ChristiTutionalist (TM) Politics

ChristiTutionalist Politics (S2E54) "Speculations and What Ifs"

June 29, 2024 Joseph M. Lenard Season 2 Episode 54
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S2E54) "Speculations and What Ifs"
ChristiTutionalist (TM) Politics
Show intro
Segment 1 - Speculations and What Ifs
Officially Welcome into Season 2 of CTP - 2nd episode in now actually, S2E54, of weekly regular drops
Yep... Ready... Here it comes... AT ANY RATE....
The Elephant in the Room.... Well, the T-Shirt I am wearing (as seen on this Shows' BTS/SP Video versions on Bitchute, Brighteon, Rumble, YouTube, @JLenardDetroit channels)
Holy Cow Creamery -
No, not a Paid Ad read, I just like giving shout-outs to my Friends and their Businesses (and/or, like later this episode; others Show's whom I Respect, Admire, and am Inspired by)
Holy Cow Creamery exclusive: Root Beer Ala Mode (aka: Root Beer Float)
Welcome to the "AT ANY RATE" Show??? No, not going to rebrand even though that is a damn good name for a new Show.
Let's check the Notes - What am I really supposed to be Talking about? LOL
Free, free, set them Free - Sting tune (how it relates to this episode)
instead, need do a Parody, not "If you Love someone" as goes "set them Free" (though it is good point in song about IF RETURNS) but "If you Love someone TELL THEM THE TRUTH!"
Pastor Sean Todd - shout out, and Thank You, as we are more or less on same page in our discussions this month (his Show couple weeks ago and this Show already recorded before his Show I am referring to aired)
While I am doing shout-outs to folks that have Inspired me to create CTP - Ed Bonderenka, Thayrone X, Pastor Richard Deitering, Phil Stargell, Bruce Fleury, more - all of WAAM radio 1600AM MI)
Also, of course, the corresponding and correlating TheLibertyBeacon site and Articles that are in conjunction with this CTP weekly Show) mention/reference/shout-out (and Roger Landry, who has been on CTP as a Guest)
Father's Day (well, it was when I was recording this episode to air Sat. Jun. 29th)
So let's talk about OUR FATHER (No, not our Biological ones, our Lord and Saviour one)
Speak TRUTH (not just "TO POWER" as the saying goes, but to all)
CTP Show, not usually speculations or what ifs but THE BIBLE, the whole Bible, in full Context - The Way, The Truth, The Life/Light
#CONTEXTmatters (I often use that tag on social-media) no matter who is saying what, WHY? and what is the overall context (not how someone wishes to distort a statement)
All of Jesus, not just the Hippie Hackie-Sack version some prefer to peddle (remember: he called out Vipers, Snakes, False Prophets, etc.)
Go To Hell - No, not me telling you that, but The Bible in Context and consequences
The Jesus "Tough Love" parts some want to gloss over in some Churches just to keep fannies in the Pews and Monies into the Baskets
"The Jesus Revolution" of the 1970's
Onto item # 4 in my Notes (yes, kinda like a Family Feud SURVEY SAYS numbers on the Board episode LOL)
# 5 - and indeed a Steve Harvey Family Feud reference shout-out Joke to start item 5
I actually got sufficient Sleep the night before Recording this episode, so indeed some "slap-happy" silliness/giddiness LOL
OK, 15 minutes in, FINALLY, starting some "Speculations and What Ifs" after all that prior setup
The Fortress America days are long past - the Oceans provide no comfort or protection against Nuclear Subs, ICBMs, Long-Range-Bombers, etc.
Remember WWII, Balloon-Bombs?? NoKo does not need ICBMs they can attach crude-Nuke to Balloon-Bomb and send it over (like China did the Spy-Balloons)
This Show is really about "WHAT IFS" Anxieties - do not let them bog us down to point of destroying our Joy and our Health (Stress, Depression, Immune problems like I have, etc.)
What If the World were Flat? Cat's would have pushed everything over the edge by now (no, not in show, just a Chapters Markers Joke LOL)
# 6 - Donald Trump Jr.
#BidenCrimeFamily, #MittRINOmney, et al, corruption and money laundering
# 7 - Survey Says: Caitlin Clark (WNBA, will it Live or DIE due to DEI Hate?)
Serena Williams weighed in on the Clark harassment
Serena Williams, Tiger Woods, other that lifted their respective Sports to new heights/levels (will Caitlin be among them?)
The sad DEI / #IdentityPolitics angle
United States Olympic Teams/Squad (esp. Female BBall now with Clark left off) controversy (again, WHAT IF, we apply DEI?)
The RACIST, Woke, DEI, crowds will never, ever, SET US FREE (yes, Sting call back) by discussing things Honestly/Truthfully
Shout-out to Richard Dawson (as I finally recall the name of the FAMILY FEUD Show tried reference earlier (FF as spin-off of Match Game GameShow series))
# 8 - Where the Bible is Silent!!! Yes, rather NO, GOD did not, does not, owe us ALL ANSWERS to all our Questions.
Exclusion does not equate to Preclusion (just not yet fully revealed)
Old Testament relevance: (BTS/SP exclusive):
It is Human frailty that gets things wrong at times, NOT the Holy Trinity (Man messes with things, like texts, oral traditions, etc.)
Coming together in Christ (things that which all our Biblical sects/versions/denominations/flavors CAN/DO AGREE upon)
Aramaic, Hebrew, Latin, Greek
The Lost Gospels???
HUBRIS, Pride before the Fall (we should all be PROUD of some things, but that is different than letting us be FULL OF OURSELVES (full Hubris) all of the time SIN)
Old/New, yes some "updates" like Jesus as Final Blood Sacrafice, but let us have HONEST/TRUTHFUL discussions on that which we should all agree
"Love" and "Turn The Other Cheek" vs Old Testament "Eye For An Eye" (did not get erased, but given new prioritization and CONTEXT by New Testament)
Second Chances - for those Worthy and Redeemable ---- not for those show are PURE EVIL all the time (over and over, Death Penalty applies (Genesis, Leviticus, Numbers))
Thou Shalt Not Murder [Innocents]... then "He Who Sheddeth Mans Blood Shall Have His Blood Sheddeth" applies
Back to Pastor Sean Todd (Intersection WAAM Show) that TOUGH LOVE and CONSEQUENCES side of Jesus
# 9 - The Rapture (caught up) --- seems this is an item Satan seems to be able to Sow Seeds of Division among us Christ followers (how about we worry about HERE/NOW and Bible applications of/to such?!?!)
CTP S1E27 - Pastor Jeff Jones joined for:
They say sometimes you have to repeat something at least 3-5 times to get something to stick, so, again, THE POINT OF THIS SHOW - focusing on things we agree under Christ (do not let Satan enter division among us)
The Rapture (again, something we cannot control, not something to be arguing and/or obsessing over now)
The Rapture (if/when) will be on God's Time, not ours - will be on God's Terms, not ours - I worry about some (that HUBRIS again) insisting on dwelling as THEY WILL BE RAPTURED (did God tell you directly such? Again, God's Terms, NOT YOURS)
Let me put it in terms of "ME" (Joseph M Lenard) Does God/Jesus have a point/purpose to Rapture ME? I do not know, GODS TIME/TERMS, NOT MINE - therefore I hope so, but not gonna DWELL ON IT (other things to worry about in HERE/NOW)
Let's not get 'caught up' on that - yep, accidental pun reference
God Wins in the end, but in the meantime let us NOT let Satan Win here on Earth (divide us all, at least not in OUR TIME, and yes we'll talk Revelation at some point tomorrow, next week/month, next Century, WE WILL NOT KNOW (Gods Time, not ours)))
I mean REALLY? Is that what you want to be 'hung up' on in Judging others (missing the whole rest of what Bible DOES say to Judge on/about)?!?!?!
Matthew 7 as one of the most quoted out-of-context Scriptures (far more to it than JUST the 1st 7 words people use to create a distortion narrative)
# 10 - Anxiety; Speculations and What Ifs scenario considering important in some cases to prepare ourselves but dwelling endlessly just harms ourselves/Health and potentially our Relationships
Letting Life get "too much of us"
Coulda, Shoulda, Woulda, to point of INSANITY (do not do that to yourself)
Every day concern "Speculations and What Ifs"
Wrapping (not Rapping, cuz I did already Sing twice or more this episode) things up! :) LOL
The "At Any Rate" Count/ticker.... Need "The Count" from Sesame Street to keep a running tabulation.... LOL
Nothing exists in a Vacuum, all issues sub-relate in some way
Nothing new under the Sun (do you know that phrase? important concept. History may not repeat but it sure rhymes a lot)
Joe's mental block on-air yet again... Not "pessimism" groping for the right word here...
Ah yes - Procrastination (never dealing in needed, at times, Speculations and What Ifs and more-so ACTING upon needed course corrections)
Oh Oh, why now a Kardashian shout-out? (as well as I do actually mention Thayrone-X here, mentioned him in Chapter Notes section earlier as part of WAAM crews)
Show outro
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ChristiTutionalist (TM) Politics
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S2E54) "Speculations and What Ifs"
Jun 29, 2024 Season 2 Episode 54
Joseph M. Lenard

