ChristiTutionalist (TM) Politics

ChristiTutionalist Politics (S1E50) "Slaves To State"

June 01, 2024 Joseph M. Lenard Season 1 Episode 50
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S1E50) "Slaves To State"
ChristiTutionalist (TM) Politics
Show intro
Segment 1 - Pre-Show "disclaimer" (you know I am not PC (engage in Pathetical Corruptness)) but even I recognize I can sometimes get a little "too HARSH in some words/tone"
The Bible and "unable" vs "unwilling" (matters, Biblical Community vs Leftist Political twisted/warped Communism
Equality of Opportunity not EQUITY of outcomes (which always is the lowest common denominator)
Cloward and Piven
DemoKKKrats/FASCICRATS - then they Blockaded BLACKS from Schools, today Blockading JEWS from Universities (facts, not feelings)
Announcing, not really, just Joking, rebranding Show to "AT ANY RATE" LOL (for those that get inside Joke)
Segment 2 - [Willing] Slaves to State [Some so willingly choose to give up their Freedom for "more predictable Slavery"]
Love it when a Plan comes together (especially, when it wasn't really THE PLAN in advance LOL)
Student Debt transfer scheme
Free Cheese Kills (neither Mice nor moron Communists/Socialsts grasp the how/why)
One way or another WE ALL PAY (some literally, some figuratively) like Denmark meme (all the forced High taxation for all their "supposed FREE" Socialist stuff)
Reap what you Sow
Addressing that "harsh" tone/word: Retardation
The "Participation Trophy" created deficiency
unlike when I appear on Savaged (as a SHOCKcaster) do not "purposefully" try to use provocative terms here on CTP usually
Discussing the "why" Jesus said "The Poor will always be among you" (Human Nature, from beginning of Creation and through all time)
Savaged on "the disconnect" (between the Thinking and the Feeling crowds)
The "Con Class" (and there complete lack of any Moral Conscience about such)
"Silent Majority" (the "person" (their handle) on X/Twatter, not the underlying Political group that fails to exert selves) admitted Anecdotal evidence (but it is Reality, as so many have same examples)
Govt handouts, destroy the Work ethic (and with such, part of peoples' Souls as (again, Show title) they become "willing Slaves To State")
The "teach a Man to Fish" vs "Give Fish handouts dependency" dichotomy
Voting largess from the Treasury (read/aka: THEFT from other Citizens (redistribution of wealth))
Actual "Majority" of populace thinking vs "Majority" of those that happen to cast ballots on Election days.
The "not Fun kind" Merry-go-round (not so Merry) effect
Cloward and Piven (redux)
Stupid, manipulated, brain-washed (oh oh, more harsh tone/words)
Ask a Leftist a Question (do not hold your Breath waiting on any reasonable Answer)
"Welfare" as a States Rights, personal Responsibility issue, not UnConstitutional Federal bastardization of the "Promote the GENERAL Welfare" clause ("general" not direct/specific to "some" over others "Welfare")
The H2O analogy?!?!?
The bare minimum, at someone else's expense
Shout-out to Ayn Rand - as ATLAS will indeed SHRUG at some point (those pulling Cart will finally get fed up with more and more climbing in Cart to be pulled around)
Saul Alinsky "Radicalization" grip on America today
The "willful" enslaved vs the demoKKKrats new form of actual Slavery (slight variation of their Slavery past and Jared Howe quote)
WE THE PEOPLE must be involved on the Local level (that means being a Delegate, to effect real change within any Party, to attend Meetings, Conventions, etc.)
Need to be a GOP Delegate, to really MAKE A DIFFERENCE (take State Parties that are RINO controlled back to real Conservatives/Conservatism)
The Uni-Party lazy label (DeepState, yes, UniParty, NO) an excuse people peddle for their own laziness and NOT DOING ANYTHING (blame something, anything, but self inactions)
Christian Elitism? "Shall Be Known By Fruits" means Actions not meaningless, worthless, whining rhetoric never backed by doing things.
As saying goes: If YOU are not part of the Solution YOU are THE PROBLEM.
Politicians catering and pandering to those looking for handouts - to keep them in Office (them all about keeping their easy (overpaid) Govt Check and power/control)
The Federalist and Anti-Federalist papers (see too:
Today's Fasci-Federalists
Michael Gardner (aka: SAVAGED) has new book dropping July 4 2024
America's Political Warfare (Our Modern Civil War)
Continued Left-wing Violence (FASCICRATS, promoting Violence for 200+ years)
Through a Savaged America (no, not named after Michael's podcast persona, we are really getting REGRESSIVE (as Left is, NOT Progressive) back to olden early Man SAVAGES.
Show outro
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ChristiTutionalist (TM) Politics
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S1E50) "Slaves To State"
Jun 01, 2024 Season 1 Episode 50
Joseph M. Lenard

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CTP S1E50 SHOW NOTES ( listen (Sat Jun. 1 2024 and thereafter) at: )... 
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S1E50) "Slaves To State" 
Michael Gardner (aka: SAVAGED, of Savaged Unfiltered) joins as we hash out "Slaves To State" ("WILLING Slaves to State" vs Tyrannically imposed). Biblical helping "unable" vs those "unwilling" (cons, scammers, etc.) to bother to in our MERITocracy to earn own way. Those with actual "Mental Retardation" (not their fault, a Medical condition) vs those "capable" but feign (diminished capacity, mental and/or physical "incapacity" - not "appreciate" but "demand" handouts and special (violation of "Equal Protections") dispensation) otherwise to con/scam others and "abuse" our charitable ("Be Our Brothers Keeper" Christian (Personal Responsibility, NOT Communist Governance) Commandment) must be contextualized with Biblical "unable vs unwilling" Scriptures part of Human-Nature. How really a small, but vocal, able to consolidate power leavers via those willing to cater to them, are (Cloward and Piven style) tearing down America and once Bankrupt there will be nothing for no-one (their short-sightedness knows no bounds, only care about next immediate handout). As well  other, still, forms of #demoKKKrats "modern Slavery" as Jared Howe (I quote him) rightly mentioned in past. 

