ChristiTutionalist (TM) Politics

ChristiTutionalist Politics (S2E62) "Finding the Sweet-Spot"

Joseph M. Lenard Season 2 Episode 62

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CTP S2E62 NOTES ( listen (Sat Aug 24 2024 and thereafter) at: )... 
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S2E62) "Finding the Sweet-Spot" 
See Buzzsprout podcasts Transcript for full Show Notes (including related links) and Transcript Bonus   
Part 1: Grey-Areas. Part 2: Love even our enemies; Hate the Sin, Love the Sinner; Where is the Line(s). Part 3: Outdoor Play / different Churches. Part 4: Chasing away a Sinner. Part 5: Pensive (thoughtful) vs Reactionary (Emotional Hysterics). 

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CTP S2E62 NOTES ( listen (Sat Aug 24 2024 and thereafter) at: )... 
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S2E62) "Finding the Sweet-Spot" 
See Buzzsprout podcasts Transcript for full Show Notes (including related links) and Transcript Bonus   
Part 1: Grey-Areas. Part 2: Love even our enemies; Hate the Sin, Love the Sinner; Where is the Line(s). Part 3: Outdoor Play / different Churches. Part 4: Chasing away a Sinner. Part 5: Pensive (thoughtful) vs Reactionary (Emotional Hysterics).    
See Buzzsprout podcasts Transcript of Episode for related addl info
Transcript Bonus: Grey-Areas (part 1)   

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(CTP S2E62 Audio: 47m 43s, Sat Aug 24 2024)

SNEAK-PEEK: The next several TLB pieces (planned going forward from July 27th) and correlating/corresponding CTP Shows already outlined, ready to go, in some cases actually already pre-recorded. Why mention such? Well, it means I can add this COMING SOON (and/or recently dropped) addition/section to the Show Notes...
July 27 - S2E58: Self-Sufficiency?  
August 3 - S2E59: Who is Baby-Sitting Whom? 
August 10 - S2E60: #PrinciplesNotPersonalities 
August 17 - S2E61: Democrats (aka: #Fascicrats) Hate   
August 24 - S2E62: Finding the Sweet Spot  
August 31 - S2E63: Neighborliness    
September 7 - S2E64: Charity (Neighborliness, part 2)     

some "Behind-the-Scenes" Video version of ChristiTutionalist Politics found via...   

In addition to seeing corresponding TheLibertyBeacon piece referenced in episodes of CTP, see too Show transcript on Podcast platforms that provide access to it (like buzzsprout ( for addl bonus material  there-in. 


Transcription Services below from:

[ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast begin Show intro]

Welcome to ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast aka CTP in association with and I am your host Joseph M Lenard and that's L E N A R D   CTP is your no muss no fuss just me you And occasional guest type podcast as Graham Norton would say let's get on with the show 

[ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast - Segment 1] 

