Attract Breakthroughs with Alex Baldwin

2. How to Create Identity Shifts and Reframing Negative Thoughts for Success

December 28, 2023 Alex Baldwin Season 1 Episode 2
2. How to Create Identity Shifts and Reframing Negative Thoughts for Success
Attract Breakthroughs with Alex Baldwin
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Attract Breakthroughs with Alex Baldwin
2. How to Create Identity Shifts and Reframing Negative Thoughts for Success
Dec 28, 2023 Season 1 Episode 2
Alex Baldwin

Today I share some personal stories and experiences regarding manifesting my dream home and reframing negative thought patterns to create a more successful future. I give 2 of my favorite tips to help reframe how we talk to ourselves and create the lives we want through subtle energetic shifts of consciousness. Shout out to Ram Dass, Bob Proctor and many others for inspiring some of this content and ideas presented here.

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Today I share some personal stories and experiences regarding manifesting my dream home and reframing negative thought patterns to create a more successful future. I give 2 of my favorite tips to help reframe how we talk to ourselves and create the lives we want through subtle energetic shifts of consciousness. Shout out to Ram Dass, Bob Proctor and many others for inspiring some of this content and ideas presented here.

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If you practice this enough, you will seriously be blown away by the transformation and changes that will begin to take place and the shifts that you will see. So I really encourage you to utilize this Welcome to the attract breakthroughs with Alex Baldwin podcast. This podcast is designed to give you the information and tools around the law of attraction and manifestation to help you actively build the life you've always dreamed of living. I'm so excited that you're here. So let's get started. so I wanT to quickly share something on just a limiting belief that I conquered and overcame, or I'm in the process of overcoming, and that was recent for me in the past year or so, really maybe the past six months. So, One of my limiting beliefs I've struggled with was, and identified was, and I had a lot of resistance and, um, bad feelings around this, like, um, bad feelings about myself and feeling like I wasn't good enough and just a lot of guilt and shame. And so one of the things that I struggled with was not really cooking. For my family, my kids, and just being a good cook. It just was something where I didn't have that identity. So when we want to create change, we want to focus on shifting the identity level. So this is really helpful for anything that you might want to shift. Like also a few years ago, started running. I never was a runner in high school or anything like that, and I never ever thought I would be one, honestly. And, um, at some point, I I tried it, and it's like, you know, like, I can do this. If so and so can do it, I can do it. So, I tried, you know, to start running basically as far as I could until I had to stop and walk, and then just keep doing that over and over until you build up, slowly being able to run a mile at a time, two miles, so on and so on, to the point where I eventually ran a marathon non stop. So, go me. But, this is All to talk about how this is a shift in your identity and now I have an identity of I am a runner. I am a marathon runner. I am a long distance runner. That became my identity as I practiced running and became more, you know, familiar with the running community, getting, getting more and more evidence into my life that I am a runner. I even just, and so this is like a little way to hack your, manifestation processes to really get into that I am, I am mindset of I am this, I am that, I am statements are very powerful to help you transform. Think about when someone says, with smoking, like, if someone offered you a cigarette, you would probably, if you're not a smoker, you would say, No, thanks, I'm not a smoker. And if someone is a smoker. Just the, the word cigarette probably triggers that identity. I am a smoker. I need a cigarette. So this is just an example of your identity. I know people have shifted their identity when it comes to bad habits like cigarettes up and just saying maybe using some hypnosis and different techniques to kind of help tap into the subconscious mind that They let go of this identity of, I'm a smoker, whatever this negative identity you have that you would like to let go of, and you embrace the identity of, I am not a smoker. I am a non smoker. And so it's subtle, but it's actually a very powerful way to shift your mindset if you can. Um, so. And back to my example of cooking, I had an identity of I'm not a good cook. I had a lot of stress and anxiety about I don't know how to cook. It's too time consuming. It's too stressful. I don't want to let my family down if I don't do