Impostor Syndrome... a real situation that many if not all of us experience throughout our journey in life. Whether it'd be in relationships, at school, or in your are bound to come across situations that can force you to feel like you do not belong. Let our discussion on the topic which covers our perspective and experiences allow you to revisit this in your own life. And remember...YOU ARE EXACTLY WHERE YOU NEED TO BE!
The Impostor Syndrome
"Be there in the moment... Be present... and be the best I can" - Jaffnan from Jaffna
One of the most important episodes in our community to highlight amazing growth from one of our very own...Young JAFF!
100 episodes later and the CG podcast invites Mr Safras '2.0' Lafeer back on for a powerful conversation. Host Bwanka sits down with Safras and recaps his journey from when they began working together, up until now. The incredible strides in his growth are highlighted throughout, but the key to it all is COMMITMENT. The great Denzel Washington once said, "Without commitment, you'll never get started...but more importantly without consistency, you'll never finish". Safras reminds us to JUST GET STARTED! We'll get him back on in another 100 episodes, but for now, let's get into it!
On this episode, host Bwanka sits down with a close friend of the CG Community...The legednary Mr. 100' himself, Mehari 'MH100' Hagos!!! Someone we've wanted to have on the show for a long-time coming now, but the blessings have arrived and the vibes on this you won't want to miss. MH's background story sheds light on the struggles of his past, the journey he's embarked on as a result of the challenges that came with is upbringing, as well as a clearly described plan for his future and the work he aims to get done. The time is now...It's time to get back to helping ourselves. It's time to help ME! Let's get into it!
On this episode, host Bwanka sits down with special guest Hermon aka Herms! A fellow East-African brother currently residing on the west coast of Canada shares his journey of resiliency, failure, bounce backs, and more. One thing for is this man does not lack energy or the willingness to try a ting whenever the opportunity presents itself. This is a great conversation for so many of us out there who feel like they have what it takes to make that leap into the unknown...a place where we can create from. Let's get into it!
Who doesn't like sports?? They play such an incredible part in a lot of people's lives, however, it is also interesting to learn how and why they have become an even bigger part of how we approach life. The good and the bad that come with it are all worth discussing, and on this episode hosts Bwanka & Sturr tip the ball off and take us quarter through quarter on what and how sports have impacted them and others. Let's get into it!
On this episode, we are blessed to have one of our very good friends join us in conversation for an incredible growth talk. John Woldu; a former elite student-athlete who also studied to become an educator and is currently teaching high school students sits down with Bwanka to go over the trials and tribulations of his journey up to this point. The two go WAYYY back to their elementary days and share stories that help shape whom they've become. John who now coaches high school athletes has a lot to offer them as he's learned many lessons along the way. Oh and apparently 'Onions' are a big deal for these guys... wait for it!
On this special edition of the Continual Growth podcast, Co-host Sturr is joined by a great friend of ours, a former professional football player, current high-performance athlete trainer and entrepreneur, community leader and just a dude you wanna be around because he is truly here to help people dedicate themselves to the work that's necessary... without further a due David aka Shredlocs!
Shreds gives us an intimate and in-depth look at his story in life & football by providing a 'Taking Flight' blueprint to help guide us through his incredible ongoing growth journey. Throughout the conversation, you will learn about the mindset and some of the methods developed to help him want to stay dedicated to himself and for others to do the same.
NO-FAIL which he breaks down as Next Opportunity - First Attempt In Learning is a perfect way, to sum up, our conversation.
Get ready for lift-off on this one, because we are about to Take flight! Let's get into it!
David 'Shredlocs' Sims
IG: shredlocs
The first step is recognizing you are in one! Now, this can oftentimes be the trickiest part, and on this episode hosts Bwanka & Sturr cover some of the ways to deal with getting in and out of a funk. Self-Awareness is integral in this process, but so is a serious mindset shift, no room for self-pity, and a ton of consistency to get you over the hump. Oh and this is a forever thing, so make sure to pay attention to how you can approach the constant 'funks' that are just around the corner from you right now! Let's get into it!
On this episode, host Bwanka sits down with a very special guest...The great Dionna Griffin-Irons! Artist, writer, musician, educator, storyteller. Dionna shares her incredibly intimate, vulnerable and inspiring story with us. One that takes us on a rollercoaster ride filled with feelings that will have you thinking about what truths lie within you that needs no permission to free themselves out of you and into the world. Strap in tight, brace yourself for an unforgiving ride of truth. Let's get into it!
Society Norms; The Series is back for the first time in 2021... On this week's episode hosts Bwanka & Sturr discuss relationships (friends, strangers, lovers, etc...). Don't get it twisted though, this here isn't expert relationship advice, just an outside perspective from how we've seen society jade the views of what relationships have become. From stranger to friends, the importance of building/managing/maintaining bonds that will surely impact your life, and how these bizarre times are a major trigger for the loneliness epidemic the world has begun to experience. We chop it up and attempt to chop it all down. Let's get into it!
On this episode hosts Bwanka & Sturr remind us of the importance of giving ourselves credit for our good intentions more often than we currently do. It's very easy to get down and stay down on yourself especially given the strange times we are living in. Throughout this discussion, we are continuously reminded that we ARE THE SH*T!! Always have been...always will be. This is a feel-good message that we hope resonates with everyone and remember... the world is already a tough place to navigate through, why would we add to that formula?? Let's do the oppositive and continue to pat ourselves on the back as we grow through what we are going through. Let's get into it!
On this episode, we pay tribute to a legend Sam Bakhtiar. This man provided one of the best discussions we've ever recorded in 2020 when he blessed the podcast and shared his knowledge with us and the community. Host Bwanka shares a short heartfelt message to address the passing of this legend as he re-introduces his episode which we highly recommend for you take a listen.
Rest in Eternal Peace Sam...we thank you and we shall continue to spread your love and energy each and every day.
On this episode, hosts Bwanka & Sturr recap the year 2020, what we learned throughout the highs and lows, the key areas of improvement, how reflection is the anecdote of being busy, and last but certainly not least how we are all so very grateful for being here to witness it all. If you're're winning, so you best count your blessings.
Let's Get Into It!!!
Society Norms; The Series continues... On this week's episode hosts Bwanka & Sturr go full rap video mode and talk all things Drugs & Alcohol. The conversation navigates through first time experiences with getting drunk, puffin' that mary jane as well as mind-altering substances that we're sure society painted a nasty picture for you. We can see you cringing now! Don't worry we do not promote any of the drugs/alcohol discussed on this podcast and we reserve all judgements. This is merely a take on what on the stereotypes & stigmas that society has presented us with when it comes to this topic. So roll up, get yourself a glass of something (anything really) and let's get into it!
On this episode, host Bwanka sits down with Coach Sturr as he takes us through not 1...but both of his skydiving experiences, with the most recent taking place late this past summer! The stories shared are closely related to the anxiety, fear & stresses that each of us experience on a day to day basis. It's an important reminder to face fear head-on...but more importantly to be open to LIVING and not just being alive. Hang tight with us on this one and as always enjoy!
Let's get into it
On this special edition of the Continual Growth podcast, Co-host Sturr is joined by one of the podcast's and community regulars... Zana Or Zee!
The two delve into a discussion about 'Language' sparked by previous conversations of getting familiar with each other, learning about each other's cultures, and the natural curiosity to understand and connect through whichever communication outlet presents itself. Language is connection...Language is all about Love!
Let's get into it!