ChristiTutionalist (TM) Politics

ChristiTutionalist Politics (S1E49) "Mother's Day (retrospective)" (Pre-Recorded on Mother's Day May 12 for May 25 drop)

May 25, 2024 Joseph M. Lenard Season 1 Episode 49
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S1E49) "Mother's Day (retrospective)" (Pre-Recorded on Mother's Day May 12 for May 25 drop)
ChristiTutionalist (TM) Politics
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ChristiTutionalist (TM) Politics
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S1E49) "Mother's Day (retrospective)" (Pre-Recorded on Mother's Day May 12 for May 25 drop)
May 25, 2024 Season 1 Episode 49
Joseph M. Lenard

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CTP S1E49 SHOW NOTES ( listen (Sat May 25 2024 and thereafter) at: )... 
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S1E49) "Mother's Day (retrospective)" (Pre-Recorded on Mother's Day May 12 for May 25 drop)  
If you've been with CTP any period of time thus-far, you will have seen a bit of a pattern - CTP allows others to do the lead-in to many Holiday dates and instead often (to do things differently) does the "follow-up" and discuss those things the others all left out. This Show, is one of those, like "Remembering Our Rights and Freedoms Beyond the 4th-Of-July and was last year "Honoring Our Fallen Beyond Memorial Day" (and as we have Memorial Day coming May 27) after all the others talked to you in advance of "remembering and honoring" Mother - time to again remind WE MUST not just limit our "Remembrances" of "whomever" for "whatever" reason to just one particular designated day on the calendar. Plus, a revising of a BeforeItsNews piece before this Show began about Left attacks on Motherhood trying to change the language to be "Birthing Persons" (and our need to resist such disrespectfulness) and we can still be Masculine/Strong Men and have "soft-spot" when comes to the Women in our Lives.

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CTP S1E49 SHOW NOTES ( listen (Sat May 25 2024 and thereafter) at: )... 
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S1E49) "Mother's Day (retrospective)" (Pre-Recorded on Mother's Day May 12 for May 25 drop)  
If you've been with CTP any period of time thus-far, you will have seen a bit of a pattern - CTP allows others to do the lead-in to many Holiday dates and instead often (to do things differently) does the "follow-up" and discuss those things the others all left out. This Show, is one of those, like "Remembering Our Rights and Freedoms Beyond the 4th-Of-July and was last year "Honoring Our Fallen Beyond Memorial Day" (and as we have Memorial Day coming May 27) after all the others talked to you in advance of "remembering and honoring" Mother - time to again remind WE MUST not just limit our "Remembrances" of "whomever" for "whatever" reason to just one particular designated day on the calendar. Plus, a revising of a BeforeItsNews piece before this Show began about Left attacks on Motherhood trying to change the language to be "Birthing Persons" (and our need to resist such disrespectfulness) and we can still be Masculine/Strong Men and have "soft-spot" when comes to the Women in our Lives.

Support the Show.

Joseph M. Lenard SUBSCRIBE-

CTP S1E49 SHOW NOTES ( listen (Sat May 25 2024 and thereafter) at: )... 
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S1E49) "Mother's Day (retrospective)" (Pre-Recorded on Mother's Day May 12 for May 25 drop)  
If you've been with CTP any period of time thus-far, you will have seen a bit of a pattern - CTP allows others to do the lead-in to many Holiday dates and instead often (to do things differently) does the "follow-up" and discuss those things the others all left out. This Show, is one of those, like "Remembering Our Rights and Freedoms Beyond the 4th-Of-July and was last year "Honoring Our Fallen Beyond Memorial Day" (and as we have Memorial Day coming May 27) after all the others talked to you in advance of "remembering and honoring" Mother - time to again remind WE MUST not just limit our "Remembrances" of "whomever" for "whatever" reason to just one particular designated day on the calendar. Plus, a revising of a BeforeItsNews piece before this Show began about Left attacks on Motherhood trying to change the language to be "Birthing Persons" (and our need to resist such disrespectfulness) and we can still be Masculine/Strong Men and have "soft-spot" when comes to the Women in our Lives.
See Buzzsprout podcasts Transcript of Episode for related addl info
Transcript Bonus: Are You A Mother Or A Birthing-Person? (BeforeItsNews piece) 

Episode related pieces...

