ChristiTutionalist (TM) Politics

ChristiTutionalist Politics (S1E9) "BIDENomics part 2"

Joseph M. Lenard Season 1 Episode 9

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S1E9 SHOW NOTES  ( listen (Sat Aug 19 2023 and thereafter) at: )... 
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S1E9)  "BIDENomics part 2"
Today's topic "BIDENomics part 2" piece! 
Deeper dive into destruction caused by #BIDENflation, #BIDENrecession, and other disastrous FASCICRATS #EpicFail policies. What is ESG and are you involved ("invested") without your knowledge, permission, will (looking for the Investor Group's elites "Political interests" rather than your Bank Account's best Financial interest (yes, "interest," double meaning word-play intended))? We cannot just #BOYcott, but too #BUYcott "friendly" (or at least, NOT HOSTILE) to our principles/values and various "Conservative" Marketplaces (like MammothNation, AlignUs App, PublicSq, and more). I discuss #BIDENrecession destroyed my Budget even before my Furnace (thankfully during Summer, not Winter) decided to bite-the-dust and need replacement. How UPSIDE App can save in belt-tightening times!
Discussion with Roger Landry (TheLibertyBeacon)

Episode related pieces...
- save on Food/Gas:  
- FOBWI (Fear Of Buying Wrong Item):   
- Become a Discover Cardmember and get a $100 Statement Credit when you make your first purchase:  
- save on Food/Gas:  
- ROAR:  

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[ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast begin Show intro]

Welcome to the ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast, aka CTP, in association with Savaged Unfiltered podcast and And I am your host, Joseph M. Lenard, and that's L E N A R D. CTP is your no muss, no fuss, just me, you, and occasional guest, type podcast. 

[ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast begin opening - Segment 1] 

