ChristiTutionalist (TM) Politics

ChristiTutionalist Politics (S1EMaySpecial2) "Dom Brightmon and 'Positive Thought Catalyst'"

May 15, 2024 Joseph M. Lenard Season 1
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S1EMaySpecial2) "Dom Brightmon and 'Positive Thought Catalyst'"
ChristiTutionalist (TM) Politics
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ChristiTutionalist (TM) Politics
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S1EMaySpecial2) "Dom Brightmon and 'Positive Thought Catalyst'"
May 15, 2024 Season 1
Joseph M. Lenard

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ChristiTutionalist Politics (S1EMaySpecial2) "Dom Brightmon and 'Positive Thought Catalyst'"
No real need for a long description, Dominique Brightmon talks positivity amidst so much negativity these days - 'Positive Thought Catalyst' with Dom Brightmon.

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ChristiTutionalist Politics (S1EMaySpecial2) "Dom Brightmon and 'Positive Thought Catalyst'"
No real need for a long description, Dominique Brightmon talks positivity amidst so much negativity these days - 'Positive Thought Catalyst' with Dom Brightmon.

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ChristiTutionalist Politics (S1EMaySpecial2) "Dom Brightmon and 'Positive Thought Catalyst'"
No real need for a long description, Dominique Brightmon talks positivity amidst so much negativity these days - 'Positive Thought Catalyst' with Dom Brightmon.
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[ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast begin Show intro]

Welcome to ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast aka CTP in association with and I am your host Joseph M Lenard and that's L E N A R D   CTP is your no muss no fuss just me you And occasional guest type podcast as Graham Norton would say let's get on with the show 

[ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast - Segment 1] 