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CTP S1E50 SHOW NOTES ( listen (Sat Jun. 1 2024 and thereafter) at: )... 
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S1E50) "Slaves To State" 
Michael Gardner (aka: SAVAGED, of Savaged Unfiltered) joins as we hash out "Slaves To State" ("WILLING Slaves to State" vs Tyrannically imposed). Biblical helping "unable" vs those "unwilling" (cons, scammers, etc.) to bother to in our MERITocracy to earn own way. Those with actual "Mental Retardation" (not their fault, a Medical condition) vs those "capable" but feign (diminished capacity, mental and/or physical "incapacity" - not "appreciate" but "demand" handouts and special (violation of "Equal Protections") dispensation) otherwise to con/scam others and "abuse" our charitable ("Be Our Brothers Keeper" Christian (Personal Responsibility, NOT Communist Governance) Commandment) must be contextualized with Biblical "unable vs unwilling" Scriptures part of Human-Nature. How really a small, but vocal, able to consolidate power leavers via those willing to cater to them, are (Cloward and Piven style) tearing down America and once Bankrupt there will be nothing for no-one (their short-sightedness knows no bounds, only care about next immediate handout). As well  other, still, forms of #demoKKKrats "modern Slavery" as Jared Howe (I quote him) rightly mentioned in past. 

Support the Show.

Joseph M. Lenard SUBSCRIBE-

CTP S1E50 SHOW NOTES ( listen (Sat Jun. 1 2024 and thereafter) at: )... 
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S1E50) "Slaves To State" 
Michael Gardner (aka: SAVAGED, of Savaged Unfiltered) joins as we hash out "Slaves To State" ("WILLING Slaves to State" vs Tyrannically imposed). Biblical helping "unable" vs those "unwilling" (cons, scammers, etc.) to bother to in our MERITocracy to earn own way. Those with actual "Mental Retardation" (not their fault, a Medical condition) vs those "capable" but feign (diminished capacity, mental and/or physical "incapacity" - not "appreciate" but "demand" handouts and special (violation of "Equal Protections") dispensation) otherwise to con/scam others and "abuse" our charitable ("Be Our Brothers Keeper" Christian (Personal Responsibility, NOT Communist Governance) Commandment) must be contextualized with Biblical "unable vs unwilling" Scriptures part of Human-Nature. How really a small, but vocal, able to consolidate power leavers via those willing to cater to them, are (Cloward and Piven style) tearing down America and once Bankrupt there will be nothing for no-one (their short-sightedness knows no bounds, only care about next immediate handout). As well  other, still, forms of #demoKKKrats "modern Slavery" as Jared Howe (I quote him) rightly mentioned in past. 
See Buzzsprout podcasts Transcript of Episode for related addl info
Transcript Bonus: Biden flips-off the SCOTUS (Student Debt Transfer edition) - past TLB article   

Episode related pieces...
The Twatter... er... X/Twitter conversations that brought this Show to fruition...
- Ball started rolling w/ "Savaged Underground" X Space:   

"ChristiTutionalist Politics" podcast (CTP) 
- CTP:  
- CTP long-form description: 
- TLB articles:  
- FaithCasters Free Newsletter:  
- Join Faithcaster (Podcaster or Guest):  
- Broadcast your thoughts w/ buzzsprout:  
- CTP Coffee affiliate 1: (promocode: JOSEL20) 
- CTP Coffee affiliate 2: (promocode: CTP10)  
- CTP Official playlist:  
- Transcription Services by: Converter.App  
- Joseph M Lenard -  ( /\  
(CTP S1E50 Audio: 50m 17s, Sat Jun 1 2024)

SNEAK-PEEK: The next several TLB pieces and correlating/corresponding Shows (planned going forward from May 11th) already outlined, ready to go, in some cases actually already pre-recorded. Why mention such? Well, it means I can add this COMING SOON (and/or recently dropped) addition/section to the Show Notes...
May 11 - S1E47: Continued Left-wing Violence  
May 18 - S1E48: Let Left Keep Pushing, Generational Shift Occurring  
May 25 - S1E49: Mother's Day retrospective  (Ex Post Facto piece, just as last year's Memorial Day and 4th-Of-July pieces were)  
June 1 - S1E50: Slaves To State  
June 8 - S1E51: Is Prayer Alone Enough?   
June 15 - S1E52: Rising Tides Lift All Boats  

some "Behind-the-Scenes" Video version of ChristiTutionalist Politics found via...   

In addition to seeing corresponding TheLibertyBeacon piece referenced in episodes of CTP, see too Show transcript on Podcast platforms that provide access to it (like buzzsprout ( for addl bonus material  there-in.  


Transcription Services below from:

[ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast begin Show intro]

Welcome to ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast aka CTP in association with and I am your host Joseph M Lenard and that's L E N A R D   CTP is your no muss no fuss just me you And occasional guest type podcast as Graham Norton would say let's get on with the show 

[ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast - Segment 1] 

Greetings everybody welcome to ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast season one episode 50 I'm actually recording now to present to you a pre intro segment to the show you're about to see I feel this is necessary that I provide an upfront warning and or disclaimer some of what you're about to hear is harsh and tone and language that may upset now I'm not talking about first words here but many of you know I co-host with Michael Gardner aka Savage who will be joining the show and will go into the reasons why as opposed to this being a Wednesday guest show drop this is a regular Saturday drop episode at any rate laughing laughing laughing at any rate when my co-host was savage we indeed get heated and can and will sometimes swear on the un or the unfiltered unvarnished raw savage done filter show well again no swearing at this episode but as with always when Michael Gardner aka savage and I get together we give a little more loose with some of the words we might otherwise use I would prefer used on the show so just wanted to give the disclaimer warning could be some upsetting language and tone in this show this is indeed a PG-13 show if you will and I have printed out here the show notes the rough draft of the show notes that I've written to include with the show drop I'm going to read those also just to give you an idea of what's coming and you can decide whether to continue or not the show season one episode 50 slaves to state Michael Gardner aka "Savaged" of SavageUnfiltered podcast joins as we hash out slaves to state rather willing slaves to state versus tyrannically imposed upon slavery biblical helping those unable and if you see on behind the scenes video here you're seeing me put in the air quotes unable versus those quote unwilling unquote cons and scammers etc to bother to in our meritocracy to earn their own way instead rather leech off others those with actual mental retardation a term with fully accepted for a long long time is still technically medically correct so let me say that again those with actual mental retardation not their fault a medical condition versus those who again are quote unquote capable but same diminished capacity either mental or physical sometimes both in capacity and not appreciate but demand handouts and special in violation of equal protections dispensation otherwise to cons scam others and abuse are charitable be our brothers keeper Christian personal responsibility not communist government edict commandment again must be contextualized with biblical unable versus unwilling scriptures nature human nature discussion of human nature and how really a small but vocal and able to consolidate power via those willing to cater to them are covered in pivens style carrying down america and watching any foresight to understand I lost my place let me blah blah blah blah clowerton pivens style carrying down america and once bankrupt there will be nothing for no one but their shortsighted is no's no bounds they only care about their next immediate handout how they continue to be lazy willing to just get by as long as it is always at someone else's expense them willing to expend more energy more time and energy filing others out of money then it would take them to actually go get a real job and earn a living as well as the other bill forms of demo KKK rats they have been still are the part of real slavery modern slavery as giara how rightly mentioned in past and we will give his quote and we cover here in at any rate yes yes this is going to be an ongoing running gag and I'm jokingly said to others maybe I should rebrand the show from christet us all politics podcast to any rate podcast I say that jokingly but actually any rate would be a good name for a podcast so I have no doubt somebody will steal that idea from me now at any rate I just wanted to give you all this upfront consideration so that you can decide maybe this is a little outside the norms of christet usos politics niceness deal it's while still dealing in reality of course here a bit more harsh than normal though I fully understand and upset except if maybe you don't want to proceed I hope of course the majority of you will just wanted you to know this all upfront take care god bless and there's no Graham Norton used to say he doesn't say it anymore he says let's get some guests on well I only do the guest thing usually on midweek Wednesday drops out but Graham Norton used to say let's get on with the show 

[ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast - Segment 2] 

JOSEPH M LENARD (Host):   So indeed let's get on with the show - hello everybody welcome to ChristiTutionalist Politics season one episode 50 slaves to state it really should be willing slaves to state there is a difference we're not going to talk about those and you know the tyrannical government putting its boot on people and making them slaves we're here to talk about the idiots who willingly give up their freedoms and want to be slaves to the state and if you're looking at bitchoo bright on rumble or youtube video behind the scenes you see I have a guest with me normally I've shifted guests come on Wednesday but savage is going to be on with me today for a regular Saturday show because slaves to state came out of one of his shows by the time this irritable be weeks ago now and his water feed where you tell go ahead and tell them how you shared a snippet from your show which led to my saying

MICHAEL G GARDNER (aka: SAVAGED (Savaged Unfiltered Show)):   slaves to state and hence the show yeah I think what Joe's talking about on his show here folks is there was a clip I shared you know on on my ex account Twitter or like Joe likes to refer it as water I mean we shared that and it kind of tied into you know what we're what we're talking about here with a previous episode that we had done you know so it's kind of interesting on how that on some of the stuff ties into you know what you talk about right you know like like some of the content right like will like piggyback off of other episodes not on purpose but it just you know it has a convenience somewhere there you know what I mean so I thought that was kind of interesting and you know Joe had said to me off the air he was like you know like did you do that on purpose I don't like no I didn't do that on purpose it's just kind of snuck in there like conveniently you know yeah it's like the old

JOSEPH M LENARD (Host):   A team show had a ball I love it when a plan comes together right I mean you just happened it was like divine intervention you released that it led to a discussion which then led to me coining the slaves to state term and voila light bulb that's a great idea for the show and perfect and again you know not in forced slavery but like what part of it was what that brought this up was the student loan debt transfer you know I share a meme all the time I just did earlier it'll you'll see it in your feed that three cheese kills right there's a reason why the mice don't understand why the cheese is free it's the same with socialism morons that don't understand there really is no such thing as free you recharge we all pay in some way shape or form if not now later yeah yeah we all we all pay I mean

MICHAEL G GARDNER (aka: SAVAGED (Savaged Unfiltered Show)):   you know like you know you there's a saying that maybe some of our grandparents or great grandparents use back in the day you know you reap what you sow you know and I live by those terminology words all all the time I mean it's it's gotten me through life on a successful note and it's it's it's gotten me through a point where I had to like bound through struggles and stuff earlier in my 20s you know kind of finding who I was and my voice and you know especially behind this microphone you know so like if you do the things negatively well you're gonna get a negative result right if you do things positively you're gonna get a positive result and I find that today very interesting because like you said you used the term retards and stuff and I mean we're not trying to say that rude but I mean some of what you see today people are just they're they're out of control what they're wording and then like a show that I just got into now like you know a couple months ago now with this episode I mean it's like they're expecting things you know as like that participation trophy right they're expecting things in return and they're not realizing or understanding that the actions that they commit are the ending result of what's gonna happen to them I just I to me I understand what they're doing but to them I don't think Joe that they understand any of that's like there's some kind of a chemical and balanced in their head where it's not registering yeah

JOSEPH M LENARD (Host):   you see that at all the time yeah you froze you froze again there for a second I don't know what's going on with your system today but at any rate and I apologize I'm not politically correct or as I call it pathetic correctness and when I say the word retard I apologize if it offends some and let me be clear and say up front I know somebody who has a child that was born with mental retardation issues and we love that now adult to death but who cannot live on his own because he's just not capable I'm not talking about that that isn't that person's fault that you know something happened something went wrong they're just not all there they're just not capable versus a left tired who purposely chooses to remain ignorant of everything they're capable of learning they absolutely refuse to learn so I just want to make that clarification because of course I mean I know that will upset some people I'm not apologizing for using the word I have no problem using the word I am indeed sorry if that upsets you you know because again I know somebody like that it's not about them it's the people who choose to be stupid and never learn anything and like this being a Christian show go back to Jesus said the poor will always be among you that's because of human nature you know the Bible also says why we're too engaged in charity to be our brothers keeper to help with those in orphans it also goes on to say to help those who cannot help themselves versus why you don't have an unconstitutional federal welfare state that can't distinguish between those who are unable those who are unwilling to help themselves you know you know Joe is about those who are unwilling to help themselves you know you know Joe I

MICHAEL G GARDNER (aka: SAVAGED (Savaged Unfiltered Show)):   think the disconnect of what you're seeing in this country is is people that are very uninformed I mean obviously that's that's that's a clear clear point of what we're discussing right most of these people are just they're ill-minded they're so manipulated they're so brainwashed you know they're they're so flustered on everything in this country right there they have to have center of attention they have to have all this stuff and this is one of the reasons why you know I decided to go into you know writing a second book you know with with some of my other book that came out with America's political warfare I'm

