ChristiTutionalist (TM) Politics

ChristiTutionalist Politics (S2E70) Micro Vs Macro

Joseph M. Lenard Season 2 Episode 70

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CTP S2E70 NOTES ( listen (Sat Oct 19 2024 and thereafter) at: )... 
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S2E70) Micro Vs Macro   
See Buzzsprout podcasts Transcript for full Show Notes (including related links) and Transcript Bonus  
Micro vs Macro can, does, should, if we use Logic/Reason/Common-Sense, be thought through before applying from Micro to Macro and vice-versa for proper real Cost/Benefit, efficiencies, scalability realities vs Emotional Hysterics delusional desires. Micro/Macro in all aspects of Life, applications in/out of Government. Micro/Macro, theories vs workable realities, Motion does not assure real Progress, etc/more (lots side-rabbit-holes that all tie back in one-way-shape-or-form to Micro/Macro discussion)... Aplying Micro/Macro to all things, theories vs realities, logic/reason over Emotional irrational pushing consequences be damned. 

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Author, Blogger, Podcaster

CTP S2E70 NOTES ( listen (Sat Oct 19 2024 and thereafter) at: )... 
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S2E70) Micro Vs Macro   
See Buzzsprout podcasts Transcript for full Show Notes (including related links) and Transcript Bonus  
Micro vs Macro can, does, should, if we use Logic/Reason/Common-Sense, be thought through before applying from Micro to Macro and vice-versa for proper real Cost/Benefit, efficiencies, scalability realities vs Emotional Hysterics delusional desires. Micro/Macro in all aspects of Life, applications in/out of Government. Micro/Macro, theories vs workable realities, Motion does not assure real Progress, etc/more (lots side-rabbit-holes that all tie back in one-way-shape-or-form to Micro/Macro discussion)... Aplying Micro/Macro to all things, theories vs realities, logic/reason over Emotional irrational pushing consequences be damned.  
See Buzzsprout podcasts Transcript of Episode for related addl info
Transcript Bonus: "Micro Vs Macro (Sneak-Peek)" BeforeItsNews piece   

Episode related pieces (items referred to in episode and/or other relatable in some sense wothy of note)...
- (B4IN SneakPeek and expanded, twice size of, TLB version of same piece)   
- (old RedState item of mine)   
- Nuclear Now special (has its own Micro/Macro (scalabilities today vs Nuclear Generation of past) and practical applications/considerations sub-discussion)  
- Leftist Religion of Government not God:   
- Old Testament was NOT replaced but enhanced by Jesus Christ fullfilling Torah Scriptures:     

"ChristiTutionalist Politics" podcast (CTP) 
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- CTP Coffee affiliate 1: (promocode: JOSEL20) 
- CTP Coffee affiliate 2: (promocode: CTP10)   
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- Transcription Services by: Converter.App  
- Joseph M Lenard -  ( /\  
(CTP S2E70 Audio: 1h 2m 10s, Sat Oct 19 2024) 
[ Stomping Rock Four Shots - Alex Grohl, Used With Permission Under License ]  

SNEAK-PEEK: The next several TLB pieces (planned going forward from August 31st) and correlating/corresponding CTP Shows already outlined, ready to go, in some cases actually already pre-recorded. Why mention such? Well, it means I can add this COMING SOON (and/or recently dropped) addition/section to the Show Notes...  
October 5 - S2E68: School Shootings  
October 8 - S2EOctSpecial2: All Lives Matter?    
October 12 - S2E69: How Stupid Have Americans Become (part 1)  
October 15 - S2EOctSpecial4: Sum Of Many People's Fears of a Civil War 2.0     
October 17 - S2EOctSpecial5: Preserve America Now  
October 19 - S2E70: Micro vs Macro  
October 22: S2EOctSpecial6: Singer/Songwriter Eddy "You Da" Mann  
October 24: S2EOctSpecial7: God and Trump (w/ R. Lynch)  
October 26 - S2E71: RFK Jr. as Health Secretary  
November 2 - S2E72: How Stupid Have Americans Become (part 2)  
November 9 - S2E73: No you CAN NOT REST   
November 16 - S2E74: [From NY it's] SATURDAY NIGHT [not LIVE, in Theaters]   

some "Behind-the-Scenes" Video version of ChristiTutionalist Politics found via...   

In addition to seeing corresponding TheLibertyBeacon piece referenced in episodes of CTP, see too Show transcript on Podcast platforms that provide access to it (like buzzsprout ( for addl bonus material  there-in. 


Transcription Services below from:

[ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast begin Show intro]

Welcome to ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast aka CTP in association with and I am your host Joseph M Lenard and that's L E N A R D   CTP is your no muss no fuss just me you And occasional guest type podcast as Graham Norton would say let's get on with the show 

[ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast - Segment 1] 