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CTP S2E54 SHOW NOTES ( listen (Sat Jun 29 2024 and thereafter) at: )... 
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S2E54) "Speculations and What Ifs"  
See Buzzsprout podcasts Transcript for full Show Notes (including related links)  
First, pardon the Ahs and Ums as I "hunt" across my Notes page at some sections of this Show and wasn't paying attention to not do the Ahs and Ums segways thing (Raw, UnCut, Show drop)... What do Richard Dawson, Steve Harvey, Kim Kardashian, Serena Williams, Tiger Woods, Caitlin Clark, Sting, Donald Trump Jr., all have to do with 'Speculations and What Ifs?' Well, obviously; this is called a promo/tease; tune in to find out! :) LOL And remember (will make sense once hear Show) as song by Sting goes: "Free, Free, set them Free!"

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Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

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CTP S2E54 SHOW NOTES ( listen (Sat Jun 29 2024 and thereafter) at: )... 
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S2E54) "Speculations and What Ifs"  
See Buzzsprout podcasts Transcript for full Show Notes (including related links)  
First, pardon the Ahs and Ums as I "hunt" across my Notes page at some sections of this Show and wasn't paying attention to not do the Ahs and Ums segways thing (Raw, UnCut, Show drop)... What do Richard Dawson, Steve Harvey, Kim Kardashian, Serena Williams, Tiger Woods, Caitlin Clark, Sting, Donald Trump Jr., all have to do with 'Speculations and What Ifs?' Well, obviously; this is called a promo/tease; tune in to find out! :) LOL And remember (will make sense once hear Show) as song by Sting goes: "Free, Free, set them Free!"

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Joseph M. Lenard SUBSCRIBE-

ADDED TOP TRANSCRIPT BONUS (separate and apart from any usual bottom of transcript bonuses):

OK, having made that planned Timberlake reference (planned before he got in the News recently) in upcoming Show Notes, in light of his Arrest for DUI…. Many of you know I am known as #JokesterJoe on #SavagedUnfiltered #podcast (as well as being my own Show solo-host) and that I cannot resist bad/lame puns…. So, yes, his situation SERIOUS and really NO LAUGHING matter… Cannot resist following #Joke….
Justin Timberlake announces to Record new LP from Jail
To be titled: “Bringing Public Intoxication Back!” 

Apologies to Justin, I like him, not trying to PILE ON by Joking about his current situation but indeed we MUST TRY KEEP OUR SENSE-OF-HUMOR (and, again, known as #JokesterJoe on #SavagedUnfiltered and across social-media (just one part of what makes me what I am, we are all complex and have many “parts” to our Personalities) kinda have a “Reputation” of indeed the BAD PUNS and never passing on opportunities to make them to also them IMPLY the SERIOUS UNDER-TONES making the Puns SHOULD DELIVER). I hope he now Sobered up recognizes his need to be ROLE MODEL and SET EXAMPLE declare he will OWN UP and TAKE RESPONSIBILITY and say something like: “while under influence of Alcohol I did and said things that I shouldn’t have. I am Human, like all Humans, frail, with faults, can make mistakes! SO, I admit FULL GUILT to my Actions, will plea Guilty to DUI, apologize to Police, My Fans, ALL, for actions and words while under influence of Alcohol, will accept my Punishment for my illegal actions, and I seek all your forgiveness, understanding, and aid/help in becoming better and doing better going forward!”

CTP S2E54 SHOW NOTES ( listen (Sat Jun 29 2024 and thereafter) at: )... 
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S2E54) "Speculations and What Ifs"  
See Buzzsprout podcasts Transcript for full Show Notes (including related links)  
First, pardon the Ahs and Ums as I "hunt" across my Notes page at some sections of this Show and wasn't paying attention to not do the Ahs and Ums segways thing (Raw, UnCut, Show drop)... What do Richard Dawson, Steve Harvey, Kim Kardashian, Serena Williams, Tiger Woods, Caitlin Clark, Sting, Donald Trump Jr., all have to do with 'Speculations and What Ifs?' Well, obviously; this is called a promo/tease; tune in to find out! :) LOL And remember (will make sense once hear Show) as song by Sting goes: "Free, Free, set them Free!"
See Buzzsprout podcasts Transcript of Episode for related addl info
Transcript Bonus: The TLB corresponding/correlating "Speculations and What Ifs" piece. 