JOSEPH M LENARD (Host):   I'm sure to cover your books at the end of the show and I just want to throw that in there yeah and I will of course have you back for a Wednesday discussion drop when I generally drop my guest shows for when the book actually does drop but the uh the unable versus the unwilling I mean look out there you we all know people like that uh they spend more time trying to con others of money then it would take the energy for them to actually get a real job and earn a living no they'd rather beg or con or scam live off the system and you know which again and see that's

MICHAEL G GARDNER (aka: SAVAGED (Savaged Unfiltered Show)):   okay with them like they they constantly they they don't think that there's nothing wrong with that you know you mentioned the word scam you you mentioned the word con right that in today's society if you talk to most of these people that are committing to this they think that's absolutely acceptable behavior in their mindsets like you know to go online and especially these scam bots right to to to fake with promotional uh type of pushes well if you pay me such and such I can give you such and such subs and I can give you higher reach and this I mean to me that's like that sounds wonderful but I mean but in reality how the hell is it possible yeah they they can't

JOSEPH M LENARD (Host):   guarantee that stuff right exactly but I get you know people take take advantage of other people if they can and again it would be a less effort to actually just work a regular job but they can't do that they're just decisioned in that way and like again unwilling unable people there there's so many open jobs out there like since this goes back to ex silent majority who we interact with on twitter ex have an anecdotal tweet that I responded to him with the other day but when countless numbers of people see it and share the stories it's not anecdotal anymore it's obvious it's happening it's a trend and he was saying a business owner he knows keeps running out of coke at his place and it's because coke can't keep up with the deliveries instead of getting a delivery once a week he's getting it every other week so he's running out of product it isn't a supply issue in that there isn't enough coke coke it is an issue that they don't have enough drivers to deliver it because it's a workforce issue yeah it's it's work it's a workforce issue I mean you

MICHAEL G GARDNER (aka: SAVAGED (Savaged Unfiltered Show)):   you see that all over the board I mean you know big supply chain companies I mean they were experiencing some of those issues that you're mentioning Joe through the covid era I mean literally a scratch in trying to keep up with the the work force and the workload for that matter I look at big box giant chains like Amazon and Walmart and publics I where I live here in Florida some of those fulfillment centers distribution centers they were hungry for workers because you know they were pushing that covid scare tactic fear-mongering agenda and people were like oh huh I have covid okay well just call out and you know you can you know request a form to get the covid release and you know covid pain area and people were doing it left and right you know because the government was pushing it CDC was pushing it and look what it was doing when it was crippling their damn companies you know and I mean you still see this to this day it gets carried over you know to this day in 2020 24 where people just don't want to work they want to sit home they want to make TikTok videos they want to get if it's not the TikTok videos they want to continue going on the government and seeing if they can get grants and this and that like people are just the work ethic is just not there you're absolutely right Joe absolutely yeah and to be fair as I

JOSEPH M LENARD (Host):   always am it's mainly the left but again to be fair from did sign in a covid release package the left is doing it more and more on steroids the left has always done the it's the old adage teach a man to fish and he'll never go hungry again give a man a fish and he'll vote for you you create a dependent and that's again the whole slaves to state willing slaves to state and I forget several of our founders said it right once people realize they can vote largesse from the treasury the republic is doomed and that's why we're so many trillions in debt people decided oh I could just vote for democrats who will keep giving me handouts more and more and more handouts and and those handouts have gotten worse and worse to the point where indeed they are comfortable sitting on their couch 24 seven just barely getting by and again goes back to what Jesus said poor will always be among you there will always be lazy people and a lot of these people you know

MICHAEL G GARDNER (aka: SAVAGED (Savaged Unfiltered Show)):   they'll go into I hate to chime in but you know you're making a good point you know like a lot of these people will will continue to vote you know for that incompetent leader or that president or that senator that congressman and they're and these are some of the people that are constantly joker they're crying out man they're like well you know our government's not doing enough our senators are not doing enough our congressional leaders are not representing us accurately well if you're crying out so much why do you continue to put them in office why do you continue to vote for that same person over and over and they're doing it to themselves

JOSEPH M LENARD (Host):   some of them are the big issue here is back to that quote once people discover they can vote themselves or just from the treasury the problem is there's a whole lot of voters and this show discusses it 30 to 50 million christians aren't even registered to vote let alone bother to vote so the problem is the majority isn't really voting the minority is the majority casting the vote on election day and voting themselves the large and it's hurting it's hurting the other side of the

MICHAEL G GARDNER (aka: SAVAGED (Savaged Unfiltered Show)):   of the base i mean you know people are like looking and like well that's not what we want it we we didn't vote that we we didn't support that well i mean you you're your your other uh uh so to speak of your base of the republican or the or the democratic party however whatever side it is you know either or uh they just kind of screwed you over i mean i mean you know like you just said the majority you know will always win over the uh the less fortunate towards the majority right if i had my words correct but uh you you're making good points like this is what you're seeing in in america like the the actual majority of that movement or that bill or that uh anything that's on the ballot like you're if you're gonna get a certain percentage that's gonna support that and vote for that well more or less that's gonna get passed and that's gonna and that's gonna and that's gonna get passed at an x level and then when you have other people are like well damn it no we we we didn't support that and then you get those people are constantly you know trying to chase that you know it's kind of like a miracle around effect you know it's just like nothing yep never gets

JOSEPH M LENARD (Host):   accomplished that way i think and i talk about all the time on this show republicans aren't perfect i talk about the left all the time but the deep state actors are cenos rhinos and fasicrats it's not like what all republicans are great uh they're not i've said that over and over but to these leftysts cenos and rhinos are as much leftysts as fasicrats are if even if they got an R by their name um cloward in pivin for those who don't know the idea of bankrupting america through the welfare state hey morons if america goes bankrupt that doesn't mean you get a socialist government which then means more money for you it means bankrupt it means there's no money for anything for anyone for any reason constitutional or not so there's more on the coward and pivin concept that hey i'll actually get more if i help bankrupt the country it's because why they don't teach

