ChristiTutionalist (TM) Politics

ChristiTutionalist Politics (S1E43) "Where Did the 'Kids In Cages' Talk Go?"

April 13, 2024 Joseph M. Lenard Season 1 Episode 43
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S1E43) "Where Did the 'Kids In Cages' Talk Go?"
ChristiTutionalist (TM) Politics
Show intro
Segment 1 - Where did the 'Kids in Cages' talk go?
Obviously, we need to "define" just exactly what these "cages" are and how/why they are built as they are
Shout-out to Fingers Malloy and Sarah Smith over on WAAM Radio and "The Snark Factor" Show
Was/is #obaMAO entirely responsible for these "cages?" How this goes back to Bill Clinton
The Human Trafficking factor
The 1997 Law signed by Bill Clinton
Despite The Left Lies (#ENEMEdia ignoring such) Republicans have put forth (HR2 from 2023) Legislation to even further strengthen Immigration Laws (not the USSenate AMNESTY Bill farce)
The USSenate Amnesty Bill would make "#ReplacementTheory" enshrined as "#ReplacementLaw" (their Actions tell you all you need know on that topic of "Replacement Theory" they try to deny)
The DeFacto Amnesty and Green Card giveaway provision under quise of Asylum 99.9% of crossers do not qualify for (of USSenate Amnesty Bill)
Fascicrats need replacement Voters for all those leaving The Left in the WalkAway, BLEXIT, Lexit/Lexodus, JExodus, movements
The Left wants to (and could if USSenate Amnesty Bill passed Congress and Signed by POTUS) and grant Asylum without Court appearance/hearing
Illegal Immigration for Dummies... Are you forced to take care of those who break into your Home?
Illegal Immigration for Dummies (continued)... Should Children benefit from Crimes of their Parents (the Bernie Madoff, and Son of Sam Laws, lesson)
Illegal Immigration for Dummies... Do Families get to forced Disneyland let their Kids ride Rids for Free, eat Food in the Park for Free, after breaking in?
Sometimes the Enemy gets to dictate Battlefields you must Fight on (Lincoln didn't get to just ignore Gettysburg and let the South have it)
Show outro
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ChristiTutionalist (TM) Politics
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S1E43) "Where Did the 'Kids In Cages' Talk Go?"
Apr 13, 2024 Season 1 Episode 43
Joseph M. Lenard

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CTP S1E43 SHOW NOTES ( listen (Sat Apr 13 2024 and thereafter) at: )... 
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S1E43) "Where Did the 'Kids In Cages' Talk Go?"
Just in time for Mayorkas USHouse Impeachment Articles being sent for USSenate Trial. The 'Kids In Cages' haven't disappeared and we discuss The Left hypocrisy of silence on the topic right now as well as the Clinton era Law that started it all. Timely and important discussion as DHS Secretary Mayorkas Articles Of Impeachment from the U.S.House about to be sent to U.S.Senate for Trial for Dereliction of Duty.

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CTP S1E43 SHOW NOTES ( listen (Sat Apr 13 2024 and thereafter) at: )... 
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S1E43) "Where Did the 'Kids In Cages' Talk Go?"
Just in time for Mayorkas USHouse Impeachment Articles being sent for USSenate Trial. The 'Kids In Cages' haven't disappeared and we discuss The Left hypocrisy of silence on the topic right now as well as the Clinton era Law that started it all. Timely and important discussion as DHS Secretary Mayorkas Articles Of Impeachment from the U.S.House about to be sent to U.S.Senate for Trial for Dereliction of Duty.