"ChristiTutionalist Politics" podcast (CTP) 
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(CTP S1E49 Audio: 26m 14s, Sat May 25 2024)

SNEAK-PEEK: The next several TLB pieces and correlating/corresponding Shows (planned going forward from May 11th) already outlined, ready to go, in some cases actually already pre-recorded. Why mention such? Well, it means I can add this COMING SOON (and/or recently dropped) addition/section to the Show Notes...
May 11 - S1E47: Continued Left-wing Violence  
May 18 - S1E48: Let Left Keep Pushing, Generational Shift Occurring  
May 25 - S1E49: Mother's Day retrospective  (Ex Post Facto piece, just as last year's Memorial Day and 4th-Of-July pieces were)  
June 1 - S1E50: Slaves To State  
June 8 - S1E51: Is Prayer Alone Enough?   
June 15 - S1E52: Rising Tides Lift All Boats  

some "Behind-the-Scenes" Video version of ChristiTutionalist Politics found via...   

In addition to seeing corresponding TheLibertyBeacon piece referenced in episodes of CTP, see too Show transcript on Podcast platforms that provide access to it (like buzzsprout ( for addl bonus material  there-in.  


Transcription Services below from:

[ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast begin Show intro]

Welcome to ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast aka CTP in association with and I am your host Joseph M Lenard and that's L E N A R D   CTP is your no muss no fuss just me you And occasional guest type podcast as Graham Norton would say let's get on with the show 

[ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast - Segment 1] 