it right. I don't want to. Cook and no one like it. I don't you know, it's just there's a lot of there was a lot of negativity and Anxiety around that that identity thought that I carried and so once I realized this or just was Working on myself and figuring out what? limiting beliefs and identities I was carrying currently and things that I wanted to shift that I thought would make my life better and me happier as a person. So, and just feel more fulfillment. And one of the things that I identified was my lack of cooking and I had a desire to prepare healthy meals for my family, to, to feed my family and nourish them and to do this as a labor of love. I, I can't remember exactly what it is, but there's something that sticks out in my mind about Ram Dass, and he's just a great person to listen to if you have a chance and you need like a meditative person that can read you, just talk to you and calm your mind down and give you a little lightheartedness with this thing that we call life. So,, Ram Dass, he said, it's kind of similar to, and I haven't read this book, but I assume from the, the title, it's the same concept of just chop wood, carry water. When you're chopping wood, chop the wood. You're being present in that moment of the chopping. You're doing that thing that you're doing in the present 110%. You're giving it all your effort and attention. And when you're carrying water, you're carrying the water. Your focus is there. You're not in your mind still chopping the wood from five minutes ago. You're in the present moment. You're anchored in yourself, in your present, and you're carrying the water now. So, like I said, I haven't read that book, but I assume that is the gist of it. I probably need to put that on my to read list, especially if I'm gonna be talking about it. But, Ram Dass has a lot of similar kind of teachings and philosophies where I just remember him saying how When he cooks or when anyone, when you cook, it's, it's a labor of love for your family and it's, it is like an act of devotion in a way and just finding the enjoyment in that and taking the stress and pressure out of it and trying to and just thing. You know, seeing the fun in it. Like time in many ways is just a construct in our minds. We don't really, we think, Oh, I don't have time to cook. I don't have time for this or that. But You make time for what's important to you, and if it's important, then you can figure it out, and you will make the time, and it's just, we get in our head sometimes a lot about the time we think we have, and we get so stressed and caught up with worrying about the time that we waste all our time worrying about the time. So in that time that you could, you're spent worrying, which was the old me, is I Um, now I, instead of worrying about judgment and this time, um, that I don't have enough of, I just act and I try to figure out a solution. Like, what Would my family like to eat? What would I enjoy doing? Would it be fun to peel up a bunch of potatoes and make some sweet potato fries? Or would it be fun to just find new recipes? And even now with one thing that I've been using and having fun with, it makes it a little more fun for me, is that ChatGPT. Using AI, it's kind of cool and crazy, like, we can just type to this robot intelligence and get answers. Um, obviously they're not always accurate and it's just. Reflects our human flaws too, but, um, just to ask, you know, or say, I have these ingredients. What can I make? And give me a recipe for this. Give me a recipe for that. Give me some ideas of what I can make for dinner tonight. So using that and making it fun, and I've actually embraced this messiness of cooking now that I've I'm glad that I, I, like I said, I felt a lot of shame around it of not being able to cook for my family and feeling really inadequate and my mom passed away suddenly to a little like two years ago now and that was a huge part of this shame too is you know, she always cooked for us and cooked for me and I learned some from her growing up, but I wasn't, obviously you just never prepare for like, Oh, I'm going to have to do all this myself one day. Like you're not always going to be around. And so, um, now that I'm, I'm, I'm cooking, I'm trying to just embrace the spirit of my mother. I feel like it connects us. Like I'm. Embracing her spirit and doesn't always come out great But you know, it's just part of life and it's part of the fun and creating that enjoyment from it So I've had a lot of fun actually diving into this cooking and Becoming to this new place because I actually I manifested our house our new house that we live in it's So, like, I started really taking manifestation seriously, um, after my mom passed away. And I just figured, what do I have to lose? Why don't I see if I can manifest something and make my life better? So, not that it was bad, but, um, you know, everyone wants life to be better and improvement, so why not? And I