ChristiTutionalist (TM) Politics

ChristiTutionalist Politics (S1E41) "Bread and Circus (redux, and yes part 2 additions)"

Joseph M. Lenard Season 1 Episode 41

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ChristiTutionalist Politics (S1E41) "Bread and Circus (redux, and yes part 2 additions)"
The USFL and XFL have merged and the UFL (United Football League) starts the day this Show drops (Sat. Mar. 30th) and indeed continues to be more and more Circus distraction available fare for in-person or watching on the Boob-Tube. Meanwhile things in America crumble and crash all around while they stay distracted and all the more important for us to work even harder to awaken those in a WOKE stupor from their Slumber. Follow-up and extension to CTP S1E35 Show; included in edited form in Segment 2 of this Show; as touched on only briefly in other Shows or TLB/B4IN pieces, dedicated to the "Bread And Circus" governing theory.
#UFL boots up again today, it is #HolyWeek2024, which are you focused on? Just as important, what are others focused on? The #BreadAndCircus, #HeIsRisen, or busy working a 3rd #Job to Survive #BIDENflation?

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CTP S1E41 SHOW NOTES ( listen (Sat Mar 30 2024 and thereafter) at: )... 
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S1E41) "Bread and Circus (redux, and yes part 2 additions)"
The USFL and XFL have merged and the UFL (United Football League) starts the day this Show drops (Sat. Mar. 30th) and indeed continues to be more and more Circus distraction available fare for in-person or watching on the Boob-Tube. Meanwhile things in America crumble and crash all around while they stay distracted and all the more important for us to work even harder to awaken those in a WOKE stupor from their Slumber. Follow-up and extension to CTP S1E35 Show; included in edited form in Segment 2 of this Show; as touched on only briefly in other Shows or TLB/B4IN pieces, dedicated to the "Bread And Circus" governing theory.
#UFL boots up again today, it is #HolyWeek2024, which are you focused on? Just as important, what are others focused on? The #BreadAndCircus, #HeIsRisen, or busy working a 3rd #Job to Survive #BIDENflation?
See Buzzsprout podcasts Transcript of Episode for related addl info
Transcript Bonus: Occasional Distractions not just OK, but Healthy [just not when consumed by it 24x7]

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(CTP S1E41 Audio: 29m 06s, Sat Mar 30 2024)

some "Behind-the-Scenes" Video version of ChristiTutionalist Politics found via...   

In addition to seeing corresponding TheLibertyBeacon piece referenced in episodes of CTP, see too Show transcript on Podcast platforms that provide access to it (like buzzsprout ( for addl bonus material  there-in.


[ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast begin Show intro]

Welcome to ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast aka CTP in association with and I am your host Joseph M Lenard and that's L E N A R D   CTP is your no muss no fuss just me you And occasional guest type podcast as Graham Norton would say let's get on with the show 

[ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast - Segment 1] 