hello everybody if you've been with
me for any period of time and of course I always understand and recognize there will
be people who have been with the show from the very start and of course as we grow there
will be new people that come along and may not have delved into the back catalog of shows
yet so if you've been with me for a while you know if not this will be news to you I
have in the past done a few holiday related shows but I don't do them like most people
do them where they do them ahead of the holiday or the weekend of the holiday and I'm doing
this again with the Mother's Day retrospective like in the past I did to the Liberty Beacon
dot com pieces and shows regarding Fourth of July expo facto remembering our fear items
beyond the Fourth of July so while others were focusing on the United States independence
just on the Fourth of July or slightly before slightly after depending on whether article
or their show drop I held my powder dry so to speak no revolutionary war pun intended
there but I guess it fits that accidentally came out that way help my powder dry let everybody
else speak on it ahead then I followed up after with things likely here anywhere else
same thing with what I did with Memorial Day weekend I wanted to wait and again make the
point honoring the fallen not just on Memorial Day but days after month after through the
whole year not just the one day and I'm doing that again with Mother's Day retrospective
here there were countless people countless shows countless articles to remind you before
Mother's Day came to hey remember to get your mom a card remember to get your mom a gift
remember to make sure you called your mother on Mother's Day especially if you're not in
the same state and of course I am grateful for all those others who did that thank you
and indeed I hope you paid attention to them I hope you got your mother a gift if she's
still with us if not that if you're in the same state if you had the chance like me to
visit your mom's grave site and that's a large part of what today's show is about now I am
not here to drive you down my point in mentioning my mother our mother me and my sister our
mother passed a few years ago after years of dealing with dementia so of course we didn't
bother to celebrate Mother's Day she was out of it she really had no clue what was going
on most days so it would have made no never mind no sense we honored her of course by being
there for her in her years of needs until she passed my point here to you about that
is and you've probably heard it you don't know what you've got till it's gone well that's
not like quite the point I'm trying to make here the point I'm referring to is no doubt
we don't know when our time is up you don't know when anyone's time will be up anything
can happen any day something unforeseen we won't always know when someone's time is
trying near the end to make sure we are there then with them and for them we have to treat
every day as if it could be the last day we see them and I know it is difficult excuse
me for a second I'm going to take a gonna do a Marco Rubio and take a drink of water
here fresh purified water that's all at any rate yes you'll do on that thing and focus
on it myself in the meantime about doing that thing at any rate you don't know when the end
will come for somebody our accidents happen heart attacks can happen out of the blue even
within someone who wouldn't think has a family history or issue or any foreshadowing signs
that it could happen and I get it the hustle and bustle of daily life gets in the way I
understand that I want to make clear to you I understand we don't always have time when
we're caught up in the day today hectic nature of life especially these days as we've talked
in the past about by dynamics inflation running on much having trouble coming up with the
cash if if you have a family of your own to be able to afford the increased food prices
to put food on your table and keep that roof over yours your spouses if you have one your
own children if you have them those sorts of thing I get it let's be clear upfront about
that so I know I myself of course indeed get caught up in the hustle and bustle of everyday
life even though I'm on disability so I am at home a lot I have more time on my hands
than I know 99.9% likely of you in this audience have available to be able to spend in the
pursuits of ensuring yes I can and will and must set aside time this day this weekend
whatever other day next week or several times this week to be with my sister is left my
dad has gone to so this is about dads also but obviously mothers day just passed so this
is about family parents in general and let's include in that grandparents we especially
don't know how much longer we're going to have with grandparents so we must take time
no matter how hectic our lives are wherever we can fit it in to show our appreciation for
our elders those who helped raise us our parents our grandparents our brothers and sisters
even our aunts and uncles our cousins our nieces and nephews we need to try to make
time to fit them and spend time with them let them know how much we appreciate them while
they are all still here because we don't know when that will come to an end now in the
liberty beacon calm peace up I go right on to say next first I recognize this is way
too long it's a long piece on the liberty beacon calm but there's a lot going on in
there second paragraph starts off next yes I realize that mother's day was Sunday made
the 12th I am actually putting this together on Mother's Day made the 12th for later publication
Saturday May 25th I wanted to be in the day and of the emotion of Mother's Day knowing
my mother is not here and why this is a Mother's Day retrospective to celebrate beyond that
one designated day and I go on to Joe I am yes grown male adult age 62 that still very
much misses his mama indeed and again this is part of the reason why I wanted to do this
right on Mother's Day so that this would be very raw I am pausing here I am indeed fighting
back the tears I do rest in peace mouth I greatly miss you but I go on to say if I can
fight back the tears still in the article go ahead and call me a mama's boy if you like
zero issue if you do yes I love my mother and my father I miss them dearly and will continue
to I miss my grandparents dearly even though I lost most of them more than a decade ago
and part of this though I then go into past the sentiment and the concern that we indeed
take the time out away from that one designated day to remind them all the people we love
that we love them and appreciate them and like they're around on them to be around we
want to be around them but indeed sometimes life gets in the way we are sorry we are not
as in touch as often as we'd like to be these sentiments are important to have but also to
harken back to something I wrote years ago actually like a month after my mother had
passed the years ago for before it's and that piece most of which is cut and pasted
and updated in the liberty beacon that copies again this all being titled Mother's Day retrospective