hey hey wait a minute why is this all of a sudden sounding like hey
hey it's Fat Albert now this isn't a Bill Cosby routine
it's an open for those on bit you bright on
rumble YouTube see behind the scenes I've got my principles not personalities
background with three of my five international books up there on the
background I I forgot to change the background so let's do that video
settings as I say in the opening right low key not major high production you
see it live not live but you know raw and uncut the blemishes and all and yes
indeed I could have stopped the recording and we started it with the now
correct constitutionalist politics banner background but you know this is me
you're getting me the imperfect guy right I'm not here to put on errors but
indeed at any rate okay let's get one of them in and out of the way already and
the other thing if you're looking on the video I'm wearing my a true shotcaster
shirt shotcaster being a term I coined several years ago you know based on the
old obvious DJs like Stern and I'm a and a mad cow became known as shock jocks
well this is the era of the podcaster so I coined shotcaster well the only time
I'm a shotcaster or in shotcaster mode is what I'm on with savage on savage done
filtered and indeed savage is running with the a true shotcaster this is a
shirt that you can get from the savage army store based on my term creation
because indeed Michael Gardner is real name in case you want to look up his
books savage is indeed from radio traditional radio originally and indeed
savage done filtered obviously in the name it's more a
hotcaster or it kind of podcast whereas
Christetucia's politics while what I may say at times may be shocking to people
reality often is to the delusional but I'm not here to purposefully willfully
and malice of forethought be in your face and sucking to make my points
usually in general but indeed are you ready I know you know what I'm gonna say
right ready here comes at any rate and yes for the benefit of the transcript
again some people read the show rather than listen or watch the video on the
video channels for the benefit of the transcript yes laughing out loud at
myself at my at any rate crutch that I now indeed purposefully willfully and
malice of thought forethought throw into the show as a kind of poke at myself in
hilarity because we've got to keep us into him or but indeed at any rate I'm
looking at the clock like four minutes in I haven't even said that title of the
show yet so let's get out with the show as Graham Norton used to say let's
pretend that first part hadn't even happened yet if you're looking on video
or you can hear me shaking and these the notes normally normally I have the
Liberty Beacon piece written already before I record a show the correspondent
correlated in conjunction with the Liberty Peak and calm article but today
if you could see that trying to get it visible in the count there you go you
could see I've just got five bullet point notes on there that I want to touch on
I will touch on in the show now and it's of course will then be in the article
but I will expand more in the article on each of these five items first let me
read the opening that I do have in place the oh the title the title I apologize I
think you're part what the bleep is the title of the show it might change but the
title I might go with the shorter part but the full title of the Liberty Beacon
associated article is finding the sweet spot no not sexual thing get your mind
out of the gutter LOL finding the sweet spot what are we talking about here
well I I went to an outdoor open place the other day at a church I had never
been to that just minor T set up as to how wide this is in my mind again now
I've thought of it several times hasn't addressed it feel I need to know but
item one number one if you could see it on the list is gray areas you know I've
had or I hope you know if you don't know please go back in to bus part
but it's my bus route archives or I heart or Amazon music or whatever whatever
whatever the 20 platforms the show is carried or picture bright on rumble
YouTube the video behind the scenes sneak peek video version archives of the
shows I've done two shows written two articles at TLB gray areas things aren't
always black and right right and wrong good and bad godly evil well that one's
a lot more definitive but you know no person is generally all good saintly
at least not now kind take your say no one is all synced and no one is all
pure evil sinner 100,000 percent of the time there are gray areas right no one
is all right or wrong if Joseph Robin it by dumb says something I agree with I
will not just put on my red mega rock rock rock Trump team have to say I
disagree with him just to be contradictory if he says something I like I agree
with him and vice versa Trump not all right not all wrong not all good not
all bad character matters and while I feel he's grown a lot there's still that
inter-six-year-old child at times that's an issue Trump I agree with most of the
time but if I disagree I'm vocally gonna say I disagree because I worship no man
I'm not a cultist for any man if you know me you know I coined the term
nincompop I criticize Francis he in my mind is far more interested in peddling
communism than Catholicism a lot of the times but again this show is not
meant to be partisan in the denominational sense not a Catholic show not a
Methodist show not a Lutheran show not a this show that show yada yada yada yada
show it's the overall Christianity umbrella and focusing on our Bible parts
our separate Bibles there are so many of them that the things that we could
come together in a grand under Christ not division as Satan wins if we are busy
being divided and arguing amongst each other but gray areas right so if Trump
says something I disagree with I'm gonna say I'm not a cultist for any person we
are all human frail flawed capable of mistakes so I am not gonna worship no
man on this planet I worship Jesus that's the point of this show right gray areas
and I made that point please again there's a part one a part two please check out
those areas I'm not drawing a clear I should have wrote down in my notes a
clear example again you know pick anyone you know in your family if you're not
looking through rose colored glasses everyone you know has folks no one is
perfect and our interpretation of what we would define as perfect might be
different from somebody else so there are gray areas areas of agreement and
disagreement and hence the show title I guess it's a gray areas part three I
didn't think of that till just now finding the sweet spot is not being off
the deep end one way or off the deep end the other way and completely closed
minded and closed heart and unable to think things through item five pensive
thoughtful versus reactionary emotional hysterics there's a key that's number
five we'll get there so enough with the gray areas I think and hope you get
that to set this up to love even our enemies is my note to remind me and hate
the sin love the sinner get it now where is the sweet spot where is that line to