Hello, everybody.
Ah, Brent and Circus.
I'm going to read from the Liberty Beacon dot com piece that will be in correlation and
conjunction with this episode dropping the same Saturday as the constitutionalist politics
show season one, episode 41 of bread and circus redo or part two, which states this again?
Yes, for a couple of reasons different from the last time a few weeks back.
Don't care about football.
This is not about you, but others.
Please keep reading.
Of course, please keep listening in so far as the show goes, the podcast show goes.
As I've said before, here on CTP podcast, things you'll not get any worse.
Think you've heard it all about this topic wrong.
Get ready for the part you'll not see here from anywhere anyone else.
As Paul Harvey used to say, the rest of the story.
Now I say that because this weekend today, Saturday, March the 30th that the show drops
on the United Football League returns back to the airway.
So I'll know it's not really a reboot of the United Football League that happened before,
which Denzel Washington's son played a wide receiver for the men's warehouse dudes Sacramento,
California, franchise.
I don't the mountain something.
So I think it was.
I forget now.
It was quite a while ago, but now the USFL and the XFL have decided to merge to making
new United Football League.
Now again, if you don't care about football, this isn't really about football or the games.
Now I intend to watch some of the games of Michigan Panthers.
The former USFL team is indeed remaining part of this new league.
So I'm interested.
I'll watch.
The issue here, of course, is those who are distracted 24 seven by the bread and circus.
You and I need the occasional break from the day to day of bombardment of news and things
that are going on that we keep up with.
So I felt it important to have a revisit of bread and circus episode that was season one
episode 35 and indeed rather than ramble on and potentially repeat a bunch of that.
I am going to replay as the second to segment of this broadcast that episode, which only
lasts about 20 minutes, also from the note or the article.
You are not going to be able to beat those sleepwalking through life over the head with
latest headlines in hopes of news blitz like newsboarding, a play on waterboarding because
yes, the mass holes, the masses of assholes trying awaken them with reality of things that
will harm them despite their ostrich impersonation of bearing their head and the sand trying
to avoid all these things must do so gently.
Previously, I said, it may seem very odd, but dealing with people coming to grips with
their politics as many things from a psychological aspect is like dealing with mourning.
You've all heard it, shock denial, anger, acceptance, stages of grief.
Well, you're not likely going to immediately shock them.
It's better to try to nudge them.
They've got to want to wake up.
Otherwise, you're just going to grumble and mumble and just further try to avoid you and
avoid dealing with these things despite their draining bank account, their escalation of
credit card debt due to bidemnomics and Bidenflation and still lingering of the Biden recession
because yes, despite their playing with the qualifications and the determinations and the
terminology we did when Biden came into office technically enter into a recession.
It didn't last long technically speaking based on definitions of GDP growth quarters.
But indeed, we are still dealing with the lingering effect of that Biden recession, the
Bidenflation that is still running rampant.
Yes, it's down, but it's still way up from where it was when Biden first took office.
So that's all I'm going to say by way of leading in.
You're not going to rip some away from their football games.
We have to reach them where they are.
If they're tied up in all these things, we may not be desiring or comfortable talking
about football and hockey.
Although I do watch football and hockey again, I'm just not consumed by it.
It doesn't comprise the bulk of my life watching the boob tube sports to engage in mindless
distraction of the bread and circus.
But others who do, we need to talk to them about the economics of these sports and how
people are hurting in this economy.
And yes, it is helpful when our sports franchises do well because then the ticket takers, the
security guards, the concession vendors all managed to maintain their employment.
So these things are important for our overall economy, but there are more important things
unless if your life and your job is some way directly tied to those entertainment industry
items that more directly affect our life that we need to spend more time paying attention
So with that, thank you all.
Take care.
God bless segment 2 will be a repeat season 1 episode 35 season one episode 35 bread
and circus.

[ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast - Segment 2] 