Episode related pieces (lots of links this Show)...
- Video Only Jun 2024 CTP Show:   
- Joseph's Musical Heritage:  
- [Car Show every Monday 5pET-8pET]  

"ChristiTutionalist Politics" podcast (CTP) 
- CTP:  
- CTP long-form description: 
- TLB articles:  
- FaithCasters Free Newsletter:  
- Join Faithcaster (Podcaster or Guest):  
- Broadcast your thoughts w/ buzzsprout: 
- CTP Coffee affiliate 1: (promocode: JOSEL20) 
- CTP Coffee affiliate 2: (promocode: CTP10)  
- CTP Official playlist:  
- Transcription Services by: Converter.App  
- Joseph M Lenard -  ( /\  
(CTP S1E54 Audio: 51m 30s, Sat Jun 29 2024)

SNEAK-PEEK: The next several TLB pieces (planned going forward from May 11th) and correlating/corresponding Shows already outlined, ready to go, in some cases actually already pre-recorded. Why mention such? Well, it means I can add this COMING SOON (and/or recently dropped) addition/section to the Show Notes...
May 11 - S1E47: Continued Left-wing Violence  
May 18 - S1E48: Let Left Keep Pushing, Generational Shift Occurring  
May 25 - S1E49: Mother's Day retrospective  (Ex Post Facto piece, just as last year's Memorial Day and 4th-Of-July pieces were)  
June 1 - S1E50: Slaves To State  
June 8 - S1E51: Is Prayer Alone Enough?   
June 15 - S1E52: Rising Tides Lift All Boats  
June 22 - S2E53: TLB-Talk relaunch  
June 29 - S2E54: Speculations and What Ifs  
July 6 - S2E55: In Then News  
July 13 - S2E56: Hard and Fast Economic Realities – Some Still Trying Ignore  
July 20 - S2E57: USA: Past, Present, What Is Its Future  
July 27 - S2E58: Self Sufficiency?  

some "Behind-the-Scenes" Video version of ChristiTutionalist Politics found via...   

In addition to seeing corresponding TheLibertyBeacon piece referenced in episodes of CTP, see too Show transcript on Podcast platforms that provide access to it (like buzzsprout ( for addl bonus material  there-in.  


[ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast begin Show intro]

Welcome to ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast aka CTP in association with and I am your host Joseph M Lenard and that's L E N A R D   CTP is your no muss no fuss just me you And occasional guest type podcast as Graham Norton would say let's get on with the show 

[ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast - Segment 1] 

