Attract Breakthroughs with Alex Baldwin

1. Higher Consciousness and Abundance Mindset

November 30, 2023 Alexandra Baldwin Season 1 Episode 1
1. Higher Consciousness and Abundance Mindset
Attract Breakthroughs with Alex Baldwin
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Attract Breakthroughs with Alex Baldwin
1. Higher Consciousness and Abundance Mindset
Nov 30, 2023 Season 1 Episode 1
Alexandra Baldwin

Welcome to my new podcast and very first episode! Attract Breakthroughs with Alex Baldwin is here to help with your mindset shifts, uncovering and removing limiting beliefs and harnessing positive energy to help you reach your full potential. 

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Welcome to my new podcast and very first episode! Attract Breakthroughs with Alex Baldwin is here to help with your mindset shifts, uncovering and removing limiting beliefs and harnessing positive energy to help you reach your full potential. 

Please leave a review if you enjoyed this episode and email me at to share any insights or suggestions you may have for future episodes. Please feel free to share this episode with anyone that you think might find it helpful so we can continue to spread positivity and love across the world and tag me @attractbreakthroughs on Instagram. 

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These things can block us from creating the abundance that we want in our life, these beliefs that we have. They can keep us from experiencing our true nature, which is oneness with the universe and unlimited abundance. So gratitude really changes everything, it helps raise your vibration, and it brings you to a higher level of consciousness. And it's More into an abundance mindset where you can perceive this abundance that you have around you. Hi, this is Alex Baldwin with the Attract Breakthroughs podcast. I wanted to hop on here and just chat for a little bit, and some of my goals for this podcast and my thoughts on putting this together and putting it out there. So, I've... I've always seen myself as a little bit of a shy, more reserved person, honestly, so this is totally new and off the wall for me a little bit, but I do feel like, especially with the way the world is today, with so much chaos and negativity that we need to do our best, all of us individually and collectively to spread positivity, spread light and happiness in the world and not worry so much about what other people think and negativity towards ourselves, but just to share our message and find more friends in this world. So,, I'm honestly, I'm recording this from my car cause I'm a mom. And it is... It's very hard for me to get any time by myself with my children and husband. And I think it's a common thing for moms to really not have a place to get their head together and so the car becomes a common place in between picking up kids and running errands that it's one of the only places that you're actually by yourself and can put some thoughts together. So, I wanted to say that this podcast is just think of it as we're like best friends hanging out in the car together or we're on the phone and we're just chatting about life and we're positive influences on each other and we try to pick each other up instead of tearing each other down. So, that's my vision for this, is just to be pretty casual. Some episodes might be more well constructed than others. Some might just be me rambling about whatever I want. Probably most of them, I would guess, would be like this. But, I don't have a set because of the type of person I am. I don't have a set schedule, and when I say type of person I am, I mean getting into human design. We can talk about that. But the type that I am, it's almost like a more advanced horoscope using quantum physics and all these cool things. So, my human design type, I'm what's called a manifesting generator. I have a lot, I'm very like a multi passionate person, so I have a lot of things that light me up and get me excited, but sometimes I have a hard time following through on all these things. Like I kind of, it's almost like an ADD type of thought where you were just like, you get real excited and you go all in on one thing and then you bounce from thing to thing, so it's uh, It's, it's been challenging, but knowing that and finding that out, finding out my human design type and realizing that, okay, that's the type of person that I was designed to be, that I was born as, so I can now embrace that and maybe try to fill in the gaps because I know this about myself and Maybe hire someone or get some help and have someone be able to help me bring things to completion instead of just feeling bad about myself that I always start things and don't finish them. So it's just, that's one thing that I really like about human design on a side note is it's not really a horoscope and like predicting your future. It's, it tells you, it uses your birth time and it tells you what Basically, all these different characteristics and the type, it's very detailed. I don't even know 10 percent of it probably, but there's all these different things that you can learn about yourself and it just helps you see yourself in a different light and maybe see a different way to approach things and how to live your life with alignment and satisfaction and fulfillment. So it's, it's complex when you first look at it. I'll never understand that, and I don't even want to try, but when you start to open up your mind to this world, and if you're listening to this, you already are doing that, um, then you'll start, you'll slowly, over time, it's just like anything else, you're not gonna run a marathon in five minutes, you're, you're gonna take it one step at a time, so. Just like with learning something new, learning a new subject, you, you get that first exposure and it can be, and even your first few exposures, it can be very overwhelming. But, don't take that overwhelm as a sign to, to stop. Just It's, you know, your mind, our minds are greater than we understand and they can process a lot more information than we give them credit for. So, just exposing yourself to some of these things and positive ideas and different ways of thinking does so much more for your mind and