ChristiTutionalist (TM) Politics

ChristiTutionalist Politics (S1EAprSpecial3) "Jason Perry - 'From Atheism to Christian Ministry'"

April 24, 2024 Joseph M. Lenard Season 1
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S1EAprSpecial3) "Jason Perry - 'From Atheism to Christian Ministry'"
ChristiTutionalist (TM) Politics
Show intro
Segment 1 - Welcome to the Show Jason Perry (I think there was a "PERRY Mason" Joke there somewhere I missed LOL)
CTP April Special 3: Why Jason? Why now?
Jason's "past" Life
Growing up around Paul Reveres and John Quincy Adams Houses (before the area went completely insane)
losing his Brother to Heroine addiction
Finding God his last-year in as a SEAL
mentioning Lee Strobel "The Case For Christ" book (and subsequent movie)
"Thought based" or "Heart based"
Furthering the "have to meet people where they are at" concept Jason eluded
It takes all different types
There are different "battlegrounds" and they take different types of Leaders to have success
dropping some "inconvenient" truth and reality of some's sentiments
The Bible and modern Archeology proofs
You do not start Children reading with "War and Peace" you start with digestible "Dr Suess" they can handle first
Talking for those (on their level, not above/beyond them) that are "Christian curious"
God and Science, God as the Father of all Science (as Creator of all Heaven and Earthly processes)
Focusing on our Commonalities vs our potential differences and doctrinal concerns
24 hour Earth cycles didn't exist until after our particular Solar System as we know it created (what/how was TIME measured prior to?)
Commonalities vs differences, again/clarification
Baptism / Dedication - are these things to really get heated quibbles over (as the Devil gets his DIVISION and DISRUPTION that he wants out of us)
Deuteronomy and "The Curse of Confusion"
Jason talks "Bread and Circus" (without using the term) related:
Spending your time (even more-so than Money) Shows your priorities (known by Fruits/Actions, not rhetoric)
The entire Bible (full context) vs Earthly prosperity doctrine alone (to keep Church donations flowing)
Christianity via an Anatomy analogy
Constant recurring CTP theme - the bastardization of Scriptures (distorted out of context)
Back to Jason's BACKground (yes, trying to be cute/clever with wording LOL) and his LEO days
Hey, remember YOU CALLED ME to help YOU, but often met with resistance and Hate instead of graciousness
Jason's Son, born with Autism
Sandy Hook "changed" things for Jason
Trident Shield
need to pivot due to Wuhan Hysteria Lockdowns (worked for Mike Lindell (Security and "The Hope Report" podcast) for awhile)
The "ODD" (positive) side-effect of Wuhan itself (vs the side-effects of the Wuhan Flu Jabs negatives)
Wuhan and the (not Creation, but expansion and involvements of) Mama Bears
"discipline" and logic/reason "rationality" and dealing in "reality" all the time
circular firing squad
The Pro-Life issue
Standards (and criticizing) vs Double-Standards applications
The whole "Lessor of Two Evils" thing and no-one is perfect, anyone/everyone is a "choice" vs the other "choice" of imperfections
All of the Above
Christian stewards of Life on Earth
"Cultural" Pride (to reasonable degree, not to exclusive of others) vs WEF Globalist tyrannical pipe-dreams of Communism
ClimaTard nonsense vs "practicality" and even the original founder of GreenPeace now has zero to do with that "nutty" pure Leftist (not Environmentalist) group
Atlas Shrugged - the Bradford example (and why The Left does not want that book read by Students anymore but instead Raunch/Porn stories in Schools)
Where to find Jason Perry
Show outro
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ChristiTutionalist (TM) Politics
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S1EAprSpecial3) "Jason Perry - 'From Atheism to Christian Ministry'"
Apr 24, 2024 Season 1
Joseph M. Lenard

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S1EAprSpecial3 SHOW NOTES ( listen (Wed Apr 24 2024 and thereafter) at: )... 
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S1EAprSpecial3) "Jason Perry - 'From Atheism to Christian Ministry'"
Guest Jason Perry - Former Navy SEAL/Cop/Atheist now a CEO for an Emergency Preparedness Firm and Pastor of a Church/Farm/Ministry Christian Warrior Mission. Christian talk, of course, but too quasi continued (like from/with Clive Savacool episode) 'First Responders' chat, like Mike Lindell "From Crack Addict To CEO" Jason has similar tale, and more.

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S1EAprSpecial3 SHOW NOTES ( listen (Wed Apr 24 2024 and thereafter) at: )... 
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S1EAprSpecial3) "Jason Perry - 'From Atheism to Christian Ministry'"
Guest Jason Perry - Former Navy SEAL/Cop/Atheist now a CEO for an Emergency Preparedness Firm and Pastor of a Church/Farm/Ministry Christian Warrior Mission. Christian talk, of course, but too quasi continued (like from/with Clive Savacool episode) 'First Responders' chat, like Mike Lindell "From Crack Addict To CEO" Jason has similar tale, and more.