Hey gang how's it going today today being let me look at my notes the phone can't the
noise canceling microphone probably reading out the sound of me rustling my note paper
like you know Limbaugh used to say I hold here my formerly nicotine stained hands well
I was never a smoker so no not formerly nicotine stained hands but yes holding my notes I
throw myself off track here already it's a man oh I was gonna give the date CTP season
two officially yes I don't do it my calendar year season one of a weekly show had 52 episodes
right a year season they began in June last year well it's now June the 29th this is airing so
welcome to season two episode 54 so actually now what the second episode of the second season
officially but you ready I know you know what's coming I'm gonna say it at any rate
that's not what I'm here to talk to you about of course and before I go any further I've mentioned
uh behind the scenes video right bitchute brighteon rumble youtube at jail under Detroit channels
if you're looking on the video let's address the elephant in the room well as the saying goes let
address the t-shirt I'm wearing today it's expected to be very warm but I'll give you the actual date
that I'm recording this later but today as I'm recording it's already pretty warm out and we're
going to be close to hitting 90 degrees here in Michigan today I'm wearing the holy cow creamery
shirt that I have uh I love them shout out holy cow creamery Tyler and well let's just say Susan
she likes to be a little more reserved in private Tyler's more out there so let's just say Susan
she knows who she is she knows who I'm talking about and the rest of the crew over at holy cow
creamery and no this is not what is known in the broadcast business or advertising business as an
ad read no this isn't a paid policeman this is me wearing the shirt because I'm going to be
heading over for a what I call root beer ala-mode which of course right root beer ala-mode the
little ice cream a root beer float because it's getting worn out at any rate uh so yeah holy cow
creamery if you're in the down river Detroit area North Line Road in wine dot Michigan stop in
ask for a root beer ala-mode they will automatically know who put you up just stopping by since I'm
the lunatic that invented that concept of making it sound more upscale by calling it a root beer
ala-mode I joke with them they should put it on their menu that way then they can charge more
hey it's more upscale it's french-a-tized it's euro-tized it's a root beer ala-mode it's not
just a float charge double they're not going to do that of course and at any rate that you know I
was going to say that and yeah for the transcript again I am laughing at myself uh actually I was
going to open the show and say hey welcome to at any rate podcast no I didn't change the name
no I'm not rebranding but no also I'm not going to give up making fun because we got to keep
us into humor and laughing at myself I keep repeating at any rate as a joke and hopefully
some of you will start going around and purposely saying at any rate with a wink and a nod
to each other as the inside joke of the show but indeed at any rate let me check my notes I had
to make notes oh another thing of it seems like that sidetracked by the shirt another thing I was
really planning on opening the show with was free free set them free why am I doing a bad
rendition of a sting song well uh you know the song right if you love someone set them free
that not too bad now Sten, Sting's not wrong here that's a good song it's a great up-lifting song
glad he  recorded it glad he  became a hit it's a wonderful thing for him to do but I am
making a horrible rendition I used to write and record music but not over the decades now my
voice is shot I can't sing worth a darn so why am I doing a bad rendition of the sting song
because I just actually got through listening to pastor Sean Todd of the intersection
WAM radio airs sundays noon you can listen at and to get no
not a paid placement not a paid ad just people I admire the intersection and pastor Sean Todd
is one of the people that helped inspire this podcast his radio show also my friend
Ed Bonderenka who has your American heritage Saturday afternoon 2 p.m. eastern time
also my friend pastor Richard Clark Deitering who used to do moment of clarity at one o'clock
he's retired now due to health problems like me with health problems why I'm behind the keyboard
now doing a podcast rather than out doing things that really really need to be done in matter
to inspire you to do them again we must act not just talk right but with my health I have to
kind of be behind the keyboard here and offer information to hopefully help you do those things
I once could and that still needs to be done also I want to mention my friend's
Bruce Flurry and Phil Stargel  of the abolitionist roundtable you guessed it
WAM radio WAM Saturdays 9 a.m. eastern time there is a listen live link you can go there
again not a paid ad placement just people whom I admire and help inspire my thought that
hey I'm writing articles for the Liberty Beacon every Saturday a lot of them are what then I coined
ChristiTutionalists  politics related articles hey let's do a podcast to relate to that but today is actually
Father's Day so in some respects let's talk about our father not our biological father our
Father Heavenly Father above but Pastor Shonta today said something I hope you get that I've
been implying all along not that if you love someone set them free of course that's saying
you know if they come back or if you love something set it free if it comes back again great sentiment
wonderful but as he said if you love someone tell them the truth and I wish he just said that
weeks ago I either put that as a direct quotation in my CTT see I can't talk again CTP 2 book
that dropped June 1st of this year 2024 indeed what I have explicitly said in this show and
hey shout out Pastor Shonta I hope you've tuned in for me to give you this shout out
mention what you said because we say a lot of the same things kind of differently not because
we're copying each other but because we're on the same wavelength but yes if you love someone
tell them the truth he goes on to say in the Father's Day episode of the intersection
the whole truth have you not hurt me say on the show?
ChristiTutionalists  politics is about the Bible the whole Bible in full context and he used the word
context today in his show exactly right it's what I've been talking about here
you don't or here's another quote from Pastor Shonta let me hope I get this right I know I'm
I'll kind of quasi quoting paraphrasing and there is a quotations chapter like I said in CTP 2 book
a lot of good quotes there he says people unfortunately a lot of people
modern Christians don't want all of Jesus they don't want the full Jesus in full context they
want the hippie Jesus the love and peace Jesus as he usually throws in the hacky sack
hippie version of Jesus and want to leave out a lot of the Bible and a lot of what Jesus said about
going to hell we need to be truthful with all people in bringing them to Christ and presenting
all of Jesus and the Bible the good and the harsh parts the you're going to go to hell parts
if you don't change your way parts you know we can't just be the peace love hippie crowd because
the 60s led to the 70s Jesus revolution if you haven't seen that movie Jesus revolution again
not a paid placement but I recommend you see that move movie the hippies who actually did finally
come to Christ and the Jesus revolution was born sadly a lot of them yes at first did the whole
just peace and love Jesus kind of thing but this show again about preaching everything all right I
don't want to get too bogged down on that the third thing in my notes oh I already did that
pa trash antad at Bonderenka phil and bruce abolitionist roundtables
friends of mine highly recommend those shows highly respect them great radio on Saturdays when
usually other stations are playing repeat so item number four on my hat hazard you can see this
mess if you're looking at behind the scenes here see all those handwritten notes with numbers
next to them so number four where it is number four oh today is actually Father's Day that I'm
recording this on I think I did already mention that right what's what this show was about talk
about our heavenly father here on Father's Day as I record this so number five I can now I sound
like Steve Harvey on what what's what's the show Richard Dawson used to do you know the flappy thing
survey says number five I know I'm being a little silly today I actually got the proper amount of
sleep last night so I'm my usual self today and remember we need to keep our sense of humor we
can't let Satan steal our joy number five where is where is it where are you okay actually what
this show now that I'm 15 minutes in is supposed to be about speculations and what is number five I
wrote down the word war games I think everyone understands speculations and what is in a war
game sense right we need to train and equip ourselves for speculations and what if might crop up as
problems as threats to us potential invasions that sorry fortress America is dead this isn't
before World War II there's these things called ICBMs now long-range bombers I've previously talked
and wrote in terror strikes coming soon to a city you North Korea doesn't need an ICBM they can
attach a crew nuke to a balloon bomb and in the atrocity I think it was a tragedy chapter but
somewhere in terror strikes I talked about the history World War II Japan used balloon bombs to
send incendiary devices which did actually shut down the Manhattan Project for a while because it
set fire to a location that was providing power to one of the Manhattan Project locations but
so we have to war game and think about the what ifs on that scale it's important but speculations
and what if show is and I'll get further into it is let us not get so bogged down and dwelling
in our anxiety over coulda shoulda woulda you know oh if I'd only done that last year you know what
what about next year do I need to do it yes we need to worry about the what may come and what
we need to do in the future but not let it destroy our health as you know I have health issues
why I'm on disability it's why I'm here on the couch let me lift up the green scheme yeah see
there's the ugly living room couch behind the green screen here
you looking on the video in my living room on the couch doing the show writing my articles
and the whatnot don't let anxiety destroy your health more on that number 10
little sweet peak there but we're talking number five war games we we've got to do speculations
and what ifs and I said what about like last year well number six Don jr what about ism
yeah yes if so and so is we're talking about and the left likes to do this so we do it also on the
right and it's not on call for if Don jr had done the things hunter Biden has done what do you think
would have been happening to him now yes fair me the hunter done trial thing I wrote a recent
piece for the liberty beacon dot com let me scroll down here rolling rolling scrolling scrolling
online not let the left keep pushing generational shift that that's true the liberty beacon dot
com gun law selective application correct they didn't want this trial for hunter
they tried to plea bargain it away the judge rejected the plea bargain and insisted it come
to trial and he was found guilty so spare me you us that oh equal justice is being applied no they
tried to bury the charges under the jail whereas if what about ism if it were Don jr that lied on
the gun for form did crack all the time engaged in business with China and Ukraine and my style
and yada yada all the money laundering of the Biden crime family and yes the hunter Biden laptop
was used in evidence in the gun trial you know that thing they said oh it's pure imagination
it's just conspiracy no all that facts and evidence is real but imagine if it was John
Don jr instead of the charges tried to be buried under the jail he would be buried under the jail
okay not to dwell on that I think you get the point hunting the notes hunting the notes that
was number six did I forget to do a number seven and go to
uh I don't see a number seven where's number seven I guess I'm using common core math
I went from six to eight is best I could tell I can oh no there it is seven take one car
all right speculation what if
she may finally put women's sports on the map she as I write in a before it's news piece on her
let me go look that up while I'm talking to you uh cute and Japanese theme doo doo doo doo doo doo doo
uh all rights reserved not used with permission please don't sue me
legal disclaimer I do not own the rights to the jeopardy theme uh I should have hummed
differently so it wasn't the same but at any rate oh what is that I'm up to four or five of
those in the show will WNBA  actually put female sports really on the map or die to dei correctness
hate and I also just recently seen something on truth social today again father's day
Serena Williams apparently coming to the defense of Caitlin Clark because speculation what if
if she is indeed all we think she is gonna be the WNBA  will finally be on the map and women's sports
all across the board do better for it and Serena Williams to her credit and yes I mentioned Serena
Williams and Tiger Woods in that WNBA  article on before I am at jailer detroit
there on the liberty in the search field you need to put my whole name Joseph and
Leonard define the articles but at any rate that number six I don't know I've lost track
I've been a good move today again so please I I hope you're cutting me some slack I hope I'm
not annoyed with that I just at this point it's indeed become an absurd joke and as Russell
involved used to say demonstrating absurdity with absurdity and my at any rate sings is indeed absurd
at this point but done tongue and cheek meant to lighten up these very very serious topics for
talking about but if Caitlin Clark is what we all think she can be the speculation the what if
the potential I'm putting in air quotes to really do what she makes she might do for basketball
on the women's side at least and women's sports in general what Serena and her sister did for tennis
what Tiger Woods did for golf but of course oh spoiler alert they're black oh my god
identity politics and that's where the problem comes in and hence will it die due to dee
I hate about Caitlin Clark we can she's a straight white woman oh we can't put her on the Olympic
team what if speculations and what if episode what about is them what if she were a black
lesbian basketball player even though she's a rookie she wouldn't just be on the women's basketball
Olympics team she would be made captain of the entire Olympic delegation I know it you know it
everybody knows it but the racist woke d-e-i moron piece of crap crowd out there cannot and will not
be honest about that so Caitlin number seven on our list uh family feud family feud shout out to
Steve Harvey our RIP Richard Dawson I think he's gone right the original from the match game
family feud kind of is a spin-off of match game that they created just for Richard Dawson and now
