ChristiTutionalist (TM) Politics

ChristiTutionalist Politics (S2E64) "Charity (Neighborliness part 2)"

Joseph M. Lenard Season 2 Episode 64

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CTP S2E64 SHOW NOTES ( listen (Sat Sep 7 2024 and thereafter) 
at: )... 
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S2E64) "Charity (Neighborliness part 2)" 
See Buzzsprout podcasts Transcript for full Show Notes (including related links) and Transcript Bonus  
Following up to last week's "Neighborliness" episode examined Tim Walz's "One Man's Socialism is another Man's Neighborliness" extending it into Charity, Grace, other aspects of Biblical Community and including "It Takes A Village" reference proper application vs Leftist #Hitlery Communism "Wards of Fascistic State" and review of The Bradford Colony and Mayflower Compact - as Paul Harvey would say: The Rest of the Story! Examining the notions of "Sow to Reap," "Shall Be Known By Fruits," as well as 2 Chronicles 7:14 importance breakdown. And even what does (originally a Gospel Singer) Katy Perry #ROAR have to do with this episode"

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CTP S2E64 SHOW NOTES ( listen (Sat Sep 7 2024 and thereafter) 
at: )... 
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S2E64) "Charity (Neighborliness part 2)" 
See Buzzsprout podcasts Transcript for full Show Notes (including related links) and Transcript Bonus  
Following up to last week's "Neighborliness" episode examined Tim Walz's "One Man's Socialism is another Man's Neighborliness" extending it into Charity, Grace, other aspects of Biblical Community and including "It Takes A Village" reference proper application vs Leftist #Hitlery Communism "Wards of Fascistic State" and review of The Bradford Colony and Mayflower Compact - as Paul Harvey would say: The Rest of the Story! Examining the notions of "Sow to Reap," "Shall Be Known By Fruits," as well as 2 Chronicles 7:14 importance breakdown. And even what does (originally a Gospel Singer) Katy Perry #ROAR have to do with this episode"
See Buzzsprout podcasts Transcript of Episode for related addl info
Transcript Bonus: "Will Real Christians Save America" from TheLibertyBeacon  

Episode related pieces...

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(CTP S2E64 Audio: 30m 28s, Sat Sep 7 2024)

SNEAK-PEEK: The next several TLB pieces (planned going forward from August 17th) and correlating/corresponding CTP Shows already outlined, ready to go, in some cases actually already pre-recorded. Why mention such? Well, it means I can add this COMING SOON (and/or recently dropped) addition/section to the Show Notes...
August 17 - S2E61: Hate   
August 24 - S2E62: Finding the Sweet Spot  
August 31 - S2E63: Neighborliness    
September 7 - S2E64: Charity (Neighborliness, part 2)   
September 14 - S2E65: Stand Against Tyranny  
September 21 - S2E66: WOKEists Warping Words (Twisting Language part 3)  
September 28 - S2E67: Strategically Stupid  
October 5 - S2E68: School Shootings  

some "Behind-the-Scenes" Video version of ChristiTutionalist Politics found via...   

In addition to seeing corresponding TheLibertyBeacon piece referenced in episodes of CTP, see too Show transcript on Podcast platforms that provide access to it (like buzzsprout ( for addl bonus material  there-in. 


[ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast begin Show intro]

Welcome to ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast aka CTP in association with and I am your host Joseph M Lenard and that's L E N A R D   CTP is your no muss no fuss just me you And occasional guest type podcast as Graham Norton would say let's get on with the show 

[ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast - Segment 1] 