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S1EAprSpecial3 SHOW NOTES ( listen (Wed Apr 24 2024 and thereafter) at: )... 
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S1EAprSpecial3) "Jason Perry - 'From Atheism to Ministry'"
Guest Jason Perry - Former Navy SEAL/Cop/Atheist now a CEO for an Emergency Preparedness Firm and Pastor of a Church/Farm/Ministry Christian Warrior Mission. Christian talk, of course, but too quasi continued (like from/with Clive Savacool episode) 'First Responders' chat, like Mike Lindell "From Crack Addict To CEO" Jason has similar tale, and more.
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(S1EAprSpecial3 Audio: 51m 31s, Wed Apr 24 2024)

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[ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast begin Show intro]

Welcome to ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast aka CTP in association with and I am your host Joseph M Lenard and that's L E N A R D   CTP is your no muss no fuss just me you And occasional guest type podcast as Graham Norton would say let's get on with the show 

[ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast - Segment 1] 

JOSEPH M LENARD (HOST):  Welcome to the show Jason Perry. I'm gonna do his bio before I officially welcome him on and then I'll explain Why he's here? former Navy SEAL former Leo former atheist now a CEO for an emergency preparedness firm and pastor of Church farm ministry Christian warrior mission. Welcome to the show Jason I'd so an honor to be here. Thank you. Oh, thank you. Thank you. Appreciate it and this show as As Jason I have discussed offline prior is kind of a quasi follow-up to two other shows two other Specials, that's why he's on now as opposed to before I had on Liz Enton an Atheist while we didn't talk religion we talked after life her scientific view and belief in after night life, but Make sense you as a former atheist will address that with you and Clive Savacool who was a former firefighter you being a former Leo So this is kind of a quasi part two to both those shows so again. Thank you for coming on. I appreciate it

JASON PERRY:  I'm sure I'll be the worst interview out of those two because I'm sure they did great. Oh

JOSEPH M LENARD (HOST):  Hey Hey, that's good humility that's all right least putting on an air of humility Yeah, I saw you on line and with that bio You make perfect sense to me to be on institutionalist politics podcast and we'll talk about I guess your former life as an Atheist with that when you were a Navy seal or yeah

JASON PERRY:  Yeah, so for 37 years I was an atheist So I was raised in an atheist household my grandfather was actually sexually molested by Catholic priests and a notorious orphanage in Newfoundland, right? So sourd the whole family do my whole family to a ton of darkness a lot of drug addiction a lot of death Because we didn't have anywhere to go I was You know at 20 I was a complete thug and one day it Woke up and I'm like man. I'm gonna end up deader in jail I need to do something and I didn't believe and got at that point, but I did believe in America I was raised in Boston, Massachusetts in the city and That was before it went totally insane and So they were still producing Patriots that meaning there was Paul Revere's house There was you know John Quincy Adams house like I walked by it every day like Bunker Hill was there the constant I've been to the the USS Constitution been to Ford independence, you know, Plymouth Rock is real I've seen the Mayflower, you know All these different places so be raised there. I'm like well I'm gonna serve my country to kind of make up for being a knucklehead and So I went in I tried to find the hardest thing I could do and I went in and that was the seal teams And I went in I became a seal. I did it for 16 years while I was deployed I lost my little brother to heroin and went to his funeral and and While I was there I tried finding one of some of his friends like we're all of his friends like no one's here Like a discounting crew that's there and I cornered one of his friends and like where is everyone? This is BS. Where's boom boom boom boom boom I'm naming everyone and they already said Jay. They're already dead lost to heroin and That's when I said all right. I'm done making third world countries safer. I'm done going to the sandbox I'm gonna invest in my own community because that was an entire that was the kickoff to the opioid I could the epidemic in the Northeast which is now a hundred thousand dead every year with fentanyl right now That's how we allow imagine that that's that's like more That's more deaths than almost, you know all wars, but the Civil War, you know, I mean it's really really hardcore. So again, you know Seeing that and then you know, that's what my catalyst is I found God my last year in So I had a cancer scare didn't find God at all this other stuff didn't find God but a book made its way into my life called I don't have enough faith to be an atheist and that book Was the first time I'd ever heard the scientific case for creationism right that I'd never heard that I was never given that option my wife who has a bachelor's in science and animal behavior You know was also raised in the Northeast was also indoctrinated this way was never given the option or the exposure to creationism So within the first third of the book I went from atheist to agnostic and then after I wrapped them like well They've been right about everything else. I'm gonna give this Christian thing a go and

JOSEPH M LENARD (HOST):  And that's how I got on ramped in the Christianity Wow your story is similar to a friend of mine Ed Bandarica who is host of your American heritage on Wham radio on Saturday's 2 p.m. Eastern time Wham radio comm you can listen live there He too near to well drug-addicted But the huge jokes he decided to not to serve the country. He joined the Air Force

JASON PERRY:  Yeah, you know they get the best child halls We used to always try to get there to get the good meal, but yeah

JOSEPH M LENARD (HOST):  I mean so he served to and yeah kind of The kind of right no he's the first joke about it. He's the first joke about it He will accept that jab every every minute of the day. He jokes about it himself and Yeah, I found Christ and straightened his life around and his show your American heritage is about our Judeo-Christian Foundations as a nation and those trying to destroy that Either an atheist or just Communist or which are usually a lot the same and the other thing is you mentioned a book I'm a big fan of Lee Strobel who wrote that is

