that you go to the Liberty beacon calm
and read the part one and part two of the quotes and or of course please
consider buying Christitutionalist politics to the book that will be coming
June of 2024 that will have more than the show or the part one and part two of the
Liberty beacon calm pieces it's the mark of an educated mind to be able to
entertain a thought without accepting it very important quote from Aristotle I
talk all the time I deal in the good the bad the ugly the pros and the cons
presenting at times a devil's advocate point of the other view you can't refute
someone's viewpoint if you don't understand or at least attempt to
understand what they are saying our arguments become better if we occasionally
watch CNN or the MSN be seals as I call them to know what they're saying you've
got to know what they're saying to be able to present an intelligent logic and
reasoned based rebuttal of them and speaking of them as somebody else another
Aristotle call is a fool contributes nothing worth hearing and takes a sense
at everything well isn't that today's left in a nutshell you've got part
contributes nothing worth hearing well it may not be worth hearing but again we
need to on occasion understand and hear what the enemy is saying you can't
counter it if you don't know it a George Carlin quote I know there's a lot
people love to put George Carlin memes up on the Internet so
radical governments don't want well-informed well-educated people capable
of critical thinking that is against their interest they want obedient workers
people who are just smart enough to run the machines and do the paperwork and
just dumb enough to passively accept it well doesn't that explain why the
Department of Education was created by Jimmy Carter to reward the teachers
unions and us going from the best educated on the planet to now like 49th
on the planet the dumbing down of America if you don't know history if you
can't do basic math you are dependent on others they don't teach economics they
want you to read Paul Krugman communist propaganda spin economics not how
economies actually work and how like Bono of you to finally a kind of a
Bernie bro before Bernie really came along of a full-on socialist Marxist
communist lover Bono during the GW Bush age finally woke up when GW Bush got
him involved with aid to Africa and realized indeed the old give a man a
fish he'll eat for a day or if the Democrats like to see it the fashion
crafts give the man somebody else's fish and he'll vote for you you creating
dependency by no finally woke up to the fact that you teach people how to pull
themselves up by their bootstraps give them a skill even if it's just basket
weaving to then be able to sell baskets to other people who need them to put
bread they're baking in to sell to others capitalism has lifted more people
from poverty than any other system on the planet you then create an economy for
them where they become self-distaining they grow they need help they hire
people which then helps those people you create a market system for them to
help themselves rather than creating them dependent upon handouts all the time
so that's an important quote both from George Carlin there and understanding
how even Bono a commie woke up finally some liberals can be reached like a
Brandon Strock or a Candace Owens or Tammy Bruce or he was just on gut-tell
the other day he's always teased about looking like he's 16 years old I'm
drawing a blank on his name some liberal are reachable I left this idea
log never is George Orwell of course is quoted often and needs to be quoted I
quote him in my terror strikes coming soon to a city near you book I talk
about animal will farm and how if George Orwell were alive today and writing a
sequel to animal farm the line would be because the left always talks about
equity equity equity which means everybody poor except the ruling
elites whereas in our system more people through merit and work can lift themselves
up but George Orwell it's not oh the book terror strikes I say if or will
were alive today he would write a sequel to animal farm and the line would be
some animals get more equity or special privileges special rights then
other animals rather than equal rights and equal opportunity Thomas soul love
him a quick quote from him there is nothing that politicians like better
than handing out benefits to be paid for someone else going back to that in
proper allocation of render under Caesar out of context Jesus was not a
socialist being your brother's keeper does not mean let the government steal
from Steve to give to Eve to help John that is redistribution communism
socialism that is not your personal commandment to be your brother's keeper
so that's important right there I could go on and on and on of course I have a
dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will
not be judged by the color of their skin but the content of their character we
all know that from Martin Luther King Jr. and that's an important quote because
why affirmative action struck down by the courts again some people peddling
racism till today even worse the left is again attempting to re-segregate
society they want black only dorm black only graduations Asian only this
white only that well you can't have a white only anything of course oh no no
no no but mainly aimed at the black community to do what divide and conquer
of course that same as old quote to try to create as Candace Owens says the new
Democrat plantation a new economic plantation so they want to keep black
people in chains in dependency change a new form of slavery a new plantation and
as I spelled Democrat when I don't call them faster cracks instead D E M O K K K
R A T S demo cracks just a new plantation so thank you Candace Owens for your
creation of blucks it and your contribution with that quote if you've
been voting for politicians who promise to give you goodies at someone else's
expense because nothing is free then you have no right to complain when they
take your money and give it to somebody else including themselves
cashing in on their government service another Thomas soul quote ultimately
government is whatever the people and power can get away with and whatever the
people they govern will tolerate Thomas Massey I have in Christi
institutional politics the book the first part the only thing required for evil
prevail is good people to do nothing we all know that quote also and this Thomas
Massey is playing off that the only thing required for evil prevail good
people do nothing if you do nothing indeed as Thomas Massey says ultimately
government is whatever the people and power can get away with with and whatever
the people they govern will tolerate we the people we are at fault for allowing
this government to get us out of control as it has and if we don't rain it back
in how much further it will get also regarding socialism and the dependency
from Rush Limbaugh liberals measure compassion by how many people are
given welfare conservatives measure compassion by how many people no longer
need it how many people as final discovered through markets and capitalism
lifting people up no longer need the handouts are no longer dependent on
others and I'd quote from Bill Morrow share if kids knew what they wanted to
be at age eight the world would be filled with cowboys and Indians I wanted to be
a pirate thank God nobody took me seriously and scheduled me for eye
removal and peg leg surgery now why am I quoting Bill Maher because I talked
about him in the gray areas part two episode he's still an ultra leftist he
says some occasional good things but that quote is indeed a good one and the
point you do not allow 10 12 year olds to say I think I'm a different gender and
have someone chop off their body part they're not ready to make adult
decisions that's why if you want to do something after age 18 you knock yourself
out as an adult you get to make that decision but in a nation of God given