Hello everybody, I am going to proceed with the Micro versus Macro show that this was planned
to be but I just wanted to do a quick introlute about the average Joe movie that is out.
I did see it, I just came from the theater as a matter of fact, I am not going to say
it is a bad movie, it is a different movie. I kind of had a particular expectation of
it being a standard kind of drama presentation and there was this quasi-character self-narrative
thing going on and again, it is not that I disliked it, it is just that it was different
than what I was expecting and of course the important thing is the message. We have a
constitutionalist based Supreme Court, a constitutionalist based Supreme Court, our Deo Christian
Foundation, we are not a theocracy but we have a First Amendment right, freedom of religion
and they finally overturned the other lower previous Supreme Court ruling, liberal activist
packed court that was more communistic and more antithetical to the First Amendment and trying
to destroy our freedom of religion which is not to be confused with Jack out in Colorado,
First Amendment speech issue which the court rightly deemed he can't be forced to put a message
on a cake that offends him from his religious standpoint, his freedom of religion and freedom
of speech does not mean you can compel someone to say something they don't believe in or
participate, we also have freedom of association. So at any rate indeed we're going to get into
micro versus macro, I just wanted to give a brief mention to the average Joe movie and
hope you saw God's not dead, the fifth one and Matt Walsh's and my racist said it's so hilarious
as well as what the forge that's out and I know there are other somewhat religious movies out
that I'm forgetting to mention and I air to show with Richard Lynch his God and Trump tune,
go back and listen to that episode, we talk about that, the left constantly is spewing their positions,
their anti-Christianity, their anti-Americanism, their communism rather than big-bocal community,
they want to squelch our free speech or in the case of Jack force him to say things and participate
in things he's not comfortable with and we need to do more, we need to step up and say no more as
Richard Lynch said in that show he has God and Trump song, he's tired of the left pushing them,
pushing them, pushing and it's about time they've got free speech rights and can say what they want,
it's about time that we stop being cow-towed and fearful, it's a form of terrorism as I speak with
him about, they want to silence us, they want to terrorize us into silence and submission,
just pound their way and as I wrote on, let the left keep pushing, it seems like more
and more of our youth are pushing back on the indoctrination because they're pushing so hard
and so far and also only thing for evil prevail, good people do nothing right, two chronicles 714,
pray yes not enough, turn from wicked ways, I shall hear heal land, we must help to make it turn
from wicked ways then God will help heal the land not just wave a magic wand we get to sit on the
couch and do nothing and as I spoke with someone at the theater on the way out of average Joe,
30 to 50 million Christians not even registered or are registered and don't vote, if we actually
voted biblically they couldn't cheat enough to defeat us and we would have never gotten to this
point you can't just sit shall be known by fruit you must sow to reap if you don't sow good
you are complicit in allowing the evil doers to sow evil that is then reaped but those are whole
other shows we've already done so please check out the archive catalog archives for shows on all
those topics if you're new to the show oops oops oops before I get to micro versus macro I realized
I goofed I mentioned Richard Lynch in the context of free speech and freedom of religion he is appearing
on ctp I'm looking at my calendar again to make sure I don't make another mistake
Thursday October the 24th the week following this show not the week prior so if you're scratching
your head uh saying I don't see anything about Richard Lynch in a song that he's getting backlash
cancel culture of course they'll last again the censorship then they're allowed to speak
but us they want to silence want to subdue and contain and uh I don't know what wording I'm
really looking for here I'm sure you get what I'm saying but they want to put a lid on our
speech on the conservative side on the christitutional side on the religious side their atheist
communism can be spewed all day every day anywhere and everywhere but us they try to silence because
as I speak with Richard Lynch they can't sell no one will buy what they're selling if they're honest
and they have to squelch our speech because we point out they're lying because they have to lie in
order to try to get people to buy trick people into what they're trying to peddle communism rather
than biblical community so at any rate now that that's cleared up let's get into micro versus macro
readings everybody welcome to the show christitutionalist politics podcast season two episode 70
micro versus macro got a frog in my throat now hopefully I can make this through without coffin
hacking and having to clear my throat a bazillion times at any rate here we go another weird show
in a sense in that I'm going to really not derail what it might be defer not defer
defer get away from I guess is the term I'm looking for what is in the corresponding correlating
in conjunction with the liberty piece by the same name micro versus macro behind the
scenes bit you Friday on rumble youtube and I just joined a new video platform daily motion
so gonna give them a shot too we'll see what happens there so if hello if you're spotting me
there for the first time I just joined so we'll see what happens but yeah behind the scenes here
that you see me shaking the notes and actually the the full print out of the article
micro versus macro that will be submitted and posted at the liberty that correlates
season conjunction with corresponds with the show but as I started to say the article got too long
so I started chopping and something that hit the chopping block in discussing micro versus macro
and I think this will work out really well for the ctp corresponding episode
talking points about it is Dyson sphere yeah micro versus macro it relates to everything but
mostly today I'm going to apply micro macro in an energy sense because the left has no logic no
reason especially no common sense no inability no no inability and inability they have no ability
to compare cost to benefit right there are a lot of things I could do but is it worth my energy
output time personal blood and treasure expense for the benefit I will get in return and that's all
part of the problem here with the left unicorn fart fantasy delusions they love theories and
they get emotionally attached to their theories and there's no practicality to doing what indeed
can and may work in reality based on the theory but again the return the benefit is stupid it's
the cost to benefit the the overall return and expense put in based on or with what you do now
the expense it will cost others later not worth the effort and that's kind of what this is all
about micro macro now as I cut the dyson sphere sphere I cannot talk again why does that happen
every time I hit record the brain and the mouth stop cooperating the dyson sphere SPHERE I'm not
saying fear and I apologize again with the tooth that was pulled now months ago I sound like in
my mind Sylvester from Sylvester and Tweety suffering suck a dash and certain words especially
women s in them don't want to come out of my mouth right or don't come out clear at any rate
dyson sphere in theory yeah it's a potential I can see it in theory but again what is the
practicality of actually trying to accomplish such now having a star and you know if you have
a space fairing race has robots that can handle multiple hundreds if not potentially
hopefully thousands of degrees working environment to be able to go up out and somehow try to surround
and entire yeah I don't know about Sun or whatever planet that has some type of emissions that can
be used to source energy collected and store it but then that practicality comes in again
what how do you get to it what good is it it's not going to power your cars on your planet now you
get spaceships up to it and maybe it's great for refueling in some way shape or form spaceships
but again cost benefit practicality or not now maybe instead of a whole vice and sphere
you do a dyson shield I've never heard anybody talk about that but that to me makes a little more
sense a little more practicality you don't get as close to the sun you go back a ways and you create
just a shield of a short and collect energy from a further distance perhaps and less energy but
still probably more than enough than depending on what you need it for and again there's the
practicality thing well if that energy can be collected up there that's great you got to still
go to that in order to tap that collected and stored energy to transfer how would you practically
in any practical manner be able to get that energy from there to where else like a planet like to
earth where we would need it again cost benefit the enormous costs that would be involved in
building the sphere or the shield and the ships to go back and forth from it to collect and deliver
back that energy somehow is just not practical at least yet of course right we're talking science
fiction to a degree here but science fiction in the past has become modern science fact in many
different regards I wanted to talk about I'm going to pivot here a little bit one of my all-time
favorite movie directors is Roland Emmerich he's the guy behind Stargate the day after tomorrow
moonfall independent stay movies whole bunch of blockbusters Stargate's one of my all-time
favorite films my all-time favorite TV series is Stargate SG-1 the spinoff from Matt and this is
a bit of an aside nothing to do with Mike Romero but rumor has been for however long now that Roland
Emmerich's been trying to reboot Stargate as a in theaters movie trilogy I would love to see
what he does with that but MGM has veto authority over they now back when Stargate SG-1 was
roaring why would they upset that don't let him bring it back to the theaters yet but then Stargate
as Lajas was also doing well don't do it then they tried some other spinoff didn't do so well but now
Stargate has been kind of a moot thing for a long time what's the hold up from bringing that
back now but I bring that up because right we're talking science fiction versus science fact
science fiction versus science reality what is great in theory
as to whether it can become reality at some point and we just aren't technologically advanced
to accomplish some things but again you know T.L.B. I are their aliens not the open border kind
the outer space kind are they extraterrestrial are they interstellar interdimensional or as I created
the term intertiminal right are they even really then aliens are they humans if they're
intertiminal from another time are they in the same space therefore not traveling through space and
somehow coming through dimensions so the amount of space really to cover is little but whatever the
dimensional barrier to cross is at issue but this all relates in applying it to the Dyson
sphere theory versus practicality now let's bring that back to earth so to speak solar micro macro
solar works great on the micro level if anyone and you climatards who say you care so much and
you're so concerned and you want this green energy why are there not solar panels on your house then
that's where it's practical that's where the cost of benefit makes more sense if you can afford that
cost to get that benefit overturned to pay you back and reduce the cost of your electricity
over long terms because you're not buying it from or at least as much of it from the current
local power plants why aren't you doing that the macro level is not practical you could the sun
doesn't shine all the time right and the alternative is then that you need massive huge space requirement
taking battery farms to go with the solar farms in your basement you could put a bank of
lithium ion batteries and it's practical doing that outside over thousands of acres
is not practical cost to benefit returns not very realistic not financially really viable
but again the point here is the left doesn't care about that if and when they can steal other
people's money in order to pursue their pipe dreams and then return really doesn't matter to
them either because it didn't cost them in the first place so i think you could see where i'm
going with this this all relates as i've said before an issue is never solely an issue it doesn't
exist in a vacuum these issues all have to interrelate now it's the same with wind farms
that's great i discuss i i know university of michigan has worked with title generators
those are practical and it's better than a whole building a hydroelectric dam title generators can
be put in rivers all over the place in lakes all over the place because unlike wind farms again on
a small scale it can work on the macro it's ridiculous out of control not practical and of course these
left is who claim to care about the whales now don't care about the whales being all screwed up and
upset and beaching and other fish now migrating to different places because of the mechanical
resonance of the wind farms out in the waterways disrupting you know our water
follow our water friends and all the eagles killed eagles and other large birds killed by the massive
huge windmills all of a sudden don't care they don't care because it's never about logic reason
the issue is never the issue this is an emotional thing climate worship planet worship climate
change man-made hopes is their religion it's emotional for them so the practicality of it they
don't care but title generators is a great future to look into and being here in michigan i know
university michigan has made some great progress with that i have discussed for decades now
reached out to the EPA and all kinds of the energy companies drum barrels are more practical
than the regular windows if we put them along our freeways think about that how much sense does that
make even when the wind itself isn't naturally blowing when traffic is passing both directions
the cars are creating a current a wind current to drive drum barrels there can be tons of them
they're not taking up open space and open land they're on existing use land all up and down the
freeways they could be generating electricity for local use but that's a practical solution
that's an intelligent solution that's a micro versus a their unrealistic macro wind farm
general's generation oh i still can't talk nonsense battery technologies come a long way
but the left hates nuclear because what they're concerned about the nuclear race well we were
building a place at yucca mountain to try to store it all and they block that so there are against
nuclear which is also a very green clean energy and we're going to need that and advancements
in nuclear has come a long way this isn't the night early 1900s even the late 1900s in the last
20 years alone nuclear has come a long way we're closer to fission than and potentially moving
away from fusion and even fusion much much smaller reactors to produce much more output of power
more practical even the original founder of green piece left that organization because of
course it's now just a left wing anti-american tear down america organization like every left wing
co-opted organization he's for nuclear but at the same time batteries your electric vehicles
after 10 years all those batteries containing toxic chemicals can't just go into your standard
local landfill it's like nuclear waste you need special handling to take care of that over the
long term but again the left doesn't care about any of that the pros and the cons all they see
is they're emotionally hysterical unicorn fantasy delusion pipe dream theory of the pros ignore
the cons ignore the costs especially again if they can through communism steal money from you
to fund their pipe dreams so battery technology is great but it's still not where we need it to be
and then there's a whole issue of EV fires right you don't put one of those out with a standard
pump water fire truck you require a foam fire truck special made extra costs that they refuse
to factor in extra dangers they refuse to acknowledge and deal with we had uh hurricane
Milton yeah now uh but no hurricane was a henry uh i forget now but there was an EV fire caused by
the hurricane regular water doesn't mix well with these batteries let alone salt water extra
dangerous and if there's any any minor flaw in how the batteries are contained and that water
gets into that it creates an electrical fire and ion lithium battery fire and you need the special
trucks to put them out and of course one of those couldn't get through due to hurricane damage
and the car had to be left to just burn itself out which of course threatened other properties
buildings and everything else around it spreading the fire these are practical questions practical
issues things that you must use logic reason and common sense to deal in not emotional hysterics
i'm coming through quickly my notes here the next section is uh oh yeah dyson sphere that i cut out
and governance in general also micro macro right a idea of communism may work on a micro level
it doesn't ever work anywhere on the macro level and this being a christian show i you we should
all be about biblical community as you've heard me talk about before our free will our freedom our
individual rights our individual responsibilities are we should want to be our brothers keeper with
and from our own blood and treasure not communism which is fast to redistribute like hitlery i've
talked about this many times it takes a village is biblical on the small micro level right you
your friends your family to help take care of kids if you're out of town come to the house take care
of the fur babies right that's all biblical it takes a village common sense application on the
grander scale communism where it's forced and through theft doesn't work never has never will
because of human nature it is why jesus said the poor will always be among you it's not a governance
or an economic statement it is a human nature statement there will always be some and the more you allow
people to be lazier and lazier and lazier if they're going to get a supposed equity share of everything
more will become lazy eventually as i've discussed on the show many times