MICHAEL G GARDNER (aka: SAVAGED (Savaged Unfiltered Show)):   economics in school people are stupid they're stupid they're manipulating it in their brainwash exactly you know like this goes back to what we were discussing you know on your show just earlier before here as we were opening up and just recently like they continue to vote that they continue to support that they continue to do this and do that and do this and do that but then again when you go to question them saying what does the welfare system provide you more than actually working for a living having a good steady paying job that can not only provide for your family your children and possibly your grandchildren after that give you a great pension plan if the company does provide that uh overtime uh health insurance all that great stuff that comes along with having that great paying job setting job 40 hours a week sometimes more what is the welfare system what can the welfare system provide you more than what i just labeled yeah i'll wait and they never they never they can never answer that but yet again joe they continue to vote for that welfare system over and over and then when you just had donald trump a few years ago listen guys i'm not a trump cultist though but i do support a lot of his messages when said i will provide good jobs the left kind of just went like no no we can't have that we got to have welfare and then like just

JOSEPH M LENARD (Host):   push that welfare back into the into the border well the and welfare is fine as a state's right issue that goes back to the bible and charity those close to the problem know the difference between those unable and those unwilling we help those who are unable if you're unwilling too bad you're on your own that's the way it's supposed to be they can answer your question savaged they won't because the answer is welfare lets me be lazy yeah they they don't want to accept

MICHAEL G GARDNER (aka: SAVAGED (Savaged Unfiltered Show)):   the the actual factual background of of of the other part of that discussion which is a job well don't they'll go into this stupid rhetoric with saying well if i work for the man i'm slave i'm enslaved to the system i'm enslaved well you're still enslaved to the system you moron if you collect welfare because the government is looking at you as like a little guinea pig and just i'm just gonna give him a little little water you know he looks a little thirsty get your get your get your mouth near the near the water right and just sip a little bit you know i'd rather sip as much as i want from a regular job right buying the stuff that i want that will benefit me then going to the government and only given me what the government wants to give me yeah i just don't understand how the leftist brain or the mindset works in that aspect i really don't unfortunately

JOSEPH M LENARD (Host):   again it's human nature it's always been here and why again jesus said the poor will always be among you there are people who want to just skate and coast and are happy having the bare minimum at someone else's expense and that is of course the whole problem the willing slaves to the state were talking here the void of personal responsibility and any understanding that that gravy train at some point is going to come to an end atlas is going to shrug america will go bankrupt and there will be

MICHAEL G GARDNER (aka: SAVAGED (Savaged Unfiltered Show)):   nothing for anyone yeah it's happening i mean right right right before our eyes i mean right on

JOSEPH M LENARD (Host):   that yeah i'm willing in fact that terror strikes that info right terror strikes that info slash charity i have a whole list of charities i support i recommend i encourage engaging in charity to indeed help those unable versus those unwilling it we should do that uh we should but we're not we're

MICHAEL G GARDNER (aka: SAVAGED (Savaged Unfiltered Show)):   not doing enough we're not engaging enough you know and you know like we're allowing them to engage on us and sadly joe this is the truth we're losing the war and they're they're winning you know this is why we're in the mess that we're in because of radicalization in this country and i'm not afraid to say that even on your show we're seeing radicalization of politicians that are not only destroying but crippling our nation and crippling our society and destroying our culture for future generations our children are going to hurt in this that's that's who's going to hurt our children

JOSEPH M LENARD (Host):   the next generation yeah i'm going to wrap this up with another forms of slavery the fascia cracks the demo KKK rats have always been the party of slavery they still are today let me read jared how quote anything that requires labor or property of other people is not a basic human right that includes education health care food internet access especially housing or anything else that involves an investment or capital and labor of others to demand free goods no such thing as free and services from people who sacrifice time and capital produce them is to demand that those people become your slaves you don't have the right to enslave people for food or education or health care any more than plantation owners have the right to enslave people to pick cotton the fascia cracks are still the slave party they say oh you must provide so-and-so something for free

MICHAEL G GARDNER (aka: SAVAGED (Savaged Unfiltered Show)):   that is slavery yeah that that that is slavery however you look at it it's it's slavery uh but the left they don't they don't they don't they don't recognize that it's it's it's a chemical imbalance and that chemical imbalance that we're referring here on the show it's it's it's putting a mirror image on what america's becoming and i don't like that mirror image i don't like that reflection when i look in the mirror every single day folks i see a mirror of a future america and what it presents is not your liberties your freedoms and your pursuit of happiness you know what it represents Joe it represents everything that a third world banana republic of dictating would present that's what i see america right now and i don't like it i don't but yet alone you know who's at fault it's not your politicians oh whoa what's that bitch no it's not your politicians it's your voters who put them there it's we the people you have to understand that like we have the power in this nation to remove all of that we do wait wait i mean we're not a parliamentary system where we can enact a special election right and like that but we can do something just as better and it's called impeachment folks get your congressional leaders and inquire the impeachment become a delicate we can Joe and i constantly talk about that even on my show when he's on my show sometimes become a delicate i mean that's right what are you waiting for it's

JOSEPH M LENARD (Host):   we the people and people talk about the uni party no if you don't like rhinos and senos running your part of the republican party become a delegate go to the meetings go to the conventions be involved stop whining we the people get off your butt and like i said earlier and repeated many times on the show 30 to 50 million christians not even bothered to register to vote do not whine to me about what's going on if you refuse to bother to even register and vote because again it isn't the majority of the country it is just the majority that shows up on election day because you're too lazy to get involved or you've got this christian elitism the bible doesn't preach this the bible doesn't talk about the Jefferson or separation of church and state Jesus never said to not be involved in politics we are to judge bimlically and be involved there's just not to be an official church of the united states like there's official church of england you are supposed to be involved if you're not look in your mirror you are part of the problem as savage said we the people you are allowing that it's all in the constitution of what

MICHAEL G GARDNER (aka: SAVAGED (Savaged Unfiltered Show)):   you are referring to guys if you want to learn more i mean you know go to your local library go to you know amazon pickup but you know a cheap version or a cheap copy of the constitution i mean you know i carry it in my back pocket all the time a little pocket version of it i mean it's good to have and you know in cases where you need to protect your your rights it's all there in plain plain english i mean educate yourself stop being manipulated and brainwashed and and and misinformed by your government your government is doing this for you because they want you to be that guinea pig they want you to be that little test little rat for them i mean when that when that i'm going to show p.g here guys but when are you going to wake up and understand that the government is is not your your your uncle jester or your aunt mally and going to take care of you and give you those little nice little checks every christmas or no or november right they're not there to do that the government was not placed for that the government was placed to uphold law and order and preserve the constitution of the united states of america it wasn't there to give you handouts and food stamps and welfare and section eight housing uh where that came into place is just gotten to a point where it's out of control and now people depend on it more than ever because we became that welfare state of america joe and it needs to stop and more and more politicians are

