ChristiTutionalist (TM) Politics

ChristiTutionalist Politics (S2E74) "[from NY it's] SATURDAY NIGHT [no, not LIVE, at Theaters]"

Joseph M. Lenard Season 2 Episode 74

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CTP S2E74 SHOW NOTES ( listen (Sat Nov 16 2024 and thereafter) at: )... 
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S2E74) "[from NY it's] SATURDAY NIGHT [no, not LIVE, at Theaters]"  
See Buzzsprout podcasts Transcript for full Show Notes (including related links) and Transcript Bonus  
"[from NY it's] SATURDAY NIGHT [no, not LIVE, at Theaters]" episode. BTS note: There is a 2nd segment for going into Gift buying/giving Season on "Buyer Beware" as well as a 3rd covering potential Coffee Gift giving thoughts but primary focus of episode is (let's proceed w/o Spoilers) SNL origins movie.

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Author, Blogger, Podcaster

CTP S2E74 SHOW NOTES ( listen (Sat Nov 16 2024 and thereafter) at: )... 
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S2E74) "[from NY it's] SATURDAY NIGHT [no, not LIVE, at Theaters]"  
See Buzzsprout podcasts Transcript for full Show Notes (including related links) and Transcript Bonus  
"[from NY it's] SATURDAY NIGHT [no, not LIVE, at Theaters]" episode. BTS note: There is a 2nd segment for going into Gift buying/giving Season on "Buyer Beware" as well as a 3rd covering potential Coffee Gift giving thoughts but primary focus of episode is (let's proceed w/o Spoilers) SNL origins movie.
See Buzzsprout podcasts Transcript of Episode for related addl info
Transcript Bonus: "Music, Tv, Politics; and yes some more on Movies too" TheLibertyBeacon piece   

Episode related pieces...
- (also write-up on ELEVATION (Anthony Mackie))  
- (also discussion of HARRIET (about H. Tubman) and OVER-COMER movies)   
- Movies throughout the Ages:  

"ChristiTutionalist Politics" podcast (CTP) 
[ Some CTP episodes contain additional/separate Copyright materials, Used With Permission ]  
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- CTP Coffee affiliate 1: (promocode: JOSEL20) 
- CTP Coffee affiliate 2: (promocode: CTP10)   
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- Joseph M Lenard -  ( /\  
- other podcasts with Joseph M Lenard (partial listing):   
(CTP S2E74 Audio: 30m 48s, Sat Nov 16 2024) 
[ Stomping Rock Four Shots - Alex Grohl, Used With Permission Under License ]  

SNEAK-PEEK: The next several TLB pieces (planned going forward from November 2) and correlating/corresponding CTP Shows already outlined, ready to go, in some cases actually already pre-recorded. Why mention such? Well, it means I can add this COMING SOON (and/or recently dropped) addition/section to the Show Notes... 
November 2 - S2E72: How Stupid Have Americans Become (part 2)  
November 9 - S2E73: No you CAN NOT REST
November 16 - S2E74: [From NY it's] SATURDAY NIGHT [no not LVE, in Theaters]  
November 23 - S2E75: Abortion: The Profit Motive Side  
November 30 - S2E76: Government Regulations and Automobiles  
December 7 - S2E77: Fight... Flight... at least one other (Fade?) option  
December 14 - S2E78: No you CAN NOT REST (part 2)  
December 21 - S2E79: the We The People Demand List (part 1)  
December 28 - S2E80: the We The People Demand List (part 2)   

some "Behind-the-Scenes" Video version of ChristiTutionalist Politics found via...   
as well as can be found on/at: BitChute and Brighteon  

In addition to seeing corresponding TheLibertyBeacon piece referenced in episodes of CTP, see too Show transcript on Podcast platforms that provide access to it (like buzzsprout ( for addl bonus material  there-in. 