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Joseph M. Lenard SUBSCRIBE-

CTP S1E43 SHOW NOTES ( listen (Sat Apr 13 2024 and thereafter) at: )... 
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S1E43) "Where Did the 'Kids In Cages' Talk Go?"
Just in time for Mayorkas USHouse Impeachment Articles being sent for USSenate Trial. The 'Kids In Cages' haven't disappeared and we discuss The Left hypocrisy of silence on the topic right now as well as the Clinton era Law that started it all. Timely and important discussion as DHS Secretary Mayorkas Articles Of Impeachment from the U.S.House about to be sent to U.S.Senate for Trial for Dereliction of Duty.
See Buzzsprout podcasts Transcript of Episode for related addl info
Transcript Bonus: Bumbler-in-Chief Wears His Blinders To The Border

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(CTP S1E43 Audio: 24m 57s, Sat Apr 13 2024)

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[ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast begin Show intro]

Welcome to ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast aka CTP in association with and I am your host Joseph M Lenard and that's L E N A R D   CTP is your no muss no fuss just me you And occasional guest type podcast as Graham Norton would say let's get on with the show 

[ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast - Segment 1] 

Welcome to season one episode
Where did the kids and cages talk go no?
Seriously, I thought the left cared about these kids and cages and
And before I go too much further for those of you looking on
the a bit you Brady on
Rumble and YouTube at J. Leonard Detroit
behind the scenes sneak peek video I
will insert an AF Bronco cartoon
As shared by conservative daily news calm from several years ago
For those of you just hearing audio it is of course showing
Some kids in a cage with the Obama
logo on it and Obama
Leaning on the cage saying sorry kids you'll have to wait till they are like Republican president before
The media notices you which was true
And of course as soon as Trump became president
It became a oh my god. There are kids and cages
No concern and of course we on the right started sharing all kinds of pictures of
Obama's guy Jay Johnson
Department Homeland Security
Wandering through
Centers detention centers and you could see the kids in the quote unquote
Cages now of course, let's let's define cages
What they did was kind of build
containers I
Don't even want to use that word. That's
Really you think of a container like a cargo ship container
So not fair to depict it like that either, but indeed a detention area
defined by
walls if you will made of
fencing, you know the standard kind of chain link fencing so that
Customs and Border Patrol agents could patrol
Through the detention facility have these
closed off by fencing so that indeed kids would be in their own
like in case or enclosed
word enclosed area and
Could be monitored by camera and indeed
physical walkthrough patrols at times as I'm looking on in my notes here from
The Liberty beacon that compies that will appear hopefully an image as I've defined
The source being Twitter from by a user walk away movement
They're indeed showing one of those pictures of Jay Johnson
touring a detention facility and indeed low and bold
kid in a cage right behind there, so shout out to X and
shout out to
I'm having a blank here Sarah Smith and fingers Malloy of
Wham always call it X
shout out to you too
Where this picture originated from back when as of course other pictures
The left of course never able to deal in the reality that it was the Obama
Administration that put those in place, but it doesn't fall on Obama
Either fully because why did these need to be put in well
It was a Clinton era law that still applies today that the left just ignores
That children must be separated from those they've crossed with until
Supposedly unless proper guardianship can be appropriately
established then released into their custody through DNA or blood tests or
proper documentation of any kind birth certificates
some legal
Understanding that a child should be released into custody of
Someone not just whomever they came over with who likely would be a
cartel established
Trasica the Bill Clinton law
bipartisan past back in
1997 I think it was I have that later in my notes. I'll mention it
To prevent human trafficking, but I guess the left doesn't care at all about any of that
They just want these kids released to
Anybody that claims they have guardianship over them. So the left doesn't care only
immigration law violations
But no care whatsoever
Regarding human trafficking laws and
likelihood that these kids if you just let them go
will be paired with someone who will put them into sex slavery or
other sort of
Human bondage to pay off their and or their families debt for help from the cartels
Helping them to cross the border illegally and that from my notes here