Joseph M Lenard (Host):   Hello everybody, welcome back to the show. I have with me Dominique Dom, I'm putting in air quotes because that's what he's got in his email. Dom and quotes, bright mon. And yes, it just so happens in Michigan, a bright mon day we're recording on. Ah, there we go. As opposed to a dismal Tuesday. I can, my audience knows I can never pass, no matter how lame and stupid the pun is. But in all seriousness, having that joke is a good lead in to welcome you to the show because indeed with all the depressing things going on, you're here today to talk about positive thought catalyst. But first, welcome to the show.
Dominique (Dom) Brightmon:   Hey, Joseph, thanks so much for having me on. I'm glad you told a pun that means I'm in the right place.
Joseph M Lenard (Host):   Yeah, certainly can't deal in serious stuff a hundred percent of the time will go out of our minds, right? And again, indeed, before we get to the positive thought catalyst that we so desperately need in these depressing days. Let's start of course with, you know, let's not put the cart before the horse. Start with the usual opening. Who is Dominic Brightmon question? Who killed the who sunk? Who are you? Who, who, who? Who, who? Oh, yeah, that's the, yeah.
Dominique (Dom) Brightmon:   I'm glad I said yes to this show, this is freaking great. Thanks a bunch, Joe, for having me on your show, my man. This is definitely an honor that means something's working and for those who don't know me yet, name is Dominic Dom, Brian, and you can call me Dom for short. If that makes life a lot easier, especially if you're a fast and furious fan. And I'm all about books and people, some would say people, books and people, because people are responsible for writing books and books can help folks to grow, be inspired, and be entertained. So that's really the name of the game is just helping folks to join that metaphorical business of immortality by writing and publishing their book or starting and growing a successful podcast other home because the name of the game is in this land of imitation, especially some of the imitation, vanilla metaphorically. Folks are gonna want the real deal and it's all about helping folks do things that I've actually done in my life and not just the veneers that you may see one of the internet.
Joseph M Lenard (Host):   Yeah, well, it also says on here, you're a, for those who are looking at the behind the scenes video using those quotes again, air quotes, certified leadership trainer. I had heard you were certifiable, I said, whoo, whoo, he's crazy. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. What is this certified leadership trainer?
Dominique (Dom) Brightmon:   Ah yes, got certified with legendary John C. Maxwell, the world's number one leadership authority. He actually was a pastor for, I'd say, probably a good 30 years if I'm not mistaken, 20 to 30 years, yeah, he actually was responsible for one of the top 10 fastest growing churches back in the early 2000s and his books were actually well received in the business community because even though he was a pastor talking about leadership, folks still need help of leadership and they were like, oh, well, he decided to jump out the church, jump for a pastor ship and go out to the world, expand his influence and he decided to have a certification program some years later back in 2014 to be called. Basically his legacy legs as we jokingly, his joking car ourselves as part of his legacy, just spreading the good word of A, where people of value adding value to other people and helping folks unlock and at least their own inner value because the thing is everyone living and breathing, the person right now listening especially has value sometimes just folks need a little reminder to unleash it.
Joseph M Lenard (Host):   Amen, I, if my terrorist strikes coming soon to a sitting near you book, which I say, yes, it's about terrorism, but it's not about death. It's about life, right? All life has value and meaning. Whether you see it right now or not doesn't mean it isn't true, right? You don't know what tomorrow will bring into you, Carpe diem, the day. And also I see on my cheat sheet, I'm waving the front of the camera here that you're a podcast, though. So give us the low down on your podcast. Let's plug that at the beginning, which we'll do at the end again too, but normally we'll wait till the end, but hey, no time like the president. Let's go ahead and plug it up front.
Dominique (Dom) Brightmon:   I mean, that's a gift for four right notes I like the present. Yeah. Yeah, the podcast going north podcast, that podcast is a podcast geared towards aspiring authors and current authors looking to promote their work and inspire others to also write books of their own. And the show originally started as a way to market my own books since I also wrote a couple books. And the thing was, I was like, oh, wait a second. I originally wanted to start a podcast, but sadly, my father passed away a few months after my first ever book going north was written and published and I slacked up on the marketing because go through some grieving. And I realized, wait a second, my dad was a man of action, he loved to work hard. And it was only fitting that I pick up the mental of something that I started and make sure I keep it going. So the podcast started September 2017. And we're now 836 episodes deep officially.
Joseph M Lenard (Host):   So yeah. Oh, yeah, that's a lot more than me, that's for sure. I'm also part of Savage Den filtered, which is a make topping 600 episodes now over four years. So yeah, that's a lot. And I'm glad to hear you're encouraging others to write because indeed, one of my other internationally available books is how to write a book and get it published, hints, tips and techniques. Yeah, unusual. You and I as an author, though, begging for more competition. That's really kind of stupid on our part, but giving back to the community, right?
Dominique (Dom) Brightmon:   Funny enough, like we're in a good industry. Cause the thing is if you're going to, if someone loves books, they're not going to buy just one. They're going to buy multiple books. So in a way, there can be medical competition, but not really, especially since they're both faith based writers and podcasts. Those like, if they go to a face based section, find both of our books. They like them both. They're going to pick them both up.
Joseph M Lenard (Host):   I one would hope, one would hope. So now you had a book called going north that then the podcast is based on. But again, the main thing that drew me to you again in these often depressing times was positive thought catalyst. Let's get into that.