your spirit and your evolution of your consciousness on this planet than any of us can understand. Just trust that the universe is guiding you in the right direction and that by just you listening to this and being open to this you're unfolding this right path for yourself. I think the Buddha said walk the middle path. So what his goal was, was to just stay, you know, not too high and excited about all these things I'm going to learn. Yeah, but not too... down and depressed, like, I'm hopeless and I'll never learn anything. Just, you stay very even keeled and in the middle path and you just accept things for what they are. Like, The book, one of the best, really great books, I think, of our time is The Power of Now. And I think about this probably every day, where you're just, you have to realize deeply, deeply, that the present moment is all that you will ever have. There's no sense stressing and worrying about the future or worrying and having regrets of the past. The present moment, the moment you're in right now is all that you ever truly have. It is your entire world and your perceptions. So we have these filters that we take on throughout life. We, we get conditioned by Our upbringing and our friends and we were bullied in school or whatever. We have all these different things that happened to us in our past that affect how we carry ourself in the present and therefore in our future as we are making it. So. All of this to say, side note, going back to my schedule, um, I was thinking since I'm a manifesting generator and I like to bounce all over the walls, I don't want to have a specific, time constraint on myself and I honestly want this to be fun and this is just something that I've decided to do and put out there to express myself. I do think that some of my ideas and thoughts, if you guys have any questions and you want to submit, I'd love to do some Q& A. Um, and just to get some more positivity out there. I don't think it could hurt. Um, I've luckily I've done a lot of work on myself and I don't think that anyone's negative comments will hopefully phase me too much at this point. It's just thing you have to realize if you're facing negativity in your life is that when you hear this negativity from people, you have to realize that's a reflection of them, not you. That's what a lot of people don't realize. Obviously, that's spread negativity. They think that, oh, everything's wrong with this other person. I don't like them because of this or that, but really, this is just a mirror. Everything you do in life is a mirror, and you're constantly just being held up a mirror. All the things that you get, that's what you're attracting. So, if you're having a horrible time in life and bad situations, it's probably because you're seeing things in a very negative light and frame of mind and you have these rose Colored glasses on in a negative way that you're you think you perceive everything as out to get you And everyone working against you, but if you could just switch your perspective and maybe open your mind Maybe that's just my that's all it is is my perception, which is your whole world Because, well, I don't want to get into all this, but, like, science just, it shows that our consciousness, what we're seeing and thinking right now, our consciousness is, is the world, really. Like, quantum physics and all these things prove that we basically create our own reality and that is what it is. If you want to be happy, you have to decide to be happy right now. You can't be happy in the future if you're always thinking I'm going to be happy in the future. Well, the future never comes. The future is always something that's out there in the future. If you... If you don't understand that, then you'll never obtain that happiness because it's always going to be something you're chasing in the future. It's never in your present moment, in your now, right now, your consciousness. So, a lot of times it is just a choice, and it's hard to hear this and, and accept this sometimes when you're having a bad day and things happen to you and you think, what is going on here? Why? Why is this happening to me? And It's something that it does become apparent that things don't happen to you, they happen for you. So, whatever you're dealing with right now, it is happening for you to teach you a lesson or bring you someplace closer that will bring you to more of an evolution of your own consciousness. So, I deeply believe that we are here to evolve our consciousness individually and collectively because At the end of the day, we are all one. That's, what science shows us down to the molecular level. We're all energy, empty space, these atoms and things that when you get down to it, you can't really discern the chair from the floor and the floor from the hand and if you get down to it molecularly, we're just a big elemental soup. So where does this consciousness lie? This must be, in my opinion, outside of our bodies, our physical bodies. We have this consciousness that I think that we carry from life to life. And I think if you believe in past lives or I'm not sure exactly how it all works, but I think that we choose our lives ahead of time. And we say somehow with the divine creator we're, we're kind of co creators in this process of manifestation in life. So I think that we choose this life based on what we need. to evolve our consciousness. So, if this is all overwhelming, I understand. Um, this is just stuff that I think about all the time and have a little bit of an obsession with. So, I'm excited that I have a space to finally share some of these thoughts and these things that I learned because It is something that just becomes a part of you as you learn things and you open your mind to more and more, then you slowly just start to become these things that you learn and you realize or you hear things and you, you have these thoughts and that Earth is the knowledge that you learned when you were listening to these things to expand your consciousness and those things become integrated in you and you can therefore change and have a more positive experience on this earth because you have opened your mind and Sometimes it doesn't seem like anything's happening But I promise