Transcription Services below from:

[ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast begin Show intro]

Welcome to ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast aka CTP in association with and I am your host Joseph M Lenard and that's L E N A R D   CTP is your no muss no fuss just me you And occasional guest type podcast as Graham Norton would say let's get on with the show 

[ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast - Segment 1] 

Hello everybody! I need to look at my calendar
real quick. I'm recording for Saturday, November the 16th, it's season two, episode 74. I forgot
what episode number it was, that's what I needed to look up because today we are talking out there's
there's the notes, there's the notes, there's the notes about movies. One movie particular, oh,
it probably works for, I forget. I'm wearing my behind the mask movie theater captain shirt,
you may have seen it during the Dangalade Movie Talk episode. If you look at it behind the scenes
on a video and I have six videos in the corresponding correlating piece,
but let me finish this up. This is actually, I've got it on backwards.,
I like not working anymore, not valid. Let true freedom ring John 832 from the behind the mask,
very good, good film if you get the chance to see behind the mask from a Christian studio here in
Michigan, me coming out of the Detroit area at any rate. Here you are, get one of those in real quick
early, the show title, what's the show title? The show title from New York, it's Saturday night!
No, not live in theaters. You know me, the lame puns, the word play, can't resist, right? No,
not live in theaters, couldn't resist the obvious title play there. And I have to tell you,
I grew up pretty much on Saturday Night Live on NBC and I enjoyed it then. I think it's absolutely
garbage now, like most of the late night programs, it's not funny anymore, it's not counterculture
anymore, it's culture culture, it's vote culture, it's pro-leftism, cultural Marxism, yes, but not
necessarily counterculture per se. It's counter to American culture that we're trying to preserve,
but pro-cultural Marxism undermining the culture, pro-woke, so in reality, not really counterculture
if you're following me there on that terminology and the difference in distinction. But I did see
Saturday Night the movie and I gotta tell you, I was disappointed. I'm not sure exactly what I
was expecting, but I didn't get, I guess what I was expecting, I was disappointed. I thought the
casting was very well done, I mean they got people who kind of look like and in a few cases try to
sound like the original cast members are supposedly portraying. I just thought the script was not
that great and the material that they chose to throw in was not really very funny, I expected a
comedy and really I got a docu-drama and it just wasn't very good. Now don't let me talk you out of
seeing it if you want to see it, I just want you to be forewarned to not have your expectations real
high, kind of like I might have had my expectations a little too high and often case, if that is the case,
then you're bound to be let down, you'll be disappointed because you kind of expect something
and it doesn't quite deliver. I've had that with a few other movies recently, Blitz. I wasn't planning
on going into that. After the first 20 minutes, bored, I thought it was dull, was way too slow,
I think that's a very important film, especially for like 20s to 40 year olds to understand World
War II a little more and or war in general, the death, the destruction, the underlying
bad situation, not getting the word I'm grasping for here, but indeed the hard times caused by
an actual real war, not some minor skirmish where we send in high tech weaponry with our people and
it's almost all but over in two weeks, but the cleanup and then the potential ongoing,
what did we call it in the Vietnam and South Korea, the guerrilla warfare activity that followed like
in Iraq and then when ISIS cropped back up because Obama didn't keep control of the situation in Iraq.
So I wasn't planning on talking Blitz, but again, don't let me talk you out of seeing it if you want to see it.
Take somebody who needs to understand some historical perspective and things. I'm looking forward to
Bonhoeffer, but I was looking forward to Blitz also, but I think Bonhoeffer will be greatly better
and I'm trying to think of also the other movie that I've seen a few days before that
that I walked out of, I was just utterly disappointed versus last night of the day of this recording,
I accidentally stumbled on Winter the Show elevation with Anthony Mackie and Marina,
a Moreno, Marano, I forget her name, I was a fan of hers from the Stargate days and she plays
the wife of Daredevil and the Daredevil movies. I'm sure you know who I'm talking about, you'll
