ChristiTutionalist (TM) Politics

ChristiTutionalist Politics (S1E48) "Let Left Keep Pushing (Generational Shift Occurring)"

May 18, 2024 Joseph M. Lenard Season 1 Episode 48
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S1E48) "Let Left Keep Pushing (Generational Shift Occurring)"
ChristiTutionalist (TM) Politics
Show intro
Segment 1 - Let Left Keep Pushing - Youth PushBack
Shou out to Fingers Malloy and Sarah Smith (The Snark Factor)
What's with the Blue Tongue?
Shout out to "X" Group I am part of (they will know who they are)
Kackling Kamala post on X
We don't need a Hug, we need the National Guard (see related:
Studies showing potential major Generational Shift (as Youth rejects Leftist Indoctrination, Policy failures, Violence)
Awakening from Woke stupor
The Twitter (now "X") attention span
The Dumbing down of America
Soundbites and misleading Headlines rather than whole stories, fake rather than full narratives, no "detailed" (covering Grey Areas) discussions - Good, Bad, Ugly, whole story
Anecdotal, but go to a Trump Rally and you'll see some of that shift (exuberant Youth presence)
Left manipulation via Soundbites, Talking-Points, misleading Headlines, avoiding actual "full" and "detailed" evidenced based discussions
Drive-by Soundbites (out of context - think back to the Charlottesville quotation distortion/hoax)
You've heard the term past "The Silent Majority" and that may now apply to our latest Generation "Silent Majority of new Conservatives"
The both discouraged and encouraged dichotomy
Staring so hard at one Tree, missing the entire Forest around it
Reagan (RIP) "Trust But Verify" -- one must do Research (and from/through/with legit Fact based evidenced Sources)
Be sure to listen to (if you haven't already) the two (parts 1 and 2) CTP "Grey Areas" Shows
Context matters, details matter, Facts vs Spin matters, History matters, and other somewhat related items matter
Emotionally Hysterical Snowflakes - yes, some exist on The Right also (some refuse to Research, Learn, etc., and prefer to run through Life on what "Feels Good" even if detrimental to their own well being
The old "I stayed at a Holiday Inn Express last night" Ad Joke
NO-ONE IS PERFECT, there is NO SUCH THING and no-one, NO-ONE, knows everything and we are all IGNORANT of things we just hadn't Researched yet.
Ignorance vs Stupidity
Wisdom - it indeed takes all time to gain it with/from/through Life experiences and continued learning
"Out of Tune" and "Out of Touch" (now I have the Hall and Oates "Out of Touch" tune in my Head LOL
Tree vs Forest (expounded)
One Tree can, often does, effect another - one Tree can "shade out" another Tree from the Light needed to grow (Forest Canopy)
Tie this to the current Protests
"Issue Never The Issue"
It could be "MadeUpIStan" - The Left (to twist and distort, and blame America) and their useful-idiots would be protesting
To put that "fine point" on the Tree/Forest analogy
The Left and part of the previously discussed (CTP S1E17) Leftists and the 7 D's - Deflection and Distraction (just 2 of them) game of whack-a-mole
The Left and the "Environmentalists" farce (The Left encampments always resemble Warzones, and or downtown SanFranShitco CA)
Call-Back (from "Continued Left-wing Violence") and TEA Party vs AntiFa, BlackLyingMarxists, CodePink, OWS, etc.)
Making sure to not "completely generalize" and "paint all with same Brush" and all that (Individuals, with Individual Freedoms, Responsibilities, and Actions)
Going beyond our "Bubble" and "Preaching to the Choir" (as the saying goes, and very valid point/issue/concern)
Remember the "Sharing is Caring" adage? Well, indeed valid regarding social-media content (how big is your reach? if you limit yourself to just one site!)
Just because you just awakened to an issue, doesn't mean others haven't been giving the call that helped led to your awakening (whether you recognize or not)
Nothing new under the Sun (do you know that phrase? important concept. History may not repeat but it sure rhymes a lot)
Thinking vs Feeling
Network "I'm mad as Hell and I'm not gonna take it anymore"
Logic, reason, facts, evidence, common-sense, application
DEI? No, DIE (as it is really all about Killing Western Culture)
Show outro
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ChristiTutionalist (TM) Politics
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S1E48) "Let Left Keep Pushing (Generational Shift Occurring)"
May 18, 2024 Season 1 Episode 48
Joseph M. Lenard