Just so much left over from two weeks ago, we need to revisit and look back even at things from months ago that had happened. Two weeks ago, we discussed the inflation that's out of control and how giddy the by dome administration seems to be over inflation, slightly ticking down and gas prices, slightly ticking down, still way up from where they were during Trump. In the same with groceries, they've stabilized, but they're still way up home costs. So, sorry, my furnace, it's July when I'm recording this going to show in August, but my furnace went out, thankfully, in the summer that I have to get replaced. And of course, the costs of that are absurd and through the roof. And I'm, of course, going to have to go with a little less expensive replacement than the Linux that was there that lasted 35, 40, maybe the more years than that, the replacement will hopefully last 25, 30 years, 25 years would be a great run out of it. Considering the way things are built nowadays, I don't know whether to be hopeful and optimistic that it will last long or will die tomorrow. But luckily I have the DTE, which is the gas company here in Michigan, Southeast Michigan. I have their home warranty plan. So this installation is not going to cost me anything. It's being covered under that plan. I have to pay for the furnace, however, which is, of course, expensive enough. But whether it breaks down 20 days from now, 20 months from now, or 20 years from now, I plan on having that home warranty. So DTE is going to put it in. DTE is going to be the one expected to fix it and replace whatever parts, keeping it going like they have my Linux for the last 10 years or so. They've been out many, many times, piecemealing it together, putting band aids on, getting me by. I knew the day would come that it would die. Unfortunately, it was this year. But remember, things could always be better, but they could often be worse. I've said that for decades. I have my character Martin say it in my book, Terror Strikes Coming Soon to a City Near You. It's summer and the furnace is out. The AC still working. So I have some leeway and luxury of time to have this installed. No major rush. The luxury items are out the window. People are paying so much more for necessities, our entertainment budgets, and other luxury items are clearly on the decline and needing to shrink. I was on the Chris Wood show last month with Anne Laffen and we discussed consumer habit because we're all needing to pinch pennies, correct? I failed to mention on that show. I meant to it was one of my talking points, but in the give and take and the back and forth, I forgot to mention. So I'm going to mention it here that many today are opting out of some purchases. There is an analysis paralysis condition going on, a psychological phenomenon, a new phenomenon due to the Bidenflation and Biden recession - the Fear Of Buying Wrong Item, FOBWI, to go along with FOMO, the Fear Of Missing Out rather than getting something they want and like stuck in frozen and analysis paralysis because there is so much information available, so many choices out there and we need to say the buck. So we need to do our research. Some people are researching things online and pulling their hair out. Well if you're seeing this on YouTube or rumble, sneak peek, you see my hair came out a long time ago, but that was due to cancer 2010. I had leukemia and once the chemo took it out, I decided to leave it out. But yes, people are having to cut back and now there's a pho-wee over FOMO rather than get something just not buying and doing without even if that something would cause us great joy in our lives and at a time that we need joy in our lives. The other thing to discuss is ESG. We didn't go into that at all in the first Bidenomics show, so I want to touch on that here at least to a point a little, just briefly. It seems that the Woke Boardroom CEOs and the like, the Wokesters are more interested in tasting ESG, which stands for environmental, social and governance scores, which started in China, social scores to go along with your credit score. Well, this is the forerunner that will be coming here, believe me, the fashion cracks want anything and everything to have power and control over you. But for now ESG is voluntary, supposedly, but your money might be in a fund that's investing with ESG scoring in mind. And these boardrooms are responding to BlackRock chasing pennies on the dollar from BlackRock for ESG investments while dollars won a tight phone out their front and back doors of consumers boycotting from Budweiser, a DS target, of course, Calvin Klein, North Face, Miller Light, has gotten themselves into a little bit of hot water. But I'm not going to go into in-depth into that here. I want you to go over to the Liberty Beacon and please read the Bidenomics part two piece there dropping the same time the show drops, this being season one, episode nine of Christitutionalist Politics podcast, but the ESG dollars is not an equal exchange for all the money they're losing, but Miller Light didn't add it. I think really people are misjudging, was tongue in cheek, but Miller Light is very quiet now. They're just kind of trying to scrub it from everywhere they can and pretend it never happened, which is a good marketing strategy in some respects. Just pretend it never happened. Don't talk about it, right? You've heard the saying, if you're explaining, you're losing. So there is that. The converse to the boycotts is that we really have to consider by-cocks. We've discussed that here in Michigan on Wham radio of late. I forget the person who has a book out now titled By-Cott. He didn't create the term. The term has existed for six months a year, probably more than that. I've been using it. I know for probably a year or more myself, but we need to not just boycott those firms. We need to go out of our way to find firms to buy cot, to support companies that have our values and principles, stay neutral, not going to trample on our values and principles and everything that the nation was founded upon. And sites like Mammoth Nation, which I'm a part of, align us app, which I'm a part of, public square, I'm also part of that. And there are other conservative marketplaces, as they are calling themselves, that you can go to find out more of places that are conservative leaning, or at least not hostile to conservatives, like so many of these woke companies are these days. Thank you for coming by. Please check out The Liberty for my Bidenomics part two piece. It goes into a whole lot more than what we've discussed today. 

[ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast - Segment 2] 