recognize her when you see her, but again, I'd like to all the way back to the Stargate SG-1
TV series days where she really got started. Same with, oh, what's his name now? Oh, God, the big
guy, the plays Aquaman, Jason Momoa, Jason Momoa really got his big start, his big break in Stargate
Atlantis, so I knew him like Tim back then at any rate, way off the beaten path, off the target,
off the topic of the Saturday Night movie, but yeah, talking movies in general here, so yeah,
I was somewhat disappointed and this is going to be kind of a short show, go over to the, there's six videos embedded in that article, including the one hour show I
did with Don Delayed talking movies, mostly but not all Christian, so I want to get you out of here
quick, hope you'll go over to the, read the From New York at Saturday Night,
No Not Live in Theater's Peace, and indeed watch that Don Delayed video, there are other
embeds of videos of short clips, the Saturday Night movie trailer is there, and a couple original
clips, a Belushi clip, a church lady clip in there from the original Saturday Night Live
through M series, and I'm glad I said that that way, because that segues counterculture,
I already mentioned that, the original SNL was counterculture, I knew that, I understood that,
it was part of built in the comedy thereof, so Dana Carvey and Church Lady from a Christian
standpoint didn't bother me, he didn't really cross the line very often, maybe sometimes he
offended somebody, but we have to keep a sense of humor, I have a T.O.B. article, right, the need
to keep a sense of humor, and we as Christians need to keep a sense of humor, I just saw tonight
earlier actually, the best Christmas pageant ever, a great movie, I forget the female leads name
in that also, but she also starred in another great Christian comedy, Mom's Night Out, we've
got to keep a sense of humor, and I've mentioned before, one of my favorite Christian movies is
The Resurrection of Gavin Stone, oh I know, some minds are exploding, oh resurrection,
and associated with somebody other than Jesus, it's a figurative spiritual resurrection, not a
literal one, people believe, let's keep a sense of humor, and it was a great movie because it
isn't the traditional, beat somebody over the head with a Bible type Christian movie, a comedy
that is non-believers, and believe it or not, the Resurrection of Gavin Stone, you know,
Blum House, the one that do all, I think they did the purge movies, right, The Fantasy Island,
really weird, reboot, film of that day, they do really dark often horror movies, they teamed up
with the Christian studio to put together the Resurrection of Gavin Stone, it's like, blows
your mind when you think Blum House, that's something to do with that movie, but at any rate, I was
talking counterculture, Church Lady was funny, as opposed to the Commolianus dissing the Elle Smith
dinner, and that Shannon chick with her anti-Catholic character, I don't think is funny,
isn't being counterculture, again it's being woke culture, it's probe culture, it's cultural
Marxists in that it's anti-Christian, overtly and purposefully, not in a fun laughter sort of way,
but in a purposeful mocking sort of way, and the Commolianus didn't go to the Elle Smith dinner,
but instead sent a video in with that dummy in it mocking Christianity, and you may have seen
during the election cycle here in the Detroit area of Michigan, wretched Whitler, our governor,
doing a mock Catholic communion mockery, where there's a girl kneeling before her and
she puts a Dorito on her lip, and then they both look at the camera, we all know what that is,
it's part of the culture, the cultural Marxism, not counter-culturalism,
wokism, leftism, attacking our Judeo-Christian foundations, overtly attacking Christianity
in the church, it's not funny, it's ad hominem open overt attack on Judeo-Christian ethos that
we were founded on, that's an aside, I also wrote down Conclave, yes, don't have a review on it at, but if you go look up me, Jay Leonard Detroit, again no Owen Leonard, it looks
like one-ard it's not French, Leonard with I don't know, the letter J Leonard with I don't know
Detroit is my id at, there you can find a review without major spoilers of Conclave,
and indeed yes it's just yet another bunch of big stars, so I wouldn't saw it because of the big
stars, but indeed a usual Hollywood attack on Christianity, and most specifically obviously the
Catholic Church because it's talking about a pope being elected, and you really know what's an
attack on all of Christianity and a wokest film when you see the ending, but again I won't give away
the ending, so if you give a chance to see it free, I'm streaming okay, I don't recommend paying for it,
do not put money in their pockets, I had to see it because doing a Christian show, I've got to