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CTP S1E48 SHOW NOTES ( listen (Sat May 18 2024 and thereafter) at: )... 
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S1E48) "Let Left Keep Pushing (Generational Shift Occurring)"
Generation after generation often "is concerned" about the generation/generations following them, and I'm not just talking about "tastes in Music" LOL. "Concerned" about erosion of what was considered "traditional values" our "Culture" and "Societal norms" prior. And yes I joke over and over about "Gen-Y" as in whY are they here? My Friends, just a joke, just a good-natured "jab" (poking fun at the usual lamentations of what the future holds once Younger Generations gain power/control). Beyond that, and to be "serious" the point of this Show is to examine "changes in trends" toward the Left, backing away from lurch ever more toward Fascist dictatorial Statism and wanting to preserve Freedoms/Rights before they are erased forever. Studies are Showing, that many of our Younger people are resisting and rejecting The Leftist indoctrination attempted to be imposed upon them. Is there hope for America's future after all?

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Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

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CTP S1E48 SHOW NOTES ( listen (Sat May 18 2024 and thereafter) at: )... 
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S1E48) "Let Left Keep Pushing (Generational Shift Occurring)"
Generation after generation often "is concerned" about the generation/generations following them, and I'm not just talking about "tastes in Music" LOL. "Concerned" about erosion of what was considered "traditional values" our "Culture" and "Societal norms" prior. And yes I joke over and over about "Gen-Y" as in whY are they here? My Friends, just a joke, just a good-natured "jab" (poking fun at the usual lamentations of what the future holds once Younger Generations gain power/control). Beyond that, and to be "serious" the point of this Show is to examine "changes in trends" toward the Left, backing away from lurch ever more toward Fascist dictatorial Statism and wanting to preserve Freedoms/Rights before they are erased forever. Studies are Showing, that many of our Younger people are resisting and rejecting The Leftist indoctrination attempted to be imposed upon them. Is there hope for America's future after all?

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Joseph M. Lenard SUBSCRIBE-

CTP S1E48 SHOW NOTES ( listen (Sat May 18 2024 and thereafter) at: )... 
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S1E48) "Let Left Keep Pushing (Generational Shift Occurring)"
Generation after generation often "is concerned" about the generation/generations following them, and I'm not just talking about "tastes in Music" LOL. "Concerned" about erosion of what was considered "traditional values" our "Culture" and "Societal norms" prior. And yes I joke over and over about "Gen-Y" as in whY are they here? My Friends, just a joke, just a good-natured "jab" (poking fun at the usual lamentations of what the future holds once Younger Generations gain power/control). Beyond that, and to be "serious" the point of this Show is to examine "changes in trends" toward the Left, backing away from lurch ever more toward Fascist dictatorial Statism and wanting to preserve Freedoms/Rights before they are erased forever. Studies are Showing, that many of our Younger people are resisting and rejecting The Leftist indoctrination attempted to be imposed upon them. Is there hope for America's future after all? Major part of this Show topic/discussion.
See Buzzsprout podcasts Transcript of Episode for related addl info
Transcript Bonus: Remembering Our Rights and Freedoms Beyond The 4th-Of-July (TLB piece)   

Episode related pieces...

"ChristiTutionalist Politics" podcast (CTP) 
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(CTP S1E48 Audio: 32m 16s, Sat May 18 2024)

SNEAK-PEEK: The next several TLB pieces and correlating/corresponding Shows (planned going forward from May 11th) already outlined, ready to go, in some cases actually already pre-recorded. Why mention such? Well, it means I can add this COMING SOON (and/or recently dropped) addition/section to the Show Notes...
May 11 - S1E47: Continued Left-wing Violence  
May 18 - S1E48: Let Left Keep Pushing, Generational Shift Occurring  
May 25 - S1E49: Mother's Day retrospective  (Ex Post Facto piece, just as last year's Memorial Day and 4th-Of-July pieces were)  
June 1 - S1E50: Slaves To State  
June 8 - S1E51: Is Prayer Alone Enough?   
June 15 - S1E52: Rising Tides Lift All Boats  

some "Behind-the-Scenes" Video version of ChristiTutionalist Politics found via...   

In addition to seeing corresponding TheLibertyBeacon piece referenced in episodes of CTP, see too Show transcript on Podcast platforms that provide access to it (like buzzsprout ( for addl bonus material  there-in.  