indeed biblically condemn that lusty be condemned final judgment is for the
Lord but the Bible has a dozen plus passages on judgment we are to judge and
we are to judge biblically and we are not to be hypocrites about it judge the
same biblical standards remove the log from our own eye before criticizing
others judging on the same standards so where is that line yes hate the sin
love the sinner but someone who wants to dwell in their sin all day 24 hours
a day seven days a week 52 weeks of the year okay you do not associate with them
then correct there is gray area we are to hate the sin love the sinner but at the
same time how can we allow ourselves to associate with someone who is openly
evil is the point here all the time there's a difference and a distinction
here but what brought this up item three on the note outdoor play different
churches okay we're going to get into the crux of finding that sweet spot
in this gray area we are to hate the sin and love the sinner I went to an
outdoor play I just happened to get an email open theater group in the down
river Detroit Michigan area I man I get their emails I've been meaning to go to
one of their plays for for a year and a half or so now and just never got
around to it they had an open air theater play two people again holding up both
fingers would do what it makes for the dummy one hand two fingers on it two
people did a murder mystery play played I don't guess in parts or so both people
swapping in and out you know putting on a different item to depict the fact and
different change in tone of voice to depict the different characters really
good I enjoyed it but that's an aside the point here is that that open theater
event last night was held at a church that I've gone past on on Fort Street
that won't mean much to most of you Fort Street southbound out of wind that
headed down you know if you take it all the way down towards Toledo a Lutheran
church again not to pick per se oh sorry like I said this is a raw uncut you
probably heard the Skype chime somebody tried to call me on Skype I just ended
the call well I was saying southbound Fort Street a church a Lutheran church
this is not about Lutheran per se it just happens to be this particular church
on the door there is the rainbow mafia alphabet flag on the left forming the
left portion of the heart and then in purple the rest of it forming the rest
of the heart and in the center of the heart the word inclusive okay now my
ever number five reactionary my first reactionary thought is I'm leaving this
is not a church of Christ it takes church of woke but then my intellectual
side took over my pensive thoughtful side took over and said well wait a
minute I don't have enough information Jesus wants us to hate the sin love the
center I may be over reacting here I don't know enough about this church and
I met Pastor Jeff I don't know enough about him and I gave him a copy of my
Christitutions politics book the first one which in the back has taking the
rainbow back so maybe maybe not I might hear back from him because yeah I'm in
that book talking about taking back the full seven colored gods rainbow from the
rainbow alphabet mafia crowd but again my intellectual side and the point
finding that sweet spot hate to sin loves the center I have gay and lesbian
friends I'm sorry Billy I'm going to mention your name not your last name
obviously Billy gay man known him for decades my sister and he became friends
my sister seven years younger than I am when they were in high school together
he quickly became a quasi part of our family we know he's gay it is not an
issue for me it is condemn not less he be condemned because Billy is a
tolerance and acceptance gay and there's a distinction and I'm getting to it so
please please do not get upset please bear with me through this whole thing
right where sweet spot hate the sin love the center and we love Billy like he's
a member of our family he was always not always but you know on occasion over
for dinner and whatnot with the family and we accept him as part of the family
but again he is one of those you know I'm a person who happens to be gay not
versus the rainbow alphabet mafia if I coined gay to this engaging in
datavism where Billy's not anti-Christian but these data this engaging in
gate to visit often are very anti-Christian and peddling the notion
Christians are hateful they hate gays no I'm just outlined I love Billy like your
brother let's be friends love them like sisters okay but they are tolerance and
acceptance they are people who happen to be this and struggling with such okay
understanding my Christian position on traditional marriage doesn't mean I hate
them it has nothing to do with hate but the rainbow alphabet mafia Billy doesn't
want anything to do with them the fun to pot that we discussed she is a trans
all right let me put that all right in air quotes trans because again I know
that's gonna that's the accepted term we have to deal in language but Luvon
Duvon has been on savage den filtered and again he she the von to avoid a
pronoun entirely because the von also again understands my position or let me
dive off that for a second log cabin Republicans gay republicans got no
problem with them they're not gativist engaging in datavism so you can be gay
and conservative you don't have to be a left-wing loon anti-Christian anti-
American as the rainbow alphabet mafia crowd are and that's the point I'm trying
to make here the law cabin Republicans want nothing to do with the whole LGBT
elemento P X Y Z plus minus divide equal carrot symbol you know whatever that
all rainbow alphabet mafia garbage indicator is today they don't want nothing to do
with it Luvon doesn't want nothing to do with that gate to this Billy wants nothing
to do with gate to this log cabin Republicans want nothing to do with
gate to this engaging in datavism so there is a difference there hate the
sin love the center but the rainbow alphabet mafia crowd are that red's line
there is a difference right finding that sweet spot tolerance and acceptance
still being honest with gay and lesbian said or indeed I'm a person who happens
to be gay as opposed to these ideologue activist groomers engaging in
pedophilia and recruitment that is different that is a red line I do not
will not cross that that's the difference here see that sweet spot being open and
loving as Christ wants us to but understanding there are indeed red
lines in the Bible that contextually have to be understood and cannot and will
not be crossed so I certainly didn't say anything to Pastor Jeff but that image
on the door initially emotionally upset me but again I don't know enough
our inclusivity is fine bending over backwards to cater to a woke agenda and
the rainbow alphabet mafia is another story so I don't know that word inclusive
or inclusivity has become such a divisive fighting term now so again my heart
said oh I gotta leave this might be a church of woke rather than a church of
Christ but then again this show is about having a heart but not letting it rule
our head all the time we must think we must apply logic reason common sense