JOSEPH M LENARD (Host):   catering those who want the handouts because they then indeed will stay elected in their mind it's about power and control and their continued government paycheck and i would encourage not only read the constitution but the federalists and the anti-federalist papers the anti-federalists warned at the very time the constitution compromise was being signed that the left even then and they did they went on to form the federalist party which then immediately began undermining the constitution to give themselves more power more control and it's today's fascia federalists now versus even the federalist back then uh they weren't as bad then as they are now but it isn't these still the same mindset it's about who can i get dependent on me so that they'll vote for me so i could keep my government job and with that yeah i don't want to forget i want to wrap us up but so i don't forget let's talk about your coming book which actually by the time yeah this show will air june first your book your let's talk about your old one i thought i heard

MICHAEL G GARDNER (aka: SAVAGED (Savaged Unfiltered Show)):   something differently it's something about wednesday but if you want me to air it now i'll be happy to

JOSEPH M LENARD (Host):   air it now yeah no this show will be a regular saturday show drop even with you as a guest because of this special situation uh it'll drop june first and your new book it comes in july so

MICHAEL G GARDNER (aka: SAVAGED (Savaged Unfiltered Show)):   mention your old book first yeah guys uh you know i um before i dabbled in you know writing and everything i uh i was doing podcasting talk radio and i was doing a little uh then it was small production work for for for movie sets now i've dabbled into you know an ongoing uh thing with movie sets here and there but um one of the reasons why i decided to write the first book america's political warfare our modern civil war is because of what you're seeing here in america everything and when i was writing it people were judging me saying you know you're crazy you're a conspiracy theorist you're you're you're trying to create spin narrative well you know uh to those people i'm going to say who's laughing now and and and who's right now and who's wrong because everything in that book that i labeled america's political warfare it is to my own personal opinion worse than our civil war going back because this not only shows and presents civil contact uh con uh conflict excuse me it also presents political uh conflict and political warfare and political division because you're seeing it all over the place you're seeing it on a political level you're seeing on a public level you're seeing it on a corporate level they're they're all like literally babbling over each other for grand supremacy and folks uh when you get to a point in a country like that it's dangerous i wrote the book not to um uh not to scare people but to wake people up to prevent this from happening on a long term we don't want to be like a country uh like countries in the middle east uh joe and for some of your listeners out there we don't want to have ongoing conflict some of these countries have been fighting over for centuries and still are to this day you don't want on a nation like that if you feel that warfare will solve the answers to what you're looking for well i'm sorry then go over to that country and you could support that but i don't want to hear in america because i

JOSEPH M LENARD (Host):   want a better future that's why i wrote the book yeah it's like a cold war you're your example we are in a colds of a war and if it gets to a hot civil war uh we're really really going to be in in deep and i i mean the way it stands now with the leftist violence and indeed show season one episode 47 that will be for a couple weeks ago by the time this error is called continued left wing violence they're already engaging in hostilities actual violence actual rioting looting burning and in some cases yes murder though if it goes full blown we're in trouble

MICHAEL G GARDNER (aka: SAVAGED (Savaged Unfiltered Show)):   but yeah and that's what led me and that's what led me to you know writing the second book here as we close it up here on on the show you know like the first book is basically a continuation to my book coming out uh next month here in july you know when when you go through all of that you've now become of what i call a savage america a lot of people are like well why do you use the term savage does it do you have to put it in there because of your of your personality uh uh uh name here on the show no no no it has nothing to do with that it just kind of worked in its way uh perfectly because our country is becoming a savage america and that's why i labeled it through a savage america because we went through the first bit of conflict through the political silver war of warfare now going to a point of where our country is going through a savage america agenda of what you're seeing riots protests um agendas twisting of language manipulation of voting uh sessions and elections and and all that we cannot continue to go down that way because if we are then my friends we will become forever a savage america and we will lose our constitutional republic and become a third world nation and you don't want that for your children and that book will be coming coming out next month uh july fourth what a better day to air it and publish it and be available on our nation's uh independence because if you want your independence restored uh folks well you need to push back against this radicalization you're seeing that the country you you are

JOSEPH M LENARD (Host):   absolutely right that's spot on the left likes to call themselves progressive they're not they're regressive exactly like you laid out they want to take us back to like monarchy communism socialism fascism they're all the same left wing stuff as a monarchy was a small group of ruling elites tell you what you can and can't do what you will and won't have they're taking us away from the progressive nature that the us republic is in granting you freedom freedoms to pursue what you want not what somebody dictate you must do so they're not progressing us to anything they are regressing us and savage or we got to give your real name here michael gardener because it isn't going to be by savage it's going to say by michael gardener

MICHAEL G GARDNER (aka: SAVAGED (Savaged Unfiltered Show)):   yes sometimes folks i i get so stuck in my uh my media personality of a character that i've you know kind of evolved here over the course of five years doing this podcast but uh you know uh if you would like to know anymore about you know my first book that i just mentioned uh you can search me on amazon or the first book is available on amazon um only exclusive to amazon america's political warfare our modern silver war by michael gardener uh you can search it there i'm sure you know uh joe will be put it in show notes so you can see it there the show notes production notes as well as the second book now it's going to be part of a catalog guys of a library so all my books going forward uh that's the better way of searching me uh by michael gardener and if it's not working there guys uh the website uh it will be on the website uh in the near future uh we will have a section there because our website's actually under construction so um you know it will be

JOSEPH M LENARD (Host):   available so by the time this airs that'll be all yeah of course yeah you're talking about savage

MICHAEL G GARDNER (aka: SAVAGED (Savaged Unfiltered Show)): yes sir yeah yeah you go right to and uh all the all all of our content material video clips uh audio all that stuff merchandise will be all listed on the website uh and you know i think that's about it i mean you know we have email addresses on there if you want to know anymore you can just email me michael at uh be honored

JOSEPH M LENARD (Host):   in uh privilege to answer any questions you may have okay well thank you michael gardener aka savage host of savageunfiltered and thank you for having me on still on quite a bit of shows again as a co-host as a co-host yeah forget all that early stuff before i came along it's trash just just a joke people just a joke anyway see you later michael take care take it easy 

[ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast begin Show outro]

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BONUS MATERIAL BELOW from: "Biden Flips-Off The SCOTUS (Student Debt Transfer edition)" [See original piece at:, for referenced links, images, and embedded videos.]