know what I'm talking about when I talk about it, I needed to see it to be able to talk about it
intelligently to you, now the Dan Brown movies, I loved them, one of my favorite books of all time
is Angels and Demons, I love what they did with that regarding tying the issue of terrorism of modern
time in unlike Conclave, but I don't want to give big spoilers away, and the Catholic Church was out
protesting the Dan Brown movies, where were they protesting Conclave, it is worthy of protest,
I don't think the Dan Brown ones were, I cannot necessarily agree with everything, but understand
it's okay to ask questions and raise questions and things like that, and it doesn't destroy or hurt
my faith at all, it's very entertaining and wonderful food for thought, what if Jesus was a father,
does that not make him even more family values and life oriented, so that doesn't upset me,
even though it goes against most of our denominations, canon is the word I'm looking for there, but
indeed the church in France exists where they think Mary escaped with child too, so there's a
thread of truth and I thought it was very entertaining, I didn't get all upset, whereas Conclave I
thought really should have been protested, but go figure, so I'm gonna wrap it up, Anthony Mackie
with the Moreno, I get elevation, I don't remember five or mentions a name of that, right, I did see
that, I didn't know anything about it other than him and her, I like both of them, elevation, it's a
quasi, the quiet place kind of spin off or rip off, he might say, but I greatly enjoyed it,
because again I didn't go in with an expectation, I knew nothing about it other than who was in it,
so positively surprised, surprised in a good way at how good I thought it was, so I'm gonna wrap
it up here, that kind of concludes mainly to talk about Saturday night, the movie and the difference
in the distinction between the left humor then that was counterculture and we understood it and we
could laugh with it and along with it and add it and add ourselves versus all the just woke
at hominom Hollywood attacks disguised as supposed entertainment and when they put a lot of stars in
it, you might think it's gonna be better than it would be and with Conclave it was not, so indeed
at any rate, I just joke it in another show, we need a little counter in the corner, right,
like how many at any rates have I done, so we're gonna wrap it up here, yes please check out the
Conclave review and other movie related pieces are linked in there at, JLUNNER
Detroit or at in the search field putting Conclave and C Joseph M. Leonard,
JLUNNER Detroit, choose that one and Little Liberty Beacon at my full main-mart Joseph M. Leonard in
the search field or of course search for Saturday night, no not live in theaters, as you know I can't
resist that wordplay and pun for that title, so thank you all, wishing you all a very very very
happy Thanksgiving, please hope you have a chance to enjoy some great turkey meal with somebody and
understand and remember what the holiday is about, just like veterans j just passed, I have on my
video channels a special regarding veterans day and I put that same piece on my Wednesday, Robert
Boog discussing Shakespeare, that actually I'm recording this behind the scenes again, Tuesday
the 12th, the Robert Boog Shakespeare controversy and at the front the piece on Veterans Day is
actually dropping tomorrow morning Wednesday the 13th and this is airing Saturday the 16th and of
course wishing you all a very merry Christmas, happy Hanukkah, happy New Year, all that stuff and no I
don't get upset when somebody says eczema's because we need to understand it's crestose mass, right?
It is an abbreviation of crestose mass, it's not an insult, let's get upset at things that really
should be upsetting, Satan wins, if we get upset over silly little things or already each other's
throats over silly things, minor differences, let's focus on the things in Christ we can and do
agree with, merry Christmas, there will be a couple singer-songwriters in December regarding
Christmas music but again happy holidays also is not an insult, I understand you understand we
should all recognize it is Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, Christmas, New Year's and some other holidays thrown
in there so saying happy holidays, I have no problem with the inclusion in that sense,
inclusion in that respect is not a dirty word unlike in the DEI or as we call it Michigan DIE
die because it's about destroying our culture, cultural Marxism destruction of western culture.
Okay I'm done rambling now thank you all take care, God bless, hey gang I just wanted to take a brief
moment short video, I'm sure you see it, Instagram, oh, it is the worst for ads scams and cons and
phishing garbage to try to book you into something from somebody overseas promise you all kinds of