inclusivity in the original traditional Webster Marion definition of the term is
an okay thing it's a biblical thing it is the modern twisted warp woke
poestical corruptness as I call PC cultural Marxism bastardization of inclusive
that is again at issue and on the Liberty Beach and calm yes I've got
twisting and warping of the language part one and part two if you've not read
those please check those out at the Liberty Beacon calm I see I'm like almost
25 minutes in so I want to move along item four chasing away a sinner well why
do I say that and why just point three lead to point four in finding the sweet
spot I know someone else who recently left his church because there was indeed
a sinner there a former alcoholic who was abusive towards others in life trying
to get straight turn their life around been sober but yet some holier than all
Christians you know good bad and ugly these in my mind are fake Christians
if you think you're holier than all and like they did tell this person trying
to get their life right coming to church finding Christ to try to help get their
life right looking for help from our church family and they tell him you're
not welcome here excuse me everyone has to be welcome but at the same time at
the point being the pastor can't then leave out parts of the Bible to be so
inclusive right so open-minded as the sand goes that your brain falls out you
much teach and preach the whole Bible and if it upsets some of the parishioners
oh well that's their problem that's because they're not looking for the real
Christ and Christianity there as my friend pastor Sean Todd of Wham says
they're looking for the hacky sack version of decent just the peace law
the tolerance only ever leaving out the parts where he called fake Christians
vipers fools snakes right there's the tough side of Jesus the tough love part
we must include to but we shouldn't unless of someone's coming in threatening to
burn down the church well yeah okay all right gray area nothing absolute we are to be welcoming
and open to all we indeed want to in the traditional original definition want to be inclusive
but if somebody's coming in badmau5 and Christianity all the time it's threatening to burn down your
church yeah no you get a restraining order they are not welcome are you saying the
distinction and the difference here but yeah I agree with the guy saying I need to find another
church you people are not real Christians if you're not open to wanting to bring people to Christ
and Christianity and help them to turn their life around to hate to sin but love the sinner
and try to help the sinner find the error of their ways and clean up both figurative literally
physically and spiritually themselves then I'm sorry I'm gonna just dare say it you're not a
Christian you're not a real Christian you're not reading the whole bible the entire bible
in complete context like this show is about we need to oh I sorry I got distracted
Norton utility just again I give you this whole thing blemishes and all you're not going to see
it on the video but a Norton utility just popped up in front of the zoom where it's like get out
of here I'm busy recording I had any right back to that yeah chasing away sinners rather than
welcoming them and trying to help them become good humans bad the other extreme being so open-minded
that you've become a church of woke rather than a church of Christ bad where is that gray area
sweet spot right the title finding the sweet spot and yeah again no not a sexual thing get your
mind out of the other but yeah it involves sex in a way because we're talking about the rainbow
but mafia and sexual preference supposedly and a difference between tolerance and acceptance
I'm there a person who happens to be gay but that is not what defines them that is not what only
makes them them them it's that made any sense to you three uses of the word them no no pronouns
pun intended oh my I just recognized they them no no no pronoun pun intended but helping them to
straighten out their life we should want to do that that's indeed inclusive in the original
sense of the word not the leftist woke pathetic corruptness twisted wolf definition like I said
on another show dei right my friend and bandaranka months ago more people are using now di well
ed bandaranka was the first to do it here in michigan months ago I probably even last year
di is really di he said that I added to that yeah right that makes sense because it's not really
about diversity inclusion and equity it's leftist cultural Marxism about killing America
killing western culture up uprooting so they can replace our governance system our republic
to a commie fashies socies as I say blend again this isn't the 1930s where the German Nazi
socies right there in their name socialist later became known as fascists like el duche
fascists in Italy and Franco fascists in Spain fighting the Moscow back communists
in their respective nations for power and control today it's all one thing commie fashies
socies blend they're all one and the same all have the same basic goals they being the ruling elite
lording over all others the color of their banner may be different but their goals their aims most
to their tactics slight differences in implementation of how they achieve things
but commie fashies socies blend all basically the same today
uh that now I've gone off on a tangent but again as I've said on another show all these things
are interconnected and interrelated so if I go down a rabbit hole it's not just because hey
this random thought opted to my head these all relate they want to destroy our culture and
data vists engaging in gaitivism are on the other side of that line because their data vist
is their identity it is like their sole purpose in life to be part of the rainbow alphabet mafia
trying to recruit trying to groom trying to legalize and legitimize and normalize pedophilia
no that is a line we cannot and shall not cross right that term slippery slope we warned
and this issue and all kinds of other issues that slippery slope that a lot of people
tend to dismiss oh no it's never going to come to that and well here we are we told you we warned
you right it's the boiling frog analogy you put the frog in boiling water whoa wait a minute
that's too far too hot jump right out put it in cool water on the stove heated up over time
it may not recognize how hot it's become until it's too late all right that analogy there are
red lines the slippery slope on so many issues is real and you were forewarned and many of you just
refused to deal with it but again that sweet spot tolerance and acceptance of someone who
yeah i'm a person and happen to be gay i would appreciate your tolerance and acceptance
is different we should be inclusive with them and tell them how much we love them how much we hate
their sin but we love them and we hope they find their way to christ we care about their soul
versus someone who is gone too far is a gaitivist engaging in gaitivism salary sorry tolerance
has a limitation and you are over the line i cannot i will not associate with you and yes