Shaking about my Notes, ba-da-bup-da-la-bup as Rush Limbaugh used to sound effect 
you can hear the paper rustling to the microphone or not.
Probably the noise cancellation is actually hunting that out.
But if you can see on @JLenardDetroit, YouTube behind the scenes sneak peek, I'm
waving about - normally I'd say this is an unscripted show and basically comes off the
top of my head and yeah, at times I have notes.
Today is pretty much going to be scripted, so that's a lie for this show.
It'll at least I make myself laugh, right?
You know, that's something.
Now that's Reagan's says, trust but verify as with all of my episodes, you should be doing additional
research of your own after the show.
I'm going to get you started on the subject if you're not familiar.
And then homework I want and you can't pull a clauding gay plagiarized my article.
I'd like to see some 500 to 1000 page word essays from you all on bread and circus.
Now yeah, I'm partly doing it in just, but hey, you know what?
If you do homeschooling, how about assigning it to your kids?
And indeed digitize their response or have them put it in my full self word.
Email me and Jay Leonard and terror strike studying so I have Joseph them one or that
you have my primary site, but I don't have email through that site.
You can do the contact tab there, but you know, I don't want you cutting and pasting
it into there.
You can email me direct regarding anything, anytime, any reason questions about the show,
comments about the show, suggestions for the show.
Jay Leonard again Leonard without a no.
Joseph M. Leonard, Jay for Joseph Leonard without the oh at terror strikes, dying so
I'll run together of course.
How about that if you have homeschool kids, sit them down for the episode and then issue
them some homework.
Then me the results.
I'd love to see it and you know, I'll go through it and maybe pick one or two items
to tack on as a new on the wall segment or as part of another show or a follow up to
this show.
I'm going to read the opening paragraph of what will be the article.
I have touched upon this elsewhere a few times actually not just with on the Liberty Beacon,
but before snooze and even Red State slash town hall when I was writing for them before
But a late run across more folks that have no clue about what it, Brad and circus is
having come from the Roman days.
Keep the like I'm going to edit this for the kids.
The masses of but mass but the adults I'm sure can probably get it.
If not go to the Liberty Beacon dot com look up the piece see the hashtag I created that
I'm talking about.
To ignore the tyranny and be complacent and not revolt against the ruling elites.
Now I also want to point out right away again corresponding correlating.
They complement each other this show and the Liberty Beacon dot com piece.
Please go there embedded in the article will be a video three minutes and fifty seconds.
You could send the kids to see that.
Bread and circuses.
What does it mean and where does it come from?
Just three minutes fifty seconds rather short.
But again, it would be great if you could use this as a launching point to get them to
study more in regard to that and the civics and history of our nation.
They're not learning.
I will go into the article regarding a subsection from only thing required for evil to prevail.
The Liberty Beacon host of the past.
But as for the show, I want you to go to the article again.
I want you doing both the show and the article.
You don't have to, of course.
I'm not demanding it.
I'm not dictating it.
It's there for you if you want to do both.
But you can, of course, just do one or the other.
I'm going to skip ahead in my notes because this also has to do with our education system.
As I alluded to, if you're homeschooling, even if you're not issue your kids.
Some of your own homework since the schools aren't teaching.
I mean, you can get them involved as an aside and throw back a couple of weeks ago on TLB.
I was talking about all the online virtue signaling as part of the deflections and the
distractions and the distortions.
Keep people flattering on endless things that doesn't matter all that much online.
Keep some from doing actual things and that important thing about you shall be known by
your fruit.
Not your online, how they're doing chatter, but things you actually get up off your couch
and go out and do like going to a school board meeting or going to a city council meeting
or going to a party committee meeting being a precinct delegate and being involved so
that then you qualify to go to convention instead of you constantly what they need about rhinos
and the supposed uni party.
No, it's not.
There are plenty good Republicans fighting hard.
The rhinos, the stinos and the fascicret are the ruling elite establishment deep state
But what are you doing?
Be a precinct delegate.
Be involved.
Qualify to go to convention and thereby elect a county convention first to elect your local
committee and then potentially qualify for the state convention to elect your statewide
leadership and then also qualify to potentially go to the national convention and even a chance
at being a presidential elector at the national convention.
Do not just talk do we must all do.
I also will have another video from years ago on my YouTube.
Know nothing so flex on both the right and left we must educate.
That one's about 10 minutes long and that is Michigan related but it could be anywhere
about ballot initiative and idiots who think they're doing something.
It's we get to do something like currently as I record this the week before we're going
through the US Senate Rhino sell out de facto amnesty bill they expect to try to ram through
the house that thankfully speaker Mike Johnson says is dead on arrival.
It needs to be the Senate never took up the houses HR to good immigration border security
bill that would enforce the border.
No instead Rhino McConnell the open border rhinos and cenos in the Senate he mean up with the
Democrats to try to give a de facto amnesty bill.
Clearly there worry Trump is going to win this next election.
So they want to codify amnesty into law.
It's a bad bill.
There's only three things in it really of any importance.
The first thing it gives I like the deep state bureaucrats not the border patrol not the
amnesty court judges were supposed to be done but deep state bureaucrats the literal right
to get a green card.
Just give me the amnesty.
Oh you know there about what's not the all not consideration of a discol
the word I'm looking for they're given just questions.
Just question to give away amnesty.
So you know these poor people that are crying amnesty that don't qualify for can just be
handed a green card and next year citizenship and voting rights.
That's what this is about the second part is it kind of five open borders and a level
of five thousand a day about one point nine million a year then then after that the president
ban that's still not required not should can.
Good declare for about 180 days and emergency and shut down the border as if any Democrat
would do that because again the current law that says zero illegal immigration doesn't
say good should it says you.
Yes. How. Enforce the law but they are in dereliction of their duty should be impeached it is treason
for violating their oath of office they are violating us law they are aiding and abetting
foreign invaders these mostly ninety five percent plus middle age military age male
girls from virtually eighty five percent of all the nations on the planet coming across
that border hundreds and known terrorist watch list.
Intradicted but still let in how many hundreds or thousands more that we don't even talk
to to know they're on the list have not been to the nation but I'm going to go ahead then
and wrap it up because again you should always go to the article but again this involves education
right the dumbing down of America the stupid application of America the worst of location
especially of our boys so that they don't know anything only are interested in what
pleasure just distractions distortions any anything any shiny object to catch their eye
to keep them away from paying attention to what their really elites are trying to do
to them mainly fast the cracks but I'm no party hack yes he knows and rhinos also so
I want to read from my christitucia politics the book and watch for christitucia politics
to second book follow-up book coming on or around June 1st of 2024 reading from my book
seriously Stanley education is so darn poor in the western world these days people know
history or virtually anything else in USA indoctrination factories and other supposed
free society systems are peddling radicalism launch black to version in quote or parentheses
pedophilia no iron there the one and how you'll see why is important in a minute racism
as in CRT not trying to tamp down racism but instead soaking racism through leftist identity
politics as you can see I'm ads living a little extra here anti-americanism the new
is as I call them to our entitled lazy participation trophy overblown self-esteem buffoons know
nothing brat now obviously I'm not talking about all children here but you know some
of the neighborhood kids that fit this they don't know anything they don't want to know
anything they just want to know the neighborhood and get into trouble you know the kind that's
going to be the future criminals of our nation that the left refuses lock up when they commit
crimes and any rate yeah I used it again I know I'm laughing for those of you reading
in the transcript on purpose meanwhile trying to is teaching their children the traditional
art of reading writing arithmetic history scribes see what I did there because some
kids are so dumb down they wouldn't know the doesn't belong in there and indeed also as
I mentioned elsewhere I cannot avoid bad lane attempts at humor puns to lighten the mood
at times during these very serious subject discussions the neurology another are don't
belong in there have the kids don't know it doesn't though not set genderism where there
is an hour they're teaching teaching in China in abroad in Russia our nation's enemies
you know respect work ethic and the light so that's it kind of short and sweet today
and if you're really concluding sentence or paragraph whatever of the article because
it's an ongoing running joke about how long my articles get a time a manager over at the
Liberty Beacon says you know the ideal article for those on our site it's been shown that
read I 800 to 1200 words well I just get warmed up at 800 to 1200 times but this article actually
this time for the Liberty Beacon calm that will be entitled bread and circus falls into
the 800 range they're gonna literally believe it over there so I joke in conclusion on the
article yes that's it that's sweet I know what you're thinking what did they do with
the real Joseph and Leonard because this cannot possibly be really one of his usually long
pieces LOL take care and God bless all see you again next week that is how I conclude
the Liberty Beacon that calm piece because again yes you know even on my shows I try
to keep them 20 30 minutes sometimes they creep to 45 every once in a while they'll creep
over an hour I can get very long winded yes I know I'm aware you don't need to email me
about that I'm well aware LOL for the transcript there at any rate I did it what third or fourth
time the show on purpose I'm poking from it my own stupidity my own inability to have
been into that trap in the first place and now my conscious trying to work out into my
subconscious that going forward hey dummy stop doing that so indeed I hope to see you
all next week indeed take care sincerely from the bottom of my heart I hope that God
may bless you and keep you and provide for you in these very very harsh tough times we're
dealing in right now one of the primary reasons why I started Christitutionalist politics
podcast and dropped Christitutionalist politics the book in August of 23 and CTP 2 book coming
Juneish June 1st is the current target date of 2024 please check out past Christitutionalist
politics podcast episodes you can go to tiny URL dot com last Christitutionalist shortcut
to Buzzsprank where the shows are high you can see every episode there in case if some
other of the 14 platforms the show is carried on doesn't have an episode from whatever reason
I don't know I've not checked them all if there's any censorship going on if any of
them have been pulled or not I sure hope not I've just recently spoke on censorship there's
a show an article on that of course during this I refer to occasional distractions not
just okay but healthy in this week's article bread and circus as mentioned there briefly
but I wanted this standalone show on it as well as only thing only thing required for
evil prevail article there was no particular show but it is indeed covered in Christitutionalist 
politics the book so I didn't ramble on enough now you're probably tired of hearing
me maybe I probably preferred it when I stuck to the script laughing again for the transcription
note take care see you all later 

[ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast begin Show outro]

Thank you for having tuned into ChristiTutionalist Politics show. Please be sure to check out more about today's discussion at where my articles drop every Saturday in addition to seeing the corresponding piece referenced in the episode of ChristiTutionalist podcast see to the show transcript on podcast platforms that provide access to it like buzzsprout at for additional bonus material therein the transcript. Thank you. Take care. God bless

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BONUS MATERIAL BELOW from: "Occasional Breaks Not Just OK But Healthy" [See original piece at:, for referenced links, images, and embedded videos.]

Occasional breaks and distractions not just OK, but healthy…

So wonderful to get the occasional break from the writing norm people expect from me, and even a chance to share some Personal information (including more recent photos that can be viewed from what were previously online from back when I previously operated SSCE site) for anyone who cares to learn more about me as a Person rather than me as an Author, Political Activist, Speaker, etc., that folks generally know me as online. So, ARE YOU READY FOR SOME FOOTBALL? and yes down-thread Political tie-ins. So, WE INTERRUPT YOUR REGULARLY SCHEDULED READING TO PRESENT: TLB SPECIAL - SPORTS EDITION (sort of, not entirely, will make sense as it all comes together going along)…

Yes, in moderation and perspective, Sports can be a great bit of distraction from seriousness in Life, and indeed a Business, giving additional Folks (on and off Field) chance to earn Living at what they Love. All things in moderation as distraction as long as we know the BREAD AND CIRCUSES concept and not be lulled into State of Stupid (more on this down-thread, hang in with me if you still want at least a partial Political piece (it really does all tie-together)).