atlas will shrug and it collapses you don't have to learn from Marxism we had it we tried it in the
united states under the bradford colony the mayflower compact what they don't teach you
is that it was a communist compact a common wealth collective rights and everyone regardless of input
got the same equitable supposed to cheer out housing and food and whatever the needs and indeed
more and more decided they wanted to get in the cart then help pull it and eventually there weren't
enough people to pull the cart they almost all starved to death and then bradford instituted
biblical community
oh excuse me sorry that frog of my throat caught up with me and i had to cough eventually the
audio version of course i'll cut that out and i'm gonna need to take a drink here pardon me
but bradford recognizing they were all going to starve to death instituted private property
individual rights not collectivist rights individual personal responsibility and freedoms rather than
collectivist notions and as paul harvey would say now you know the rest of the story and
now you know the rest of the story and as the other saying goes the rest as they say is history
america became founded on the biblical community concepts our judo christian foundations not
collectivist marxis who was many years off to come uh those notions that fail everywhere and as i
laid out fail on our continent so micro village and community makes sense us coming together
as i discuss in uh uh the politics of poderbelle sorry of having a mental block there from
talking about it's a wonderful life that we see on tv every christmas people don't think about the
politics that are in there that are there but indeed the savings and loan today's
equivalent would be your local credit union people under free will willingly come together
and joining a community co-op to benefit themselves and others that is community versus communism
where people would be forced to come together whether it benefits them or not so see how this
all ties back to micro versus macro and i think i'm actually going to probably be able to
wrap this up here i i really wanted to make sure i got into the disinsear thing even
even though i know some people are probably at the beginning shaking their heads and
maybe not even made it to this point not understanding why but it was in the tlb piece it got too long
i had to shave it down so i cut that out but indeed the longer piece almost twice as big as the
liberty beacon dot com piece can be found as a sneak peek on the
i'm jlunner detroit like i am on most nicials to meet a program uh platforms not programs
platforms still cannot talk bring them out don't want to cooperate as opposed to the liberty beacon
dot com where it is joseph m one-ner and again not french it's not one-narratives loner to wasca
which to ski or whatever it's a point i haven't dig far enough back in the wood pile to find out
what polish name it was that got chopped down to lennard without an ole with one more
blah blah blah here we go again still can't talk lennard without an ole actually polis origin somehow
also part german and part Italian uh so veiny on the Italian side and various spelling different
spellings derivative there and keeler and the german side but you know that's beside the point
unimportant nothing to do with this show just so you know a little bit about me
if this is the first show you've turned into but yeah i discussed the storm damage that caused that
and these practicalities i also speak i'm trying to check my notes here oh motion progress
somebody mentioned this the other day and i understand the concept and the theory and i hadn't
really thought to talk about it till now but it makes sense this is another issue with the left
not using logic reason and common sense they mistake motion for progress the do something
do anything never let a crisis go to waste let's pretend we're doing something by engaging in a
motion towards a motion not e motion engaging in motion towards a supposed goal whether it's
practical or not and call that progress that's if you're digging the hole as they say don't call
in another four uh of one of those caterpillar not a forklift uh you know what i mean right the
digger thingies the caterpillar clothings oh i apologize my brain again just went off there but
when you're digging the hole what's the first rule holes stop digging you don't just call in
more shovels dig harder dig faster in a hole you already can't get out of but again that theory
that concept the left doesn't understand motion doesn't always mean progress i wrote that note down
i'm glad i did because i would have forgotten to mention it and no it's not in the liberty beacon
dot com piece again this show has things in it that the articles do not and the articles have
things in it that these shows do not so they correspond and correlate with each other
so indeed at any rate what is that like the fifth one i've done if this is your first show
us it's an inside joke now i've still do azz and um's unfortunately i've cut them down though but i
established this habit of now saying at any rate and indeed i've joked perhaps i should
rename the show to at any rate it's actually a pretty good title for a podcast someone will
steal that from me at some point and use that but indeed at any rate wrapping things up
as you could tell i thought i had my thoughts together for this and why i sat down to record
it now but as you can see as i say me you if you're expecting a professional radio host this
ain't the show for that i'm just me in my living room holding up my green screen now you can see
the ugly couch back there was stuff on it i'm not a hoarder but i am a slob there's stuff all over
so the green screens here to hide the couch just me from my living room talking to you about important
subjects and yeah sometimes i get off track of it i apologize for that but we're all human
i'm not perfect you're not perfect none of us are perfect i'm not even attempting to be close to
radio show personality polished it's just here you and me pretty much raw pretty much uncut just
thinking through talking through these issues hopefully i've delivered to you now and in other
episodes and episodes in the future additional food for thought that perhaps had an energy in your
mind or some things that you can then present to others that you haven't yet to convince them of
certain things but concluding micro macro just because it works on the micro level doesn't mean
you can scale it up to the macro and vice versa macro large scale type things aren't necessarily
cost efficiently scalable down to a macro level some things have to be done on a grand massive scale
to only be viable due to economy of scale so thank you for tuning in take care god bless
micro versus macro we need to think about that more an application of all things as i said i
mainly discussed it here in regard to energy a bit of governance regarding community versus overall
communism that can't work but we need to apply these common sense things apply logic and reason
not emotional hysterical snowflake unicorn fart fantasy delusions of hey it's a great theory
let's try ramming it through whether we're ready for it or not just go full ball ahead
cost of benefit doesn't matter because they're stealing money from everybody to deal with the
cost and the benefit whether you benefit or not they don't care because in the meantime
through money laundering which is mainly what the man made climate hope thing is about yes
there are cycles yes the climate shifts on occasion they say at one time the Sahara desert
was underwater right so indeed there are shifts and cycles in climate the hurricane that hit
florida is like a hundred year storm new york remember when sandy came through oh man made global
warming man made global change it's proof it's more powerful now storm like this has never hit
new york it's unprecedented wrong false you're a moron you're lazy you don't look at anything
there was a hurricane in the early 1900s that went at new york and hit it head on unlike sanny
which was like a hundred year cycle storm trying to do the same thing in the early 2000s
that veered off and of course there's going to be potential more death and destruction and
replacement costs because there are more people always moving into these places
so there's more people there's more buildings there's more cost so yeah when a storm hits now
it's more powerful if you improperly measure based on replacement costs due to damage by it
that's why we do not measure storms that way idiot that's the spin of the left we'll look at it's
now costing billions of damage rather than hundreds of millions well there's a logical reason for that
you idiots if you apply it that's why we don't measure storms that way
hurricane cat levels there've been lower ones there've been higher ones there have been years
where there have been more storms there have been years where there have been less storms
in all ebbs and flows it cycles it's that man made anything the man made thing is your
agency and your attempts to use climate hopes as something that is supposedly man made and that
we could fix back to the sun solar flares and sunspots have far more effect on earth weather
and climate changes cycles and shifts than anything we do hurricanes have existed for hundreds of
years that we've been recording them a hundred years ago when there are far less people 200 years
ago when there were no cars what was man doing the far fewer men and women there were what were we
doing to cause those storms if supposedly we are affecting and causing these storms now they
can't answer that they won't answer that because there is no logic and reason they are only emotionally
hysterical people and the hopes give them money laundering opportunities those on the inside
get communistic money redistributed to them have you noticed these solar and wind farm companies
a lot of them come and five years later they're gone they're bankrupt but we're left with all that
crap out there destroyed the land they've enriched themselves they've pocketed as much money as they
could they lay off all the other workers that were just suckers at the time they don't care about
them they've lined their pockets they've moved on and of course all that government handout money
they then launder a lot of it back to the party who is giving them the grants it's a whole money
laundering operation it's nothing to do with climate it's nothing to do with reality it is
just a political money laundering scheme at any rate there's another rabbit hole i didn't really
mean to go down but as i constantly say all these issues interrelate and when someone is lacking any
real faith they fill the void with their own atheistic personal pursuits that allow them to be
god not answer to any higher authority it's all about them and nothing to do with us as peoples
and bettering things it's all about anti-americanism anti-critic anti-religion i don't want to even
say christianity anti-religion a lot of these people that profess to be in political leadership
as actual jewish or christian or whatever their frakes their frauds they're all about them they're
all about power and control as you've heard me talk in previous episodes all these things
power and control acquisition power and control over you that's why obama ocare was there and
meant to fail they're pushing to medicate for all it's not about health care just like when the
namis put it in place it's about power and control over you uh we love to help you but we need you
to do this for us before we can help your spouse your son your daughter your aunt your uncle your
brother your sister power and control is what it's about not health care i've tied a whole lot of
things together in here but again even the health care thing too what can work on the micro
doesn't necessarily work on the macro and why we are 50 different states what works in massachusetts
may not work in michigan or georgia or texas or utah or california and why we have to avoid allowing
the left to california all of america they want to turn their failure and push it on the entire
country as a one size fits all back to micro macro that sums it up one size doesn't always fit all
and that's why there's got to be variety there's got to be choice logic and reason not running
on pure emotions i've run way over from what i planned again please check out the liberty beacon
dot com micro versus macro dropping the same day as this saturday october the 19th and
if you go to buzzsprout where this show is housed although it's available on 20 plus platforms
including many behind the scenes video platforms where you can see the video
but if you go to buzzsprout there is a send us a message option or go to
slash contact right again it's not lonard it's Leonard without a no slash contact
and feel free to reach out to the show i've had a few listener feedback specials and i'm certainly
open to doing more of that if you think i've got something wrong here let me know i'll have you
on we'll talk about it if you agree with what i say but think i forgot something let me know
i'll have you on we'll talk about it as a listener feedback special thank you all take care god bless
i'm gonna i promise i'm actually done rambling this time i've got the cursor over the stop
record and i'm about to hit it oops oops oops i didn't get something wrong but i brought up
aliens i i've got to clear that i'll put it okay tlb i wrote a piece are there aliens not the open
border kind the e t kind a lot of fellow christians somehow have this notion that if interstellar
beings or interdimensional beings not necessarily inter-time-al right because science fiction of
yesterday has become some science reality today as i've discussed and perhaps time travel of humans
might come true in the future that wouldn't be a different species but if there are inter-dimensional
or interstellar other species and beings somehow some christians have in their mind that discounts
or somehow means god doesn't exist and that is just a silly notion so i hope everyone's too
and into this point to hear this genesis does not say and god created his life on earth and only
on earth life created he does not say it as i've written on tlb before it's news exclusion
doesn't mean preclusion what about enoch and Ezekiel and the nephaline in genesis what about
goliath was he just indeed some odd weird freak of human kind that he was that tall and as he was
or was he an alien that david slu i don't know and it doesn't matter to me if it was or wasn't
because it doesn't change anything regarding my faith in god none of that changes it it doesn't
erase god if aliens from three star systems over show up with a thousand ships land in a
thousand different cities and all come out of their ships to greet us and we see them on light tv
that doesn't discount my faith in god one iota but yet it worries me that some fellow christians
seem to think that if that's the case that it somehow questions the reality and believability
in god as still the higher source i'm checking notes cross that off cross that off or angels i
wrote that angels do we not all agree angels and existed with god in heaven before earth and human
kind created therefore by default de facto based on our language they are
extraterrestrial they existed before the terra the earth the terra fermi the earth
terrestrialism of this planet existed by default their extraterrestrial did god in our bible talk
about the creation of angels in it no they just existed with him and his arms at time his tools
his interface with us i don't need an explanation definitively on angels versus other creatures
in beings it doesn't discount exclusion doesn't mean preclusion as i wrote at before its news
exclusive pardon me so i cross that off if they land tomorrow that doesn't shake my faith but
i'm worried i'm worried about some of you my friends or maybe not you maybe you know someone
that right because any talk of aliens and potential interstellar spaceships and oh they shut down
they just shut right down because somehow in their minds it changes the reality of god as a higher
power and that is not the case again i'm going to close it off with genesis does not say and god
created life on earth and only earth life created key it does not preclude extraterrestrial
stellar beings interdimensional beings in any way shape or form so can we please
disabuse ourselves of that somehow brings an end to all christianity all all the religions
entirely if aliens show up in mass tomorrow landing on their launch in fact there was a movie
called childhood lost and there was a series by the same name i don't think it was the same thing
or it was a dragged out longer version of the movie i recommend because we've talked about sci-fi
today again to yesterday sci-fi has become some science reality today and so today's sci-fi may
become a reality in the future childhood lost was about that interstellar beings that came down
to help humanity and i don't want to give up the end but there's a little religious
connotation connection to the end why we weren't allowed to see these beings from another world
until they deemed the time was right and you'll understand the title childhood lost
if and when you see the movie and you know i've talked about movies several times on the show
over the years today specifically i spoke about stargate please i urge you to see that movie
and put it in biblical context how many times as i said the whole bible in full context and
exclusion does not mean preclusion just means not yet explained when jesus comes back we'll have
yet probably another new testament and whole new sets of books that may go into explaining more
to us about all of eternity and all the other reality that is out there that we still as children
were not ready for before when you talk to a child when you start them reading when you start
reading to them you start with esops fail fables and dr sous you don't crack open war and peace
to read to a six-year-old you don't hand over war and peace to a eight-year-old to read they don't
understand it they won't be able to comprehend it they've not lived enough life they're not smart
they're not grown enough we we as a human race are god's children and when jesus came he came
in fulfillment of the initial old testament scriptures fulfilled them gave us some new testament
items and when he comes back there may be then more pieces of the puzzle given to us exclusion
does not mean preclusion is just not shared yet i hope that all makes sense
i am indeed let's let's get to the show outro now take care

[ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast begin Show outro]

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BONUS MATERIAL BELOW from: BeforeItsNews "Micro v Macro" (B4IN sneak-peek of TLB piece and expounded upon, twice length of TLB version) [See original piece at: , for referenced links, images, and embedded videos.]

Hello all, my first post in GREEN LIVING BeforeItsNews category, while I have posted before in ENVIRONMENT. So this may be your first time seeing something from me here on B4IN even though I've been writing here for some time (and also with TheLibertyBeacon  (TLB))... So, gotta say, this is NOT a usual/normal/regular post, full from scratch and exclusive to/for B4IN, from me.... This a bit of a CHEAT (certainly do not want to be like far too many lazy bastards that just use B4IN which is a ARTICLE site that just throw up a Video and Run, frankly I think B4IN needs a BLOCK function to go with RECOMMENDED option (see more RECO content, BLOCK those that waste our time (so don't accidentally get drawn in with a good but only CLICK-BAIT (more and more of that, scammers, cons, etc.)  Headlines ( with no real DETAILED content here-on) a SNEAK-PEEK of a coming TLB piece EXCLUSIVE EARLY PREVIEW for you my Friends here on B4IN (and, kinda, another cheat, want to be able to link in my CTP S2E66 show dropping today Show Notes and as a Chapter Marker within the Audio podcast version (also each Show has a BTS/SP Video version on my @JLenardDetroit Bitchute Brighteon Rumble and YouTube channels), can't wait for the TLB drop).... So, without further ado, here is the CURRENT ROUGH-DRAFT, may change between now and OCTOBER 19  2024 that it is planned to appear over on TLB and indeed might get some EXCLUSIVE additions here-on/for B4IN over the next few days (my pieces here can often be much longer, much more detailed, as for TLB they ASK that I try keep pieces there between 800-1200 words which never are 800 and indeed often still do exceed their "preferred" 1200 words max --- I just am always long-winded and firm believer in #DETAILSmatter #FACTSmatter related HISTORYmatters #CONTEXTmatters etc.... OK, let's move into the current piece ROUGH-DRAFT....

[ also see related: 
Do as Cuban says, not as Cuban does - usual Elitists positioning from Leftists on CLIMATE!
Environment | Jun 18 2024 13:27 ]

[ Oct 19 2024 – 2,000 words, 1 images, 1 videos – conjunction w/ CTP S2E70 ] 

Micro vs Macro…

First: No, we’re not talking MICRO-WAVE OVENS here 1 – LOL! Nor Microni/Macroni and Cheese!  You know me, if you’re a usual reader of mine – cannot pass on the lame/bad Puns. Second: All this should be left to/for Private Investment – NOT (especially at Federal level, UnConstitutional) Government Funded (yep, foreshadow, LOL).  And, yes, this is going to be LONG, but likely some things you already know you’ll be able to skim-over and onto other sub-headers/parts….