Hello everybody welcome to season
two episode 64. I find my place in my notes and first the title is charity neighborliness
part two but before I get into that I want to apologize to you for last week's episode.
I had to listen back for whatever reason it wasn't. I'm on an extra medication for a
strained muscle and nerve and it's got me a little foggy so bear with me please but yeah
I listened back to last week's episode and while the content was there that I wanted to be there
I felt that the presentation was very subpar and I want to apologize to you for that because you
would think now 64 episodes in I'd be getting better at this not worse right so I will strive
and endeavor to do a lot better but this episode too I don't script episodes but yes I'll be going
from notes and it'll be a fairly short episode two because it is a follow up to last week's
neighborliness episode and therefore I will be tacking on a second segment that will be going
into upcoming guests since this is airing in September some guests that were already on in August
and those from September through December not all of them but those that are known that will
be coming and I'm already feeling like I should apologize to you again for the presentation of
this episode I obviously don't have it all together today but as I've said to you in the past hey this
is me that's you why well not live but bro pretty much uncut most of the time it is what it is you
get me as I am I'm not a professional radio show host I think that is you all know that by the
presentations but I just kind of give it to you as is so at any rate yes let's get one of those in
early in the episode but let's get to it or as I say in the opening as Graham Norton would say
let's get on with the show rather than me rambling on all this other stuff but this episode is indeed a
bit shorter because as you know or if this is your first episode may not know this show
Christstitutional's Politics podcast is in conjunction with the Liberty Beacon every Saturday same day that
this show drops there is a corresponding correlating in conjunction with article usually the exact same
name as the CTP show Charity Neighborliness part two there on the Liberty Beacon I have to keep those
down to a readable level right if I put a 5000 word article up there nobody's going to read it so in
order to make that readable I broke the neighborliness down to last week and now Charity the extension of that
this week and indeed Tim Walls no theft from your neighbor to give to another neighbor is not
neighborliness it is certainly not Charity right to repeat community is voluntary charitable
lifting up etc that is biblical communism slash socialism which is forced theft and redistribution
tearing down people to give to others is not biblical and that's the point of this episode the
extension Cherokee stealing from one to give to another is not biblical Cherokee is Cherokee giving
it to salvation army or whatever so that others can make use of them now I know some people are not
found to salvation army because most of the time gifts that are given to them are then sold but
remember folks them selling things give them a lot of time and I'm not going to do that but I'm going to
give them the funds when a disaster occurs that they have funds so other charities however indeed
take items and then give those items to others in need both the items and then give those items to
others in need both forms of charity are equally important there is a need and use for all of that
and the other part I've got written down here is right you have to sell to reap that and you can't
do that and you can't do that and you can't do that and you can't do that and you can't do that and you can't do that
and the other part I've got written down here is right you have to sell to reap you can't just sit
around and do nothing like Jesus did not say in render unto Caesar he didn't say give everything your
Christian commanded duties to Caesar to do right we are given free will which means we are to then act on that we are to
want to be our brothers keeper not be commanded at the barrel of a gunpoint to do so we are to want to give of ourselves
our money our time our things our resources whereas that isn't a render unto Caesar thing give the all just let the government
do it know if that's your thinking I beg you please get back into your Bible and check the whole context as I say over and over in this show
the whole Bible in full context and also as part of this charity episode I wanted to mention I'm older I think you know I have health issues if this is your first episode you don't know that I have health issues I've been on disability I don't have the money to give but yeah I still occasionally will donate here in there five ten twenty bucks
if and when I can whatever of your means you can do you should do right and I bring this up because I volunteer time at the Mount Carmel Church Festival that's not the official church to which I belong but and it's also now known as Lady of the spatula no of course not hot just
just go go Lady of the scapular right but it will always be Mount Carmel Church to me they just has as I record this they are Church Festival if I can get the words out again I'm a little foggy I apologize this muscle relaxers got me a little flow in the membrane today still
but the Mount Carmel Church Festival is the last full weekend of every August so I usually deal blackjack and in fact hold on just a second
there we go for the people on the video behind the scenes I'm wearing my I never forget 9-11 shirt because we're at that time again but what I plan on doing actually was wearing this shirt the mock tuxedo t-shirt I know you've all seen them before right stop my name on there Joe because I used to deal blackjack in the Vegas tent