rights we still recognize children do not have fully evolved brains and in fact
science now says the brain really isn't even remotely fully evolved until like
age 24 so rather than lowering the voting rights at age to 16 like the left
wants because kids don't know anything they're in the indoctrination factors
they can be fooled and tricked and easily manipulated in voting for
fashion crafts we should probably really raise the voting age to 24 when your
brains actually fully developed and you've had time to experience some life on
your own and for yourself but that again is another aside but you can see why I
am quoting these things and these various different people to hopefully
spur these thoughts in you here's one from Socrates I know you won't believe
me but the highest form of human excellence is to question oneself and
others that's important it's biblical also because why hubris pride you need to
be able to question oneself as well as others we are all human we are all frail
we are all capable of making mistakes committing error we must recognize that
put aside our pride and recognize that last part the highest form of human
excellence is to question oneself and others very important g k Hesterton
tolerance is the virtue of a man without convictions does that not say it all
there I need no further clarification and you can see why I feel so many of
these quotes are important Karl Marx since we've talked about socialism and
communism let's quote Karl Marx it's important okay Hitler was Time
magazine's man of the year not because he was someone to be lauded or to look
up to but because he was the man most affecting things at that time that he
was being man of the year it is equally important to them to recognize good and
evil in their mind back when Time magazine actually made sense and were
you know run by actual journalists they did the right thing in a sense naming
Hitler man of the year again not as a matter of praise but as a matter of
he's important you either support him or oppose him but regardless you must
deal with this man in one way shape or form just as we still have to deal with
Karl Marx because of all the Marxist one and its idiots running around today that
they didn't learn the Bradford colony history and how it failed here and doesn't
learn any history in school because the left doesn't want them learning
anything because if you understand history you understand communism
socialism fascism fails every time every place it's tried Karl Marx in his own
words my objective in life is to dethrone God and destroy capitalism and a lot of
useful idiots running around today doing the same thing even some fake
Christians that believe in the redistribution that again Jesus was not a
socialist it is our personal command but I know I'm repeating this again I've
repeated it in other shows and other online pieces but it's important to
hammer it home over and over and over again Jesus was not a socialist your
commandment to be your brother's keeper is a personal one and why we as Christians
are to engage in charity and understanding the difference between those
unable to do for themselves versus those unwilling to do for themselves
that's why charity is supposed to be local that's why our government was
founded on the principle of that which closest to the people is the best
governance because the local people know the difference between those unable to
do and those who are just unwilling and just want to ride in the cart while the
rest of us pull them around in the cart when they're more than capable of doing
for themselves but do not do for themselves the Bible again Ephesians 6
12 for we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities against
powers against the rulers of the darkness of this world against spiritual
wickedness in high places an obvious important quote from the Bible to add
to these quotations of great peoples that have spoken some great quotes that
we're sharing here I'm starting to get up there in time I'm scrolling through
my chapter literally on the laptop as the current rough draft exists for
Christians politics part to the book let me quote a more light-hearted one but
important rush the Canadian Rock trio not Rush Limbaugh the famous conservative
talk show if you choose not to decide you still have made a choice right ah ha
that is biblical without being from a biblical scholar that is bibb right if
you choose not to decide you still have made a choice to allow others to dictate
upon you what you can or can't do so not choosing to be involved in politics
you're allowing the tyranny and you're not only out letting yourself down you're
letting down your other fellow Americans who don't deserve the boot of tyranny
upon their throat that you're allowing to usher in by your complacency you're
sitting around and I've written occasional distractions not just okay but healthy
and we did the God and guns plus sports show where we talked about the you know
occasional distractions are good you know I love watching the NHL hockey game
the problem is if you're consumed by the bread and circus 24 seven all the time
that is the problem but back to the rush rock group quote so get off your butt I
add pick a side be involved also rush the group show don't tell I've heard it
all before don't care what you say show me don't tell me pardon I I used to
write and record music I used to have a reasonable voice but I dare not try to
imitate Getty Lee's voice here now and and sing it my singing is horrible
these days that's why I stick to writing books but yeah show me don't tell me
again biblical actions not empty rhetoric and meaningless and worthless
online whining virtual signaling as you shall be known by your fruits how many
times does that need to be repeated and Charlotte Bronte from Jane our air
I her oh boy Jane yeah E why are you I've never read that book I know all the book
and now I'm screwing up the pronunciation not even sure how it's supposed to be
pronounced but regarding freedom an important quote from that book I am no
bird and no net ensnares me I am a free human being with an independent will
important quote because sadly again others prefer to put their own chains
upon them they're happy to be a cave bird as long as somebody cleans the cage
and feeds them seed they're happy with their little piece in the corner of the
room of the planet and that is so sad I mentioned and ran iron Rand however you
wish to pronounce her name there is no difference between communism and
socialism except in the means of achieving the same ultimate and communism
proposes to enslavement by forced socialism by vote it is merely the
difference between murder and suicide thank you miss Rand for that quote you've
heard me say that in other terms right there is no difference between communism
fascism socialism it's all as she says merely the difference between murder and
suicide the means of achieving the same ultimate and I say the same goals so
that's an important I'm gonna go ahead and wrap it up here I jokingly well
before I give to that one too because you know I I like to be tongue-in-cheek
at times I've written we've talked about the need to keep us on to humor
things are so darn serious we have to be able to laugh especially at ourselves
if we're to laugh at others and to try to keep a sense of humor but before that
one of the closing quotes that I go more light-hearted with Salman Rushdie if
you recall there's still a thought while out on his life for writing the
Satanic versus book he said what is freedom of expression without the freedom
to offend it ceases to exist very important quote about free speech now
as to that bit of fun quote at the end of the quotations chapter roads we were
going we don't need roads which of course Doc Brown has played by Christopher
Lloyd in the back to the future movie closing on a bit of fun because remember
I always say we'll go crazy if we cannot keep us on to humor during these serious
times so again I just wanted to pull very few of these quote from history 