VIDEO (2m 18s): Are you ready for some Football (Hank Williams Jr): 
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Who else has enjoyed the XFL Season and already enjoying Season 2 of USFL reboot?!?!? And sneak-ahead mention: more Football on the way 2023 and 2024 – down-thread.

Despite the discussion with NFL snob Kevin (Savaged Unfiltered, April 2023), who is really only interested in Football that he can make quick/easy side-hustle monies off, I am greatly enjoying ALL the additional Football and seeing so many Heart filled hungry players still getting an extended opportunity to play the game they Love. It is great for more to get to still play, whether or not will ever indeed get to, or get back to, the NFL. As well as help further employ and help them and their Families of/for Security Personnel, Ticket-takers, Concession workers, roving Food/Beverage Vendors, Merchandisers, etc./more; that are certainly NOT Salaried employees and only earning when the Venues are open and operating with some form of events to occur within. 

VIDEO (44m 3s): Discussion with Kevin Gootee (Savaged Unfiltered Podcast) Comedy and Sports: 
<iframe class="rumble" width="640" height="360" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
[Related, if you’re looking for more Comedy: Savaged Unfiltered with Sadia]

Yes, there has been some "OMG YOU GOTTA CATCH THAT" disappointment moments, but don't we get those too in the NFL at times? Players looking to try and amass YAC (Yards-After-Catch) and taking focus off the catch-the-ball first task (happened at times even to some currently in Canton Ohio Football Hall-Of-Fame). There was also a great HELMET CATCH in the XFL this year that frankly rivaled the Super Bowl Helmet Catch still talked about; and great Lujuan Winningham one-hander in XFL Playoffs. The main thing is that MOST of the games are indeed "competitive" to and within the League itself making for some Fun games to watch (yes, a couple Teams are surely underwhelming, but then again the Detroit Lions for my entire Life has been underwhelming in the NFL (and once again we see HOPES from new Leadership in the front-office and on the Field via Draft and/or Free Agency but still the same #FordOwnershipCurse lingering in the backs of our mind always holding us back from any potentially good Season)). The Teams with losing Records in XFL had many within one-score Finals; close games they just happened to come out on the wrong side of more than other Teams.

And we have REAL HOPE in Michigan, as the USFL Michigan Panthers are looking far better than last year - the best chance for a Division and hopefully Championship banner to go up into the Ford Field (Detroit Michigan, Home of NFL Lions (and Panthers previously played at former home of Lions Pontiac Silverdome when they Won Championship and had a banner in those) rafters!!!

VIDEO (1m 34s): USFL back in Michigan: 
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen></iframe>

And we should all have REAL HOPE that the XFL (destroyed by Wuhan Virus lockdowns the last reboot attempt) and the USFL now into Season 2 of reboot, should both learned lessons and proceeding cautiously toward long-term stability and longevity this time around. Again, to allow us, as Fans, to see more local favorites from NCAA Teams (and some former NFL Players, as well as "NFL prospect" Players to showcase themselves, in the mix) get to extend their Careers otherwise not available to them.

VIDEO (2m 19s): Kurt Warner – American Underdog (Movie Trailer):  
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen></iframe>

And there will remain the great potential for another greatest story in Football of another Kurt Warner (see his biopic: American Underdog) that we all knew Kurt was destined for when we even first glimpsed his potential all those years back starting in the Arena Football League. Here in Michigan we remember fondly Novo Bojovic from his Detroit Drive (AFL), Michigan Panthers (USFL), and Saint Louis Rams (NFL), days. Many players had actually played in both AFL and NFL (starting most famously with Cliff Branch (Former Oakland Raiders WR) who joined the AFL in first Season and LA Cobras to help highlight the League and show his full “Iron-Man Football” (players play both Offense AND Defense, let’s see many of the NFL folks do that) talent. Some include such names as: Novo Bojovic, Rashied Davis, Cory Fleming, Tony Graziani, Jay Gruden, Rob Hunt, Jim Kubiak, Tommy Maddox (AFL, XFL, NFL, transition), Todd Marinovich, Sean Payton, Will Pettis, Kurt Warner, and so many more (fuller, but still incomplete list via Wiki). Just a couple of USFL to NFL mentions are Doug Flutie, Jim Kelly, Herschel Walker.