Dominique (Dom) Brightmon:   Ah, sure thing. One of the best things about today is that there are so many distractions out there. It's a good and a bad thing. A good thing is there's distractions to distract you from the bad things. Bad thing is there's so many bad distractions to distract you from the good thing. A positive thought catalyst is really the talent that I picked up as a way to really put everything what I do into this one centerpiece because I'm all about motivating, inspiring other people. And sometimes the best message someone hears is the one that they see. Someone is always encouraging other people, even if they're having a bad day is always inspiring. Someone who's in their early twenties writing and publishing a book and actually putting themselves out there and spiring someone decades older than them. Like that's just really inspiring and the growth of being able to connect with so many people getting on TV, radio podcasts, interviews, it's like just being that example of putting myself out there's a way for other folks to be inspired by and them them to creating their own version of their own success that they truly desire. So it's really all about creating that positive thought for other people to where it can eventually grow into a whole garden of positive thoughts. And it really starts with ourselves and what we read, especially what we hear and what we watch. It's all about our brain care. What we put in is what we're going to get out and the classic proverb as a man think of so is he like it. That's one of the major things that is a part of my first book and even talk about it in a method called the rave method where the thing is it's in four different categories. It's reading great material, immersing yourself in great audio material, visual stimulation where you're making sure that you're watching things that are going to be good for you. Education and entertainment are good, but making sure your education time is more than your entertainment time. And of course, the E, which is encouraging yourself and other people because if you're living and breathing, you need encouragement. And sometimes one positive word will help you even run for a lifetime. So that's really what a positive thought catalyst is, what it's all about. Just someone who's putting inspirational goodness out there for folks to see and be inspired by to want to do more good things with their lives too.
Joseph M Lenard (Host):   Right. And the old saying you, you will get what you give. Right. I had bullseye, the clown on a while back and that same thing you mentioned, even if you're having a bad day. Well, you can help yourself by helping somebody else. We talked about the study that even a forced smile, the benefit it brings because it will often generate a real smile back and that genuine smile back coming your way can lift your spirits if you're having a bad day. So yes, it's, you know, in a sense, karma on a small micro scale.
Dominique (Dom) Brightmon:   Definitely. So right. Cause the thing is that another thing too, folks, it's always our members that everyone's human, like even if you have faith, you're still going to have trials and tribulations, you're going to have a day where you feel like, oh, man, this feels like a really bad day. Like the world's against me. You're, it's, it's guaranteed to happen. Nothing's perfect. It's just being okay, knowing that it's going to happen and knowing that this isn't a place where I have to stay here all the time because the most positive person you may know, they're, they're going to have a bad day. It's just the way they reframe their situation. It's all about how they think about it.
Joseph M Lenard (Host):   Yeah. Okay. So let's, let's go back to the beginning because I didn't really drag out of you enough. You're a background. Yeah. Where were you born and raised and, you know, all that stuff? You're clearly now the generation. Why? And like I'd like to joke as in, why are they here? I mean, just a joke. It's just a joke, people. It's a joke to, but please, yes. Where were you born and raised and, you know, all that kind of stuff? Give us the dirty details.
Dominique (Dom) Brightmon:   And don't worry. It won't be too dirty. We won't, we won't need to call in a judge or four. I was actually raising the good old, wonderful lane, a charm and crab kicks known as Baltimore, Maryland, U of S, V on the East coast and my parents. That my hero is basically like without them or wouldn't be here. And my dad, he was a paratrooper in the 82nd Airborne Division. Fought in World War II had two combat jumps and also fought in the Korean war as well. My mother, she was highly into education. She always loved school, going to school, always in the books. My first ever public speaking coaches, I like to call it because when it came time for her to be a part of plays growing up in school and things like that, they would always have her go on last because she would always steal the show. And part of that gotten still into me when, when it came time for me to do plays and speeches in church or in school. And my dad, he, he would always take me to church early on Sunday mornings, especially for Sunday school. My mom, she preferred to sleep in a bit on Sundays and then go to the actual service. So it'll be me and my dad from basically 832, 3PM and then mom would join us later afterwards. And he also was heavy into the church. He was a trustee. Was a part of different ministries and groups. Mom was too. And really like the church school in the neighborhood, that's really what my life is all about. I was basically a church boy growing up eventually found his confidence once he got to college going for his IT degree and eventually coming across a wonderful little setback sandwich year of 2012 when I turned 21 got into a car accident, almost losing a part time job in a local library that I held down for five years and having to start the journey of my dad's degradation process. Thanks to the darn Alzheimer's disease where myself, my brother and my mother had to basically be his caregivers and basically keep watch over, make sure he was all right. And just all of that crashing down on me at once realizing that something needed to change. It's like, hey, like my dad with having the Alzheimer's like, that's a hard thing to deal with, but everything else, I can always adjust that. So I had a desire for change picked up one of John C Maxwell's books and that one book led to me reading a whole bunch of other books again and eventually going through that guinea pig phase of self development when you read a bunch of self development books and you put yourself through some of the activities from those books and eventually rubbed off on me where I eventually became the guy on the zoom call with you today who's a published author giving talks and inspiring others to really join the business of them mortality known as fellowship and content creation.