Steve Harvey does it but number eight in our survey speculations and what is where the Bible
is silent all right I'm going back to my computer to before its news my list of stories contributed
page because I also wrote recently that was on June the thirteenth in the religion category
Christianity the Bible what it says what if you're silent on the realm of God does not mean
preclusion just not yet revealed and we've kind of talked about that in the show I did the exclusive
bitchute brighteon rumble and youtube video only version of christitucials politics I'm quickly
now clicking on my youtube link as I stall for time as that is ctp season one episode june special
three for 2024 june the 19th this is actually father's day so this isn't uh this is dropped as
a point and purpose of the show on their uh early drop that that's actually going to drop as a
what I meant to mention was the ctp season one episode june 2024 video only special that dropped
june the thirteenth and is mentioned Old Testament relevance on the youtube channel but that is in
conjunction and correlation with that before its news piece which is also related another one I
dropped on saturday june the thirteenth did jesus ever contradict himself question of course not
human kind and frailty and sometimes can sometimes and does get things wrong
supplemental to the show let us as I've said the show about coming together on those things we
can agree with as christians as family in christ let's not get hung up on biblical differences
there's like what a hundred different versions of the bible out there some slight variations just
a few different words not a big deal some some actual additions that may or may not belong there
unless if we can check them against the original aromatic latin hebrew and Greek text may or may not
belong there uh some wholesale gospels left out others the lost gospels as they're known that
some consider their bible don't exist there others have them and that's not god being uncertain that's
not jesus contradictions that is human kind messing with the word of god and the various
different bibles so let's not get upset with each other and like i say in that video only special
hubris put our hubris us in a side that oh my bible is the only correct bible the direct word of god
only the word of god nothing more nothing less your bible is wrong wrong do you not know what
this show was about again it is about coming together on those things we can all agree on like
from matthew mark luke and john and parts of the old testament that indeed are still relevant
today it's not as if jesus didn't come and say i am here to completely erase the old testament
he didn't say that never said that not what he meant he was the final blood sacrifice that we no
longer sacrifice animals so yes there are indeed a bit of revisions and corrections for our modern
times based on what jesus brought us but that doesn't erase the old testament love turn the
other cheek uh a more modern tenet but that doesn't erase i for an i we are to now turn
the other cheek and forgive but not forget if you forget you're a sucker you can be suckered
again you can be fooled again you can be used again so yes turn that other cheek but if someone is evil
if someone is intent on not being a good and productive member of society a criminal obvious
example constantly going at you then at that point an i for an i matters and genesis levidicus
and uh jenesis levidicus numbers as i talked about the death penalty under those are legitimate
if someone is going to continue to murder people then yes we have the right on earth as
earthly justice to put them to death but turn the other cheek we believe in forgiveness and reform
we must give people the chance to reform and become better humans better citizens but ultimately at
the end of the day we still need to lock people up to make sure they're intent on there's uh
punishment back to shantad that mean and nasty side of jesus sometimes right overturn the money
changer tables he got upset he called people vipers modern christians would rebuke jesus as
too judgmental as patris shantad said on his show today again father's day his father day show
if you want to go to wam look up the podcast link and find his show from today as i am
recording speculations and what if season two episode 54 for my show uh speculations and what if
actually i started writing it about a month ago so it just so happens past shantad and i are
kind on the same wave length today as i'm recording this for that article that was already written
at any rate what was that that was number eight the by the way do that but can't talk again
because the bible is silent on something doesn't preclude it and it's not something then
we should be arguing about as a speculation and what if we need to come together in christ the
things we know are actually there which leads me to number nine the rapture you i hope if you
haven't go back to christmas of 2023 i had on another friend pastor jeff jones and the topic of
rapture came up now not every church not every sect denomination blind flavor whatever term you
want to use of Christianity talks about or even necessarily recognizes the point of the rapture
okay again believe in the rapture don't believe in the rapture i'm not here to argue for or
against just like i didn't with pastor jeff on the christmas show when the rapture came up
this is one of the points i'm trying to make in and with this show believe in the rapture
don't believe in the rapture it is a what if or a what will come how about we worry about the
here and now if and when okay if you believe in it when the rapture comes then it will be clear
what's going on and that indeed the speculation or belief i i'm sorry to use the word speculation
for those of you who really are rooted in a firm belief and tied up in the notion the rapture's
coming event you're going to be raptured uh if it happens or not it's going to happen on
god's terms and god's time jesus's return time not our time so let's not bog down and worry about
and just one last thing on the rapture i am concerned my brothers and sisters about some of my
fellow brothers and sisters in regard to the rapture we don't fully know the point and purpose
of the rapture if and when it is to happen it is then to signal jesus's return with a heavenly army
of angels and those raptured so uh i'm not military ready so would i be raptured because he
have a point and a purpose to rapture me i don't know but my point here is my concern of
hubris to use that word again the hubris of some who want to talk about the rapture
and forget about everything going on today whatever hey the rapture's coming and i'm going
to be caught up bye bye suckers the rest of you are left to deal with it uh hubris hubris read the
bible full context pride we don't know we don't know we won't know until or if and when it happens
so watch not get caught up on that uh actually no pun intended here i didn't mean yeah let's not
caught up on that uh accidental wordplay pun usage they are not intended uh but indeed
the rapture is a thing uh could happen tomorrow could happen that's week next month
next year next decade next century we don't know so let's not get hung up on is the word i meant
they're hung up on it and argue with each other about it because satan wins in that instance
god doesn't win jesus doesn't win we as christians don't win if we are at each other's throat arguing
about the rapture and who and who is not going to get caught up in the rapture satan wins because
we are fighting on something we don't necessarily agree with in all the different versions of our
bibles the sex the divisions the the denominations the book rans the flavors whatever please understand
the point and purpose of the show coming together on the things we can be assured we should be agreeing
on that like satan win by having us at each other's throat and oh you're not really my brother or
sister because you believe in the rapture or you're not really my brother or sister because you
don't believe in the rapture really really is that what you really want to get hung up on is that what
you are judging your brothers and sisters on matthew seven condemn not let he be condemned
remove the log from your own eye there are 12 other scriptures at least to talk about judging
biblically the rapture is not one of those issues that we are to judge one another on
so i've gone longer on that too this is going to be a much longer show than anticipated i
looking at the zoom because yes i cheat i use zoom to record these shows and then
use the video for the behind the scenes at bitchup righty on rumbel and youtube sneak peeks video
versions and then convert it to audio for the 15 plus other if you see on video bus route which is
where the show is actually housed amazon music i heart spotify audio mech a player FM we get a
lot of listen to the of them uh diesel uh i mean i've lost track i think we're probably over 20 now
i still keep saying 15 plus audio platforms one we're probably over 20 now and thank you all to
those who carry this show but let's not argue about that number 10 the final item on the survey list
for the speculations of what if show i already mentioned it anxiety why are we bringing that on
ourselves and i've told you i'm on disability i have health issues i know about anxiety there
was a three and a half year period where i was on two zan axes a day every day for three and a half
years before coming off and yes i wasn't mentally addicted but yes it's an narcotic i very much
went through physical withdrawals and had to try coming off the going back on a temporarily
coming off it i had to try several times before i was able to quit it yes there's a bottle of zanax
on my counter here i'm not going to turn the camera and show you the the dozen plus pill bottles i've
got over here i don't take them all every day only a couple maintenance drugs i do
all those are as needed zanax is one of them i that bottle of zanax i think was still two years
ago so thankfully i don't need it anymore i'm a regular basis but sometimes there are days
indeed i let life get too much of me and worry too much about speculations and what is and
could have should have would have and get to the point where i am physically shaking and need to
take a zanax but i never take more than one a day i never take them more than three days in a row
because i am never ever going to allow myself to become dependent and deal with those withdrawal
issues ever again but my point to you is don't do it to yourself let's not get hung up on a lot of
these things the wooda coulda wooda's the speculations and what if yes yes yes yes will my budget still
work next year given by inflation what can i speculation wise do to cut my costs to make that
budget work what can i do speculation and what if wise as supplemental side hustle income like me
for my disability income to help cover the runaway by inflation costs those are good
speculation from what is but not to the point of obsession that we make ourselves deathly ill
over them so wrapping things up throw another at any rate in there yes yes yes laughing at
myself again i i think we're up to a dozen this might now be the 13th or 14th at any rate i hope
you understand and i know i went long with the show but the importance of when you saw speculations
and what if what what a weird title what does that have to do with krista or tuition list
Christianity and us constitution politics i hope i've laid that all out now how these all
relate and tie together because nothing exists in the vacuum all issues some issues interrelate
and interconnect we have to be careful and pick and choose what we can do something about today
what we may have to wait and put off to tomorrow but not be i it's not pessimism that what what's
that oh i i'm having a mental block the word when you perpetually put things off procrastinate
there's words thank you jesus that's the word watch that procrastinate on things and forever try
to put them off that can be deadly also so thank you all for tuning in this week and again shout out
to pastor shantard and bond to rank off phil starjold bruce flurry sey rohn etch you can hear him
daily well weekdays monday through friday the drive time three to five i'm wam radio dot
um uh my friends over at holy cow creery hey gang uh i hope some of all of them will
tune in for this episode i will certainly send them an email saying hey i gave you a shout out in the
show just a heads up in case if somebody brings it up i dropped your name
yeah this isn't uh like i joke about my how to write a book and get it published hints tips
and techniques if you're not looking to write a book think of it as a tell-all a behind-the-scenes
look at what an author goes through so that book you bought can get to a book show for you to buy
it the beginnings the thought process uh the character development the scene development
the publishing process the post-publication promotion if you're not looking to write a book
think of it as a tell-all but i don't drop any carteache names i like to show what i do interviews
uh about that book for this show so in a way think of this show as the tell-all show i did drop names
just a uh indeed at any rate i i think i'm uh maybe i got too much sleep i think i've gone
getting now and looking at the clock it says i'm 47 50 minutes ish in uh way longer than i usually
like to do episodes so thank you all take care god bless please tune others into the show hope
to see you again next week or hope that you will hear me again the 20 uh audio platforms for
on or again the bit shoot brighty on rumble and youtube i have to stop and think about that every
time i do have a vimeo account j-lundered windat rather than j-lundered detroit because vimeo kicked
me off of my original account but my vimeo j-lundered windat i only put the ctp show
soundbite snippets there because uh a free account there limited space so i just put the soundbite
snippets there to promote the show uh if you want to check that out thank you all take care god bless
and if you love someone set them free uh or again posture shan tat says and i am
applying the show what the show is about though i've never said it exactly as patra shan tat did and
i am quoting him if you love someone tell them the truth the whole truth all the truth not just the
hacky jack hacky sack piece love let's all hug hug hug all the time play the guitar jesus type
you know churches and i i'm not trying to mock or denigrate those with the you know the massive
bands and that that's great that's well that's good you know i'm born and raised catholic st joseph
church yes we're forever singing hymns music has a place in our christian faith i'm not saying it
doesn't but let us not focus on hey we're going to a concert and maybe we'll get a little bit of the
bible as well while we're there and again if your pastor your minister your reverend your
priest or whatever isn't telling you about that tough love jesus side run for the hills find another
church preaching the whole bible in full context what this show is about take care god bless i gotta
stop rambling now see y'all later 

[ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast begin Show outro]

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BONUS MATERIAL BELOW from: "Speculations and What Ifs" [See original piece at:, for referenced links, images, and embedded videos.]

Speculations and What Ifs 
[Yep, you may have guessed, another piece spurred by social-media discussion(s).]

Speculations, Hypotheticals, Paranoiac Pre-Panics about Possibilities/Potentials, and What Ifs… Remember the ole “if my Aunt were born Male would be my Uncle instead” line (which, yes, with today’s Gender-confusion idiocy, takes new Life)?

I understand and agree that speculations and "what ifs" are best to avoid as responses/dodges to topic discussions.... As, yes, and I have indeed used such arguments to point out Leftist hypocrisy, double-standards, and “Rules For Thee But Not Them” applications we see all the time today. So, yes, occasionally they become necessary counters to Leftist attacks on those on The Right – like the clear double-standards of attacks and often made up shit about Don Trump Jr. and the WELL LOOK AT HUNTER (and the actual facts and evidence of his Crimes, and the entire #BidenCrimeFamily, with no real action). 

Now, yes, they try point to the current Hunter Gun Trial, but does anyone actually think it is in earnest?!?! It could have, should have, been undergone long ago. Look at all the other Charges should have been filed against Hunter (and other BiDUMB’s) that clearly the Leftist DeepState system dragged its feet on to conveniently “allow” Statutes-of-Limitations to run-out (meanwhile, purposefully, willfully, malice of forethought, change NY Law to try turn “alleged” book-keeping questions into “an extended time-frame-extension so-as to then be able to Charge former President Trump in Lawfare Election interference efforts. Which, of course, brings questions of Ex Post Facto Law applications Appeal SCOTUS needs here (as because if someone, anyone, does something LEGAL at time or Statute run-out, The Left can just change or create NEW LAW to then use against their Political enemies (Banana-Republic manure) but that is whole other rabbit-hole). And, yes, the NJ Senator and Gold Bars payoffs corruption – that another “but look, we apply Rule-of-Law equally” dodge as Menendez had developed a conscience of late and not toeing the #Fascicrats Party line 100% of time anymore and they want him replaced. These are all SELECTIVE APPLICATIONS, Politically and Power motivated…

Where was I before I side-tracked alternate rabbit-holed again? “speculations and what ifs are best to avoid as responses/dodges.” However, this is not that. What ifs when it comes to potential POLICY discussion to hash through thoughts can be beneficial. 

Many "speculating" or "asking" if #Trump indeed becomes #POTUS47, could and/or should he #PARDON himself in response to the #NY Charges Conviction idiocy... My #reasoned #logic why NO (whether could or not aside, should? NO)!