Transcription Services below from:

[ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast begin Show intro]

Welcome to ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast aka CTP in association with and I am your host Joseph M Lenard and that's L E N A R D   CTP is your no muss no fuss just me you And occasional guest type podcast as Graham Norton would say let's get on with the show 

[ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast - Segment 1] 

greetings everyone welcome to
let them keep pushing generational shift occurring show I'm not completed writing the associated
the Liberty Beacon dot com piece yet it's getting a bit longer than I want it to so you know
I've said before the Liberty Beacon dot com piece is meant to compliment this show and
the show correlates corresponds with that so I am indeed definitely going down a different
route to say some of the same things as I will be in the article but again won't be
including this directly because the article was getting too long to then include that
in this but first off gotta say this is a quasi part three of the series not really
but kind of sort of it's just sort of working that way in conjunction continuation a bit
of a theme or at least loosely relating to the last couple of weeks issue never the issue
piece and the continued left wing violence piece with again this title being let them
keep pushing generational shift occurring and shout out to some folks on acts and Sarah
Smith and fingers more of course I gotta give them credit them calling it X right not just
plain old X X at any rate I got one of those in early yes I think I'll load in poking
fun at myself but indeed at any rate kind of buying all these in a scene together oh
okay for those looking on that G 100 Detroit video channels from the behind the scenes you
could see my blue tongue as I'm talking because I actually just came from the show and saw
the fall guy had a blue icy so pardon the blue tongue but for those of you might be
wondering no this is not a new rare illness to go with money of my health issues it was
a blue icy at the theater let them keep pushing generational shift occurring indeed shout out
to a members of a group on X I'm not gonna mention the group and I'm certainly not specifically
gonna mention any names hello you know who you are that's all that matters I'm not looking
to out anybody because knowing the left they'd become targets if I did so but a person on
X in the group indeed we did a thing that was actually of someone who posted on tiktok the
video from the Drew Barrymore show that she was interviewing cockling Kamala and this
person said we don't need a hug through we need the National Guard and that inspired
this week's show and article because the issue here again the more they push the better off
we may be and I'm gonna jump around here because I've got a whole lot of loose slots
going on through my head here on this but the key being is she sparked the thought about
studies I'm seeing now that are saying indeed there is a generational shift that the left
has swung so far off the deep end off the left end that indeed children are younger
people I don't want to say children and young adults also college students right we've got
all the chaos all the nonsense going on on the campus as well you're only seeing a small
but very vocal group and the more they push the more pushback we're giving study showing
younger people are awakening from the woke super moronic idiocy pushing back on the left
just attempts to indoctrinate them and this in part I was talking with Michael Gardner
aka savage of savage done filtered we're gonna do a segment on what I call the water
attention span and unfortunately that's where we got to start as an IT guy I've seen it over
time due to the limited character space of water as I call it or extra Twitter whatever
right the water attention span it's part of the whole dumbing down it's part of the whole
and it was leftist controlled and no doubt it was it was all part of purposeful willful
and malleash the forethought to be able to pedal sound bites and misleading headlines
that they then hope people don't dig any deeper down into won't go down the rabbit holes but
we're seeing and again studies are showing people moving right word go to a chump rally
in the past of republican rally the only younger people you would see would have a blank stare
clearly dragged there by their parents not really interested in being there but that's
not true anymore the Trump rallies younger people are very enthused involved and exuberant
about being a part of it because they are awakening to the fact that the left engages
in that manipulative drive by sound bite or misleading headline mentality and a lot of
the younger people are waking up to that now of course Twitter X is still limited characters
there's always going to be unfortunately this problem with X that there will be a lot of
misleading headlines and drive by sound bites out of context think the old Charlottesville
con scam when you can go others don't go and look at the full video of what Trump said
at the Department of Transportation Presser his full remarks on the Charlottesville thing
so they can mislead people thankfully today and what we're seeing is a silent majority
of youth again what we see going on out there is a very vocal but small group of leftist
agitators ginning things up trying to project pump themselves up bigger than what they are
and trying to lead people like sheeple that well this is really what's going on in the
majority thought and it really isn't the problem is giving the silent majority of younger middle
aged and older people all involved together but I am both encouraged and discouraged sometimes
every other minute of the day because I will see a younger person who doesn't get you know
the force through the trees concept while yet encouraged by so many others that recognize
you can't go by the sound bite you need to do research you need to dig deeper a sound
bite doesn't cut it we had two shows on gray areas sometimes things aren't pure black
and white left right good bad there's gray areas and some younger people wise beyond
their years recognize that their contemporaries are falling for this ride by sound bite stuff
and indoctrination and they know that you have to dig deeper deeper down details matter context
matters related issues matter and that sometimes takes a 1500 word article to ferret it all
out if you will as opposed to again that misleading water sound bite that then many are fooled
and walk away from that now that's not to say short talking points can't be valid or factual
and there is of course some of that and I see that being shared on social media some