Joseph M Lenard (Host):   Yeah. Well, sometimes a lot of people think of going into writing being author is a way to hide, but your books are worthless if you're not capable of promoting them. So, you know, being my author really isn't for shy people. And I was going to get before before I joke with you. I know I've been there done that. Our mother went through Alzheimer's too. So my sympathies to you as a caregiver and, you know, condolences. That it's such a horrible thing. But yeah, I was going to joke with you. It's hard to believe you're a public speaker. You seem so shy.
Dominique (Dom) Brightmon:   Yeah, people don't believe what I tell them that they're like, man, you shy really. And then even even when I was doing toes best as folks like, I can't be shy. We seen you on stage, buddy. Like, nope, nope, nope. I tend to be full introvert sometimes where it's like, nope, let me get into this turtle show here.
Joseph M Lenard (Host):   Well, it's part of human nature. We we all kind of multifaceted if we have any depth to us at all. And indeed, you know, we can have our shy moments and our extrovert moments. And I'm glad you're not being shy and climbing upon me today.
Dominique (Dom) Brightmon:   Can't afford to it. This boy is like, Nope, Shaddison. As they go out the way in a way, Sean, it's going to be selfishness in a way. If you got a gift to share with other people.
Joseph M Lenard (Host):   No, that's true. If you've got stories to share or any sort of talent to help indeed bring positive thought catalysts to bring the show title back into it, it would be selfish to kind of keep that to yourself and not try to make the world a better place through that. That's a very important point.
Dominique (Dom) Brightmon:   Oh, yeah, it's true. Especially what is pointing north.
Joseph M Lenard (Host):   Yeah, I'm sure like you or like like you. I'm sure you like me at some point, not necessarily the sky opening up in the Lord and yelling at you. But you realized I've been given this and it's now a calling. It's something I must do.
Dominique (Dom) Brightmon:   Yeah, yeah, definitely. Definitely is. Definitely is. And sometimes it may not be the sky opening up and then you're hearing an audible voice with a great baritone or basis. I go the therefore and teach all nations. It's like, all right, cool. I read that. Matthew, it must be true. It is true. It's like, yeah, sometimes they like that. Sometimes it's a whisper. Sometimes it's from hearing it for other people where it's like, hey, you're meant to be so and so. And sometimes it's okay to buy into that. And sometimes it's really not. And if it sounds good, it's best to follow that direction. So yeah, it's definitely a calling, especially with the great name of your show, the Christ institutionalist bycast is like, hey, well, those who were called by God to be saved and have their life changed for the better. It's it's a gift. It's a free gift. All the price you've been redeemed. It's it's like, hey, well, folks want to redeem codes. It's well, time to redeem your wonderful salvation gift and share with other people and help folks to find their redemption codes too.
Joseph M Lenard (Host):   Yeah. And I sure didn't start out this way. I was an IT guy for a long time and anxiety stress, you know, ripped me apart through all those hours of being on call the time days and night being wakened that, you know, countless times during the night, but yet still having to get out of bed in the morning and go into the physical job. At some point, the body said, no, you're not going to do that anymore. And when you go on disability for years, it's like, what is my purpose? There needs to be something. This, you know, I don't buy that. That negative didn't happen for a positive. And it took a while for me to discover and wrote books and then led to why not do the plaque. I write a article for the Liberty. Yeah, can't talk today. The Liberty Beacon dot com every Saturday. Why don't I do a show that corresponds to the article? It's only going to take a little bit more of my time to do that. I'm already doing it. So it just then made sense, which then led to the Christitutionalist politics book, which now in June, Christitutionalist politics to will be dropping. This will probably error later the after June. So the book will have already dropped by that. So yeah, you just need the one spark. Then one thing leads to another. Again, back to the positive thought catalyst. You get that snowball rolling. You need to get that push to get it rolling downhill. Then you're okay.
Dominique (Dom) Brightmon:   Oh, you're so right about that. Just that one spark we need. It's kind of like the whole wonderful saying about, hey, when you have that one candle and you light another, you don't lose your flame in the process. That's really just the power of an idea, just that catalyst of an idea of a thought, like that one major thought can be the one real, I guess, rocket ship to take you to the next level or to another planet.
Joseph M Lenard (Host):   Do you have any other like I've got a million ideas up here for books. I've started a half dozen of them. What other years do you currently have in the fire? If you don't want you to give away an idea that somebody can steal, of course, but do you have some iron in the fire that you can loosely talk about without letting somebody steal it?