stuff and then of course never deliver, I took my chance on a couple here and there you know
small amount, made sure I went through a pay processing service so indeed when they turned
indeed to be a scam, a con, worthless, couldn't deliver what they promised as a lot of cases
with what they're promising you, you know better but you know I tried a couple and indeed a couple
were worse what they said they would do and others of course not and of course go through the dispute
process to get that money reversed and all that but at any rate today I got a email phishing
scam from some marketing place out of the UK and they're promising get your book to be in number
one Amazon bestseller in within 12 months, I sent back a reply but I'm like really
seriously you're not very good at your job if it's going to take you 12 months and of course no
price to be found in their three page email, hey look we helped this offer we helped that
offer which did they really or did they just randomly pick a couple Amazon bestsellers to
look they're an Amazon bestseller no price sure it's found to be hundreds of dollars
and no I didn't say you're really bad at your job if it took 12 months I felt like saying it
and reality is it took two to three weeks for me to get terror strikes coming soon to a city near you
number one Amazon bestseller in multiple Amazon categories so I just had to laugh at that
just wanted to tell you about that and indeed if you're looking to publish a book
how to write a book and give it published hints tips and techniques which if you buy the Amazon
Kindle copy you could give for under ten dollars not hundreds of dollars and I take you through
concept writing editing formatting marketing and promotion and reviews all kinds of stuff not
just hey we'll help you get to be an Amazon bestseller so for under ten bucks you can follow my
low cost advice and get to be a number one Amazon bestseller generally usually certainly may not
work every single time it's tried but in general within a couple weeks a month that's the most
and of course if you're interested in podcasting check out my podcast quick start guide book
for low cost low key no don't pay somebody five ten grand to help you set up a podcast
you could do for under a hundred bucks if you really want to and hit you right that's
that's I'm laughing my butt off here I'm curious if they'll respond to my response about hinting
you're not very good at your job that's you all take care god bless so buy or be where I guess
will be the title of this video I didn't have it when I started it but you all know the phrase
buyer beware indeed shop around look around find if someone's credible or not before handing over
your money for whatever it is this isn't necessarily me trying to peddle my books this is buyer beware
shop around look for good pricing on anything books yes 80% of all books so through amazon these
days but you could sometimes find better deals and I a big purveyor and shop local whether it be
books or records or hats or alarm clocks or sharpie pens shop local if you can you can often
find a good deal thank you all thank you I'm already up to six minutes I didn't even think this would
last that long take care god bless everyone please tune into christitucil's politics podcast
and indeed if you will please amazon barns a noble books a million I do well in book book
topia in australia please check for joseph m Leonard it looks like lennard it's not french it's
Leonard without an o and yes the middle initial m because there is a joseph lennard who also writes
books joseph and Leonard thank you all take care god bless hey gang a brief interruption in the show
about christmas giving tandesora or to ask are you coffee drinker what about other coffee drinkers
you know it's indeed christmas giving time hanaka giving time again I want to ask you
those coffee drinkers on your gift giving list socks that'll get put in a drawer they forgot
you gave them a tie or a shirt that'll end up buried in the back of the closet they forgot you gave
them how about something useful like black out coffee yes I am partnering with black out coffee
you can use promo code j o s e l two zeros joseph for joseph l 20 for 20 percent off j o s e l two zero
promo code or better yet i've created a shortcut tiny u r l dot com slash black out coffees and of
course black out coffees all run together as one word not three separate words so again tiny u r l
dot com i love using their shortcut services slash black out coffees should take you right in and
automatically apply your 20 discount so for yourself or for others this christmas give black out coffee
something you know they're going to use something they're going to enjoy something that they then
finally remember you and your gift every time they sit from the black out coffee
cup of coffee thank you all take care god bless merry christmas 

[ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast begin Show outro]

Thank you for having tuned into ChristiTutionalist Politics show. Please be sure to check out more about today's discussion at where my articles drop every Saturday in addition to seeing the corresponding piece referenced in the episode of ChristiTutionalist podcast see to the show transcript on podcast platforms that provide access to it like buzzsprout at for additional bonus material therein the transcript. Thank you. Take care. God bless

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BONUS MATERIAL BELOW from: TheLibertyBeacon "Music, Tv, Politics; and yes some more on Movies too" [See original piece at: , for referenced links, images, and embedded videos.]

Music, TV, & Politics…

A few weeks back I had a “Lets go to the Lobby for Snacks and Politics” piece and its follow-up “Movies, Snacks, Politics, part 2” so makes sense – lets talk briefly about Music and TV…

But first a brief reprise about Movies – I hope you all caught “They Live” 35th Anniversary this year (while showing in many Theaters September 2023) and if not at Theaters please rent or stream it after you read this. Reminder: “They Live” an early John Carpenter (Writer/Director) piece where he dared to go down ChristiTutionalist Politics line before I coined the term and “Aliens” (the E.T. variety) as stand-in for the #DeepState always moving and manipulating behind scenes. Human-nature of those willing to go-along-to-get-along to Cash in for themselves. The 15-minute (minor exaggeration) I hinted at in the Movies pieces is great metaphorical outline for the verbal back-and-forth we often have with DUMBocrats to get them to see Reality!

VIDEO (3m 08s): Jason Aldean - Try That In A Small Town (Official Music Video):    
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen></iframe>


#IStandWithJasonAldean (and, yes, too Oliver Anthony)
CMT (Country Music Television) crumbles to Cancel Culture, pulls “Try that in a Small Town” Video. And what my book (Terror Strikes: Coming Soon to a City Near You) about, not just Foreign Terrorists but USA Leftist Terrorism within & destruction of Western-Culture (as whole, not just US). #JasonAldean #BoycottCMT

I tack this on here, as Patriots in good Independent Studios or Patriotic Producers/Directors need to assure this Song gets on the Soundtrack of their PRO-AMERICA Movies as many times/places as possible!! 

Lastly, I know this is OLD NEWS to a degree and you are well aware and likely heard this story for several weeks already via FOXNEWS, NEWSMAX, OAN, and other outlets (including the ridiculous attempts by Left #ENEMEdia to make this somehow a Racist song calling for violence when the Writers (no, not Jason) and he (Jason) indeed all on the same page as to why they wrote it and why he wanted to Record it. AN ANTI-CRIME and ANTI-VIOLENCE piece, but if/when push comes to shove that we do have a Right to Defend ourselves from it. To protect and prevent our Communities being Arsoned to the ground by ANTIFA and #BlackLyingMarxist Hitlerian Brown-Shirt thugs.

Only the Left and their constant Race-baiting have the gall to say scenes (that show people of ALL RACES) is somehow Racist as an indictment of Black people? Who are the Racists? They are, if they say crime automatically equals Black people! Meanwhile scuttling #BidenCrimeFamily investigations and still creating major reach (stretching beyond all credulity of those Laws intent) on Statutes to try to charge POTUS45/Trump! Spare us the “What about the Lynching that took place at that Courthouse a hundred years ago” manure that no-one knew about until the Leftists #ENEMEdia desperate for a Talking-Point managed to dig up that History. I guess the Hannah Montana and the Christmas Movie filmed there are now also Racist (just like they tried to deem Bing Crosby’s “White Christmas” as somehow Racist). When are Black Americans going to wake up to this pathetic and desperate Race-baiting?!?! Whom, in Poll after Poll show they want more police protection from the runaway and rampant Crime happening due to FASCICRATS weak-on-Crime and other failing policies!!!