JASON PERRY:  The case of Christ is one so and again, I know me to jump around on you I'm sorry, but when I am trying to disciple somebody I figure out if they're a Thought-based or a heart-based right if they're thought-based. I don't have enough faith He is faith me in a these is number one and the case for Christ is number two Right if they're heart-based I send them to the chosen and a couple other things I send them to right That's just how we're wired either you're one of the other very few are both both a very helpful Those two that's where I split in the robe And I'm when I'm trying to figure out what I'm talking to somebody and they ask me about God You know where you know obviously the Bible is number one, but Those are two places for Christian curious people to dip their toes in the water and one of the reasons to why I wrote terror

JOSEPH M LENARD (HOST):  Strikes coming soon to a city near you Obviously not a normal natural traditional fluffy kind of Christian book But you got to meet people where they're at not where you want them to be so it is a Christian book Nonetheless, just not that traditional fluffy kind to try to bring them in without Beating them over the head with the Bible. It doesn't work

JASON PERRY:  So it takes it takes all different types, right? So we so the battle's been won Christ won't end on the cross, right? We're on the largest POW rescue mission in the history of time itself, right? Our job is to go get the POWs, okay, and with that, okay There are a lot of battles to be fought and each battle needs a certain type of soldier some of them are PhDs fighting in the seminaries and fighting in the academia Others are on the front lines in the prisons others are on the front lines in uniform Others are you know, just everyday people in the work front just discipling their families, right? But here's what we need to do we need to start teaching application of the Bible, right? The Bible is 100% the manual for solving all problems period without exception Okay, and we get to start teaching in a way in common English when Martin Luther translated the Bible He didn't translate it in high German He transfer he translated it for the plow worker for the guy plow in the fields Right and that's the way we need to be teaching because let's face it most men Don't want to be in church. Why? Because the pastors obey the mail who doesn't have a callus on his hand a scar on his body And he's been a permanent college student this whole life

JOSEPH M LENARD (HOST):  That well certainly not an unfair statement I never would have thought to couch it that way, but hey, I'm glad you said it It ain't that the truth and this show is about truth

JASON PERRY:  Thank you for doing truth. The truth is not so easily found today. Yeah, and why I issued my

JOSEPH M LENARD (HOST):  third international but constitutionalist politics as a Kind of side guide to the show about like we're talking Bringing people into the Bible some way or form It's not likely you're going to just get them to sit down and open the Bible and read it front to cover first And if they did A lot of it would go past them So like you said with the case for christ and the other book and or like my book About the bible in full context and that's why it's called Faith there may be things you're not going to understand in there Just deal in the things you can grasp and understand and like you said, I mean now Archaeologists more and more are finding the biblical sites and Scientifically demonstrating the truth of what's in there. So they know it the Bible isn't a book of fiction Though I like to say the Bible and people are going to get upset Hope you don't get upset, but the Bible is like a dr Susbook Because we are all children. There are going to be things on this planet and in the spirit while we're just not going to understand in our lifetime You don't start a child off with war and peace

JASON PERRY:  Sure sure so there's a lot of different ways to take that Or ways to go with that again if you are christian curious Right, you need to find yourself a good mentor somebody who can ask questions too Right because again, you can go like me. I'm I'm a pastor. I'm a lay pastor. I'm not seminary educated but I have Phenomenal mentors Right that I can call up and in a lot of times I've split from them on some things Right so for me, I you know, I'm not a six day Creation guy six 24 hour day creation guy, right? I'm like whatever You know, I like I like the gap theory I like some other things out there that make sense on the time of day of the year I don't run from science Right, I think god is the author of science and if we understand the science appropriately Science will always point to god, right? So so again, you know, so I split with some People that are my spiritual fathers, you know, I'm post millennial they're pre millennial You know, I'm a partial predatorist. They're not right um, you know, so I You know try to come at this And you know by the way that I think Jesus would do it Jesus You know didn't sit like all the disciples didn't go off to seminary They didn't come out with a piece of paper that says I know what I'm doing. They live with them They walk with them in they travel with them. Right? Like what we've turned it into now Is this this this this where we have these group thing places and these you know, and again There are some seminaries. They're great. I'm sure But what I find is I I would prefer a pastor with real life experience To help me apply The bible to my life. Yeah, two two

JOSEPH M LENARD (HOST):  Go ahead two things on what you said there the 24 hour earth Our cycle didn't exist exactly until God created it So you can't judge it on seven days Our time it was seven days his time exactly

JASON PERRY:  What is that? What is it?

JOSEPH M LENARD (HOST):  Exactly. That's one of those things We as children We'll never understand to we're in our father's arms and can beg and plead him for Those answers we don't get and that's not in the bible It doesn't need to be you don't have to teach children everything and It's uh, the other thing is commonality. I was on another wam radio show host Uh show actually my friend ed was filling in for pastor rick Uh his show is a moment of clarity And they were discussing things and I called in and chimed in The devil wins When we focus on The christian sect differences. Yeah, there's all major in the miners. Yeah