of that from the younger on the right but some are still you know I'm sorry to say it
but there are emotional hysterical snowflakes on the right to I'm sorry I know that will
upset some people but that's just reality you get some of these people that you know
hey I'm not a brain surgeon but I stayed at a holiday in express last night you know
the old kind of joke ads about hey look at me look at how smart I am because I stayed
at a holiday in express I know everything you know I'm 62 years old this year I don't
know everything there's still a whole lot of people out there that can educate me on
things also we are all ignorant of certain things until we actually bother to research
those things and that's where the issue of stupid comes in with the left and yes badly
unfortunately some on the right refuse to learn refused to educate themselves refuse
to do any research so there's a difference between ignorance which we are all guilty
of at times and being stupid the difference of willingness to learn and understand you
can learn from others we don't know everything we're not born with inherent knowledge of
everything in our skulls and this isn't the fault of some younger people think that again
some wise beyond their years and recognize yes other people have life experience that
they can learn from while others it's all well you older people all screwed everything
up you can't possibly know everything they know everything you know if you have kids
sometimes they go through that stage right mom and dad don't know anything you know
it's just they're so out of tune and so out of touch so there's that balance but back
to the force through the trees I'm so encouraged when I see younger people laughing at their
contemporaries who are focused solely on the one tree and the tree next to it while they
the wiser beyond their years ones understand the root system inner connectivity that this
tree can affect that tree so they relate and there's a whole overall forest a bigger picture
to look at sometimes that matters regarding the context of the one tree so while a stupid
person is staring at the one tree and focusing only on the one tree they're completely missing
everything else that's going on and again thank God what the left keep pushing they
are exposing themselves more and more and more a generational shift is occurring as studies
are showing younger people are moving rightward the silent majority is moving rightward they're
just not vocal like their leftist idiotic counterparts but they're thinking they're
thinkers they're not reactionary emotional hysterical knee jerk reaction people follow
along with probably want to have a protest what we've broke doesn't matter what we're
protesting like back to the issue never the issue it all bottom line is is it anti-American
is it anti-western it doesn't matter if it's Israel and the Jews or were a Christian a
man or a Buddhist a stand anything that the left can trump up as an issue to be anti-western
that's the cultural Marxism revolution the issues never the issue only the revolution
and tearing down of western culture so that's why I say this is a quasi part three three
weeks are behind a sort of all related and a point I'm making to some out there who don't
get it yet again you're staring at that tree and maybe them one next to it and you're missing
the whole other interconnected forest and the left wants you that way they want you
solely focused on something and it's always a whack-a-mole process right the left is in
the 70s if you go back to that article or episode distraction deflection distortion denial
dodging you the 70s the extension of the olympski tactics it's always whatever do this week
to whack-a-mole to keep you from seeing that whole forest keeping you focused on the one
tree at a time and speaking of trees because someone else also when the group posted a
picture of I think it was Columbia the Columbia tent city and of course it looks like a war
zone and continued left wing violence I delve down like I'm asking you all not just focus
on one tree delve deeper into the 1500 word detailed discussion papers because the sound
bite doesn't always portray the whole picture but delve down with the key party comparison
the violence of the left compared to the peacefulness of those and the arrest of leftist violent
behavior compared to no arrest because the key parties were peaceful but the tent city
whichever campus it was on look like a war zone leftist that are constantly whining and crying
and bemoaning oh we got a love mother earth because they're devoid of any real faith or
religion so they're part of the climate hope hope look at them it's a disaster there's
grass everywhere compared to the key party events that the grounds that they protested
on were cleaner when they left than when they got there the parks department would always
talk about that even though the mainstream and the media of course was all about all the
heat of the key party you know the destructiveness of the key party false narratives so indeed
at any rate for the transcript yes I'm laughing out loud again at myself the ridiculous need
of that crushed segue but indeed at any rate these three weeks of issue never issue continued
left wing violence and this week let them keep pushing generational shift occurring all relate
and again the point this issue relates to that issue you got to look at the whole forest not
just the one tree now you know me as jokes or Joe over on savage and filter I started saying
Michael and I were talking he wants to have a quad or attention span segment on savage and
filtered by the time you see this that may have already occurred there or it may occur later than
this and of course I may or may not remember or think to go into all these details of course that
will just be a segment there I won't have the time to fully ferret out all these details as I'm able
to hear on my own monologue show though we'll be doing something on that there because he understands
he recognizes he knows to and it's not just the youth again in my apologies it's not all the youth
it is indeed some of the youth and not only I know some middle-aged people I know some older folks
who don't get the concept either but the youth at least have an excuse they're young they just
haven't had the chance to live a whole lot of experienced life yet to understand to learn to come
to know these lessons that sometimes you got to look outside your box like the ex bubble which is
why I belong to more than a dozen different social media sites oh it's great that you retweeted that
on X well I screenshot it and I put it on 10 other platforms please let's make this a competition