I have certainly written about and talked about all kinds of times, all kinds of places, the Biden administration, the left in general, let's be honest. They can't be honest. They always have to gaslight. They always have to spin. I have a few articles. I've mentioned them before about the left twisting and warping of language. Please go there. Check it out again. You can put Joseph M Lenard in the search bar to find a list of all. It will run down and list all only my articles, make it easier to find the left twisting and warping of language. They constantly engage and spin. They're doing it again, gaslight. I just saw on the Newsmax sprawl about an upcoming story, Taylor Swift aiding the Biden economy, which of course is likely to be not that she's giving a bunch of her money away. Oh, no, no, no, no. It's her and other influencers, as so-called social media influencers, going to take to the social media platforms and rant and rave about how great things are. Don't be surprised if Taylor Swift doesn't do a cover of Happy Days Are Here Again. I know, pardon my bad singing. I used to have a reasonable and decent voice. I did. My dad, I've mentioned before, Ted's Lenard Jr. and the polka kings have got my creative gene from and through him. I dabbled in music. I was in choirs in junior high and high school and I dabbled in music in the late 70s, early 80s, but never got a record deal. I stuck with writing articles and writing books and things of that nature. But I'm way off the topic down a rabbit hole, but we are still early in the Christitutionalist Politics Podcast. You're still getting to know me. I wish there were a way for me to get to know you, which I guess there is. You can always go to my website, And remember, Lenard doesn't have an O in it. and click the contact tab or my book site, Click the contact tab. Please, I don't want to hear from you. Reach out to me. Let me know your raw opinion of the show, of my articles, of my book, whatever. I've got thick enough skin. I could take it literally. Check that out. I went out of my way to put a couple negative reviews my book has received on there. I've got a thick skin. I could take it. All right. Please, give me your honest raw feedback. But Taylor Swift and the other social media influencers are taking to the internet to convince you, well, are you going to believe your lion eyes reading their lion posts or your own bank account? Seriously. How can anybody that isn't fairly well to do the lower middle class and the poor, especially not all see, they do see. And that's why the left has to try to convince you that you're crazy. You're a loco. You don't know what's going on. Your story is anecdotal, but really 99.9% and everybody else you know is doing great in the by dome booming. No, it's bombing economy. So yeah, believe your own eyes, your own ears, your own bank account, your own increasing credit card balances. Your increasing credit card interest rates up to around 23%. Now, I have one credit union card that's 17.9% that obviously prefer to use in a pinch. I've mentioned my furnace. I'm going to have to charge my furnace replacement costs onto that credit card, something my budget can't handle. I know some may think I may be joking here or engaging in hyperbole, but I am not, in my future for the next several months, at least there's going to be a lot of hot dogs from the local grocer bought and boiled in my kitchen on the gas stove that they all want to take away from us for dinner, lunch and dinner some days, possibly, or the McDonald's dollar menu or some ham sandwiches. My local, I'm pointing in that direction for those who can see on YouTube and rumble the behind the scenes raw video. Jerry's foods has whole chickens that they roast and they sell for like $6. Well, $6 and a $2 loaf of bread can make for a whole week of meals. And frankly, I need to pinch pennies and indeed will be doing that. And I know that a lot of the listeners out there are in that same boat. I am so sorry for that. And it's not going to end. We are not going to see any light at the end of the tunnel or there is light at the end of the tunnel now, but as the joke goes, it's an oncoming train. We're not going to see real daylight of help coming until we replace this administration and learn from it. The Obama years were horrible too. Do people have such short memories? They don't remember that. And we cannot elect another Democrat president for at least 30, 40 years if we are going to restore our American republic. And of course, show notes often have a link to the restore our American republic merchandise that I came up with that's selling through the savage, unfiltered podcast site of things. I am still cohost there through Please check that out. But I'm not joking when I say that. I've been on disability since 2004. And I recognize like I say in my book, terror strikes coming soon to a city near you. My character Marten says what I've been saying for decades. Remember, things could always be better, but they could often be worse. Correct? We need to live by that philosophy. We have a lot of first world problems here. There are a whole lot of people in our own country that have it worse off than we do, let alone other places around the world. But I've been on disability since 2004 and having a hard time getting by. And now with the furnace going out, that is really putting the dent in my budget and I need to make adjustments. And that is why you've heard me in opening past talk about this being a low key podcast. Well, it's also a very low cost. There's some behind the scenes honesty for you. Very low cost. This is not a high production podcast. I am lucky that I have software from Applian Technologies and NCH Suite of products that I've owned the software for decades now, which have editing video and audio editing. So I can do some cleanup though, as I've said in my openings. These are pretty much going to be raw shows with all the blemishes for you to experience right there. I'm only going to clean up some occasional really bad faux pas that need to be removed from the show. And even then, you're still likely to be able to catch those on the video behind the scenes uncut @JLenardDetroit YouTube and @JLenardDetroit Rumble channel. And of course, I'm on most social media platforms as @JLenardDetroit or Joseph M. Lenard like I am on, which has a counterpart TLBtalk. So I've had the software necessary. And I'm using Zoom to cheat to record these and then be able to edit and manipulate if I really need to post production, as it's called. Anyway, I've gone way down rabbit holes, unintended, but still related to the BIDENomics of our time. So yeah, low-key, low-cost podcasts for now to get the word out and hope you appreciate. 

[ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast - Segment 3 - discussion with Roger Landry]

Roger Landry (TLB) spent about three decades of his adult life either in, or working for the military, with about two decades working directly for the Military Industrial Complex facilitating DOD contracts. His awakening to Political, Economic, and Health realities was about fifteen short years ago. Since that time he has founded The Liberty Beacon Project (TLB) consisting of a half dozen proprietary global websites, media projects and partner websites across the planet. He contributes regularly to multiple forums both in and outside of TLB Project. Most of his work can be found on the TLB Flagship website

[Roger Landry (TLB) spent about three decades of his adult life either in, or working for the military, with about two decades working directly for the Military Industrial Complex facilitating DOD contracts. His awakening to Political, Economic, and Health realities was about fifteen short years ago. Since that time he has founded The Liberty Beacon Project (TLB) consisting of a half dozen proprietary global websites, media projects and partner websites across the planet. He contributes regularly to multiple forums both in and outside of TLB Project. Most of his work can be found on the TLB Flagship website] 

JOSEPH M LENARD: I am now joined by a guest, Roger Landry of And since most of my pieces, 99.9% of the Christitutionalist Politics podcast will be based on a corresponding same day release. I thought we'd have Roger come on and talk a little bit about But before I have Roger take over and tell us about himself, if you're looking on my @JLenardDetroit YouTube or Rumble channels, you will see the lovely, beautiful tropical beach background. And I display that ironically because neither my guests nor I have the time or money to get out to a nice tropical beach. But welcome to the show, Roger. Why don't you tell us a little about yourself and the impetus behind the LibertyBeacon.

ROGER LANDRY:  Well, it started all off with both of my children were born in Hawaii. I lived there for four years because I was stationed there and seems like what's behind you right now where my front yard. So yes, I do miss them quite a bit. And what was the impetus behind the LibertyBeacon project? Roger Landry worked for the military industrial complex or was in the military for a total of about 30 years. If you stop to consider that I had a great job and I got paid well and I traveled the world, I've got over one and a half million air miles under my belt. And I thought everything was great until somebody asked me to step back and look, something I had never done before, something in a vast majority of this planet today is tied down under. And that is we are so confused, so distracted by the manufactured crises going on all around us that we don't see the big picture. We can't, but if we stood back and look, what we would see is that a lot of these things are connected and they're connected through what someone would like to call the globally leads. What has been happening has been happening for over 200 years. This isn't something that started yesterday. The reason it's in overdrive today is because of modern technology. What is the LibertyBeacon and why have I been rambling on? How do I get to the LibertyBeacon with all of this? It's just simple. I finally stood back after working for the very people I pushed back hard against today and took a look at the big picture and realized where I actually fit, not where I had been conditioned to feel I actually fit. From that day forward, I have been running the LibertyBeacon project which has a website in France called Europe Reloaded, a website in the UK, called UK Reloaded, a website in Australia which should be re-launched probably within the next two to three weeks. Two websites in the United States, the LibertyBeacon and the Falling Darkness, are newest endeavor which I'm very proud of which is TLB Talk, a social media platform that allows you to say what needs to be said. If I had to give you one word and this is going to make you laugh, I know it is, I had to give you one word for why for the last 15 years I have been beating myself up to build a global network to where people can actually know and share the truth. The answer would have to be penance.

JOSEPH M LENARD:  Yeah, I guess I can understand that and I am certainly glad that it's there. As you know, I used to write for Red State and have fallen out with them. So I have been writing for and any site is only as good as those on it. The Forks News has got some great people and it has got some kooks. I say the same about Red State. Depending on one's own perspective, you are going to find that anywhere. You can't attack a site. You have got to seek out those who you know are giving you the facts and evidence based truth versus the delusional bubble false narratives of the left generally. Not entirely. Some on the right are delusional. You are not going to get me to say Republicans are great. They ain't.