VIDEO (10m 26s): Arena Bowl X: Kurt Warner vs. Jay Gruden: 
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Warner went from AFL Iowa Barnstormers QB (1995-1997) to signing with St. Louis Rams (temporarily playing with Amsterdam Admirals of NFL Europe), then becoming Rams Super Bowl winning QB and MVP in 2000 (Super Bowl XXXIV). Warner set a Super Bowl record with 414 passing yards and threw a pair of touchdowns to lead the Rams to their first Super Bowl title and was named the game's MVP. He recorded another MVP season two years later when he guided the Rams back to the Super Bowl. Warner then went on to play for the Arizona Cardinals and took them to a Super Bowl in 2009 (Super Bowl XLIII) but was unable to duplicate his Super Bowl winning success, losing both his second Rams Super Bowl and (Warner’s 3rd, this time with) Arizona Cardinals Championship games appearances. .

AUDIO (27m 14s): Stone Cold Sports Truth (WAAMradio Sun Apr 30th Show): 
<iframe width="100%" height="300" scrolling="no" frameborder="no" allow="autoplay" src=""></iframe><div style="font-size: 10px; color: #cccccc;line-break: anywhere;word-break: normal;overflow: hidden;white-space: nowrap;text-overflow: ellipsis; font-family: Interstate,Lucida Grande,Lucida Sans Unicode,Lucida Sans,Garuda,Verdana,Tahoma,sans-serif;font-weight: 100;"><a href="" title="Stone Cold Sports Truth" target="_blank" style="color: #cccccc; text-decoration: none;">Stone Cold Sports Truth</a> · <a href="" title="SCST 043023" target="_blank" style="color: #cccccc; text-decoration: none;">SCST 043023</a></div>
[This article, in-part, inspired by Derek and my call-in to his/this program, you can listen LIVE Sunday’s 12:30ET-1p and call-in to participate at 734-822-1600 (other Shows to listen and call-in to – see: WAAMradio/shows)]

 [Sub-section from “Only thing required for Evil to prevail” TLB piece (expanded/expounded upon a bit below)]

It is cited that 50-60% of all Christians do not Vote (also another related TLB story: “Will REAL CHRISTIANS Save America”). Many of (supposedly 40% of) whom are not even Registered to Vote (Register to Vote, or print the form to get a Christian you know Registered (in Michigan, or find your States’ forms via DuckDuckGo search)!
All that is required for Evil to prevail is for good peoples to do nothing! You’ve no doubt heard that quote already in some of its various paraphrased forms.
If you are not familiar with the phrase: Bread and Circuses to appease the peasants, you’d better become acquainted with it quick (while the Left and FASCICRATS try to keep the masses distracted and they “Cloward and Piven” us toward Bankruptcy (especially the Social Security System in just next few years if not dealt with and as also discussed in the TLB “The Lefts Farcical Attempt to Influence the 2024 GOP Primary” piece)….

When are you going to stop (well, again, point of this article, doing so in moderation OK, but I’m addressing the do nothing but sit around and WHINE crowd) watching the Circus distractions and get involved? Or you sitting idly (“You SHALL be Known by Your Fruits” or your IDLENESS to not Sow anything) by until there is no Bread at all to Eat from/with/in the “Bread and Circus” eventual collapse equation? 

VIDEO (3m 50s): Bread and Circuses - What does it mean and where does it come from?: 
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen></iframe>

As an aside and throw-back a couple weeks. Those who Virtue-Signal are NOT limited to those on the Left. Sadly many on the Right just sit around behind keyboards and also Virtue-Signal; knowing NOTHING of which they speak and engaging in Emotional Hysterics and DO SOMETHING (even if it makes things worse, not better) mentality; of course just about different things than those on the Left. They talk a great game online, but when it comes to doing something (You Shall Be Known By Your Fruits, not your Words and inaction is a choice/action that can/shall be Judged), be expected to actually bother to stand up and show up to do ANYTHING that would matter – they are nowhere to be found. Are you a Virtue-Signaling bullshit-artist? Or an actual do-er (One actually can be counted on to show up and be in the trenches for the Fight)?!?!