JASON PERRY:  We major in the miners. That is where division happens and that's from the devil There's a whole lot of That's because they want to baptize a baby or they want to dedicate a baby Like what is the one who like I don't care. I'll do either which one you want I have my opinions Right, you know, but again if somebody wants their kid baptized I'm going to baptize their kid if they want him dedicated but it dedicate their kid Now in the past people have been burned at the stake for that disagreement All right, but we're but now we have we have so many big problems with atheism and the devil Like you know completely confusing Which of the point where we don't know what girls are anymore like for real Like like the curse of confusion right in duduronomy Right, we're living that right now And we are we don't know what bathroom to use Like holy smokes You could go to find a man in afghanistan with a second grade education Ask him what a woman is and he can tell you what cantangi jackson the supreme court Person who's supposed to be one of the brightest legal minds in the world can't tell you what a woman is

JOSEPH M LENARD (HOST):  Yeah, oh she can she won't right

JASON PERRY:  Well, that's my point right it's all about Confusing people it's all about distraction right, you know, so so we lost God blessed us with them with the greatest nation to ever live Okay to ever be around and we lost it We lost it by being distracted and entertained Right we lost it watch endless sports binge watching Endless tv shows and playing video games instead of going out there and getting stuff done

JOSEPH M LENARD (HOST):  That's what we did. Yeah in february one of my episodes was bread and circus Exactly what time is the game on now? I've also written a piece for the liberty Occasional distractions not just okay, but healthy the problem is when you're all consumed in the bread and circus

JASON PERRY:  Yep 24 seven and now right like in this economy and where we're at right We spend money in the within the devil's Business all the time right we go to starbucks when starbucks hates god and hates everything about god Right we watch the nfl which hates american devises on race Right in our eyeballs Our revenue to them So your time is valuable your Resource there's no time nothing more valuable than time what you spend your life doing Shows where you're most what's most important now most people do their life and they keep god in this nice little box an hour 90 minutes on sunday and they try to say he's they love him and he's most important in the life And your time does not reflect that

JOSEPH M LENARD (HOST):  I born and raised catholic I no longer attend my church because why I believe in fellowship as the church As opposed to why they want to want to sit in the pew next to so-and-so That the minute they leave the church is going to stab me in the back first chance to get There's no brotherly love there most again, you know every church your church You know, I'm just saying my I've been to other churches that indeed are great and wonderful so Everybody's church has to be judged on its own merits of whether their pastor is also indeed preaching the whole bible not just prosperity doctrine to keep Fannies in the pews and the revenue coming into the church they become their own prosperity doctrine churches

JASON PERRY:  and that really has happened with Christianity has become a consumer based product. It's become a business and you know and that is Where we've gone astray part of the reason where we're going to stray We want our church like a drive-through now. We want to come in we want our church We want to come in get a cup of coffee sit down be out of there child care this service all that You know, we want to have great music a short little sermon on something cute And then we want to leave and go back to our life as sin, right? That is not church Okay, that is we are a body Okay, the the enemy wants this finger cut off over their rotting and that's what happens in self-isolation Right, we are meant this fingers meant to be attached to this hand this hand of this wrist This wrist of this forearm to this up to my upper arm to my shoulder, etc, etc We are meant to be a complete body. So our church I have 44 acres. Okay, I've got cattle. I've got hogs. I've got chickens I've got shooting ranges, right? Our church isn't like anybody else's church Right, we live life with one another we provide food Okay, we work it right you can come pretend whoever you want to be For 60 minutes on a Saturday and your best clothes or 90 minutes on a Saturday Who are you in the cold and wet out back the large scary animals? Right when you hit your finger with a hammer and who are you when are you serving one another? Right if I've the first thing I want to know when someone tells me he's a christian. I look at their family Because their family reflect their christian that they don't they're phonies

JOSEPH M LENARD (HOST):  Yeah, and sadly there are many fakes and again a main part of why feel called to do this show Bringing people back to their bible in full context not picking and choosing Like Matthew seven judge not less. She be judge Uh, you want to read the rest of that and the 12 other scriptures that say to judge Biblically and yourself as you do others not be a hypocrite. So yeah, I I know Exactly you and I are on the same page Dame sheet of music Uh, and hopefully why I started the show not just preach it to the choir though Right at the point. Yeah to to reach out beyond that And since you mentioned animals as a shepherd you tend to the sheep flock on sundays

JASON PERRY:  Yeah, and that's something that I really like to talk about here where I think We're another part of where christiannie went wrong other than the business and pastors getting paid not being bivocational at least Right, so they don't want to offend their biggest donors. Right. So because that dries up their salary Right, so there's a conflict of interest there. Right. So you can't tell your democrat Congregation that it by going voting democrat. They're not christians Right because they're going and supporting the murders of babies and you can't do that and be a christian

JOSEPH M LENARD (HOST):  Period. I'll say that all day every day and right now a lot of them anti semitic Supporting hamash Terror trying to destroy israel exactly since yeah The world we live in right now is a but let's move on to your leo days. Let's pivot a bit sure