figured, what do I have to lose? And I, I wrote down at some point that I wanted to manifest a house, like at least a five bedroom house for my new, I was pregnant and I had, I was having a new baby and we were living in a two bedroom rental house, um, with like, Mm hmm. Literally with brown water. It was like rust or something and it was just like bugs and it was not a good situation. I mean but still, in that circumstance, I made an effort to have gratitude every day because in some ways who cares about your circumstances. Like do you? You have yourself and your spirit and who you truly are, and you can make the best of any circumstance that you're in, and you can choose to be happy and make the best of things. So, in, in that other, in that rental house that I did not enjoy, um, there was, there was good things, but whatever. Um, but mainly, I, I was not, did not want to be there. So, I was actively very Um, persistently trying to manifest this new house. I had an idea, I wrote it down of what I wanted and, um, with human design, it tells you if you're specific or non specific manifester. I'm more of a, an unspecific, non specific type, so it helps me to just. for my manifestations to know, like, this is generally what I want. I want a five bedroom house. I want it to be one story. I want it to be, um, you know, I want white countertops in the kitchen. I want Um, kind of maybe an open floor plan to feel like this community and family. I want a big backyard for the dog that we could fence in. Um, I want to live in a nice neighborhood with other kids and families and, um, just have a good community, a short commute to school and being close to things and. Feeling safe in my community. So, um, I wrote these things down of what I wanted and then, um, I ended up actually manifesting this house a few months later and it all happened so fast and we got into the house in like April of this year of 2023. So, And it's funny because like you forget, sometimes you'll, in this manifesting or just in our journey of life, if you, if you make a notebook and you start writing some things down, you'll forget a lot of the stuff that you write. And so when I looked back to see. What kind of house I had and wanted to manifest. I, it was just, it was crazy to see. Oh, You have, so I wrote, I decided some of these things and it wasn't perfect in every single thing, but like it was extremely close. Like the five bedrooms, the one level, the Nice neighborhood, like everything that I wanted on our list was like, check, check, check, check, check. So, I just couldn't believe that when I look back at this, like, oh wow, I actually manifested this house that I wanted. And at the time, I was like sitting in my car thinking, when I was writing down these manifestations of what I want, I was, you just think, it's hard to believe sometimes when you don't see it in your physical presence and evidence yet. It's just hard to believe that, but the universe is conspiring to give you what you want. So, and that's just, before I forgot, there's another little tidbit in there of like what I want. So if it'll help you to not think about things in terms of what I want because wanting implies a state of lack. Wanting implies that you don't have it. And so if you're always wanting something, then You're implying to yourself that you do not have that thing. So your subconscious mind doesn't really respond well to wanting, like, I want a new car. I want a new house. I want a million dollars. The subconscious mind, all it hears is, I mean it, it hears that stuff but it's thinking like I don't have a million dollars. I don't have this stuff. I don't have it and I want it. Like I, I have this state of lack. So I think in your affirmations, in your thoughts to yourself, in your notebook, maybe don't frame things in terms of I want something. You, it is actually helpful to use more of that identity level of I am. something. I am the I am taking, um, what's the word I'm looking for? I am, um, taking ownership. I'm taking possession of a new house. I am, I am so happy and grateful now that I've found my new house. I'm so happy and grateful now that I've manifested the house of my dreams. I'm so happy and grateful now that I have a thriving business and I'm profitable and so our subconscious mind doesn't really understand negatives So it it kind of like if so like if you were saying so be careful with affirmations and things where you are saying, I don't want blank, like I don't want to be poor. Your subconscious mind, if you say, I don't want to be poor, your subconscious mind hears, I'm poor. all it hears is poor. So it's not, that's not the way you want to go about it. Um, you want to frame your thoughts and your subconscious, you know, subliminal messages, all these things. You want to frame them in a way so that you're speaking positively about what you do want and not saying it that you want it. You're going to say that you're going