Next – gotta say – Trump blew it during the September Debate on the SOLAR/WIND issue… What he should have said….

Previously in other writings and/or CTP episodes I have mentioned “Micro vs Macro” concept – this piece/CTP-episode will delve a bit deeper into a simple examples, using the Green Scam phenomena. If you recall, I wrote a piece called “Left Always Ignores (All Pay) Natural Law ‘Unintended Consequences’” back in June of 2023 for TheLibertyBeacon 2 – that discussed The Left and do they really understand or not understand likely consequences we on The Right they are pushing but still go ahead anyway?!?! And, also, will discuss MICRO/MACRO regarding Governance a bit at end.

This too, similarly, does The Left really not understand that just because something works on a small-scale doesn’t mean it is large-scalable capable (or vice-versa, large-scale makes practical, but cannot efficiently/effectively/cost-wise shrunk down) or not – but, too, like we’ll endeavor into below, they know but just don’t care as it really is all, just, only, about their chances for Money-Laundering operations and Campaign Kick-Back plans 3 from start?!?!?


Do I really need to spell this out in detail? I mean, seriously, if anyone does not already understand that Solar-Panels on a Building (Residential, Industrial, whatever) has far greater chances of actually bothering to provide any real degree of direct usable energy (especially when coupled with on-site high-capacity battery systems, and during daylight hours potentially producing real-chance at excess energy production that can be pumped into the local Energy-grid (sold-back to whomever your Electric Energy provider is, by Federal (and even most States re-iterate on/for Local levels) Legislative Statute dictates they must do)) they are never going to get it. Frankly, not because they are incapable of learning, they are UNWILLING to learn.

As I say in my CTP2 book Quotations chapter:

“Never before in the course of Human history [via online sources] has humanity had such easy access to facts and truth readily available at their finger-tips. Sadly, too, conversely, never before prolific access to falsehoods they can engage in confirmation-bias to feed delusions and preferred narratives. Many preferring lies.” (ME) Joseph M. Lenard (former IT guy)

The huge-acrage farces with large Solar-Panel displays can/may supply a DEGREE of the Energy needed for a SMALL-CITY (but certainly not, ever, never, a full Urban-landscape or an entire State, any contention such is just pure FANTASY). The MASSIVE warehouses of batteries to even remotely make them “practical” for day/night Power supply is untenable. Thereby rendering them really USELESS in grand, broader, overall, Energy needs scheme of things.

WIND (and Solar continued):

Ditto really, same basic micro/macro concepts apply as with Solar (providing FAR LESS ENERGY than needed, expected, when Sun doesn’t shine or Wind doesn’t blow – leaving such vs Coal, Natural Gas, or Nuclear (and we’ve come a long-way from Nuclear Plants built decades ago (with Military models, that could become reasonable in short-order to/for small-scale operations in City settings)) 24x7 ability Energy Production models) that render the MACRO models virtually USELESS as their Power Production can and will never, ever, be able to determine a “consistent” flow (again, as Wind doesn’t always blow, and Sun shines to varying degrees depending upon Weather conditions)…

I wrote an email to Federal and Michigan Dept. of Energy as well as a slew of others carbon-copied (including Wyandotte (my hometown) Michigan Electric and DTE Michigan) about something I’d been talking about for decades now… It reads, in-part:

Subject: Drum/Barrel generation... Home Solar.... 2 birds, 1 email...

I am NO SCIENTIST but I have COMMON-SENSE, something so lacking these days!
Rather than endless cordoned off areas for MASSIVE WIND MILLS it is OBVIOUS that smaller Drum/Barrel Wind Generators could be lining the medians/dividers and generating Energy EVEN WHEN WIND ISN'T BLOWING cuz during most daytime's anyway Cars are whizzing both directions along the Freeways (even some Highways, and some wide county roads) and CREATING WIND OF THEIR OWN that could/would help drive (pun intended, rotate) the Drums/Barrel Generators! I have written on this, spoke on Radio Shows on it, for DECADES NOW, and yet nothing seems to happen cuz unfortunately it has become MORE A POLITICAL BS STANCE to want to invest in the Windmills KILLING BIRDS (as well as off-shore ones Mechanical-Resonance causing Whale (and other Marine Life) beachings/deaths) and falling apart very frequently and FILLING UP LANDFILLS themselves --- not really helping the overall BOTH SIDES OF LEDGERS/EQUATION ---- whole picture, big picture, just GET RICH QUICK for some (like with Solar-Farms also) schemes/scams (WE NEED LASTING AND REAL LONGER-TERM OPTIONS). ☹


Yes, sure, has come a long-way over the last few decades, but still a long-way away from really, truly, being practical to be able to hold enough of the massive charges needed for the MACRO needs vs MICRO (home, business, local) uses. Plus, how many Electric Vehicles Fires have you heard about (even when and how the #ENEMEdia (pro-Left, wanting more Green Scam Projects) try hide?!?!? And, of course, for those who do not know, the added costs of having Fire Departments to have proper equipment themselves to respond to EV Fires as you cannot douse them with Water from a regular/standard Pumper-Fire-Vehicle (or hosed via a standard Water Fire-Hydrant).

I was going to say next – The Left never THINK things all the way through. But, of course, THINK would be the wrong word – Snowflakes never THINK at all they just EMOTE. Everything is about their feewings and what makes them feel-good and consequences be damned (as, yes, you should recall my writing on that before here on TLB). We are left (um… pun unintended, but there it is anyway LOL) to deal with picking up the pieces and/or finding the work-around/fix to the idiocy they’ve given us all (forced, dictate, upon all, they are FASCICRATS) to deal with.

Then, of course, I cannot leave it unsaid (for the Leftard idiots) the lack of bio-degradability of these batteries which will require special-made burial areas for. They cannot be refurbished/recycled (and each EV usually requiring battery replacements once at least every decade). Yuka Mountain may have been abandoned as a National Nuclear Waste site but it is likely going to have to be re-imagined as a Battery-Graveyard area.

There is actually ONE PRACTICAL APPLICATION of Electric Vehicles and that would be locally operated USPS or other “LOCAL” area run only Delivery Vehicles. And, yes, one thing I can/do agree with the Climate Hysteric Folks on (and I wish I could remember/find article I spoke on/about this to link to) which is short-haul, local-pickups/drop-offs, School Buses can/could be Electric (as their LARGE FRAME allows for the massive amounts of batteries to fit upon required to have/hold reasonable/usable charges for use (every School District, or a co-opt of Districts would STILL REQUIRE Deisel (or Natural Gas, Hydrogen, whatever) Buses for longer-hauls like for School Sports Teams to travel to away Games and/or School Field-Trips)).

VIDEO (1h 03m 55s): CTP How Stupid Have Americans Become (part 1) BTS/SP: 

ALL (including Methane, Natural Gas, Coal, Wood, Hydro, Tidal, Wind, Sun, etc.) OF THE ABOVE (as we migrate some partial solutions that Wind/Solar are). AMAZINGLY, I actually saw a “NUCLEAR NOW” program (aired on NEWSMAX) hosted by Oliver Stone (former anti-Nuclear-Energy-nut) who finally EDUCATED himself and now trying to Educate others (as too the former Co-Founder of GREENPEACE that wants nothing to do with his former creation cuz it is all Emotionally Hysterical Leftist Politics now, NOT true Conservationist/Environmentalism organization (real Conservationism, as JFK even spoke of/on as POTUS then)). That show, finally, also making same MICRO/MACRO reality comparisons like me as well as more (as they had a 2 hour TV show (that images, helped show things) slot, I can’t write 10,000 words as no-one would read the piece) and how we’ve come a long way since 1940’s (or those newer, still now many decades old, 1970’s-ish built plants/technologies, but nowhere near advanced as we tech-wise would have today) with modern/Advanced Reactors and now have MICRO-NUCLEAR (SMR – Small Modular Reactors, which regular Nuclear takes far smaller footprint than Solar/Wind-farms SMRs take very, very, little space (and expected advancements that we can/will move from more fission to fusion)) capabilities. And, of course, cuz often these loons are really just ANTI-AMERICAN Cultural Marxists or Maoists, while HALF (of the ENTIRE) Worlds Coal is burned by China alone they say ZERO about that (and China is escalating the building of Coal Plants rather than any other options). And to get around HOLLYWEIRD’s over-blown, over-dramatic, over-hyping, of threat/danger; no-one died directly (or over time by Radiation) at Fukushima, Three Mile Island, nor even David Bowies over-blown “Panic In Detroit” song about Fermi-II near Detroit, but indeed many did at Chernobyl by bad design and bad Soviet response; start by putting Nuclear Plants out in middle of our Deserts (which will run-up some costs, transmitting from middle of nowhere to where the Energy is really needed be transmitted to).