BiDUMB tries to flip-off the SCOTUS (Student Debt transfer edition)…

So, you thought SCOTUS settled that? What, are you new? Were you born at night, and was it last-night (as the saying goes)?? FASCICRATS motto: Laws, we don’t care ‘bout no stinking Laws (and SCOTUS schmotus, who cares, when not rubber-stamping Liberal-bad-policy with Leftist-Activist-Rulings – they don’t count).

Here we go again. The SCOTUS no sooner than finally declares JoeBiDUMB’s “Student Loan ‘forgiveness’” UnConstitutional and he and his University allies (to continue to LINE THEIR POCKETS) create “new” (same shit, different label) “work-arounds” which will have to again be taken to SCOTUS and struck down. Yes, of course, the latest schemes, scams, cons, of the FASCICRATS pretending to “look out for” people will indeed be struck-down again; however, they know it and they do not care because it is NOT about forgiving Student Loan Debt but just the ILLUSION that they would to sucker people of their (BUY their) Votes – as they are too stupid to grasp, they’re played for fools and useful-idiots.

VIDEO (2m 00s): Lisa McClain Slams New Biden Student Loan Move: 'Direct Violation Of The Supreme Court's Decision!' (Forbes):   
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Below taken from my BeforeItsNews “It's called LEVERAGE, and about damn time REAL Conservatives use it (over the quick/early SELLOUTS CINOs/RINOs (yet again))... THE STRATEGY IS WORKING... [important updates being added in real-time]” from Friday, January 6, 2023 13:17. That article was mainly a real-time update of the Speakership fight earlier in the year, but too I did go into a bit of Policy Strategy that would be SMART (which means the RINOs won’t take the advice).

We need new GOP leadership; some people with brains and ability to strategize the ways (like I’m about to lay out) how to turn the FASCICRATS manure right back on them; not Country Club CINO and RINO types more interested in playing games (which too often means cozying up to the Swamp) and folks with imagination to turn shit back on FASCICRATS and continue the migration of Working Class Blacks and Hispanics that Trump started with imaginative solutions that can and will speak to all thinking people…
Turn the Tables on the FASCICRATS and their handouts at Average US Citizens’’ Taxpaying expense…
Finally, and properly, struck down Bidens illegal and UNCONSTITUTIONAL “Student Debt Relief Program” Executive Order for bypassing the properly and duly election U.S. House where all $pending programs must originate (and this is spending, no such things as “just forgiving” these Loans)… In such, there is an opportunity….
PUNISH THE LEFT, including those University Liberal Elites…
Here’s a thought for GOP led (still pending, if enough Left cheating prevents it) U. S. House 1st Bill… Hear me out…
Legal (not illegal Executive Order) STUDENT DEBT RELIEF ACT Bill to provide Student Debt Relief paid for by a one-time Wealth Tax* of University Endowments since it was/is fault of the Universities they have that Debt (NOT Biden’s shifting of Debt to be paid by those who did not attend College via confiscating and redirecting the Waitress/Waiter, plumber, truck-driver, etc., Taxes to cover those with mostly worthless Degrees). ALSO, in the Bill, requirement all Tuition’s be slashed by 10% and capped (Left loves price controls) at no more than CPI or 5% (whichever less). Dare U. S. Senate Dems to Block or #Biden to #Veto to prove they care more about UNIVERSITY ADMIN AND PROFESSOR ELITES than the Students and the Taxpayers this would protect!! Add a return to Privatization of Student Loan Program (before Obama Federalized it).

* How could the Left oppose what they’ve been clamoring for the last couple decades, but I/we would only agree to a/this TAX INCREASE if this limited, targeted, one-time, to kill two birds with one stone (solve the Loans issue, and punish the Left)!

[More/continued in my BeforeItsNews “It's called LEVERAGE, and about damn time REAL Conservatives use it (over the quick/early SELLOUTS CINOs/RINOs (yet again))... THE STRATEGY IS WORKING... [important updates being added in real-time]” from Friday, January 6, 2023 13:17 piece]

Finally SOMEONE on our side is waking up, but not going anywhere near far enough as like I outlined above. Bill Cassidy (U, S. Senate, Republican Representing Louisiana) put forth a Bill (of course, Schumer buried and refused to bring to Floor) in July that would require “Loan Counseling” as part of the requirements to qualify for and receive any Student Loan to FORCE these moron Children to “FULLY UNDERSTAND” the depth of what they are signing on to for College Loans and Debt. How much would be their total Loan, what would be the REQUIRED (non-forgivable via Bankruptcy) monthly payments, and even projections of “average Wages” one can expect given their “Major” / Degree they seek (those worthless Gender Studies and other garbage that do NOT return any real return on their “investment”) to; many argue; help force down tuition for the worthless/meaningless non-CORE LEARNING College tracts. 
The ”thinking” (and about time someone is at least trying to “think” in D.C. for a change) to try and focus our Young and Dumb to understand they need real/valued Accounting, Business, Economics, Legal, Medical, STEM, SKILLED TRADE Degrees (they can get at a Trade School, rather than wasting time/effort on worthless unrelated Classes the Universities use to pad their bottom-lines), or etc. (something relevant to their intended/desired JOB upon leaving College, at least the “Job Market” they intend to look at/within for Employment). I am NOT, however, at all thrilled with the TAXES they plan to levy to pay for the “Counseling” when it should obviously be TAKEN FROM UNIVERSITY ENDOWMENT FUNDS via Tax (those who created this mess, the Colleges and Leftist Allies, pay for it all).
I do not just talk policy there though, of course, I’ve done so in many RedState, BeforeItsNews, and TheLibertyBeacon, pieces as well as on my own (SSCE) website way back when, and Grassfire /  FreedomWorks / others when they allowed “guest” blogs. One such RedState/Townhall piece was the “Contract with America – part 2” on RedState back on October 2008! Hell, I go all the way back, as a former IT guy, to the 300-baud dial-up modem days where we connected back and forth to Bulletin Board Services on Personal Computers (long before creation of Internet).