you are clearly antithetical to christ and all his teachings in context and not welcome
get the point right for every rule there can be exceptions all right i'm i'm droning on looking
at the clock like 35 minutes and you know i don't like to have my shows be very long to be able to
be sure i keep you as an audience member not tie up your whole day by having a a three-hour show
which at the time of this recording uh an aside this is a random aside nothing to do with this
episode but i try to keep my shows 20 to 40 minutes preferably 20 to 30 but i will be on with rick
walker again maverick news tonight well so now i should tell you the day i'm recording this
even though this show won't air until like august the 24th i am recording today friday august the
second and i'm grabbing my pen before because i forgot to draw a line through friday august
a second to denote this is today at any rate indeed i will be on with rick walker tonight who
does monday through friday often saturday and sunday also a three-hour show oh that's way too long
but i agree to go on i'll be on live at eight o'clock there again just too late now for you to know
as is this airing but you could look back to the old show we'll be talking about a propagandized
fake attack on a craymy and beach that the russians are claiming is an assault by ukraine using a u.s
supplied cluster bomb which would be a war crime it's it's all garbage i'm joining him at eight he
starts at seven i'm joining him live at eight we're going to go to ten and then from ten to midnight
a very long show we're going to be airing kind of science science theater three thousand style
airing the last man on earth with Vincent Price and making commentary during the movie but indeed
that's actually a complete rabbit hole that really has nothing to do other than behind the scenes of
why i try to keep my show short there are shows that seemingly go on forever like rick rick's kind
of does uh item five let's get to item five and wrap this up pensive thoughtful versus
reactional in parentheses emotional hysterics right pensive like mic pence yeah but i'm
bumpy pun intended this time there can be we're talking extremes here and finding that sweet spot
unfortunately like i liked mic pence as a person i never thought he was the best choice
for trump for vp the first time and it turned i turned out to be right he was one of several
relatively reasonable choices for good reasons at the start of the campaign but indeed mic pence
is an example of the type of person or politics pop up that can't talk here we go screw it up my
words again pensive have to think too much take too long trying to think things through can never
have an immediate reaction to something based on internal values and principles versus and
i'm gonna upset some people again no one is all good no one is all bad i agree with trump most of
the time not all the time i'm going to use trump as the reactionary example because at times
that inner six-year-old of his does come out and he can indeed be too reactionary but in this
example he's not the other extreme there are people like the snowflakes and yes there are snowflakes
on the left and the right that are purely emotional racks hysterics always an immediate
knee jerk rea emotional reaction to everything those are the extremes and neither one of them are
good what is finding the sweet spot in that like i did at the Lutheran church and i saw that image
on the door my emotional first response was tempered by my brain saying hey wait a minute
good bad ugly gray areas what really is that symbol saying i as a human could be misinterpreting
it could be misreading it could maybe emotionally overreact to it i do not
did not then still do not now have enough information to say whether that is indeed still
a church of god a church of christ indeed wanting to hate the sin but love the center and be as
welcoming as possible as we should or indeed is one of far too many churches we recognize today
that are no longer recognizable as churches of christ they are the church of locus and humanism
and relativism moral relativism of today there is difference there are distinctions and the
point of the show now 40 minutes in is that let us not be the reactionary emotional hysteric
type let us not though also be so pensive that we can never make a decision on anything because
we have to think it through for three years no sign that sweet spot and let your heart be there
be empathetic be sympathetic be loving but indeed engage our brains and find that sweet spot
we need to garner i need to garner more information about that church to really learn what it is
and what it's about before i either fully praise it or i indeed fully i don't want to use the word
condemn right fully judge it but again condemnation final judgment is for that of the lord and i
will just say one last thing yeah there there was a woman that showed up in the audience with a
a pride shirt on it's like but again i don't want to judge her based on that alone see the point
i don't have enough information i am now defensive about her i am suspicious of her but i have to
allow her to present more of who she really is not but that just that shirt define who she is in my
mind because i don't know her i don't know enough about her to indeed judge her at this point
so i'm going to wrap it up thank you all appreciate it take care god bless again in conclusion yes
we are to be inclusive to hate to send love to center but there are limitations for every rule
there are exceptions some people can be so far gone so evil or so bad or so
caught up no rapture joke intended pardon me it has a cough but so caught up in their sin
that it defines who they are and it's all about that only about that ever no i don't have to tolerate
that there are lines so please again share the concepts shared here if not like share and subscribe
the show itself uh we need indeed as will be tapped on the end of this episode like a parrot
like share subscribe like share subscribe please indeed like the show on whatever platform you
listen or watch share please share it through social media or email or word of mouth to your friends
and your family this show in order to help grow the show and get this ultimate message of love
and coming together as best we can because again if we stay divided amongst ourselves
christ went christ and we as christians lose satan wins if we are divided in and at each other
again did uh i have a before its news piece did christ contradict himself of course not
we as humans screwed things up uh all these different denominations we have did Jesus
command that did God command that did the bible say break off into a bazillion different new
churches no it doesn't we humans did that we frail imperfect potential for mistakes did that so
all these different denominations all may be part right all may be part wrong it's up to us
that's where face comes in and focus the whole bible in full context and coming together in love
and under christ those things we can agree on uh this is me actually signing off for real this time

[ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast begin Show outro]

Thank you for having tuned into ChristiTutionalist Politics show. Please be sure to check out more about today's discussion at where my articles drop every Saturday in addition to seeing the corresponding piece referenced in the episode of ChristiTutionalist podcast see to the show transcript on podcast platforms that provide access to it like buzzsprout at for additional bonus material therein the transcript. Thank you. Take care. God bless

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Transcription Services above from:


BONUS MATERIAL BELOW from: TheLibertyBeacon "Grey Areas (part 1)" [See original piece at: , for referenced links, images, and embedded videos.]

[2,000 words, 0 images, 4 videos]

Things usually lotta GREY AREA… 

Things are usually never pure Black/White, Right/Wrong, Good/Evil, but indeed lots of GREY AREA distinctions. Sadly, most too lazy (or lacking functioning Grey-matter) to deal in any nuance and historically accurate context - prefer Twitter degree Talking-Point drive-by level absolutist-position sound-bites… This holds true of so many issues/topics, but I am just going to mainly talk about a #SocialMedia back and forth I had awhile back about Russell Brand as main example (other brief comments/mentions, or this would become a novel) to make my point… Whether it be this or anything else, there are often various different camps of people with varying own personal agendas wanting to muddy the waters for their own gain; and we need be smart-enough to dig into the WHY (motivations) someone is saying what as part of the determinations of whether genuine or even factual (or spin/false-narrative/lies). The very concept of what meets “Grey Area” definition can be argued, therefore Grey.

How do the likes of Russell Brand, Rosanne Barr, and POTUS45 (Donald J. Trump, Candidate for 2024 to hopefully become POTUS47) all factor in?!?! And, yes, this is going to take “detailing” (to do this Justice) not “drive-by pot-shot” Twatter like preferred brevity to fully hash-out – and therefore broken into 2 parts (part 2 next week) as it is both (even separate parts) longer than preferred even individually.