Dyson Sphere? Delusional dream or future certainty/reality?

Well, I guess I’ll have to leave it to your imagination, research, etc., regarding this topic – as this piece has already gotten longer than I wanted/expected (though as a Retired IT guy; as well as a Sci-Fi Movies/Teleplays buff, my all-time-fave TV Series was/remains Stargate-SG1, and much of what was thought Science-Fiction just a few decades ago is within Science-Fact now; I am fascinated by any/all future-tech discussions). So, quickly: “how, exactly, if you’re able to grab Energy close to a Star, are you then going to get that Power/Energy to your Planet? Long extension-cords?!?!? LOL  But seriously, once/if we get long-range Space Vehicles that could pull up to those “Star Energy Stations” for Quick-Charges – they are impractical and untenable. Beyond that, perhaps we can argue feasibility within the comments section?!?!? 😊


As I've discussed before THE BRADFORD COLONY tried/failed at Communism long before Marx rolled around. I supposed COMMUNISM could work on MICRO level IF people indeed Voluntarily abide by concept "all must put in" for "their Equity share out" but that would then be COMMUNITY as opposed to actually the bastardized version of COMMUNISM... COMMUNITY (Voluntary (Free Will), Charitable, lift UP, etc.) Biblical - COMMUNISM/SOCIALISM (Forced, theft redistribution, tear down, etc.) IS NOT! Cuz, it comes down to Human-Nature LAZY people if getting something no matter what they put in, will then just want to do nothing and be pulled around in the Cart (and eventually Atlas will Shrug, and the Bible distinction between “unwilling” and “unable” and us having no obligation to “unwilling” folks.).

[ begin B4IN EXCLUSIVE CONTENT text...

Known Climate SHIFTING, CYCLING, etc., REAL SCIENCE (having to do with SOLAR CYCLES (hey, moron, that means THE SUN, and Sun Spots and Solar Flares), the earth wobble, Natural Causes (Volcanos, Tornados, Hurricanes (like Sandy in early 2000's which almost hit NY head-on, a every 100 year recurring thing (and of course, RETARDS, it just swinging by caused more damage then than the 1900 Hurricane cuz RETARDS there are more and bigger Buildings and more people living there now than then (so, yes, more damage by Hurricanes, cuz, RETARDS, there are more people and more and bigger buildings all along the Coasts now; not they are MORE FEIRCE due to Humans stupidity so of course, RETARDS, damage estimates going to BE HIGHER and HIGHER every decade))), et al), etc.) has been known for a long time, but of course that doesn't stop LIARS from Cashing in via SCHEMES to enrich themselves over the decades by suckering USEFUL-IDIOT LEFTISTS of Cash.

YES #ClimateHysteriaTards - at times there will indeed be MORE DEATHS (but actually due to our Tech, early Warning systems, and better Construction methods, usually less Deaths) when/as Storms hit everywhere ---- and NO SHIT MORONS there is indeed MORE/HIGHER DAMAGE (dollar amounts) CUZ there are MORE AND MORE PEOPLE living in Storm Strike-Zones TARDS and more and more and more expensive to begin with Buildings for all those EXTRA PEOPLE than in past.

The Leftards, cannot think, ignore the EASY (Occam's Razor) reasoning why things are as they are but THEY (The Left) try ascribe to ANYTHING BUT REALITY (Common-Sense)!

I still get a LOL out of Leftards still claiming SANDY (the Drive-by Storm on NYC not long ago) was UNPRECEDENTED and due to MAN MADE blah blah blah .... It was JUST LIKE the Storm about exactly 100 years back from Sandy in early 1900's --- that is called a NORMAL/NATURAL CLIMATE CYCLE!!! And, yes, there were far less people and no buildings more than 4 floors high back in early 1900's to destroy so yes SANDY damage was WORST IN NYC History (and REASONABLE to explain how/why, but #ClimaTards don't do REASON) --- MORONS!

The original Founder of GREENPEACE left the movement and now is a Republican cuz he is a REAL CONSERVATIONIST/ENVIRONMENTALIST and the movement he started now nothing but ANTI-AMERICAN, CULTURAL MARXIST, MORON, LEFTARDS, arm of the FASCICRATS Party! Ditto that for the original Founder of The Weather Channel as he was pressured more and more to deal in CLIMATE HYSTERICS than CLIMATE/WEATHER REALITIES and couldn't take it any longer so Sold and using those Millions to deal in indeed CLIMATE/WEATHER REALITY not Leftist Lying False-Narratives manure. And on and on...

OK, Leftists CALL ME RACIST, as that is your only DODGE argument and sure in your idiot minds can try to link this to RACISM somehow?!?!? see related: CTP (S2EtbdSpecial, 2024tbd) Kevin McGary of EveryBlackLifeMatters BTS/SP Video and CTP (S2EtbdSpecial, 2024tbd) Neil Mammen of EveryBlackLifeMatters BTS/SP Video Liars, morons, cuz you GOT NOTHING!   

BEYOND CLIMATE (and, yes, the Temperatures fluctuate, from decade to decade and century to century, it was Warmer in the 1930's with far less people and cars and buildings and power plants etc. what was your "MAN MADE" bullshit excuse then (now the USA Dust-Bowl that was in-part MAN-MADE WORSE cuz we clear-cut too many trees and therefore not enough breaks of the Wind and Weather patterns (WE, at least REAL CONSERVATIONISTS/ENVIRONMENTALISTS, learned from that, many gotten more STUPID as) today morons doing equally  opposite not creating any breaks in Forestry to help prevent and/or be able hold-down WildFires and running off Rains and Snow melts to Ocean rather than create FRESH WATER RESEVOIRS for both Humans to drink farmers to grow with and sources to Fight the Wildfires with (more on all that in: RELATED THINGS...

COMMUNITY (Voluntary (Free Will), Charitable, lift UP, etc.) Biblical. COMMUNISM/SOCIALISM (Forced, theft redistribution, tear down, etc.) IS NOT (as I discuss on my CTP shows ALL THE TIME)!

Jesus said: THE POOR WILL ALWAYS BE AMONG YOU - that was NOT a "Economic" nor even "Governance" statement it was a HUMAN-NATURE statement. There will always be some happy to wallow in nothingness cuz they just will not ever aspire to anything more especially if it means them actually having to get off their lazy asses to do things to have/do better for themselve. There will always be some that would actually expend MORE ENERGY engaging in Thievery of stuff from others than actually EARN for self. MORONocrats / #CommieFascieSocies blend of The Left today - too stupid to GRASP all of Human History Psychology of Nature of some in/of our Species (and, don't get me started on the whole FAKE CLUTURAL MARXISM RACISM moronicness - as we are ALL OF THE SAME/ONE HUMAN-RACE (indeed different Regionalisms, Sub-Cultures/Classes)! There are WHITE Africans and BLACK Africans to make the basic point (and, I will be having on a REAL AFRICAN AMERICAN (Neil Mammen, born in Ghana, now a US Citizen) on my Show likely in Jan to discuss the IDIOCY OF THE RACISM farce (Cultural Marxism, Leftard #IdentityPolitics manure). There are Regional and Cultural dialect and other DIFFERENCES in and within the different SKIN-TONES (White, Black, every shade between, and even if blue-patches (yes, a real Medical, DNA, condition, skin-toned)) that the moron Left #IdentityPolitics ignore trying to clump all BY SKIN TONE into particular collectivist buckets).

I also have, coming soon, before #Election2024, likely October drop, Neil's co-founder of EBLM (EveryBlackLifeMatters Kevin McGary (Black American, NOT an "African American") on (as I broke it into 2 parts, giving them each an opportunity to be on to discuss so many important (including: founded by Candace Owens, former Leftist that RED-PILLED) matters) ChristiTutionalist TM Politics podcast also discussing EBLM founding and the History of the CULTURAL MARXISM FOUNDATIONS of the RACISM term and Leftist use there-of for Anti-Americanism purposes!! Until that drops - see related which covers SOME of the EveryBLM concepts before they (Kevin and Neil) every started EBLM to counter the Leftist Anti-American BlackLyingMarxists organization.