out do me do more than me because we can't just reach to that X bubble that X group that wire you
can't just preach to that choir if we're to get anywhere and do anything we have to share and spread
outside our little bubbles which is why I'm on so many different social media platforms
which is why I write articles for before it's new zacom and the liberty beacon calm and why I write
books and why yes a lot of times in my post I went to an article that could be four decades
ago that I wrote because again young people and again I'm not trying to poo poo on you here
you just don't know you haven't had the life experience a lot of people and again it's not
just young people all right and I apologize I know I'm repeating this but I have to drive this
point home I don't want it to appear like I'm just picking on young people because again I'm
really encouraged by the number of young people wise beyond their years that get it that are great
and that are out there in the fight that's old fogies have to retreat to the keyboard
sadly too many young people are just virtue signaling keyboard warriors we need you younger
whippersnappers as I was joking on X to be the ones up and out there doing the more physical things
as older folks especially like me with health issues just can't do any more but sadly they're
so used to being online that's all they do they don't ever go outside but I linked two articles
made this from four decades ago because some people think this issue oh my god they just discovered
it it's brand new it's never happened before hello you know the saying nothing new under the sun
look that one up a lot of these things are the same or similar right history may not repeat
I agree with whoever corrected that quote history you know those who failed to learn from history
are doomed to repeat it well the correct phrase whomever said it I'm sorry I would like to give you
proper accreditation and that's for fusion but I don't know who first coined it indeed history
may not repeat but it sure as hell does rhyme a lot so you've got some of these people that oh my god
they're new to the party and they discovered this issue for the first time and it's like they're
the first to discover it though we've been talking about it for four five six ten decades some of
these same issues have been kind of the same issues for 10 longer than my lifetime and I've learned
from those older than me indeed of the history of some of these issues and why I want to share them
in written form so they're written down for people to discover and yes I know had somebody
complain just the other day why are you using so many links you know why yeah it's because what
why should I cut and paste a whole 15 word argument article that I already have written
from three decades ago that someone can learn from and I'm not forcing anybody to read it
or to listen to the show it's there if you want to go look or listen or not nobody's holding a gun
to the head of the people who have the water attention span can handle anything out of the
short brief sound bite they don't got the time they're too lazy let you know just again they state
that the holiday and express so they know everything but they've said you know the matter solved in
one sentence that they give wrap it up I want to go back because again I've jumped back and forth
and I said right from the get-go I'm kind of conflicted I didn't use that word but that's the
right word I'm conflicted at any given minute I may be very optimistic and very hope filled
from what I'm seeing from our youth and the next minute I could see some young dumb punk
hill full of indoctrination either you see that they refuse to bother to do any research on
they just want to be a sheeple because living a delusion and going along with what they perceive
as the crowd even though it's a very vocal only minority makes life easier for them you know
being a emotionally hysterical loon would be a lot easier as I said in another article on tlb
I'm tired now I need an app you know always thinking rather than just having feelings gets
tiring and having to do research to actually look into things to find out whether what you
believe or may feel is based on reality facts evidence or just another left-wing unicorn fart
fantasy delusion so thank you for tuning in again please go to the
for let them keep pushing generational shift occurring there'll be a lot of different stuff
in there that's not in the show and of course I will be encouraging those there to listen to
this another I'm sorry it's kind of turning to another like from the network movie
I'm not gonna take it anymore type of rant but still as you see as you heard as you can confirm
if like Regan said trust but verify if you do your own research while I may have delivered this in
a bit of a ranty and raving like a lunatic lustous you know screaming at the side of the room
uh brode because of trump derangement syndrome logic reason common sense facts evidence that's why
I hope you come here that's why I hope of course you will like share and subscribe yes i've said it
many times I hate doing that I hate asking for that I get annoyed all the time and a youtube video
watching please like share and subscribe please like share and subscribe but indeed that's why
we do these things together so that this information can get to more people and it only does if you
like share and help keep us on by subscribing thank you all take care god bless till next week
I am not anticipating a quasi part four but hey you never knows sometimes these things just come
out of nowhere as let them keep pushing generational shift occurring she from the group on x will know
who she is that inspired this entire article and episode because indeed that issue of the campus
relates to the other issues and some aren't bothering to look at the forest only the tree
and indeed many are awakening and indeed seeing the forest awakening from their woke stupor
which is why many times I am encouraged and hope filled for our future while other times so
pessimistic and worried and concerned about the death of america that seems we're in the death
throes of the ei as I talked about on another show is really die because it's all about killing
western culture we are the most diverse nation ever to have existed on this planet we are the
melting pot we don't culturally appropriate we honor and pay homage to all the other cultures
and become through e pluribus union our own one unique new culture they aren't about inclusion
they're pushing for this only dorm that only graduation is all about division identity politics
separation and yes just like before segregation the fashekrets the left has never changed it's the
same stuff see you next week take care god bless 

[ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast begin Show outro]

Thank you for having tuned into ChristiTutionalist Politics show. Please be sure to check out more about today's discussion at where my articles drop every Saturday in addition to seeing the corresponding piece referenced in the episode of ChristiTutionalist podcast see to the show transcript on podcast platforms that provide access to it like buzzsprout at for additional bonus material therein the transcript. Thank you. Take care. God bless

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BONUS MATERIAL BELOW from: "Remembering Our Rights and Freedoms Beyond The 4th-Of-July" [See original piece at:, for referenced links, images, and embedded videos.]

Remembering Freedoms & Rights beyond 4th-Of-July Holiday…

Yep, you probably guessed it, this will be based upon and basically a follow-up to the “Honoring the Fallen beyond Memorial Day” (released Sat June 3rd, as again I drop a TLB piece each Saturday) piece I did following Memorial Day Holiday (but don’t call that one a “Happy Holiday” it is not really an “Anniversary” but more-so a fond and somber REMEMBRANCE or COMMEMORATION day. The #4thOfJuly is indeed more a CELEBRATION HOLIDAY of our Freedoms and Rights, if we’ll be lucky to retain them much longer. As Reagan said: “Freedom is never more than one Generation away from extinction!”  Note that this is part 1, of planned 2 part series, this and next week, so please watch for part 2 coming next Saturday July 15th 2023.

As I said in my “Memorial Day Remembrance/Commemoration” piece - add FEDERAL HOLIDAYS ACT ((Officially “The Uniform Monday Holiday Act” (Pub. L. 90-363, 82 Stat. 250, enacted June 28, 1968)) which moved most Remembrances/Commemorations to Monday observances and long Holiday-weekend creations) to long list of Laws/things (like 17th Amendment (final nail in 10th Amendment and States Rights and the Founders check-and-balance of State/Federal power)) need be repealed (as had reasonable "intentions" when proposed, major unintended consequences, like all our Holidays now mostly forgotten as to why we have then with SNOWFLAKES prancing about with no clue why/how they have the long weekend of Freedom)....

VIDEO (1m 8s): POTUS Ronald Reagan on Freedom/Rights: 
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Yes, we Celebrate our Freedoms and Rights on #4thOfJuly (if we will keep them much longer) but regarding Memorial Day and other Commemorations of our Fallen - I say the same thing about 9/11.... do not dare call it an Anniversary, "Anniversaries" are for HAPPY THINGS and the commemorations are indeed either commemoration days or remembrance days!!!

Remember our words have meaning! We have to be more careful in our word-choices. Cannot be as loose and warping of intent of word meanings as the Left. Holiday and Anniversary are upbeat, positive implication, words (like for 4thOfJuly Celebration of our Freedoms, though yes too we honor those who fought and many died and maimed in the Revolution for us to Celebrate such Freedom) – versus Commemorations and Remembrances.