VIDEO (10m 1s): Know Nothing Snowflakes, on both the Right and the Left We must Educate: 
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Back to the “distraction” of Football…

Nothing beats the price and availability of AFL/USFL/XFL games that a whole entire family can have Season-tickets for just the cost of an individual NFL game lower bowl seats. And while the current modern USFL and XFL talk about unprecedented access (as did before them “claims” by the AAF and UFL (whom Actor/Celebrity Denzel Washington’s Son (John David Washington played in NFL Europe for the Rhein Fire in the 2007 offseason. Washington was drafted by the California Redwoods (later the Sacramento Mountain Lions) of the United Football League in the UFL Premiere Season Draft in 2009) was a WR in and gave notoriety to that League. Like the other Leagues, the UFL too rebooting/returning in 2023 and will be available via Streaming starting May 2023 with Teams boasting from Atlanta, Charleston, Mississippi, Pittsburgh, Richmond, Rochester, Virginia Beach, Arkansas, Baton Rouge, Chicago, Houston, Kansas City, Oklahoma, Saint Louis)) nothing beat the access of an Arena Football League games.

AFL access was never seen before nor since, especially for those of us able to get the Season-tickets in the first few rows right around the Arena and literally having players land up in your lap during the game, as they were knocked over the Indoor League Walls. Nor a better opportunity for you to bring the kids and have on field access after the game to meet Coaches, Players, Cheerleaders, League and Teams’ Operators/Officials, and even oftentimes the AFL game creator Jim Foster (who, yes, if you watch “American Underdog” you’ll know also went on to create the Iowa Barnstormers franchise (which later switched, along with a few other AFL franchises (Arizona Rattlers, San Jose Sabercats, others), to help build IFL spinoff League (minus the Patented Jim Foster AFL Nets exclusively Licensed to/for AFL), after “irreconcilable differences” within AFL Offices and “direction and future of the AFL” inner-squabbles (as the AFL remained plagued over its multiple decades of play to retain franchises and locations (but, let’s be fair, how many MLB, NBA, NFL, and even NHL, Teams relocated for better Venue deals in other Cities over the decades too?) and the original incarnation of the AFL completely collapsed in Bankruptcy in 2019))) to talk to and get autographs from. Let alone the access I was lucky enough to have by having seats right behind home bench for the Detroit Drive and interacting with Tim Marcum (whom you can see in the “Arena Bowl X: Kurt Warner vs. Jay Gruden” video above after going to Tampa Bay Storm when Detroit Drive ceased operations) about actual gameplay during halftime of games.

[image source: Joseph M Lenard – 501-C-3 Non-Profit Club creator]

So, sure there are wonderful entertainment options for entire Families at reasonable cost beside the overpaid, overpriced, whining, kneeling (though that seems to have stopped, for now, WOKE Political grand-standing AntiAmericanism and never real oppression abroad (not to be confused with Tim Tebow honoring God “End-zone Prayer kneeling” nor Prayer returning to NFL following Damar Hamlin injury)), other Professional Leagues (whether Baseball, Basketball, Football) today. As well as, again, we from everything in moderation can enjoy (and not to the point of complete distraction as Bread and Circuses strategy is intended to keep you fat, lazy, stupid, and uninvolved in the things that actually affect your life). And, yes, even the AFL has new owners, restructured, and planning a return in 16 cities for 2024. Which Cities the AFL will be reconstituting in again to be announced late 2023, which boasted its maximum size of 19 teams playing 3 different (2001, 2004, and 2007) Seasons. I am certainly hoping it returns to Detroit for a third time – though I will NOT be buying into Season-tickets nor interested in reconstituting the “1st Fan – Detroit ArenaFootball Fan Club” that I created (being the 1st person to had purchased Detroit AFL tickets back when, and play that everyone can be a #1 Fan with such close-proximity seats to the action)! And hopefully Grand Rapids MI Rampage returns, at which a GRR hosting Houston ThunderBears game I met my Wife (yes, though now Divorced (Joseph Martin Lenard / Rhonda Michelle Simpson 1999 Wedding Program)). Rhonda of the Simpson Drag Family, no not that kind – Drag Racing (the Cars kind), not the Dylan “Hepburn Impersonator wanna-be” (and non Bud-Light Drinker Spokes-blunder, destroyed a Brand (Stock tanked, as boycott ensued)) kind.