is about the destruction of traditional family structure. All this episode I've been talking
about appreciation of traditional family so now I'm going to go into the less attempt
to tear down western culture to destroy the traditional family structure as if there is
no value or merit in a two parent home if and where possible again I get it things happen
people don't always necessarily are able to stay together but keeping your both your
parents in your life in some way shape or form they may not be in the best parent they
are still your parent you are here because of them and the left just wants to make remember
the term birthing person they want to erase the term mother and call a female and yes
only a female and actual real female can give birth to another human being they want to
call them a birthing person and this goes back to Hitler E. Clinton and it takes a village
what that's really about is extra biblical it takes a village is more than biblical in
its original sense indeed it takes friends it takes neighbors to maybe babysitting child
but they mean they want everyone to be wards of the state I'm sorry I unplug the phone
because I didn't unplug the phone before starting the record I hope whomever was leaving a
message you didn't hear it at any rate be it takes a village first they turned it into
indeed family and friends and neighbors biblical concept to sure all wards of the state that's
not what it's about and that's what birthing person was about once someone pops out a child
that child then becomes a ward of the state and a child of the nation or of the world
or so belongs to anyone and everyone but the parents you see it erosion of parental rights
they are trying to eliminate parents having any say and now the state having them all
be Hitler youth and the state makes the decision for and over your child not you as a parent
so to me this is why mothers day retrospective not just honoring our mothers my mother who
was passed but to talk about the future and preserving mothers day as mothers day not
birthing persons day protecting our freedoms including our parental rights there is a
reason why in us law a child under the age of 18 does not have a full set of rights they
don't have the mental capacity to make a lot of decisions yet but the left want to break
down the walls they're still not going to be allowed to legally smoke they're still
not going to be allowed to legally drink or vote until age 18 but go get an abortion behind
the parents back sure have a sex change a young girl who's currently confused having
her breasts cut off without her parents knowledge or going to get an abortion without her parents
knowledge they're all for that somehow these kids under lustous pressure can make these
decisions and it's shown over and over a lot of them are not ready to make these decisions
there is story after story of a young girl who've been pressured into having her breasts
locked off then later saying I wasn't trans I'm not trans I was pressured I was confused
I allowed them to try to tell me I was someone I was not and that if I did these things it
wouldn't make my life better I would feel better and years later after all of that irreversible
things have happened it's not any better it's worse and then it's too late and the same
with boys pressured into this oh I'm really a girl and going on hormones after several
years recognizing oh wait a minute that was a mistake and now it's somewhat a problem they
could have been made sterile then they're no longer able to have children of their own
so I apologize if some of you think this is a little bit you know touchy very icky not
certainly where you thought this show was going to go but I hope you understand how this all
relates the left is destroying the concept of motherhood and fatherhood entirely and trying
to make all children wards of the state pressuring them into things that they can't reverse later
that when we don't trust them with other decisions till they're 18 it is sensible to not allow
them to make these decisions until they're 18 at any rate again laughing at myself throwing
that in though to recap the top of the show remembering and honoring your parents before
they're gone as I've said minor gone up my parents are gone all of my grandparents are
gone all that's left with for me now oh yeah sure I have one ant left most the aunts and
uncles are all gone I have cousins of course and nieces and nephews and things like that
but we don't have the family gatherings like we used to when the grandparents parents were
alive they used to do those things but the modern left society all that's been torn down
and we don't have that really anymore unless we think to bring those traditions back so
appreciate them while they are here remember and honor them beyond just the calendar day
of recognition for them with that I'm going to end it again I will say please go to the
liberty beacon calm yes that's a fairly long piece I go into a lot more that I'm going
to cover here the last thing I'm going to talk about here is something to do with the show
completely unrelated to the topic or subject matter if you are indeed a regular of the
show or hey maybe this is the first episode you happen to tune in on now my show is housed
the servers hold it at Buzzsprout Buzzsprout have added a new feature called pan mail so
now going forward the show notes for my show should at the very beginning have a link saying
send us a text message so you can reach out rather than go into my website and hitting
the contact button you can literally right from the show the show note click and as long
as you're on your phone or a PC that has an SMS text app associated with texting on your
other device other than smart phone send a quick message send a comment send a suggestion
let me know whatever you want to let me know so thank you to Buzzsprout for adding that
feature that is now there for anyone who wishes to avail themselves of it and please I want
to hear from you please do reach out and contact me with whatever your thoughts so to wrap
it up I sent Buzzsprout back an email both because you know I co-hosted on savage done
filtered and over there I'm known as jokes to Joe I can never pass on a lame pun so they
said hey announcing the new fan mail free teacher do you see where I'm going with that
get fan right so I responded back with why would I want mail from a wind blowing device
fan get it but a bump right lame pun yes as like well can I limit it to just oscillating
fans I mean I want people who are thinkers that can go back and forth on the pros and
cons of every issue and I said but what about the people in the very hot climate climate
maybe we should have an AC mail feature so they got a kick out of that and I'm glad
they did they they you know they received it in the lame pun feedback I was sending back
their way it was intended to be joking around and indeed Buzzsprout sent back hey you know
what we are in Florida I guess we do need an AC mail fix feature so I just just was a
serious episode I wanted to end on a bit of a lighter note even though obviously as with
all of my humor Terry lame puns thank you all take care and God bless 

[ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast begin Show outro]

Thank you for having tuned into ChristiTutionalist Politics show. Please be sure to check out more about today's discussion at where my articles drop every Saturday in addition to seeing the corresponding piece referenced in the episode of ChristiTutionalist podcast see to the show transcript on podcast platforms that provide access to it like buzzsprout at for additional bonus material therein the transcript. Thank you. Take care. God bless

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BONUS MATERIAL BELOW from: Are You A Mother Or A Birthing-Person? (BeforeItsNews piece) [See original piece at:, for referenced links, images, and embedded videos.]

Are you a MOTHER or a BIRTHING PERSON? My Mother just passed (7/30/2021) and she took GREAT PRIDE in being a committed STAY AT HOME MOTHER to/for her Children.

[Jan 2022 update: Book from Joseph M. Lenard TERROR STRIKES: and how Christianity is under assault by not just GIJIAs but THE US LEFT also! / /
and current events really make several sub-theme chapters there-in ever-more relevant

This is going to be an ODD PIECE from my normal fare...
Hope you'll read all the way through, this is NOT just about my Mother but Mothers everywhere....
[An aside, my Father suffered many Strokes that ultimately took him, tribute to/for him and his influence on my becoming a #1 Bestselling Author at:]

THERE IS NOTHING MORE IMPORTANT IN LIFE THAN FAMILY. AND RAISING YOUR CHILDREN TO BE GOOD, HONEST, CARING, LOVING, RIGHTEOUS, PERSONS/CITIZENS... Are you a MOTHER or a BIRTHING PERSON (A Mothers' job is NEVER FINISHED, which is why THE LEFT prefers BIRTHING PERSON to suggest once you pop out your Kid, you're done, they are now Wards of the #FASCICRATS' STATE)? My Mother just passed (7/30/2021) and she took GREAT PRIDE in being a committed STAY AT HOME MOTHER to/for her Children.

First.... It is with a very heavy heart I must announce the passing of our (my Sister Michelle, and my) Mother today around 2pm (Fri 7/30) after being transported (back) to Henry Ford Wyandotte Hospital.

As most you know, she has been suffering from Dementia since around 2013. My Sister was living in with her and I'd go there daily. She had seemed STABLE.

She had just come Home on Sunday from HFWH following dealing with an infection and we thought she was doing well. At least back to "her normal" these days, but took a rapid downward turn Thursday, stopped eating/drinking, started labored breathing, which we thought last week's infection reared back up and into her lungs and that we'd have her back in HFWH today and pneumonia concerns addressed and her back home again in another week "back to her recent normal" too/again - but it was not meant to be. Just shortly after transport to HFWH she took her last breaths while in Emergency Room.

We are making arrangements with Czopek Funeral Home (Oak St) Wyandotte Michigan. Visitation Tue 8/3, Service 11a Wed 8/4, burial Wed Woodmere Cemetery Detroit MI.

Thank you all who knew of her infection/Hospitalization last week and your kind consideration of thoughts and prayers then. We are grateful she went peacefully and without pain.

Been up to Henry Ford Wyandotte Hospital far too much July - related:


[below originally published: June 12 2021 (republished by my own permission as author) on the #MICD12GOP Website ( that I am the Webmaster of/for)]

Are you a "MOTHER" or a "BIRTHING PERSON"???
Exposing more #FASCICRATS #PatheticalCorruptness #Orwellian #Newspeak and the #Marxist goals behind it....
BIRTHING PERSON, the latest Leftist nonsense...

Have you heard? The OMB (Office of Management and Budgets) has started the Liberal Deep-State NWO language twisting shift by replacing "MOTHER(S)" with "BIRTHING PERSON(S)!"

DO NOT BE FOOLED, this is not "clarification" of language to be "inclusive" and pandering to LGBTQ Community that they PREFER you focus on and argue about. It is the NEXT STEP in the separation of Children and PARENTS (especially, this case, THEIR MOTHER)! This is another step in the Left's misapplied "IT TAKES A VILLAGE" (more in: that was/is a GOOD CONCEPT in its original form/context. It takes Family, Friends, even maybe neighbors at times to Babysit when needed, to FORM A WELL-BALANCED CHILD! IT DOES NOT MEAN "THE CHILD BELONGS TO THE STATE, NOT YOU" form Hillary and the Left WARP IT INTO MEANING/BEING!