ROGER LANDRY:  Who keyed the word FASCICRATS? 

JOSEPH M LENARD:  Yeah, that was me. Okay. Somebody named Joseph. Joseph, that's awesome.
Well, the FASCICRATS are still far worse than even the RINOs are, but the RINOs are still bad and got to go. And you know I push back. I know you use the uni-party label. I like to push back on that and say no, there's a lot of us, including me, fighting hard in the Republican party to defeat RINOs, CINOs and FASCICRATS. There's just not enough of us as delegates in there and fighting depending on the state. We have to be careful, discerning, and precise in our use of words, terms, language, unlike the Left that purposefully warps meanings. So the RINOs, the CINOs, the FASCICRATS are all deep state establishment elites in my mind. I'd still like to make the distinction the Republican party can be reclaimed and made great again.

ROGER LANDRY:  I have no doubt about that. I really don't. And if you start to consider that about 80% of what is beat into your brain over and over again by mainstream media night after night after night, we who have had the patience to stick around and look see two and two and a half years later. Oh, we might have been wrong about that. So, you know, maybe we were a little too quick when we said that. Oh, we really didn't mean that, but that's what the implications were at the time. Yeah. Yeah. Why do you think we have the TLBtalk? Yeah. To talk about these things.

JOSEPH M LENARD:  TLBtalk. Yeah. And times do change. I mean, things aren't the same obviously today as they were 25 years ago or 50 years. Fortunately, that overton window does seem to keep moving more and more towards tyranny, which is just human nature, psychology, a laziness or a sense of entitlement, all these, you know, what's the above? Yeah, exactly. What's on TV? I can't be bothered, but yet your, as I call myself a Christitutionalist, you reap what you sow. If you sow nothing like the rush song says, if you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice and you're forced to then eat the rotten food. You've allowed others to sow if you do nothing.

ROGER LANDRY:  If you do nothing. If you do not involve yourself in the critical decisions that will make all of the difference, not only to your life going forward, but to the most important generation on this planet today, our children. If we do not step up soon, and I mean very soon because I am watching tyranny, accelerating globally, but then they have no choice. They realize that they've gone way too far. If they don't continue forward now, they will be admitting all the mistakes they made and they will be losing a lot of ground. The only problem with that is they're going forward with a population that is a lot more awakened, aware than what they expected or hoped for.

JOSEPH M LENARD:  Yeah, more and more people. I hope I'm helping. 

ROGER LANDRY: We are a part of it. Yeah. 

JOSEPH M LENARD: Through and now my podcast to awaken those from their woke stupor and to kind of close things out and wrap them up. Let's tell people about your podcast too.

ROGER LANDRY:  Well I have two. I have one on RBN and that is basically just TLB talk radio. That one's on Sundays from noon to one central and I have another one on shake and wake radio live. That's on Wednesdays from three to four PM central. These are two great platforms that are partnered with the Libertybeacon project to allow us to say to things. We know we need to say but hey, the Libertybeacon project, the entire project, years of posts on Twitter, they shut us down just before must look over. We have over 200,000 people following us and all of our groups and stuff on Facebook. We're lucky if a dozen people see what we post each day now.

JOSEPH M LENARD:  Shadowbanning, yeah.

ROGER LANDRY:  This is why we are here. This is why we welcome people like you, Joseph, because what you bring to the table is wake the hell up and look, it's either that or don't try to defend your stupidity.

JOSEPH M LENARD:  I try to be careful. I know. One where I try not to go off into the 5G weeds. I have a friend Diana, love her to death but she'll walk up to anyone on the street and just starts feeling about 5G. How are you going to get people rolling their eyes and walking away?

ROGER LANDRY:  And pushing back.

JOSEPH M LENARD:  Yeah. If I can't get them to buy into the easily evidenced Hunter Biden laptop, how am I going to get them to buy into pizza gate? So you got to be careful what you say to who, right?

