Attract Breakthroughs with Alex Baldwin

RRT I wish I could go back and change what happened audio

January 16, 2024 Alex Baldwin
🔒 RRT I wish I could go back and change what happened audio
Attract Breakthroughs with Alex Baldwin
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Attract Breakthroughs with Alex Baldwin
RRT I wish I could go back and change what happened audio
Jan 16, 2024
Alex Baldwin

Subscriber-only episode

This is a Rapid Resolution Therapy style audio conversation for the  "I wish I could go back and change what happened" scenario 

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Subscriber-only episode

This is a Rapid Resolution Therapy style audio conversation for the  "I wish I could go back and change what happened" scenario 


Welcome to the I wish I could go back and change what I did or what happened to me audio. I'm so excited that you chose to play this one in the order that you ended up doing it. So I believe that your intuition guided you here at this time for a perfect reason, and my intention is for you to achieve and receive a clearing while I share some of the stories and exercises with you in this audio. Remember, I'm not actually speaking to your conscious mind here, so if anything I say makes you go, what the hell is she even talking about right now? You need to know that this is 100 percent normal and even expected. It's okay to feel confused, and in fact, confusion means you're doing it correctly. Just keep listening to my voice and keep going with me. We're going to try something very new today. Something you've never done before and it gets to be fun and exciting. It gets to be intriguing and interesting and appealing. Mind has already taken in which that has value for you and releasing what no longer does. Mind is already opening just like curiosity is opening right now about what we're going to be doing together. Like I've mentioned in all the other audios, this audio isn't like your typical audio. It's not exactly a meditation, but it can have a meditative experience. So if you're in a place where you can close your eyes, go ahead and do that right now. Take a nice deep inhale in. And as you exhale, think the word release. Now again, take a nice deep inhale, deep inhale in. And as you exhale, think the word release. Go ahead, right now, and think back to a specific moment or memory you have that has been causing you to think or feel, I wish I could go back and change what I did or what happened to me. It can be anything, big or small. Just something that conjures the belief that someone treated you unfairly, someone acted in an unjustified way, someone who was bad to you. You resent what? They did to you or you feel like you did something bad, like, you're a bad person and you should have never done that to begin with. Think back to a specific time and the more specific you can be, the better. Got it? Okay. Cause that feeling of regret or guilt or shame or resentment or anger or whatever comes up for you for just three seconds and give me a nod when you're there. Great, amazing. You see, when you think thoughts like, I wish I could go back and change what I did or what happened to me, mind doesn't understand what go back means. Mind doesn't understand that there is such a thing as past or future, only the present moment. And so mind perceives that the event has happening right now. And mind causes you to have an emotion. So that it can cause you to take an action to stop this thing from happening right now. This desire to stop it in the past is what's causing you to feel this turmoil, but it's clearly not possible to stop something from happening that's already happened. And then this disturbing thought persists. Anger, resentment, guilt, and shame are all simply information that has been misread by the mind, a meaning that has been attached, that isn't useful, isn't helpful, and quite simply disturbing. It's been creating a preoccupation in your mind that's kept you from focusing in the present moment. Being right here, right now, present to the present, and conconsciously creating the future from a clear state. You've been feeling like something needs to be done about the past right now, but the thing is, we just need to upgrade the information your unconscious is receiving to let it pass all the way through. So it's no longer stuck there, being perceived as something that's happening that actually isn't happening. And help it come back to the present moment where the event is no longer happening. So right now I'm going to ask you a series of questions, and you're just going to simply answer them. I'm going to give you hints along the way, so don't worry. I know you're gonna get this. All right, answer these questions. How many world wars have there been? Two, right? Good job. So it's two world wars and not seven. So if I say to you, where's the 7th World War? You could say, it doesn't exist. Does that make sense? Okay. So what I'm going to do is I'm going to say the 7th World War, and you're going to say it doesn't exist. The 7th World War. Great job. Let's do it again. The 7th World War. Great job. The Civil War. You see, the Civil War did actually happen, and the Civil War also doesn't exist. If I were to ask you to go outside right now, like literally step outside right now and go look for the Civil War, could you find it right now? No, right? Because it doesn't exist. There's no way that we can find it because it doesn't exist. Even though it did happen, it doesn't exist. Everything that didn't happen doesn't exist. Everything that did happen doesn't exist. So, I'll say the Seventh World War, and you say, I'll say the Fourth World War, Fourth World War, and you'll say, I'll say Civil War, and you'll say, it doesn't exist. Good. We'll do it again. Civil War. Seventh World War. Good job. Next, I'm going to ask you, if it doesn't exist, what does it mean? And you're going to say nothing. Ready? If it doesn't exist, what does it mean? Nothing. Good. So I'm going to say the Civil War. What does it mean? Yep. Nothing. Nothing. The Seventh World War, what does it mean? Good. And if it doesn't exist, it doesn't mean anything. So what do we need to do about it? Nothing, right? Good. So we don't need to do anything about anything. If it doesn't exist, we only need to do something about something that does exist and is right here. Right there where we can do something about it. If it exists and it's right here where we can do something about it, then that's when there's something for us to do. So I'm going to say a family is stuck in an elevator in San Francisco. You say there's nothing that needs to be done by me right now. There's a family stuck in an elevator in San Francisco. Say, there's nothing that needs to be done. Say it again. Say, by me right now. Good. And we can shorten it. Just say, there's nothing that needs to be done. Alright. Let's go. There's too much pollution in Detroit. Say it just like this, there's nothing that needs to be done. Say it after everything I say, there's nothing that needs to be done. The 7th World War. Good. The Civil War. There's a family stuck in an elevator in Los Angeles. There's too much traffic in Idaho. The population is getting too big in California. People are leaving California. Good. And if it doesn't exist, nothing needs to be done. And if it hasn't happened, nothing needs to be done. And if it has happened, nothing needs to be done. The only thing that needs to be done about anything is if it's right in front of us. So if you saw somebody has fallen down and isn't able to get up, then you would say, what can I do to help? Who can I call or what can I do? There would be something to be done. But if I say to you, somebody fell in Toronto and they can't get up, you say, there's nothing that needs to be done. Now, when I say, when I was 12 year old, when I was 12 years old, I was beat up pretty badly by a bully at school. Where is it? Does it or doesn't it exist? What does it mean? Right. It means nothing. So, what should I do about it? Right. There's nothing that needs to be done. Perfect. So, when I say, when I was 12 years old, I was bullied. Where is it? It doesn't exist. What does it mean? Yup, it means nothing. So what do I need to do about it? Absolutely, there's nothing that needs to be done. Good. So that thing, that thing that you did, or happened to you, where is it? Right, it doesn't exist. What does it mean then? Yup, it means nothing. So then, what do you need to do about it? Mm hmm. There's nothing that needs to be done. What needs to be done? Exactly. Nothing needs to be done. Now, take a deep, big inhale in. Think the word release. Let it all go. Take another deep inhale in. Think the words clear and free. And let it all go. And one last inhale in. Think the word release and let it all go. Now check back in with that original thought and notice how things are different now. Notice what shifted, what's transformed, what's transmitted, and the fact that there's nothing that needs to be done.