and Bob who ran the Vegas tent got us these shirts to you know kind of as a joke kind of as a tease kind of just messing around a little make us look a little more formal and that we were kind of in a uniform that way all to promote the Vegas tent whenever we walked around it says Vegas on the back they don't do a Vegas tent anymore so I volunteered four hours
at the beer tent and quickly the first beer I poured it was clear I can't pour the beer so I was quickly moved to the front to take the tickets you had to buy tickets to get the beer take the tickets and hand the beer over because
the first beer I poured was three quarters of the glass was foam and that certainly wasn't going to work but four hours really wore me out because I'm out of practice doing things and getting older getting slower just in poor health poor shape but four hours I was able to at least give and the point here being is I don't
know your situation isn't about really my situation but making the point what is your situation what can you give out of your bank account what can you give of your time and energy just a couple hours to a charity event your local churches do they have a soup soup
that can't talk soup kitchen where they help feed the poor the needy just donate some time and effort as well as money is equally important as well as of course our thoughts and prayers right I have an article and it'll be listed in the show notes is prayer alone enough and I refer you to two chronicles
seven fourteen if my people pray turn from their wicked ways I shall hear heal their land right I'm only paraphrasing pieces but my point is that many people miss the turn from good ways part that requires action
prayer alone yes is great but you also must so to reap you shall be known by your fruits we must act to try to turn our nation from the wicked ways
God will hear and help help us not wave a magic wand but aid us in the recovery or as I say roar hashtag roar again not the key Perry homage tribute to Helen ready I am woman hear me roar song her roar video no restore our American Republic
and faith and charity is part of our foundations communism was not and again to mention the Bradford colony if you've not heard me talk about that communism was tried on our continent long before marks came along they almost all starved to death because the Mayflower
commie compact made a common wealth they all were supposed to work and all supposedly then equally equity that communist equity thing got the same shares in return
of our human nature and soon there were more in the cart to be pulled and could be pulled by those pulling the cart and again as I said they almost started us so Bradford thankfully still in charge at that point
we have instituted private property ownership personal freedoms individual rights and responsibilities personal responsibility you don't work you don't eat and the Bible makes that distinction and separation that's why charity is what matters not communism
churches know who the unable are versus the Bible says the unwilling and we have no obligation to the unwilling get off your butt if you're able and help yourself
so I'm going to throw another at any rate in there because this episode actually is going longer than I was expecting it would have but I think I've touched on all the points I need to regarding charity as a follow up to neighborliness all these things relate
community is biblical communism is not I'll close it out before I go to the second segment previewing some guests that will be coming on for the midweek Wednesday drops
I'm actually recording on a Wednesday I just Wednesday September the 4th point of fact I just dropped before I hit record on this episode with M. H. Elric Christian author in the
fantasy genre of realm the likes of C. S. Lewis and J. R. R. Tolkien all right so before I get into that hitlery it takes a village is biblical in the biblical sense of community you may need someone to babysit the kid at some point you may be down on your look at some point
and need to take a healthy hand it takes a community voluntarily that village unlike hitlery's it takes the fiscistic state it takes a village is biblical when used properly and it is
cases of refresh and protections areorney gly Pitz
whom who is babysitting whom? Why go into that more in depth? They want you to just
be the nighttime babysitter but hand over your kids to the stake to indoctrinate
all day long. We need our parental rights back. With that I will conclude. Please
stay tuned to segment two, the upcoming shows, and unless you already sat through
it last week because it was attached there. Thank you all. Take care and God bless.
This is a special tack on segment for a couple of shows. They'll let you know
about from August, September, October potentially out into November shows. If
you're looking behind the scenes you can see I've got my I remember never
forget 9-11 shirt on and the 9-11 background since we're going to be
talking about things that will drop over September, October. This being August
when I'm recording and Hadassa Troi will be on and she talks about how painful
experiences become the first place of blessings. That's her book. How does Brooks,
not Brooks, Garth Brooks. I'm getting dyslexic with his name. How does Garth
Brooks unanswered prayers song relate? Hope you'll tune in to find out as well as
Star Track 5, the movie. How does that relate? I hope these little teases mean
you'll tune in when it drops or depending on where this additional
segment gets tacked on may have already dropped in August so please check it out.
Other another I should say August drop will be David Shine holding up the note
there. David Shine is the bestselling author of Bad Deal for America and the
decline of America 100 years of leadership failures.
Obvious tie into the politics part of the