to phrase it in the present tense like you have it now. So this is where it comes back to too, like the power of now. So you're embracing that now, you're doing your best to use your visualization, like if you can meditate or do any sort of things to help you calm your conscious mind. Because your conscious mind is a really useful tool. It's helped us obviously through life and evolution and outrunning bears and all these things. But. Um, at some points it is not helpful for us because it's just a lot of conditioning and a lot of things that happen to try to make you feel safe or keep you safe. But it doesn't realize that it's actually hindering you and holding you back. So, if you can get into your subconscious mind and kind of calm down the conscious part of your mind, it can be extremely helpful, for manifesting what you want into the present reality. So another way to do this, like meditating, is very helpful. Vipassana or mindfulness meditation, or EFT is called Emotional Freedom Technique or known as tapping can be helpful, hypnosis, there's a lot of, different modalities and ways that you can, access your subconscious mind and try to tap into it and calm the conscious part of your mind and bypass it. And I would highly recommend learning about and doing some of these things. I'm probably gonna Try to put together some audios to help people with this. So like a hypnosis or just different meditations and different techniques to help you manifest what you want faster and get into your subconscious mind. So I also want to say just to have faith and have heart and don't take yourself too seriously and have faith that things are all coming together and that Everything you're doing just by listening to this and every action you're taking is taking you closer and closer to your goals of abundance and a life of happiness and positivity, but I am happy to share some of these things with you. I just didn't expect for the cooking to unfold and like the house to unfold in the way that it did. And it's, it's exciting to see the universe come together and give you what you want. And once you know some of these things then you can go to your subconscious mind and tell the universe what you want. So, getting a journal, identifying and getting clarity on your desires is very helpful. Framing things in that gratitude of, I'm so happy and grateful, now that blank. That is a big, way to frame things that I learned from Bob Proctor. He's a great one to listen to also, if you need a recommendation on someone to uplift you. I'll give you a little bonus. One of the affirmations that I committed to memory at the beginning of my manifestation journey was, something I learned from Bob Proctor and, this is really helpful for me as like a non specific manifester. It's just something positive that you can commit to memory and have it as an affirmation and if you don't practice affirmations, it's something that I started doing. And it's really helpful and if you can just even pick one like this and memorize it and just say it every day or not even, it doesn't even have to be out loud, just in your mind or write, I would probably write it down somewhere where you'll see it every day. And. Just read it. Just read it every day. It doesn't have to be out loud, and commit it to memory, and it will become a part of who you are, and it will attract these things to you faster, and you, Will be shocked in the way that the universe unfolds to bring you what you want so The affirmation that I learned from Bob Proctor is I am so happy and grateful Now that money keeps flowing to me in increasing quantities from multiple sources on a continuous basis I'll say it again for the people in the back. I Am so happy and grateful Now that money keeps coming to me in increasing quantities from multiple sources on a continuous basis. Okay. So that is one of my favorite gratitude statements, affirmations. It's just something that you can put out there and it's not specific. It's not saying I, you're not lying to yourself. You're saying. You're not saying, I am a millionaire. I'm so happy and grateful that I'm a millionaire and a billionaire. No, you're not getting crazy. You're just saying, I'm so happy and grateful now that money keeps coming to me in increasing quantities from multiple sources on a continuous basis. So using that framing that I'm so happy and grateful now that gives you your subconscious that Feeling helps you get into the feeling of this is already happening. It's already here So if it's already here and happening now, then that just brings your manifestation so much closer because you'll eventually reduce this time. There is sometimes a lag with the manifestations. Like I said, I wrote my, my dream house in the car one night, and I was working on all these other things, like limiting beliefs I have about manifesting this house. Do I deserve it? Am I worthy of it? All these things, and the logistics of