Apr 2023 brief interuption for update:
From the Party (demoKKKrats) that INSISTED Black people (they bought, had NO REAL CONNECTION to/with) were their PROPERTY (in Democrat Slave States) now claim CHILDREN you Birthed are somehow NOT yours (as they oppose Parental Rights)....


There is FAR MORETO BEING A "MOTHER" THAN JUST GIVING BIRTH! That, again, is what this is about, separating Children from Parents, and making them ALL WARDS OF THE STATE! Indoctrinating your Children, if you are forced, no other "options" (Home-Schooling, Private/Charter), to send your Children to their INDOCTRINATION FACTORIES disguised as "Schools" (that fail worse year after year to Educate Kids in basics but excel in putting MARXIST NOTIONS into their Heads instead; they want control of your Children EVEN MORE! Can you say Hitlerjugend (related:

This is the usual extension of ORWELLIAN NEWSPEAK the Left engages in, because they cannot have any honest discussion of their intent and more-so their FAILED POLICY! Instead, just want to REDEFINE (like they want to REDISTRIBUTE wealth) THE LANGUAGE to fit their false-narratives!

related (must see) items: (aka:

related (must hear) items (audio):

twisting of language: WAAM "Moment Of Clarity" (Sat's 2p) Show: (AUDIO 45m): (MOC, WAAM Sat's 2p, Listen Live: or MOC Archives:


You see the mindless brain-washed Sheep out there with their ORWELLIAN NEWSPEAK "SILENCE = VIOLENCE" signs of admitted STUPIDITY??


("The only thing needed for Evil to prevail is for good men to say/do nothing" Burke)


The Left is dependent upon TWISTING LANGUAGE and meaningless/mindless SLOGANS such as that! They twist and distort WORDS, STORIES, everything to get the masses into MINDLESS EMOTIONAL HYSTERICS and marching with those PSYCHOLOGICAL MUMBO-JUMBO emptiness slogans to promote #Fascicrats policy they cannot defend with LOGIC AND REASONED THOUGHT (how #FASCICRAT Policy FAILS every time!

They cannot be Honest about the things they stand for, and have to pretend to be for things they aren't, in order to get elected (based on #LIES and TWISTED/DISTORTED LANGUAGE rhetoric) and then once in #POWER / #CONTROL (which is all it ever is about for them) they enact #Policy that hurts (does the opposite of what they promise to) those they pretend to care about the most!

And nowhere more-so do they twist language to "CHOICE" rather than "MURDER" of Children...

Countering every single Left's false-narratives (linguistic gymnastics they use to support #BabyKilling):



uh huh, lol at those who think it is productive to yell at the Players, Coaches, or Referee's on the Field cuz TOO LAZY to suit up and help change the Game by being on the Field to effect the score/outcome... absolutely BACKWARDS THINKING... If you WANT CHANGE you have to BE INSIDE HELPING US TO FORCE THE CHANGE...

And as for moron's talking about PATRIOT PARTY...
Then you are OUT OF STEP with #POTUS45 and #TRUMP2024..
And POTUS45 reiterated such a CPAC!

Spare us all the "NO LONGER REGISTERED #REPUBLICAN" manure posts! If that is all some ever were, THEY WERE/ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM (and should look in the Mirror)! Takes MORE than that.... Shall know them by their Fruits (and what is it THEY actually did?)!t

Also: Spare us the line "BOTH PARTIES ARE EQUALLY PATHETIC/BAD!" If some think the #GOP is inadequate, and many times, IMO, I think it is (many who do not uphold Platform planks/principles/values (tho, yes, of course, we are a BIG TENT and not going to agree on 100% EVERYTHING but there are a couple BIG/KEY/CRITICAL things that supposed to set us apart from FASCICRATS*)) --- WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO HELP?? Are YOU a #PrecinctDelegate (PD)?!?!

Why #Conservatives MUST become Precinct Delegate  (aka:

You can scream all you like from the Bleachers, if you want to help shape the outcome of the Game/Score you have to get on the Team and actually FIGHT to shape the outcome of the Game from/while ON THE FIELD!