constitutionalist politics podcast show and in September or going forward
loosely planned for September, October, time frame, M8, Ulrich comes on and we
talk also not another movie of reference in there but I hope you'll check in to
find out how the discussion with her brings up CS Lewis but Star Track again.
Like two episodes in a row or an episode apart this time Star Track the original
series, a episode and episode called parallel. A spoiler alert if you haven't
seen the old series they go to a planet and they worship the Sun. They assume it's
as you end the Sun above but as you get to the end you find out it is Christ
having visited another planet. The Son of God on another planet which is really
kind of blows my mind knowing that Gene Roddenberry was an atheist that such an
episode would have even been remotely allowed and considered but you know I want
to give them credit there were a wide variety of topics covered by that show so
please tune in to the M8, Ulrich episode to find out how that Star Track episode factors in.
If you recall if you've been with me a long time, last year 9-11 I had on my friend from
Wham Radio, your American Heritage Show at Bandarica. I plan for now that the episode
again will drop a new one not to repeat a new one on 9-11 with headbandarica but it is not
while we'll touch on that summer of number and stay it is not a show dedicated to that
but I just thought that was a logical day timeframe to have him back on since he was on last night
11, Leslie Hall now St. Leslie Nielsen by Leslie we're talking in mail here Leslie Hall and
a great conversation with him and we talk MLK in there and we talk about addiction so that's
an important show I hope you'll tune in we need a youth perspective so I've got a couple coming up
Christopher Armstrong Stevenson a young man a high schooler will be on so that we could talk
a youth perspective a Zoomer to Boomer I use that more term advisedly you'll see why a little later
Eddie you da man man with two ends though but you know me I can't pass the lane pun so I call them
Eddie you da man will be on he's a Christian music singer songwriter I'm going to have a few of
them on so I hope you tune in for that William our Douglas I'm holding up to the camera my notes
from that the sum of all our anger Civil War 2.0 book cover you could see if you're looking behind
the scenes obviously with all that's going on and my friend Mike Cole Garner aka Savage who wrote
the book America's political battle a current Civil War in terms of a cold Civil War we're
in a battle we're in a Civil War it's just not shooting at each other yet whereas
William his book goes into the what if it turns hot over the next few years his like my chair's
strikes book is historical fiction there is some fact some fiction that lends credence to the fact
that these issues boil over mainly to a hot Civil War another singer songwriter Richard Lynch
will be on we will be mentioning a theory give Conway Twitty tune in to find how they factor
into that episode Christine Spazado hey we're both Italiano so we joke Italian desserts
but seriously you've heard me talk about conservatives being censored on school campuses and she indeed
created a group student voices so we will talk further about that another singer songwriter
Robert Ross will be on if you don't have to like country you shouldn't have to like country
to tune in but if you are a country fan obviously you really want to tune in to find out how and why
Freddie Fender David Allen Cole get mentioned in the episode as well as I lost my place
looking looking Conway Twitty again George Jones and Vern Gosden he brought that name up that was
a name I hadn't heard in a long time so please tune in for that Robert Boog ever since I was in
high school we heard the rumor and conspiracy theory that William Shakespeare didn't write his
stuff I venture into that discussion with Robert Boog James Gebhardt is on and in who is babysitting
whom we've talked about honor your mother and father right who is the parent the left wants your
children to be warms of the state this is why they hate and want to destroy Christianity that honor
your mother and father part is in the way of their turning all children of the nation into
warms of the fascistic state remember I've talked before hitlery and the warping of the takes of
village which is biblical not hitlery's it takes the fascistic stake warp version of it Michelle
Jewsbury if you remember I had Trent Brock on in the past he has a chapter in a book about survivors
hardships in life Michelle Jewsbury has got a volume one out volume two three four will be coming
collections of survivors of hardships so people know they are not alone and indeed there may be
hopefully is they're not alone there is help there can be light at the end of the tunnel or around
the corner I mentioned zoomers to boomers if you see behind the scene there you see a little logo
there zoomers to boomer Roger Landry of the Liberty Beacon project again right for the Liberty Beacon
dot-com I am on TLB talk that's all part of the TLB project he's founder of that he has a show
with a young lady not gonna turn 18 soon but not yet so a young lady hence zoomers to boomers
they have a show together so again we get that youth perspective here that's much needed
and lastly I'm going to mention Lou am hunt another singer songwriter if you're at all a
patsy Klein fan or your parents or your grandparents were a patsy Klein fan you want to turn into the
edge to turn I cannot talk you want to tune into that show to see how patsy Klein has factored into
Lou am hunt's life and patsy Klein kind of lives on now through Lou am hunt thank you all just
wanted to give you a brief sneak peek at coming midweek Wednesday guest appearance drops take care
god bless 

[ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast begin Show outro]

Thank you for having tuned into ChristiTutionalist Politics show. Please be sure to check out more about today's discussion at where my articles drop every Saturday in addition to seeing the corresponding piece referenced in the episode of ChristiTutionalist podcast see to the show transcript on podcast platforms that provide access to it like buzzsprout at for additional bonus material therein the transcript. Thank you. Take care. God bless

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BONUS MATERIAL BELOW from: "Will Real Christians Save America" [See original piece at:, for referenced links, images, and embedded videos.]

Will real Christians be able to save America???

Will REAL CHRISTIANS Save America? It is why The Left wants Christianity destroyed! It helped found America, help destroy the Soviets, etc...
[as heard/referenced on EPI (Eradicating Programed Ignorance) Town Crier Show,  Savaged Unfiltered Podcast (also sub-related item discussed/heard on SUp/EPI: Latest Left WOKEism assault on our Culture), and WAAMradio.] 

First, let me say while the title demonstrates this article is mainly addressed to fellow Christians (yes, my Jewish, Muslim, just “Spiritualists” Friends too) it is also about/to/for my Atheist Friends!!! One does NOT have to be Religious/Faithful to be MORAL (as we all  "mostly" (aside from ultra-Leftist bastardization of that like virtually any/every term and language in general (regarding that TLB-part1 and TLB-part2 editions)) understand it. For example famous example being Penn of Penn and Teller fame. He continues to profess his Atheism BUT that Moral precepts often attributed to Religion/Faith as COMMON SENSE that I shall not Murder you nor you me, I have NO Right to your stuff nor you mine, and on and on, basis’s in our Laws....

Next: I AM A #ChristiTutionalist (A Real CHRISTIAN CONSTITUTIONALIST (Trademark pending))!!!

As @ABCCCC on ReTalk in “Propaganda” Post says…
“The reason our leftist FBI were targeting Catholic Churches, is because the Black churches were used to spread Marxist propaganda. They figure Traditional Americans will do the same to spread Pro-American info.”

[image source: ReTalk]

BINGO @ABCCCC, this is all very calculated…

Yes, think The Black Robe Brigades (and exactly what some Christian Churches are attempting to bring back, minus the Shooting Revolution part (at least for now, as some warn a new Revolution / Civil War may be just around the corner to Restore the Republic (more on that down-thread))) that helped launch our Revolution and our unique Republic!!!

VIDEO (5m 18s): Black Robe Regiments – Jack Hibbs:  
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen></iframe> 

Plus, remember too Pope John Paul II and the Russian Churches were a big part of bringing down the Soviet Union (which is why Putin is a fake Christian now, he learned from History that others didn’t, and now turned the Russian Church into his stooges so they don’t thwart his plans to restore the Soviet Empire.

VIDEO (2m 10s): Liberating a Continent: John Paul II and the Fall of Communism:  
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen></iframe> 

So, YES, they fear REAL CHRISTIAN CHURCHES would repeat History and defeat the Communists again and their allies agenda here in USA and their attempt to destroy Western Culture and bring back Soviet Culture).

[image source: Andrea Robertson - fineartamerica]

They don’t want Catholics (despite the #nincomPOPE Francis, as I coined after Francis was elevated to Pope) being more like Biden and Pelosi more interested in COMMUNISM than CATHOLICISM) to slow let alone potentially STOP (if not to begin to reverse) the spread of it here. And continuation of the Right-wing Extremism false narrative.

VIDEO (3m 33s): EWTN – FBI targets Catholic Leadership:   
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen></iframe>

There are “supposed Christians” to the tune of 30-50M not even Registered to Vote let-alone (another 10-30M Registered that don’t even Vote or) who refuse to get off their asses in any way to do a damn thing to change our downhill slide. They cling to 2 Chronicles 7:14 and ignore all other Biblical contextual calls for actual action… Sadly they, in-my-opinion, are as bad as the scum as they just sit around and whine about, just coasting expecting and entitled in a different sense; and don’t expect (as “Known by their Fruits” (Your Fruits, actions you take to Sow and grow something — “If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice” certainly RUSH Rock Group not Bible Prophets, but that line prophetic none-the-less)) ever be Judged? Remember inaction is an action unto itself too - feeling they are aloof and Holier-than-all (hubris/pride) to ever be held accountable for their IDLENESS.