1) #PrinciplesNotPersonalities - I do not like, do not want, the #PRECEDENCE and potential mis-use another #POTUS could use it in/for/with. #simple #principled 

2) The #NY #BananaRepublic #Lawfare farce need go through #Appeals (and all way into #SCOTUS) and those engaging in that manure SLAPPED DOWN (as NY #Lawmakers and #Courts have been over and over for pathetic clear UnConstitutional actions/activities over and over again - call them out, put their farce on FULL DISPLAY of being SMACKED DOWN yet again). That too, if not done this way, if it allowed to be "glossed over and more-or-less be 'left in place' if a Pardon bypasses proper order/hearings" would allow yet another BAD #PRECEDENCE to be set otherwise. 

There is ALREADY too many BAD #LAWS and/or #PRECEDENCES allowed (and other and more BAD #LAW created and piled up upon such Precedence that could, would, should, be smacked down EARLY in a process, not 30, 40, 50, years later; after so much damage could be done (like Leftist Judges in lower Courts using Roe that even #Ginsberg admitted DID NOT set an "Abortion Right" Precedent to create Laws and lower Activist Rulings as if it had and need for a Dobbs reversal far earlier)) set by #SCOTUS not dealing with enough Cases a year they should.

And, yes, another side rabbit-hole, it is always SPECULATED whether 3rd Party Candidates cost so-and-so an Election and usually I REJECT such. Like Gore crew blaming Nader. Like many HWBushers STILL trying to blame Perot. However, studies really show, both those cases anyway, those Voting for the “other 3rd Party” were people that would have otherwise NOT VOTED (entirely, or planning on skipping the POTUS part of the Ballot) and therefore really did NOT affect overall Electoral College outcome. What about 2020? The Libertarian Candidate (and more on them coming) in a few key Battleground States, made a difference?!?!?
Putting aside all the Fraud stuff – the 2020 Election STILL really came down to about 45,000 Votes in just a couple key States that could have shifted the outcome (again, we use Electoral College, NOT popular Vote and doesn’t matter how you “run up the Counts” in some States, but the results of the Battleground States (again, POTUS LEVEL) to determine outcome (yes, running up counts via cheating ANYWHERE can and does effect USHouse and USSenate Race outcomes, talking POTUS Race here)! Now, obviously, NOT ALL LIBERTARIANS if Jo wasn’t on Ballot would have bothered to Vote and Voted GOP ticket. I AM JUST SAYING, as I have in several BeforeItsNews #Election2020recap pieces, actual analysis not just wild speculations and WISH IT WOULD HAVE BEEN feelings based manure, that if just 1-3% of those in those KEY STATES would have, it still could have swayed that Election (but, yes, again, had they, with all the Count shenanigans, The Left could have maybe just manufactured the additional Votes to still overcome that shift). So, again, why the SPECULATIONS and WHAT IFS are often NOT ALL THAT HELPFUL (never can, never will, be able to factor all factors).
[Image source: Joseph M Lenard (Demand and Supply co.) © 2002]

Regarding #LIBERALtarians… From my LOCALS social-media feed…

YOU AWAKE YET - How are some STILL SLEEPING?!?!? I've been saying (over 2 decades, I used to interact with some REAL LIBERTARIANS back when) Libertarian Party been moving Leftward... more-so late including on my CTP Show, Savaged Unfiltered, Maverick News (Canada), more/elsewhere, and some just thought I was being HYPERBOLIC, that #Libertarians haven't been such for 2 decades now - THEY'RE #LIBERALtarians (mostly about POT issue their they want to get High anytime, anyplace, and IF they ruin their (via Pot and escalation to other even more destructive Drugs) own Lives (unlike real Libertarians past, about Smaller Govt, ending Welfare State) they all about YOU having take care of them). Well, some FINALLY AWAKENED to that Reality now that they (as a Party) OFFICIALLY NOMINATED ULTRA-LEFTIST GAY HAMAS-TERRORISTS HUGGER (OpenBorders and YOU as Taxpayers having to take care of them, again - so much for INDIVIDUAL RESPONSIBILITY and SMALLER GOVT) as their nominee! THANK YOU for so blatantly PROVING MY POINT, PROVING ME RIGHT! 

[Image source: Joseph M Lenard (Demand and Supply co.) © 2002]

And lastly, back to the whole TRUMP going forward speculations. As I said on LOCALS…

OK, just ACT 2 concluded in the very PREDICTABLE (Lawfare) Play.
Time to Appeal, where another Leftist Activist Judge will ignore #RuleOfLaw, #Constitution, #Precedence, etc., also!
So we can RUSH IT to the SCOTUS for real Hearing and quick OVER-TURN based on COUNTLESS violations "Appeal" reasons.
As the saying goes, they eagerly manufacture The Rope by which they will be HUNG (figuratively speaking)!

So, how has “Speculations and What Ifs… Remember the ole ‘if my Aunt were born Male would be my Uncle instead’ line (which, yes, with today’s Gender-confusion idiocy, takes new Life)” fared against my other pieces?!?! LOL. You know many times I say about how ODD and DIFFERENT some my pieces can be!!

BONUS MATERIAL ABOVE from: "Speculations and What Ifs" [See original piece at:, for referenced links, images, and embedded videos.]