Thank you to all that emailed or called CMT or Cable Companies that carry CMT and let them know they would like CMT pulled from their line-up as money will be the only thing they understand. As discussed in the BIDENomics pieces they chase the Woke ESG pennies, we must make then suffer huge dollar loses until they learn to stop pandering to the Cancel Culture manure.

A friend of mine posted a Breitbart article titled “Woke Maren Morris Announces She’s Leaving Country Music: ‘Misogynistic & Racist & Homophobic & Transphobic’” (no, not gonna link it) that I would talk about but all our “kind” reactions (here are those) were “WHO?”  And some “less than polite” responses too (including a few snide ones from yours truly). LOL

VIDEO (2m 24s): Adam-12 and Emergency! Crossovers:     
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen></iframe>


That’s now Movies, Music, but what about TV? May as well take a pot-shot at that too?!?!  I had for decades hoped we’d get a reboot of “The Streets of San Francisco;” like Hawaii Five-O was, and Magnum P.I. was; and while I liked those originals (I did not tune-in for those reboots) but that was long before Newsome, Piglosi, others, have completely destroyed it over these last couple of decades. So, maybe best we can hope for is reboot of Adam-12; though that was set in L.A. which has equally degraded into one of Dante’s layers of Hell, but maybe could be reset into a different City; as a method of bringing traditional values and BACK THE BLUE back; as opposed to all the Trash we’re getting these days (like, sadly, the reboot of Quantum Leap went all WOKE)?!?!?

Some final thoughts:

Now after three-parts total of/for “Movies and Politics (Music and TV tacked on in part 3)” I could go on forever, and probably no surprise to anyone that is a regular reader of mine that at some time in near future I would have a part three (more on Movies, and to pivot to Music and TV) as I now have! 

Follow-up to the piece a few weeks back discussion of one of my all-time favorite Directors/Producers Roland Emmerich (and the part 2 “Movies, Snacks, Politics” piece): Many know Toby and/or Noah Emmerich, two of the people involved in/with the great Movie CELLULAR (with Noah Emmerich*, Chris Evans, Jason Statham, William H. Macy, Kim Bassinger, more) I just rented (via my DISHnetwork OnDemand feature (sign-up with my VCD0026116345 referral code for discounts)) to watch again as it is an A+ (remember, when that film came out was just at the time of proliferation of Cell phones with advanced features and therefore absolute genius script at that time). A good “temporary escape from Politics film.” From GOOGLE (about Noah): On television, the native New Yorker was a series regular on BACKWASH and played the despondent Dr. Edwin Jenner in the two-part Season 1 finale of THE WALKING DEAD. Emmerich's brother is film producer Toby Emmerich, but they are not, Emmerich explains, related to Director/Producer Roland Emmerich. 

The Emmerich lines via DuckDuckGo (here).

Gasp, can you believe it? YES, you’ve reached the end of this article already! LOL Hey, gotta poke fun at ourselves if we are to be able to laugh at others. I am indeed trying to SCALE BACK the length of my pieces! 😊 

VIDEO (33m 32s): ChristiTutionalist (S1E5) SNEAK PEEK @ Sat 7/22 "Let's go to the Lobby, for Snacks & Politics" (the corresponding part 1 of this series) Show:      
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen></iframe>
[Part 2 Behind-The-Scenes Sneak-peek Video]

Check out this article’s corresponding ChristiTutionalist Politics episodes S1E15.

BONUS MATERIAL ABOVE from: TheLibertyBeacon "Music, Tv, Politics; and yes some more on Movies too" [See original piece at: , for referenced links, images, and embedded videos.]

People on this episode