Indeed and the law under which this is happening you guessed it from
1997 indeed signed by Bill Clinton
Was slashes to help fight human trafficking
Guess live cards conveniently forget and or don't care about that anymore
Reading direct from my notes. It's not as if they are coming across the border with birth certificates
Proving their family further complicated by judicial rulings that actually upheld and order
The separations so they must be separated and with record record numbers of them flooding or being
trafficked across the border those cages being built
Those fenced off areas were needed and Obama at least at that time was at least
remotely pretending to care about the law and separating the kids from those
Likely trafficking them across the border though you
Hypocrite you want that change?
Republicans already offered several immigration bills that included such changes and the left-wear obstructionist now
This part of the notes that I'm reading from actually comes from a
Before its news piece that I wrote so this goes back several years
so talking about Republican laws to shore up immigration laws to enforce them indeed the
US House recently last year passed HR 2 which would have stiffened the laws and
demanded the Biden administration uphold
Previously existing laws
No, real need for new laws
But of course the US Senate well the enemy I've got to say of course completely ignore
Republican-controlled Congress
HR 2 tough immigration law and
Tout the US Senate amnesty bill it's
Further waters down
immigration laws not in forces existing
immigration law and
provide for de facto amnesty
one of the provisions in the Senate amnesty scam is to allow
emergency in action of
Stepped up enforcement you've got that ability now
What the news doesn't tell you is that it's four one hundred eighty days only and
Can only be kicked in after?
Five thousand a day so it enshrines in law
Five thousand a day can come across with the Biden administration now
officially lawfully if
The US Senate amnesty first passes
Not having to do anything
Ignore all the other previous laws and one the other statutes importantly is
de facto
green card giveaways
They say it's for more money for more courts to hear the
Asylum cases I keep saying amnesty again
Mistakenly the asylum 99% point
99.9% I can't talk today
99.9% of all these people coming across do not qualify for asylum and they know that
That's why they're given a court date and they never show up for them and then
Get ordered deported, but then we can't find them. They've been let loose into the country
But now
Department of Homeland Security if the US Senate amnesty bill were to become codified into law
Which yeah that replacement theory then becomes replacement law?
I mean
They're not hiding it. It's right there in the Senate bill
But yet that's supposedly some conspiracy theory that the fascicats are
replacing voters they're bleeding
US citizens blacks and Hispanics and Asians and even to be religious those of Jewish persuasion
are now in
The election walk away
Lexidis the Latino American
The democrat party is referred to
Jexidis the Jews leaving the democrat party finally waking up to how
Antithetical and hostile
the left is to
any and all faith
Let alone
Spending our ally Israel against those who engaged in terrorist attacks against them on October 7th
But that's an aside
Replacement theory would have been replacement law. It's replacement fact
It's right there in the Senate bill for anyone to see and read what's going on
but the bill allows for them to bypass the courts
Mayorkas and others could literally stand at the border shaking the people's hands of those illegally coming across
Thank you. Congratulations. Welcome. Here's a green card. Put whatever name
Make up a name like cheap here's a de facto green card
We de facto
Grant you asylum. No court date. No, we're just gonna say yeah, you look like you're really truly
Speaking asylum
Mayorkas signs on the dotted line
Congratulations, and then what does that mean basically a green card in three six nine twelve
maximum 24 months
Bam rubber stamp rubber stamp rubber stamp
No court hearing
I'm gonna go back to my notes now because I wanted to make sure I don't miss these parts
The you'll notice the left is no longer showing those pictures of kids and cages. Well, obviously right that's
It's not advantageous. It's not a political partisan issue all of a sudden
That by dumb is an office and keeping kids and cages. No, we gotta like make you forget all that
Unless if trump wins in 2024 and of course once trump takes office
The whole kids and cages images will come back. You can bet on that. That's a surefire
But don't expect giving good odds on that they just because that's a surefire win
If someone brings their children breaks into your home. I'm reading here probably sounds like it because
All up front admitting yes, I'm reading this right from the notes
If someone brings their children and breaks into your home