Dominique (Dom) Brightmon:   Yeah, I'm going to say, but as you almost with the books, it's like with this new like this project been in the back of my brain for ever since probably 2020, a lot of starting and stopping because of podcasting being an ever growing field that exploded four years ago and it's still growing to this day. Now we're in the phase where it's like the pretenders and the genuine folks. There's a huge difference between the two and I got a project out project or president I'm working on, I should say, that's going to books to start and grow a podcast of their own and then eventually with the book writing and publishing process to those two books along with an online course. And I actually released a easy book for folks to pick up in the meantime, called the Going North Advancement Compass, which is an interactive journal where it takes one of the chapters from the first book going north where it talks about the par method, which is prepare, act and reflect. And every two pages is a new day where it's helping you to prepare for the following day by asking yourself, what good will I do today? And then just taking action throughout the day of asking yourself, what must I do? Just writing down those things that you have been putting on for a while and taking action towards helping them get done all the way to the end of the day where you're asking yourself, all right. Three wins that I had today, what did I learn today and then closing the day out with what good did I do today? So starting your day off with seeking for something good to happen and making it good and making sure it happens and ending your day with answering that first question is like, all right, I set out to do this good thing. I shared a smile with somebody, held the door for somebody, talked to somebody, haven't talked for a long time and learned that they may have been through going through a rough time if they needed that one purse to talk to, like just ending your day off with the good nose like, all right, I did something good today doesn't even have to be big. It could be that one small spark that we talked about earlier. So those the hours in the fire and that's what's currently out right now. So pick it up if you're interested, if you're into journaling because journaling is huge, especially if you're looking to eventually write a book because that's where my books come from past talks I've given and past journal entries that I've written down.
Joseph M Lenard (Host):   My mind, I like to think come from above. They come to me in my dreams. So I'm thankful. I like to say my books are not of me or from me. They're through me. I'm just the conduit of the words onto the pages. And it's like I'm laughing because we're no idea about all about this about you until we started talking. It's like we're twin sons of different mothers because you talk about writing and then wanting to help others potentially write and indeed my book, how to write a book and get it published hints, tips and techniques to do that. When you went on to say, well, you're doing podcasting, you also would like to help others compete against you in the podcasting world. Well, not so coincidentally, I'm going to let people in on behind the scenes. I'm looking at the calendar. We're actually recording today. Monday made the sixth in the evening. Literally five days ago, I dropped podcasting quick start guide book. So we're both we're both doing the same thing. Creating our own replacements.
Dominique (Dom) Brightmon:   Part of leadership duplicated yourself.
Joseph M Lenard (Host):   Not necessarily smart, but it's an honorable thing to do.
None:  Yeah.
Joseph M Lenard (Host):   Okay. Well, at any rate, and I say that you don't know this. You've not heard all my shows, but I jokingly jam at myself now. You know how some people in a podcast, you've got to avoid the eyes and the arms. Oh, yeah. And the dead air stuff. But I'm good at avoiding the eyes and the arms, but I over the last couple months, I've developed this verbal tick of saying at any rate to segue between my thoughts. So now it's an ongoing running jab at myself that I say, right? I need to have a shirt printed up. It says at any rate. But indeed, I'm still building my still show still growing. Of course, so I try not to go very long because, you know, it can taste water attention span, I call it everybody wants everything in short sound bites and whatnot. You know, we could no doubt do a three hour show and probably very few would listen. So I'd rather try to limit it to around 30 minutes so that it's bite size enough that people would listen. So wrapping up with the usual podcaster question, if people want to reach out to you and of course those looking on the behind the scenes video, even though this is an audio show, can see it right above his head on the video. If people want to find you and reach out for the audio only listeners, where would people find you and your books?
Dominique (Dom) Brightmon:   You demand job. Appreciate you, sir. For those who want to keep the contact with me, head over to Dom, That's Dom, And I got a free gift for books. Want to subscribe to the wonderful newsletter and it's a free little gift called the 21 Lessons Learn from starting and growing and running a podcast for over five years indeed. So if you're looking to do just that, add a little sum to your game and add something on top of Joe's book indeed and check that out. It's a free book for those who subscribe and you can get it all on Dom,
Joseph M Lenard (Host):   That's great. And remind us again of your books at which I take it Amazon and everywhere else, right? What are all the titles you have for them to look for?
Dominique (Dom) Brightmon:   At the moment, we got four titles. First ones going north tips and techniques to vet yourself. Also an audio. I read that one and the follow up book stay the course the elite performer seven secret keys to sustainable success also on audio as well and crappy to happy sacred stores, a transformational joy. That's a multi author book with myself and about 24 other authors, including the legendary James Redfield, the author of the Celestine prophecy wrote the forward for that book as well. And the one that I mentioned earlier, the fourth one to make the four pack, add pack happened, the going north advancement compass, which is that interactive personal growth journal to help you advance and to your next level, all on If you type in Dom, right?
Joseph M Lenard (Host):   Thank you, Tom, brightman for joining the show today. It was the pleasure to have you here. Take care and God bless brother. Bye.

[ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast begin Show outro]

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Show intro
Segment 1 - Welcome to the Show Domiinique (Dom) Brightmon
Positive Thought Catalyst
Who is Dom Brightmon
"Certified Leadership Trainer"
Dom as a "Podcaster"
Dom on "books"
Helping others, we often help otherselves too (at least positive mental state)
Everyone will have some Trials and Tribulation
Sometimes are Journey takes twists, turns, goes down different paths at different points in our Life
A Spark
Dom on "Podcasting" in general - and helping others start their own podcast
Twin Sons from different Mothers
Reach out to Dom - - signup to/for his Newsletter and get a Free Gift
Show outro
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