VIDEO (26s): POTUS Ronald Reagan on FASCISM coming to America (it’s here):  
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Gone, not forgotten. Forever in our Hearts!!! Far too many have given that “last final measure” of sacrifice. We are failing our Nation and our own Children not properly Educating them!!! In the USA the Indoctrination factories (and other supposed Free Society systems) are peddling Radicalism, Raunch/peRversion (tRans, pedophilia), Racism (cRt), and anti-ameRicanism - the new "R's" - to our entitled/lazy, participation tRophy overblown self-esteem buffoons, know nothing brats; meanwhile China is teaching their Children the traditional "R's" of Reading, wRiting, aRithmetic, histoRy, scRience (see what I did there, cuz our kids are so dumb they wouldn't know the R doesn't belong there), biRology (not fake gendeRism), honoR, Respect, woRk-ethic, etc... Americans taught only the flaws of our past (when/where taught History at all, taught to Hate America so Leftists can “fundamentally transform” us to another failed State), not the countless great accomplishments (and how the World would look so different without her). 
Every #4thOfJuly I re-watch the great film “An American Carol” which, you should have guessed it based on (an important message via comedy/spoof of) “A Christmas Carol.” The snippet about it from YouTube’s “Movies & TV” channel says:  “From David Zucker, the director of Naked Gun and Airplane!, comes a bare-knuckle comedy where no one is safe from the onslaught of lunacy! When obnoxious Hollywood director Michael Malone (Kevin Farley) organizes a "Ban the 4th of July" campaign, his efforts are upended by a gang of spirits from America's past. Zucker roasts a herd of sacred cows in this latest parody featuring an all-star cast. MPAA Rating: PG-13 An American Carol, LLC.” Farley does a great job spoofing Mikey Moore-on and his Mockumentery Leftist Spin and Propaganda pieces, and so many great Conservatives cameo appearances; and a few surprises of Hollywood Leftists too (I won’t give SPOILERS, by giving their names; one very famous Lefty in the ”Court scene” is all I’ll say) that decided while the Film was clearly poking fun at his/their Politics and their very good friends all through Hollywood could not pass on such a brilliant script and production. And a Patriotic tribute to America, our Troops, more, I watch every #4thOfJuly Holiday and I recommend others do too (even more relevant today than when it was released, as the Left just keeps getting more Fascist, hating on USA and aiding/abetting our enemies).

VIDEO (1h 22m 19s): An American Carol (YouTube Movies & TV channel (Freeview)):  
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Always remember: #PrinciplesNotPersonalities

[image source: TheLibertyBeacon (Roger Landry) “Republic, if you can keep it” article]

And so happy to re-announce/repeat, for those not heard YET, yes the ChristiTutionalists Politics podcast is indeed now ongoing on a weekly (weekends, originally announced as only going to be monthly on 1st of each month basis) News/Opinion-cast

I have started a weekly Podcast of my own (though, no, I will NOT be leaving my Savaged Unfiltered Podcast co-host duties) mostly to discuss items in my latest TLB pieces) which will introduce TLB pieces to “others” outside the TLB current sphere-of-influence. As Reagan said: “Freedom is never more than one Generation away from extinction” and we must all do more (if we can, do all we can) to (#ROAR) Restore Our American Republic! Joseph M Lenard's new " #ChristiTutionalist #Politics " #Podcast is NOW #LIVE.   (SUBSCRIBE)
[image source: Joseph M Lenard media]
ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast S1E3 will be on the very topic you just read. Yep, promote, Promote, PROMOTE!!! Hope those of you that read this article will check out the podcast (really appreciate if you’ll help me get the Show off-the-ground, as all podcasts unless done by Celebrity with large already developed following, have to start somewhere and usually fairly humble beginnings. And, of course, since the episode will be on this topic, I’ll be asking the podcast listeners to check this piece for more detailed outline of the subject-matter; and for next week which will be a continuation part 2 of this piece.
The ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast S1E3 Show will be uploaded shortly after this TLB piece is made available (and, of course, that pattern will continue for other TLB and ChristiTutionalist Politics podcasts going forward) so I can add the TLB link to the CTP S1E3 Show Notes when uploading to my Podcasting Host platform (and it takes a few hours for it to matriculate out to all the other Platforms from there):

VIDEO (32m 25s): ChristiTutionalist Politics S1E2 “Ranked Choice Voting” episode  (@JLenardDetroit YouTube channel BEHIND-THE-SCENES Video peek):     
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Thank you for checking out this TLB piece, also please see recent #BeforeItsNews (B4IN “Christian News” articles/section) exclusive (for now, may get a TLB reprint with TLB exclusive updates in coming months) about latest LEFT DELUSION RESPONSES to the absolutely correct #RuleOfLaw and #Constitution sound decisions (they cannot argue their case on merits but instead, as always, try to stoke EMOTIONAL HYSTERICS response).
The "#ChristiTutionalist Politics" podcast is now on the air!!! Finally get your News from a purely Christian U. S. Constitutional perspective.... Plus recent SCOTUS Rulings discussion...

And, now, having said all this, I am thinking I’ll be closing any/all future articles with a tribute to our Fallen (in so many different senses of the word/term) that allow me to be Free to speak my mind and for you to be able to read my pieces without threat of Leftists Gestapo (yet) from beating down your door for (Orwellian style) WRONG THINK!

Check out this article’s corresponding ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast episode S1E3.