you just being open to Shifting your mindset will completely change your life. I know this because I have experienced it, and I experience it all the time. I have motivational things that I listen to. Um, one of the books that I'm listening to now, basically on repeat, is um, called Happy Pocket Full of Money. And it's something I've been working on. It's just with myself, like any limiting beliefs and blocks that I might have about money and abundance. And we all learn things growing up about finances and we have these ideas about money and These things can block us from creating the abundance that we want in our life, these beliefs that we have. They can keep us from experiencing our true nature, which is oneness with the universe and unlimited abundance. Abundance is your birthright. So, knowing that and owning that It makes a huge difference in your life and the way you experience everything. So all of that rambling to say, um, I don't want to set myself to a schedule of saying I'm going to put out a podcast every week, once a week, or once a month, or. Or anything like that, because I just want this to be a passion project. Hopefully, I'm hoping it'll be at least once a month. Um, I want to say once a week, but I don't want to overly ambitiously commit myself. So, I'm gonna just say... No expectations. And this is just a passion project that I'm going to put out when I have the inspiration and the time because I don't want it to become a chore and something that is pressured and feel like it's something I have to do because I don't want to bring that energy into this. I want to bring a very intentional, positive, helpful energy into this and If that gets clouded with pressure and stress, I don't want to bring that energy here. So this is also can be maybe even like an accountability type of thing for myself to where I think, oh, well, I haven't recorded a podcast in six months. I must be feeling a lot. Oh, not very aligned and not inspired, which isn't a bad thing. We all have our ups and downs in life, and it's normal to, to have these. Shifting emotions, but I'm hoping that this will be a way for me to stay accountable to myself and to anyone listening just to stay on a positive path, keep learning on my path of personal development, keep putting myself out there, because It's just good practice for me to get out of my shell and not worry about what people think so much. So that's my thought with this podcast. I want it to be like we're best friends just having a chit chat about different things in life. So one concept we can go into from that is, the idea of. Pressure versus pleasure. So if you're in any situation and you just think, is this situation causing me pressure? Or, am I getting pleasure from this? Is this a pleasurable experience, or is this feeling pressured and stressful? So, that's just one way that you can think about things in your life, and if you're feeling stressed and pressured, then that's just a sign for, doesn't mean that you're bad or anything's wrong. A lot of this, the root of all this is awareness. It really helps if you can open your mind to being aware of how you feel, how different circumstances and situations and people make you feel. And then you can choose consciously, do I want to be around these people in these circumstances? Do I want to feel like this or do I want to feel something else? Again, all you have is this present moment of now, and now you can decide, do I want to feel this way anymore, or do I want to change my now? You can choose to be happy. It sounds so simple. Um, sometimes I understand if people are dealing with extreme depression and circumstances, I totally recommend talking to a therapist. There's so many options out there now. BetterHelp, it's all online, um, just journaling, honestly, can be a really good way to, if you don't want to talk to someone and you don't want to go to an office, you don't want to make an appointment, you don't want to deal with any of that, just get a journal. Start a journal. I would recommend not, I mean, if you're in emergency, obviously, you can, you can just grab a piece of notebook paper and start writing, but I would highly recommend getting a journal dedicated to just your daily journal, personal thoughts, anything that might come up, and Then reviewing that journal periodically whenever you have the time because you'll be blown away at the things that you have done differently and changed and the person that you were that you wouldn't have maybe noticed if you hadn't been writing these things down. So. I would highly recommend getting a journal and this way you have a space for only you to write down your thoughts, your dreams, your, your fears, anything that is causing you to feel emotional pain, some of these, you know, thoughts and anxieties and different things that you're feeling, um, but one of the number one things I would recommend doing is if you get a journal, I would If you write nothing else every day, just do gratitude. One sentence is enough, write the date. And that's another thing. If you do a journal, I would always write the date small in the corner before you start writing. Because I have had the situation where I write things and I go, wanna go back to them later. And I think, well, I wish I knew when I wrote this. So that's just. A little tip that before you get too far down that path of just writing things, it helps me a ton to have the date there just so I have an anchor of, in my mind, like, okay, this was this long ago when I felt this way and thought this way. So, um, but honestly, too, my journal is just sometimes, and I miss days. It's not perfect. And, it helps to have a habit tracker too, if you can, and I don't always, not always on top of that either, but it does really help, to stay accountable if you're trying to make positive shifts in your life, and James Clear's book, Atomic Habits, is a great book to read or listen to if you want to learn more about this, so my journal looks like literally a page where And it's, it's fairly small. I get it spiraled so I can fold it over. Like, fold it in half. I don't want to have to hold it open all the time. That bothers me, but it's personal preference. And, um, I just write