Show intro
Segment 1 - Speculations and What Ifs
Officially Welcome into Season 2 of CTP - 2nd episode in now actually, S2E54, of weekly regular drops
Yep... Ready... Here it comes... AT ANY RATE....
The Elephant in the Room.... Well, the T-Shirt I am wearing (as seen on this Shows' BTS/SP Video versions on Bitchute, Brighteon, Rumble, YouTube, @JLenardDetroit channels)
Holy Cow Creamery -
No, not a Paid Ad read, I just like giving shout-outs to my Friends and their Businesses (and/or, like later this episode; others Show's whom I Respect, Admire, and am Inspired by)
Holy Cow Creamery exclusive: Root Beer Ala Mode (aka: Root Beer Float)
Welcome to the "AT ANY RATE" Show??? No, not going to rebrand even though that is a damn good name for a new Show.
Let's check the Notes - What am I really supposed to be Talking about? LOL
Free, free, set them Free - Sting tune (how it relates to this episode)
instead, need do a Parody, not "If you Love someone" as goes "set them Free" (though it is good point in song about IF RETURNS) but "If you Love someone TELL THEM THE TRUTH!"
Pastor Sean Todd - shout out, and Thank You, as we are more or less on same page in our discussions this month (his Show couple weeks ago and this Show already recorded before his Show I am referring to aired)
While I am doing shout-outs to folks that have Inspired me to create CTP - Ed Bonderenka, Thayrone X, Pastor Richard Deitering, Phil Stargell, Bruce Fleury, more - all of WAAM radio 1600AM MI)
Also, of course, the corresponding and correlating TheLibertyBeacon site and Articles that are in conjunction with this CTP weekly Show) mention/reference/shout-out (and Roger Landry, who has been on CTP as a Guest)
Father's Day (well, it was when I was recording this episode to air Sat. Jun. 29th)
So let's talk about OUR FATHER (No, not our Biological ones, our Lord and Saviour one)
Speak TRUTH (not just "TO POWER" as the saying goes, but to all)
CTP Show, not usually speculations or what ifs but THE BIBLE, the whole Bible, in full Context - The Way, The Truth, The Life/Light
#CONTEXTmatters (I often use that tag on social-media) no matter who is saying what, WHY? and what is the overall context (not how someone wishes to distort a statement)
All of Jesus, not just the Hippie Hackie-Sack version some prefer to peddle (remember: he called out Vipers, Snakes, False Prophets, etc.)
Go To Hell - No, not me telling you that, but The Bible in Context and consequences
The Jesus "Tough Love" parts some want to gloss over in some Churches just to keep fannies in the Pews and Monies into the Baskets
"The Jesus Revolution" of the 1970's
Onto item # 4 in my Notes (yes, kinda like a Family Feud SURVEY SAYS numbers on the Board episode LOL)
# 5 - and indeed a Steve Harvey Family Feud reference shout-out Joke to start item 5
I actually got sufficient Sleep the night before Recording this episode, so indeed some "slap-happy" silliness/giddiness LOL
OK, 15 minutes in, FINALLY, starting some "Speculations and What Ifs" after all that prior setup
The Fortress America days are long past - the Oceans provide no comfort or protection against Nuclear Subs, ICBMs, Long-Range-Bombers, etc.
Remember WWII, Balloon-Bombs?? NoKo does not need ICBMs they can attach crude-Nuke to Balloon-Bomb and send it over (like China did the Spy-Balloons)
This Show is really about "WHAT IFS" Anxieties - do not let them bog us down to point of destroying our Joy and our Health (Stress, Depression, Immune problems like I have, etc.)
What If the World were Flat? Cat's would have pushed everything over the edge by now (no, not in show, just a Chapters Markers Joke LOL)
# 6 - Donald Trump Jr.
#BidenCrimeFamily, #MittRINOmney, et al, corruption and money laundering
# 7 - Survey Says: Caitlin Clark (WNBA, will it Live or DIE due to DEI Hate?)
Serena Williams weighed in on the Clark harassment
Serena Williams, Tiger Woods, other that lifted their respective Sports to new heights/levels (will Caitlin be among them?)
The sad DEI / #IdentityPolitics angle
United States Olympic Teams/Squad (esp. Female BBall now with Clark left off) controversy (again, WHAT IF, we apply DEI?)
The RACIST, Woke, DEI, crowds will never, ever, SET US FREE (yes, Sting call back) by discussing things Honestly/Truthfully
Shout-out to Richard Dawson (as I finally recall the name of the FAMILY FEUD Show tried reference earlier (FF as spin-off of Match Game GameShow series))
# 8 - Where the Bible is Silent!!! Yes, rather NO, GOD did not, does not, owe us ALL ANSWERS to all our Questions.
Exclusion does not equate to Preclusion (just not yet fully revealed)
Old Testament relevance: (BTS/SP exclusive):
It is Human frailty that gets things wrong at times, NOT the Holy Trinity (Man messes with things, like texts, oral traditions, etc.)
Coming together in Christ (things that which all our Biblical sects/versions/denominations/flavors CAN/DO AGREE upon)
Aramaic, Hebrew, Latin, Greek
The Lost Gospels???
HUBRIS, Pride before the Fall (we should all be PROUD of some things, but that is different than letting us be FULL OF OURSELVES (full Hubris) all of the time SIN)
Old/New, yes some "updates" like Jesus as Final Blood Sacrafice, but let us have HONEST/TRUTHFUL discussions on that which we should all agree
"Love" and "Turn The Other Cheek" vs Old Testament "Eye For An Eye" (did not get erased, but given new prioritization and CONTEXT by New Testament)
Second Chances - for those Worthy and Redeemable ---- not for those show are PURE EVIL all the time (over and over, Death Penalty applies (Genesis, Leviticus, Numbers))
Thou Shalt Not Murder [Innocents]... then "He Who Sheddeth Mans Blood Shall Have His Blood Sheddeth" applies
Back to Pastor Sean Todd (Intersection WAAM Show) that TOUGH LOVE and CONSEQUENCES side of Jesus
# 9 - The Rapture (caught up) --- seems this is an item Satan seems to be able to Sow Seeds of Division among us Christ followers (how about we worry about HERE/NOW and Bible applications of/to such?!?!)
CTP S1E27 - Pastor Jeff Jones joined for:
They say sometimes you have to repeat something at least 3-5 times to get something to stick, so, again, THE POINT OF THIS SHOW - focusing on things we agree under Christ (do not let Satan enter division among us)
The Rapture (again, something we cannot control, not something to be arguing and/or obsessing over now)
The Rapture (if/when) will be on God's Time, not ours - will be on God's Terms, not ours - I worry about some (that HUBRIS again) insisting on dwelling as THEY WILL BE RAPTURED (did God tell you directly such? Again, God's Terms, NOT YOURS)
Let me put it in terms of "ME" (Joseph M Lenard) Does God/Jesus have a point/purpose to Rapture ME? I do not know, GODS TIME/TERMS, NOT MINE - therefore I hope so, but not gonna DWELL ON IT (other things to worry about in HERE/NOW)
Let's not get 'caught up' on that - yep, accidental pun reference
God Wins in the end, but in the meantime let us NOT let Satan Win here on Earth (divide us all, at least not in OUR TIME, and yes we'll talk Revelation at some point tomorrow, next week/month, next Century, WE WILL NOT KNOW (Gods Time, not ours)))
I mean REALLY? Is that what you want to be 'hung up' on in Judging others (missing the whole rest of what Bible DOES say to Judge on/about)?!?!?!
Matthew 7 as one of the most quoted out-of-context Scriptures (far more to it than JUST the 1st 7 words people use to create a distortion narrative)
# 10 - Anxiety; Speculations and What Ifs scenario considering important in some cases to prepare ourselves but dwelling endlessly just harms ourselves/Health and potentially our Relationships
Letting Life get "too much of us"
Coulda, Shoulda, Woulda, to point of INSANITY (do not do that to yourself)
Every day concern "Speculations and What Ifs"
Wrapping (not Rapping, cuz I did already Sing twice or more this episode) things up! :) LOL
The "At Any Rate" Count/ticker.... Need "The Count" from Sesame Street to keep a running tabulation.... LOL
Nothing exists in a Vacuum, all issues sub-relate in some way
Nothing new under the Sun (do you know that phrase? important concept. History may not repeat but it sure rhymes a lot)
Joe's mental block on-air yet again... Not "pessimism" groping for the right word here...
Ah yes - Procrastination (never dealing in needed, at times, Speculations and What Ifs and more-so ACTING upon needed course corrections)
Oh Oh, why now a Kardashian shout-out? (as well as I do actually mention Thayrone-X here, mentioned him in Chapter Notes section earlier as part of WAAM crews)
Show outro
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