People normally, when being logical, understand, but sadly emotional hysterics get involved at times and people forget the basic “always shades of Grey area” concept. There is a reason why the phrases “Marriage of convenience,” “Enemy of my Enemy (not my friend but if desperate enough may need to temporary partner” ("I may be able to make a USEFUL IDIOT for my ends/purposes of my Enemies Enemy, temporarily to defeat one Enemy today, but they certainly are NOT, nor likely ever, MY FRIEND, and likely someone needing defeating also tomorrow!"), “the lessor of two Evils,” “desperate times, sometimes calls for desperate measures (and people may do something they would never normally do),” “Misery acquaints a man with strange bedfellows,” “for every rule there are often exception(s)/exemption(s),” and on and on exist!!! There is indeed difference between the concepts of “honestly just mis-remembering,”  “outright creating a Fiction to Lie.” Those things should invoke a degree of understanding in many of the main point, but this in and of itself as a concept is not always direct and grey in how, when, where, applies. These examples, separate and apart and have no relation to additional other examples, given here-in or you may think of on your own.
We generally recognize GREY AREAS in Law – it’s called mitigating circumstances, or voluntary vs coerced, (we do not punish equally someone for negligent homicide (ultimately still arguably “accidental” causation of death) as do premeditated Murder (especially serial killers); for a very harsh and drastic/dramatic example – John Lee Malvo (aka: Lee Boyd Malvo) did not receive same sentence as John Allen Muhammad (together known as “The Beltway Snipers”)). First time offenders, treated more lenient than repeat offenders. Some would say the basic concepts and moral of Les’ Misérables sub-storylines and intersections (conflicting circumstances, motivations, etc.). More than one thing can be true at same time, and the sometimes conflicting bits-and-pieces and/or polar-opposites need weighed for overall determinations.

Granted, the afore-mentioned Les’ Mis’ sometimes cross-conflicting situations a far better example (in so far as just the “within Law” application of the GREY AREAS point and people more likely to grasp the GRAY AREAS (no-one likely all Good nor all Evil, we have to extrapolate further) concepts than where I am about to go next – but, none-the-less, it is an example of things may not always be cut-and-dry and easily discerned News item of late…

For better or worse, full disclosure on this, I am writing this at end of September for likely placement ahead/out in November – whole lot more light may be shown upon the main example/situation I am about to use in furtherance of my point by then. But, again, better or worse, I will be leaving this as is as it is about a greater/broader set of points than the Russell Brand attack/smear or “revelation” if true (as I type this, too early to tell, IS THERE EVIDENCE?). Part of the point of this is people making knee-jerk emotionally hysterical stances very early; or based upon Personalities rather than Principles, or own Personal agenda narratives; before evidence presents – as, yes, sorry, sadly, there are emotional hysterical Snowflakes on The Right also (will flip-flip any given moment to the next cause it’s partisan posturing rather than #PrinciplesNotPersonalities). The accusations, the denials, will take months IF we ever get to actual charges and (in part why I feel OK with putting this together now for later, as things not likely to shake-out entirely before Publication, like and) Trial (which likely not necessary now, if fools allow Russell to be Cancelled/destroyed well before that, and those looking to destroy him “potentially unjustifiably” get their way). 

VIDEO (10m 01s): Know Nothing Snowflakes, on both the Right and the Left (@JlenardDetroit YouTube channel):     
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I posted:

Podcaster Russell Brand under attack (legit or smear, not the point, but) The Left again gets its Cancel Culture way based on REALITY? or MORE BASELESS ALLEGATIONS???
Russell Brand - The Left cannot allow a hint of dissent, even from someone like Brand (still a #BernieBro) on their own side... or others may question Left false-narratives...

As for Russell – I do not give one shit about him, however the situation matters....

Brand may play the "RED PILL as a gimmick" podcast.
but indeed a game is all it is. He is controlled opposition, IMO.

He is still 100% a BernieTard (claimed in his own Words “Sanders supporter” recently).
He may occasionally "point out a valid problem."
BUT his Solutions are always more Leftardism BernieBro Socialism manure.
Now The Left dare not let him gain more traction, cuz if ANYONE is allowed to start to question ANY of their false-narratives others may too. Exactly why The Left tries label everything as “Conspiracy Theory” to distract/distort/deny or otherwise part of (full complement of) The Leftist’s 7 D’s, as I previously covered in a TLB piece on October 14th 2023. Just because I understand him to be “Controlled Opposition” and suckering many under false-pretense and in my mind also as dangerous as (maybe more, cuz he may fool induhpendents, where-as the likes of) CNN, MSNBCiles, etc., doesn’t mean I will join in the cries to pull him from YouTube and where-ever else as I’d actually like him to be (personally, but my FREE SPEECH for any/all stance forbids me from going there (#PrinciplesNotPersonalities, have I mentioned that a few times in several of my TLB pieces? LOL)).

Now, I think he's always been a low-life POS scum-of-the-earth egotistical and self-centered Millionaire insider idiot, but I enjoy his movies (usually funny).

Him being a POS (IMO) his entire Life does NOT make him automatically Guilty of Rape (or even just Sexual-Assault – you do not get to “consent” then later “recant”). Do I think he could be Guilty of it, YES, but I am about #PrinciplesNotPersonalities and he deserves a Defense and INNOCENT until proven Guilty.