VIDEO (3m 31s): Should Christians Vote? | Does God Expect Christians to Vote? |    
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen></iframe>

The Left is not Progressive, they are regressive. They have not learned anything from History. Period! You don’t have to learn from the failure of Communism, Fascism, Socialism, via Marx, Lenin, Mao, Castro, et al (it has, and always will, FAIL anywhere and everywhere it is done, because of Human Nature) …. Learn from America!!! We tried Communism (“CommonWealth”) here in USA long before them all and of course it failed then too. The Bradford Colony tried (remember The Mayflower [communist] Compact?!?!) which promised they would all have EQUITY (the bullshit the Left peddles today rather than EQUAL RIGHTS and EQUAL OPPORTUNITY) that all would have “Equal Stakes” and “Equal Shares” of everything despite their level of work put in. Of course, guess what, ATLAS SHRUGGED ((likely where Ayn Rand got the idea, and) which is why the Left BANNED that Classic book from being read in Schools) as more and more (because it is Human Nature that some would be lazy) decided to do nothing and ride in the cart and the Cart had less and less people to pull the Cart. They almost all starved to death!!! UNTIL, Bradford recognized the failure of the Mayflower Compact and their settlement and instituted Free Markets, Private Property ownership, and all the great concepts America then went on to foster -- and as the saying goes “the rest is History” (that people fail to learn from). And as Paul Harvey used to say “Now you know #TheRestOfTheStory!”

WAKE UP!! And do not take my word for it! As Reagan said “TRUST BUT VERIFY” and look up these facts for yourself and not using Google, CNN, Mother Jones, Huffington PooPooPost, Leftist SPIN/Propaganda peddling sites but use GIBIRU, DuckDuckGo, FreeSpoke, legit information aggregator sources, to find the facts over the Leftist (George Orwell (“1984″ book warned us about) style (and I mention Orwell’s “Animal Farm” book in my book)) attempts to peddle a rewrite of History to distort it and fool/trick you into failing Communism again.

VIDEO (4m 49s): Exposing the TRUTH about the MAYFLOWER COMPACT! - Cathy Reichel:    
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen></iframe>

And like I say, did so again on WAAMradio Saturday April 15th, and I was on with Bruce Fleury (Abolitionists RoundTable Show 9aET), compare and contrast the FASCICRATS Party Platform. Use DuckDuckGo to bring up a Historically accurate copy of “The Communist Manifesto,” The “NSDAP” (the 1930′s Nazi-Socies) Platform, and today’s Democrat Party Platform — and see for yourself they are one and the same!!! Oh, sure, today’s FASCICRATS  (see too: Originalist Federalists vs today’s Fasci-Federalists) use more Flowery, often VAGUE or TWISTED language/words because they have to hide their intent; but it is all one and the same. Then bring up the MAGNA-CARTA, THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE of USA, THE US CONSTITUTION, and the GOP PLATFORM, and see how they are the same (which is NOT to say all Republicans are great and about preserving our great and most unique Republic there are CINOs and RINOs as bad as FASCICRATS but the direction of the Parties could not be clearer – so spare me the UniParty shit (yes, CINOs, RINOs, FASCICRATS, , just all at different pace, are destroying the USA but spare me the there is no difference bullshit (what have YOU done regarding your contention?) and get off your ass and become a Delegate and make the GOP great again)). Sorry, while yes the GOP was an “alternate” Party of its time, now is not then, Third-Parties today amount to nothing and will never amount to anything (which is why Libertarians that actually CARE to matter have run and been Elected as Republicans (you know the examples)). 

VIDEO (56s): Ronald Reagan's Last Warning to the Future:    
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen></iframe>

And why my book (that I know people are tired of hearing about) needs to get into more hands as all these things are partial lessons (some directly dealt with, some implied, as part of the HISTORICAL part of the Historical-Fiction aspects, to get people thinking and recalling all the History of our Nation and relevant World History (especially the ATROCITY chapter) of the last 300 years) of in it.

“Terror Strikes: Coming Soon to a City Near You” (Historical Fiction)
Yes, about Terrorism, but NOT book about Death but Life & Living!
Life, over Death. Hope, over Fear. Faith, over Despair. Love, over Hate. Good/GOD, over Evil. Individualism, over Collectivism. Freedom, over Tyranny. Friends, and Family. Pro-Life!

