The Healthy Church Staff Podcast

Unlocking Church Growth: The 4 Key Strategies Behind North Point's Success

August 15, 2024 Todd Rhoades Season 1 Episode 159

What if your church could achieve a world-class satisfaction rate and foster a community where nearly half of your members actively invite others to join? Tune into this episode of the Healthy Church Staff Podcast, where Todd Rhoades unpacks the groundbreaking results of a churchwide survey conducted by Andy Stanley and North Point Community Church. Discover the secrets behind their astounding 94% satisfaction rate, their impressive net promoter score of 83, and the intentional strategies that have made North Point a beacon of personal connection and community outreach.

Join us as we explore the four key factors driving North Point's success: intentional invitation, a welcoming atmosphere, relevant teachings, and high-quality environments. Learn how their commitment to the next generation through exceptional children's and student ministries is shaping the future of the church. Plus, gain insights into the importance of measuring impact through regular surveys and feedback. With actionable takeaways for your own congregation, this episode is a must-listen for anyone looking to create a thriving, impactful ministry.

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Speaker 1:

Hey there, my name is Todd Rhodes and you are listening to the Healthy Church Staff Podcast. Thanks for joining us. I am one of the co-founders over at chemistrystaffingcom and very proud and happy to be your host here on the Healthy Church Staff Podcast. Okay, today we're going to dive into. It is a little bit different episode today we're going to talk about a recent churchwide survey that Andy Stanley and North Point Community Church down in Alpharetta, georgia, conducted. The results were really interesting and I know you may be thinking surveys oh geez, just a bunch of numbers and statistics and ew, I get it. But here's what I want to talk about. North Point in their survey. Here's what they found. They found that a staggering 94% people that took the survey responded that they are very satisfied or satisfied with their experience at the church. Even more impressive, 86% said that the church had a significant or a life-changing impact on their journey as followers of Jesus. Now, those are some really impressive numbers, but what's even more exciting is the why behind those numbers. What is North Point doing that's resonating so deeply with the congregation?

Speaker 1:

The survey according to the survey, several factors really contributed to North Point's success, at least from the perspective of the people that joined there, and there were four of them that I thought were really interesting. The first is what I'll call intentional invitation. Nearly half of their members, according to their survey, had invited someone to church in the past year Half over half or, I'm sorry, nearly half. This emphasis on personal connection and outreach is clearly bearing fruit, and if you've watched North Point at all or attended there or followed them over the years, that this is just part of their DNA is to constantly be making a seat for people, keeping a seat for people that you want to invite. Secondly, a welcoming atmosphere. The newcomers just raved about the church's welcoming environment. They described it as insanely welcoming and comically inclusive, but the welcoming atmosphere was really huge for the people that responded. Relevant teaching was another thing. The survey highlighted the impact of the church's teaching, which they described as relevant and applicable to people's lives. And then high-quality environments. The people that took the survey specifically mentioned excellent children's ministry, excellent student ministries, indicating the church's commitment to investing in the next generation. But perhaps to me one of the most telling things is their net promoter score. For those who aren't familiar, a net promoter score measures the likelihood of someone would recommend your church to others and North Point, according to their survey, boasts a net promoter score of 83, which is considered world-class by industry standards.

Speaker 1:

What can we learn from North Point's successes? Okay, here's some takeaways. Okay, the intentionality of the ministry at North Point really does matter. Its success is not accidental. Matter of fact. If you've listened to Andy regularly at any given point in time, you'll realize that they've had the same talking points or the same kind of leadership points, the same kind of DNA and philosophy of ministry since they started the church. It's really the result of intentional efforts to create a welcoming and engaging and impactful church experience. Second thing that I think really contributes is just the personal connection, inviting friends and family to church powerful way to build relationships, foster a great sense of community. They are investing in the next generation High quality children's and student ministries. Environments are essential for long-term health and growth of your church and North Point definitely has put a lot of energy funding everything into the next generation with all of their children's and youth ministry. And, lastly, I think they do a really good job at measuring their impact.

Speaker 1:

Just don't assume that you're making a difference. Track that progress, gather feedback, take a survey. You can overdo surveys, but take a survey a year and use the data to inform your decisions and improve your ministry. I know the church that I attend does a survey every year and they base a lot of what they're doing for the next year based on the feedback from the survey. It's a really great way to gather some of that information and feedback. So here's the bottom line your church doesn't have to settle for mediocrity. By learning from the example of churches even like North Point and the survey that they took, you can create a thriving, impactful ministry that changes lives and leaves a legacy.

Speaker 1:

My question for you is if you took a survey, what would you find? What would your net promoter score be? It's something to think about. It's something maybe you need to act on as we end out to going into the fall. It'd be a great time to take a survey, and you can do that in your service. You can do that. You can go old school and have people fill out a paper, but you can also. Most churches a lot of churches have apps. You can put a survey right on your app and have people take the survey right on their phone, maybe even during the service. Give them some time to do that any way to improve your church's health and effectiveness.

Speaker 1:

Don't hesitate to reach out to me, particularly in areas of staffing. That's my expertise. I'd love to be able to help you in your team, hire staff, get some people that you need to do some compensation surveys on, or some conflicts that you need help working through. Feel free to reach out to me anytime. My email is podcast at chemistrystaffingcom. I'm here to help you however I can, and I'm here to help you on the podcast. I'll be back again tomorrow. We're here every Monday through Friday here on the Healthy Church Staff Podcast. If you're not subscribing, I hope that you'll hit subscribe and join us every day right here on the Healthy Church Staff Podcast. Thanks so much.

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