VIDEO (10m 59s): Biden Announces New Student Debt Relief Plan After Supreme Court Blocks Forgiveness (Forbes):  
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Just like with the New York State Gun Laws that the SCOTUS struck-down, they just passed another Law, with a new Title, basically just re-enacting the same policy with a few words changed (twisting/warping language) and pretend “it is different” under the “depends on what the definition of ‘is’ is” dodge that it is somehow not synonymous. Or, in Musical parlance, as the Who sang: “Meet the new Boss, same as the old Boss” (same guy, different Suit, and as usual actually Emperor has “no Clothes”)! They will then enforce the same UnConstitutional policy under the “supposed new/different Law” until such time as the SCOTUS then has to strike it down again.

Be sure to check-in next week for part 2 (as it seems we need to span several weeks covering most of the issues/topics of late) “BiDUMB tries to flip-off the SCOTUS (Affirmative Action edition)…” piece as we’ll ask: “Do you think Race-baiting determination based College admissions gone? -and- What are you New?? -or- Were you Born last night??? Of course you weren’t, but some seem to foolishly believe SCOTUS latest Ruling on AA was the final word and actually the end of anything – how wrong they are will be all laid out at TheLibertyBeacon and on the ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast (S1E11) Saturday September the 2nd as Chief idiot… er… I mean… “Chief JustASS” Roberts hints at loophole; that virtually no-one is covering. Have you even heard this remotely mentioned let alone fully discussed on FOXNEWS, NEWSMAX, OAN, or any supposed “the whole and full, all sides of the, story News channels (certainly not CNN, MSNBCiles, or other Leftist #ENEMEdia outlets only engaging in Leftist Race-baiting of the moment narratives)?” I bet not, so don’t miss next Saturday for the details you’ve not heard/seen anywhere else (and only likely to see on TLB and hear of ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast now that all those “Reporters” moved-on to get Paul Harvey style from me “The Rest of the Story”)!

BONUS MATERIAL ABOVE from: "Biden Flips-Off The SCOTUS (Student Debt Transfer edition)" [See original piece at:, for referenced links, images, and embedded videos.]

Show intro
Segment 1 - Pre-Show "disclaimer" (you know I am not PC (engage in Pathetical Corruptness)) but even I recognize I can sometimes get a little "too HARSH in some words/tone"
The Bible and "unable" vs "unwilling" (matters, Biblical Community vs Leftist Political twisted/warped Communism
Equality of Opportunity not EQUITY of outcomes (which always is the lowest common denominator)
Cloward and Piven
DemoKKKrats/FASCICRATS - then they Blockaded BLACKS from Schools, today Blockading JEWS from Universities (facts, not feelings)
Announcing, not really, just Joking, rebranding Show to "AT ANY RATE" LOL (for those that get inside Joke)
Segment 2 - [Willing] Slaves to State [Some so willingly choose to give up their Freedom for "more predictable Slavery"]
Love it when a Plan comes together (especially, when it wasn't really THE PLAN in advance LOL)
Student Debt transfer scheme
Free Cheese Kills (neither Mice nor moron Communists/Socialsts grasp the how/why)
One way or another WE ALL PAY (some literally, some figuratively) like Denmark meme (all the forced High taxation for all their "supposed FREE" Socialist stuff)
Reap what you Sow
Addressing that "harsh" tone/word: Retardation
The "Participation Trophy" created deficiency
unlike when I appear on Savaged (as a SHOCKcaster) do not "purposefully" try to use provocative terms here on CTP usually
Discussing the "why" Jesus said "The Poor will always be among you" (Human Nature, from beginning of Creation and through all time)
Savaged on "the disconnect" (between the Thinking and the Feeling crowds)
The "Con Class" (and there complete lack of any Moral Conscience about such)
"Silent Majority" (the "person" (their handle) on X/Twatter, not the underlying Political group that fails to exert selves) admitted Anecdotal evidence (but it is Reality, as so many have same examples)
Govt handouts, destroy the Work ethic (and with such, part of peoples' Souls as (again, Show title) they become "willing Slaves To State")
The "teach a Man to Fish" vs "Give Fish handouts dependency" dichotomy
Voting largess from the Treasury (read/aka: THEFT from other Citizens (redistribution of wealth))
Actual "Majority" of populace thinking vs "Majority" of those that happen to cast ballots on Election days.
The "not Fun kind" Merry-go-round (not so Merry) effect
Cloward and Piven (redux)
Stupid, manipulated, brain-washed (oh oh, more harsh tone/words)
Ask a Leftist a Question (do not hold your Breath waiting on any reasonable Answer)
"Welfare" as a States Rights, personal Responsibility issue, not UnConstitutional Federal bastardization of the "Promote the GENERAL Welfare" clause ("general" not direct/specific to "some" over others "Welfare")
The H2O analogy?!?!?
The bare minimum, at someone else's expense
Shout-out to Ayn Rand - as ATLAS will indeed SHRUG at some point (those pulling Cart will finally get fed up with more and more climbing in Cart to be pulled around)
Saul Alinsky "Radicalization" grip on America today
The "willful" enslaved vs the demoKKKrats new form of actual Slavery (slight variation of their Slavery past and Jared Howe quote)
WE THE PEOPLE must be involved on the Local level (that means being a Delegate, to effect real change within any Party, to attend Meetings, Conventions, etc.)
Need to be a GOP Delegate, to really MAKE A DIFFERENCE (take State Parties that are RINO controlled back to real Conservatives/Conservatism)
The Uni-Party lazy label (DeepState, yes, UniParty, NO) an excuse people peddle for their own laziness and NOT DOING ANYTHING (blame something, anything, but self inactions)
Christian Elitism? "Shall Be Known By Fruits" means Actions not meaningless, worthless, whining rhetoric never backed by doing things.
As saying goes: If YOU are not part of the Solution YOU are THE PROBLEM.
Politicians catering and pandering to those looking for handouts - to keep them in Office (them all about keeping their easy (overpaid) Govt Check and power/control)
The Federalist and Anti-Federalist papers (see too:
Today's Fasci-Federalists
Michael Gardner (aka: SAVAGED) has new book dropping July 4 2024
America's Political Warfare (Our Modern Civil War)
Continued Left-wing Violence (FASCICRATS, promoting Violence for 200+ years)
Through a Savaged America (no, not named after Michael's podcast persona, we are really getting REGRESSIVE (as Left is, NOT Progressive) back to olden early Man SAVAGES.
Show outro
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