Again: I AM A #ChristiTutionalistTM (A Real CHRISTIAN CONSTITUTIONALIST (Trademark pending)). Someone that actually studied History and understands our Judeo/Christian Foundations!!!
Yes, Terror Strikes is a CHRISTIAN book. A very non-traditional one, not your normal/average “fluffy” kind of Christian book; but indeed a Christian book none-the-less.

Also, please consider listening to WAAMradio shows Moment Of Clarity (archives) and Your American Heritage (archives). Those Shows are back-to-back on Saturdays 1pET and 2pET) which deals in these type of topics!!!Also, at this point, I want to recommend a few of my friends’ books that also relate to this topic: Ed Temple’s THE LAST TERRORISTS book. About exactly what @abcccc on ReTalk was talking about – the Left Deep State trying to label Christians as Terrorists; Bruce Fleury’s THE NEGRO PROJECT book. About Margaret Sanger’s ability to recruit Black Preachers to not only peddle Marxism but to as she said “The Negro Race is like Human Weeds and needs to be exterminated” plan; Michael Gardner’s (whom very graciously allows me to cohost his Savaged Unfiltered Podcast a couple times a week) AMERICA’S POLITICAL WARFARE | OUR MODERN CIVIL WAR book; and Neil Mammen’s JESUS IS INVOLVED IN POLITICS. WHY AREN’T YOU? WHY ISN’T YOUR CHURCH?.

If you decide to buy these books on Amazon, please do so together in the same shopping session/cart. this not only helps us as authors (all of us Constitutionalists Conservatives) spread this much needed information, but too helps link these books together (for future cross-recommendation/sales) in the amazon system as you know Bezo’s and Amazon is run by leftists and really are working against us.

Please consider buying all these books as gifts for the “supposed Independents” (or “Classical Liberal” (yes there is a difference as Dennis Prager of PragerU points out)) that may still be reached as Candace Owens (Founder of BLEXIT) and Brandon Straka (Founder of WALK AWAY from Democrats movement) were versus a modern Leftist). Folks that “pretend” they are being Principled when all it is is cowardly refusing to pick a side regarding the DESTROYING OF OUR REPUBLIC (and Original intent vs today’s Fasci-Federalists).

VIDEO (13m 48s): The Religion of The Left (Dennis Prager):    
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen></iframe>

We can/could ALL (none of us are perfect) BE BETTER AND DO MORE….

“I send a Prayer to Heaven, to be a better Man than the Man I see” (Rick Springfield, Prayer) — We could all do more! We cannot be as lazy and entitled as the Left!! You cannot just sit by and expect others to act on your behalf and share in those Fruits without participating in creating a Harvest (like a lazy Commie Entitled brat). No difference then Leftist Entitlement to just complain while others actually do, and you expect to benefit. FREEDOM ISN’T FREE, YOU (yes, YOU too) must be willing to Fight for it!!!

VIDEO (4m): Prayer (Rick Springfield):     
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Want to see even MORE?? Yes, there is an even longer, more comprehensive version (including for our SECULAR FRIENDS references (as one does NOT have to be Religious to be Moral (think of infamous Atheist Penn of Penn and Teller)), with even more images, memes, videos!

Joseph M. Lenard (aka: JLenardDetroit)
Author, blogger, cancer survivor, CHRISTIAN CONSTITUTIONALIST CONSERVATIVE, GoldAffiliate, podcaster, political activist, speaker, social-media influencer, writer. 
"Terror Strikes: Coming Soon to a City Near You" (Historical Fiction)
#1 Amazon Political-Thriller ( ).
Yes, about Terrorism, but NOT book about Death but Life & Living!
Life, over Death. Hope, over Fear. Faith, over Despair. Love, over Hate. Good, over Evil. Individualism, over Collectivism. Freedom, over Tyranny. Friends, and Family. Pro-Life!
and "How to Write a Book and Get It Published: Hints, Tips & Techniques
addl. links:

Joseph M Lenard was a former writer for Super Simple Computer Enterprises, REDSTATE, Grassfire, and Rattle With Us – MI TEAParty (where he was Writing Committee Chair), others; and current content provider at Before It’s News and now The Liberty Beacon; as well as being Author of: “Terror Strikes: Coming soon to a City near you” ( )!
Terror Strikes video Trailer:  

BONUS MATERIAL ABOVE from: "Will Real Christians Save America" [See original piece at:, for referenced links, images, and embedded videos.]

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