[image: Simpson – StripTease Racer – photo by: Joseph M Lenard]

VIDEO (50m 06s): Savaged Unfiltered  S4  E439: Why, Budweiser??:  
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YOU PREFER BASEBALL? Listen to me talking with Don Wardlow on BASEBALL LIFER Show. And catch me there again coming-soon for follow-up discussion of MLB Rule changes/updates effects on that game. I may not be an ”expert” but I certainly have my “Fan perspective” on such. Though, honestly, Detroit Tigers not doing well several years; nor Pistons nor Red Wings nor Lions ever, which is why I’m excited about Panthers being back and hoping for return of AFL to Detroit; I don’t watch much now, will again when they improve (yep, other than Hockey/NHL I am indeed a “Fair-weather Fan” (and yes, now we’re talking Baseball, pun intended about the “Fair-weather” Sport)). Plus my TERROR STRIKES book has a Baseball sub-thread in it (which I hope you’ll read to find/understand why). As well as obvious threat at/on any Sporting event(s) – I recall the great and under-rated IMO “Black Sunday” film (and the Fan’s “Black Sunday 1976 Behind the Scenes Film”).

HOCKEY? Told ya Boston Bruins were actually LONG-SHOT to win the Cup this Season! 
Welcome to the Club Boston Bruins..
How many times in 90's and early 2000's Detroit Red Wings blew people out, amassed up Record various Stats, won President's trophy regularly, CLEAR FAVORITE for the Cup --- EXIT PLAYOFFS EARLY!!!

Thank you Florida Panthers, you made me a few Bucks! :) LOL
To you all, you know who you are, TOLD YA SO - PAY UP! 

VIDEO (2m 13s): Welcome To Holey Moley (ABC): 
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EXTREME MINI-GOLF? Best Sports Show EVER; and I say that not entirely tongue-in-cheek as it was a lot of fun with the humorous hosts and wild and crazy putt-putt holes. Holey Moley, neither confirmed or denied (not renewed, but not officially cancelled) to return sometime in 2023 (should have been restarting Wed. May 3rd). Now that there is a 2023 Writers Strike (frankly with all the WOKE manure peddled into virtually every Program these days, many feel the longer they Strike the better and the Nations collective IQ would increase getting a break from their manure) and entirely scripted Shows well is going to run-dry over the Summer/Fall. 

Yes, Holey Moley is a Reality-hybrid and partially scripted. They may wish to quickly green-light Season 5 for this as at least one content that can quickly be ramped up and put in the can that they’ll need for potential holes (yes, Golf, holes, pun intended) in their nightly slots. Both hosts are very improvisational capable and Show indeed could be done off-the-cuff as if like a regular Live Sporting event (yes, they too often have pre-recorded scripted pieces as part of Broadcasts, but can be “worked” without (hosts/announcers just have increased pressure)).

VIDEO (47m 18s): Joseph M Lenard w/ Roger Landry on Eradicating Programmed Ignorance – Town Crier Show discuss the Left’s insanity WOKE/PatheticalCorruptness “Feelings over Facts” crowd demand must be the new-norm: 
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[Of course, TLB is about Politics, so we gotta close out this piece on that note. 😊 Great conversation I had with Roger I hope you’ll listen to.]

Joseph M. Lenard (aka: JLenardDetroit)
Author, blogger, cancer survivor, CHRISTIAN CONSTITUTIONALIST CONSERVATIVE, GoldAffiliate, podcaster, political activist, speaker, social-media influencer, writer. 
"Terror Strikes: Coming Soon to a City Near You" (Historical Fiction)
#1 Amazon Political-Thriller ( ).
Yes, about Terrorism, but NOT book about Death but Life & Living!
Life, over Death. Hope, over Fear. Faith, over Despair. Love, over Hate. Good, over Evil. Individualism, over Collectivism. Freedom, over Tyranny. Friends, and Family. Pro-Life!
and "How to Write a Book and Get It Published: Hints, Tips & Techniques
addl. links:

Joseph M Lenard was a former writer for Super Simple Computer Enterprises, REDSTATE, Grassfire, and Rattle With Us – MI TEAParty (where he was Writing Committee Chair), others; and current content provider at Before It’s News and now The Liberty Beacon; as well as being Author of: “Terror Strikes: Coming soon to a City near you” ( )!
Terror Strikes video Trailer:  
Joseph Martin Lenard (@JLenardDetroit) 
author: Terror Strikes (buy) 
12CDRC, Wayne12, Committees member
W12 Newsletter Editor Wayne-12CDRC Newsletter
MICD12GOP MI 12th CDRC Webmaster
Taylor (MI) Republicans Club TRC Michigan Webmaster
Terror Strikes book (B4IN write-up)

BONUS MATERIAL ABOVE from: "Occasional Breaks Not Just OK But Healthy" [See original piece at:, for referenced links, images, and embedded videos.]

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