JASON PERRY:  Sure, maybe you want to go go ahead and tell us Oh, so I mean so you know got out and started being you know, I was a cop. I went through the boston police academy Volunteer for the for the hardest neighborhoods that I could did you know As soon as I was off probation made it right on the SWAT team because of my background um Really liked being a cop in theory meaning like I liked being able to solve people's problems Right, but people ask me all the time. What was the hardest job you've had? You know a seal a cop or a pastor And I would say physically seal all the way Okay emotionally cop Because being hated by people um was very real like I was sacrificing my my mind my body my sanity my family To serve people who hated me right and um You know no greater love is there than this to the lay down your life your friends Well cops do it for people who hate them They do it for their enemy and they do it for people they don't know who does that sound like jesus christ Right that is jesus christ walking it out. So again, but it was so dark You know working in neighborhoods where no one looked like me And being hated for showing up when i'm like you call me You call me Right and one of the things that broke my heart one day when I realized how bad Their culture was Was I showed up to a domestic call Guy beat the heck out of his wife And we got a rest of his son is there And I said you want to step out in the hall so your son doesn't see you getting arrested He said no, I want him to see you taking me away from him. Yeah, and i'm like you're never gonna give him a chance. Are you? Nope I didn't beat the heck out of your wife. I didn't call 9-1-1 You can't control your emotions and you beat up your wife and now you're trying to poison your kid Against the people here who are here to help him and your your your wife Like like that's the legacy you're passing on And I can counter that day after day after day after day after day and You know, but I love my job. I did love my job, but my son was born and he had autism He has autism And autism is one of those things where the more resources you throw at the front end The better their what life can end the better their life is on the back end So I walked away from that You know a very one of the highest paying police jobs in the country um on an elite team um doing great stuff um And to to throw to move to Virginia to throw time and resources at my son I got a job barter guard body guarding a guy where it's 52 billion dollars then I think he's worth 104 billion dollars now They'd fly me in for 30 days. I had body guard him and then they'd fly me home I could go wherever, you know, it was a great job um, I did that for a while until Sandy Hook happened December of 2012 Where an autistic kid walked into an elementary school And killed a bunch of first and second graders and teachers and stuff And I said, okay, well, I'm I'm done Working for a guy who can afford You know as many of me as he wants he like he he's not gonna miss miss me a day. Um And so I started my training consulting company Uh tried and shield which is an emergency preparedness uh security training consulting company. I've been doing active shooter and emergency preparedness since 2013 and um You know, I was doing that until you know gangbusters until covid hit covid hit The whole industry took I took a 90 percent loss to revenue You know, we collapsed down I started working for michael indell I'm doing security for michael indell and hosting a podcast for him called the hope report did that for a while and then um Security started ramping back up And you know covid ended and now people care about active shooter again So that's what pays the bills for me is my my security and consulting Uh an emergency preparedness work that I do for trying to shield Yeah, yeah, that brings us to almost and then while I was in cold while during covid Took that 90 percent loss to revenue. I'm like this the entire industry screwed. It's not just me Right. So I said all if there's ever a time to serve the lord. I'm gonna do it now Yeah, so so that's when I did that

JOSEPH M LENARD (HOST):  Yeah, a whole lot of people's lives were completely up and to do the wuhan hysteria Yeah, which really was nothing but a fancy flu And these Jabs that aren't vaccines because they don't make you immune to anything a real vaccine is like polio Tuberculosis months that make at least 99 of the people then immune going forward, but yeah that that's so disrupted Virtually everyone's lives that even now that there's a whole lot of people nowhere near recovered from that downtime

JASON PERRY:  Yeah, well, you know It's gonna sound crazy, but I actually thank god for covid because covid actually exposed everybody for who and what they were Right if you were a phony church you shut your doors If your neighbors who turned against you we could through the democrat insanity And wanted to do lynch models because you wouldn't wear a mask in your own house Like you got to see Everything and what it did is it exposed america for what it is now America is not one country anymore. It's actually two countries It is conservative states versus blue states Right, so you know the freedoms you have in tennessee or florida are completely different than the freedoms somebody in massachusetts or new york has So I treat going to blue states now like i'm going to another country Um, I don't I don't enjoy the freedoms that because I am on the different team than they are And uh, and they will treat me accordingly to that unfortunately, you know, i'm on team america But the america that we knew is gone. It's gone. I don't know if it can come back Um, you know, there are pockets of freedom in states It's tennessee's one of them florida's another texas is another maybe others out there but, um, vast You know all the places where I grew up. I don't even go back to

JOSEPH M LENARD (HOST):  Yeah, yeah another thing with covid Many people say it was a blessing and so far as it woke up the mama bears Like I like I say in my book terra strikes coming soon to a city near you You in naperville chapter terisa woke to the fact that she was not the mama bear She thought she was and needed to be for her child, but instead an ostrich Right and there was a whole lot and the covid zoom lessons Finally woke up a whole lot of people to what was going on because they weren't paying attention

JASON PERRY:  Well, now the number one best thing to come on one of the number one best things come out of covid is the education exposure To what was going on in the classrooms. So homeschooling exploding classical christian education Crushing it like that's the only place i'd send my kid if I wasn't homeschooling We're gonna homeschool here and we homeschooler Uh, but if I didn't it would be a classical christian education dug wilson started an organization called the accs Absolutely inspiring to go to go to these places. I've done active shooter for some of their schools it Brought tears in my eyes to watch an entire class do lunch get up and sing doxology And you know and have watched them teach Science from the proper perspective of here's both cases. We believe obviously in creationism. Yep. Yep. I had may run for