Yes, even idiot Leftard Whoopsie Gold-digger can get something correct once in a blue-moon. Remember when she got suspended from The View for saying "the whole Jew thing w/ the NAZIs was NOT ABOUT RACE?!?!" She was CORRECT for ALL THE WRONG REASONS (as I discussed in a TLB piece, I'll give link in just a minute) --- there are varying kinds (Sub-Classes/Cultures, NOT A RACE) types of JEWISH PEOPLE (there are Black Jews, White Jews, every shade between, there are Orthadox, Hesidic, Traditional, somewhat more Secularized, and even Messianic Jews (and reality is as Jesus came to fulfill the Torah we are all, as Christians, Messianic Jews realistically speaking, if you bother to read your whole Bible)). And ME (in the first of my 2 part Left Twist/Warp Language earlier on/via/at TheLibertyBeacon ( and a several Rabbis/Jews came to her Defense (on that, only that, but not her suspension because again SHE SAID IT but for the Wrong reasons - she was trying to "define" RACISM as always and only a BLACK/WHITE thing).

It is, of course, The Governance side of all this that is THE PROBLEM/ISSUE. The #KAMALunist Class that doesn't want to DO want to FORCE OTHERS. They want to STEAL FROM YOU to spend on their FAILING MACRO GREEN AGENDA (that is more Con/Scam, than real solution to anything (more #CommieFasciSocies Leftists* MONEY LAUNDERING SCHEME)). They COULD put Windmill in their Yard and Solar Panels on their Roof, but they WILL NOT BE BOTHERED to put their time, money, energy, where their MOUTH IS -- it is, again, all about FORCING OTHERS so they can PRETEND they are doing anything, make themselves FEEL better (cuz, again, this whole piece is about WHAT WORKS using Logic, Reason, Facts, Evidence, Common-Sense, and actual DATA demonstrating such, they can never, ever, THINK but only EMOTE).

* This isn't the 1930's where Nazi-Socies in Germany (later known as Fascists, as was El Duce's and Franco's Parties in Italy and Spain) fought for control of those respective Nations against Moscow backed Communists. TODAY, they are all ONE IN SAME (next to no real difference but a different color Flag) and a #CommieFasciSocies BLEND all about eliminating FREEDOMS people now have never before seen in EARTH HISTORY (Western Culture, mainly due to #USA)… 


trying take us back to time of all Governments run by RULING ELITES CLASS lording over all else.

Their #FASCICRATS BrownShirts (or, if you prefer El Duce and Franco Fascist BlackShirts) under false names out Burning, Looting, Murdering - and anyone with BRAIN can understand it.

irrefutable #FACTS in: 

 ... end B4IN EXCLUSIVE CONTENT text ]

[image source: TheLibertyBeacon]

“Man-Made” Climate Hoax

OK, briefly, as this is way too long now already… NO, there is no such thing as Man-Made Climate-Change (more in previous TLB “Death Of Global Warming” piece). YES, there is natural, normal, Climate-Shifts and Climate-Cycles that happen. The patterns, or lack there-of, of Sun-Spots and/or Solar-Flares, Earth wobble, etc., matter far more than Man does on our Climate and our WEATHER! And, NO, Hurricanes are NOT more “Powerful” than out of normal Cycling AND Leftards/Climatards SPIN about “damage” by Storms easily debunked by/with basic Accounting, Economics, and Math! Hey, ‘tards – there are ever more and more People inhabiting Hurricane (and Tornado, too for that matter) Alley and more and more Buildings to House, Feed, provide Employment, etc., in those Zones. So, Yes, morons, current dollars damage (yes, inflation factors too) compared to before DOES NOT equate to more “Powerful” Storms and NOT how measured (as even NASA Reports, no real change in CYCLES of Storms (sometimes more, sometimes less – sometimes higher up the CAT scale, sometimes lower end)). PERIOD! Enough SPIN and LIES.

This piece already LARGE 5 and I’m supposed to aim for under 1,200 words for TLB and nearing twice that already, so I’ve cut out some things – there is indeed a LONGER (almost double content) even more detailed Sneak-Peek (before this dropped here on TLB) version over on BeforeItsNews (far more text, more images, etc.; far more direct aim at ClimateTard fictions calling out) – if you care to dive even deeper!! Maybe show that one to Libtards, as again more Pictures for them to look at, but nothing in Crayon that is likely needed for their pre-School age-mentality to potentially better grasp.

Sorry for the length, but all needed be said and I just not having chance with all planned/scheduled to break this into 2 parts.

Additional Cross-Reference-Links:  

1 Cannot pass on the lame/bad Puns (as said in the very opening) – more on that see my TLB piece “Need to Keep a Sense-of-Humor” from December 2022 via this link.

2 “Left Always Ignores (All Pay) Natural Law ‘Unintended Consequences’” which that 2023 piece can be seen on TheLibertyBeacon via this link.

3  “Fascicrats Money-Laundering (and, yes, too, sadly, some CINOs and RINOs)” which an old RedState/TownHall piece of mine (bit dated, from Feb. 2009, so just (in your Head while reading) replace the older Bill names with more recent FAKE NAMED Bills by/from The Left (like mentioned in “How Stupid Have Americans Become” piece 4 mention: Biden let the secret out in Sep. that Inflation Reduction Act was a Green Scam Money Laundering Bill as is case with all Leftist Bill names FRAUD)) can be seen via this link.

4  “How Stupid Have Americans Become” recent (October 12th 2024) TLB piece can be seen via this link.

5  “Micro vs Macro – and EnvrioHoaxes” expanded (double the details) BeforeItsNews version.

Coming soon from Joseph M Lenard to TLB and CTP podcast…

How Stupid Have Americans Become (part 1) – Oct. 12th [last week]
October 15 - S2EOctSpecial4: Sum Of All Our Fears - Civil War 2.0    
October 17 - S2EOctSpecial5: Preserve America Now  
October 19 - S2E70: Micro vs Macro [shorter version of this piece]
October 22 - S2EOctSpecial6: Singer/Songwriter Eddy "You Da" Mann  
October 24 - S2EOctSpecial7: God and Trump  
October 26 - S2E71: RFK Jr. as Health Secretary? 
November 2 - S2E72: How Stupid Have Americans Become (part 2)
November 9 - S2E73: No you CAN NOT REST

[ feel free to reach-out to me via ]


UPDATE: The CTP episode mentioned, just dropped...

CTP S2E66 SHOW NOTES ( listen (Sat Sep 21 2024 and thereafter) at: )... 
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S2E66) "God's Not Dead: In God We Trust -- WOKEists Warping Words/Scriptures" 
See Buzzsprout podcasts Transcript for full Show Notes (including related links) and Transcript Bonus  
God's Not Dead: In God We Trust -- WOKEists Warping Words/Scriptures....  God's Not Dead 5th film in Series, Reagan movie, Am I Racist film, movies discussion. How those movies cross-over into past, present, future, CTP episodes discussions. COMMUNITY (Voluntary (Free Will), Charitable, lift UP, etc.) Biblical. COMMUNISM/SOCIALISM (Forced, theft redistribution, tear down, etc.) IS NOT (as I discuss on my CTP shows ALL THE TIME)!

WOKEists Warping Words/Scriptures outlined. What does David A. R. White, Ronald Reagan, Dennis Quaid, and Matt Walsh, factor here-in. 
FYI: Not all things discussed/touched-on here-in can make it into the Show-Notes, for idea of the whole bunches of other things see RELATED ITEMS links below as they'll tell you   
See Buzzsprout podcasts Transcript of Episode for related addl info
Transcript Bonus: (BeforeItsNews) "Language Use and Abuse"      

Episode related pieces (a whole lot more related links than my norm so) see buzzsprout version of this episode transcript for listing of the many related items links there-in!


Do as Cuban says, not as Cuban does - usual Elitists positioning from Leftists on CLIMATE!

Short and to the point.... From my LOCALS social-media account....

Dear Lord: My POTUS ticket?
(Extinction Level Event 2024, ERASE ALL HUMANITY from the Earth and start over, or at least evaporate away all the #ClimaTards and their BassAkwards policies that MAKE MATTERS WORSE (self-fulfilling prophecy then, and excuse for what it is really about TAX INCREASES they can then Launder more Money to their Donors, Family, Friends) not better (more on that coming))...

Moron @MarkCuban says "cannot #Vote for anyone doesn't think #ClimateChange real" (meaning, Trump, cuz he and his ilk are doing JUST FINE, they have plenty of Money to weather (pun intended) the #BiDUMBnomics storm while it destroys the average folks' bank accounts).