Remember the Duke Lacrosse fiasco?
Remember the Kavanaugh hearings farce?

Even Rose McGowan the Poster-Woman for the #MeToo movement said in September (via X/Twitter) this smells - an anonymous attack - whomever needs come forward and bring evidence of some kind not just what can be an empty baseless accusation to smear someone to get them Cancelled.

But back to Brand's act/schtick (angle, to draw monetization revenues)...
I find it hilarious how many Useful Idiots he has following him.

He has his money, he will keep his money, you will stay poor while he and his other Ruling Elitists further destroy (BiDUMB doing a pretty good Job already, making Cloward and Piven proud) the System that has lifted more people from Poverty in the entirety of all History of this Planet.

You think #BiDUMBnomics is bad? Wait for bernienomics (even more Paul Krugman style manure, over Sowell based reality Economics (I speak with Sardor Akhmedov on CTP S1E17 10/14 show about Economics)) disaster if he were to ever be allowed into oval office...

VIDEO (9m 46s): NEW Russell Brand Accuser Comes Forward, Agent DROPS Him Amid Slew Of Sexual Misconduct Allegations (The Hill (Sep. 2023)):    
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My friend responded:

The sexual revolution set people up with publicized sexuality. The left proclaimed "free sex", leading progressive, childlike trusting people away from God's laws and guidance. Now, these new agers are turning on each other, accusing and condemning people for what their sex revolution did. Typical Marxist behaviors. Russell Brand set himself up then when he turned to actual free speech, guys like himself and Andrew Tate are left open to be shot down, according to the left's hypocrisy.

To which I further replied:

Yep, you get it, frankly I do not think the likes of Russell do indeed still get it! That it was a certainty once he questioned anything on The Left, they would very enthusiastically push him (one of their own) under the Bus - as I said, well hinted before say implicitly now, they cannot allow even minor questions of their false-narratives as more will then potentially grow usable functioning Brain-matter and do same.
But, lastly, again, I find it hilarious, the number of folks on The Right that want to now pretend a Bernie Bro is some sort of Hero and defend him personally (go well and beyond the proper, legal, #RuleOfLaw, “due process” required, argument).
I call him out as scum, I would never defend "Russell" per se, but COMPELLED to carefully craft posts like I have calling out THE SITUATION and how it portends to/for others and not Personal defense. Some hypocrites on Right, selling out, want to make him some Hero he isn’t for what? some MINOR POINT - Hell No, I can, we can, make the point(s) without at same time try to turn some SCUMBAG into SAINTHOOD image. Shit is usually NEVER pure Right/Wrong, Good/Evil, Black/White, but GREY AREAS that sadly too many are too lazy to DEAL IN THE NUANCE but rather absolutist sounding Talking-Points that can fit a Drive-By pot-shot Twatter (limited characters) Post.

This is why Twitter is a problem, dumbs-down things to just drive-by pot-shot posts without any and proper context – as Paul Harvey would say: The Rest Of The Story (or a whole story).

So how is this a GREY AREA matter/example? Let me implicitly make clear in case some confused by this line of thought, again the no-one is all Good vs all Evil. While someone may indeed be Guilty of one thing or another (including just having piss-poor “Character”) does not mean they should automatically by extension be assumed Guilty of something else. Yes, not the best example, but does relate to the subject-matter.

Lastly, to wrap up part 1 of GREY AREAS, is the issue of the spelling for the color in this article in itself a GREY AREA. From Merriam-Webster (dictionary people): Grammar & Usage Commonly Confused 'Gray' vs. 'Grey': What is the Difference? When it comes to spelling, it's not all black and white. What to Know Gray and grey are both common spellings of the color between black and white. Gray is more frequent in American English, whereas grey is more common in British English.

Continued in part 2, next week with Trump/POTUS45 and Rapper Tom MacDonald examples!

Stop only whining online, get off the couch, and ACT (details here)!!

The corresponding, more in-depth to other GREY AREA examples, ChristiTutionalist TM Politics Shows…

VIDEO (43m 40s): CTP S1E22 “Grey Areas” w/ Rick Walker [“Maverick News” Canada] (@JlenardDetroit YouTube channel):       
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen></iframe>

VIDEO (30m 23s): CTP S1E23 “Grey Areas 2” w/ Miss Liz [“T.E.A. Time w/ Miss Liz” Canada] (@JlenardDetroit YouTube channel): 
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen></iframe>  

BONUS MATERIAL ABOVE from: TheLibertyBeacon "Grey Areas (part 1)" [See original piece at: , for referenced links, images, and embedded videos.]

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