JOSEPH M LENARD (HOST):  on also in january, uh mainly about loss, but She too homeschools and we discuss that And I go into terror strikes and my christianism politics book That the school People are aware are teaching the new core arts as I call them radicalism Ranch and racism through c rt rather than reading writing arithmetic history Science stem those things they want The bread and circus again. They want them consumed by anything But the things that would most matter to their ability to survive Nowadays And that's sad While china is indeed teaching the core ours as well as work ethic and respect and all

JASON PERRY:  They're actually teaching masculinity Right while tick-tock pumps out transgenderism and trying to confuse our youth They have they are 100 pushing masculinity to their men to their boys as hard as they can


JASON PERRY:  You know and that that's that's the divide that we have right now We have such a confused torn society. It's it's really disgusting

JOSEPH M LENARD (HOST):  Yep, and it seems like it's getting worse by the day Now I was just on social media the other day and or no earlier today And somebody was spewing Biden Has no respect for life and I agree with that He's a democrat and supports the wholesale slaughter Especially in black communities. Yeah, why Margaret Sanger created Planned Parenthood to Engage in black genocide. He supports that but they went on to say he actually killed his Former wife so he could marry Joe now True false whatever I don't care if you've got evidence for not to me that is strategically Stupid to talk about you're just going to get eye rolls We have so many things going on

JASON PERRY:  You have a discipline

JOSEPH M LENARD (HOST):  Yeah That affects everyone on a day-to-day basis that we need to be addressing Not stupid theory like that

JASON PERRY:  Yeah, well, we really need to be disciplined, you know, and it's like, you know, I engage on you know and on twitter pastor seal cop is my handle on there and I am constantly um Well, you know, I'm a desanist guy. I wanted to sanist. I thought desanist was going to be A great president. I'm like I can't believe we didn't choose him, but you know, I'm throwing my way behind trump Right. I was a trumper in 2016 Um, I was originally a marker Rubio guy for a couple months Then trump won me over And you know and then I you know, I was all in on him in 2016 was all in him on 2020 You know, but I'm not one of these guys who doesn't think he's ever made a mistake Right, he made a lot of mistakes. I don't drink the Kool-Aid. I'm not a cult member Right. I can't talk to a truck like the the trumpers Like i'm maga meaning, you know make america great again And trump is a part of that and I and I think he did some good stuff, but he made a lot of mistakes too So let's talk about them rationally Right and we can go forward You know, but i'm constantly dealing now because maga makes it so hard to Vote for them or to like them because they're all so bitter now They have every right to be bitter. They've been attacked and demonized for an awful long time now, right? But they have to understand you don't win by shrinking your base You have to grow your base And offending, you know and going after desanis and all the reprehensible things that went on You know again I am not an emotional person when it comes to this stuff Right. I knew what trump was doing. I watched him do it to tag cruis Right. So trump goes scorched earth on everyone the second they're out It was business to him. He's back to you know, you know, he's willing to work with him and do whatever like that's just who he is Okay, trump dug Wilson coin is the best Trump is the chemo that we need to cure the cancer that we have in our political system right now Right. No one wants chemo. No one enjoys chemo. It's going to make you feel sick It's going to make you vomit your hair may fall out like i did Yeah But it's better than dying a cancer. Yep

JOSEPH M LENARD (HOST):  Right That's a very very good analogy. I agree with that wholeheartedly There's people with trump derangement syndrome And then that's that yeah, and then there are trump cultists who cino here. No speak. No trump walks on water No, he's a human he makes mistakes his character is piss poor Right. But i'm not electing a choir boy. You're right We need that tough love and harsh medicine and if we're going to recover Or at least stop the bleeding in this nation before we're past the point of no

JASON PERRY:  So trying to get people particularly women out of their feelings, right? I don't have to like you to vote for you. I just have to look at your policies and understand something So here's a fact whether you want to believe it or not if you're a christian Trump has saved more babies than any pastor in the world Okay, so no matter what he's done on that one issue alone. He's better than any democrat Okay on that one issue alone. Now, how many justices are going to get right? So trump Do I think he likes evangelicals? No, I don't know if he likes us and not but he knew that he had a contract with us And he honored his contract His contract was you point conservative justices from this list and we'll work with you Now a lot of people didn't think he would honor that but he did So i'm willing to give him another shot at that because i don't have another choice If ron DeSantis was still on the ticket, i mean i'd be doing everything i went scorched earth on trump this time around It wasn't enough to win I'm not going to win I'm not going to win But it wasn't enough to win So my choice are Godless democrats Or trump who i can work with Who am i going to go for? Trump every time on that out of those days Am i going to feel good about it? No But i'm going to do it because we're going to save more babies We're going to keep our second amendment free You see who i want to be Would i trust him with my daughters? No But you know what? He's a business man He will do what's right As far as in some areas of this And he's infinitely better than the baby killers

JOSEPH M LENARD (HOST):  Yeah, that's another social media argument Someone was pointing out I forget who it was On the left about well they cheated on their wife And this oh they were in it

JASON PERRY:  So did like almost every politician out there Yeah, like you know jfk number one You know you want to talk about

JOSEPH M LENARD (HOST):  You know all of them i mean just come on I don't exactly the point And they brought Nikki Haley into it Because rumor is he cheated Or she cheated on her husband While he was abroad in the military Have you forgotten how many wives Trump cheated on To marry the next I get ideal in all reality Not just a couple of them choosing