at the top, one of the top corners, the date. And put a box around it. And then I... I pretty much usually just write about one sentence that I'm grateful for, especially if I'm busy and don't have time or just don't feel like writing, I'll just write one sentence that I'm grateful for and say, I'm so happy and grateful now that blank. I think I learned that from Bob Proctor. it's just a way that you can frame your gratitude. I used to just do it as today, I'm grateful for blank, blank, blank. So, and it can be simple things, I'm grateful for waking up today, I'm grateful that the sun is shining, I'm grateful for my kids, anything, obviously, you can figure out some things that you're grateful for. So gratitude really changes everything, it helps raise your vibration, and it brings you to a higher level of consciousness. And it's More into an abundance mindset where you can perceive this abundance that you have around you. So, really this practice of gratitude is something that I highly recommend. Back to the journal though. So I have the date and then I have my one sentence, and then I just write a line under it because sometimes that's the only thing I write all day and I don't wanna waste a whole page on one sentence. So, I just write a line under it, and then I write the next date in the little corner, and then I write my next sentence the next day. And obviously some days you're going to have more than others. You might feel inspired to just keep writing, and the more gratitude you can write and experience, honestly, the better, and the better your results are going to be, because it just, like I said, it raises your vibration, and it really helps you get into that. evolved, higher consciousness of accepting abundance and looking for the abundance that's already present in your life. So journaling, I cannot recommend it enough, just it, it really helps for you and your perspective. Um, that's just basically if you don't have, you know, a therapist or even if you do, I I don't even have a therapist right now. I just pretty much use my journal and I do a ton of self help type things and courses and books and audiobooks and there's so much out there that is consciousness expanding and It's great for if you want to evolve your consciousness and live a happier life. So having gratitude and appreciation for what you have is extremely important and can really take you to the next level. So one. I do wanna touch on the name of the podcast, attract Breakthroughs. The whole thought behind this is we're utilizing the law of attraction. We're really trying to break it down and to bites and smaller elements so that we can know how to utilize it to our advantage. So a lot of people watch The Secret and. It's, it's a great movie, but A lot of people watch it and then they don't understand why they aren't getting the results that they want just by saying, I want a mansion, I want a million dollars, okay, well, if I want it, why aren't I attracting it? What's the problem? So it's a little bit deeper than that. It's honestly kind of like when Conceptually you can understand something like a robot can conceptually understand can you know theoretically understand the concept of love? But a robot will never be in love and have these feeling humans emotions Like, we have and never experienced it firsthand. So, that's kind of how it is with The Secret. A lot of people think like, with a lot of things. When you're just watching, you think, Well, I can do that. Who? That's easy. And then you don't get the results and you think, Well, what am I doing wrong? And you don't really... know where to go from there and you just kind of give up and forget about it and then go well that doesn't work. So my goal here is to kind of break down some of the ideas from The Secret and just general law of attraction principles and really focusing on that attraction, attracting positive things into your life and attracting breakthroughs because I feel like I envision and with my own life. There's times where I feel stuck and I feel like I'm just not evolving, I'm not where I want to be, I'm not happy, and there's moments when I have a breakthrough and that changes everything. Anytime if you have a breakthrough, it just completely shifts your consciousness and rocks your world. So I think that this podcast, A Track of Breakthroughs, that's what my goal is for now. the audience and for myself, too, is to really get into alignment with this. Feeling of law of attraction and attracting these breakthroughs that we need in our lives to take us to the next level and really take us to this place of evolved consciousness and love and healing that the world really needs right now. So, I hope that you've enjoyed this episode. I feel like I'm a little rambling, but that's part of the beauty of this. Um, if I do more in depth courses and more of a structured format of maybe a workshop of how to break down these different parts of the Law of Attraction and Manifestation I would love it if you shot me an email or if you know me on social media, um, shoot me a message and say I'm interested in this course. I'm interested in just, learning more, you can shoot me any individual questions, you can message me at attractbreakthroughs at gmail. com and let me know if you're interested in more courses and what more specifically you'd like to learn about because then that'll help me put together more focused content that. will deliver more value, in more of a structured setting. So this podcast is kind of just supposed to be a little off the cuff rambling, like we're just chatting and having coffee. So I hope that you've enjoyed. listening to this and that you've found some inspiration and maybe shifted your consciousness. I'm happy and honored that you've welcomed me into your mind and I'm so excited for where this journey will take us. And if you've enjoyed this podcast, feel free to leave me a review, a good one, on iTunes or wherever you're listening to this podcast. And share it with your friends So we can help more people. Come into this abundance and prosperity, positivity, peaceful healing mindset, and we can all come together to make the world a better place. Thank you. I hope you have a wonderful day