ROGER LANDRY:  Wait, wait, what about Hunter Biden's laptop? Is there something wrong with Hunter Biden's laptop? /sarcasm

JOSEPH M LENARD: LOL... Well, I was banned on Twitter before Elon took over too. So I'm still banned trying to get me to. I do have Jay Leonard author, which has very little following that I just started up again, starting to rebuild, not spending a whole lot of time focusing efforts more on things like this. But yeah, I mean, we've got to I'm not saying we can't talk about those things and shouldn't amongst people who have a level that can handle it, right?

ROGER LANDRY:  And in a place that will tolerate it.

JOSEPH M LENARD:  Know your audience as the same goes, right? Yes. If you walk into a grocery store and lead with pizza gate, you're not going to get anywhere. You're not going to effectively win anybody over. And what good is it for us to just spew to the abyss if we can't potentially bring some over anyway with that? I think I'm going to close it out. This was just meant to be a quick introduction about the importance of the Liberty Beacon that common before I forget. I want to remind because I've been caught in this mistake a few times. It's not Liberty Beacon. It is the Liberty Beacon.


JOSEPH M LENARD:  Because there's some other group out there that is not the Liberty Beacon and you want to go to the Liberty Beacon dot com and TLBtalk as well as tune into Rogers and my podcast. Yes. You all take care of a great night. 

[ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast begin Show outro]

Thank you for having tuned into Christitutionalist Politics Show. Please tune into Savage and Filtered Podcasts of which I am a co-host. And be sure to check out more about today's discussion at the Liberty Beacon dot com where my articles drop every Saturday. In addition to seeing the corresponding the Liberty Beacon dot com piece referenced in the episode of Christitutionalist Podcasts, see to the show transcript on podcast platforms that provide access to it on Buzzsprout at for additional bonus material there in the transcript. 
Thank you. Take care. 

Transcription Services above from:


S1E9 SHOW NOTES  ( listen (Sat Aug 19 2023 and thereafter) at: )... 
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S1E9)  "BIDENomics part 2"
Today's topic "BIDENomics part 2" piece! 
Deeper dive into destruction caused by #BIDENflation, #BIDENrecession, and other disasterous FASCICRATS #EpicFail policies. What is ESG and are you involved ("invested") without your knowledge, permission, will (looking for the Investor Group's elites "Political interests" rather than your Bank Account's best Financial interest (yes, "interest," double meaning word-play intended))? We cannot just #BOYcott, but too #BUYcott "friendly" (or at least, NOT HOSTILE) to our principles/values and various "Conservative" Marketplaces (like MammothNation, AlignUs App, PublicSq, and more). I discuss #BIDENrecession destroyed my Budget even before my Furnace (thankfully during Summer, not Winter) decided to bite-the-dust and need replacement. How UPSIDE App can save in belt-tightening times!
Discussion with Roger Landry (TheLibertyBeacon)

Episode related pieces...
- save on Food/Gas:  
- FOBWI (Fear Of Buying Wrong Item):   
- Become a Discover Cardmember and get a $100 Statement Credit when you make your first purchase within three months. Then, earn rewards with every purchase after that:  
- save on Food/Gas:  
- ROAR:  

"ChristiTutionalist Politics" podcast (CTP) 
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- CTP long-form description: 
- TLB articles:  
- FaithCasters Free Newsletter:  
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- Broadcast your thoughts w/ buzzsprout podcasts:   
- CTP Official playlist:  
- Joseph M Lenard -  ( /\  
(S1E9 Audio: 33m 06s, Sat Aug 19th 2023)
TRANSCRIPT BONUS - Red Pill Strategy!

some "Behind-the-Scenes" Video version of ChristiTutionalist Politics found via...   

In addition to seeing corresponding TheLibertyBeacon piece referenced in episodes of CTP, see too Show transcript on Podcast platforms that provide access to it (like buzzsprout ( for addl bonus material  there-in.  


BONUS MATERIAL... [ from links to piece ]

Yes, some are still "reachable" to RED PILL, but one has to be "STRATEGIC" about it....