JASON PERRY:  Which is a matter of who they are Right, you get a ball like i don't care About that part of her Here's what i don't like about Nikki Haley I don't believe she has a single conviction She'll say and do anything to anyone Whoever has the money in his pain or bills Right, i don't think She's a conservative I don't think she You know she has any conviction anywhere Other than she wants power And the guy who propped her up Paul Ryan and Charles Koch Killed the border wall So don't tell me you're closing the border When we have the house And the senate in trump and office He wanted to build a wall And Paul Ryan killed it Charles Koch owns Paul Ryan Okay, and that's who killed the wall For cheap labor

JOSEPH M LENARD (HOST):  Yeah, yeah, again As you alluded to People don't like the I gotta hold my nose and vote for the That's our two evils But guess what? No one is perfect Doesn't exist On this planet Unless you yourself are running You're always Going to vote for a lesser of two eagles Because if you This is where the cultism comes in If you agree with somebody 100% Do you not ever argue with a

JASON PERRY:  There's not a theologian Or a pastor that I agree with 100% Exactly! And then those are guys who I agree with Some 98% Some 99, but there's not one where I'm like Yeah, we're identical

JOSEPH M LENARD (HOST):  If you agree with somebody 100% It's either a miracle Or you're just a sheeple

JASON PERRY:  Yeah, and I don't agree with Christ 100% But I'm wrong and he's right Yeah, hahahaha

JOSEPH M LENARD (HOST):  Yeah, a short of Christ Coming down and running for the presidency It's always going to be the lesser of two evils A lot of people have good and bad I was joking One thing about Biden If you can't find one good thing to say about somebody You've got arrangement 100% Biden months ago Came out with more green energy garbage Most of the day I don't agree with it But there was a piece in there Making school buses electric Well, I don't want kids Breathing in diesel fumes So, and buses are big Plenty of rooms for batteries So, could most buses School buses become green? Sure, let's do that That's viable That's feasible I don't agree with it But, there's a piece in there That's viable That's feasible That's doable The solar and wind farms Are not Deasable, doable things

JASON PERRY:  They're boondoggles Here's the thing with all the electric stuff If everybody went electric tomorrow Our power grid would completely collapse We don't have power enough as it is right now Because we don't want to build nuclear reactors Which is the savest form of electricity On the planet, the most effective out there So, if we're not going to do that It's not even realistic to even talk about It's 100% fantasy Ask all these people Who have Teslas and cold The climates, how they're working They can't start Ask Texas how all their wind farms work for them When they hit that cold snap Again, we have All this money, again I'm an all the above guy All the above Let's be responsible If we do all the above I think we can move forward And someday the technology may catch up To where it's at But we should be trying to get cold cleaner We should be trying to get natural gas cleaner We should be trying to get gasoline and oil cleaner Let's try to get these things to work And let's do all the above approaches Instead of saying one's bad This and that and everything else It just doesn't Tell any work in a farm And having to use diesel And having all these other things All of us know 100% When you have a chainsaw Right, I have an electric chainsaw That used to do a little brush But when trees are down and people's lives are on the line I'm going to get my gas powered saw

JOSEPH M LENARD (HOST):  Because I need it to work Yep, exactly And as Christians We understand we are to be stewards Of the other animals on the planet And the planet itself It doesn't mean being stupid about it though It means doing what's Reasonable, practical, and doable And coal has gotten a lot cleaner We're sequestering the carbon Which is, you know, the CO2 Has been far greater Perk per million All kinds of times in history You know, you little What's exploding because of that?

JASON PERRY:  Plank growth Yes, exactly We have more trees now than we've ever had

JOSEPH M LENARD (HOST):  And we're able to... We're able to feed more people They would rather Be colder and people Dying due to starvation Or freezing in the cold because You can't have a gas furnace It just makes no sense That is demonic

JASON PERRY:  And it's the weapon of the enemy And it's deliberate, right? There's no misinformation This is a deliberate attempt It's not confusion on their part They are making a decision To try to keep the population down We used to go It used to be All these nations had nationalism You were a proud Italian You were a proud Irishman You were a proud Englishman You were a proud German You were a proud American You were a proud Canadian Now it's only world economic form And all they want to do is control everything Any bugs?

JOSEPH M LENARD (HOST):  Yeah I was thinking of a Love thing and it fluffed mine Oh, the environmental Tards, as I call them We can't Get our own oil And be energy independent Which means it's less expensive And more people can afford it And our food is also cheaper Rather than the high price And it's cleaner than Anywhere else on the planet That's exactly where it's going I saw somebody complaining About oil And we have the Light sweet crude The best oil there is Around. It costs less to distill it It burns less to distill it It burns less when we're burning it

JASON PERRY:  A.K.A. cleaner for all you people Yes

JOSEPH M LENARD (HOST):  But no, they would rather us get oil From Venezuela or Iran and Ship it across oceans Which takes fuel And energy and those ships And electric and They're never going to be electric And would have us distill The heavy crude Which costs more Raises the price It burns worse So My drilling here is actually Far more environmental Than what they want us to do But it is a cult It is a planet Worship cult That only has Feelings, no thoughts in rationale Because of nothing nuclear I'm all for nuclear Nuclear technology Is leads and bounds From, you know What was the melt down And Pennsylvania