#FACTSmatter #CONTEXTmatters #HISTORYmatters  

Scientists/Archeologists claim SAHARA once Mighty Sea!
Why, moron, GREENLAND called that?
Old Maps show ANTARCTIC LAND MASS free of Ice!
etc... etc...
SO, how about AN HONEST DISCUSSION (something Left can never have) about The Good, The Bad, The Ugly, of all the contention over CLIMATE?!?!?
[keep reading, unless you're a Leftist don't want your DELUSION burst]

So, YES, was, is, always WILL BE, some #ClimateChange and SHIFTING (It is called WEATHER and Natural Climate ebb/flow). BUT RETARDS like #MarkCuban do not mean that, they mean #ManMadeClimateChange HOAX CULTISM and a BIG FUCKING DIFFERENCE. Meanwhile, of course, HE ADMITS he will still fly around PRIVATE JET (and very low efficiency gas powered stretch Limos that of course need to idle for at least 10 minutes to warm or cool it before he gets in (but you, your Car, is likely subject to an IDLING ORDINANCE which you will then get a Ticket) - when will Tesla help Mark out and come out with the Stretch-X-Tesla-Limo?). The Planet was A LOT WARMER in past, when there were fewer Humans, no SUV's, no Factories, etc...

Of course, YOU are to suffer, NOT HIM, he is a Ruling Elitist that Rules do not apply. And, as saying goes: ACTIONS LOUDER THAN WORDS. Just as #obaMAO, #Sanders, #Gore, all recent purchases of WATERFRONT PROPERTY while "pretending to believe" in #ClimateHOAX and "waters are going to wipe out all Coastlines in a few years" manure.


YES, MAN did cause "a CLIMATE ISSUE" at one point - it was CALLED THE DUST BOWL as we clear-cut far too many contiguous swaths of land and took away NATURAL BREAKS. We SUPPOSEDLY learned from that and CHANGED OUR WAYS to not do stupid like that again. HOWEVER, LEFTARDS learn nothing, ever, really, always repeat History/stupidity - while they CRY about WILDFIRES they put in place policies (like Dust Bowl times) THAT NOW ALLOW THOSE WILDFIRES BURN QUICKER AND DESTROY MORE FOREST (they claim they care about) cuz we no longer MANAGE the Land (clear the brush fuel, created Fire breaks, POOL WATER (no, gotta let it all flow to the Ocean and waste it out of imaginary concern for "Delta Smelt" or whatever, meanwhile BAMBI burns to death, and people go THIRSTY and Farmers cannot sufficiently Water Crops which will lead to MORE HUNGER))!!!! So, in a sense, is there REAL MAN MADE CLIMATE CHANGE, I guess I now have to admit YES and it is the LEFTARDS causing the FORESTS TO BE BURNT AWAY (a "change in that Climate" caused by LEFTARDS). I was on with Rick Walker (Maverick News, Ontario, Canada) earlier in the year, but I do not remember which episode it was to link to it (but I have appeared with Rick/MaverickNews several times and a few of those Shows are on my LIVE section of my YouTube channel (if, when, where, I was able to STREAM them on my side of things))).

The #ClimateGATE Data scandal, PROVES THE HOAX. The desire for many in order to continue to get GOVT GRANT HANDOUTS to keep creating MORE FAKE STUDIES to support the Elitists' narratives and agenda (again, NOT about saving the Planet, but more LINING OF THEIR POCKETS). It is NOT "SCIENCE" it is bought, paid-for, FRAUD pseudo-science --- just keep SELLING the LIE and use the Suckers own money stolen from them to keep refunding more LIES to keep selling it to more Suckers (again, meanwhile, LAUNDERING much of the monies to Donors, Family, Friends).

THERE IS ONE AND ONLY ONE LEFTIST that I have any degree of Respect for on this. He is WILDLY delusional on all this, BUT HE AT LEAST IS EARNEST IN HIS MISGIVINGS!!! HE (who?) Ed Begley Jr. at least attempts to WALK THE WALK not just spew shit! He does live a much more reserved Lifestyle. He is NUTS, but I salute his being the only Leftist NOT A COMPLETE HYPOCRITE!!!! And myself as A CONSERVATIVE (hey, you know, CONSERVATION comes from root of that) and am a REAL CONSERVATION MINDED person; as a ChristiTutionalist am about "being a good steward of God's Planet we have been given dominion over; we can, could, WHEN/WHERE FEASABLE and REALISTICALLY POSSIBLE to do some things (like Manage our Forests to stop them from Burning away) WE SHOULD (within reason, does no good to BANKRUPT ourselves trying to do many of these PIE IN THE SKY supposed solutions, but indeed I am more for Technology and advancement that can help like ALUMINUM being easily and inexpensively recyclable and for recycling such (reuse, makes sense, rather than DEPLETE, when/where possible), trying create better Plastics that are more easily recycling friendly as now most plastic types have to be separated and treated differently ADDING MASSIVE COST to the process, recycle paper as best we can to indeed not need to keep chopping down so many Trees (but, again, The Left is HAPPY to let the Trees BURN as they peddle it as "Climate HOAX" reasons narratives and agenda, while Bambi and Thumper burn too (I thought they care about Animals? Murder Babies, but save the Animals) rather than slightly inconvenience some of the Animals making them MOVE if we need to create a Break or clear Brush, inconvenience NOT LET BURN UP, hey Leftists STOP being complicit in KILLING CRITTERS), etc...(but again, WITHIN REASON OF ABILITIES TO DO SO)). 

ASIDE, TAX THE RICH scam/con too.... Meanwhile Bernie SANTARDS owns 3 Mansions (again, ONE BEACHFRONT) and drives a quarter-Million dollar Sports-Car; but his #BernieTARDS still think "he's for them" and the "Tax the Rich" idiocy (TAX THE RICH = Fascicrats rhetoric for TAX EVERYONE THAT ISN'T THEM and give kickbacks and subsidies to cover their Tax payments back to themselves).

It was NOT Climate CRISIS (the Climate Hoaxers scream about) that took the Lives of Rachel Morin, Mollie Tibbetts, Lizbetch Medimna, Kate Steinle, Sarah Root, Laken Riley, and so many others - IT IS LEFTIST Open Borders policies that did and they have ZERO INTEREST in doing anything about THIS REALITY and only focus on their DELUSION narratives.

CTP S1E39 SHOW NOTES ( listen (Sat Mar 16 2024 and thereafter) at: )... 
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S1E39) "Newcomers (The Left again with Orwellian Newspeak language twisting)"
This episode strays from my norms. While over at TheLibertyBeacon my piece (for Sat. Mar. 16th 2024) is continuation from last week (Quotations) here on CTP taking a turn and a flashback to my TLB pieces (parts 1 and 2) on 'Twisting and Warping' of Language as The Left tries to call Illegal Immigrants just "Newcomers" as if they are equal to and no different from LEGAL IMMIGRANTS. The FULL CONTEXT of who and what someone is matters, how they got here matters, words (or attempts to distort them) matters! Plus the Orwellian rewrite of what a 'Spending Cut' is (no, when you spend more, it is an increase, regardless of it may be less than you were going to raise the spending level to). 'The definition of IS is' again. The ProuNouns dodge/deflection/distraction. Redefining Pedophiles as MAPs now Illegals as HOAPs (Hand Outs Attracted Persons), more.
See Buzzsprout podcasts Transcript of Episode for related addl info
Transcript Bonus: TLB "Twisting/Warping Language" (parts 1 and 2) and "Tale of Two National Guard Deployments (NY/TX)" [upcoming TLB drop preview]



Rick Walker (of Maverick News, Ontario Canada (one of my Canuckada friends)) joined me on my Show awhile back - see:

2023 in review...

[BRIEF NOTE: There has been, continues to be AN ISSUE with BeforeItsNews of late (in certain B4IN category sections, not all) in embedding Videos that I have filed a Support ticket regarding and still awaiting resolve. Normally, I am able to add several embedded Videos within every piece. For some reason I am limited to only including one as attempting more causes entire HTML code and parts of Articles TO VANISH. So, there will be additional links to Videos rather than my preferred direct embed of several. Related Videos that I had hoped to embed throughout are...

"(CTP S1E28) SneakPeek/BTS "Can One 'Generalize' About Women Voters?" (Audio Show drops 20231230)"
or Rumble:

"CTP BTS/SP (S1EDecSpecial (MidWeek 12/6/23 drop)) "Dating in these WOKE times" Politics dividing."

"CTP S1ENov2023Special BTS/SP "Happy Thanksgiving, Merry Christmas""

"CTP S1E25 BTS/SP Video "Year in Review (part 1)" 20231209 Audio podcast drop"

"CTP BTS/SP Video (S1E26) Year in Review (part 2)"

These Videos are also available via Bitchute and Brighteon @JLenardDetroit channels.
To see my CTP Show "Soundbites" samples - see: 

Take these, and of course ANY of the ChristiTutionalist TM Politics episodes on the Road (or whatever/where-ever) with you via Buzzsprout or any of the 15+ other podcast platforms it is available. ]

BONUS MATERIAL ABOVE from: BeforeItsNews "Micro v Macro" (B4IN sneak-peek of TLB piece and expounded upon, twice length of TLB version) [See original piece at: , for referenced links, images, and embedded videos.]

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