Feel free to reach out to me via or 
sites the contact tab to share your favorite quote reach out to me who knows
if there is a CTP 3 book I might share some of those and give you a shout out
give a shout out to those who provided those quote in a quotations chapter of
CTP 3 if there is one lastly I say in the quotations chapter let me say thank
you to all my wonderful social media friends and readers of my before news
articles as well as my V Liberty Beacon pieces for some of your great for
suggestions for inclusion here in this book however I have not given anyone a
shout out here like I said if I do a CTP 3 and you provide quotes I'll give
people a shout out an appreciation there let me repeat though I say at the
conclusion given the whole Claudine Gay and others caught in acts of plagiarism
as Harvard fiasco proper attribution is finally and rightly becoming a thing
again therefore afraid I must add the following disclaimer all quotes here in
this manuscript or during the show or on the Liberty Beacon dot com piece attributed
citations to proper accreditation citation source as if you're looking on
the behind the scene videos you see me putting up the air quotes best to
research ability allowed obviously some quotes are repeated or later paraphrased
as I talked about that one Reagan quote and take on own new life by others
sometimes the original source is lost in the process if that is the case my
apologies if any secondhand verbiage shared without ability by my best
efforts to track down any and all proper original sources 

I felt it important to
close with that so Claudine Gay kind of did us a favor and brought the notion of
quotations and citations and attributions and the issues of plagiarism back to
light it's part of a free speech argument I'm all for speech but you don't get to
steal someone else's words as your own you compare a phrase but it's still best
to attribute and give a citation of whom it is your paraphrasing and if you've
been a regular viewer of the show or of my v Liberty Beacon dot com pieces you
know recently I've shared an AI episode the issues of morality and honesty of
AI to chat bot now whether you go you can outline something and it'll spit a
story back well it is dishonest in my opinion to then try to use that as your
own short story or build it into a novel that is dishonest the copyright laws
need to change and update to deal with that new reality of our times that in
my mind is plagiarism and chat GBT's the chat bots I should say in general have
been caught plagiarizing themselves because remember these AI systems are
coded by humans they're only as good as what humans code them to do remember as
a former IT guy the old gigo garbage in garbage out so you kick they make AI may
make a good new research tool but if they're quoting garbage right it's
Reagan speaking a quote once said trust but verify I avoid Google except for
like shopping and things like that for very serious things I go to duck duck
go GIBIRU or free spoke search engines who don't leftist mitigate results to
present a leftist bin on things in the top results though Google's great for
shopping but for serious searches you should use duck duck go free spoke or
GIBIRU AI can be a great research tool but like Wikipedia a whole lot of
garbage comes out of it so you've got to be careful there and these chat bots
have been caught indeed pulling clotting gay plagiarism putting things in text
as if it's the chat bot that came up with it when they're pulling somebody
else's throat but not giving it a proper attribution or citation so please be
original on your thoughts yes use those for research but in your writings you
need to be original be careful be where be wary of those who are cheating using
these chat bots now to create material with that I will end it say thank you all
for tuning in and again next week on the Liberty Beacon calm will be
quotations part two next week the show will break the formula and we'll go into
twisting and warping of language back to previous TLB pieces so there'll be a
divergence of the formula there thank you all take care and God bless 

[ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast begin Show outro]

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BONUS MATERIAL BELOW from: "Only Thing Required Evil Prevail" [See original piece at:, for referenced links, images, and embedded videos.]

Only thing required for Evil to prevail…

All That Is Required for Evil to Prevail Is for Good Peoples to Do Nothing!

It is cited that 50-60% of all Christians do not Vote. Many of (supposedly 40% of) whom are not even Registered to Vote (Register to Vote, or print the form to get a Christian you know Registered (in Michigan, or find your States’ forms via DuckDuckGo search)!
All that is required for Evil to prevail is for good peoples to do nothing! You’ve no doubt heard that quote already in some of its various paraphrased forms.
If you are not familiar with the phrase: Bread and Circuses to appease the peasants, you’d better become acquainted with it quick….
When are you going to stop watching the Circus distractions and get involved? Or you sitting idly by until there is no bread in the “Bread and Circus” equation? 
I know, I know, YOU ARE TOO BUSY…
[I'm betting if this is NOT YOU (because you're already involved, finding at least some time here and there) then YOU likely know someone that needs to hear/see/read this message?!?!? Please cut/paste the link from the Browser address bar into and email to send to them or send it @ them on one of the Social Media Platforms]
You are busy raising a family, well your Children will not have the American Dream if you do not get off your hind-side and help ensure it will still be here for them when they grow up – rather than nothing but dystopian nightmare if FASCICRATS (and far too many RINO enablers) continue us down the road (eve) of destruction!
How about the Movie, ‘ey? Great! Yup, you just spent what? 90 minutes (and how much for tickets and concessions if you did so at the Theater) on something that provided a brief respite of distraction that will not really have real impact on your life during which time you could have instead done something productive to make America great again. Yes, yes, yes, I do indeed still watch an occasional movie too, we need a break from time-to-time, but I’m addressing those here that spend all their time in fantasy and none in dealing with reality.

VIDEO (6m 2s): Are we still a Judeo/Christian Nation? Keeping Christ in Christmas: 
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Yup, I know, that NFL game (full of disrespecting buffoons kneeling for the Anthem) is really important!! Unless your employment is somehow directly impacted by having a Game played locally (Bars, Restaurants, Security, Parking Lots, in the Game Vendors, etc.) That 2.5 hours, or more, helps those destroying your rights more time to do so while you are distracted and not paying attention… 


so... You... *YOU*...have to stop making excuses (especially if you have School age Children and the Schools are polluting our Children's minds with reading assignments with porn in them, Critical Race Theory causing rise (not reducing) racism in America again, etc.) ....

VIDEO (4m 54s): Were the Founders Religious?… 
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

But good people need to stop and think before acting, not shoot ourselves in the foot in the process...
OK, I'm going to vent.... Rant and rave time...
1st, hey, I am not perfect, I have made mistakes, but I want to learn if I may be wrong on something and use logic/reason in decisions not emotional hysterics.