All gave some, some gave all --- honoring fallen beyond one “Memorial” weekend (LEO’s, Military, others that faithfully PROTECT AND SERVE to preserve Freedom and Security under our Constitution (equally/equality) for all. They make it possible for me to be able to freely post this, and you to read it without threat of FASCICRATS beating in your door for (Orwell style) WRONG-THINK (at least, SO FAR, for many/most (some illegally, improperly, held as Political Prisoners on trumped up charges that is happening already) sadly many refuse to do even the bare-minimum to preserve our Freedoms/Republic so many fought and died for). Remember those Fighting, fought, or died in Service to our great Nation

BONUS MATERIAL ABOVE from: "Remembering Our Rights and Freedoms Beyond The 4th-Of-July" [See original piece at:, for referenced links, images, and embedded videos.]

Show intro
Segment 1 - Let Left Keep Pushing - Youth PushBack
Shou out to Fingers Malloy and Sarah Smith (The Snark Factor)
What's with the Blue Tongue?
Shout out to "X" Group I am part of (they will know who they are)
Kackling Kamala post on X
We don't need a Hug, we need the National Guard (see related:
Studies showing potential major Generational Shift (as Youth rejects Leftist Indoctrination, Policy failures, Violence)
Awakening from Woke stupor
The Twitter (now "X") attention span
The Dumbing down of America
Soundbites and misleading Headlines rather than whole stories, fake rather than full narratives, no "detailed" (covering Grey Areas) discussions - Good, Bad, Ugly, whole story
Anecdotal, but go to a Trump Rally and you'll see some of that shift (exuberant Youth presence)
Left manipulation via Soundbites, Talking-Points, misleading Headlines, avoiding actual "full" and "detailed" evidenced based discussions
Drive-by Soundbites (out of context - think back to the Charlottesville quotation distortion/hoax)
You've heard the term past "The Silent Majority" and that may now apply to our latest Generation "Silent Majority of new Conservatives"
The both discouraged and encouraged dichotomy
Staring so hard at one Tree, missing the entire Forest around it
Reagan (RIP) "Trust But Verify" -- one must do Research (and from/through/with legit Fact based evidenced Sources)
Be sure to listen to (if you haven't already) the two (parts 1 and 2) CTP "Grey Areas" Shows
Context matters, details matter, Facts vs Spin matters, History matters, and other somewhat related items matter
Emotionally Hysterical Snowflakes - yes, some exist on The Right also (some refuse to Research, Learn, etc., and prefer to run through Life on what "Feels Good" even if detrimental to their own well being
The old "I stayed at a Holiday Inn Express last night" Ad Joke
NO-ONE IS PERFECT, there is NO SUCH THING and no-one, NO-ONE, knows everything and we are all IGNORANT of things we just hadn't Researched yet.
Ignorance vs Stupidity
Wisdom - it indeed takes all time to gain it with/from/through Life experiences and continued learning
"Out of Tune" and "Out of Touch" (now I have the Hall and Oates "Out of Touch" tune in my Head LOL
Tree vs Forest (expounded)
One Tree can, often does, effect another - one Tree can "shade out" another Tree from the Light needed to grow (Forest Canopy)
Tie this to the current Protests
"Issue Never The Issue"
It could be "MadeUpIStan" - The Left (to twist and distort, and blame America) and their useful-idiots would be protesting
To put that "fine point" on the Tree/Forest analogy
The Left and part of the previously discussed (CTP S1E17) Leftists and the 7 D's - Deflection and Distraction (just 2 of them) game of whack-a-mole
The Left and the "Environmentalists" farce (The Left encampments always resemble Warzones, and or downtown SanFranShitco CA)
Call-Back (from "Continued Left-wing Violence") and TEA Party vs AntiFa, BlackLyingMarxists, CodePink, OWS, etc.)
Making sure to not "completely generalize" and "paint all with same Brush" and all that (Individuals, with Individual Freedoms, Responsibilities, and Actions)
Going beyond our "Bubble" and "Preaching to the Choir" (as the saying goes, and very valid point/issue/concern)
Remember the "Sharing is Caring" adage? Well, indeed valid regarding social-media content (how big is your reach? if you limit yourself to just one site!)
Just because you just awakened to an issue, doesn't mean others haven't been giving the call that helped led to your awakening (whether you recognize or not)
Nothing new under the Sun (do you know that phrase? important concept. History may not repeat but it sure rhymes a lot)
Thinking vs Feeling
Network "I'm mad as Hell and I'm not gonna take it anymore"
Logic, reason, facts, evidence, common-sense, application
DEI? No, DIE (as it is really all about Killing Western Culture)
Show outro
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