First – if you are NOT familiar with the term “CONTROLLED OPPOSITION” (whether directly or indirectly controlled) perhaps you should educate yourself on the concept before spewing CONSPIRACY THEORY and being useful-idiots to/for the Left in aiding/abetting their descredit campaign of ACTUAL CONSPIRACY (under RICO) FACT items!!!


companion / related article: (aka:

And, also important to note, the left will always SPIN STRAWMAN YARNS about the things we say, in order to then label us as CONSPIRACY THEORISTS. Understand that I have a special appreciation for Q and the QArmy as he and they stood by me/us (TheMighty200) back in the 2016 Election and we 200 were targeted by POLITICO AND HILLARY.
more on that in:


I’ve not done a #VLOG in like forever, felt compelled to do this one….
visible (for now) at (and embeded from Vimeo, below, until they BAN the video)…
if it gets pulled all those places, can view via my DROPBOX saves location:

You can be CORRECT all day long, but it does little good if you cannot inpart FACTS to people in a manner they can/will RECEIVE YOUR WISDOM/KNOWLEDGE… STRATEGY….

There are SOME PEOPLE that seriously need to study long and hard “occam’s razor” cuz they go out of their way to DREAM UP THE MOST RIDICULOUSLY OVER-COMPLICATED nonsense to claim things are way they are (or jump to extremes, even when/where TRUE, where simple persuasion can/will work). Sometimes, OK, but “ALWAYS” going to the extreme possibility MAKES YOU LOOK LIKE A KOOK to the average Person asleep and preffering to keep their DELUSION(s) ALIVE cuz it keeps their Life SIMPLE!

“JLenardDetroit: Strategy to REDPILL People to Conservatism”

The #WALKAWAY (Thank you Brandon Straka) and #BLEXIT (Thank you Candace Owens) movements have demonstrated THERE ARE PEOPLE OUT THERE THAT YOU CAN #REDPILL (if you are patient AND STRATEGIC). This Video discusses HOW TO RED PILL people (about 7m, please see related Articles at: (especially (at/on B4IN), (at/on RedState), (at/on B4IN)))!

related AUDIO: The Clarkcast (using HUMOR and more to reach people – how to get past peoples’ defenses)… and the related Article discussed during the call:
JLenardDetroit-StrategyToREDPILLPeopleToConservatism.mp4 from jlenardwyandotte on Vimeo.

[ ... NOTE: See article for embedded Videos as well as entire piece ... ]

from GAB:

President Elect Jethro Bodine @whodey
@JLenardDetroit That’s good about leading with the small stuff but I don’t see a lot of people going down the rabbit hole-they depends on biased news, which tells them there is no rabbit hole. It’s easier to point to things like inflation, BLM and Afghanistan to start to undermine the support for the narrative. Even CNN is starting to jump on Biden about Afghanistan.
my response back:
Joseph M. Lenard @JLenardDetroit

to: @whodey yes
I mention BIDEN LAPTOP cuz…
Bobalinksi (sp?) testimony
BabblingBidens own on Video admission of QUIDPROQUO
And the

INJECTING BLEACH false narratives, Trump FULL CONTEXT REMARKS on Video clearly talking about NEW TECH (infared, laser, tech, into the veins/bloodstream (as good as or better than old fashioned mechanical blood scrubbers))!


And, YES, the other things you list, I just didn’t want to push the video too long (today’s Twatter attention span level, people will get my point (good) or not (no worry, not worth further wasting my/our time on/with))!