"Help becoming a PD" in MI (DuckDuckGo search for other States): (aka:

Get involved. Become a PD. Then try to become a member of your District or County Republican Committee (or even Run for Chair of them)! EXERT REAL INFLUENCE!  Go to the State Convention!  

We need reinforcements INSIDE to help root out CINOs/RINOs as well as FASCICRATS!!!

NOTE the CINOs / RINOs count on everyone's complacency and unwillingness to GET/BE INVOLVED... They count on it to maintain their power and control... Those who still SIT ON THE SIDELINES and scream from the Bleachers rather than (become a Delegate) suit up and get on the Field to help shape the outcome of the Score / Game are USEFUL IDIOTS TO/FOR THE RINOS (they love those who only whine, BUT DO NOTHING)!


more importantly see:

and :   


* (we focused on #19A)
Wayne12CDRC Michigan ConstDinner may move to Sep 17, focus will be #1A (#FreedomOfReligion)


From #Instagram (

Are you following the potential overturn of #roevwade battle and the #SCOTUS leak?

So many people think #terrorism only comes from outside our borders. There are many additional and differing threats within our own borders and even our own #government who wish to destroy the #american way of life (including the Right to Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happiness).

See more about threats (foreign and domestic, within and without) you may not have ever considered in "Terror Strikes: Coming soon to a City near you!" (more at:

#terrorstrikes #internalthreat #democrats #abortion #wakeup #patriot

Terror Strikes (page 79):

Abolitionists, the primary founders of the
Republican Party, overturned SLAVERY while
Democrats insisted Blacks weren’t HUMAN.
Likewise, the GOP will overturn Abortion while
Democrats make the same false narrative today
those babies are just a clump of cells in the womb
and aren’t human. (When has a Human ever given
Birth or carried anything but a Human? I’d like to see
where Democrats can prove a female human could
potentially be carrying a chimp or a dolphin?)

The Republican Party was the sole driving force in
getting passed the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments
and under EQUALITY of ALL HUMANS Abortion
would eventually over-turned as everyone knows,
despite their denials, a HUMAN in the womb has
Rights under the 14th Amendment. And, of course,
do we need discuss RACIST Margaret Sanger who
is the founder of Planned Parenthood. (If you do not
know her and Planned Parenthood’s history, TRY DUCKDUCKGO
searching it.)



I, Joseph M Lenard, am NOT going to relinquish co-host duties with Savaged Unfiltered, but too branching out and trying my Hands (or Mouth) with my own, new, very low-key (not alot of fluff or flash to start), the "ChristiTutionalist Politics" podcast!!!

It is OFFICIAL, my new " #ChristiTutionalist #Politics " #Podcast is NOW #LIVE.

Yes, will take time for it to migrate to the #SearchEngines and other #Streaming sources like #ApplePodcasts and #Spotify. YOU get the FIRST SHOT at listening to S1E1.

"ChristiTutionalist Politics" S1-E1 "Welcome to the new Show - Introductions"
This S1E1 will be an "introductory" episode and a little about me and this likely to be "Seinfeld-esque" (one Sat. about something serious, the next Sat. (yes, weekly to start slowly, dropping Saturdays (originally as announced Monthly)) maybe about nothing important at all. I'm open to hearing from you (via CONTACT tab) w/ comments/suggestions. Many times I'll be going over my TheLibertyBeacon or BeforeItsNews artciles topics, "Savaged Unfiltered" podcast I co-host ("the BIG SHOW" to this little "humble-beginnings" show/start), my books, or whatever! Let us grow together.


BONUS MATERIAL ABOVE from: Are You A Mother Or A Birthing-Person? (BeforeItsNews piece) [See original piece at:, for referenced links, images, and embedded videos.]

Show intro
Segment 1 - Mother's Day (retrospective)
Recorded (on Mother's Day) IN THE DAY (is of the day) for May 25th publication
New feature - SEND US A TEXT MESSAGE link at start of CTP Show episode Show Notes (reach out with comments, suggestions, whatever)
Show outro
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