Are you forced to then continue to house and feed the lawbreakers children?
Even if you
The adults then from your home for trespassing or we remove and deport the adults
for the law breaking
Of breaking immigration laws
Ask a leftist if you catch someone roaming around your backyard
Do you invite them to stay or call the police and report a trespasser?
These hypocrites will of course get utter silence in response
Give you utter silence in response knowing they are cornered in their false narrative
you know
Male and a female
Break into your home with a child
You call the police are the police going to remove all three or say oh no
The kid is a separate issue the kids in your house now now you
Gotta take care of the kid
How leap and ridiculous but that is kind of the left wing
Any other emotional hysterical knee jerk reaction? Oh
About the children
except for their
flattering through plant slaughterhood and abortion
countless children
Dill a day even after the jobs decision and still pushing for abortion on demand
Up until the point of birth
And even in some cases they want to be able to leave a birth child on a table to die
So should pit children benefit from the crimes of their parents is the ultimate issue there
And since this is from an original before its news piece from a few years ago
I'm repurposing at the liberty beak and I bring up
Should Bernie made off children get to keep the money Bernie stole?
No, there's also son of sam laws
Involved you can't benefit
financially from your crimes
And as others have pointed out over the years if you break into Disneyland with your kids in tow
Is Disney only allowed to kick you out?
but required by
Limped hard logic to let the kids then stay and write the rights for free
And eat the food for free
No, of course not, but these are of course
Logic and reason examples that make sense
You can't talk logic and reason to a leftist moron
They don't feel in logic and reason in any way shape or form
Though with that, I am going to indeed wrap it up. This is going to be a somewhat shorter episode
Thankfully some of the other ones have been getting a bit longer
Close it out in the liberty beak and dot com piece
These are
Trump critics show ignorance on immigration issues with coyote posts all over social media
To which I respond in closing
They are clueless as to the basic terms
and facts on this
and virtually every and any other issue
Not just immigration, but we are supposed to
We are supposed to listen to their emotional hysterics concerns
Over reasons thought no, sorry. I don't think so
We need logic and reason and upholding are already established
Logic and reasons laws or we are not a sovereign nation
We need the u.s. Senate bill is of course dead in the house as it needs me
And I haven't heard of late. I won't be surprised if they don't be
Emma media as I
E I a
Emma media
May bring it up as we get closer to the election, but the senate bill is an amnesty bill
and codified
It up to 5,000 a day illegals can cross
Before an administration would have to do anything and that's what the left wants
So it's codifying illegal immigration. It's codifying
asylum claims just
Be bypassed from the courts and the left being able to hand out green cards
To anyone and everyone they want
Waiting across the real grand or coming across our even northern border
This isn't just about the southern border
So now you have this paul harvey would say the rest of the story
But as the election grows closer
The left will start
pedaling the us Senate bill lies again and
Continue to ignore and you need to talk about the us house
GOP H r2 bill, which I've been saying they should pass again
Just off h r2 give it a new bill number change a few words
Repass h r2 send it to the senate for
Schumer's throat and of course chucky shummer will ignore it at least then put the talking points
Back in our favor and in a
their court
Schumer's court to excuse why
Chucky shummer is doing nothing about illegal immigration
But will our GOP leadership have the brain capacity to figure that
strategically smart
Thing to do versus their strategically stupid and just say oh well
We already passed each or two they're ignoring it you need to repass it as a new bill and send it to the senate
Which up
You got to play the game to some degree on the left is termed
The way they do it
That's the way it has to work for media for the talking points to be in our current favor
We may not like playing that game that way
But we must at times indeed like the same goes
Don't get in the mud with the pig and fight
You just get dirty in the pig likes it. Well, i'm sorry. Sometimes the enemy
Lays out the terms of engagement that you must engage like with Lincoln
He didn't get to say daddy's Berg schmedy's Berg. I often say this about the identity politics argument
Sometimes the enemy dictates a battlefield you must play upon
So we must engage in these things in order to get that upper hand back
Thank you all take care and god bless. 

[ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast begin Show outro]

Thank you for having tuned into ChristiTutionalist Politics show. Please be sure to check out more about today's discussion at where my articles drop every Saturday in addition to seeing the corresponding piece referenced in the episode of ChristiTutionalist podcast see to the show transcript on podcast platforms that provide access to it like buzzsprout at for additional bonus material therein the transcript. Thank you. Take care. God bless

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BONUS MATERIAL BELOW from: "Bumbler-in-Chief Wears His Blinders To The Border" [See original piece at:, for referenced links, images, and embedded videos.]

Bumbler-in-Chief Biden wears his Blinders to the Border …

[cross-posted from article on BeforeItsNews, with TLB exclusive content additions]

From my book (Terror Strikes: Coming Soon to a City Near You) ...

The many criminal acts that comprised the total overall act on
9/11 suddenly brought to light the severity of how each minor legal
violation in the terrorist scheme, if one or two had been prosecuted,
might easily have stopped the attack. If the criminal acts [as in
having of those violated their Immigration Visas, been deported]
perpetrating the attacks had been prevented as individual criminal
acts, the World Trade Center may still be standing today.

Had the hijackers’ previous criminal activities been able to
put them behind bars, they could not have been free to attempt
the hijackings. Had they been stopped for immigration issues, the
planned attacks may have been disrupted and prevented. Had the
vulnerability of the airport security that would allow the criminal
hijacking of the airliners that day been addressed adequately, the
tragically allowed escalation of unlawful behaviors that day may have
been thwarted, or minimized.

Elsewhere from the book…
Many states have their unique immigrant enclaves: Chinatown,
Little Italy, Little Havana. Properly immigrated peoples have had
great benefit and support moving to such enclaves. Marten thought
about the topic of immigration and the difference between legal
immigrants he gladly welcomed and had many interactions with
versus illegal immigrants and the border invasion—and all the
political fire around it.

Marten quickly put that out of his mind though as yet another
topic or rabbit hole for his nom de plume online blog publications,
not for his book to deal with.
 VIDEO (5m 26s): Will Dementia Joe even know what Border he’s at – just spew his pre-prepared for him delusion propaganda/spin… 
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Meanwhile, we've learned nothing over time, as 100's on Terror Watch lists have been caught coming across the open-border. Those are those caught, how many Terrorists are roaming free in the USA among the got-aways of Illegals that have poured into the USA?!?!
That is, of course, just the terrorism aspect (and to same degree the additional general crime they bring (as their first act into USA is a crime, of course they have little respect for any other US law))!
The Left doesn't care, they just care about the Demographics and Voting patterns going forward once they grant another Amnesty will likely bring/give them (not to mention all those illegally here already breaking our voting laws and voting illegally).
And, of course, the whole hypocrisy the Busing illegals to Martha's Vineyard showed - while supposedly a Sanctuary City and welcoming, once some showed up the FASCICRATS NIMBY hypocrisy was directly exposed as they quickly worked to get them the hell out of their neighborhood.

Also, of course, ignoring the poisoning crisis (beyond what was the illegal Drugs crisis) many of the deaths labeled “Overdose” are actual poisonings and the drug-dealers should be charged with Homicide (as people are buying what they think are one thing, laced with deadly fentanyl instead). And, Cartels labeled “Terrorists” and “Clear and Present Danger” (for those who will get that reference – and precision drone-strikes/cruise-missles scheduled to hit all the Cartel compounds simultaneously and without warning – No, don’t care about the supposed “Collateral Damage” as they kill our men, women, children here; they are with them on their compounds, they are accessories to their Crimes and legit targets!! Nor do I give a damn what Mexico may or may not say once we’ve hit those within the Borders of Mexico, that Mexico itself is doing nothing about!

Illegal Immigration, complete open borders, and to now "pretend to be tough" what are the FASCICRATS doing? Saying they will crack down on and restrict people coming from Cuba and Venezuela (yes, a couple other places too, but) those are two places that the people actually would qualify for the Asylum they are giving to everyone else that doesn't qualify!!

And the reasons why should be very obvious and telling!

VIDEO (2m 32s): Clear and Present Danger (movie trailer):  
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Indeed no troops (these kinds of “fixed targets” locations we’re talking here, can be all targeted by GPS now, should have no need to laser-tag-for-targeting (as needed for moving targets)), just an extension of the War on Terrorists/Terrorism (and the POTUS powers granted (as Commander-in-Chief) him since 9/11 (of course, changing the perspective and scope of the film preview above from 1994)) and air-strikes. Again, don’t give a damn what Mexico or Mexicans think/say about it. But, of course, we’ll need a REAL POTUS, one that cares about 100,000 dying (poisoned) Americans a year, and RULE OF LAW (Laws requiring our Government PROTECT US CITIZENS).