it. Like, so, but the universe doesn't really care about that. They, the universe will do things that you wouldn't expect and to shift things in your direction. You just have to be ready to identify them and have the awareness to take advantage of them. So, identify what you want, frame it in that In that way, I'm so happy and grateful now that blank, blank, blank is happening in my life. And if you practice this enough, you will seriously be blown away by the transformation and changes that will begin to take place and the shifts that you will see. So I really encourage you to utilize this and, I'll give you another one just for a bonus. because I've got a little more time. so, I would say one other way that you can frame your gratitude journal thoughts would be, yeah, I guess it's gratitude affirmation, same type of thing. So, wouldn't it be so fun If blank happened, wouldn't it be so awesome if blank happened, wouldn't it be so fun and just awesome and cool and fabulous if this happened today? Like wouldn't it just be so fun if I made 10, 000 today? Yeah, like, and then just let yourself think about that. Really live in that energy as if it just happened. And then, you will be shocked once you get good at this, at the way that this unfolds for you. It's honestly insane. So just get practicing into that and you really need to get into that feeling of I am presence of now cultivating these things now. I am in my dream home. I am an amazing cook. I am cooking and Showing my family that I care. I am the owner of a new Tesla. I am so happy and grateful. Or just, wouldn't it be fun if I got a new car today? Wouldn't it be fun if I Did this wouldn't it be fun if this happened and just really getting into that gratitude and that feeling of wouldn't it be awesome if this, if this was going on right now, because you can use your imagination and literally bring yourself places like visualization is so powerful, and it just raises up our frequency so like if you think about a lemon. You're, you're tasting that sour, bitter lemon. Like even if I say don't think about a lemon, you can't help but think about the lemon. So use these things, these ways of thinking to your advantage and say, whatever your goal is, whether it's running, I want to run a seven minute mile, seven minute mile, seven minute mile. I, wouldn't it be so fun to run a seven minute mile? Wouldn't it be just. Mind blowing and awesome if I could just do that and it wasn't even like a big deal Wouldn't it just be so fun if I just crushed that today? like wouldn't it be so fun if I just embrace the presence the present moment and Just gave it my all and didn't worry about these thoughts and carrying this Emotional baggage of the past into my presence and these limiting thoughts of I can't run. I can't breathe I can't do this. I can't do that We have so many constantly negative thoughts in our mind that are dragging us down and so this is really what I'm challenging you to to look at and to try to break this habit of being negative towards yourself and it's It's just, you will find so much freedom and joy in your life if you can break the habit of being negative towards yourself. Frame things into this mindset of gratitude and abundance. You have to. It is, I promise you, like the, the best thing you could ever do is just to reframe your thoughts in this way. And it happens slowly. It happens through listening to this. It happens through practice and exposure and time. And you, it just, if you can practice being in that I am, wouldn't it be fun? I'm so happy and grateful now that I'm having so much fun manifesting the life of my dreams. I hope that you found this valuable. Thank you for listening. I hope you have a wonderful day manifesting all of your deepest desires and, um, really quick. So actually, desiring is something you can substitute for wanting because, um, Wanting, I said it implies the state of lack, but desiring is more, you can desire and intend. I intend for this to happen. I intend to bring this into my reality. I desire. a million dollars. What I desire, what is desired by me, is destined for me. This is a mantra, a simple affirmation you can adopt and commit to memory. What is desired by me is destined for me. It's true. If there's something that you think of and you desire, even something that you're jealous of in someone else, that is proof that it's possible for you to. So, learn to just reframe your thoughts if, if you find yourself feeling jealous. See, instead of feeling that jealousy, and thinking, oh, I don't have that, I want that, I don't have that, all these negatives, Say it instead as, oh, I feel jealousy, uh, that must mean that that's possible for me, too. I have to do this, too. Trust me. I struggle with jealousy all the time, and I have to remind myself Well, that actually that's just means that that's possible for me, too. So, I hope you found today helpful, and I hope you have an amazing day. See ya!