one thing I left out in my reply, and again another thing NOT BEST TO LEAD WITH, is WUHAN VIRUS JABS (FACTS)… If you’re leading with EVERYONE THAT GOT THE COVID JAB WILL BE DEAD BY THE END OF THE YEAR you are a MORON who deserves nothing but eyerolls and people quickly making excuses to get away from you (60M Americans are NOT going to drop dead from them anytime soon, BUT IS NOT TO SAY that there are many who are dying from WuhanVax complications people should know about and most basic FACT that the Wuhan Jabs (none of them) are an actual #VACCINE they are NOT an innoculant, they do NOT make you IMMUNE to anything, like a REAL VACCINE LIKE POLIO VAX and etc)…. THERE ARE FACTUAL BASED LOGIC REASONING TO DEAL IN/WITH – related:
I wrote an Article way-back-when on REDSTATE (see: and created a meme about it (I’ll attach further down, BUT NOTE B4IN after 1 year ARCHIVES articles and strips them of all photos/images so if you’re viewing later than July 2022 you’ll not see it nor other related images that I attach here-in, video embeds should remain) YOU CAN LEAD LIBERALS TO THE FACTS BUT YOU CANNOT MAKE THEM THINK which I now concede as “too far” and a bit of HYPERBOLE as I’m pointing out here-in, clearly with the WALKAWAY and BLEXIT movements SOME LIBERALS (NOT LEFTISTS*) ARE REACHABLE and so I am happy to back-peddle on that a bit.

* See PRAGERU (and others’) Videos on LIBERALS VS LEFTISTS (
based upon this more proper definition A TRUE LIBERAL (though getting harder to find, as there seems to be less and less of them to FULL-ON SOCIALIST/LEFTISM (see related:**) IS REACHABLE, A SNOWFLAKE FEELINGS FIRST LEFTIST IS NOT!


I have joined the American Hartford IRA Gold group, you should too, 
and I even am now an official spokesperson – why?
Massive inflation, unsteady Crypto/Stock Markets, Gold your IRA:


more related items:
Conservatarianism?!?! PASS:  

If you or someone you know needs the Form(s) for upcoming 2022 Elections for/to…
REGISTER TO VOTE (yes, sadly, Nationwide only 60% of Christian (who are mostly Conservative Allies) are Registered)
PRECINCT DELEGATE AFFIDAVIT (to become GOP Delegate (Aug 2022 Primary Ballot application))
… please visit: for form or access link to form

** Today’s Democrats are really FASCICRATS
DNC = NSDAP (just compare the two Platforms)
Neerdowell*** Socialist Democrat Antiamerican Party
BUT, AGAIN, A TOPIC TO NOT RUSH HEADLONG INTO – must ease into the topic
mention NAZI, most gonna roll their eyes and quickly exit your presence
(and while WE can back up with analysis and FACTS the comparison (DNC/NSDAP) they, of course, Psychological Projection DEFLECTION tactic call us NAZIs (pure hyperbole, zero to back it up) to shut down discussion)

*** no they are not nationalists, they are globalists


Bottom line is (and you would have grasp this if you watched the video at the top of the article) that you are a complete f****** moron if when a person comes up and asks “WHY should I leave the Democrat party?” and your first thought is to discuss Pizzagate and Agenda21*****. Now stop right there if you’re next reaction is going to be to call me names: because I did not say that information you may want to impart to them regarding those two topics is likely wrong I am just saying you are strategically a brain dead f****** loon devoid of understanding of basic human nature (you can’t just violently shock them awake they will resist) you must start with little things and move on to bigger things you don’t jump to War and Peace when someone has a Dr Seuss level ability to grasp things mind. Unless you want and deserve to get nothing but eye rolls and people running away from you – you start with the little things and work your way up, and preferably not even address those topics at all for months if not years or let them go down those rabbit holes of Discovery themselves.

***** Ed and Rick on WAAM Radio where I called in and was talking about Agenda 21 (here is linked to that audio I called into talk with them about it:…. Note, again, nowhere did I say, nor did I ever even imply, one should never ever talk about Agenda 21 – all/what I said/suggested was know the level of your audience and only talk about it to people you know are far enough along in the journey to handle the discussion or are you the kind of person who would lead with his King rather than a pawn in chess (and spare me the chest lesson you know what I’m getting at).


#ElectionReform needed in all 50 States immediately…
8 steps that must be enacted IMMEDIATELY… 

[ above ADDITIONAL BONUS MATERIAL from (see full article at) : links to piece ]

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