For those of you who know me you already know I've been involved in Politics since 1978, and fighting FASCICRATS and RINOs alike... Well, sadly, now add to those "some" (not all) some clueless newbies! You know any of them? Claim to be Constitutionalists, but clear they never read it, but hey they feel they are an expert just because they stayed at a Holiday Inn Express (as the joke goes)!
These buffoons (to use an analogy) that decided I'm going to get a gun, and declare themself a marksman before ever handling a weapon and are a danger to themselves as well as those they claim to want to protect around them. Wildly shooting at anything that moves! Eager and happy to shoot themself in their own foot.
They'll whine about RINOs, but eager to sign onto virtually anything, in the name of "doing something" that if they had any clue and someone else did it, they would label a RINO for doing it. But, hey, they been involved a whole 5 minutes, clearly they are now experts at all things related to politics and political issues.
Yes, my Friends, Snowflakes hopped up on their feelings and desire to do something, do anything, even if it is contradictory to their stated goals/intent. You know the saying: Often the road to hell is paved with good intentions. I don't give a damn about your intentions, what matters is actual language of Bills/Petitions you're supporting and what they will actually do versus the spin they're selling just to feel good about their finally getting their Ass off their Couch.
VIDEO (10m 1s): Would you give me Permission to Punch you in the Face 28 days in a Row rather than 365 days? NO! I do NOT have Authority to Punch you ANY NUMBER OF TIMES… 
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

And, YES, while I am asking you to work with and within the GOP, you will not see me, now, ever, claiming Republicans are perfect! Far from it.  We have plenty of RINOs we have to unseat too! I am saying to really make a difference you need to be involved as a Delegate.

If you are tired of RINOs mouthing a few words about election integrity reforms on Monday but then spend the rest of the week trying to scuttle it???? If your response is to quit, surrender, then you are part of the problem, they expect you to go away and you are just obliging them and allowing their continued power/control... Your response must be to be more involved not less! You need be more involved, as a GOP Delegate, to #DrainTheSwamp at the local, state, and federal, level (of CINOs, RINOs, and FASCICRATS, alike) ...
Do you know the story of Pastor Artur (the Calgary Priest arrested for resisting the MASKtapo)? If not, yes, you’re not in that position, but did you knuckle under and allow your Church to be forced closed in violation of our Rights, you should listen to that linked WAAM Radio broadcast to learn more.


What about Running for Office?!?!? No, don’t laugh, SERIOUSLY?!?! I know, not everyone can go that far. Thankfully, however, these past couple of cycles we’ve seen more “average folks” (that we need in Government, versus more Politicians and/or Lawyers) that have. 

I’m not necessarily talking for U. S. Senate, we’ve all seen the supposed “outsiders” crash and burn – biting off way more than they could chew (including John James here in Michigan, who did just get elected to the U. S. House this cycle); we all seen Herschel crash and burn just a few days ago. But what about School Board, City Council, County Commission, are all things that can be held by people with regular Jobs. And perhaps we’ll work you up for you State House or Senate.
Yes, I know of what I speak, as I have indeed run for Office a few times (Joseph M Lenard for MI-House Candidate (ignore the old ACLU reference, those were different times – these day’s I support the ACLJ and Michigan’s Great Lakes Justice Center “conservative” organizations)). And if you check out my old (now archived) Candidate website you’ll see even back in the 1990’s I was pushing for Election reforms! And, yes, I ran in deep-blue Wayne County knowing the District I was running in would not able to Win – that didn’t stop me, nor should it stop you. It can be even more incentive, why? Cuz if you know you’re not going to Win, you can REALLY PUSH THE ENVELOPE and try to move the Overton Window to the Right (challenge a RINO in a Primary too, push the envelope Conservative-ward)!

Joseph M Lenard was a former writer for Super Simple Computer Enterprises, REDSTATE, Grassfire, and Rattle With Us – MI TEAParty (where he was Writing Committee Chair), others; and current content provider at Before It’s News and now The Liberty Beacon; as well as being Author of: “Terror Strikes: Coming soon to a City near you” ( )!
Terror Strikes video Trailer:  
Joseph Martin Lenard (@JLenardDetroit) 
author: Terror Strikes (buy) 
12CDRC, Wayne12, Committees member
W12 Newsletter Editor Wayne-12CDRC Newsletter
MICD12GOP MI 12th CDRC Webmaster
Taylor (MI) Republicans Club TRC Michigan Webmaster
Terror Strikes (free 15 page sample read)

BONUS MATERIAL ABOVE from: "Only Thing Required Evil Prevail" [See original piece at:, for referenced links, images, and embedded videos.]

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