JOSEPH M LENARD (HOST):  Chernobyl is a fine example

JASON PERRY:  Or even Japan You don't build a nuclear reactor on a fault line

JOSEPH M LENARD (HOST):  Right We know better now So we could be doing that But again, like the founder Of Greenpeace Left the movement because it's not An environmental movement anymore It is a leftist movement All about left is

JASON PERRY:  It is an anti-humanist movement It is anti-human It is about depopulating Elon Musk is one of the few people out there Is actually saying we are about to have a massive Shortage of people To carry a society forward And I believe him as we look at It used to be Let's just look at America Back in the 50s, 60s will say For every person in the cart We had 20 pulling the cart Now we have 20 people in the cart For every person pulling the cart That doesn't work

JOSEPH M LENARD (HOST):  Nope, and Atlas is going to shrug Very soon That's why I live in Tennessee

JASON PERRY:  And I have 44 acres I buy two things I buy precious metals And I buy Things that make other things Or fix other things So animals that make other animals Or things that will make something Or fix something That's all I buy

JOSEPH M LENARD (HOST):  Okay, wrap things up here Where can people Find your Emergency service preparedness And otherwise contact you

JASON PERRY:  Sure, sure, so Trident Shield is where I do My emergency preparedness And my security consulting And training That's where active shooter For businesses, churches, schools, Et cetera My ministry is Christian Warrior Mission You can find me on all social media platforms Christian Warrior Mission org And we do something We stream live Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday At 9 p.m. And we do what's called Christian Warrior Talk It's an hour about an hour show Where we fight three battles And we have a heart aligned Onto the Lord We pursue a relationship with him Through prayer And through studying of his word And then we spend time in fellowship Focusing on five pillars Faith, family, fitness Fundamentals which is your skill set And finances

JOSEPH M LENARD (HOST):  So I would love to interact with you Guys there.

JASON PERRY:  Alright, thanks for joining us today, Jason.

JOSEPH M LENARD (HOST):  Take care. God bless. 

[ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast begin Show outro]

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Show intro
Segment 1 - Welcome to the Show Jason Perry (I think there was a "PERRY Mason" Joke there somewhere I missed LOL)
CTP April Special 3: Why Jason? Why now?
Jason's "past" Life
Growing up around Paul Reveres and John Quincy Adams Houses (before the area went completely insane)
losing his Brother to Heroine addiction
Finding God his last-year in as a SEAL
mentioning Lee Strobel "The Case For Christ" book (and subsequent movie)
"Thought based" or "Heart based"
Furthering the "have to meet people where they are at" concept Jason eluded
It takes all different types
There are different "battlegrounds" and they take different types of Leaders to have success
dropping some "inconvenient" truth and reality of some's sentiments
The Bible and modern Archeology proofs
You do not start Children reading with "War and Peace" you start with digestible "Dr Suess" they can handle first
Talking for those (on their level, not above/beyond them) that are "Christian curious"
God and Science, God as the Father of all Science (as Creator of all Heaven and Earthly processes)
Focusing on our Commonalities vs our potential differences and doctrinal concerns
24 hour Earth cycles didn't exist until after our particular Solar System as we know it created (what/how was TIME measured prior to?)
Commonalities vs differences, again/clarification
Baptism / Dedication - are these things to really get heated quibbles over (as the Devil gets his DIVISION and DISRUPTION that he wants out of us)
Deuteronomy and "The Curse of Confusion"
Jason talks "Bread and Circus" (without using the term) related:
Spending your time (even more-so than Money) Shows your priorities (known by Fruits/Actions, not rhetoric)
The entire Bible (full context) vs Earthly prosperity doctrine alone (to keep Church donations flowing)
Christianity via an Anatomy analogy
Constant recurring CTP theme - the bastardization of Scriptures (distorted out of context)
Back to Jason's BACKground (yes, trying to be cute/clever with wording LOL) and his LEO days
Hey, remember YOU CALLED ME to help YOU, but often met with resistance and Hate instead of graciousness
Jason's Son, born with Autism
Sandy Hook "changed" things for Jason
Trident Shield
need to pivot due to Wuhan Hysteria Lockdowns (worked for Mike Lindell (Security and "The Hope Report" podcast) for awhile)
The "ODD" (positive) side-effect of Wuhan itself (vs the side-effects of the Wuhan Flu Jabs negatives)
Wuhan and the (not Creation, but expansion and involvements of) Mama Bears
"discipline" and logic/reason "rationality" and dealing in "reality" all the time
circular firing squad
The Pro-Life issue
Standards (and criticizing) vs Double-Standards applications
The whole "Lessor of Two Evils" thing and no-one is perfect, anyone/everyone is a "choice" vs the other "choice" of imperfections
All of the Above
Christian stewards of Life on Earth
"Cultural" Pride (to reasonable degree, not to exclusive of others) vs WEF Globalist tyrannical pipe-dreams of Communism
ClimaTard nonsense vs "practicality" and even the original founder of GreenPeace now has zero to do with that "nutty" pure Leftist (not Environmentalist) group
Atlas Shrugged - the Bradford example (and why The Left does not want that book read by Students anymore but instead Raunch/Porn stories in Schools)
Where to find Jason Perry
Show outro
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