Sure our drones/missiles may miss a few of them, but they will finally recognize they are really on notice and targets. A drone-strike could hit them next, at any time.

President Trump Oval Office Address on Border Crisis - Democrat Response: What Crisis? See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil (Jan 2019)

President Trump 2nd Address on Border Crisis... (Jan 2019)

Wasn’t it a miracle – El Paso Democrat Mayor Oscar Lesser all of a sudden realized he could clean up his City, and moved out all the Homeless, Drug-users, and Illegal Immigrants, under existing Laws from El Paso in two days time, just so Biden (and the CNN cameras there to show Biden’s photo-op and propaganda speech) wouldn’t see what Democrat policy (not Law) allows/does!

An aside: There are NO Blue States, only 15-20 big blue cities (with big Voting blocks) trying to tell the rest of us how to live. Including a weak on Crime in general, and especially weak on Terrorists and of our current greatest concern Narco-Terrorists.

VIDEO (1m 31s): El Paso TX clears Migrant-camps before Biden visit: 
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Joseph M Lenard was a former writer for Super Simple Computer Enterprises, REDSTATE, Grassfire, and Rattle With Us – MI TEAParty (where he was Writing Committee Chair), others; and current content provider at Before It’s News and now The Liberty Beacon; as well as being Author of: “Terror Strikes: Coming soon to a City near you” ( )!
Terror Strikes video Trailer:  
Joseph Martin Lenard (@JLenardDetroit) 
author: Terror Strikes (buy) 
12CDRC, Wayne12, Committees member
W12 Newsletter Editor Wayne-12CDRC Newsletter
MICD12GOP MI 12th CDRC Webmaster
Taylor (MI) Republicans Club TRC Michigan Webmaster
Terror Strikes (free 15 page sample read)

BONUS MATERIAL ABOVE from: "Bumbler-in-Chief Wears His Blinders To The Border" [See original piece at:, for referenced links, images, and embedded videos.]

Show intro
Segment 1 - Where did the 'Kids in Cages' talk go?
Obviously, we need to "define" just exactly what these "cages" are and how/why they are built as they are
Shout-out to Fingers Malloy and Sarah Smith over on WAAM Radio and "The Snark Factor" Show
Was/is #obaMAO entirely responsible for these "cages?" How this goes back to Bill Clinton
The Human Trafficking factor
The 1997 Law signed by Bill Clinton
Despite The Left Lies (#ENEMEdia ignoring such) Republicans have put forth (HR2 from 2023) Legislation to even further strengthen Immigration Laws (not the USSenate AMNESTY Bill farce)
The USSenate Amnesty Bill would make "#ReplacementTheory" enshrined as "#ReplacementLaw" (their Actions tell you all you need know on that topic of "Replacement Theory" they try to deny)
The DeFacto Amnesty and Green Card giveaway provision under quise of Asylum 99.9% of crossers do not qualify for (of USSenate Amnesty Bill)
Fascicrats need replacement Voters for all those leaving The Left in the WalkAway, BLEXIT, Lexit/Lexodus, JExodus, movements
The Left wants to (and could if USSenate Amnesty Bill passed Congress and Signed by POTUS) and grant Asylum without Court appearance/hearing
Illegal Immigration for Dummies... Are you forced to take care of those who break into your Home?
Illegal Immigration for Dummies (continued)... Should Children benefit from Crimes of their Parents (the Bernie Madoff, and Son of Sam Laws, lesson)
Illegal Immigration for Dummies... Do Families get to forced Disneyland let their Kids ride Rids for Free, eat Food in the Park for Free, after breaking in?
Sometimes the Enemy gets to dictate Battlefields you must Fight on (Lincoln didn't get to just ignore Gettysburg and let the South have it)
Show outro
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